TopWare 18: Liquid
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The END command HALTS execution of the script file and EXITS.
The GOTO statement jumps to location where LABEL can be found
in the script file.
IFINT tests to see if the next image to be loaded is a GIF
Interlaced file. If so, control jumps to LABEL.
IF-LAST-FILE tests to see if there are NO MORE files to be
processed. If there are no more files in the list, control
jumps to LABEL.
IF>=320X200 LABEL
IF>=320X200 tests the next image size. If the next image is
greater than or equal to 320X200 resolution, control jumps to
IF>=640X400 LABEL
IF>=640X480 LABEL
IF>=800X600 LABEL
IF>=1024X768 LABEL
The above tests are similar in nature to the IF>=320X200.
These test for the file extension of the next file to load. If
the extension matches, control jumps to LABEL.
If the filename indicated EXISTS in the currently selected
directory then control jumps to LABEL.
If mouse control is ON, IFBUTTON-L detects if the LEFT mouse
button was pressed to quit out of a picture. If the LEFT
button was pressed, control jumps to LABEL
These commands are similar to IFBUTTON-L, but testing for the
RIGHT and CENTER buttons instead.
IF V{1-10}{<,>,=}{###} LABEL
The IF command tests the value of one of the 10 variables
allowed. The test can be <(less than) or >(greater than) or
=(equal). The ### is a number to test against. LABEL is where
control jumps if the test is true. For example: "IF V4>10
:MORE" This statement checks to see if variable 4 is greater
than 10. If so control jumps to ":MORE".
This allows a procedure (routine, function) with the name
LABEL to be executed. Once the routine is finished, control
transfers back to the statement following the GOSUB LABEL.
NOTE: The called procedure must end with a SUB-END statement.
This statement indicates that the end of the subroutine is
found. Control will transfer back to where the calling GOSUB
statement was.
This displays on the screen the current value of any of the 10
variables that you can manipulate. For example: "DISPLAY V2"
would cause the contents of V2 to be displayed on the screen.
ECHO text message
This command allows you to print any text on the screen (much
like the DOS ECHO command). Any text can be displayed. For
example: "ECHO Have a nice day!" would result in "Have a nice
day!" displayed on your screen. The ECHO command also allows
for system variables to be displayed in the message. Enclose
any system variable within % in the message. For example:
ECHO %FILE_NAME% has %IMAGE_COLORS% colors in it!
This would display something like:
GIRL.GIF has 256 colors in it!
The allowable system variables are described below in the SET
command. There is one (1) additional system variable that the
ECHO command can use that the SET command can't. It's the
"FILE_NAME" system variable. The reason the SET command can't
use it is because it's NOT a number!
HINT: By using system variables in the ECHO command and using
the PRINTER-ON command, you can essentially produce reports
about your picture files! (See the GIFV.SLU script file for
SET V{1-10} {###,+,-,system}
This command sets the value of any of the 10 variables allowed
in the script language to a particular value. For example:
"SET V3 100". This would set V3 to 100. You can also increment
and decrement variables. For example: "SET V5 +". This would
add 1 to the value of V5 and "SET V1 -" would subtract 1 from
the value of V1. You can also set your variables to some of
the various SYSTEM settings. For example: If you wanted V2 to
contain the size of the next file to process, you would say
"SET V2 FILE_SIZE". Below is a list of all system variables.
System variables List
If the DEBUG-ON option is turned on, this will be
equal to 1, otherwise it will be equal to 0.
If the PRINTER-ON option is turned on, this will be
equal to 1, otherwise it will be equal to 0.
If the RES-LOCK option is turned on, this will be
equal to 1, otherwise it will be equal to 0.
If the MOUSE-CONTROL-ON option is turned on, this
will be equal to 1, otherwise it will be equal to 0.
This returns the value of the width of the next
image to load.
This returns the value of the height of the next
image to load.
This returns the number of files already processed
in a particular path.
This returns the error number of the last file
operation (File-Copy, File-Move, File-Delete, File-
Rename.) The meaning of the different values that
FILE_ERROR can have are listed below:
0 File operation completed OK
1 Source file can't be found
2 Target area FULL, Subdirectory by same
name, or Target NOT a valid drive.
3 Target area doesn't exist or Target drive
4 Read/Write ERROR on file
5 NOT Enough Memory
7 Source and Target are the SAME
9 FILE-RENAME used invalid WILDCARDing
This returns the line number in the script file that
the set command is on.
This returns the delay time for the slides to wait
after showing the image.
This returns what resolution number is currently
selected. It's only useful if RES-LOCK is turned on.
The numbers range from 1 to ??. Usually there are
about 3 to 6 resolutions available depending on your
Super VGA capabilities.
This returns the file size of the next file to be
This returns the number of colors in the file. This
would be 2 for black & white pictures, 16 for 16
color files and 256 for 256 color files. If the
image has 24BIT color then IMAGE_COLORS will have 24
stored in it.
Where # is 1 thru 10. This means you can set any
variable to the value of any other variable. For
example: "SET V2 V_1" This sets variable 2 to the
value in variable 1.
This command changes the path to load files from the path
indicated by PATH. For example: "CHANGE-PATH *.GIF" would
point the file list to the current directory. "CHANGE-PATH
F:\PICTURES\*.GIF" would point to the F:\PICTURES directory
and only select GIF files.
NOTE: You can also use the %1 through %9 instead of a valid
path. In this case the path will be taken from the program
command line (very powerful!). So for example:
C>GIFV /P:R G:\*.* E:\CAT\*.GIF
If the script file called GIFV.SLR had a CHANGE-PATH %1 in it
then "G:\*.*" would be used instead. If it had a CHANGE-PATH
%2 then E:\CAT\*.GIF would be used. You can have up to 9
different selections.
NOTE: As in the normal menu operation of GIF-REED, you can use
the special wildcard of *.? to specify ALL image formats that
GIF-REED recognizes. This is powerful in the fact that it is
BETTER than using *.*. This is because *.* will get ALL files
including files that aren't image files (.EXE, .COM, etc...).
This command allows you to take the next file in the list to
be processed and copy it to a new filename or even a new drive
and/or path. If there is an error in copying, control jumps to
LABEL. See the system variable called FILE_ERROR.
This command allows you to take the next file in the list to
be processed and move it to a new path or even a new drive
and/or path. If there is an error in moving, control jumps to
LABEL. See the system variable called FILE_ERROR.
This command allows you to delete the next file to be
processed. If there is an error in deleting, control jumps to
LABEL. See the system variable called FILE_ERROR.
This command allows you to rename the next file to be
processed. You can specify either a regular filename or you
can WILDCARD the filename. See your DOS manual about WILDCARDS
in filenames if you are not familiar with the term. For
example "FILE-RENAME *.XXX" This would take the next file and
rename it to the same filename but .XXX for the file
extension! "FILE-RENAME X*.*" This would take the next file
and rename it so that the 1st letter will be a X and the rest
of the file name would remain intact! If there is an error in
renaming, control jumps to LABEL. See the system variable
called FILE_ERROR.
This command creates a directory with the path specified by
PATH. For example: "SUB-CREATE NEWGIFS" would create a
subdirectory called NEWGIFS in the current path. You can
change paths by issuing the CHANGE-PATH command. "SUB-CREATE
E:\CAT :ERROR" would create a subdirectory called \CAT on the
ROOT of drive E:. If there was an error in creating the
directory, control jumps to LABEL.
NOTE: You can also use the %1 through %9 instead of a valid
path. In this case the path will be taken from the program
command line (very powerful!). So for example:
If the script file called GIFV.SLR had a SUB-CREATE %1 in it
then "NEWGIFS" would be used to create a directory instead of
%1. If it had a SUB-CREATE %2 then E:\CAT would be used. You
can have up to 9 different selections.
LOAD filename
This command will load a specific picture file onto your
This command loads the next file from the selected path used
by the CHANGE-PATH PATH command. The picture is also
displayed. If no more files exist (at end of list) control is
transferred to LABEL.
This command is similar to LOADNEXT except the files are
loaded in reverse order. If you try to go too far backwards,
control jumps to LABEL.
The same as LOADNEXT except the picture is NOT displayed. The
file pointer is merely incremented to point to the next file
in the list.
The same as LOADPREV except the picture is NOT shown. The file
pointer is merely decremented.
This command puts the slide show into normal viewing mode.
That is to say, NO special effects.
This command makes the images appear on the screen with a
venetian blind effect.
This command makes the images Fade IN/OUT on the screen.
This command makes the images Expand on the screen.
This command makes the images Merge on the screen.
This command makes the images form like a Zebra.
This command uses random slide show effects.
This command centers the image on the screen
This command flips the image on the screen
This command turns the image into a Black & White (B&W)
These commands make the pictures look like a negative. The
colors are reversed.
This command mirror images the picture on the screen.
This command rotates the image clockwise on your screen.
This command redraws the image on the screen in case you had
echoed some text on the screen and got rid of the picture.
These commands increase and decrease the screen resolution in
which the image is being displayed.
This command prints the image to your printer. You must have
an HP or EPSON compatible printer. The default printer
configuration will be used to print all images. Make sure you
have selected good default printer settings and have saved
them with the ALT-U command from the main files list menu.
WRITE {B,G,P,C} {1,2,3,filename}
This command writes the current image to a file. If NO
parameters are given, the current file format is used and the
same name is used. If you specify "B" or "G" or "P" or "C"
then a BMP or GIF or PCX or PIC will be written out to the
same filename. For Example:
This would cause the current image displayed to be written out
as a BMP file. This is great for converting files over to a
different format!
NOTE: If you select "G" without "filename" for a GIF file, you
will NOT be able to add comments to the GIF file. If the GIF
file had comments in it already, these would be kept in the
file. If you use "filename", specify a file in the GIF-REED
directory that contains the comments you want to add to the
GIF file. For example:
This would force the image to have, as comments, the
information in the file called MYNOTES located in the GIF-REED
directory. If the name of the file had .ADD as an extension,
the comments would be added to any comments that may currently
be in the file. For example:
This would keep any old comments in the original GIF file and
add to them the text in the file called MYNOTES.ADD. If you
want to INSERT your personal comments IN FRONT of any comments
currently in the GIF file, you can use a filename with an
extension of .INS. For example:
This would insert the text found in MYNOTES.INS and insert
before any comments found in the original GIF file.
It may not be readily apparent, but you can actually REMOVE
all comments from GIF files by specifying a filename without
any data in it. Then use the "WRITE G FILENAME" command in the
script language. This would remove any current comments and
add whatever text is in FILENAME (nothing of course).
NOTE: If you select "P" or "C" for PCX or PIC file, a default
of 256 color mode will be used to create the file. In order to
specify 2 or 16 color mode, you can use the SECOND parameter
of a 1,2 or 3. For example:
This will write out a PCX file in 16 color mode. 1 indicates
black and white (2 color mode). 2 indicates 16 color mode and
3 indicates 256 color mode.
LESS-RED (While viewing CTRL-F1)
MORE-RED (While viewing CTRL-F2)
LESS-GREEN (While viewing CTRL-F3)
MORE-GREEN (While viewing CTRL-F4)
LESS-BLUE (While viewing CTRL-F5)
MORE-BLUE (While viewing CTRL-F6)
LESS-CONTRAST (While viewing CTRL-F7)
MORE-CONTRAST (While viewing CTRL-F8)
DARKER (While viewing CTRL-F9)
BRIGHTER (While viewing CTRL-F10)
LESS-REDDER (While viewing SHIFT-F1)
MORE-REDDER (While viewing SHIFT-F2)
LESS-GREENER (While viewing SHIFT-F3)
MORE-GREENER (While viewing SHIFT-F4)
LESS-BLUER (While viewing SHIFT-F5)
MORE-BLUER (While viewing SHIFT-F6)
All of these commands alter the appearance of the image on the
screen. You should be able to figure out what each command
If you turned the image into B & W with the GRAY command or
used the color alter commands above, you can reset the colors
to the ORIGINAL colors with this command.
SORT-COLORS allows you to sort the image's color-map. It sorts
the color map with the most frequently used colors at the
front of the color map. This is great for images being
displayed in Windows because Windows GRABS the TOP 4-16 colors
in every image's color map for display purposes. This produces
FUNNY looking pictures if the picture used a lot of a
particular color that Windows took and changed to its own
liking! By sorting the color map, the least used colors are
placed at the top. In fact, a lot of images don't use the full
256 colors available in the color map. This means most images
wouldn't be disturbed by Windows because the colors used by
Windows would be colors in the color map that weren't even
used by the image!
This command will take the current image (picture) file and
strip off the TOP 16 colors in the image's color table. The
colors in the image that used the TOP 16 colors in the color
table will be substituted with the BEST match in the lower 240
colors in the color table. This produces results that are very
close to the original image. A file processed by this command
can then be used as a BMP file that Windows can use and
display without distorting the image. The distortion that
normally occurs when viewing a picture under Windows is
because Windows will CHANGE the TOP 16 colors in the color
table (map) of the image! By having the image NOT use the TOP
16 colors, the image will NOT be distorted while viewing under
PRINTER Filename
The filename given forces all printer output to go to the file
instead of the printer. LPT1, LPT2 or PRN can be used as
filenames to revert back to printer output. The default
directory for the filename is in the current directory.
This command turns on the printer. Anything that gets
displayed on the screen (except images) will be printed to
your printer. Things such as debug information, ECHO and
DISPLAY items will be printed to your printer as well as being
displayed on your screen.
This turns off the printer-on command.
This command forces a Form-Feed on your printer. This means
the last page will be ejected from your printer.
This turns on mouse control. When mouse control is ON, images
are left on the screen until you click a mouse button.
This turns off the mouse control. Images are finished
displaying after the specified time delays are reached.
This command turns on the debug mode. Every line in the script
is shown on the screen as the script is being executed. Also,
useful information about your 10 variables are displayed.
This command turns OFF the debug mode.
BEEP ###
This command causes a beep to be heard. If you indicate a
NUMBER, you will hear that many beeps.
This indicates how many seconds to delay before going to the
next picture.
This command forces the user to press ENTER or RETURN.
This command allow you to execute a DOS command. NOTE: If no
parameter is specified then you will be SHELLED out to DOS.
You will need to type EXIT at the DOS prompt to continue with
the script file.
This puts the screen into TEXT mode, if it isn't already.
WAIT ###
This command waits for ### hundredths of a seconds. For
example: "WAIT 500" would wait for 5 seconds and "WAIT 50"
would wait for 1/2 a second.
RES ###
This command indicates the current resolution to be displayed
if res-locking is turned ON. NOTE: If a number larger than the
number of possible resolutions is used, the largest resolution
will be selected.
This forces all further images to load with the specified
resolution from "RES" to be used.
This forces res-locking off. This is the default state and all
images are displayed with the BEST resolution used.
This command increments the resolution that would be used for
This command decrements the resolution that would be used for
This command forces the picture to be loaded in EGA mode. This
produces POOR results compared to VGA mode. You probably
shouldn't ever use this command unless you plan on converting
your 256 color images to 16 color EGA images.
This command forces the picture to be loaded in VGA mode. This
is the default, unless you only have EGA capability.
When viewing a picture in EGA mode, the normal process is to
convert all of the colors into 16 color selection. This makes
the picture viewable in EGA mode even though the picture may
be a 256 color image. This is the normal mode of operation.
However, if you only have EGA capability and wish to perform a
script file that manipulates the picture (Gray scale, rotate,
mirror, etc...) and then saves it back out, you may NOT want
the colors adjusted. In order to preserve the VGA quality of
the colors while operating the script on a machine with EGA
only capability, you may want to use the "EGA-COLOR-ADJUST
OFF" statement. This way you can process your files on a EGA
system without losing the VGA quality of the picture!
When using the WRITE command to write out GIF or PCX files,
the original screen size is overwritten with whatever
resolution mode you happen to be displaying the picture in.
This means if you load a picture in a VGA system that only
supports 320x200, when you go to write the GIF or PCX file,
the 320x200 mode information is written to the file to
indicate that it is to be displayed in 320x200 mode. This is
NOT particularly good since the picture may be a 1024x768
picture. In this case, any viewer would set the mode to
320x200 and then display the picture. This means you won't see
the whole picture! If you use the "KEEP-SCREEN-SIZE ON"
statement, when the picture is written to a GIF or PCX file,
the ORIGINAL screen size is kept intact. This means you can
process and convert your images to GIF or PCX files on a VGA
system with only 320x200 resolution and NOT have to worry
about how the picture will load with image viewers. The same
goes for older super VGA cards that only support 640x480.
Basically, if your card doesn't support the resolution the
picture was INTENDED to be displayed in, you should use the
"KEEP-SCREEN-SIZE ON" statement if you plan on writing out GIF
or PCX files.
NOTE: BMP files do NOT have this problem!. This is because BMP
files DON'T save the INTENDED RESOLUTION into the file.
This little bit of text should be helpful in getting started
in the script command language. If you don't understand a
command, just point to the command in the Context-Help screen
and press RETURN. A complete description of the command will
pop-up on your screen.
For commands that have LABELS, such as GOTO and GOSUB and
others, the LABEL MUST start with a colon ":". For example:
GOTO :EXIT <This is a valid statement>
GOTO EXIT <This statement is NOT valid>
You can only put one (1) command per line. For example:
ROTATE <This is the correct way>
You should look at the sample script files that comes with
GIF-REED. They are "A" through "W". X, Y and Z are not used
as of yet. As a matter of fact, you can take "A" through "W"
and modify (edit) them so that they do things completely
different than what they originally were intended to do.
It's really up to you as to what your script files should
do for you.
The kinds of things that you can do with script files are:
1. Specialized Slide Shows
2. Batch conversion of graphics files
3. Batch report files
4. Batch printing of picture files
5. Batch addition of comments to GIF files
6. Things I probably haven't thought of yet