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Assembly Source File
375 lines
;* MegaGraph Graphics Library
;* Copyright (C) 1993 Kendall Bennett.
;* All rights reserved.
;* Filename: $RCSfile: sv_page.asm $
;* Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
;* Language: 80386 Assembler
;* Environment: IBM PC (MS DOS)
;* Description: This source file contains the code needed to change display
;* pages on supported SuperVGA adapters, along with tables to
;* find the correct routines for a specified video card.
;* Not all SuperVGA's support extended page flipping, so
;* unsupported cards are marked in the table.
;* $Id: sv_page.asm 1.1 1993/03/03 10:27:23 kjb Exp $
;* Revision History:
;* -----------------
;* $Log: sv_page.asm $
;* Revision 1.1 1993/03/03 10:27:23 kjb
;* Initial revision
; Table of SuperVGA page flipping routines by video card. Unsupported cards
; are marked with a NONE_page.
SVGAPage: dw VESA_page ; VESA SuperVGA
dw ATI_page ; ATI Technologies SuperVGA (NONE)
dw NONE_page ; AHEAD A SuperVGA (NONE)
dw AHEADB_page ; AHEAD B SuperVGA
CHIPSPageOfs dw CHIPS_page ; Chips & Technologies SuperVGA
EVEREXPageOfs dw NONE_page ; Everex SuperVGA (NONE)
dw NONE_page ; Genoa Systems SuperVGA (NONE)
dw NONE_page ; OAK Technologies SuperVGA (NONE)
dw PARADISE_page ; Paradise SuperVGA
dw TRIDENT88_page ; Trident 8800 SuperVGA
dw TRIDENT89_page ; Trident 8900 SuperVGA
dw VIDEO7_page ; Video7 SuperVGA
dw ET3000_page ; Tseng Labs ET3000 SuperVGA
dw ET4000_page ; Tseng Labs ET4000 SuperVGA
dw NCR_page ; NCR 77C22E SuperVGA
dw S3_page ; S3 SuperVGA
dw NONE_page ; AcuMos SuperVGA
dw NONE_page ; AL2101 SuperVGA
dw NONE_page ; MXIC SuperVGA
dw P2000_page ; P2000 SuperVGA
dw NONE_page ; RT3106 SuperVGA
dw CIRRUS_page ; Cirrus 5422 SuperVGA
NewPage dw NONE_page ; Address of page flipping routine
BankOffset dw 0 ; Current bank offset for visible page
; SetupPaging Setup the SuperVGA extended page flipping routines
; Given the id of the SuperVGA card that is installed, this routine sets
; up the following extended page flipping code.
; Exit: CF = 1 if paging not supported on adapter
; Registers: AX,CX,SI,DI
PROC SetupPaging near
mov [NewPage],offset NONE_page
mov [BankOffset],0
mov ax,[CntDriver]
cmp ax,grSVGA
jl @@Invalid ; Not a SuperVGA adapter
je @@VESASuperVGA ; We have a VESA SuperVGA adapter
mov si,offset SVGAPage
mov ax,[CntDriver] ; AX := number of current driver
sub ax,grSVGA ; Adjust to start at 0 for SVGA's
shl ax,1
add si,ax ; SI := index into table of SVGA banks
mov ax,[cs:si] ; Load page flip routine address
mov [NewPage],ax ; and save it for later
cmp ax,offset NONE_page
jz @@Invalid ; Paging not supported on this adapter
jmp @@Exit
; We have a VESA SuperVGA adapter, so determine if extended page flipping
; is supported by the video BIOS.
call checkVESAPageFlip
jc @@Exit ; No page flipping available
; Horrah! We have page flipping on a VESA board.
mov ax,offset VESA_page ; Setup for VESA page flipping
mov [NewPage],ax
jmp @@Exit
ENDP SetupPaging
; NewPage Set the visible page start address.
; Program the start address for the appropriate video cards. If the card
; is not a SuperVGA, we simply set the lower 16 bits of the start address,
; otherwise we also set the top bits for the SuperVGA adapter.
; Note that interrupts will be off when these routines are called.
; These routines assumes that access to the SuperVGA's extended registers
; has already been set up (if required).
; Entry: BL - Index of start address low register
; BH - Bits 7-0 of new start address
; CL - Index of start address high register
; CH - Bits 15-8 of new start address
; SI - Bits 16+ for new start address
; Registers: AX,BX,CX,DX,SI
; Macro to set the low start address bits, and to load BX with the
; top bits for SuperVGA adapters.
MACRO SetLowStartAddress
mov dx,03D4h ; DX := CRTC I/O port (3D4h)
mov ax,bx
out dx,ax
mov ax,cx
out dx,ax
mov bx,si ; BX := Bits 16+ for start address
mov cl,bh ; CX := Bits 15-0 of start address
mov ax,cx
mov dx,si ; DX:AX := start address
div [BytesPerLine] ; Divide by bytes per line value
mov cx,dx
cmp [CntColors],gr16Color
jne @@V1
shl cx,3 ; CX := leftmost pixel in scanline
@@V1: mov dx,ax ; DX := starting scanline number
mov ax,4F07h ; Set display start service
xor bx,bx
int 10h ; Set the display start address
mov dx,1CEh
mov al,0B0h ; Index of start address register
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx ; Read old value
and al,3Fh ; Mask out old bits 7-6
and bl,3 ; Mask out bottom two bits
shl bl,6 ; Shift into position
or al,bl ; Combine the values
out dx,al ; Output the result
mov dx,03CEh
mov al,01Ch
out dx,al ; Index the start address register
inc dx
in al,dx ; Read current value
and al,0FCh ; Mask out old address values
and bl,3 ; Mask out bottom two bits
or al,bl ; Or in the new start address
out dx,al ; Output the address
mov dx,03D6h
mov al,0Ch
mov ah,bl
out dx,ax ; Set the extended start address
mov al,04h
out dx,al ; Index memory map register
inc dx
in al,dx ; Read register value
or al,4 ; Set bit 2 for extended paging
out dx,al ; Set the value
mov dx,03CEh
mov al,0Dh
out dx,al ; Index PR3 CRT Control register
inc dx
in al,dx ; Read current value
and al,0E7h ; Zero out bits 4-3
and bl,3 ; Mask out bottom 2 bits
shl bl,3 ; Shift into correct position
or al,bl ; Or in the new start address
out dx,al ; Output the address
mov dx,3D4h ; DX := CRTC I/O port
mov al,01Eh
out dx,al ; Index module testing register
inc dx
in al,dx ; Read current value
and al,0DFh ; Mask out start address bit 5
and bl,1 ; Only want one bit
shl bl,5 ; Put into correct position
or al,bl ; Or in the new start address
or al,80h ; Set bit 7 for enable bit 16
out dx,al ; Output the address
push bx
mov dx,3D4h ; DX := CRTC I/O port
mov al,01Eh
out dx,al ; Index module testing register
inc dx
in al,dx ; Read current value
and al,05Fh ; Mask out start address
and bl,1 ; Only want one bit
shl bl,5 ; Put into correct position
or al,bl ; Or in new start address values
or al,80h ; Set bit 7 for enable bit 16
out dx,al ; Output the address
mov dx,3C4h
mov al,0Bh
out dx,al
inc dl
xor al,al
out dx,al ; Select old mode control registers
dec dl
mov al,0Eh ; Index old mode control register
out dx,al
inc dl
in al,dx ; Read old value
and al,0FEh ; Mask out old value
pop bx
shr bl,1
and bl,1 ; Mask out only bit 17 of address
or al,bl ; Combine with old value
out dx,al ; Output the address
mov dx,3C4h
mov al,0F6h
out dx,al ; Index extended start address
inc dx
in al,dx ; Read current value
and al,0CFh ; Zero out start address 17-16 bit 5-4
and bl,3 ; Mask out all but bottom 2 bits
shl bl,4 ; Shift left into correct position
or al,bl ; Or in the new start address
out dx,al ; Output the address
mov dx,3D4h ; DX := CRTC I/O port
mov al,23h ; Index extended start address
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx ; Read current value
and al,0FDh ; Zero out start address
and bl,1 ; Only one bit is valid
shl bl,1 ; Put bit into correct pos.
or al,bl ; Or in the new start address
out dx,al ; Output the address
mov dx,3D4h ; DX := CRTC I/O port
mov al,33h ; Index extended start address
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx ; Read current value
and al,0FCh ; Zero out start address
and bl,3 ; Mask out all but bottom 2 bits
or al,bl ; Or in new start address
out dx,al ; Output the address
mov dx,3C4h
mov al,31h ; Index of start address register
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx ; Read old value
and al,0F0h ; Clear bottom three bits
and bl,0Fh ; Mask out bottom four bits
or al,bl
out dx,al ; Set the new value
mov dx,3D4h ; DX := CRTC I/O port
mov ax,4838h ; Enable extended registers
out dx,ax
mov al,31h ; Index of S3R1
out dx,al
inc dl
in al,dx ; Read old value of S3R1
and al,0CFh ; Mask off bits 5-4
shl bl,4 ; Shift into bit pos 5-4
or al,bl ; Or in starting address value
out dx,al ; Set the new value
dec dl
mov ax,0038h ; Disable extended registers
out dx,ax
mov dx,3CEh
mov al,21h ; Index of start address register
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx ; Read old value
and al,0F8h ; Clear out bottom 3 bits
and bl,7 ; Mask off bottom three bits
or al,bl ; Or in starting address value
out dx,al ; Set the new value
mov dx,3D4h ; DX := CRTC I/O port
mov al,1Bh ; Index of start address register
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx ; Read old value
and al,0FAh ; Clear out bits 0 and 2
mov bh,bl
and bh,2 ; BH := bit 17 of start address
shl bh,1 ; BH := bit 17 in bit pos 2
and bl,1 ; BL := bit 16 of start address
or bl,bh ; BL := combined bit 16 and bit 17
or al,bl ; Or in starting address value
out dx,al ; Set the new value