TopWare 18: Liquid
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C/C++ Source or Header
1,439 lines
; /*\
;---|*|----====< Play >====----
;---|*| play/record blocks of data
;---|*| Copyright (c) 1993,1994 V.E.S.A, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
;---|*| VBE/AI 1.0 Specification
;---|*| February 2, 1994. 1.00 release
; \*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "vbeai.h"
#include "vesa.h"
#define TRUE -1
#define FALSE 0
#define ON TRUE
#define OFF FALSE
// compile-time record mode selection to generate a different test pgm
#ifndef RMODE
#define RMODE 0
; /*\
;---|*| Global Variables
; \*/
#define DEFBLEN 0x8000
#define PCMMAXSIZE 65536
unsigned long blocklen = DEFBLEN;
unsigned long maxblocklen = PCMMAXSIZE;
unsigned long blockinc = 0;
unsigned long PassCount = 0;
unsigned long MaxPasses = 1;
int CallBackOccured = 0;
int ErrorBackOccured = 0;
int AutoInit = FALSE;
long AutoDivide = 8;
long SampleRate = 22050;
long RealSampleRate = 22050;
int PCMSize = 8;
int SaveBuffer = FALSE;
int ReloadRate = FALSE;
int StereoState = 1;
int Compression = 0;
int DriverError = 0;
int VerboseMode = FALSE;
int UserPref = 0; // highest level to be used
FILE *rfile;
char far *dmaptr = 0;
char far *memptr = 0;
char *PCMFileName;
int DelayTicks = 0;
GeneralDeviceClass gdc; // receives a copy of the VESA driver info block
fpWAVServ wfn; // pointer to wave functions
// callback routine stores data here...
int GlobalHandle = 0;
void far *GlobalPtr = 0;
long Globallen = 0;
void far *OldGlobalPtr = 0;
long OldGloballen = 0;
; /*\
;---|*| prototypes
; \*/
long GetValue ( char *, long );
char huge *MakeZeroOffset ( char huge *, long );
void far pascal OurCallback ( int, void far *, long, long );
void far pascal ErrorCallback( int, void far *, long, long );
int readblock ( int, char huge *, int );
int SaveToDisk ( long );
int writeblock ( int, char huge *, int );
VESAHANDLE OpenTheDriver ( int );
// only allows us to run on this version of the VBE interface. This
// will be removed after the interface is ratified. Changes may be made
// that would cause this code to crash if run on other version. Again,
// this will be removed in the final software.
int VersionControl = 0x0100;
; /*\
;---|*|------------------====< Start of execution >====-------------------
; \*/
int argc;
char *argv[];
int loop = TRUE;
int n,c;
int maxticks,ticks;
int NotHalted;
int exitcode = 0;
// process the command line
CommandLine (argc,argv);
// disable the ^C so the devices will close properly.
signal (SIGINT,SIG_IGN);
// do all the work to get a VESA driver
if (!OpenTheDriver(UserPref)) { // get the user preference
printf ("Cannot find any installed VAI devices!\n");
// this block should play in this amount of time
maxticks = CalcMaxTicks();
// set the Sample rate & stuff, then start the next block
if (!ReloadRate)
printf ("wsPCMInfo() returned %ld\n",
if (!StartNextBlock(0x00))
// wait for the block to complete
while (loop) {
// show some of the stats on this block while the block is playing
// wait here for an interrupt, or an exit message
ticks = maxticks;
while (!CallBackOccured) {
if (kbhit()) {
switch (c = getch()) {
case ' ': // pause the operation
(wfn->wsPauseIO ) (0);
printf ("I/O paused. Type any key to restart...");
printf ("\n");
(wfn->wsResumeIO) (0);
ticks = maxticks;
case 'r': // restart the block
case 'R':
//PassCount--; // dont count the current pass
NotHalted = TRUE;
ticks = maxticks;
case 0x1b: // quit the program
loop = 0;
exitcode = TRUE;
if (ErrorBackOccured) {
printf ("\aWe received the wrong callback!\n");
ErrorBackOccured = 0;
// report the current position in the buffer
// exit immediately if the user wants out...
if (!loop)
// if the driver posts an error, go report it
if ( (DriverError = (wfn->wsGetLastError)()) ) {
printf ("Driver is reporting an internal error! (code=%d)\n",DriverError);
// if we don't get our interrupt, bomb out...
if (DeltaTime()) {
if (--ticks == 0) {
printf ("No interrupt!\n");
// report the callback data
// if we're to stay, do this...
if (loop) {
// after a record, dump some of the data...
if (RMODE) {
// if we have to prepare the data after record,
//do it now...
#if RMODE==1
if (gdc.u.gdwi.wifeatures & WAVEPREPARE)
if (SaveBuffer)
// delay between blocks if required
// adjust the new block length, else give up on errors
if (blockinc) {
if (hBLOCK) // unregister first to adjust length
blocklen += blockinc;
if (blocklen > maxblocklen)
blocklen = maxblocklen - blocklen;
if ((signed long)blocklen < 0)
blocklen = maxblocklen;
maxticks = CalcMaxTicks();
if (hBLOCK) // re-register with adjusted length
hBLOCK = (wfn->wsWaveRegister)(dmaptr,blocklen);
else {
if (DriverError)
// okay, if the user has typed an escape, exit now...
if (kbhit())
if (getch() == 0x1b)
// if not auto-dma, reload the dma & start the block
if (!AutoInit) {
// quit if now done
if (PassCount+1 >= MaxPasses)
// restart if more to do
NotHalted = TRUE;
if (!StartNextBlock(0x01))
// else
// CallBackOccured = 0;
// decrement the pass count
if (loop)
if (++PassCount >= MaxPasses)
loop = FALSE;
// exit now...
; /*\
;---|*|----------------------====< Subroutines >====----------------------
; \*/
; /*\
;---|*|----====< BombOut >====----
;---|*| Give the error #, then bomb out...
; \*/
int cc;
// give a message
printf ("Bombing out! code = %d\n",cc);
DoExit (cc);
; /*\
;---|*|----====< CalcMaxTicks >====----
;---|*| Calculate the number of seconds to wait
; \*/
long retval = 0;
// calc the sample period, then the max time, the get clock ticks
retval = 1000000 / RealSampleRate; // sample period
retval = retval * (blocklen+1); // total time in Microseconds
retval = retval / 55000; // divided by 55mill
retval += 9; // give a half second slop time
; /*\
;---|*|----====< CommandLine >====----
;---|*| Process the command line switches
; \*/
int argc;
char *argv[];
int n;
char *s;
int vh,vl;
vh = VersionControl >> 8;
vl = VersionControl & 0xFF;
printf ("\nVESA VBE/AI WAVE Input Test Program, %02x.%02x\n",vh,vl);
printf ("\nVESA VBE/AI WAVE Output Test Program, %02x.%02x\n",vh,vl);
printf ("Copyright (c) 1993,1994 VESA, Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n\n");
// select the source/target PCM file name
if (RMODE)
PCMFileName = "output.dmp";
PCMFileName = "guppy.wav";
// exit in "GiveHelps" if no other parameters
if (argc == 1)
// process all the switches...
n = 1;
while (n<argc) {
s = argv[n++];
if (*s == '-') s++;
if (*s == '/') s++;
switch (*s & 0xDF) {
case '1' & 0xDF:
if (*++s == '6') {
PCMSize = 16;
printf ("16 bit PCM\n");
case 'A':
AutoInit = TRUE;
AutoDivide = (int) GetValue (++s,AutoDivide);
printf ("Continuous driver I/O modes will be used (size divider=%ld)\n",AutoDivide);
case 'F':
PCMFileName = ++s;
printf ("Using \"%s\" file for play/record\n",PCMFileName);
case 'D':
DelayTicks = (int) GetValue (++s,DelayTicks);
printf ("Delay Timer Ticks = %d\n",DelayTicks);
case 'I':
blockinc = GetValue (++s,blockinc);
printf ("New block inc. = %ld\n",blockinc);
case 'L':
blocklen = GetValue (++s,blocklen) & 0x000FFFFF;
printf ("New block length = %ld\n",blocklen);
if (maxblocklen < blocklen) {
maxblocklen = blocklen;
printf ("New max block len= %ld\n",maxblocklen);
case 'O':
printf ("Saving each buffer to disk!\n");
SaveBuffer = 1;
if (*++s == '+')
case 'P':
UserPref = (int)GetValue (++s,0);
printf ("Will use user preference level %d\n",UserPref);
case 'R':
if (*s == '+') {
printf ("Rate is reloaded after each block");
ReloadRate = TRUE;
SampleRate = GetValue (++s,(long)SampleRate);
printf ("New Sample Rate = %ld\n",SampleRate);
case 'S':
StereoState = 2; // # of channels
printf ("Running in stereo mode\n");
case 'T':
MaxPasses = GetValue (++s,MaxPasses );
printf ("Number of Passes = %ld\n",MaxPasses );
case 'V':
VerboseMode = TRUE;
printf ("Unknown option - %s\n",s);
// if doing auto-init buffer, then make the passes count complete buffers
if (AutoInit)
MaxPasses *= AutoDivide;
// separate the parameter text from the rest of the report
printf ("\n");
; /*\
;---|*|----====< DelayTimer >====----
;---|*| Delay this many clock ticks
; \*/
int ticks;
int timer = -1;
int delta = -1;
// while we have time to waste...
while (ticks) {
// watch the keyboard for an exit command
if (kbhit())
if (getch() == 0x1b)
// if the clock ticked, count down one...
if (DeltaTime())
; /*\
;---|*|----====< DelayUs >====----
;---|*| Delay this many microseconds
; \*/
int ticks;
// while we have time to waste...
_asm {
mov cx,ticks
mov dx,0x388
in al,dx
loop dlyus05
; /*\
;---|*|----====< DeltaTime >====----
;---|*| Return the delta of clock ticks
; \*/
int retval;
static int timer = -1;
// get the clock tick, save, sub from last tick & return the value
_asm {
mov ah,0
int 1ah
xchg dx,[timer]
sub dx,[timer]
mov [retval],dx
// return the delta
; /*\
;---|*|----====< DoExit >====----
;---|*| Shut everything down, then exit to DOS
; \*/
int cc;
// close the device if already opened
if (wfn) {
(wfn->wsStopIO)(0); // kill any running I/O
if (hBLOCK)
VESACloseDevice(hWAVE); // close the device
// save the output file data to disk
if (SaveBuffer)
fclose (rfile);
// make a distinguishing mark on the screen...
printf ("\n-------------------------------------------------\n");
// return to DOS, don't return to caller
; /*\
;---|*|----====< DumpSomeSamples >====----
;---|*| Dump some of the DMA'ed samples
; \*/
int len;
char far *s;
int n;
// if we have the pointer, do it...
if ((s = dmaptr) != 0) {
for (n=0;n<len;n++) {
if ((n & 0x0F) == 0)
printf ("\n%04x ",n);
printf ("%02x ",*s++ & 0xFF);
printf ("\n");
; /*\
;---|*|----====< GetValue >====----
;---|*| Return a value from the string, or the last value
; \*/
long GetValue (s,orig)
char * s;
long orig;
long w;
int NegateFlag = FALSE;
// if the first character is negative, then set out neg flag
if (*s == '-') {
NegateFlag = TRUE;
// check the first character, if zero, then it's octal or hex
if (*s == '0') {
w = 0;
if ((*++s & 0x5F) == 'X') {
if (sscanf (++s,"%lx",&w) != 1)
w = orig;
else {
if (isdigit(*s)) {
if (sscanf (s,"%lo",&w) != 1)
w = orig;
else {
w = 0;
// return a decimal value
else {
if (sscanf (s,"%ld",&w) != 1)
w = orig;
// we have something...
if (NegateFlag)
w = 0 - w;
; /*\
;---|*|----====< GiveHelps >====----
;---|*| Give the user the commandline option list
; \*/
printf ("\nTo Use: DOS>rec [16] [Axxx] [Fxxx] [Dxxx] [Ixxx] [Lxxx] [O{+}] [R] [S] [Txxx]\n\n");
printf ("\nTo Use: DOS>play [16] [Axxx] [Fxxx] [Dxxx] [Ixxx] [Lxxx] [R] [S] [Txxx]\n\n");
printf ("Where: [16] enables 16 bit audio (default=8 bit).\n");
printf (" [Axxx] uses PlayCont/RecordCont. xxx is block size divisor (default=8).\n");
printf (" [Fxxx] user selects a new File by the name of xxx.\n");
printf (" [Dxxx] allows for delays between blocks of xxx clock ticks (18.2tps).\n");
printf (" [Ixxx] after each block, Increment the next length by xxx.\n");
printf (" [Lxxx] block Length of first pcm block.\n");
printf (" [O{+}] Save one recorded block. '+' saves all blocks.\n");
printf (" [R] Reload the sample rate after each block finishes.\n");
printf (" [S] selects Stereo mode operation.\n");
printf (" [Txxx] number of Times to play the block.\n");
; /*\
;---|*|----====< GiveSomeStats >====----
;---|*| Print some useful information to the user
; \*/
register char far *vidptr = (char far *)0xb8000000;
char sstr[80],*s;
// create the string
sprintf (sstr,"pass=%5lu len=%lx ",PassCount,blocklen);
// blast it out...
s = sstr;
while (*s) {
*vidptr++ = *s++;
*vidptr++ = 0x3F;
; /*\
;---|*|----====< LoadPCMFile >====----
;---|*| Load the pcm file into the DMA buffer
; \*/
char huge *t;
int han,n;
long l;
// get some memory to hold the audio data
l = maxblocklen;
if (AutoInit)
l <<= 1;
if ((dmaptr = t = AllocateBuffer( l+16 )) == 0) {
printf ("Unable to allocate DMA buffer memory!\n");
return (FALSE);
// if in autoinit mode, we have to guarrantee no 64k crossings
if (AutoInit)
dmaptr = t = MakeZeroOffset(t,maxblocklen);
// load a triangle wave into the buffer
for (l=maxblocklen>>1;l;l--)
*t++ = l & 0xff;
for (l=maxblocklen>>1;l;l--)
*t++ = (255 - (l & 0xff));
#if RMODE==0
// open the file. If we can't read it, then forget it...
if ((rfile = fopen (PCMFileName,"rb")) == 0) {
printf ("Unable to load the PCM file named \"%s\"\n",PCMFileName);
return (FALSE);
// read the entire file into the DMA buffer
han = fileno(rfile);
// flush the header from the file
readblock (han,(t=dmaptr),0x20);// read past the .VOC header
if ((*(int far *)t) == 0x4952)
readblock (han,t,0x0C); // read more for a .WAV header
// read the entire file into a far pointer
for (l=maxblocklen;l>0;l-=0x1000) {
if (readblock (han,t,0x1000) != 0x1000)
t+= 0x1000;
if (l < 0)
readblock (han,t,(int)l + 0x1000);
fclose (rfile);
// open the file for output
if ((rfile = fopen (PCMFileName,"wb")) == 0) {
printf ("Unable to load the PCM file named \"%s\"\n",PCMFileName);
return (FALSE);
// register the block with the driver.
if (!AutoInit) {
if ((hBLOCK = (wfn->wsWaveRegister)(dmaptr,blocklen)) == 0) {
printf ("Block registration failed! error=%02x\n",(wfn->wsGetLastError)());
return (FALSE);
// all is okay...
; /*\
;---|*|----====< MakeZeroOffset >====----
;---|*| Make the buffer address linear, with a zero offset,
;---|*| not crossing a 64k boundary! (whew!). The true address pointer must
;---|*| be pointing to a buffer of the length of len*2+16
; \*/
char huge *MakeZeroOffset (addr,len)
char huge *addr;
long len;
long l;
_asm {
mov ax,word ptr [addr+0]
mov dx,word ptr [addr+2]
mov bx,0xFFF0 // get the linear address
rol dx,4
and bx,dx
xor dx,bx
add ax,bx
adc dx,0
and ax,0xFFF0 // go to the next 16 byte boundary
add ax,0x0010
mov bx,dx // check to see if we wrap a
mov cx,ax // 64k boundary
add cx,word ptr [len+0]
adc bx,word ptr [len+2] // bx = dx, or bx = dx + 1
sub bx,dx // bx = 0x0000 if same, else 0x0001
neg bx // bx = 0x0000 if same, else 0xFFFF
sub dx,bx // add 1 if it wrapped
not bx // bx = 0xFFFF if same, else 0x0000
and ax,bx // flush if wrapped, else save
ror dx,4 // make a seg:off out of the linear
add dx,ax // address
sub ax,ax
; /*\
;---|*|----====< OpenTheDriver >====----
;---|*| Find the driver with the highest user preference, and return it to
;---|*| the caller
; \*/
int OpenTheDriver(pref)
int pref;
int driverpref = 256; // real low preference
long l;
// find a matching driver
do {
// Find one DAC device, else bail if non found
if ((hWAVE = VESAFindADevice(WAVDEVICE)) == 0)
// get the device information
if (VESAQueryDevice(hWAVE, VESAQUERY2 ,&gdc) == 0) {
printf ("Cannot query the installed VAI devices!\n");
// make sure its a wave device
if (gdc.gdclassid != WAVDEVICE) {
printf ("The VESA find device query returned a NON DAC device!\n");
// make sure it's matches the beta version #
if (gdc.gdvbever != VersionControl) {
printf ("The VESA device version # does not match, cannot continue!\n");
// get the drivers user preference level
driverpref = gdc.u.gdwi.widevpref;
// if the caller is not expressing a preference, then use this one
if (pref == -1)
} while (driverpref != pref);
// get the memory needed by the device
if (!(memptr = AllocateBuffer(gdc.u.gdwi.wimemreq))) {
printf ("We don't have memory for the device!\n");
// if the DAC device doesn't open, bomb out...
if ((wfn = (fpWAVServ)VESAOpenADevice(hWAVE,0,memptr)) == 0) {
printf ("Cannot Open the installed devices!\n");
// just for fun, report the driver state
printf ("The driver state = %x\n",(wfn->wsDeviceCheck) (WAVEDRIVERSTATE,0) );
// tell the user how close the driver comes to the requested sample rate
if ( !(l = (wfn->wsDeviceCheck)(WAVESAMPLERATE,SampleRate)) )
printf ("The driver does not support a %ldhz sample rate!\n",RealSampleRate=SampleRate);
printf ("The drivers closest playback sample rate is %ldhz!\n",RealSampleRate=l);
// setup the record and playback callbacks
if (RMODE) {
wfn->wsApplRSyncCB = &OurCallback;
wfn->wsApplPSyncCB = &ErrorCallback;
else {
wfn->wsApplPSyncCB = &OurCallback;
wfn->wsApplRSyncCB = &ErrorCallback;
// return the handle
; /*\
;---|*|----====< OurCallback >====----
;---|*| Block End callback. NOTE: No assumptions can be made about
;---|*| the segment registers! (DS,ES,GS,FS)
; \*/
void far pascal OurCallback( han, fptr, len, filler )
VESAHANDLE han; // device handle
void far *fptr; // buffer that just played
long len; // length of completed transfer
long filler; // reserved...
// setup our data segment
_asm {
push ds
mov ax,seg CallBackOccured
mov ds,ax
// save for later reporting...
OldGlobalPtr = GlobalPtr;
OldGloballen = Globallen;
GlobalHandle = han;
GlobalPtr = fptr;
Globallen = len;
// we're done here...
_asm {
pop ds
; /*\
;---|*|----====< ErrorCallback >====----
;---|*| If we get this, we received the wrong callback!
; \*/
void far pascal ErrorCallback( han, fptr, len, filler )
int han; // device handle
void far *fptr; // buffer that just played
long len; // length of completed transfer
long filler; // reserved...
// setup our data segment
_asm {
push ds
mov ax,seg ErrorBackOccured
mov ds,ax
inc [ErrorBackOccured]
pop ds
; /*\
;---|*|----====< readblock >====----
;---|*| read a chunk of the PCM file into the huge buffer
; \*/
int readblock (han,tptr,len)
int han;
char huge *tptr;
int len;
int siz = 0;
// go get it...
_asm {
push ds
mov cx,[len]
mov ax,cx
add cx,word ptr [tptr] // wrap?
jnc rdbl05 // no, go get the size
sub ax,cx // ax holds the # of bytes to read
mov cx,ax
sub [len],ax
mov ah,03fh // cx holds the length
mov bx,[han]
lds dx,[tptr]
int 21h
mov [siz],ax // we moved this much
add word ptr [tptr+2],0x1000
cmp ax,cx // same size?
jnz rdbldone // no, exit...
mov ah,03fh
mov bx,[han]
mov cx,[len]
jcxz rdbldone
lds dx,[tptr]
int 21h
add [siz],ax // we moved this much
pop ds
// return the amount read
; /*\
;---|*|----====< ReportCallback >====----
;---|*| Print some useful information to the user
; \*/
register char far *vidptr = (char far *)0xb80000A0;
char sstr[80],*s;
static int cbcnt = 0;
// flush the callback indicator
CallBackOccured = 0;
// create the string
sprintf (sstr,"%5d han=%5d ptr=%8lx len=%8ld ",cbcnt++,GlobalHandle,GlobalPtr,Globallen);
// blast it out...
s = sstr;
while (*s) {
*vidptr++ = *s++;
*vidptr++ = 0x3F;
; /*\
;---|*|----====< ReportCurrentPos >====----
;---|*| Report the current block position reported via a DeviceCheck call
; \*/
register char far *vidptr = (char far *)0xb8000140;
char sstr[80],*s;
long length;
static int cbcnt = 0;
// create the string
#if 0
_asm {
mov dx,0xb8a
mov cx,1024
in al,dx
loop waithere
push ax
and al,0x3F
out dx,al
length = (wfn->wsDeviceCheck) (WAVEGETCURRENTPOS,0);
sprintf (sstr,"%5d han=%5d offset=%8lx",cbcnt++,GlobalHandle,length);
// blast it out...
s = sstr;
while (*s) {
*vidptr++ = *s++;
*vidptr++ = 0x3F;
#if 0
_asm {
mov dx,0xb8a
pop ax
out dx,al
; /*\
;---|*|----====< SaveToDisk >====----
;---|*| Save the buffer to disk
; \*/
long len;
char huge *s;
int han,n;
long l;
// if we have the pointer, do it...
n = fileno(rfile);
// if there is a buffer, write the data
if ((s=dmaptr) != 0) {
// point to the start of the file unless the user wants everything
if (SaveBuffer != 2) {
_asm {
mov ax,4200h ; point to the start of the file
mov bx,[n] ; get the handle
sub cx,cx
sub dx,dx
int 21h ; file points to zero
// write the data to disk
han = fileno(rfile);
for (l=len;l>0;l-=0x1000) {
if (writeblock (han,s,0x1000) != 0x1000)
s+= 0x1000;
if (l < 0)
writeblock (han,s,(int)l + 0x1000);
; /*\
;---|*|----====< StartNextBlock >====----
;---|*| Just read the buffer during the record process
; \*/
int StartNextBlock(flag)
int flag;
int retval;
static int pass = 0;
// on the 1st pass, load the playback data
if (pass == 0) {
// load the file into the DMA buffer, get the delay ticks
if (!LoadPCMFile()) {
else {
// else, every other pass, possibly setup the transfer type and rate
if (ReloadRate)
printf ("wsPCMInfo() returned %ld\n",
// if we have to prepare the data for playback, do it now...
#if RMODE==0
if (pass == 0) {
if (gdc.u.gdwi.wifeatures & WAVEPREPARE)
// flush the old IRQ occured flag
// CallBackOccured = 0;
#if RMODE==0
// let it rip
if (AutoInit)
retval = (wfn->wsPlayCont) (dmaptr,blocklen,blocklen/AutoDivide);
retval = (wfn->wsPlayBlock) (hBLOCK,0);
// let it rip
if (AutoInit)
retval = (wfn->wsRecordCont) (dmaptr,blocklen,blocklen/AutoDivide);
retval = (wfn->wsRecordBlock) (hBLOCK,0);
if ( (DriverError = (wfn->wsGetLastError)()) )
printf ("Driver is reporting an internal error! (code=%d)\n",DriverError);
; /*\
;---|*|----====< writeblock >====----
;---|*| write a chunk of the PCM buffer to the disk file.
; \*/
int writeblock (han,tptr,len)
int han;
char huge *tptr;
int len;
int siz = 0;
// go get it...
_asm {
push ds
mov cx,[len]
mov ax,cx
add cx,word ptr [tptr] // wrap?
jnc rdbl05 // no, go get the size
sub ax,cx // ax holds the # of bytes to read
mov cx,ax
sub [len],ax
mov ah,040h // cx holds the length
mov bx,[han]
lds dx,[tptr]
int 21h
mov [siz],ax // we moved this much
add word ptr [tptr+2],0x1000
cmp ax,cx // same size?
jnz rdbldone // no, exit...
mov ah,040h
mov bx,[han]
mov cx,[len]
jcxz rdbldone
lds dx,[tptr]
int 21h
add [siz],ax // we moved this much
pop ds
// return the amount read