TopWare 18: Liquid
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1,603 lines
; /*\
;---|*|----====< VESA >====----
;---|*| high level support routines for the VESA AI interface
;---|*| Copyright (c) 1993,1994 V.E.S.A, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
;---|*| Portions Copyright (c) 1993 Jason Blochowiak, Argo Games. Used
;---|*| with permission.
;---|*| VBE/AI 1.0 Specification
;---|*| February 2, 1994. 1.00 release
; \*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "vbeai.h"
#include "vesa.h"
#define TRUE -1
#define FALSE 0
#define ON TRUE
#define OFF FALSE
#define BREAKPOINT _asm{int 3};
#define BREAKPOINT _asm{nop};
; /*\
;---|*| Global Variables
; \*/
// nada...
; /*\
;---|*| Local Variables
; \*/
#define CALLBACKS 16 // Maximum number of callbacks that can be installed
#define MAXNESTEDCBS 3 // Maximum nesting of timer interrupts
typedef struct {
VESAHANDLE handle; // The device handle
void (far pascal *callBack)(void); // The callback function
short semaphore; // Our lockout semaphore for this callback
long divisor; // The timer divisor this callback wants
long divCount; // Overflow counter for this callback
} Timer_t;
// timer callback control table
static volatile Timer_t timers[CALLBACKS];
// a table to store data from device info blocks
static int doreg[CALLBACKS][2] = // do give ticks to this dev
static int denom = 18; // decimation denominator
static int isopen = 0; // number of devices opened
static int timerhooked = FALSE; // TRUE if timer is currently hooked
static int curnestedtimer = 0; // Number of nested timer interrupts
static long curtimerdiv = 0x10000L; // Current hardware timer divisor
static long curtimerslop = 0; // Number of timer counts that we've missed, due to excessive nesting
// general prototypes
static int cmpstr ( char far *, char far *, int );
static int readblock ( int, char huge *, int );
// timer prototypes
static int findhandleindex ( VESAHANDLE han );
static void setuptimer ( void );
static void programtimer ( unsigned );
static void interrupt ourintvect ( void );
// patch handling prototypes
static void pascal FreePatchBlock ( void far * );
static void far * pascal GetPatchBlock ( int );
static VAIDhdr far *pascal GetPatch ( VESAHANDLE, int );
static long pascal GetPatchLength ( VESAHANDLE, int );
static void far pascal OurFreeCBCallBack( VESAHANDLE, int, void far *, long );
// patch handler data structures
typedef struct {
int han; // VBE/AI handle
fpMIDServ ms; // far pointer to the services structure
long poffset; // offset into the file to VAIP
FILE *fp; // pointer to the patch file
VAIIhdr (far *fpVAII)[]; // far pointer to the index portion
VAIDhdr (far *fpVAID)[]; // far pointer to the data portion, if loaded
} PatchCTL;
#define MAXLIBS 4
#define VAIIPLEN (sizeof(VAIIhdr)*256)
static PatchCTL PatchLibs[MAXLIBS] = // static of libraries can be
{ 0,0,0,0,0,0,
// the table of Patch blocks for use by the MIDI drivers. This is a
// global pool for all MIDI drivers.
#define MAXFREE 64 // maximum free blocks we save
static int FreeMax = 0; // last free position
static void far *PatchPtrs[MAXFREE];
static long PatchLength[MAXFREE];
static int PatchState[MAXFREE] = // TRUE=inuse, FALSE=available
{ 0 };
; /*\
;---|*|------------------====< Start of execution >====-------------------
; \*/
; /*\
;---|*|----====< AllocateBuffer >====----
;---|*| Allocate some huge memory from the DOS pool
; \*/
void far * pascal AllocateBuffer(siz)
long siz;
void far *f;
// go to DOS to get the memory block size
_asm {
// get the # of paragraphs into BX
mov bx,word ptr [siz+0] // 0xLLLL
mov dx,word ptr [siz+2] // 0x000H
shr bx,4 // 0x0LLL
shl dx,12 // 0xH000
add bx,dx // 0xHLLL: bx = 16 bits out of 20 bits
inc bx // get one more 16 byte block
inc bx // get one more 16 byte block
// call DOS for a memory block
mov ah,48h
int 21h
// carry is set if in error.
cmc // set carry if no error
sbb bx,bx
and ax,bx // ax = 0 if in error, else a segment
sub dx,dx
xchg ax,dx // dx:ax holds the pointer
mov word ptr [f+0],ax
mov word ptr [f+2],dx
// return the modified, or empty pointer
; /*\
;---|*|----====< FreeBuffer >====----
;---|*| Allocate some huge memory from the DOS pool
; \*/
void pascal FreeBuffer(void far *p)
void far *f;
// go to DOS to release the memory block size
_asm {
// call DOS for a memory block
mov es,word ptr [p+2]
mov ah,49h
int 21h
; /*\
;---|*|----====< VESAFindADevice >====----
;---|*| This function returns the next available device handle
;---|*| from the driver list.
; \*/
VESAHANDLE pascal VESAFindADevice ( class )
int class;
static VESAHANDLE lh = 0;
// if this is a reset call, do it...
if (class == -1)
return(lh = 0); // start over...
// call the driver directly
_asm {
mov bx,VESAFUNC1
mov cx,[lh]
mov dx,[class]
mov [lh],cx
// return the finding
return (lh);
; /*\
;---|*|----====< VESAQueryDevice >====----
;---|*| Query the driver for general or device specific data.
; \*/
long pascal VESAQueryDevice ( han, query, ptr )
int query;
void far *ptr;
long cc;
int ticks,n;
// ask the driver for some specific information
cc = (long) ptr; // we have to do this due to MS bugs in inline code!
_asm {
push si
push di
mov bx,VESAFUNC2
mov cx,[han]
mov dx,[query]
mov si,word ptr [cc+2]
mov di,word ptr [cc+0]
sub ax,004Fh // considered a good return
neg ax // null out SI:DI if AX != 0x004F
sbb ax,ax
not ax
and si,ax
and di,ax
mov word ptr [cc+2],si
mov word ptr [cc+0],di
pop di
pop si
// if just a length query, return the value now
if (query == VESAQUERY1)
return (cc);
if (query == VESAQUERY3)
return (cc);
if (query == VESAQUERY5)
return (cc);
// if this is returning the info block, grab the timer tick count
// since this is the only time we may see the INFO block.
if (query == VESAQUERY2) {
switch (((fpGDC)cc)->gdclassid) {
ticks = ((fpGDC)cc)->u.gdwi.witimerticks;
ticks = ((fpGDC)cc)->u.gdmi.mitimerticks;
ticks = 0; // no timer ticks for these types
// see if the handle is already registered, if so, we're done
for (n=1;n<CALLBACKS;n++) {
if (doreg[n][0] == han) {
ticks = 0;
// if timer ticks needed, save that fact for a later open
if (ticks) {
for (n=1;n<CALLBACKS;n++) {
if (!doreg[n][0]) {
doreg[n][0] = han;
doreg[n][1] = ticks;
// return the completion code
return (cc);
; /*\
;---|*|----====< VESAOpenADevice >====----
;---|*| This function returns a pointer to the driver
;---|*| services table if the driver opens successfully.
; \*/
void far *pascal VESAOpenADevice ( han, apiset, memptr )
int apiset;
void far *memptr;
void far *cc = 0;
int n;
// attempt to open the device
_asm {
cmp word ptr [memptr+0],0 // offset must be null
jnz voad_05
mov ax,VESAFUNCID // open function
mov bx,VESAFUNC3
mov cx,[han] // device handle is required
mov dx,[apiset] // select 16/32 bit interface
mov si,word ptr [memptr+2] // pass in the segment
int INTHOOK // do the interrupt
mov word ptr [cc+2],si
mov word ptr [cc+0],cx
// if successful, check to see if the device needs timer ticks
if (cc) {
for (n=1;n<CALLBACKS;n++) {
// if this is it, setup for timer ticks
if (doreg[n][0] == han) {
// register wave audio
if ( _fstrncmp(((fpWAVServ)cc)->wsname,"WAVS",4) == 0 )
han, // handle
((fpWAVServ)cc)->wsTimerTick, // address
VESARateToDivisor(doreg[n][1]) // tick count
// register midi audio
if ( _fstrncmp(((fpMIDServ)cc)->msname,"MIDS",4) == 0 )
han, // handle
((fpMIDServ)cc)->msTimerTick, // address
VESARateToDivisor(doreg[n][1]) // tick count
// return the pointer to the services table
; /*\
;---|*|----====< VESACloseDevice >====----
;---|*| This function closes an opened device.
; \*/
void pascal VESACloseDevice ( han )
int n,gd;
// remove the timer callbacks for this handle
VESARegisterTimer( han, 0, 0 );
// make sure MIDI devices free up bank memory
VESAFreePatchBank ( han );
// go close the device.
_asm {
mov bx,VESAFUNC4
mov cx,[han] // if the handle exists, the
int INTHOOK // device will close
; /*\
;---|*|----====< VESAFreePatchBank >====----
;---|*| This function will release the patch bank data memory and
;---|*| remove the VBE device from the internal tables.
; \*/
int pascal VESAFreePatchBank ( han )
VESAHANDLE han; // device handle
int n;
int inuse = 0;
for (n=0;n<MAXLIBS;n++) {
// only one will match. Free up the memory, then flush the entry
if (han == PatchLibs[n].han) {
// free the patch libs memory
if (PatchLibs[n].fpVAII)
FreeBuffer((void far *)PatchLibs[n].fpVAII);
// free the patch data memory
if (PatchLibs[n].fpVAID);
FreeBuffer((void far *)PatchLibs[n].fpVAID);
// close the file
if (PatchLibs[n].fp)
PatchLibs[n].han = 0; // clear out this entry
PatchLibs[n].ms = 0;
PatchLibs[n].fp = 0;
PatchLibs[n].fpVAII = 0;
PatchLibs[n].fpVAID = 0;
PatchLibs[n].poffset= 0;
break; // leave the loop
// see if all banks are unloaded. "inuse" == 0 if no more banks loaded
for (n=0;n<MAXLIBS;n++)
if (PatchLibs[n].han)
// if all patch banks are freed, then flush the MIDI patch blocks
if ((!inuse) && (FreeMax)) {
for (n=0;n<FreeMax;n++) {
PatchPtrs[n] = 0;
PatchLength[n] = 0;
PatchState[n] = FALSE;
; /*\
;---|*|----====< VESALoadPatchBank >====----
;---|*| This function will load the patch bank index structure into memory.
;---|*| If the data portion is small, then it too will be loaded.
; \*/
int pascal VESALoadPatchBank ( han, ms, bnk )
VESAHANDLE han; // device handle
fpMIDServ ms; // fp to services structure
char far *bnk;
FILE *fp;
long len,l;
int n,idx=-1;
char far *pt,far *opt, far *patchbank;
char fname[100],*s,*b;
char *env,c;
// make sure we don't already have this device's bank or are already
// filled with patch banks
for (c=n=0;n<MAXLIBS;n++) {
if (PatchLibs[n].han == han) // bail if already here
if (PatchLibs[n].han != 0) // count the used slots
if (PatchLibs[n].han == 0) // record the empty slots
if (idx == -1)
idx = n;
if (c == MAXLIBS) // if all slots full, bail
// open the patch bank in the current directory, PATH or root
_fstrcpy (fname,bnk);
if ((fp = fopen (fname,"rb")) == 0) {
// if there is a path statement, process it...
if ((env = getenv ("PATH")) != 0) {
s = fname; // setup to process each string
while (s) {
// pull the next string from the path
c = 0;
while (*env)
if ((*s++ = c = *env++) == ';')
// if a semicolon stopped us, point to it...
if (c == ';') s--;
*s = 0; // set a terminator
// if there is no other string, break out now...
if (s == fname) {
s = 0;
// if the prior character is not a backslash, append one
if (*(s-1) != '\\') {
*s++ = '\\';
*s = 0;
// append the library name now
b = bnk;
while (*s++ = *b++) ;
// attempt to open the bank now
if ((fp = fopen (fname,"rb")))
s = fname; // reset for the next iteration
// if no library after the path search, try the root directory
if (!fp) {
// try the root directory of the current drive
fname[0] = '@' + _getdrive(); // get the current drive
fname[1] = ':';
fname[2] = '\\';
s = &fname[3];
b = bnk;
while (*s++ = *b++) ;
fp = fopen (fname,"rb");
// if after all that, if not opened, it's not there!
if (!fp)
// allocate memory for the index block
if ((patchbank = AllocateBuffer(VAIIPLEN)) == 0) {
fclose (fp);
// load in the first chunk. The first "RIFF" block must be here!
len = readblock (fileno(fp),(pt=patchbank),VAIIPLEN) & 0xffff;
if (cmpstr(&((VAILhdr far *)pt)->type[0], "RIFF",4) != 0) {
fclose (fp);
pt += sizeof(RIFFhdr); // skip the header
// load in the first chunk. The first "vail" block must be here!
if (cmpstr(&((VAILhdr far *)pt)->type[0], "vail",4) != 0) {
fclose (fp);
pt += sizeof(VAILhdr); // skip the header
// loop through till the vaii header is located
while (1) {
opt = pt;
if (cmpstr(&((ZSTRhdr far *)pt)->type[0], "ZSTR",4) == 0) {
l = ((ZSTRhdr far *)pt)->tlen;
pt += sizeof(ZSTRhdr)+l; // skip the ASCIIZ block
if (cmpstr(&((VAIPhdr far *)pt)->type[0], "vaip",4) == 0) {
pt += sizeof (VAIPhdr); // move past this block
break; // we're done, save this pointer!
if (opt == pt) {
fclose (fp);
return(FALSE); // invalid file format
// we have the start of the VAII record. reposition the file pointer,
// then pull in the entire index.
len = (int)pt - (int)patchbank; // get the starting offset
fseek (fp,len,SEEK_SET);
// save the starting position of the VAIP record
PatchLibs[idx].poffset= ftell(fp) - sizeof (VAIPhdr);
if (readblock (fileno(fp),patchbank,VAIIPLEN & 0xffff) != VAIIPLEN) {
fclose (fp);
// register this VESA device in our system
PatchLibs[idx].han = han; // record this new entry
PatchLibs[idx].ms = ms;
(void far *)PatchLibs[idx].fpVAII = (void far *)patchbank;
// grab the callback since we're doing the patch handling
ms->msApplFreeCB = &OurFreeCBCallBack;
// get the unused file length to determine if we can preload the patch data
len = filelength (fileno(fp)); // patch size = file len. - index
len -= ftell(fp);
// just load banks less than 64K
if (len < 65535) {
// if not enough memory, skip it...
if ((patchbank = AllocateBuffer(len)) == 0)
// read in the patch data now. If not, we'll do the slow method
if (((long)readblock(fileno(fp),patchbank,(int)len) & 0xffff) != len)
// record the patch data buffer now
(void far *)PatchLibs[idx].fpVAID = (void far *)patchbank;
fclose (fp);
// if >64K, then we need to go to disk for each patch.
else {
// save the file pointer for later access when we need the data
PatchLibs[n].fp = fp;
// return the length of the structure
; /*\
;---|*|----====< VESAPreloadPatch >====----
;---|*| Download the VESA patch to the driver.
;---|*| NOTE: This routine may call DOS, so use it only in the foreground!
; \*/
int pascal VESAPreLoadPatch ( han, patch, ch )
VESAHANDLE han; // device handle
int patch; // patch # to be downloaded
int ch; // channel # for download
long isdata;
int n,trim;
char far *pptr;
// percussive patches reside in the second half of the table
if (ch == 9)
patch |= 0x80;
// get the patch and size of patch
for (n=0;n<MAXLIBS;n++) {
// if a device is found, try to load it's patch
if (PatchLibs[n].han == han) {
// if the patch is already loaded, we can just do it...
if (PatchLibs[n].fpVAID) {
// send off the patch - just the data portion, no VAIDhdr
patch & 0x7F,
GetPatch ( han, patch ), // sizeof(VAIDhdr),
GetPatchLength ( han, patch )
break; // exit the for loop
else {
// get the length needed
isdata = GetPatchLength ( han, patch );
trim = sizeof (VAIDhdr);
while (isdata) {
// find the size needed
n = (*PatchLibs[n].ms->msPreLoadPatch)(ch,patch&0x7F,0,0);
// if we get a block, process the data
if (pptr = GetPatchBlock(n)) {
// read it from disk
n = readblock (fileno(PatchLibs[n].fp),pptr,n);
// send it to the driver, and maybe free it up
if (!(*PatchLibs[n].ms->msPreLoadPatch)
// remove our portion
trim = 0;
isdata -= n;
// oops, no data, let's pull back...
else {
(*PatchLibs[n].ms->msUnloadPatch) (ch,patch&0x7F);
break; // exit the for loop
; /*\
;---|*|----====< VESARateToDivisor >====----
;---|*| Converts an integral rate (in Hz) to a timer divisor value, which
;---|*| can then be passed to VESARegisterTimer().
;---|*| Copyright (c) 1993 Jason Blochowiak, Argo Games. Used with permission.
; \*/
long pascal VESARateToDivisor(rate)
long rate;
long result;
if (rate)
result = 1193180L / rate;
result = 0x10000L;
; /*\
;---|*|----====< VESARegisterTimer >====----
;---|*| Add/Remove a far call from the timer registration.
;---|*| Copyright (c) 1993 Jason Blochowiak, Argo Games. Used with permission.
; \*/
int pascal VESARegisterTimer( han, addr, divisor )
void (far pascal *addr)();
long divisor;
int n,i,max;
int retval = 0;
int needsProgram = FALSE;
int index;
Timer_t *t;
// Puke if we have a zero handle
if (!han)
// Make sure no interrupts come in while we're messing with the table
_asm cli ;
// Make sure that the special entry doesn't get used by something else
timers[0].handle = -1;
// If address in non-0, register it
if (addr) {
// See if an entry with this handle already exists
index = findhandleindex(han);
// If it returned -1, no entry with this handle exists, so find
// an entry with no handle
if (index == -1)
index = findhandleindex(0);
// If we found an entry with a matching handle, or an empty entry,
// fill it in.
if (index != -1) {
// Get pointer to timer table, and cast to eliminate the volatile
// modifier (interrupts are disabled, so there's no chance of the
// structure being modified from an interrupt)
t = (Timer_t *)(&timers[index]);
t->handle = han; // Store the handle
t->divisor = divisor; // Store our divisor
t->divCount = 0; // Clear the overflow counter
t->callBack = addr; // Store the callback address
t->semaphore = 0; // Initialize the semaphore
retval = -1; // Mark as successful
needsProgram = TRUE; // We'll need to mess with the hardware timer
else {
// We've got a 0 address - remove the timer entry
// Find the entry with a matching handle
index = findhandleindex(han);
if (index != -1) {
// We found the entry - kill it
t = (Timer_t *)(&timers[index]);
t->handle = 0;
t->divisor = 0;
t->divCount = 0;
t->callBack = 0;
retval = -1; // Mark as successful
needsProgram = TRUE; // We'll need to mess with the hardware timer
// If we need to, go mess with the hardware timer
if (needsProgram)
_asm sti ;
// Return success or failure
; /*\
;---|*|------------------====< internal routines >====-------------------
; \*/
; /*\
;---|*|----====< cmpstr >====----
;---|*| compare strings at the end of far pointers
; \*/
static int cmpstr(t,s,l)
char far *t;
char far *s;
int l;
char c;
while (l--)
if ((c = *t++ - *s++) != 0)
; /*\
;---|*|----====< FreePatchBlock >====----
;---|*| mark the block as free
; \*/
static void pascal FreePatchBlock(void far *pptr)
int n;
// if already full, send it back to DOS
for (n=0;n<MAXFREE;n++) {
// find it, and mark it free
if (pptr == PatchPtrs[n]) {
PatchState[n] = FALSE;
; /*\
;---|*|----====< GetPatchBlock >====----
;---|*| Get a block from the pool, or from DOS
; \*/
static void far * pascal GetPatchBlock(len)
int len;
int n;
void far *vp;
// scan the global pool before allocating from DOS
for (n=0;n<FreeMax;n++) {
if (len <= PatchLength[n])
// we didn't find anything, so allocate it from DOS
if (FreeMax < MAXFREE) {
if ((PatchPtrs[FreeMax] = vp = AllocateBuffer(len)) != 0) {
PatchLength[FreeMax] = len;
PatchState[FreeMax++]= TRUE;
return(vp); // returns the valid pointer
// nothing
; /*\
;---|*|----====< GetPatch >====----
;---|*| This function returns a far pointer to the patch block
; \*/
static VAIDhdr far *pascal GetPatch ( han, patch )
int patch;
long off=-1;
int n;
VAIIhdr (far *p)[];
// if an invalid patch, bomb out
if ((patch > 256) || (patch < 0))
for (n=0;n<MAXLIBS;n++) {
if (PatchLibs[n].han == han) {
off = n;
if (off == -1)
// if the patch is memory, return a pointer to it
if (PatchLibs[n].fpVAID) {
p = PatchLibs[n].fpVAII;
off = (*p)[patch].poffset - VAIIPLEN;
return((VAIDhdr far *)((char far *)PatchLibs[n].fpVAID + off));
// we have to read it from disk!
; /*\
;---|*|----====< GetPatchLength >====----
;---|*| Returns the length of the patches data portion (include VAIDhdr)
; \*/
static long pascal GetPatchLength ( han, patch )
int patch;
VAIIhdr (far *p)[];
long off;
int n;
// if an invalid patch, bomb out
if ((patch > 256) || (patch < 0))
// find the patch table, then return the length of the patch data
for (n=0;n<MAXLIBS;n++) {
if (PatchLibs[n].han == han) {
p = PatchLibs[n].fpVAII;
return ((*p)[patch].vaidln);
// this handle was'nt registered
; /*\
;---|*|----====< ourintvect >====----
;---|*| Process timer interrupts.
;---|*| Copyright (c) 1993 Jason Blochowiak, Argo Games. Used with permission.
; \*/
#if __BORLANDC__
static interrupt void ourintvect(void)
static void interrupt ourintvect(void)
int i;
int didEOI = FALSE;
long timercount;
Timer_t *t;
// We want to process any previously unaccounted for timer divisor
// counts, plus the number of counts that the hardware did before
// triggering this interrupt
curtimerslop += curtimerdiv;
// If we don't have too many nested timer interrupts, process the
// individual callbacks.
if (++curnestedtimer < MAXNESTEDCBS) {
// Clear any accumulated slop, and use for count to advance the
// individual callbacks' overflow values
timercount = curtimerslop;
curtimerslop = 0;
t = (Timer_t *)timers;
for (i = 0;i < CALLBACKS;i++,t++) {
// If this isn't a valid entry, skip it
if (!(t->handle && t->callBack))
// It's valid - advance its overflow value
t->divCount += timercount;
// If we're past the first (special) entry, and the we didn't
// call the old timer ISR, do the EOI now.
if (i && !didEOI) {
didEOI = TRUE;
// If we're not already in a call to this one, and its overflow
// value equals or exceeds its timer count value, set its
// semaphore and call it.
if ((t->semaphore == 0) && (t->divCount >= t->divisor)) {
t->divCount -= t->divisor;
// If it's the special entry, push the flags for the old
// timer ISR's IRET, and flag the EOI as having happened,
// as the old ISR will have issued it. If it's not the
// special entry, enable interrupts before the call.
if (i) {
_asm { sti };
else {
didEOI = TRUE;
_asm { pushf };
// Re-disable interrupts, and flag entry as not currently
// being processed.
_asm { cli };
// Decrement nested interrupt call count
// If we didn't get to the EOI before, do it now
if (!didEOI)
; /*\
;---|*|----====< OurFreeCBCallBack >====----
;---|*| The patch block is now free. NOTE: No assumptions can be made about
;---|*| the segment registers! (DS,ES,GS,FS)
; \*/
static void far pascal OurFreeCBCallBack( han, patch, fptr, filler )
VESAHANDLE han; // the caller's handle
int patch; // the actual patch #
void far *fptr; // buffer that just played
long filler; // reserved
// point to our data segment
_asm {
push ds
push es
mov ax,seg FreeMax
mov ds,ax
// free up the block for other patchs to use
// restore the segment & return home
_asm {
pop es
pop ds
; /*\
;---|*|----====< programtimer >====----
;---|*| Program the timer chip for the appropriate interrupt rate. The
;---|*| parameter is the actual timer value, so it's 1193180/rate
;---|*| Copyright (c) 1993 Jason Blochowiak, Argo Games. Used with permission.
; \*/
void programtimer (max)
unsigned max;
_asm pushf
_asm cli
_asm mov al,0x36
_asm out 0x43,al
_asm jmp delay1
_asm jmp delay2
_asm mov ax,[max]
_asm out 0x40,al
_asm jmp delay3
_asm jmp delay4
_asm xchg ah,al
_asm out 0x40,al
_asm popf
; /*\
;---|*|----====< readblock >====----
;---|*| read a chunk of the PCM file into the huge buffer
; \*/
static int readblock (han,tptr,len)
int han;
char huge *tptr;
int len;
int siz = 0;
// go get it...
_asm {
push ds
mov cx,[len]
mov ax,cx
add cx,word ptr [tptr] // wrap?
jnc rdbl05 // no, go get the size
sub ax,cx // ax holds the # of bytes to read
mov cx,ax
sub [len],ax
mov ah,03fh // cx holds the length
mov bx,[han]
lds dx,[tptr]
int 21h
mov [siz],ax // we moved this much
add word ptr [tptr+2],0x1000
cmp ax,cx // same size?
jnz rdbldone // no, exit...
} rdbl05: _asm {
mov ah,03fh
mov bx,[han]
mov cx,[len]
jcxz rdbldone
lds dx,[tptr]
int 21h
add [siz],ax // we moved this much
} rdbldone: _asm {
pop ds
// return the amount read
; /*\
;---|*|----====< setuptimer >====----
;---|*| Something has changed the timer structures, so we need to figure
;---|*| out what to do with the hardware timer and the hardware timer ISR
;---|*| This is only called by VESARegisterTimer(), so we assume that
;---|*| interrupts are disabled.
;---|*| Copyright (c) 1993 Jason Blochowiak, Argo Games. Used with permission.
; \*/
int i,j;
int otherCount;
long minDiv,minDivDelta,timerVal;
Timer_t *t,*t2;
// If we haven't filled out the special slot 0 entry, do so now
if (!timers[0].callBack) {
timers[0].callBack = (void(far pascal *)(void))_dos_getvect(8);
timers[0].divisor = 0x10000L;
timers[0].divCount = 0;
// Count the number of non-special entries, and find 1) The entry
// with the smallest timer divisor, and 2) The smallest difference
// between divisors.
minDiv = 0x10000L;
minDivDelta = 0x10000L;
otherCount = 0;
t = (Timer_t *)(&timers[1]);
for (i = 1;i < CALLBACKS;i++,t++) {
// Only pay attention to valid entries
if (t->handle) {
// Count this non-special entry
// If this entry's divisor is smaller than our previous minimum,
// use it for our new minimum.
if (t->divisor && (t->divisor < minDiv))
minDiv = t->divisor;
// Go through the table again, finding the smallest non-zero
// difference between two divisors
t2 = (Timer_t *)(&timers[0]);
for (j = 0;j < CALLBACKS;j++,t2++) {
if ((j != i) && (t2->handle)) {
long delta;
// Get absolute value of difference between the two
// entries' divisors
delta = t2->divisor - t->divisor;
if (delta < 0)
delta = -delta;
// If non-zero, and smaller than previous smallest
// difference, hold on to it
if (delta && (delta < minDivDelta))
minDivDelta = delta;
// If we no longer need to own the vector, and our ISR is installed,
// remove it
if ((otherCount == 0) && timerhooked) {
#if __BORLANDC__ //DSC
_dos_setvect(8,(void interrupt (*)())(timers[0].callBack));
_dos_setvect(8,(void (interrupt far *)())(timers[0].callBack));
timerhooked = FALSE;
// If we need to own the vector, and our ISR isn't installed,
// install it
if (otherCount && !timerhooked) {
timerhooked = TRUE;
// Set timer divisor to minimum divisor
timerVal = minDiv;
// This next bit is here to help out in situations where there are a
// couple of fairly slow callbacks set up, and no fast callbacks. If the
// only callbacks set up are at 40Hz and 50Hz, and this code weren't
// here, the hardware would be set up to generate 50Hz interrupts.
// Starting at a time of 0.0, the interrupts would be called at:
// Time 40Hz 50Hz
// ---- ---- ----
// 0.02 x
// 0.04 x x
// 0.06 x x
// 0.08 x x
// 0.10 x x
// 0.12 x
// 0.14 x x
// etc. In other words, four out of every five of the 40Hz callbacks
// would be performed with 0.02 seconds in between, and then there
// would be a 0.04 second delay before the next call to the 40Hz
// callback. Although the 40Hz callback will get called 40 times a
// second, the time between calls won't be regular.
// Although this isn't a problem under some circumstances, it can be a
// problem under other circumstances, and a nuisance under still other
// circumstances.
// This code can increase the timer resolution to about 145.6Hz,
// which translates to about 6.87ms (0.00687 seconds). This means that
// a particular callback will occur, at most, roughly 3.435ms before
// or after it "should".
// Note that by changing the value 0x2000, you can alter the adjustment
// frequency that will be used.
if (timerVal > minDivDelta) {
if (minDivDelta >= 0x2000)
timerVal = minDivDelta;
else if (timerVal > 0x2000)
timerVal = 0x2000;
// Set the hardware timer value. It's possible that timerVal will be
// 0x10000L, more than will fit into a 16-bit word. This is ok, as
// programming the timer for 0x0000 is treated by the hardware as
// programming the timer for 0x10000.
curtimerdiv = timerVal;
; /*\
;---|*|----====< findhandleindex >====----
;---|*| This finds an entry in the timers[] array with a handle value
;---|*| that matches the parameter. Returns -1 if a matching entry
;---|*| isn't found.
;---|*| Copyright (c) 1993 Jason Blochowiak, Argo Games. Used with permission.
; \*/
static int findhandleindex(VESAHANDLE han)
int i;
for (i = 0;i < CALLBACKS;i++)
if (timers[i].handle == han)
; /*\
;---|*| end of VESA.C
; \*/