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213 lines
* SuperVGA Test Library
* Copyright (C) 1993 Kendall Bennett.
* All rights reserved.
* Filename: $RCSfile: svga256c.c $
* Version: $Revision: 1.2 $
* Language: ANSI C
* Environment: IBM PC (MSDOS)
* Description: Simple library to collect together the functions in the
* SuperVGA test library for use in other C programs. The
* support is reasonably low level, so you can do what you
* want.
* MUST be compiled in the large model.
* $Id: svga256c.c 1.2 1993/03/07 04:06:11 kjb Exp $
* Revision History:
* -----------------
* $Log: svga256c.c $
* Revision 1.2 1993/03/07 04:06:11 kjb
* Bug fixes.
* Revision 1.1 1993/03/03 10:29:40 kjb
* Initial revision
#include "svga256.h"
/*-------------------------- Internal Functions --------------------------*/
/* In svga256.asm */
int _initSuperVGA(int driver,int chipID,int mode,int memory);
int _setSuperVGAMode(void);
void _getVideoInfo(int *xres,int *yres,int *bytesperline,int *maxpage);
/* Global variables */
PUBLIC int _grResult;
PUBLIC int maxx,maxy;
PUBLIC int maxpage,bytesperline;
PUBLIC bool twobanks,extendedflipping;
PUBLIC int far *modeList;
PUBLIC int _VESAFirst = false;
PUBLIC int _ignoreSVGA = false;
PRIVATE int _driver,_chipID,_memory;
/*----------------------------- Implementation ----------------------------*/
PUBLIC void initSuperVGA(int *driver,int *chipID,int *memory,int *dac)
* Function: initSuperVGA
* Parameters: driver - Place to store the SuperVGA driver ID
* chipID - Place to store the SuperVGA chip ID
* memory - Place to store the amount of memory
* dac - Place to store the Video DAC type
* Description: Detects the installed SuperVGA and initialises the library,
* if the value in 'driver' is grDETECT. You can force the
* library to work with any values you like, by simply
* passing valid values as parameters.
int mode;
if (*driver == grDETECT) {
/* Auto detect the installed graphics adapter */
modeList = MGL_availableModes(*driver,*memory);
mode = _initSuperVGA(*driver,*chipID,grVGA_320x200x256,*memory);
extendedflipping = (mode & 1);
twobanks = (mode & 2);
_driver = *driver;
_chipID = *chipID;
_memory = *memory;
PUBLIC bool setSuperVGAMode(int mode)
* Function: setSuperVGAMode
* Parameters: mode - SuperVGA video mode to set.
* Returns: True if the mode was set, false if not.
* Description: Attempts to set the specified video mode. This routine
* assumes that the library and SuperVGA have been initialised
* with the initSuperVGA() routine first.
if (_initSuperVGA(_driver,_chipID,mode,_memory) == -1)
return -1;
if (_setSuperVGAMode()) {
return true;
return false;
PUBLIC void line(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int color)
* Function: line
* Parameters: x1,y1 - First endpoint of line
* x2,y2 - Second endpoint of line
* Description: Scan convert a line segment using the MidPoint Digital
* Differential Analyser algorithm.
int d; /* Decision variable */
int dx,dy; /* Dx and Dy values for the line */
int Eincr,NEincr; /* Decision variable increments */
int yincr; /* Increment for y values */
int t; /* Counters etc. */
dx = ABS(x2 - x1);
dy = ABS(y2 - y1);
if (dy <= dx) {
/* We have a line with a slope between -1 and 1
* Ensure that we are always scan converting the line from left to
* right to ensure that we produce the same line from P1 to P0 as the
* line from P0 to P1.
if (x2 < x1) {
t = x2; x2 = x1; x1 = t; /* Swap X coordinates */
t = y2; y2 = y1; y1 = t; /* Swap Y coordinates */
if (y2 > y1)
yincr = 1;
yincr = -1;
d = 2*dy - dx; /* Initial decision variable value */
Eincr = 2*dy; /* Increment to move to E pixel */
NEincr = 2*(dy - dx); /* Increment to move to NE pixel */
putPixel(x1,y1,color); /* Draw the first point at (x1,y1) */
/* Incrementally determine the positions of the remaining pixels
for (x1++; x1 <= x2; x1++) {
if (d < 0) {
d += Eincr; /* Choose the Eastern Pixel */
else {
d += NEincr; /* Choose the North Eastern Pixel */
y1 += yincr; /* (or SE pixel for dx/dy < 0!) */
putPixel(x1,y1,color); /* Draw the point */
else {
/* We have a line with a slope between -1 and 1 (ie: includes
* vertical lines). We must swap our x and y coordinates for this.
* Ensure that we are always scan converting the line from left to
* right to ensure that we produce the same line from P1 to P0 as the
* line from P0 to P1.
if (y2 < y1) {
t = x2; x2 = x1; x1 = t; /* Swap X coordinates */
t = y2; y2 = y1; y1 = t; /* Swap Y coordinates */
if (x2 > x1)
yincr = 1;
yincr = -1;
d = 2*dx - dy; /* Initial decision variable value */
Eincr = 2*dx; /* Increment to move to E pixel */
NEincr = 2*(dx - dy); /* Increment to move to NE pixel */
putPixel(x1,y1,color); /* Draw the first point at (x1,y1) */
/* Incrementally determine the positions of the remaining pixels
for (y1++; y1 <= y2; y1++) {
if (d < 0) {
d += Eincr; /* Choose the Eastern Pixel */
else {
d += NEincr; /* Choose the North Eastern Pixel */
x1 += yincr; /* (or SE pixel for dx/dy < 0!) */
putPixel(x1,y1,color); /* Draw the point */