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Assembly Source File
614 lines
;* SuperVGA Test Library
;* Copyright (C) 1993 Kendall Bennett.
;* All rights reserved.
;* Filename: $RCSfile: svga256.asm $
;* Version: $Revision: 1.2 $
;* Language: 80386 Assembler
;* Environment: IBM PC (MS DOS)
;* Description: This source file contains code to initialise the SuperVGA
;* for bank switching and extended page flipping.
;* It also contains code to draw pixels, clear the display
;* and perform page flipping for SuperVGA 256 color modes.
;* $Id: svga256.asm 1.2 1993/03/07 04:05:36 kjb Exp $
;* Revision History:
;* -----------------
;* $Log: svga256.asm $
;* Revision 1.2 1993/03/07 04:05:36 kjb
;* Bug fixes.
;* Revision 1.1 1993/03/03 10:26:38 kjb
;* Initial revision
P386 ; Use 386 instructions
INCLUDE "model.mac" ; Memory model macros
header init
INCLUDE "MGRAPH.EQU" ; Include Equates for Mgraph Routines
CRTC EQU 3D4h ; Port of CRTC registers
VGABufferSeg EQU 0A000h ; Segment of VGA display memory
FIRSTMODE EQU grVGA_320x200x256
MAXMODE EQU grSVGA_1280x1024x256
begcodeseg svga256
; Globals used by driver
OldBIOSMode db 0 ; Old video mode before graphics
Old50Lines db 0 ; 1 if old mode was 50 line VGA
CntDriver dw 0 ; Graphics driver number
CntMode dw 0 ; Graphics mode number
CntChipID dw 0 ; Graphics driver chip ID
CntColors dw gr256Color ; This is a 256 color driver
; The following information held in the status status area changes depending
; on which mode the driver is set up to be used in:
XRes dw 0 ; Device resolution in x direction - 1
YRes dw 0 ; Device resolution in y direction - 1
BytesPerLine dw 0 ; Number of bytes in a line
PageSize dd 0 ; Graphics page size
MaxPage dw 0 ; Maximum number of video pages
OriginOffset dw 0 ; Offset of 0,0 into buffer
; Here we set up a series of tables that can be used to fill in the start of
; the status area for each mode supported by this driver, and the address's
; of the routines required for each particular driver mode:
ModeVGA_320x200: dw 319 ; XRes
dw 199 ; YRes
dw 320 ; BytesPerLine
ModeSVGA_640x350: dw 639 ; XRes
dw 349 ; YRes
dw 640 ; BytesPerLine
ModeSVGA_640x400: dw 639 ; XRes
dw 399 ; YRes
dw 640 ; BytesPerLine
ModeSVGA_640x480: dw 639 ; XRes
dw 479 ; YRes
dw 640 ; BytesPerLine
ModeSVGA_800x600: dw 799 ; XRes
dw 599 ; YRes
dw 800 ; BytesPerLine
ModeSVGA_1024x768: dw 1023 ; XRes
dw 767 ; YRes
dw 1024 ; BytesPerLine
ModeSVGA_1280x1024: dw 1279 ; XRes
dw 1023 ; YRes
dw 1280 ; BytesPerLine
ModeTabSize = ($-ModeSVGA_1280x1024) ; Size of table in bytes
; int _initSuperVGA(int driver,int chipID,int mode,int memory)
; Routine to initialise the bank switching code for the SuperVGA, and setup
; internal tables of information about the video mode. If the video mode
; is not supported, we return -1.
; The value returned is a status number, where bit 0 represents extended
; page flipping is available, bit 1 that separate read/write banks are
; available.
procstart __initSuperVGA
ARG driver:WORD, ChipID:WORD, mode:WORD, memory:WORD
enter 0,0
push si
push di
; Save the driver number and chip ID for later
mov ax,[ChipID]
mov [CntChipID],ax
mov ax,[driver]
mov [CntDriver],ax
; Load the Status area with info for the currently selected mode:
mov ax,[mode]
mov [CntMode],ax
cmp ax,MAXMODE ; AX := desired mode
jg @@Invalid ; invalid if greater than maximum
jl @@Invalid ; invalid if less than first mode
cmp ax,grVGA_320x200x256
je @@ValidVGAMode
cmp ax,grSVGA_640x350x256
jl @@Invalid ; Mode is invalid
sub ax,grSVGA_640x350x256 - 1
jmp @@LoadValues
mov cx,ModeTabSize ; Put size of table into cx
mul cl ; AX := Mode * ModeTabSize
mov si,ax
lea si,[ModeTabStart + si]
push cs
pop es ; Set up es to point to code seg
lea di,[StatusArea] ; DI := Start of status area
rep movs [BYTE es:di],[BYTE es:si]
mov ax,[driver]
mov bx,[mode]
call loadSVGAMode ; Load the SuperVGA video mode
or ax,ax
jz @@Invalid ; Mode not supported on this adapter!
mov [maxpage],0 ; Clear maxpage variable
call SetupBanks ; Setup SuperVGA bank switching
call [InitSVGA] ; Initialise the SuperVGA
call SetupPaging ; Setup SuperVGA page flipping
mov ax,0 ; Assume no paging available
jc @@Done ; Extended page flipping not available
; Determine the number of pages available for the mode and the video page
; size.
xor ebx,ebx
mov bx,[memory]
shl ebx,10 ; EBX := video memory in bytes
mov ax,[mode]
call numPages ; Calculate the number of video pages
dec ax
mov [MaxPage],ax ; Save maximum page number
mov [DWORD pageSize],ebx
mov [WORD bytesPerLine],cx
mov ax,1 ; Extended paging is available
mov bx,[TwoBanks]
shl bx,1
or ax,bx ; Set the two banks flag
jmp @@Exit
mov ax,-1 ; Return failure!
pop di
pop si
procend __initSuperVGA
; int _setSuperVGAMode(void);
; Routine sets the system into the SuperVGA graphics mode setup by the
; initSuperVGA routine. Note that this routine remembers if the EGA/VGA
; 43/50 line mode was set.
; If the video mode was not correctly set, we return false.
procstart __setSuperVGAMode
push bp ; INT 10h Kills this!!!
push si ; so save all regs...
push di
push ds
mov ah,0Fh ; Get current video mode service
int 10h
mov [OldBIOSMode],al ; Save old video mode
mov [Old50Lines],0 ; Default to non-50 line mode
mov ax,1130h ; AH := INT 10h function number
; AL := Get character gen information
mov bh,00 ; Get contents of INT 1Fh
xor dl,dl ; Clear dl
int 10h ; Determine number of lines (in dl)
cmp dl,49 ; 50 line mode?
jne @@SetMode ; No, must have been 25 lines
mov [Old50Lines],1 ; Yes, 50 line mode was on
mov ax,[CntDriver]
mov bx,[CntMode]
call loadSVGAMode ; AX,BX := correct values for mode
int 10h ; Set the video mode
mov ax,40h
mov es,ax
xor ax,ax
cmp [BYTE es:49h],3 ; Mode is still text mode, did not set
jbe @@Exit
call [InitSVGA] ; Initialise bank switching on SuperVGA's
mov ax,1 ; Mode was correctly set
pop ds
pop di ; Restore regs
pop si
pop bp ; Restore bp (after INT 10 trashes it)
procend __setSuperVGAMode
; void restoreMode(void)
; Routine restores the original video mode that was set before graphics mode
; was entered.
procstart _restoreMode
push bp ; INT 10h kills bp sometimes
push si ; Save all regs...
push di
call [ExitSVGA] ; Uninitialise the SuperVGA
mov ah,0 ; Set video mode service
mov al,[OldBIOSMode] ; Get old BIOS mode number
int 10h ; Set the video mode
cmp [Old50Lines],0 ; Was 50 line mode set?
je @@Exit ; No, don't set it up
; Load video BIOS 8x8 characters into alphanumeric character generator
mov ax,1112h ; AH := INT 10h function number
; AL := 8x8 character set load
mov bl,0 ; BL := block to load
int 10h ; load 8x8 characters into RAM
pop di ; Restore regs
pop si
pop bp ; Restore bp
procend _restoreMode
; void _getVideoInfo(int *xres,int *yres,int *bytesperline,int *maxpage)
; Returns information about the currently selected video mode. The video
; mode must have been set for this info to be entirely valid.
procstart __getVideoInfo
ARG _xres:DWORD, _yres:DWORD, _bytesperline:DWORD, _maxpage:DWORD
enter 0,0
les bx,[_xres]
mov ax,[xres]
mov [es:bx],ax ; Return the x resolution
les bx,[_yres]
mov ax,[yres]
mov [es:bx],ax ; Return the y resolution
les bx,[_bytesperline]
mov ax,[bytesperline]
mov [es:bx],ax ; Return the bytes per line value
les bx,[_maxpage]
mov ax,[maxpage]
mov [es:bx],ax ; Return the maximum page number
procend __getVideoInfo
; void putPixel(int x,int y,int color)
; Routine sets the value of a pixel in native VGA graphics modes.
; Entry: x - X coordinate of pixel to draw
; y - Y coordinate of pixel to draw
; color - Color of pixel to draw
procstart _putPixel
ARG x:WORD, y:WORD, color:WORD
push bp ; Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
mov ax,[y]
mul [BytesPerLine]
add ax,[x]
adc dx,0 ; DX:AX := y * BytesPerLine + x
add ax,[OriginOffset]
adc dl,[BYTE BankOffset]; DL := bank number
mov bx,ax ; BX := Offset in buffer
cmp dl,[BYTE CurBank]
je @@NoChange
mov al,dl
call [NewBank]
mov ax,VGABufferSeg
mov es,ax ; ES:BX := byte address of pixel
mov al,[BYTE color]
mov [es:bx],al ; Replace the pixel
pop bp
procend _putPixel
; void _copyTest(void)
; Routine to copy the top half of video memory to the bottom half of
; video memory, to test moving data across bank boundaries using separate
; read/write banks. To simplify the coding we move the first 100 scan
; lines down to start at scanline 205. This ensure allows us to move data
; from bank 0 to bank 2 in 640x??? display modes.
procstart __copyTest
push si ; Save registers
push di
push ds
mov ax,100
mul [BytesPerLine]
mov cx,ax ; CX := Number of bytes to move
shr cx,1 ; CX := Number of words to move
mov ax,205
mul [BytesPerLine]
mov di,ax ; DI := offset into destination bank
mov al,dl
call [NewBank] ; Set the read/write bank number
xor si,si ; DS:SI := offset into source buffer
xor al,al
call [ReadBank] ; Set the read bank number
mov ax,VGABufferSeg
mov ds,ax ; DS:SI -> source buffer
mov es,ax ; ES:DI -> destination buffer
cld ; Moves go up in memory
rep movsw ; Move all data in bank FAST!
pop ds
pop di
pop si
procend __copyTest
; void clear(void)
; Routine to clear the screen. Assumes pages begin on bank boundaries
; for simplicity of coding.
procstart _clear
push di
mov ax,[YRes]
inc ax
mul [BytesPerLine] ; DX:AX := number of bytes to fill
mov bx,ax ; BX := bytes in last bank to fill
mov dh,dl ; DH := number of full banks to fill
mov ax,VGABufferSeg
mov es,ax
mov di,[OriginOffset] ; ES:DI -> video buffer
mov dl,[BYTE BankOffset]; DL := starting bank number
cld ; Moves go up in memory
or dh,dh ; More than one bank to fill?
jz @@SingleBank ; No, only fill a single bank
; Fill all of the full 64k banks first
mov al,dl
call [NewBank]
xor eax,eax ; Clear to black
mov cx,4000h ; Need to set 4000h double words per bank
rep stosd
inc dl
dec dh
jnz @@OuterLoop
; Now fill the last partial bank
mov al,dl
call [NewBank]
xor eax,eax ; Clear to black
mov cx,bx
shr cx,2 ; CX := number of double words to set
rep stosd
pop di
procend _clear
; void setActivePage(int which)
; Routine to set the video page for active output.
; Entry: page - Page number of page to use
procstart _setActivePage
ARG which:WORD
push bp ; Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
; Calculate 18 bit address of page in video memory
xor eax,eax
mov ax,[which] ; EAX := page number
mul [PageSize] ; EDX:EAX := result
mov [OriginOffset],ax ; Save video buffer offset
shr eax,16
mov [BankOffset],ax ; Save video bank offset
pop bp
procend _setActivePage
; void setVisualPage(int which)
; Routine to set the visible video page.
; Entry: page - Page number of page to use
procstart _setVisualPage
ARG which:WORD
push bp ; Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push si
; Calculate 18 bit address of page in video memory
xor eax,eax
mov ax,[which] ; EAX := page number
mul [PageSize] ; EDX:EAX := result
cmp [CntDriver],grSVGA
je @@HaveVESA
; For Non-VESA SuperVGA's we need to shift the page offset right 2 bits
; for 256 color video modes, so that the origin is located on a
; plane boundary.
shr eax,2
mov bx,ax ; BX := bottom 16 bits of address
shr eax,16
push ax ; Save top 2 bits of address
; Wait for display enable to be active (active low), to be sure that
; both halves of the start address will take place in one frame. We
; preload a few values here to save time after the DE has been
; detected.
mov cl,0Ch ; CL := Start Address High register
mov ch,bh ; CH := high byte of new address
mov bh,bl ; BH := low byte of new address
mov bl,0Dh ; BL := Start Address Low register
mov dx,03DAh ; DX := video status port
in al,dx
test al,1
jnz @@WaitDE ; Wait for Display Enable
pop si ; SI := Bits 16+ for SuperVGA's
call [NewPage] ; Program the start address
; Now wait for the start of the vertical sync, to ensure that the old
; page will be invisible before anything is drawn on it.
mov dx,03DAh ; DX := video status port
in al,dx ; Wait for start of vertical retrace
test al,8
jz @@WaitStartVert
pop si
pop bp
procend _setVisualPage
; void setBank(int bank)
; Sets the current read and write bank to the specified 64k bank number.
procstart _setBank
enter 0,0
mov al,[BYTE bank]
cmp al,[BYTE CurBank]
je @@NoChange
call [NewBank]
procend _setBank
; void setReadBank(int bank)
; Sets the current read bank to the specified 64k bank. If you wish to set
; the read and write banks separately, call setBank() first, followed by
; setReadBank().
procstart _setReadBank
enter 0,0
mov al,[BYTE bank]
call [ReadBank]
procend _setReadBank
endcodeseg svga256