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FRACSUBR.C contains subroutines which belong primarily to CALCFRAC.C and
FRACTALS.C, i.e. which are non-fractal-specific fractal engine subroutines.
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef XFRACT
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <varargs.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "fractint.h"
#include "fractype.h"
#include "mpmath.h"
#include "prototyp.h"
/* routines in this module */
static long _fastcall fudgetolong(double d);
static double _fastcall fudgetodouble(long l);
static void _fastcall adjust_to_limits(double);
static void _fastcall smallest_add(double *);
static int _fastcall ratio_bad(double,double);
static void _fastcall plotdorbit(double,double,int);
static int _fastcall combine_worklist(void);
extern int calc_status; /* status of calculations */
extern char far *resume_info; /* pointer to resume info if allocated */
int resume_len; /* length of resume info */
static int resume_offset; /* offset in resume info gets */
extern double plotmx1,plotmx2,plotmy1,plotmy2; /* real->screen conversion */
extern int orbit_ptr; /* pointer into save_orbit array */
extern int orbit_delay; /* orbit delay value */
extern int far *save_orbit; /* array to save orbit values */
extern int orbit_color; /* XOR color */
extern int num_worklist; /* resume worklist for standard engine */
extern int fractype; /* fractal type */
extern char stdcalcmode; /* '1', '2', 'g', 'b' */
extern char floatflag; /* floating-point fractals? */
extern int integerfractal; /* TRUE if fractal uses integer math */
extern struct workliststuff worklist[MAXCALCWORK];
extern int sxdots,sydots; /* # of dots on the physical screen */
extern int sxoffs,syoffs; /* physical top left of logical screen */
extern int xdots, ydots; /* # of dots on the logical screen */
extern int colors; /* maximum colors available */
extern long fudge; /* fudge factor (2**n) */
extern int bitshift; /* bit shift for fudge */
extern int inside; /* inside color: 1=blue */
extern int outside; /* outside color */
extern double xxmin,xxmax,yymin,yymax,xx3rd,yy3rd; /* corners */
extern long xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, x3rd, y3rd; /* integer equivs */
extern int maxit; /* try this many iterations */
extern int attractors; /* number of finite attractors */
extern _CMPLX attr[]; /* finite attractor vals (f.p) */
extern _LCMPLX lattr[]; /* finite attractor vals (int) */
extern int attrperiod[]; /* finite attractor period */
extern _CMPLX old,new;
extern _LCMPLX lold,lnew;
extern double tempsqrx,tempsqry;
extern long ltempsqrx,ltempsqry;
extern int xxstart,xxstop; /* these are same as worklist, */
extern int yystart,yystop,yybegin; /* declared as separate items */
extern int periodicitycheck;
extern int basin;
extern int finattract;
extern int pixelpi; /* value of pi in pixels */
extern double closenuff;
extern long lclosenuff;
extern int ixstart, ixstop, iystart, iystop;
extern int color;
extern int decomp[];
extern double potparam[3]; /* three potential parameters*/
extern int distest; /* non-zero if distance estimator */
extern double param[]; /* parameters */
extern int invert; /* non-zero if inversion active */
extern int biomorph,usr_biomorph;
extern int debugflag; /* internal use only - you didn't see this */
extern long creal, cimag; /* for calcmand */
extern long delx, dely; /* screen pixel increments */
extern long delx2, dely2; /* screen pixel increments */
extern double delxx, delyy; /* screen pixel increments */
extern double delxx2, delyy2; /* screen pixel increments */
extern long delmin; /* for calcfrac/calcmand */
extern double ddelmin; /* same as a double */
extern int potflag; /* continuous potential flag */
extern int bailout;
extern double rqlim;
extern double dxsize, dysize; /* xdots-1, ydots-1 */
extern int soundflag;
extern int basehertz;
extern long far *lx0, far *ly0; /* x, y grid */
extern long far *lx1, far *ly1; /* adjustment for rotate */
/* note that lx1 & ly1 values can overflow into sign bit; since */
/* they're used only to add to lx0/ly0, 2s comp straightens it out */
extern double far *dx0, far *dy0; /* floating pt equivs */
extern double far *dx1, far *dy1;
extern char usr_floatflag;
extern char usr_stdcalcmode;
extern int usr_periodicitycheck;
extern int usr_distest;
extern double zwidth;
extern int neworbittype;
#define FUDGEFACTOR 29 /* fudge all values up by 2**this */
#define FUDGEFACTOR2 24 /* (or maybe this) */
void calcfracinit() /* initialize a *pile* of stuff for fractal calculation */
int i;
double ftemp;
floatflag = usr_floatflag;
if (calc_status == 2) /* on resume, ensure floatflag correct */
if (curfractalspecific->isinteger)
floatflag = 0;
floatflag = 1;
/* if floating pt only, set floatflag for TAB screen */
if (!curfractalspecific->isinteger && curfractalspecific->tofloat == NOFRACTAL)
floatflag = 1;
/* the following variables may be forced to a different setting due to
calc routine constraints; usr_xxx is what the user last said is wanted,
xxx is what we actually do in the current situation */
stdcalcmode = usr_stdcalcmode;
periodicitycheck = usr_periodicitycheck;
distest = usr_distest;
biomorph = usr_biomorph;
potflag = 0;
if (potparam[0] != 0.0
&& colors >= 64
&& (curfractalspecific->calctype == StandardFractal
|| curfractalspecific->calctype == calcmand
|| curfractalspecific->calctype == calcmandfp)) {
potflag = 1;
distest = 0; /* can't do distest too */
if (distest)
floatflag = 1; /* force floating point for dist est */
if (floatflag) { /* ensure type matches floatflag */
if (curfractalspecific->isinteger != 0
&& curfractalspecific->tofloat != NOFRACTAL)
fractype = curfractalspecific->tofloat;
else {
if (curfractalspecific->isinteger == 0
&& curfractalspecific->tofloat != NOFRACTAL)
fractype = curfractalspecific->tofloat;
/* match Julibrot with integer mode of orbit */
if(fractype == JULIBROTFP && fractalspecific[neworbittype].isinteger)
int i;
if((i=fractalspecific[neworbittype].tofloat) != NOFRACTAL)
neworbittype = i;
fractype = JULIBROT;
else if(fractype == JULIBROT && fractalspecific[neworbittype].isinteger==0)
int i;
if((i=fractalspecific[neworbittype].tofloat) != NOFRACTAL)
neworbittype = i;
fractype = JULIBROTFP;
curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[fractype];
integerfractal = curfractalspecific->isinteger;
/* if (fractype == JULIBROT)
rqlim = 4;
else */ if (potflag && potparam[2] != 0.0)
rqlim = potparam[2];
/* else if (decomp[0] > 0 && decomp[1] > 0)
rqlim = (double)decomp[1]; */
else if (bailout) /* user input bailout */
rqlim = bailout;
else if (biomorph != -1) /* biomorph benefits from larger bailout */
rqlim = 100;
rqlim = curfractalspecific->orbit_bailout;
if (integerfractal) /* the bailout limit mustn't be too high here */
if (rqlim > 127.0) rqlim = 127.0;
if ((curfractalspecific->flags&NOROTATE) != 0) {
/* ensure min<max and unrotated rectangle */
if (xxmin > xxmax) { ftemp = xxmax; xxmax = xxmin; xxmin = ftemp; }
if (yymin > yymax) { ftemp = yymax; yymax = yymin; yymin = ftemp; }
xx3rd = xxmin; yy3rd = yymin;
/* set up bitshift for integer math */
bitshift = FUDGEFACTOR2; /* by default, the smaller shift */
if (integerfractal > 1) /* use specific override from table */
bitshift = integerfractal;
if (integerfractal == 0) /* float? */
if ((i = curfractalspecific->tofloat) != NOFRACTAL) /* -> int? */
if (fractalspecific[i].isinteger > 1) /* specific shift? */
bitshift = fractalspecific[i].isinteger;
/* We want this code if we're using the assembler calcmand */
if (fractype == MANDEL || fractype == JULIA) { /* adust shift bits if.. */
if (potflag == 0 /* not using potential */
&& (param[0] > -2.0 && param[0] < 2.0) /* parameters not too large */
&& (param[1] > -2.0 && param[1] < 2.0)
&& !invert /* and not inverting */
&& biomorph == -1 /* and not biomorphing */
&& rqlim <= 4.0 /* and bailout not too high */
&& (outside > -2 || outside < -5) /* and no funny outside stuff */
&& debugflag != 1234) /* and not debugging */
bitshift = FUDGEFACTOR; /* use the larger bitshift */
fudge = 1L << bitshift;
l_at_rad = fudge/32768L;
f_at_rad = 1.0/32768L;
/* now setup arrays of real coordinates corresponding to each pixel */
adjust_to_limits(1.0); /* make sure all corners in valid range */
delxx = (xxmax - xx3rd) / dxsize; /* calculate stepsizes */
delyy = (yymax - yy3rd) / dysize;
delxx2 = (xx3rd - xxmin) / dysize;
delyy2 = (yy3rd - yymin) / dxsize;
if(fractype != CELLULAR) { /* fudgetolong fails w >10 digits in double */
creal = fudgetolong(param[0]); /* integer equivs for it all */
cimag = fudgetolong(param[1]);
xmin = fudgetolong(xxmin);
xmax = fudgetolong(xxmax);
x3rd = fudgetolong(xx3rd);
ymin = fudgetolong(yymin);
ymax = fudgetolong(yymax);
y3rd = fudgetolong(yy3rd);
delx = fudgetolong(delxx);
dely = fudgetolong(delyy);
delx2 = fudgetolong(delxx2);
dely2 = fudgetolong(delyy2);
if (fractype != PLASMA) { /* skip this if plasma to avoid 3d problems */
if (integerfractal && !invert) {
if ( (delx == 0 && delxx != 0.0)
|| (delx2 == 0 && delxx2 != 0.0)
|| (dely == 0 && delyy != 0.0)
|| (dely2 == 0 && delyy2 != 0.0) )
goto expand_retry;
lx0[0] = xmin; /* fill up the x, y grids */
ly0[0] = ymax;
lx1[0] = ly1[0] = 0;
for (i = 1; i < xdots; i++ ) {
lx0[i] = lx0[i-1] + delx;
ly1[i] = ly1[i-1] - dely2;
for (i = 1; i < ydots; i++ ) {
ly0[i] = ly0[i-1] - dely;
lx1[i] = lx1[i-1] + delx2;
/* past max res? check corners within 10% of expected */
if ( ratio_bad((double)lx0[xdots-1]-xmin,(double)xmax-x3rd)
|| ratio_bad((double)ly0[ydots-1]-ymax,(double)y3rd-ymax)
|| ratio_bad((double)lx1[(ydots>>1)-1],((double)x3rd-xmin)/2)
|| ratio_bad((double)ly1[(xdots>>1)-1],((double)ymin-y3rd)/2) ) {
if (integerfractal /* integer fractal type? */
&& curfractalspecific->tofloat != NOFRACTAL)
floatflag = 1; /* switch to floating pt */
adjust_to_limits(2.0); /* double the size */
if (calc_status == 2) /* due to restore of an old file? */
calc_status = 0; /* whatever, it isn't resumable */
goto init_restart;
/* re-set corners to match reality */
xmax = lx0[xdots-1] + lx1[ydots-1];
ymin = ly0[ydots-1] + ly1[xdots-1];
x3rd = xmin + lx1[ydots-1];
y3rd = ly0[ydots-1];
xxmin = fudgetodouble(xmin);
xxmax = fudgetodouble(xmax);
xx3rd = fudgetodouble(x3rd);
yymin = fudgetodouble(ymin);
yymax = fudgetodouble(ymax);
yy3rd = fudgetodouble(y3rd);
else {
/* set up dx0 and dy0 analogs of lx0 and ly0 */
/* put fractal parameters in doubles */
dx0[0] = xxmin; /* fill up the x, y grids */
dy0[0] = yymax;
dx1[0] = dy1[0] = 0;
for (i = 1; i < xdots; i++ ) {
dx0[i] = dx0[i-1] + delxx;
dy1[i] = dy1[i-1] - delyy2;
for (i = 1; i < ydots; i++ ) {
dy0[i] = dy0[i-1] - delyy;
dx1[i] = dx1[i-1] + delxx2;
if ( ratio_bad(dx0[xdots-1]-xxmin,xxmax-xx3rd)
|| ratio_bad(dy0[ydots-1]-yymax,yy3rd-yymax)
|| ratio_bad(dx1[ydots-1],xx3rd-xxmin)
|| ratio_bad(dy1[xdots-1],yymin-yy3rd))
goto expand_retry;
/* re-set corners to match reality */
xxmax = dx0[xdots-1] + dx1[ydots-1];
yymin = dy0[ydots-1] + dy1[xdots-1];
xx3rd = xxmin + dx1[ydots-1];
yy3rd = dy0[ydots-1];
/* for periodicity close-enough, and for unity: */
/* min(max(delx,delx2),max(dely,dely2) */
ddelmin = fabs(delxx);
if (fabs(delxx2) > ddelmin)
ddelmin = fabs(delxx2);
if (fabs(delyy) > fabs(delyy2)) {
if (fabs(delyy) < ddelmin)
ddelmin = fabs(delyy);
if (fabs(delyy2) < ddelmin)
ddelmin = fabs(delyy2);
delmin = fudgetolong(ddelmin);
/* calculate factors which plot real values to screen co-ords */
/* calcfrac.c plot_orbit routines have comments about this */
ftemp = (0.0-delyy2) * delxx2 * dxsize * dysize
- (xxmax-xx3rd) * (yy3rd-yymax);
plotmx1 = delxx2 * dxsize * dysize / ftemp;
plotmx2 = (yy3rd-yymax) * dxsize / ftemp;
plotmy1 = (0.0-delyy2) * dxsize * dysize / ftemp;
plotmy2 = (xxmax-xx3rd) * dysize / ftemp;
static long _fastcall fudgetolong(double d)
if ((d *= fudge) > 0) d += 0.5;
else d -= 0.5;
return (long)d;
static double _fastcall fudgetodouble(long l)
char buf[30];
double d;
sprintf(buf,"%.9g",(double)l / fudge);
#ifndef XFRACT
return d;
void adjust_corner()
/* make edges very near vert/horiz exact, to ditch rounding errs and */
/* to avoid problems when delta per axis makes too large a ratio */
double ftemp,ftemp2;
if( (ftemp=fabs(xx3rd-xxmin)) < (ftemp2=fabs(xxmax-xx3rd)) ) {
if (ftemp*10000 < ftemp2 && yy3rd != yymax)
xx3rd = xxmin;
else if (ftemp2*10000 < ftemp && yy3rd != yymin)
xx3rd = xxmax;
if( (ftemp=fabs(yy3rd-yymin)) < (ftemp2=fabs(yymax-yy3rd)) ) {
if (ftemp*10000 < ftemp2 && xx3rd != xxmax)
yy3rd = yymin;
else if (ftemp2*10000 < ftemp && xx3rd != xxmin)
yy3rd = yymax;
static void _fastcall adjust_to_limits(double expand)
{ double cornerx[4],cornery[4];
double lowx,highx,lowy,highy,limit,ftemp;
double centerx,centery,adjx,adjy;
int i;
limit = 32767.99;
if (bitshift >= 24) limit = 31.99;
if (bitshift >= 29) limit = 3.99;
centerx = (xxmin+xxmax)/2;
centery = (yymin+yymax)/2;
if (xxmin == centerx) { /* ohoh, infinitely thin, fix it */
xxmin -= xxmax-centerx;
if (yymin == centery) {
yymin -= yymax-centery;
if (xx3rd == centerx)
if (yy3rd == centery)
/* setup array for easier manipulation */
cornerx[0] = xxmin; cornerx[1] = xxmax;
cornerx[2] = xx3rd; cornerx[3] = xxmin+(xxmax-xx3rd);
cornery[0] = yymax; cornery[1] = yymin;
cornery[2] = yy3rd; cornery[3] = yymin+(yymax-yy3rd);
/* if caller wants image size adjusted, do that first */
if (expand != 1.0)
for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {
cornerx[i] = centerx + (cornerx[i]-centerx)*expand;
cornery[i] = centery + (cornery[i]-centery)*expand;
/* get min/max x/y values */
lowx = highx = cornerx[0];
lowy = highy = cornery[0];
for (i=1; i<4; ++i) {
if (cornerx[i] < lowx) lowx = cornerx[i];
if (cornerx[i] > highx) highx = cornerx[i];
if (cornery[i] < lowy) lowy = cornery[i];
if (cornery[i] > highy) highy = cornery[i];
/* if image is too large, downsize it maintaining center */
ftemp = highx-lowx;
if (highy-lowy > ftemp) ftemp = highy-lowy;
if ((ftemp = limit*2/ftemp) < 1.0)
for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {
cornerx[i] = centerx + (cornerx[i]-centerx)*ftemp;
cornery[i] = centery + (cornery[i]-centery)*ftemp;
/* if any corner has x or y past limit, move the image */
adjx = adjy = 0;
for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {
if (cornerx[i] > limit && (ftemp = cornerx[i] - limit) > adjx)
adjx = ftemp;
if (cornerx[i] < 0.0-limit && (ftemp = cornerx[i] + limit) < adjx)
adjx = ftemp;
if (cornery[i] > limit && (ftemp = cornery[i] - limit) > adjy)
adjy = ftemp;
if (cornery[i] < 0.0-limit && (ftemp = cornery[i] + limit) < adjy)
adjy = ftemp;
if (calc_status == 2 && (adjx != 0 || adjy != 0) && (zwidth == 1.0))
calc_status = 0;
xxmin = cornerx[0] - adjx;
xxmax = cornerx[1] - adjx;
xx3rd = cornerx[2] - adjx;
yymax = cornery[0] - adjy;
yymin = cornery[1] - adjy;
yy3rd = cornery[2] - adjy;
adjust_corner(); /* make 3rd corner exact if very near other co-ords */
static void _fastcall smallest_add(double *num)
*num += *num * 5.0e-16;
static int _fastcall ratio_bad(double actual, double desired)
{ double ftemp;
if (desired != 0)
if ((ftemp = actual / desired) < 0.95 || ftemp > 1.05)
/* Save/resume stuff:
Engines which aren't resumable can simply ignore all this.
Before calling the (per_image,calctype) routines (engine), calcfract sets:
"resuming" to 0 if new image, nonzero if resuming a partially done image
"calc_status" to 1
If an engine is interrupted and wants to be able to resume it must:
store whatever status info it needs to be able to resume later
set calc_status to 2 and return
If subsequently called with resuming!=0, the engine must restore status
info and continue from where it left off.
Since the info required for resume can get rather large for some types,
it is not stored directly in save_info. Instead, memory is dynamically
allocated as required, and stored in .fra files as a separate block.
To save info for later resume, an engine routine can use:
Maxsize must be >= max bytes subsequently saved + 2; over-allocation
is harmless except for possibility of insufficient mem available;
undersize is not checked and probably causes serious misbehaviour.
Version is an arbitrary number so that subsequent revisions of the
engine can be made backward compatible.
Alloc_resume sets calc_status to 2 (resumable) if it succeeds; to 3
if it cannot allocate memory (and issues warning to user).
put_resume({bytes,&argument,} ... 0)
Can be called as often as required to store the info.
Arguments must not be far addresses.
Is not protected against calls which use more space than allocated.
To reload info when resuming, use:
initializes and returns version number
get_resume({bytes,&argument,} ... 0)
inverse of store_resume
optional, frees the memory area sooner than would happen otherwise
Example, save info:
put_resume(sizeof(int),&row, sizeof(int),&col,
sizeof(parmarray),parmarray, 0);
restore info:
vsn = start_resume();
get_resume(sizeof(int),&row, sizeof(int),&col, 0);
if (vsn >= 2)
Engines which allocate a large far memory chunk of their own might
directly set resume_info, resume_len, calc_status to avoid doubling
transient memory needs by using these routines.
StandardFractal, calcmand, solidguess, and bound_trace_main are a related
set of engines for escape-time fractals. They use a common worklist
structure for save/resume. Fractals using these must specify calcmand
or StandardFractal as the engine in fractalspecificinfo.
Other engines don't get btm nor ssg, don't get off-axis symmetry nor
panning (the worklist stuff), and are on their own for save/resume.
#ifndef XFRACT
int put_resume(int len, ...)
int put_resume(va_alist)
va_list arg_marker; /* variable arg list */
char *source_ptr;
#ifdef XFRACT
int len;
if (resume_info == NULL)
#ifndef XFRACT
len = va_arg(arg_marker,int);
while (len)
source_ptr = va_arg(arg_marker,char *);
resume_len += len;
len = va_arg(arg_marker,int);
int alloc_resume(int alloclen, int version)
if (resume_info != NULL) /* free the prior area if there is one */
if ((resume_info = farmemalloc((long)alloclen))== NULL)
static char msg[] = {"\
Warning - insufficient free memory to save status.\n\
You will not be able to resume calculating this image."};
calc_status = 3;
resume_len = 0;
calc_status = 2;
#ifndef XFRACT
int get_resume(int len, ...)
int get_resume(va_alist)
va_list arg_marker; /* variable arg list */
char *dest_ptr;
#ifdef XFRACT
int len;
if (resume_info == NULL)
#ifndef XFRACT
len = va_arg(arg_marker,int);
while (len)
dest_ptr = va_arg(arg_marker,char *);
resume_offset += len;
len = va_arg(arg_marker,int);
int start_resume()
int version;
if (resume_info == NULL)
resume_offset = 0;
void end_resume()
if (resume_info != NULL) /* free the prior area if there is one */
resume_info = NULL;
/* Showing orbit requires converting real co-ords to screen co-ords.
Xs == xxmax-xx3rd Ys == yy3rd-yymax
W == xdots-1 D == ydots-1
We know that:
realx == lx0[col] + lx1[row]
realy == ly0[row] + ly1[col]
lx0[col] == (col/width) * Xs + xxmin
lx1[row] == row * delxx
ly0[row] == (row/D) * Ys + yymax
ly1[col] == col * (0-delyy)
realx == (col/W) * Xs + xxmin + row * delxx
realy == (row/D) * Ys + yymax + col * (0-delyy)
and therefore:
row == (realx-xxmin - (col/W)*Xs) / Xv (1)
col == (realy-yymax - (row/D)*Ys) / Yv (2)
substitute (2) into (1) and solve for row:
row == ((realx-xxmin)*(0-delyy2)*W*D - (realy-yymax)*Xs*D)
/ ((0-delyy2)*W*delxx2*D-Ys*Xs)
/* sleep N * a tenth of a millisecond */
void sleepms(long ms)
extern int tabmode;
static long scalems=0L;
int savehelpmode,savetabmode;
struct timeb t1,t2;
#define SLEEPINIT 250 /* milliseconds for calibration */
savetabmode = tabmode;
savehelpmode = helpmode;
tabmode = 0;
helpmode = -1;
if(scalems==0L) /* calibrate */
/* selects a value of scalems that makes the units
10000 per sec independent of CPU speed */
char msg[80];
long millisecs;
int i,elapsed;
scalems = 1L;
if(keypressed()) /* check at start, hope to get start of timeslice */
goto sleepexit;
/* calibrate, assume slow computer first */
scalems *= 2;
do { /* wait for the start of a new tick */
while (t2.time == t1.time && t2.millitm == t1.millitm);
sleepms(10L * SLEEPINIT); /* about 1/4 sec */
if(keypressed()) {
scalems = 0L;
goto sleepexit;
while ((elapsed = (int)(t2.time-t1.time)*1000 + t2.millitm-t1.millitm)
/* once more to see if faster (eg multi-tasking) */
do { /* wait for the start of a new tick */
while (t2.time == t1.time && t2.millitm == t1.millitm);
sleepms(10L * SLEEPINIT);
if ((i = (int)(t2.time-t1.time)*1000 + t2.millitm-t1.millitm) < elapsed)
elapsed = (i == 0) ? 1 : i;
scalems = (float)SLEEPINIT/(float)(elapsed) * scalems;
if (debugflag == 700) {
sprintf(msg,"scale factor=%ld",scalems);
if(ms > 10L * SLEEPINIT) { /* using ftime is probably more accurate */
ms /= 10;
while(1) {
if(keypressed()) break;
if ((t2.time-t1.time)*1000 + t2.millitm-t1.millitm >= ms) break;
if(!keypressed()) {
ms *= scalems;
while(ms-- >= 0);
tabmode = savetabmode;
helpmode = savehelpmode;
static void _fastcall plotdorbit(double dx, double dy, int color)
int i, j, c;
int save_sxoffs,save_syoffs;
if (orbit_ptr >= 1500) return;
i = dy * plotmx1 - dx * plotmx2; i += sxoffs;
if (i < 0 || i >= sxdots) return;
j = dx * plotmy1 - dy * plotmy2; j += syoffs;
if (j < 0 || j >= sydots) return;
save_sxoffs = sxoffs;
save_syoffs = syoffs;
sxoffs = syoffs = 0;
/* save orbit value */
if(color == -1)
*(save_orbit + orbit_ptr++) = i;
*(save_orbit + orbit_ptr++) = j;
*(save_orbit + orbit_ptr++) = c = getcolor(i,j);
sxoffs = save_sxoffs;
syoffs = save_syoffs;
if(orbit_delay > 0)
else if(soundflag > 1)
/* placing sleepms here delays each dot */
void iplot_orbit(ix, iy, color)
long ix, iy;
int color;
void plot_orbit(real,imag,color)
double real,imag;
int color;
void scrub_orbit()
static long oldtime = 0;
int i,j,c;
int save_sxoffs,save_syoffs;
save_sxoffs = sxoffs;
save_syoffs = syoffs;
sxoffs = syoffs = 0;
while(orbit_ptr > 0)
c = *(save_orbit + --orbit_ptr);
j = *(save_orbit + --orbit_ptr);
i = *(save_orbit + --orbit_ptr);
sxoffs = save_sxoffs;
syoffs = save_syoffs;
int add_worklist(int xfrom, int xto, int yfrom, int yto, int ybegin,
int pass, int sym)
if (num_worklist >= MAXCALCWORK)
worklist[num_worklist].xxstart = xfrom;
worklist[num_worklist].xxstop = xto;
worklist[num_worklist].yystart = yfrom;
worklist[num_worklist].yystop = yto;
worklist[num_worklist].yybegin = ybegin;
worklist[num_worklist].pass = pass;
worklist[num_worklist].sym = sym;
static int _fastcall combine_worklist() /* look for 2 entries which can freely merge */
int i,j;
for (i=0; i<num_worklist; ++i)
if (worklist[i].yystart == worklist[i].yybegin)
for (j=i+1; j<num_worklist; ++j)
if (worklist[j].sym == worklist[i].sym
&& worklist[j].yystart == worklist[j].yybegin
&& worklist[i].pass == worklist[j].pass)
if ( worklist[i].xxstart == worklist[j].xxstart
&& worklist[i].xxstop == worklist[j].xxstop)
if (worklist[i].yystop+1 == worklist[j].yystart)
worklist[i].yystop = worklist[j].yystop;
if (worklist[j].yystop+1 == worklist[i].yystart)
worklist[i].yystart = worklist[j].yystart;
worklist[i].yybegin = worklist[j].yybegin;
if ( worklist[i].yystart == worklist[j].yystart
&& worklist[i].yystop == worklist[j].yystop)
if (worklist[i].xxstop+1 == worklist[j].xxstart)
worklist[i].xxstop = worklist[j].xxstop;
if (worklist[j].xxstop+1 == worklist[i].xxstart)
worklist[i].xxstart = worklist[j].xxstart;
return(0); /* nothing combined */
void tidy_worklist() /* combine mergeable entries, resort */
int i,j;
struct workliststuff tempwork;
while (i=combine_worklist())
{ /* merged two, delete the gone one */
while (++i < num_worklist)
worklist[i-1] = worklist[i];
for (i=0; i<num_worklist; ++i)
for (j=i+1; j<num_worklist; ++j)
if (worklist[j].pass < worklist[i].pass
|| (worklist[j].pass == worklist[i].pass
&& (worklist[j].yystart < worklist[i].yystart
|| ( worklist[j].yystart == worklist[i].yystart
&& worklist[j].xxstart < worklist[i].xxstart))))
{ /* dumb sort, swap 2 entries to correct order */
tempwork = worklist[i];
worklist[i] = worklist[j];
worklist[j] = tempwork;
void get_julia_attractor (double real, double imag)
_LCMPLX lresult;
_CMPLX result;
int savper,savmaxit;
int i;
if (attractors == 0 && finattract == 0) /* not magnet & not requested */
if (attractors >= N_ATTR) /* space for more attractors ? */
return; /* Bad luck - no room left ! */
savper = periodicitycheck;
savmaxit = maxit;
periodicitycheck = 0;
old.x = real; /* prepare for f.p orbit calc */
old.y = imag;
tempsqrx = sqr(old.x);
tempsqry = sqr(old.y);
lold.x = real; /* prepare for int orbit calc */
lold.y = imag;
ltempsqrx = tempsqrx;
ltempsqry = tempsqry;
lold.x = lold.x << bitshift;
lold.y = lold.y << bitshift;
ltempsqrx = ltempsqrx << bitshift;
ltempsqry = ltempsqry << bitshift;
if (maxit < 500) /* we're going to try at least this hard */
maxit = 500;
color = 0;
while (++color < maxit)
if (color >= maxit) /* if orbit stays in the lake */
if (integerfractal) /* remember where it went to */
lresult = lnew;
result = new;
for (i=0;i<10;i++) {
if(!curfractalspecific->orbitcalc()) /* if it stays in the lake */
{ /* and doen't move far, probably */
if (integerfractal) /* found a finite attractor */
if(labs(lresult.x-lnew.x) < lclosenuff
&& labs(lresult.y-lnew.y) < lclosenuff)
lattr[attractors] = lnew;
attrperiod[attractors] = i+1;
attractors++; /* another attractor - coloured lakes ! */
if(fabs(result.x-new.x) < closenuff
&& fabs(result.y-new.y) < closenuff)
attr[attractors] = new;
attrperiod[attractors] = i+1;
attractors++; /* another attractor - coloured lakes ! */
} else {
periodicitycheck = savper;
maxit = savmaxit;
#define maxyblk 7 /* must match calcfrac.c */
#define maxxblk 202 /* must match calcfrac.c */
int ssg_blocksize() /* used by solidguessing and by zoom panning */
int blocksize,i;
/* blocksize 4 if <300 rows, 8 if 300-599, 16 if 600-1199, 32 if >=1200 */
/* increase blocksize if prefix array not big enough */
while(blocksize*(maxxblk-2)<xdots || blocksize*(maxyblk-2)*16<ydots)
/* Symmetry plot for period PI */
void _fastcall symPIplot(x, y, color)
int x, y, color ;
while(x <= xxstop)
putcolor(x, y, color) ;
x += pixelpi;
/* Symmetry plot for period PI plus Origin Symmetry */
void _fastcall symPIplot2J(x, y, color)
int x, y, color ;
int i,j;
while(x <= xxstop)
putcolor(x, y, color) ;
if ((i=yystop-(y-yystart)) > iystop && i < ydots
&& (j=xxstop-(x-xxstart)) < xdots)
putcolor(j, i, color) ;
x += pixelpi;
/* Symmetry plot for period PI plus Both Axis Symmetry */
void _fastcall symPIplot4J(x, y, color)
int x, y, color ;
int i,j;
while(x <= (xxstart+xxstop)/2)
j = xxstop-(x-xxstart);
putcolor( x , y , color) ;
if (j < xdots)
putcolor(j , y , color) ;
if ((i=yystop-(y-yystart)) > iystop && i < ydots)
putcolor(x , i , color) ;
if (j < xdots)
putcolor(j , i , color) ;
x += pixelpi;
/* Symmetry plot for X Axis Symmetry */
void _fastcall symplot2(x, y, color)
int x, y, color ;
int i;
putcolor(x, y, color) ;
if ((i=yystop-(y-yystart)) > iystop && i < ydots)
putcolor(x, i, color) ;
/* Symmetry plot for Y Axis Symmetry */
void _fastcall symplot2Y(x, y, color)
int x, y, color ;
int i;
putcolor(x, y, color) ;
if ((i=xxstop-(x-xxstart)) < xdots)
putcolor(i, y, color) ;
/* Symmetry plot for Origin Symmetry */
void _fastcall symplot2J(x, y, color)
int x, y, color ;
int i,j;
putcolor(x, y, color) ;
if ((i=yystop-(y-yystart)) > iystop && i < ydots
&& (j=xxstop-(x-xxstart)) < xdots)
putcolor(j, i, color) ;
/* Symmetry plot for Both Axis Symmetry */
void _fastcall symplot4(x, y, color)
int x, y, color ;
int i,j;
j = xxstop-(x-xxstart);
putcolor( x , y, color) ;
if (j < xdots)
putcolor( j , y, color) ;
if ((i=yystop-(y-yystart)) > iystop && i < ydots)
putcolor( x , i, color) ;
if (j < xdots)
putcolor(j , i, color) ;
/* Symmetry plot for X Axis Symmetry - Striped Newtbasin version */
void _fastcall symplot2basin(x, y, color)
int x, y, color ;
int i,stripe;
extern int degree;
putcolor(x, y, color) ;
if(basin==2 && color > 8)
stripe = 0;
if ((i=yystop-(y-yystart)) > iystop && i < ydots)
color -= stripe; /* reconstruct unstriped color */
color = (degree+1-color)%degree+1; /* symmetrical color */
color += stripe; /* add stripe */
putcolor(x, i,color) ;
/* Symmetry plot for Both Axis Symmetry - Newtbasin version */
void _fastcall symplot4basin(x, y, color)
int x, y, color ;
extern int degree;
int i,j,color1,stripe;
if(color == 0) /* assumed to be "inside" color */
symplot4(x, y, color);
if(basin==2 && color > 8)
stripe = 8;
stripe = 0;
color -= stripe; /* reconstruct unstriped color */
color1 = degree/2+degree+2 - color;
if(color < degree/2+2)
color1 = degree/2+2 - color;
color1 = degree/2+degree+2 - color;
j = xxstop-(x-xxstart);
putcolor( x, y, color+stripe) ;
if (j < xdots)
putcolor( j, y, color1+stripe) ;
if ((i=yystop-(y-yystart)) > iystop && i < ydots)
putcolor( x, i, stripe + (degree+1 - color)%degree+1) ;
if (j < xdots)
putcolor(j, i, stripe + (degree+1 - color1)%degree+1) ;
/* Do nothing plot!!! */
void _fastcall noplot(int x,int y,int color)