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PlayIt v1.2
Shamrock Systems and Technology
#428, 10636 - 120 Street
Edmonton, Ab, T5H 4L5
CompuServe: 70274,24
Internet: patrick@shamrck.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca
Installation Instructions
1. System Requirements:
- 386SX or higher
- 2MB of RAM (4 MB or higher recommended)
- Windows 3.1 installed
- Microsoft Video for Windows drivers installed
2. Installing PlayIt
PlayIt v1.2 can be simply installed by adding the file PLAYIT.EXE to your
favorite Program Manager group by selecting New Item from the File Menu.
You may also drag the file PLAYIT.EXE from File Manager, and drop it onto
the approriate group in Program Manager. See your Windows documentation
for more information. If you don't have access to the Microsoft AVI
drivers (see below), you can simply copy the file MSVIDEO.DLL included in
this archive to your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If you already have this
file in that directory, keep the newest version and delete the other one.
You won't be able to view compressed BMP or play back compressed AVI, but
at least the program will work for everything else.
3. Installing Microsoft AVI drivers
If you have other Windows software that works with AVI, you may already
have the required drivers installed. An easy way to check is to click
on the Drivers icon in the Windows Control Panel. If the MCI device
Video for Windows is listed, you have the AVI drivers installed.
If you do not have the Microsoft AVI drivers for Windows, you can obtain
them from the Windows Multimedia forum on CompuServe (GO WINMM), or
they may be available from the system where you obtained PlayIt. Look
for the file VFWRUN.ZIP. All registered versions of PlayIt include the
drivers on the distribution disk. All versions of PlayIt uploaded by
Shamrock Systems and Technology to various BBS will include the drivers
as a separate archive, file name VFWRUN.ZIP, if not already present on
that system. If you have access to Internet, you can obtain the drivers
from ftp.uu.net in directory vendor\microsoft\multimedia.
Note: When installing the drivers, unzip to the directory C:\DISK1 and
run the program SETUP.EXE from within Windows.
If you cannot find the drivers, you can obtain a shareware distribution
disk from Shamrock Systems and Technology which includes an unregistered
copy of PlayIt v1.2 and all required AVI drivers by mailing your request
along with $2.00 for postage ($4.00 if overseas) to:
Shamrock Systems and Technology
#428, 10636 - 120 Street
Edmonton, Ab, T5H 4L5
All requests will be processed within 48 hours. Please include your
name and address.
4. Technical support
If you experience any problems using PlayIt v1.2, or you find a file or
movie that it simply doesn't like, you can contact Shamrock Systems at:
Fax : 403-436-1573
CompuServe : 70274,24
Internet : patrick@shamrck.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca
Postal Addr: listed above.
If you contact us by regular post, please include your name, address,
and a copy of the file that gave you grief. We will happily send you an
updated version after the problem has been corrected.
5. Additional information
Select Contents from the HELP menu in PlayIt, or press F1, to find out
how to use the program.
6. Benefits of Registration
You may be asking yourself why you should bother registering this
product. There are a number of reasons.
First, shareware only works if the end users register the products they
continue to use. Not doing so is just as bad as stealing the software.
Shareware authors spend a great deal of time developing their products,
and it gives them a great feeling to know they are appreciated.
Second, registered users of PlayIt will receive the latest version of
the software, technical support, and be kept up to date on future
enhancements to the software. Since PlayIt is constantly undergoing
additions and improvements, this is the easiest way to stay on top.
Third, all registered users will not only receive the latest copy of
PlayIt, but will also receive a sharware copy of PAMorph, a morphing
system for Windows 3.1 that we have been working on.
Fourth, registered users may purchase the source code for PlayIt at a
very reasonable price. Ever want to know how FLICs work? Interested in
code that can load and save images with little more than a single
function call? Cursious to know how to play AVI movies? Look no
further, it's all right here.
Finally, it would really make me very happy and it really is not a lot
of money. See the file ORDER.TXT for a form which can be printed and
popped in the mail.
Thank you for giving PlayIt a try.
Patrick Arial
Shamrock Systems and Technology