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Pegasus Imaging Corp.
813-875-7705 FAX
ColorView Version 1.5 for CompuServe
January 1994
"A 16/24/32 bit PC Image Viewer"
These DOS utility programs provide viewing and file
conversions of 16, 24, and 32 bit targa and uncompressed
tiff image files. Besides the fast viewer and
conversions, ColorView includes the ability to map to an
8-bit targa format with a user selectable number of
colors. ColorView is also available as linkable objects.
Many ColorView users make use of the excellent
color mapping capabilities to create 8-bit files for
GIF compression. At PIC we use the color mapping functions
in conjunction with our image compression code to create
optimal color palettes for displaying true color images
on low color display systems. Be sure to experiment with
the powerful dithering code accessed by NOT specifying -NF
for "No Filter". Although ColorView sports a no-frills
DOS command line interface, you will find it to have a rich set
of features. Please contact Pegasus Imaging with any
questions you have regarding this software or any aspect of
imaging in general.
Colrview - This is a viewing and conversion utility that
allows 16, 24, and 32 bit targa and uncompressed tiff
image files to be viewed on EGA, VGA and SuperVGA
monitors (256 color). The color mapping is fast and one
of the best in the industry. A command line option
converts the input file to an 8 bit targa file utilizing
the fine color mapping which includes the ability to map
to a user specified number of colors. A very fast
conversion from the screen to 8 bit targa is also
Minimum Requirements:
EGA, VGA or Super-VGA adapter and monitor
80286 or higher processor
DOS Vers 3.0 or higher
640K RAM
3.5" Disk Drive
Using a cfg parameter
Once you have used "whichvga" to identify the chip set, you will
be able to take advantage of the SVGA modes supported by your
video card. For example, if whichvga indicates that your chipset
is a Trident 8900, you would use "trid8900" as input to the -c
parameter when running Colrview.
2. Using Colrview.
USAGE: Colrview filename [-v mode] [-s x y] [-r w h] [-o
outputfilename] [-nf] [-p #colors] [-c configparam]
Where the optional parameters are:
The video modes:
10 for EGA mode 10h,
12 for VGA mode 12h,
13 for VGA mode 13h,
100 SVGA 100h: 640x400x256, 101 SVGA 101h: 640x400x256,
102 SVGA 103h: 800x600x16, 103 SVGA 103h: 800x600x256,
104 SVGA 104h: 1024x768x16, 105 SVGA 105h: 1024x768x256,
Omitting the -v parameter will cause Colrview to choose the best
video mode for the particular image and video card.
(x,y) are coordinates of where on the picture to start.
Default is (0,0).
(w,h) are width and height of rectangle to display.
Default is full picture size(trimmed to fit screen if needed).
The -nf switch will turn off the contour filter for the image.
The -o option will cause an 8 bit per pixel colormapped TGA file
to be written to outfilename, with no display.
The -p switch determines the number of colors in the displayed
image. #colors my be between 2 and 255, when using 16 color
modes, choosing a number of colors greater than 16 will default to
16 colors. By using this switch in conjunction with the -o switch
allows the fast creation of an 8-bit targa file with #colors in
the image.
configparam is the name of one of the available cfg
parameters (the default is vga).
When a picture is displayed on the screen, hit 8 to save as an 8
bit per pixel TGA file,ending in (...)8.TGA,but otherwise the same
name as the input file. If the picture had to be trimmed to fit
the screen, or if displayed in a 16 color mode, the color table
will be recomputed (at the full 256 colors).
5. Available CFG parameters:
The current cfg parameter VGA chip name codes and the VGA chip
manufacturers are:
Chip Code Manufacturer/version Comments
AHEADA Ahead ver A Older Ahead cards.
AHEADB Ahead ver B Ahead VGA Wizard/Deluxe.
ATINEW ATI, 1024x768x16 mode 55h ATI ver 2 up chip, VGAWonder+
CHIPTECH Chips & Technology 82C452 Cardinal, Older Boca
EVERX673 Everex 673, etc Has bank switching built into
HEADLAND Headland HT-208 Used on VGA-1024i
ORCPRO2 Orchid Pre Designer 2
PARADISE Paradise Older Paradise cards
TRI8800B Trident TVGA 8800BR Used on older Trident boards,
128K banks.
TRI8800C Trident TVGA 8800C Used on newer Trident boards
(Maxxon, Logix)
TRID8900 Trident TVGA 8900 Latest Trident VGA chip, 1M
memory avail.
TS3000 Tseng ET 3000 Used on early Genoa, Orchid,
TS4000 Tseng ET 4000 Recent Orchid, STB, other, 1M
memory avail.
TS4000HI Tseng ET 4000 HiColor Does 32K colors to 800x600, 1M
memory avail.
VIDEO7 Video 7 Earlier Video 7 boards, BIOS
bank switching.
VESA Standard VESA drivers