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Assembly Source File
2,629 lines
;* MegaGraph Graphics Library
;* Copyright (C) 1993 Kendall Bennett.
;* All rights reserved.
;* Filename: $RCSfile: detectgr.asm $
;* Version: $Revision: 1.2 $
;* Language: 80386 Assembler
;* Environment: IBM PC (MS DOS)
;* Description: This module contains the auto detection routines to detect
;* the presence of all the standard graphics adapters
;* supported by the MegaGraph graphics library.
;* $Id: detectgr.asm 1.2 1993/03/07 04:03:22 kjb Exp $
;* Revision History:
;* -----------------
;* $Log: detectgr.asm $
;* Revision 1.2 1993/03/07 04:03:22 kjb
;* Numerous bug fixes and enhancements.
;* Revision 1.1 1993/03/03 10:45:16 kjb
;* Initial revision
JUMPS ; Fix jumps out of range
P386 ; Use 80386 instructions
INCLUDE "model.mac" ; Memory model macros
header detectgr ; Set up memory model
; Equates used by detectgraph routine.
CRTC EQU 3D4h ; Port of CRTC registers
INCLUDE "MGRAPH.EQU" ; Include equates for Mgraph routines
begdataseg detectgr
INCLUDE "MGRAPH.VAR" ; Include variable references
enddataseg detectgr
begcodeseg detectgr ; Start of code segment
; Global variables used by detectgraph routines.
SaveDS dw ? ; Place to save the value of DS register
VesaBuf db 256 dup (?) ; VESA Video information block
VideoChipID dw 0 ; Internal SuperVGA chip ID
VideoMem dw 256 ; Size of video memory (kb)
VideoModes dw DefModes ; Pointer to list of available SuperVGA
PageFlip dw false ; True if page flipping is available
; Video modes.
DacType dw grVGADAC ; Video DAC type
ForceDAC dw 0 ; Value to force dac with
old db 0 ; Scratch place to store values
; Initialised data used by the detectgraph routines.
; Delimited list of video modes for all supported video cards. This list
; may need to be modified depending on display memory restrictions etc.
; During chip identification, it may be found that the chipset detected
; does not support all of the specified modes. In this case, the
; unsupported video modes should be set to a zero (use the UnsupportedMode
; routine for this).
; HiColor and TrueColor modes should be specified after the particular
; chip in question. If the appropriate DAC is detected, a zero should
; be used to replace the -1 delimiter to add the list of HiColor or
; TrueColor video modes.
DefModes: db -1
AheadModes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16
db grSVGA_640x400x256,grSVGA_640x480x256
db grSVGA_800x600x256,grSVGA_1024x768x256,-1
ATIModes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16
db grSVGA_640x400x256,grSVGA_640x480x256
db grSVGA_800x600x256,grSVGA_1024x768x256
ATI32KModes: db -1,grSVGA_640x480x32k,grSVGA_800x600x32k,-1
ChipsModes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16
db grSVGA_640x400x256,grSVGA_640x480x256
db grSVGA_800x600x256,grSVGA_1024x768x256,-1
EverexModes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16,grSVGA_1280x1024x16
db grSVGA_640x350x256,grSVGA_640x400x256
db grSVGA_640x480x256,grSVGA_800x600x256
db grSVGA_1024x768x256
Everex32KModes: db -1,grSVGA_320x200x32k,grSVGA_640x480x32k
EverexTCModes: db -1,grSVGA_640x480x16m,-1
GenoaModes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16
db grSVGA_640x350x256,grSVGA_640x400x256
db grSVGA_640x480x256,grSVGA_800x600x256,-1
OAKModes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16
db grSVGA_640x480x256,grSVGA_800x600x256
db grSVGA_1024x768x256
OAK32KModes: db -1,grSVGA_640x400x32k,grSVGA_640x480x32k,-1
ParadiseModes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16,grSVGA_1280x1024x16
db grSVGA_640x400x256,grSVGA_640x480x256
db grSVGA_800x600x256,grSVGA_1024x768x256
Parad32KModes: db -1,grSVGA_640x480x32k,grSVGA_800x600x32k,-1
Trident88Modes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16
db grSVGA_640x400x256,grSVGA_640x480x256,-1
Trident89Modes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16
db grSVGA_640x400x256,grSVGA_640x480x256
db grSVGA_800x600x256,grSVGA_1024x768x256,-1
Video7Modes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16
db grSVGA_640x400x256,grSVGA_640x480x256
db grSVGA_800x600x256,grSVGA_1024x768x256,-1
ET3000Modes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16
db grSVGA_640x350x256,grSVGA_640x480x256
db grSVGA_800x600x256,-1
ET4000Modes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16,grSVGA_1280x1024x16
db grSVGA_640x350x256,grSVGA_640x400x256
db grSVGA_640x480x256,grSVGA_800x600x256
db grSVGA_1024x768x256
ET400032KModes: db -1,grSVGA_320x200x32k,grSVGA_640x350x32k
db grSVGA_640x400x32k,grSVGA_640x480x32k,grSVGA_800x600x32k
ET4000TCModes: db -1,grSVGA_640x350x16m,grSVGA_640x400x16m
db grSVGA_640x480x16m,-1
NCRModes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16,grSVGA_1280x1024x16
db grSVGA_640x400x256,grSVGA_640x480x256
db grSVGA_800x600x256,grSVGA_1024x768x256
db grSVGA_1280x1024x256
NCR32KModes: db -1,grSVGA_640x480x32k,grSVGA_800x600x32k,-1
S3Modes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16
db grSVGA_640x480x256,grSVGA_800x600x256
db grSVGA_1024x768x256
S332KModes: db -1,grSVGA_640x480x32k,-1
S3TCModes: db -1
CirrusModes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16,grSVGA_1280x1024x16
db grSVGA_640x480x256,grSVGA_800x600x256
db grSVGA_1024x768x256
Cirrus32kModes: db -1,grSVGA_640x480x32k,grSVGA_800x600x32k,-1
CirrusTCModes: db -1,grSVGA_320x200x16m,grSVGA_640x480x16m,-1
AcuMosModes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16
db grSVGA_640x400x256,grSVGA_640x480x256
db grSVGA_800x600x256,-1
AL2101Modes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16,grSVGA_1280x1024x16
db grSVGA_640x400x256,grSVGA_640x480x256
db grSVGA_800x600x256,grSVGA_1024x768x256
db grSVGA_1280x1024x256,-1
MXICModes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16
db grSVGA_640x350x256,grSVGA_640x400x256
db grSVGA_640x480x256,grSVGA_800x600x256
db grSVGA_1024x768x256,-1
P2000Modes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16,grSVGA_1280x1024x16
db grSVGA_640x400x256,grSVGA_640x480x256
db grSVGA_800x600x256,grSVGA_1024x768x256
db grSVGA_1280x1024x256
P200032KModes: db -1,grSVGA_640x350x32k,grSVGA_640x400x32k
db grSVGA_640x480x32k,grSVGA_800x600x32k,-1
RT3106Modes: db grSVGA_800x600x16,grSVGA_1024x768x16,grSVGA_1280x1024x16
db grSVGA_640x400x256,grSVGA_640x480x256
db grSVGA_800x600x256,grSVGA_1024x768x256
db grSVGA_1280x1024x256,-1
VesaModes: db 20 dup (-1)
; Table to translate EGA display types
EGADisplays db grEGA,grEGA_640x200x16 ; 0000b,0001b CGA Display
db grEGA,grEGA_640x350x16 ; 0010b,0011b EGA Display
db grEGAMONO,0 ; 0100b,0101b MDA Display
db grEGA,grEGA_640x200x16 ; 0110b,0111b CGA Display
db grEGA,grEGA_640x350x16 ; 1000b,1001b EGA Display
db grEGAMONO,0 ; 1010b,1011b MDA Display
; Table of possible VESA video mode numbers and display memory required
; rounded up to the nearest half megabyte or megabyte depending on
; resolution. Cards generally have 256k, 512k, 1M, 2M or 4M on board.
AllVesaModes: dw 100h, 256, grSVGA_640x400x256
dw 101h, 512, grSVGA_640x480x256
dw 102h, 256, grSVGA_800x600x16
dw 103h, 512, grSVGA_800x600x256
dw 104h, 512, grSVGA_1024x768x16
dw 105h, 1024, grSVGA_1024x768x256
dw 106h, 1024, grSVGA_1280x1024x16
dw 107h, 2048, grSVGA_1280x1024x256
dw 10Dh, 256, grSVGA_320x200x32k
dw 10Fh, 256, grSVGA_320x200x16m
dw 110h, 1024, grSVGA_640x480x32k
dw 112h, 1024, grSVGA_640x480x16m
dw 113h, 1024, grSVGA_800x600x32k
dw 115h, 2048, grSVGA_800x600x16m
dw 116h, 2048, grSVGA_1024x768x32k
dw 118h, 4096, grSVGA_1024x768x16m
dw 119h, 4096, grSVGA_1280x1024x32k
dw 11Bh, 4096, grSVGA_1280x1024x16m
dw 0
; Set of macros to make the following code more readable, but probably
; less efficient. Efficiency here is not a major concern, but correctness
; definately is :-).
MACRO check boardName
call Find&boardName ; Check for a particular SuperVGA card
jc @@FoundOne
; Macro to add the HiColor video modes for this video card to the mode
; table.
MACRO Add32kColor ModeTable
local NoHiColor
cmp [DacType],grHCDAC
jl NoHiColor
mov bx,offset ModeTable
mov [BYTE cs:bx],0 ; Clear the -1 termination flag
; Macro to add the TrueColor video modes for this video card to the mode
; table.
MACRO AddTrueColor ModeTable
local NoTrueColor
cmp [DacType],grTCDAC
jl NoTrueColor
mov bx,offset ModeTable
mov [BYTE cs:bx],0 ; Clear the -1 termination flag
MACRO ClearMode Mode, ModeTable
mov al,Mode
mov bx,offset ModeTable
call UnsupportedMode ; Clear the unsupported video mode
; void MGL_detectGraph(int far *graphdriver,int far *chipID,int far *memory,
; int far *dac,int far *graphmode);
; Autodetects the standard graphics adapters supported by the MegaGraph
; graphics library.
procstart _MGL_detectGraph
ARG driver:DWORD, chipID:DWORD, memory:DWORD, dac:DWORD, \
enter 0,0
push ds
mov ax,DGROUP ; Save data segment for later use
mov [cs:SaveDS],ax
lds si,[dac]
mov ax,[si]
mov [ForceDAC],ax ; Save value of forced dac type
lds di,[driver] ; Load the address of driver in DS:DI
les si,[mode] ; Load the address of mode in ES:SI
push ds
mov ds,[cs:SaveDS] ; Address data segment
mov [__grResult],grOK
pop ds
; Look for the various subsystems using the subroutines in the order of
; highest performance first. Ie: look for PS/2's then EGA, CGA, then
; hercules monochrome.
call FindPS2 ; Is an MCGA or VGA out there?
jc @@Exit
call FindEGA ; Is an EGA out there?
jc @@Exit
call FindCGA ; Is a CGA out there?
jc @@Exit
call FindHGC ; Is a Hercules out there?
jc @@Exit
push ds
mov ds,[cs:SaveDS] ; Address data segment
mov [__grResult],grNotDetected
pop ds
lds si,[chipID] ; Load the address of chip ID in DS:SI
mov ax,[VideoChipID]; AX := value of internal chip ID
mov [si],ax ; Store the chip ID value
lds si,[memory]
mov ax,[VideoMem]
mov [si],ax
lds si,[dac]
mov ax,[DacType]
mov [si],ax ; Store dac type
pop ds
procend _MGL_detectGraph
; char far * _getSuperVGAModes(void)
; Returns the address of the list of available video modes.
procstart __getSuperVGAModes
mov dx,seg DefModes
mov ax,[WORD VideoModes]
procend __getSuperVGAModes
; int _getSuperVGAPages(int mode,int memory,long *pagesize)
; Returns the number of available video pages for a specific video mode.
; It also returns the size in bytes of each video page (rounded to the
; nearest bank value).
procstart __getSuperVGAPages
ARG mode:WORD, memory:WORD, pagesize:DWORD
enter 0,0
push di
mov ax,[mode]
mov cx,ax
and ax,7Fh
xor ebx,ebx
mov bx,[memory]
test cx,80h
jnz @@ExtendedPageFlip
cmp [PageFlip],true
je @@ExtendedPageFlip
; Extended page flipping is not available, so calculate pages using only
; 256k of memory.
cmp ax,grVGA_320x200x256
jl @@VGAMode
mov ax,1
jmp @@Done
mov bx,256
shl ebx,10
call numPages
les di,[pagesize]
mov [es:di],ebx ; Store the page size for later
pop di
procend __getSuperVGAPages
; Internal routines used by the detectgraph routine.
; FindPS2 Determine if a PS2 is out there, and get susbsystem types
; Routine calls INT10h function 1Ah to determine the video BIOS
; Display Combination Code (DCC) for each video subsystem. If the
; PS2 BIOS is not out there, then none of the regs are changed. If
; it is out there, then 1Ah comes back in AL. If there is a PS/2 BIOS, we
; only use it to detect the VGA and MCGA adapters.
; Entry: DS:DI -> Address of driver variable
; ES:SI -> Address of mode variable
; Exit: Carry flag is set if an MCGA,VGA,SVGA was detected
; Registers: AX,BX,CX
PROC FindPS2 near
mov ax,1A00h ; call video BIOS for info
int 10h
cmp al,1Ah ; Is the BIOS out there (1Ah in AL)
jne @@Exit
; Determine if VGA,MCGA,SVGA present from BIOS DCC's
mov cl,bh ; BL := active subsystem, BH := inactive
xor bh,bh ; BX := DCC of active subsystem
xor ch,ch ; CX := DCC of inactive subsystem
cmp bx,07h ; Active VGA Mono?
je @@VGA
cmp cx,07h ; Inactive VGA Mono?
je @@VGA
cmp bx,08h ; Active VGA Color?
je @@VGA
cmp cx,08h ; Inactive VGA Color?
jne @@CheckMCGA
mov [WORD DS:DI],grVGA
mov [WORD ES:SI],grVGA_640x480x16
push ds
mov ds,[cs:SaveDS] ; Address data segment
cmp [__ignoreSVGA],1
pop ds
je @@SkipSVGA
call FindSuperVGA ; Check to see if a SuperVGA is out there
stc ; We at least found a VGA card
jmp @@Exit
cmp bx,0Ch ; Active MCGA color?
je @@MCGA
cmp cx,0Ch ; Inactive MCGA color?
jne @@Exit
mov [WORD DS:SI],grVGA_320x200x256
stc ; Set the carry flag
; FindEGA Determine if an EGA is out there and get system configuration
; Routine calls INT10h function 12h to get the EGA BIOS to return system
; configuration info. If the EGA BIOS is not there, then the regs return
; unscathed. Specifically, if BH changes, then the EGA is out there.
; Entry: DS:DI -> Address of driver variable
; ES:SI -> Address of mode variable
; Exit: Carry flag set if an EGA was detected
; Registers: AX,BX,CX
PROC FindEGA near
mov bl,10h ; BL := 10h (return ega info)
mov ah,12h ; AH := INT10h function number
int 10h ; Call EGA BIOS for info.
; If EGA is present, BL <> 10h and
; CL = EGA switch settings
cmp bl,10h
je @@Exit ; jump if EGA BIOS not present
and bl,3 ; Mask out the Video Ram bits
push bx ; Save Video Ram bits on stack
mov al,cl ; AL := configuration switches
xor ah,ah ; AX := configuration switches
and al,11111110b ; Mask bit 1
mov bx,offset cs:EGADisplays
add bx,ax ; Index into table
xor ah,ah
mov al,[cs:bx] ; Translate code
mov [WORD DS:DI],ax
mov al,[cs:bx + 1]
mov [WORD ES:SI],ax
pop cx ; Restore Video Ram Bits
or cx,cx ; 64kb of EGA RAM?
jne @@Exit ; We are done...
inc [WORD DS:DI] ; Convert to EGA64 and EGA64MONO
; FindCGA Determine if a CGA adapter is out there and get info
; Routine checks for a CGA by looking for the CGA's 6845 CRTC at I/O port
; 3D4h.
; Entry: DS:DI -> Address of driver variable
; ES:SI -> Address of mode variable
; Exit: Carry flag set if a CGA was detected
; Registers: AX,BX,CX,DX
PROC FindCGA near
mov dx,3D4h ; DX := CRTC address port
call Find6845
jnc @@Exit
mov [WORD DS:DI],grCGA
mov [WORD ES:SI],0
stc ; Set carry flag
; FindHGC Determine if a Hercules card is out there.
; This is done by looking for the MDA's 6845 CRTC at I/O port 3B4h. If
; a 6845 is found, the subroutine distinguishes between an MDA and a
; Hercules adapter by monitoring bit 7 of the CRT Staus byte. This bit
; changes on Hercules adapters but does not change on an MDA.
; Entry: DS:DI -> Address of driver variable
; ES:SI -> Address of mode variable
; Exit: Carry flag set if an HGC was detected
; Registers: AX,BX,CX,DX
PROC FindHGC near
mov dx,3B4h ; DX := CRTC address port
call Find6845
jnc @@Exit ; jump if not present
mov dx,3BAh ; DX := 3BAh (Status port)
in al,dx
and al,80h
mov ah,al ; AH := bit 7 (Vertical sync on HGC)
mov cx,8000h ; do this 32768 times
in al,dx
and al,80h ; isolate bit 7
cmp ah,al
loope @@WaitForChange ; wait for bit 7 to change
je @@Exit ; if bit 7 didn't change, it's an MDA
mov [WORD ES:SI],0
; FindDAC Routine to detect the presence of HiColor and TrueColor DAC's
; This routine attempts to determine the type of RAM dac installed in the
; video card. This can be used by the following detection routines to
; determine if HiColor or TrueColor video mode support should be included
; in the video mode tables.
; Exit: DacType updated with Video DAC type
; Registers: AX,BX,CX,DX
push si
push di
; Test for the SS24 TrueColor DAC first.
in al,dx ; Wait for the same value twice
@@L1: mov bl,al
in al,dx
cmp al,bl
jne @@L1
cmp al,8Eh
je @@HaveSS24 ; We have an SS24 TrueColor DAC
mov cx,8
@@L2: in al,dx
cmp al,8Eh
je @@HaveSS24 ; Found an SS24 TrueColor DAC
loop @@L2
; Save the state of the command and PEL registers
in al,dx
mov si,ax ; SI := Old value of command register
in al,dx
mov di,ax ; DI := Old value of PEL register
mov ax,si
xor al,0FFh ; AL := old command reg XOR FFh
mov bl,al ; Save value in BL
out dx,al ; Write value to PEL register
in al,dx ; Read value of command register
cmp al,bl ; If value are the same, Normal DAC
je @@NormalDAC ; Normal DAC, so reset PEL reg and exit
; We have a HiColor or TrueColor DAC of some type, so figure out what
; sort it is.
mov ax,si
xor al,60h ; AL := Old command reg XOR 60h
mov bl,al ; Save value in BL
out dx,al ; Write to command register
in al,dx
and al,0E0h
and bl,0E0h
cmp al,bl
jne @@HaveHiColor ; Found an SC11486 HiColor DAC
in al,dx
mov bl,al
in al,dx
cmp al,bl
je @@HaveTrueColor ; Must be an ATT 20c491/2 or some other DAC
; Fall through for Sierra 32k/64k DAC's
mov ax,grHCDAC ; DAC is HiColor
mov [DacType],ax
jmp @@ResetCommand
mov ax,grTCDAC ; DAC is TrueColor
mov [DacType],ax
mov ax,si ; AL := Old value of command register
out dx,al
mov ax,di ; AL := Old value of PEL register
out dx,al ; Reset to old value
jmp @@Exit
mov ax,grTCDAC ; SS24 is TrueColor DAC
mov [DacType],ax
jmp @@Exit
mov ax,[ForceDAC] ; Get value of forced DAC
or ax,ax ; Negative if we dont want to force
js @@1
mov [DacType],ax ; Force the dac type
@@1: pop si
pop di
; FindSuperVGA Determine if a SuperVGA is out there, and get information
; Routine performs a number of SuperVGA detection routines to determine
; if a SuperVGA video card is out there. If one is found, we set the driver
; variable to reflect this and exit. Note that we also detect how much
; memory is present on the card and what video modes are available.
; This code first appeared in John Bridges VGAKIT library, however it has
; been factorised into a number of independant functions to detect each
; video card.
; Entry: DS:DI -> Address of driver variable
; Exit: Carry flag is set if a SuperVGA was detected
; Registers: AX,BX,CX,DX
PROC FindSuperVGA near
push ds
push es
push si
push di
call FindDAC ; Detect the Video DAC installed
mov [PageFlip],false ; Default to no page flipping
push ds
mov ds,[cs:SaveDS] ; Address data segment
cmp [__VESAFirst],1 ; Check _VESAFirst flag
pop ds
jne @@SkipVESA
check VESA
check Chips
check Paradise
check Video7
check Genoa
check Everex
check Trident
check ATI
check Ahead
check NCR
check S3
check AL2101
check MXIC
check Cirrus
check AcuMos
check Tseng
check RT3106
check P2000
check Oaktech
check VESA
pop di
pop si
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop es
pop ds
mov [WORD ds:di],ax ; Store the SuperVGA card identifier
; UnsupportedMode Flags a video mode as unsupported for this card
; Flags a video mode as unsupported for this video card, by writing a
; zero into the position where the mode is located.
; Entry: AL - Number of unsupported mode
; BX - Offset of video mode table
; Exit: BX - Offset of video mode table
; Registers: AX,BX
PROC UnsupportedMode
; Find the index of the video mode
push bx
mov ah,[BYTE cs:bx]
cmp ah,al ; Found the video mode?
je @@FoundIt
cmp ah,-1
je @@Exit
inc bx
jmp @@Loop
mov [BYTE cs:bx],0
pop bx
ENDP UnsupportedMode
; FindVESA Detect the presence of VESA Compatible SuperVGA board
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
PROC FindVESA near
; Check to see if a VESA extended video BIOS is out there. If it is,
; we have a Super VGA card.
mov ax,seg VesaBuf
mov es,ax
mov di,offset VesaBuf
mov ax,04F00h
int 10h ; Call the VESA video BIOS
cmp ax,004Fh
jne @@NoVESA
cmp [WORD es:di],'EV'
jne @@NoVESA
cmp [WORD es:di+2],'AS'
jne @@NoVESA
; We have a VESA compatible SuperVGA, so determine how much memory must
; be on the video board by finding the amount of memory used by the
; highest resolution video mode supported.
; At the same time initialise the table of valid video modes for this
; SuperVGA, and bytes per line values for the video mode.
push ds
push bp
mov ax,[WORD es:di+16]
mov ds,ax
mov bp,[WORD es:di+14] ; DS:BP -> List of valid VESA modes
mov si,offset AllVesaModes
mov bx,offset VesaModes
lods [WORD cs:si] ; Load VESA mode number
mov cx,ax
jcxz @@EndVESA ; Finished when mode number is zero
lods [WORD cs:si] ; Load amount of memory required for mode
push ax ; and save on stack
lods [WORD cs:si] ; Load MGL video mode number
push ax ; and save on stack
; First check to see if the mode is a valid VESA mode.
mov di,bp ; DS:DI -> mode list
mov ax,[WORD ds:di]
inc di
inc di
cmp ax,-1
je @@NotFound
cmp ax,cx
je @@FoundMode ; Yes mode was found
jmp @@CheckMode ; Loop for all valid modes
pop ax ; Restore stack
pop ax
jmp @@VesaMemLoop ; Continue loop
mov ax,seg VesaBuf
mov es,ax
mov di,offset VesaBuf
mov ax,4F01h ; AX := Query Mode Information
int 10h
pop dx ; DX := MGL Mode Number
pop cx ; CX := Video memory required
or ah,ah
jnz @@VesaMemLoop ; Mode not supported, try next one
test [BYTE es:di],1
jz @@VesaMemLoop ; Mode not supported, try next one
; Video mode is supported, so add to mode table.
push bx
mov bx,[WORD es:di+16]
mov ax,dx
call setBytesPerLine ; Set the bytes per line value for mode
pop bx
mov [BYTE cs:bx],dl ; Store the mode number
inc bx
cmp cx,[WORD VideoMem]
jle @@VesaMemLoop ; Memory is less, try next mode
mov [WORD VideoMem],cx ; Increase the memory size
jmp @@VesaMemLoop
pop bp
pop ds
call checkVESAPageFlip ; Does VESA support page flipping?
jc @@NoFlip
mov [PageFlip],true
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset VesaModes
mov ax,grSVGA
; FindS3 Detect the presence of an S3 based SuperVGA board
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
; [VideoChipID] - Chip revision id
PROC FindS3 near
wrinx CRTC, 38h, 0 ; Lock S3 extended registers
tstinx CRTC, 35h, 0Fh ; Check for locked S3 bank switch register
jz @@NoS3 ; Bank reg was writeable, not an S3
wrinx CRTC, 38h, 48h ; Unlock S3 extended registers
tstinx CRTC, 35h, 0Fh ; Check for unlocked S3 bank switch register
jnz @@NoS3 ; Test failed, not an S3
; Determine the chip ID for the video card and save it for later
rdinx CRTC, 30h ; Read chip ID register
mov bx,grS3_928
cmp al,90h
je @@FindMem ; We have an 86c928 chip
mov bx,grS3_801_805
cmp al,0A0h
je @@FindMem ; We have an 86c801/86c805 chip
mov bx,grS3_924
cmp al,82h
je @@FindMem ; We have an 86c924 chip
mov bx,grS3_911 ; Fall through for the 86c911 chip
; Determine how much video RAM is on the card
mov [VideoChipID],bx; Save the chip ID
rdinx CRTC, 36h ; Read configuration register 1
and al,11100000b ; Mask out bits 7-5
cmp bx,grS3_924
jle @@Mem911
; We have an 86c801/805/928 based S3.
mov [WORD VideoMem],512
cmp al,11100000b
je @@DoneMem ; Card has 512k on board
mov [WORD VideoMem],1024
cmp al,11000000b
je @@DoneMem ; Card has 1Mb on board
mov [WORD VideoMem],2048
cmp al,10000000b
je @@DoneMem ; Card has 2Mb on board
mov [WORD VideoMem],3072
cmp al,01000000b
je @@DoneMem ; Card has 3Mb on board
mov [WORD VideoMem],4096
jmp @@DoneMem ; Card has 4Mb on board
; We have an 86c911/924.
mov [WORD VideoMem],512
test al,100000b ; Bit 5 is set for 512k
jnz @@DoneMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],1024
wrinx CRTC, 38h, 0 ; Lock S3 extended registers
call ModifyS3BytesPerLine
mov [PageFlip],true ; Card supports extended page flipping
Add32kColor S332KModes
AddTrueColor S3TCModes
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset S3Modes
mov ax,grSVGA_S3
; FindATI Detect the presence of an ATI Technologies SuperVGA board
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
; [VideoChipID] - Chip revision id
PROC FindATI near
mov ax,0C000h
mov es,ax
cmp [WORD es:40h],'13' ; ATI Signature for VGA cards
jne @@NoATI
; Check for the ATI product code string '761295520'
cmp [WORD es:31h],'67'
jne @@NoATI
cmp [WORD es:31h+2],'21'
jne @@NoATI
cmp [WORD es:31h+4],'59'
jne @@NoATI
cmp [WORD es:31h+6],'25'
jne @@NoATI
cmp [BYTE es:31h+8],'0'
jne @@NoATI
mov dx,1CEh ; DX := port of ATI extended registers
mov bl,[BYTE es:43h] ; BL := ATI Chip Version
cmp bl,'3'
jae @@Ver6up ; Check for memory on later chip versions
mov [VideoChipID],grATI_18800_1
cmp bl,'1'
jne @@Not18800
; Remove unsupported video modes for (18800 chip)
mov [VideoChipID],grATI_18800
ClearMode grSVGA_1024x768x16, ATIModes
; Determine the memory size on chip versions 3-4 (18800, 18800-1)
rdinx 1CEh, 0BBh ; Get RamSize bits
and al,20h
jz @@DoneATI
mov [WORD VideoMem],512 ; Card has 512kb of memory
jmp @@DoneATI
; Determine memory size on chip versions 6+ (28800-2, 28800-4, 28800-5)
mov [VideoChipID],grATI_28800_2
rdinx 1CEh, 0B0h ; Get RamSize bits
test al,10h ; Check if RamSize is 256k or 512k
jz @@Ver7Check
mov [WORD VideoMem],512 ; Card has at least 512k of memory
cmp bl,'4'
jb @@DoneATI ; Done for version 6 chips
mov [VideoChipID],grATI_28800_4
cmp bl,'5'
jb @@Not28800_5
mov [VideoChipID],grATI_28800_5
test al,8 ; Check version 7+ chip memory size
jz @@DoneATI
mov [WORD VideoMem],1024; Card has 1024k of memory
mov [DacType],grVGADAC ; Default to normal DAC
test [BYTE es:44h],8 ; Check bit 7 for HiColor DAC
jz @@NoHiColor
mov [DacType],grHCDAC ; We have a 15 bit HiColor DAC
Add32kColor ATI32KModes
mov [PageFlip],true ; Card supports extended page flipping
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset ATIModes
mov ax,grSVGA_ATI
; FindNCR Detect the presence of the NCR 77C22E SuperVGA boards
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
; [VideoChipID] - Chip revision id
PROC FindNCR near
tstinx 3C4h, 5, 5 ; Test for extended register enable chip
jnz @@NoNCR ; Check failed, so not an NCR
wrinx 3C4h, 5, 0 ; Disable extended registers
tstinx 3C4h, 10h, 0FFh ; Test Cursor location y register
jz @@NoNCR ; Reg was writeable, so test failed
wrinx 3C4h, 5, 1 ; Enable extended registers
tstinx 3C4h, 10h, 0FFh ; Test Cursor location y register
jnz @@NoNCR ; Reg was not writeable, so not NCR
; Determine the chip revision
rdinx 3C4h, 8 ; Get chip version number
shr al,4
cmp al,2
jae @@NCR77C22E
; We have an NCR77C20/21 chip. These do not support certain modes.
ClearMode grSVGA_1280x1024x16, NCRModes
ClearMode grSVGA_1024x768x256, NCRModes
ClearMode grSVGA_1280x1024x256, NCRModes
mov ax,4096 ; Maximum of 4Mb memory
mov bx,offset NCRSwitch ; Offset of bank switch routine
mov cx,5Eh ; Values to set 640x400x256
xor dx,dx
call CheckMem ; Manually check amount of memory
mov [PageFlip],true ; Card supports extended page flipping
Add32kColor NCR32KModes
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset NCRModes
mov ax,grSVGA_NCR
; FindTrident Detect the presence of the Trident SuperVGA boards
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
; [VideoChipID] - Chip revision id
PROC FindTrident near
; When we force the old defintions on Trident TVGA's, they tend to hang up
; if you do it with a 16 bit port instruction. Doing it with 8 bit
; instructions fixes the problem (seems to happen on older cards).
; Note that the test in VGADOC that writes stuff to the bank switch
; registers causes some TVGA's to hang up severly (the one I tested it on
; it did). Seems that if you reset the card by setting a video mode before
; doing any bank switching, the problem goes away, but if you dont do this,
; the machine goes off into the never never ...
mov dx,3C4h
mov al,0Bh
out dx,al
inc dl
xor al,al
out dx,al ; Force old definitions
in al,dx ; Force new definitions
and al,0Fh
cmp al,2
jb @@NoTrident ; Trident 8800BR only has 128k banks
cmp al,2
je @@Trident88 ; We have a Trident 8800CS
; Must be a Trident 8900, 8900C or 9000
rdinx CRTC, 1Fh ; Read memory size register
and al,3
cmp al,1
jb @@LowMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],512 ; Card has 512kb of memory
cmp al,3
jb @@LowMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],1024 ; Card has 1Mb of memory
mov [PageFlip],true ; Card supports extended page flipping
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset Trident89Modes
mov ax,grSVGA_TRIDENT89
rdinx CRTC, 1Fh ; Read memory size register
and al,2
jz @@LowMem88
mov [WORD VideoMem],512 ; Card has 512kb of memory
mov [PageFlip],true ; Card supports extended page flipping
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset Trident88Modes
mov ax,grSVGA_TRIDENT88
ENDP FindTrident
; FindVideo7 Detect the presence of a Video7 SuperVGA board
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
; [VideoChipID] - Chip revision id
PROC FindVideo7 near
mov ax,6F00h
xor bx,bx
int 10h
cmp bx,'V7'
jnz @@NoVideo7
mov ax,6F07h ; Determine how much memory is present
int 10h
and ah,7Fh
cmp ah,2
jb @@1
mov [WORD VideoMem],512 ; Card has 512kb of memory
@@1: cmp ah,4
jb @@2
mov [WORD VideoMem],1024
@@2: mov [WORD VideoModes],offset Video7Modes
mov [PageFlip],true ; Card supports extended page flipping
mov ax,grSVGA_VIDEO7
ENDP FindVideo7
; FindGenoa Detect the presence of a Genoa GVGA SuperVGA board
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
; [VideoChipID] - Chip revision id
PROC FindGenoa near
mov ax,0C000h
mov es,ax
mov bx,[es:37h] ; Get offset of information table
cmp [BYTE es:bx],77h
jne @@NoGenoa
cmp [WORD es:bx+2],6699h
jne @@NoGenoa
mov al,[BYTE es:bx+1] ; Get card version number
or al,al
jz @@HaveGenoa256 ; Found a Genoa 62/300
cmp al,11h
je @@HaveGenoa512 ; Found a Genoa 64/600
cmp al,22h
je @@HaveGenoa256 ; Found a Genoa 6100
jmp @@NoGenoa ; Other Genoa's have Tseng chips
mov [WORD VideoMem],512
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset GenoaModes
mov ax,grSVGA_GENOA
ENDP FindGenoa
; FindParadise Detect the presence of a Paradise SuperVGA board
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
; [VideoChipID] - Chip revision id
PROC FindParadise near
rdinx 3CEh, 0Fh ; Read old register value
mov [old],al ; Save old value
modinx 3CEh, 0Fh, 17h, 0 ; Lock paradise registers
tstinx 3CEh, 9, 7Fh ; Test if bank register is there
jz @@NoParadise ; Register wrote, so not paradise
wrinx 3CEh, 0Fh, 5 ; Unlock paradise registers
tstinx 3CEh, 9, 7Fh ; Test if bank register is there
jnz @@NoParadise ; Register wouldn't write, not paradise
; We have a Paradise SuperVGA, so determine what chip it is.
rdinx CRTC, 29h ; Read value of WD90Cxx register lock
mov [old],al ; Save old value
modinx CRTC, 29h, 8Fh, 85h ; Unlock WD90Cxx registers
tstinx CRTC, 2Bh, 0FFh ; Test WD90Cxx scratch register
jnz @@HavePVGA ; We have a PVGA1
rdinx 3C4h, 6 ; Read value of WD90C1x register
mov [old],al ; Save old value
wrinx 3C4h, 6, 48h
tstinx 3C4h, 7, 0F0h
jnz @@HaveWD90C00
tstinx 3C4h, 10h, 0FFh
jnz @@HavePVGA ; WD90C2x has same modes as PVGA
tstinx 3C4h, 14h, 0Fh
jnz @@HaveWD90C1x
rdinx CRTC, 37h
cmp al,31h
mov [VideoChipID],grPARA_90c31
je @@MemCheck ; Have a WD90C31
; Chip is a WD90C30.
mov [VideoChipID],grPARA_90c30
wrinx 3C4h, 6, [old] ; Restore register value
ClearMode grSVGA_1280x1024x16, ParadiseModes
jmp @@MemCheck
wrinx 3C4h, 6, [old] ; Restore register value
ClearMode grSVGA_1280x1024x16, ParadiseModes
ClearMode grSVGA_1024x768x256, ParadiseModes
mov [VideoChipID],grPARA_90c10
tstinx 3C4h, 0Ah, 04h
jnz @@MemCheck
mov [VideoChipID],grPARA_90c11
jmp @@MemCheck
mov [VideoChipID],grPARA_90c00
wrinx 3C4h, 6, [old] ; Restore register value
ClearMode grSVGA_1280x1024x16, ParadiseModes
ClearMode grSVGA_1024x768x256, ParadiseModes
jmp @@MemCheck
mov [VideoChipID],grPARA_PVGA1A
wrinx CRTC, 29h, [old] ; Restore value of WD90Cxx register lock
ClearMode grSVGA_1024x768x16, ParadiseModes
ClearMode grSVGA_1280x1024x16, ParadiseModes
ClearMode grSVGA_800x600x256, ParadiseModes
ClearMode grSVGA_1024x768x256, ParadiseModes
jmp @@MemCheck
rdinx 3CEh, 0Bh ; Read memory size register
shr al,6
cmp al,2
jb @@DoneMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],512 ; Card has 512kb of memory
cmp al,3
jb @@DoneMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],1024; Card has 1024kb of memory
mov [PageFlip],true ; Card supports extended page flipping
Add32kColor Parad32KModes
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset ParadiseModes
; Ok, now check to see if the card is capable of 800x600x16 color mode. If
; it isn't, then the card is probably running on an LCD display, so we
; disable all modes above 640x480.
call saveMode
mov ax,58h or 80h ; Don't clear the memory!
int 10h
call CheckGraphics
jc @@Have800x600
ClearMode grSVGA_800x600x16, ParadiseModes
ClearMode grSVGA_1024x768x16, ParadiseModes
ClearMode grSVGA_800x600x256, ParadiseModes
ClearMode grSVGA_1024x768x256, ParadiseModes
ClearMode grSVGA_800x600x32k, ParadiseModes
call restoreMode
wrinx 3CEh, 15, [old] ; Restore old register value
ENDP FindParadise
; FindChips Detect the presence of a Chips & Technologies SuperVGA board
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
; [VideoChipID] - Chip revision id
PROC FindChips near
mov ax,5F00h ; Get controller info servic
xor bx,bx
int 10h
cmp al,5Fh ; AL == 5F we have a Chips
jnz @@NoChips
; We have a Chips & Tech SuperVGA, so determine what chipset it is
mov [PageFlip],true ; Card supports extended page flipping
shr bl,4
cmp bl,0
je @@Have82c451
cmp bl,1
je @@Have82c452
cmp bl,2
je @@Have82c451 ; 82c455 has same modes as 451
cmp bl,4
je @@Have82c451 ; 82c456 has same modes as 451
mov [VideoChipID],grCHIPS_82c453
jmp @@CheckMem ; 82c453+ support all modes
mov [PageFlip],false ; No page flipping on this chip
ClearMode grSVGA_1024x768x16, ChipsModes
ClearMode grSVGA_640x480x256, ChipsModes
ClearMode grSVGA_800x600x256, ChipsModes
ClearMode grSVGA_1024x768x256, ChipsModes
mov [VideoChipID],grCHIPS_82c451
jmp @@CheckMem
ClearMode grSVGA_800x600x256, ChipsModes
ClearMode grSVGA_1024x768x256, ChipsModes
mov [VideoChipID],grCHIPS_82c452
jmp @@CheckMem
; Determine memory size
cmp bh,1
jb @@DoneMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],512
cmp bh,2
jb @@DoneMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],1024
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset ChipsModes
mov ax,grSVGA_CHIPS
ENDP FindChips
; FindTseng Detect the presence of the ET3000 and ET4000 SuperVGA boards
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
; [VideoChipID] - Chip revision id
PROC FindTseng near
outp 3BFh, 3
outp 3D8h, 0A0h ; Enable ET4000 extensions
tstreg 3CDh, 3Fh ; Test bank switch register
jnz @@NoTseng ; Test failed, not a Tseng
; We have a Tseng card, so determine if it is an ET3000 or ET4000
tstinx CRTC, 33h, 0Fh ; Test for ET4000 extended start address
jz @@ET4000
; We have an ET3000 board, so check the amount of memory installed
mov ax,512 ; Maximum of 512k on board
mov bx,offset ET3000Switch
mov cx,2Dh ; Values to set 640x350x256
xor dx,dx
call CheckMem
mov [PageFlip],true ; Card supports extended page flipping
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset ET3000Modes
mov ax,grSVGA_ET3000
; We have an ET4000 board, so determine the amount of memory installed
rdinx CRTC, 37h ; Read memory size bits
and al,0Bh
cmp al,0Ah
jb @@1
mov [WORD VideoMem],512
@@1: cmp al,0Bh
jb @@2
mov [WORD VideoMem],1024
; If the board has a 32k color DAC on board, check to see if we can set
; the 320x200 32k color mode which is not available on all boards.
mov [VideoChipID],grET4000_MEGAEVA
call SaveMode
cmp [DacType],grHCDAC
jl @@Check1280
mov ax,10F0h
mov bx,13h or 80h
int 10h
cmp ax,0010h
je @@CheckTC
ClearMode grSVGA_320x200x32k, ET400032KModes+1
; If the board has a 24 bit video DAC on board, determine what type of
; board it is (MegaEva/2, Speedstar 24, Genoa 7900), which all have
; different video mode numbers.
cmp [DacType],grTCDAC
jne @@Check1280
; Assume board is a MegaEva/2, unless we find otherwise
mov ax,10E0h
mov bx,2Eh or 80h
int 10h
cmp ax,0010h
jne @@CheckGenoa ; Not speedstar, check for Genoa 7900
; Board is a Diamond Speedstar 24
mov [VideoChipID],grET4000_SPEEDSTAR
ClearMode grSVGA_640x350x16m, ET4000TCModes+1
ClearMode grSVGA_640x400x16m, ET4000TCModes+1
jmp @@Check1280
mov ax,10F0h
mov bx,3Eh or 80h
int 10h
cmp ax,0010h
jne @@Check1280 ; Not a Genoa, must be MegaEva/2...
; Board is a Genoa 7900
mov [VideoChipID],grET4000_GENOA
ClearMode grSVGA_640x350x16m, ET4000TCModes+1
ClearMode grSVGA_640x400x16m, ET4000TCModes+1
; Check to see if the 1280x1024x16 color video mode is available.
mov ax,03Dh or 80h ; 1280x1024x16 color video mode
int 10h
call CheckGraphics
jc @@DoneCheck ; Yes, mode is available
ClearMode grSVGA_1280x1024x16, ET4000Modes
call RestoreMode
mov [PageFlip],true ; Card supports extended page flipping
Add32kColor ET400032KModes
AddTrueColor ET4000TCModes
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset ET4000Modes
mov ax,grSVGA_ET4000
ENDP FindTseng
; FindEverex Detect the presence of an Everex SuperVGA board
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
; [VideoChipID] - Chip revision id
PROC FindEverex near
mov ax,7000h
xor bx,bx
int 10h
cmp al,70h
jnz @@NoEverex
; Some Everex boards use Trident and ET4000 chipsets. These boards will be
; picked up by the low level INIT_everex routine. We do however determine
; the chipset type here, since all everex boards use the same video
; mode numbers.
mov [PageFlip],true ; Default to page flipping
shr dx,4
mov [VideoChipID],grEVEREX_Ev236
cmp dx,236h ; UltraGraphics - Trident Chip
je @@CheckMem
mov [VideoChipID],grEVEREX_Ev620
cmp dx,620h ; Vision VGA - Trident Chip
je @@CheckMem
mov [VideoChipID],grEVEREX_Ev629
cmp dx,629h ; ViewPoint TC - ET4000 Chip
je @@CheckMem
mov [VideoChipID],grEVEREX_Ev673
cmp dx,673h ; EVGA - Trident Chip
je @@CheckMem
mov [VideoChipID],grEVEREX_Ev678
cmp dx,678h ; Viewpoint - Trident Chip
je @@CheckMem
mov [VideoChipID],grEVEREX_EvNR
mov [PageFlip],false ; No page flipping on this card
shr ch,6
cmp ch,1
jb @@DoneMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],512 ; Card has 512kb of memory
cmp ch,2
jb @@DoneMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],1024 ; Card has 1024kb of memory
cmp ch,3
jb @@DoneMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],2048 ; Card has 2048kb of memory
Add32kColor Everex32KModes
AddTrueColor EverexTCModes
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset EverexModes
mov ax,grSVGA_EVEREX
ENDP FindEverex
; FindAhead Detect the presence of a Ahead A or B SuperVGA board
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
; [VideoChipID] - Chip revision id
PROC FindAhead near
rdinx 3CEh, 0Fh
mov [old],al
wrinx 3CEh, 0Fh, 0 ; Disable extended registers
tstinx 3CEh, 0Dh, 0FFh ; Test for bank switch register
jz @@NoAhead ; Register wrote, so not Ahead
wrinx 3CEh, 0Fh, 20h ; Enable extended registers
tstinx 3CEh, 0Dh, 0FFh ; Test for bank switch register
jnz @@NoAhead ; Register didn't write, so not Ahead
; SuperVGA is an Ahead, so determine type.
rdinx 3CEh, 0Fh ; Read chip version register
and al,0Fh
jnz @@AheadB ; We have an Ahead B
ClearMode grSVGA_1024x768x256, AheadModes
mov ax,512 ; Maximum of 512k on board
mov bx,offset AHEADASwitch
mov cx,60h ; Values to set 640x400x256
xor dx,dx
call CheckMem
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset AheadModes
mov ax,grSVGA_AHEADA
mov ax,1024 ; Maximum of 1024k on board
mov bx,offset AHEADBSwitch
mov cx,60h ; Values to set 640x400x256
xor dx,dx
call CheckMem
mov [PageFlip],true ; Card supports extended page flipping
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset AheadModes
mov ax,grSVGA_AHEADB
wrinx 3CEh, 0Fh, [old] ; Restore register
ENDP FindAhead
; FindCirrus Detect the presence of an Cirrus 54xx SuperVGA board
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
; [VideoChipID] - Chip revision id
PROC FindCirrus near
rdinx 3C4h, 6
mov [old],al ; Save of value of register
wrinx 3C4h, 6, 12h ; Enable extended registers
rdinx 3C4h, 6
cmp al,12h ; Check value in extended register lock
jne @@NoCirrus
tstinx 3C4h, 1Eh, 3Fh
jnz @@NoCirrus ; Reg wasn't writeable, test failed
tstinx CRTC, 1Bh, 0FFh
jnz @@NoCirrus ; Reg wasn't writeable, test failed
; We have a Cirrus 54xx SuperVGA, so determine how much memory is on board
rdinx 3C4h, 0Fh ; Get value of memory size register
shr al,3
and al,3
cmp al,1
jb @@DoneCirrus
mov [WORD VideoMem],512
cmp al,2
jb @@DoneCirrus
mov [WORD VideoMem],1024
cmp al,3
Add32kColor Cirrus32KModes
AddTrueColor CirrusTCModes
mov [PageFlip],true ; Card supports page flipping
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset CirrusModes
mov [VideoChipID],grCIRRUS_5422
mov ax,grSVGA_CIRRUS54
wrinx 3C4h, 6, [old] ; Restore extended register enable
ENDP FindCirrus
; FindAcuMos Detect the presence of an AcuMos SuperVGA board
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
; [VideoChipID] - Chip revision id
PROC FindAcuMos near
rdinx 3C4h, 6
mov [old],al ; Save of value of register
wrinx 3C4h, 6, 12h ; Enable extended registers
tstinx 3CEh, 9, 30h ; Test scratchpad 9 again
jnz @@NoAcuMos ; Reg not wasn't writeable, test failed
; We have an AcuMos SuperVGA, so determine how much memory is on board
rdinx 3C4h, 0Ah ; Get scratchpad index 10
and al,3
cmp al,1
jb @@DoneAcuMos
mov [WORD VideoMem],512
cmp al,2
jb @@DoneAcuMos
mov [WORD VideoMem],1024
cmp al,3
jb @@DoneAcuMos
mov [WORD VideoMem],2048
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset AcuMosModes
mov ax,grSVGA_ACUMOS
wrinx 3C4h, 6, [old] ; Restore extended register enable
ENDP FindAcuMos
; FindOaktech Detect the presence of an Oak Technologies SuperVGA board
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
; [VideoChipID] - Chip revision id
PROC FindOaktech near
tstinx 3DEh, 0Dh, 38h ; Test for memory size register
jnz @@NoOakTech ; Do not have an OakTech board
; We have an Oak Technologies SuperVGA, so determine the type. The OTI-037C
; bank switching registers are read only, so the following test will fail
; for these cards.
tstinx 3DEh, 11h, 0FFh ; Look for R/W bank switch register
jnz @@Have037C ; Have an OTI-037C
; We have an OAK SuperVGA, so determine what chipset it is
rdinx 3DEh, 0Bh ; Read Chip Revision register
shr al,5
cmp al,5
mov [VideoChipID],grOAK_077
je @@Have077 ; Chip is an OTI-077
mov [VideoChipID],grOAK_067
ClearMode grSVGA_1024x768x256, OAKModes
rdinx 3DEh, 0Dh ; Read memory size register
shr al,6
or al,al
jz @@DoneMem ; Board has 256k
mov [WORD VideoMem],512
cmp al,2
je @@DoneMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],1024
jmp @@DoneMem
; We have an OTI-037C SuperVGA. The only supported video mode is 800x600x16
; with 256k of memory.
mov [VideoChipID],grOAK_037C
rdinx 3DEh, 0Dh ; Read memory size register
shr al,6
or al,al
jz @@DoneMem ; Board has 256k
mov [WORD VideoMem],512
Add32kColor OAK32KModes
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset OAKModes
ENDP FindOaktech
; FindAL2101 Detect the presence of an Advance Logic 2101 SuperVGA board
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
; [VideoChipID] - Chip revision id
PROC FindAL2101 near
tstreg 8286h, 0FFh ; Check for Start Pixel Low register
jnz @@NoAL2101 ; Test failed, no AL2101
tstinx CRTC, 1Fh, 3Bh ; Check for Emulation register
jnz @@NoAL2101 ; Test failed, no AL2101
tstinx 3CEh, 0Dh, 0Fh ; Check for Fill Color register
jnz @@NoAL2101 ; Test failed, no AL2101
; We have an AL2101 based SuperVGA
rdinx CRTC, 1Eh ; Read memory size register
and al,3
cmp al,1
jb @@DoneMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],512
cmp al,2
jb @@DoneMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],1024
cmp al,3
jb @@DoneMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],2048
mov [DacType],grHC2DAC ; AL2101 has a 16 bit DAC
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset AL2101Modes
mov ax,grSVGA_AL2101
ENDP FindAL2101
; FindMXIC Detect the presence of an MXIC 68010 SuperVGA board
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
; [VideoChipID] - Chip revision id
PROC FindMXIC near
rdinx 3C4h, 0A7h ; Read extend reg enable value
mov [old],al
wrinx 3C4h, 0A7h, 0 ; Disable extended registers
tstinx 3C4h, 0C5h, 0FFh ; Test for bank switch register
jz @@NoMXIC ; Test passed, so not MXIC
wrinx 3C4h, 0A7h, 87h ; Enable extended registers
tstinx 3C4h, 0C5h, 0FFh ; Test for bank switch register
jnz @@NoMXIC ; Test failed, so not MXIC
; We have an MXIC SuperVGA.
rdinx 3C4h, 0C2h ; Read memory size register
shr al,2
and al,3
cmp al,1
jb @@DoneMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],512
cmp al,2
jb @@DoneMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],1024
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset MXICModes
mov ax,grSVGA_MXIC
wrinx 3C4h, 0A7h, [old] ; Restore register
; FindP2000 Detect the presence of a Primus 2000 SuperVGA board
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
; [VideoChipID] - Chip revision id
PROC FindP2000 near
tstinx 3CEh, 3Dh, 03Fh ; Check for Status command register
jnz @@NoP2000 ; Test failed, not P2000
tstreg 3D6h, 01Fh ; Check for bank switch register
jnz @@NoP2000 ; Test failed, not P2000
tstreg 3D7h, 01Fh ; Check for bank switch register
jnz @@NoP2000 ; Test failed, not P2000
; We have a Primus P2000 SuperVGA card.
mov ax,2048 ; Maximum of 2048k on board
mov bx,offset P2000Switch
mov cx,2Ch ; Values to set 640x400x256
xor dx,dx
call CheckMem
Add32kColor P200032KModes
mov [PageFlip],true ; Card supports extended page flipping
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset P2000Modes
mov ax,grSVGA_P2000
ENDP FindP2000
; FindRT3106 Detect the presence of a RealTek 3106 SuperVGA board
; Routine detects if the SuperVGA boards is present and determines how much
; memory is on it.
; Exit: Carry flag is set if board was detected
; AX - Video card identifier
; [VideoMem] - Amount of video memory on board
; [VideoChipID] - Chip revision id
PROC FindRT3106 near
tstinx CRTC, 1Fh, 3h ; Test for scratch register
jnz @@NoRT3106
tstreg 3D6h, 0Fh ; Test for bank switch register
jnz @@NoRT3106
tstreg 3D7h, 0Fh ; Test for bank switch register
jnz @@NoRT3106
; We have a RealTek 3106 SuperVGA
rdinx CRTC, 1Ah ; Get chip version number
mov bl,al ; Save chip version number
shr bl,6
rdinx CRTC, 1Eh ; Get memory size register
and al,15
cmp al,1
jb @@DoneMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],512
cmp al,2
jb @@DoneMem
or bl,bl
jz @@Version0
mov [WORD VideoMem],1024
cmp al,3
jb @@DoneMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],2048
jmp @@DoneMem
cmp al,3
jb @@DoneMem
mov [WORD VideoMem],1024
mov [WORD VideoModes],offset RT3106Modes
mov ax,grSVGA_RT3106
ENDP FindRT3106
OldBIOSMode db ? ; Old BIOS mode
Old50Lines db ?
Oldx db ? ; Old cursor position
Oldy db ?
; SaveMode - Saves the current video BIOS mode, for later restoration
; Registers: none.
PROC SaveMode
; Find the current video mode so that we can restore it easily
mov ah,0Fh ; Get current video mode service
int 10h
mov [OldBIOSMode],al ; Save old video mode
mov ah,03h ; Get cursor position
int 10h
mov [Oldx],dl
mov [Oldy],dh
mov [Old50Lines],0 ; Default to non-50 line mode
mov ax,1130h ; AH := INT 10h function number
; AL := Get character gen information
mov bh,00 ; Get contents of INT 1Fh
xor dl,dl ; Clear dl
int 10h ; Determine number of lines (in dl)
cmp dl,49 ; 50 line mode?
jne @@Done ; No, must have been 25 lines
mov [Old50Lines],1 ; Yes, 50 line mode was on
ENDP SaveMode
; RestoreMode - Restores the VIDEO BIOS mode previously saved.
; Registers: none.
PROC RestoreMode
mov ah,0 ; Set video mode service
mov al,[OldBIOSMode] ; Get old BIOS mode number
or al,80h ; Set the don't clear memory bit
int 10h ; Set the video mode
cmp [Old50Lines],0 ; Was 50 line mode set?
je @@Exit ; No, don't set it up
mov ax,1112h ; AH := INT 10h function number
; AL := 8x8 character set load
mov bl,0 ; BL := block to load
int 10h ; load 8x8 characters into RAM
mov ah,02h
mov dl,[Oldx]
mov dh,[Oldy]
xor bh,bh
int 10h ; Set cursor location
ENDP RestoreMode
; CheckGraphics - Check to see if graphics mode is currently active.
; This routine checks to see if a graphics mode was successfully set,
; setting the carry flag if it was.
; Exit: carry - Set if graphics mode is set.
; Registers: None.
PROC CheckGraphics
push ax
mov ax,40h
mov es,ax
xor ax,ax
cmp [BYTE es:49h],3 ; Mode is still text mode, did not set
ja @@IsGraphics
pop ax
pop ax
ENDP CheckGraphics
; CheckMem Performs a manual memory test
; Does a manual memory test by attempting to read and write values at
; various places in memory, determining when they fail.
; Entry: AX - Maximum amount of memory installed
; BX - Offset of bank switching routine
; CX - Value in AX to set 256 color mode
; DX - Value in BX to set 256 color mode
; Exit: [VideoMem] set to the correct value
; Registers: AX,BX,CX,DX
PROC CheckMem
push si
push di
push bp
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
; Find the current video mode so that we can restore it easily
mov ah,0Fh ; Get current video mode service
int 10h
mov [OldBIOSMode],al ; Save old video mode
mov [Old50Lines],0 ; Default to non-50 line mode
mov ax,1130h ; AH := INT 10h function number
; AL := Get character gen information
mov bh,00 ; Get contents of INT 1Fh
xor dl,dl ; Clear dl
int 10h ; Determine number of lines (in dl)
cmp dl,49 ; 50 line mode?
jne @@SetMode ; No, must have been 25 lines
mov [Old50Lines],1 ; Yes, 50 line mode was on
pop bx ; Pop value for BX
pop ax ; Pop value for AX
int 10h ; Set the video mode
; Now perform the memory check
mov ax,0A000h
mov es,ax
pop bx
pop bp
shr bp,6 ; BP := maximum number of 64k banks
xor di,di ; ES:DI -> offset in video RAM
mov dx,4 ; Start by checking for 256k RAM
mov ax,dx
dec ax
call bx ; Setup to to read/write maxbank-1
mov cx,[es:di] ; Read a value from memory
mov si,cx ; Save the old value
xor cx,0AAAAh ; Modify the value
mov [es:di],cx ; Put the value back again
mov cx,[es:di] ; Read the value back again
mov [es:di],si ; Put the old value back
xor cx,0AAAAh ; Attempt to get old value back
cmp cx,si ; Old value the same?
jne @@TestFailed ; The test failed, so we ran outa memory!
mov ax,dx
shr ax,1
dec ax
call bx ; Setup for (bank/2) - 1
mov ax,si
xor ax,5555h
mov [es:di],ax ; Set modified value
mov ax,dx
dec ax
call bx ; Setup for bank-1
mov ax,[es:di]
xor ax,5555h
cmp ax,si
je @@TestFailed
cmp dx,bp ; Have we reached maximum amount?
je @@FullMemory ; Yes, so we have maximum memory...
shl dx,1 ; Keep on trying
jmp @@CheckLoop
shl dx,1 ; Indicate that we would have failed
; on next bank
shl dx,5 ; DX := amount of video memory
mov [VideoMem],dx ; Save the memory value found
; Restore the old video mode before leaving
mov ah,0 ; Set video mode service
mov al,[OldBIOSMode] ; Get old BIOS mode number
int 10h ; Set the video mode
cmp [Old50Lines],0 ; Was 50 line mode set?
je @@Exit ; No, don't set it up
mov ax,1112h ; AH := INT 10h function number
; AL := 8x8 character set load
mov bl,0 ; BL := block to load
int 10h ; load 8x8 characters into RAM
pop bp
pop di
pop si
ENDP CheckMem
; NCRSwitch NCR 77C22E bank switching routine
; Entry: AL - Bank number to switch to
push dx
shl al,2 ; Change 64k bank into 16k bank number
mov ah,al
mov al,18h
mov dx,3C4h
out dx,ax ; Set write bank number
mov al,1Ch
out dx,ax ; Set read bank number
pop dx
; ET3000Switch ET3000 bank switching routine
; Entry: AL - Bank number to switch to
PROC ET3000Switch
push dx
and al,7 ; Mask out bottom 3 bits
mov ah,al ; Combine read and write bank values in al
shl ah,3
or al,ah
or al,40h ; Set bit 6 to select 64k segments
mov dx,3CDh ; Point to memory segment register
out dx,al ; Set the new bank value
pop dx
ENDP ET3000Switch
; AHEADASwitch Ahead A bank switching routine
; Entry: AL - Bank number to switch to
push dx
mov ch,al
mov dx,03CCh ; bit 0 in bit 5 of Misc Output reg
in al,dx ; Read Misc output register
mov dl,0C2h
and al,11011111b
shr ch,1 ; Need to set the bit?
jnc @@SkpA ; No, so skip it
or al,00100000b
@@SkpA: out dx,al ; Set the new value
mov dx,3CEh ; bits 3-1 in bits 2-0 of Segment Reg
mov al,0Dh ; Index 0Dh for segment reg
mov ah,ch ; ch contains top three bits shr 1
out dx,ax ; Set the new value
pop dx
; AHEADBSwitch Ahead B bank switching routine
; Entry: AL - Bank number to switch to
push dx
mov ah,al ; Combine read/write bank numbers
shl ah,4
or ah,al
mov al,0Dh ; Index of Bank Switch register
mov dx,3CEh
out dx,ax ; Set the register
pop dx
; P2000Switch Primus P2000 bank switching routine
; Entry: AL - Bank number to switch to
PROC P2000Switch
push dx
mov dx,3D6h
out dx,al ; Set read bank
inc dx
out dx,al ; Set write bank
pop dx
ENDP P2000Switch
; Find6845 Determine if a 6845 CRTC is at the required port
; Routine detects the presence of the CRTC on an MDA, CGA, or HGC.
; The technique is to write and read register 0Fh of the chip (Cursor
; Location Low). If the same value is read as written, assume the chip
; is present at the specified location.
; Entry: DX = port address of 6845 CRTC
; Exit: Carry flag is set if 6845 is present
; Registers: AX,CX,DX
PROC Find6845 near
mov al,0Fh
out dx,al ; Select 6845 reg 0Fh (Cursor low)
inc dx
in al,dx ; AL := current Cursor Low value
mov ah,al ; Preserve in AH
mov al,66h ; AL := arbitrary value
out dx,al ; Try to write 6845
mov cx,100h
loop @@Wait ; wait for 6845 to respond
in al,dx
xchg ah,al ; AH := returned value
; AL := original value
out dx,al ; Restore original value
cmp ah,66h ; test whether 6845 responded
jne @@Exit ; Jump if it didn't (cf is reset)
stc ; Set carry if 6845 present
ENDP Find6845
endcodeseg detectgr
END ; End of module