TopWare 18: Liquid
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205 lines
# Note that frachelp.mak and fractint.mak can't be combined into a single
# make file because with MSC6 we need to use "NMK", to have enough memory
# available for the compiler. NMK would not trigger subsequent recompiles
# due to a rebuild of helpdefs.h file if we used a single step.
# the following klooge lets us define an alternate link/def file for
# the new overlay structure available under MSC7
!ifdef C7
DEFFILE = fractint.def
LINKFILE = fractint.ln7
LINKER="link /dynamic:1024 $(LINKER)"
LINKFILE = fractint.lnk
# Next is a pseudo-target for nmake/nmk. It just generates harmless
# warnings with make.
all : fractint.exe
$(AS) $*;
# for Quick Assembler
# $(AS) $*.asm
$(CC) /AM /W1 /FPi /c $(OptT) $*.c
Optsize = $(CC) /AM /W1 /FPi /c $(OptS) $*.c
Optnoalias = $(CC) /AM /W1 /FPi /c $(OptN) $*.c
lorenz.obj : lorenz.c fractint.h fractype.h
lsys.obj : lsys.c fractint.h
lsysa.obj: lsysa.asm
plot3d.obj : plot3d.c fractint.h fractype.h
3d.obj : 3d.c fractint.h
fractals.obj : fractals.c fractint.h fractype.h mpmath.h helpdefs.h
fractalp.obj : fractalp.c fractint.h fractype.h mpmath.h helpdefs.h
calcfrac.obj : calcfrac.c fractint.h mpmath.h
miscfrac.obj : miscfrac.c fractint.h mpmath.h
fracsubr.obj : fracsubr.c fractint.h
jiim.obj : jiim.c
fracsuba.obj : fracsuba.asm
parser.obj : parser.c fractint.h mpmath.h
parserfp.obj : parserfp.c fractint.h mpmath.h
parsera.obj: parsera.asm
# for MASM
$(AS) /e parsera;
# for QuickAssembler
# $(AS) /FPi parsera.asm
calcmand.obj : calcmand.asm
calmanfp.obj : calmanfp.asm
# for MASM
$(AS) /e calmanfp;
# for QuickAssembler
# $(AS) /FPi calmanfp.asm
cmdfiles.obj : cmdfiles.c fractint.h
loadfile.obj : loadfile.c fractint.h fractype.h
loadfdos.obj : loadfdos.c fractint.h helpdefs.h
decoder.obj : decoder.c fractint.h
diskvid.obj : diskvid.c fractint.h
encoder.obj : encoder.c fractint.h fractype.h
fr8514a.obj : fr8514a.asm
hgcfra.obj : hgcfra.asm
fractint.obj : fractint.c fractint.h fractype.h helpdefs.h
video.obj : video.asm
general.obj : general.asm
gifview.obj : gifview.c fractint.h
tgaview.obj : tgaview.c fractint.h targa_lc.h port.h
help.obj : help.c fractint.h helpdefs.h helpcom.h
intro.obj : intro.c fractint.h helpdefs.h
line3d.obj : line3d.c fractint.h
newton.obj : newton.asm
$(AS) /e newton;
printer.obj : printer.c fractint.h
printera.obj : printera.asm
prompts1.obj : prompts1.c fractint.h fractype.h helpdefs.h
prompts2.obj : prompts2.c fractint.h fractype.h helpdefs.h
rotate.obj : rotate.c fractint.h helpdefs.h
editpal.obj : editpal.c fractint.h
testpt.obj: testpt.c fractint.h
targa.obj : targa.c targa.h fractint.h
loadmap.obj : loadmap.c targa.h fractint.h
yourvid.obj : yourvid.c
fpu387.obj : fpu387.asm
fpu087.obj : fpu087.asm
$(AS) /e fpu087;
f16.obj : f16.c targa_lc.h
mpmath_c.obj : mpmath_c.c mpmath.h
hcmplx.obj : hcmplx.c fractint.h
mpmath_a.obj : mpmath_a.asm
jb.obj : jb.c fractint.h helpdefs.h
zoom.obj : zoom.c fractint.h
miscres.obj : miscres.c fractint.h fractype.h helpdefs.h
miscovl.obj : miscovl.c fractint.h fractype.h helpdefs.h
realdos.obj : realdos.c fractint.h helpdefs.h
tplus.obj : tplus.c tplus.h
tplus_a.obj : tplus_a.asm
lyapunov.obj : lyapunov.asm
$(AS) /e lyapunov;
tp3d.obj : tp3d.c fractint.h
slideshw.obj : slideshw.c
fractint.exe : fractint.obj help.obj loadfile.obj encoder.obj gifview.obj \
general.obj calcmand.obj calmanfp.obj fractals.obj fractalp.obj calcfrac.obj \
testpt.obj decoder.obj rotate.obj yourvid.obj prompts1.obj prompts2.obj parser.obj \
parserfp.obj parsera.obj diskvid.obj line3d.obj 3d.obj newton.obj cmdfiles.obj \
intro.obj slideshw.obj jiim.obj miscfrac.obj \
targa.obj loadmap.obj printer.obj printera.obj fracsubr.obj fracsuba.obj \
video.obj tgaview.obj f16.obj fr8514a.obj loadfdos.obj \
hgcfra.obj fpu087.obj fpu387.obj mpmath_c.obj mpmath_a.obj \
lorenz.obj plot3d.obj jb.obj zoom.obj miscres.obj miscovl.obj \
realdos.obj lsys.obj lsysa.obj editpal.obj tplus.obj tplus_a.obj tp3d.obj \
lyapunov.obj fractint.hlp hcmplx.obj $(DEFFILE) $(LINKFILE)
$(LINKER) /ST:4096 /SE:200 /PACKC /F /NOE @$(LINKFILE) > foo
!ifdef C7
@echo (Any overlay_thunks (L4059) warnings from the linker are harmless) >> foo
type foo
!ifndef DEBUG
hc /a