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*** ****
**** When you register you will receive a free Keyboard Template ****
**** ****
* *
* Please read the GIFREED.DOC for complete instructions on GIF-REED. *
* *
* To PRINT the documentation file, run the batch file called "PRINTDOC" *
* at the DOS Prompt like so: C>PRINTDOC <RETURN> *
* *
******************* [ Important..... Please Read........] ******************
You should ALWAYS delete your:
files before loading any New version of GIF-REED in case the formats
for the configuration files differs from your old one. Once in the
program, reset all the switches the way you want them. Then use
ALT-U to save out your NEW configurations. It's NOT that big of a
deal to do, so just do it to it! Otherwise your system may LOCK-UP
upon loading GIF-REED!
GIF-REED History of changes:
NEW this 5.01 version 9/10/93:
Released to CompuServe.
Official Shareware Release!
Much improved documentation file.
Shareware version is now faster & smaller.
Added support for the Cirrus LapTop chip set
Added support for the Toshiba LapTop 4500
Easier input for database input (ALT-Y at main file list menu). Use
can use up & down arrow keys to edit fields.
Made Color Adjusting For Windows 3.x operation ("A" while viewing) many
times faster. On my 486 machine, the time went from 20 seconds down to
about 2 seconds!
Improved script language.
Added script file viewer/editor that is really super cooool!!
Just press CTRL-S at the main file list menu!
It even has a Syntax checker to check for invalid commands (F9).
You can cut/paste and more... Plus it has a fuel gauge on the right side
of the screen so that you can see how far down into the script file you
are. It has built in context sensitive help. It's now a snap to create,
view, edit and run script files. The script editor has many of the SAME
control keys as Word-Star, Turbo Basic and EDIT that comes with DOS. They
are as follows:
CTRL-G Delete Character
CTRL-Y Delete Line
CTRL-R Page Up
CTRL-C Page Dn
CTRL-S Left one character
CTRL-D Right one character
CTRL-E Up one line
CTRL-X Dn one line
Made GIFV2.HLP. It contains the script viewer/editor's help information.
Fixed bug when using the WRITE command in a script file and the file
to rewrite back out already exists is READ/ONLY. It would have appeared
to lock-up. In reality, it would get unlocked several minutes later.
NEW this 4.17 version 8/10/93:
Bug Fix:
If you used the pixel editor to change the dot colors in the picture
and selected to change the definition of a color in the color map
and then decided you didn't want to accept the changes, the palette
would be restored to that of the original palette. This means that
if you had increased the RED in the picture, then edited the picture
and then edited a color in the color palette and decided to abort
the changes the RED that you had added to the picture would be gone.
This is now fixed.
New Feature:
GIF-REED had & still has the ability to increase and decrease the
amount of RED, GREEN and BLUE in an image. It adds the color over
the entire picture evenly. The new color changing features are
the ability to increase/decrease the RED, GREEN and BLUE colors in
the picture based on color level. In otherwords, if there is a lot
of RED in a certain part of the picture then this area will become
much more RED than the other parts of the picture when you select
to increase the RED level. These color editing options provide
EXCELLENT results when changing the hue of flesh tones etc...
CTRL-F1 through CTRL-F6 control these new features.
The old method of increasing/decreasing RED/GREEN/BLUE has changed
from CTRL-F1 through CTRL-F6 to SHIFT-F1 through SHIFT-F6.
We also changed how CONTRAST and BRIGHTNESS controls work. You can
now increase the brightness 20 times then reduce the brightness 20
times and the picture will look IDENTICAL to when you started! The
contrast also works MUCH MUCH BETTER!
New feature:
If you made changes to a picture (trim/enlarge/edit) and then
accidentally pressed ESCAPE or PgUp or PgDn GIF-REED would take
you to the next picture thus losing ALL the changes you made to
your picture. GIF-REED will NOW ask if you want to go to the next
picture or to keep the current picture loaded so that you may save
it out!
Took out the ability to get the help screen by clicking the left mouse
button in the upper left hand corner of the screen while viewing a
picture. This is because sometimes you might want to make a box around
part of the image and if you started in the upper part of the screen
you would get a help screen pop-up instead of starting to make a box.
This was sort of annoying. It's now set up so that you must press F1
in order to get a help screen. (Such is life!)
Changed SHAREWARE version so that up to 50 files instead of 25 files
can be loaded without a nagging screen saying you should register!
Updated GIF-REED.DOC to include a seperate section for slide shows and
converting files from one format to another.
Improved Catalog operations:
If you tagged some files in a catalog to be copied and then pressed
ALT-C to copy the files, you couldn't abort out of the copy. You can
now press ESCAPE if you desire to NOT do the copy.
Added script commands:
Improved Slide Show operations:
Changed the way the slide show options appear on the screen (F10)
Slide Show options, Expand, Merge, Zebra & Random have been added
to FadeIn & Blinds.
If doing a slide show:
Instead of pressing ESCape, you can click on the middle mouse
button to quit the slide show.
Instead of pressing RETURN, you can click on the left or right
mouse button to go to the next image to bypass the delay time
between images.
If pressing RETURN to get to the NEXT image quicker, it was
possible that the screen could go BLANK for a few seconds if
you interrupted the loading of the next image. It's NOW set up
to bypass the delay and go immediately to the next image as
quickly as possible!(Bug ,sort of, fix!)
Improved MYCAT_01.GIF and MYCAT_02.GIF. Using smaller letters for the
Now detects if QEMM or 386MAX is wrongly shadowing or stealthing your
video ROM. If so you are warned to exclude your video ROM, otherwise
only 320x200 resolution can be used!
Made GIFV1.HLP larger to contain many different help screens that
GIF-REED uses. This leaves more RAM available for use by GIF-REED to
do various operations.
Fixed tiny bug in the F9 function at the main menu to delete a
resolution from the list of available resolutions. Most people would
have never noticed it, but under certain circumstances the resolution
wouldn't delete on the first try, but on subsequent tries it would
NEW this 4.16 version 8/02/93:
* *
* *
Created an "OEM" version of GIF-REED that CD-ROM manufacturers can
license for use on their CD-ROM discs. This OEM version will NOT have
the SHAREWARE logon screens that require you to type certain words
before the program starts.
The OEM version also allowS GIF-REED to fully utilize the catalogs
created by GIF-REED, without having to use the DOS ASSIGN command or to
be forced to create multiple directories of the SAME catalog images. In
other words the catalog images will automatically KNOW to look on the
CD-ROM for the images to load and display! This special OEM version can
be used after a special licensing agreement has been signed.
Better Catalog file picking capability. If you create catalogs from
your hard drive and put the catalogs on a CD-ROM drive. GIF-REED will
now attempt to read from the CD-ROM to get the original picture file,
if an error is detected when trying to read the picture file from where
the information in the catalog said it should have been.
* *
* *
Made a file called GIFV1.HLP that contains the main file list menu
help screens!
Improved CATALOGing yet again. A smaller font is now used to title each
image in a catalog so that you can fit the resolution along with the file
name with each image.
Included SUZIE1.GIF, a scanned picture that I took myself!
Changed PRO version to be able to load up to 1500 files in the file list
Changed SYSOP version to be able to load up to 4000 files in the file
list menu.
Included PRINTDOC.BAT which allows you to print the documentation file
to your printer!
Increased the speed of scanning the files for information that is needed
to be able to sort the file list.
Added ability to increase the available DOS RAM for GIF-REED. Just press
F8 at the main file list menu.
Changed Report options from F8 to ALT-P at main menu.
Fixed little bug. If you (were playing Puzzle-Fun in GIF-REED) or (had
just made a catalog) or (HAD used the RESTORE image "R" command while
viewing an image) or (had WRITTEN out a BMP file) or (had just USED a
CATALOG image to select a smaller image to enlarge), then it was
possible that you could NOT later COPY a file that was READ/ONLY. GIF-
REED would incorrectly report that the file was NOT found! This has NOW
been fixed!
Improved SlideShow speed! If you had picked to do a slide show, all of
the files' information had to be read in BEFORE it would start the slide
show. So if you had a LOT of files in the list, it could have taken some
time to do this before the slide show would start. It is NOW setup to
ignore reading all of the files' information BEFORE starting the slide
show! This makes it MUCH quicker especially on CD-ROMS with lots of files
on a SLOW drive!
If you sort on other than Filename/Filedate/Filesize, GIF-REED has to
have read in all of the files' information. If at the time you select
to sort and all of the files' information hasn't been read in, you will
get a message saying "Please wait while reading file info...". If you
have more than a couple hundred files in your list, that could take
some time. Possibly even minutes! You are NOW given an option to ABORT
out of the "Please wait" message. If you do so the file list will NOT
be sorted by what you wanted! It will be sorted by FILENAME! At least
this way you can save yourself some TIME if you don't care about how the
list is sorted!
Enhanced main file list menu to show what file number you are pointing
at. If you have less than 80 files it probably won't do anything for you.
BUT, if you have hundreds of files in the file list, it can really be
nice to know just how far in the list you are! It also shows you what
sort type you currently have selected. If also shows you how far along
in the scanning of the files it is! The scanning is used to retrieve
information about each file such as resolution, colors and category. You
can NOT sort on resolution, colors or category until ALL the file(s)'
information has been read in. A color bar highlights each file as it's
information is being read in.
Add ability to go to next and previous catalog by clicking with left or
right mouse button while the mouse is NOT on an image in the catalog.
This makes it easier to go through the catalogs without having to use
the keyboard to press PgUp or PgDn to go to the next catalog!
Added a check in the program to make it so that if any images are tagged
in the catalog, you won't be able to go to a different picture, unless
you say it's ok! This eliminates the frustration of having spent time
tagging files in a catalog image and then accidentally pressing escape
or hitting PgDn or PgUp!
Added ALT-L to file list menu to change the status line. It toggles
between size/path and date/category! The rest of the data on the status
line remains the same.
Added capability to re-load file list from defaults. This reads the file
called GIFV.DIR that contains all of the default file paths to display
on the file list menu! Just press CTRL-L from the main file list menu.
Improved loading file list speed by a factor of about 5-10 times faster.
If you have less than 300 files in the file you may NOT notice much
speed improvement. However you will notice a HUGE difference if you
load large amounts of files, especially more than 1000. For example:
It takes about 4.5 seconds to load 3000 files on a 50MHZ 486.
Also less memory is used by the file list on lists larger than 1000
files! For example: 52K of RAM is saved(in comparision to versions prior
to 4.16) if you load 3000 files!
GIF-REED operation change:
ALT-G from the main files menu searched ALL drives starting with
drive A: for image(picture) files! It has been enhanced to allow
you to pick a SPECIFIC drive to search. If you just press RETURN
then ALL drives will be searched starting with drive C:
Fixed small bug. If you didn't have enough DOS RAM, GIF-REED would give
an error message indicating NOT ENOUGH DISK SPACE! It would then say
NOT ENOUGH DOS RAM. It's been fixed to just say NOT ENOUGH DOS RAM!
Fixed small bug. If you tried to load an INVALID PIC file more than 20
or 30 times, GIF-REED would get in a mode in which it couldn't open
files that are valid! This was a file handle problem. It's now fixed!
NEW this 4.15 version (Never released!)
GIF-REED operation change:
When trying to OVERWRITE a file that is read/only, you will now
receive an error message to that effect instead of just not saving
the file and not telling the user why!
GIF-REED operation change:
When pressing ALT-C to copy selected files from the catalog, the
default path will be the LAST path you entered. This way you won't
have to keep typing in a different path if you don't want to copy
to A:\
GIF-REED operation change:
The /C command line parameter, that indicates you want to catalog
a directory, has been enhanced. You can NOW specify /RESX, /RESY,
/SIZE, /DATE and /COLORS to filter out files you DON'T want in the
catalogs. For example:
The /RESX:640 indicates that if a picture file ready to be inserted
into the catalog is less than 640 dots wide, then the image is
skipped. Likewise if an image has less than 256 colors in it, such
as B&W or 16 color pictures, then they are bypassed too! In addition
only files of date 07/04/93 and later will be added to the catalog.
Of course you could have further limited what's to be in the catalog
by using the /SIZE and /RESY commands.
If the month or day is a single digit, it MUST be preceded
by a zero (like in the example above).
GIF-REED operation change:
If you thought the cataloging process was excellent with 4.12, then
you will like this new feature. While at the main menu you can press
CTRL-C to get to the Catalog Configuration screen. You can NOW
catalog the files that are TAGGED. This way you don't have to catalog
every file in a directory!
Fixed small bug. If you had more than 70 files(more files than will fit
in the screen at the main menu), and viewed a file at one end of the
list and then pressed PgUp while viewing the file to get to the
previous file repeatedly until you reached the 1st file in the list,
then GIF-REED would abort. This is a pretty rare kind of thing to do,
but I fixed it!
GIF-REED operation change:
While in pixel edit mode, if you had pressed RETURN instead of
ESCAPE to exit the pixel edit mode, it would have taken you out of
pixel edit mode without asking if that's what you wanted to do. It's
now setup to where you HAVE to press escape to get out of pixel edit
Fixed a small annoyance for PS/2 mouse users. It appears that the PS/2
mouse initialization sequence takes about 1 second. Everytime you load
a new picture or exit the program the mouse port gets initialized. If
you had a PS/2 style mouse it would look like the system waits for
about 1 second before continuing on. I now initialize the mouse port
only ONCE. So now the delays between pictures should be eliminated!
GIF-REED operation change:
It used to be that whenever you copied or moved files around, the
destination path would be ADDED to the files path list. This was
so that you could still see all of your files on the main menu. I've
decided that this actually can be confusing. GIF-REED is now setup
so that the ONLY way a new path can be added to the files list is by
the user pressing ALT-F at the main menu and typing in additional
paths to look for picture files!
NEW this 4.14 version 7/17/93:
* *
* *
* If you have picture files that are READ/ONLY and try to delete or *
* rewrite them or move them, GIF-REED would simply blow up. Since more*
* and more people are getting CD-ROMS and transfering the BEST images *
* to their hard drive more and more people are having files that are *
* READ/ONLY. GIF-REED now properly handles the situation by turning *
* OFF the READ/ONLY status on the file before deleting or rewriting *
* the file(s). *
* *
* If GIF-REED is loaded from a READ/ONLY drive such as a CD-ROM, it *
* will automatically set the TEMP area to the C: drive unless other- *
* wise specified. This eliminates problems encountered when GIF-REED *
* attempts to create & use temporary files created in the PATH set *
* by the TEMP environment variable! *
* *
Now supports QBBS, SPITFIRE and better better for WILDCAT
Added Video Support for the Cirrus Logic chip set directly!
GIFVTEMP.$$$ and $$$$$$$$.$$$ are new temp files that can be deleted
if found in your TEMP directory after GIF-REED has exited.
You can move you original images into a DIFFERENT directory than what
is kept in the catalog files and as long as you keep the catalog files
AND the original picture files in the SAME directory you are set.
Added feature in script language to ADD a comment to a GIF file
automatically. This is great for adding the SAME comment to a group
of GIF images! You can now remove ALL comments from a group of files.
You can now ADD to the comments currently in a group of files. And
finally you can now INSERT comments into a group of GIF files. See the
section on the manual that describes the "WRITE" script command.
If the file that contains the comments has a .ADD extension then these
comments are ADDED to any comments currently in the GIF file you write
out. If .INS extension is used then the comments in the comment file
are inserted BEFORE any comments that may already be in the GIF file.
If you don't use the .ADD or .INS extension, then any comments that
were in the file will be ignored. The comments file MUST reside in the
GIF-REED directory!
Example script line:
Enhanced /L command. Added ability to load a picture to your screen in
VGA mode. You can specify a mode or you can let GIF-REED determine the
best mode to fit the picture on the screen. You can even specify a
time delay to leave the image on the screen. For example:
C>GIFV /L1:0:SAMPLE.GIF {0 Second delay, 1st resolution}
C>GIFV /L1:9:SAMPLE.GIF {9 Second delay, 2nd resolution}
C>GIFV /L0:*:SAMPLE.GIF {Delay until keypress, Best resolution}
Better VESA Support.
Enhanced Troubleshooting section.
Included some sample catalog files created by GIF-REED
Improved quality of Color cataloging(tiny bit)!
Improved GRAY scale catalog images. They now look perfectly sharp. There
is NO dithered(fuzzyness) effect at all.
Fixed bug in the path lists processing. If you ended a path in a "\"
then that path WOULDN'T get loaded or displayed. This could happen
when you move or copy files. Now it properly displays the files even
if you end a directory path with a "\".
Fixed bug if printing image from within a SCRIPT file(It just aborted)!
Fixed bug in AUTOMATIC video detection unit. It could indicate that you
had more resolutions available than you actually had. It now properly
determines the available resolutions on your video board.
Fixed bug when creating catalog files. After a few catalogs (depending)
on how many FILES=XX you have in your CONFIG.SYS, the program would
abort out because certain files weren't being closed and the program
was running out of file handles. This bug would also come up if you
were writting GIF files that had comments in them and you wanted to
retain the old comments. Again it would only happen after about 10 files
were written.
Fixed BUG if you pressed SHIFT-TAB to resize a picture and the picture
was ALREADY in the correct size in relation to the screen. The program
used to kick out with a memory error! Now it works!
NEW this 4.13 version 2/25/93:
Sorry, there never was a 4.13!
NEW this 4.12 version 2/17/93:
Fixed printing to HP LASER in "dither only" quality mode.
Fixed the WRITE G command in the script language!
Official release of Shareware version to CompuServe!
NEW this 4.11 version 2/15/93:
Fixed Runtime Error 200, after pressing P to print!
If your environment variable TEMP or TMP is set to an invalid directory
then GIF-REED will tell you as it starts to run.
Made ALT-G so that if a directory contained more than ONE type of
image file only ONE entry is made in the PATH list as *.? instead of
4 separate entries of *.GIF *.BMP *.PCX *.PIC. This saves on the PATH
list. You can now break out of an ALT-G operation by pressing the
ESCAPE key. Just in case you realize you didn't want to do it or if you
decide it would take too long to complete.
If you move or copy files into the SAME directory over and over, you
get a build up of the same entry in the PATH list. It's now changed so
that if it appears that a new entry in the PATH list would duplicate one
that is already there then the new entry is NOT added.
The drive choices that appear are scanned for only once. This way if you
have a SLOW drive (CD-ROM, etc...), you won't be slowed down each time
you switch to a new directory.
NEW this 4.10 version 2/12/93:
Added 24 pin support for EPSON LQ type printers and compatibles. Along
with the 24 pin support, you of course have more resolutions to pick
Added default support for printers. For example: When you choose
HP Laser, the default settings become HALFTONE-B and 300x300. If you
choose EPSON FX, the default settings become DITHER ONLY and 240x72.
This is so that if you don't want the play around with the different
possible combinations of resolutions and quality options, the defaults
picked are pretty much the optimum settings for best looking output.
Of course after you have selected a printer, you can go back and change
the quality type and printer resolution!
NEW this 4.06 version 2/08/93:
Nothing, Just changed the version number.
New ShareWare release.
Sent to CompuServe and everywhere else!
NEW this 4.05 version 2/08/93:
Fixed keyboard bug. It was possible to press the 5 on the NUMERIC
key pad and lock the program up. It appeared that this was the only
keystroke that would lock the program up. It also would lock up
ONLY if the NUM-LOCK key light was OFF. This was a rare occurance
since the 5 on the numeric keypad does NOTHING if the num-lock light
is OFF. After fixing the bug, I could see how other wierd(non-standard)
keystroke entries could have locked it up. The lock up was a non-dest-
ructive lock-up. No data loss would have occured!!!!!!!!!!
Added new capability to print function:
You can now send the printer your very own customized printer
initialization codes. These codes will be sent to your printer
BEFORE any printing has started. This way you can control your
printer fully. Also we added the ability to send the printer
customized printer codes AFTER the image is printed. The way
you build the customized codes is easy. There are TWO files to
1. GIFVINIT.PRN (Codes to send BEFORE print starts)
2. GIFVPOST.PRN (Codes to send AFTER image prints)
If either of these files exist in the GIF-REED directory at the
time of printing, they will be scanned for printer codes to send
to the printer. For example: If you wanted to send to the printer
an ESCAPE, then an uppercase A and then a return; You would put in
the GIFVINIT.PRN file the following:
The 27 is the ASCII code for ESCAPE. The 13 is the ASCII code for
return(ENTER). The "A" will be sent to the printer directly. In
fact ANYTHING inside QUOTES will be sent to the printer WITHOUT
translation. So for example, you could send:
"This is a cool IMAGE!",13,13
This would send the title "This is a cool IMAGE!" (without the
quotes of course) to the printer! Then 2(two) line feeds will
be sent.
NOTE: This capability is NOT for most people. Only use it if you
need to and know what ASCII codes to send to the printer!!!!
NOTE: ANY line in the GIFVINIT.PRN or GIFVPOST.PRN files that
start with a ";"(semicolon) will be ignored. This is so that you
may put comments in these files without actually sending the
comments to your printer!
NEW this 4.04 version 2/03/93:
Allow for 3072 files in the PRO and SYSOP version of GIF-REED!
Made program need MORE memory:
1. NON-REGISTERED 390K minimum 456K maximum
2. REGISTERED 334K minimum 400K maximum
3. PRO GIF-REED 390K minimum 614K maximum
4. SYSOP GIF-REED 390K minimum 614K maximum
Fixed minor bug when moving files. The files would move but sometimes
the screen wouldn't appear properly afterwords. It now displays properly
after doing file moves within GIF-REED.
NEW this 4.03 version 1/28/93:
Added support for making catalogs with a WHITE background. This is
good for people who print their catalogs and don't want to wast a
bunch of toner!
Now Supports HP Laser Jet and Epson Dot Matrix printers
Much better control over the printed output and the printed output
is FAR SUPERIOR to any other print program. If you think you have a
program that produces BETTER output than GIF-REED, call me and please
let me know which program it is!!!!!!!
Pro GIF-REED has complete printer control.
Registered GIF-REED can do everything but set margins
NON-REGISTERED GIF-REED can only print within a 4 inch square
NEW this 4.02 version 1/20/93:
Added ENTERTAINMENT mode. When viewing a picture just press ALT-E to
enter entertainment mode. In entertainment mode, you can select from
one of three games. You can pick SLIDEIT, JIGSAWIT or GUESSIT.
If you pick SlideIt Then your picture will become a puzzle. Its up
to you to move the squares around on the screen with the Up/Down/Left
and Right arrow keys to solve the puzzle. In order to MIX up the
pixture press the "J" key to jumble it up. If you want to see what the
original picture looked like, press the "V" key to view the original
image. If you want to see what order the squares belong in press the
"O" key to show the order of the squares. The squares are number from
1 to 16 starting with the top row as being 1 thru 4. In actuallity
since the upper left square is blanked out that square is considered
a -1 and NOT a 1. If you decide you are not smart enough to un scramble
the picture you can press "C" for cheat. This will unscramble the
picture. If you just want to cheat a little bit, press "S" to swap
two squares that are next to each other! When you are done with the
entertainment mode just press ESCAPE and you will be brought back into
the NORMAL viewing mode of your ORIGINAL picture.
NOTE: There are 3 levels of play.
1. Easy
2. Hard
3. Expert
The easy mode doesn't have the SWAP feature because it's so easy
you will not need to use it. The EXPERT mode also doesn't have
the SWAP feature because if you are an EXPERT you shouldn't have
to rely on cheating features to solve the puzzle.
If you pick JigSawIt, the picture is scambled much the same as the
SlideIt game. This game is a little easier in that all you have to do
is to use the arrow keys to pick a square then press return. Now the
square is selected. Now move the selection box to where you want the
selected square to go. Then press return again. Now the two squares
will be swapped with each other.
If you pick GuessIt, the picture is scambled much the same as the
JigSawIt game. This game is a little harder because the screen starts
out as being blank. Use the arrow keys to move the selection box, then
press return. The square will reveal the portion on the image that is
in the box. Now move the selection box to where you think the box
should go. Press return again. Now if you picked the correct spot the
image will remain displayed. If you guessed wrong, then the square
will be blanked out. Once you have all of the squares in their correct
spot then you will have won.
Everytime you use the View or Order functions, 50 points will be
deducted. Every second it takes you to solve the puzzle will
deduct 4 points. Everytime you use the Swap function, 100 points
will be deducted. If you are playing GuessIt and make a wrong
choice, 50 points will be deducted. Since your score starts at 5000,
it would be impossible to achive a score greater than 5000!
Updated the GIFVWIN.EXE program to offer better selections. Easier to
More support for video 7 cards (1024x768 is now supported!)
Now works better with the S3 type of VGA Boards such as the Orchid 1280!
Now works with the EVEREX 678 & 673 cards
Fixed a little bug where you you couldn't specify a subdirectory with
a path that had a "." in it. For example: "F:\GIFS\MY.GIF" this would
result in GIF-REED thinking the path was actually a filename because of
the period. GIF-REED now properly recognizes the fact that this is a
directory if it truely is a directory.
Made SYSOP version! This version supports the insertion of titles into
picture catalogs being created by GIF-REED. Sysop version also supports
the DIR files created & used by PCBOARD 14.5 & Up. It also supports the
creating of a TEXT file used by WildCat to import descriptions into the
WildCat directory listings. Use the following format:
C>GIFV path /C:catname /T:title /BBS:{PCBOARD,PCBOARDL,WILDCAT} /DIR:filename
The path indicates where the images are that are to be cataloged. The
catname is the name of the resulting catalog. The title is the name of
an image file that is to be used as a TITLE to your catalogs. The /BBS:
command indicates what type of BBS support you want. So far the BBS's
supported are PCBOARD and WILDCAT. The PCBOARDL is used if you want the
description file to contain a longer(detailed) description of the files
that are contained in the catalog files. The /DIR: command tells where
the resulting description file is to go! With this in mind you could to
the following command.
This command would take all images in F:\GIFS and catalog them up. The
catalogs will be called NEW___00.GIF, NEW___01.GIF, NEW___02.GIF and so
on. They will be stored in the GIF-REED program directory. These
catalogs will also have your BRAND on it by placing a title at the TOP of
the catalogs. The image used to create the title is read from a file
called YOURS.GIF stored in the GIF-REED program directory. The
resulting catalogs will have complete filenames & descriptions stored
in PCBOARD format using the SHORT form in the file called
F:\PCB\NODE1\DIR99. If any entries are currently in the DIR99 file, they
will remain. This should facilitate the posting of NEW gifs via the
catalog method! This is a GIF's SYSOPS dream(hopefully)!
Made saving files & Rotate & Shrink & other operations that require
temp files MUCH faster! Even writing GIF, BMP, PCX and PIC files are
much faster!
Added Support for Gray Catalog images. Saves space! And MUCHO FasterO!
Added support to KEEP old GIF comments when re-saving a GIF file!
Fixed bug in DOS/BOSS (ALT-F2) key. When you got to the DOS prompt
the mouse was STILL operative! This was WRONG. It is now disabled!
As you are tagging (right button click) images from the catalog you
can NOW VIEW images from within the catalog by clicking on them
without worrying about losing the tagged files list.
Fixed small bug where if the image on the screen was smaller than 12
dots wide and you did an operation that would cause the screen to be
saved out, the screen wouldn't be restored properly. Most people would
have NEVER noticed this, but it's fixed now FYI.
Now works with OS/2 BMP files.
Fixed Writing of 256 color PCX files. Now other programs can properly
view them too!
NEW this 3.09c version 1/1/93:
NON-REGISTERED can't do >640x480 and 3 Rows!
No auto-cat feature either
REGISTERED can't do >800x600 and 5 Rows!
Added support to select & copy files from the catalog!
Use the Right Button to mark & Un-Mark files. Then when done marking,
just press ALT-C to copy the files to a destination drive!
When you MARK a file a THICK RED box will surround the image you are
marking. When you UN-MARK a picture the image will be surrounded by
a THICK BLUE box. This way you can tell if you had PREVIOUSLY marked
an image. When copying the files (ALT-C), any files that didn't copy
properly(DISK FULL, Etc...) will remain marked so that you can put in
a new floppy or whatever and then press ALT-C again. All files that
did copy properly will be UN-MARKED with the THICK GREEN box around the
image. Again this is so that you can tell what files you have already
copied so that you don't accidently waste time copying the SAME files.
Added support for BOX FILL-IN and BOX DRAWING to extend beyond the
current dimensions of the image. This in effect makes the image wider
or taller so that the BOX can fit in the image!
Added support for 24 Bit BMP files!(Thanks Bruce!)
Added command line control for Catalog Titles. For Example:
The /T:T{+,-} parameter determines where the title will go if you are
using a title for your catalogs! You can use either T+ or T- where T+
means put at the TOP and T- means put Title at the BOTTOM of the
catalog file!
NEW this 3.09b version 12/20/93:
Added support for MAC GIF files. Files ported to the IBM PC from the
Apple Macintosh world.
Added command line control for Catalogs! For example:
This would take whatever images are found in the current directory
and create a catalog of ALL images in the directory using a catalog
name of CARS__##.GIF
This would take whatever images are found in the current directory
and create a catalog of ALL images in the directory using a catalog
name of BIRDS_##.GIF
NOTE: All catalog files are saved in the GIF-REED program directory.
If you want to force the catalog(s) to be saved into some other area
of your system, you MUST specify a FULL Drive & Path to the catalog
directory. For example:
This would save all catalog images into D:\PICTURES with a filename
of CAT___##.GIF
NOTE: If you want to catalog a directory that is NOT in the current
directory, you can specify a path on the command line. For example:
C>GIFV d:\pictures\*.gifs /C:MYGIFS
This would take all GIF files in the D:\PICTURES directory and create
catalog images of the name MYGIFS##.GIF and place the catalog images
in the GIF-REED program directory!
NOTE: You MUST specify a catalog name!
NOTE: There is an OPTIONAL parameter for specifying a Title to the
catalog. This title file MUST be a .GIF file! The title(header) file
that you specify will be placed at the TOP of the Catalog (Sort of like
an advertisement). If you don't specify a Title file then NO title will
be placed at the TOP of the catalog file! The format for using the
Title file is like this:
in the case above, the directory of F:\IMAGES\GIFS will get cataloged
into a catalog by the name of MYGIFS##.GIF in the GIF-REED directory.
The catalogs produced will have a header on the TOP of them merged in
from the file called TITLE.GIF
NOTE: Making catalogs using the command line options will overwrite
any catalogs that exist by the SAME name. This is so that you can
re-run a catalog without having to delete the older catalog files first.
This is different than the MANUAL mode of making catalogs from the
files list menu. In manual mode, the older files are NOT overwritten.
CTRL-C Brings up the catalog menu. From this menu you can select two
customization features. (1) You can select the Catalog Images Size,
(2) You can select the size of the matrix. A 5x5 would be 5 by 5. This
is 5 columns by 5 rows. A 3x3 would look a lot like a TicTacToe board.
And a 8x8 would look similar to a checker board. Once you have selected
the customization features you can start the process by placing the
cursor on top of the 1st file you want to catalog. Then press CTRL-C
and then just press RETURN. The files produced are called CAT___##.GIF
where the "##" is a 2 digit number. The catalog files are placed in
the SAME directory as GIF-REED. You can select a SINGLE catalog
starting from the currently selected file or you can issue a COMPLETE
cataloging session. A complete cataloging session may take QUITE some
time to finish. I suggest you do this before going to BED or LUNCH!
NOTE: You should SAVE your cataloging configuration. You can do this
with the ALT-U command from the files list menu. This way you don't
have to set it up each time you run GIF-REED before you do cataloging.
NOTE: The larger the matrix (ie:8x8) the poorer the quality of the
final catalog file! It seems that 4x4, 5x5 and 6x6 seem to produce very
good results. 7x7 and 8x8 are still very good, but not AS good as a 5x5.
Play with the different sizes to suit your quality tastes.
NOTE: Once you start the cataloging process you can abort out by
pressing any key while the pictures are being collected up.
NOTE: Beware that since the new catalog files will NOT overwrite
existing catalog files, the number of the catalog produced may NOT be
what you expected. If you already have: CAT___00, CAT___01, CAT___03,
then the NEW catalog files produced will use the filenames of CAT___02,
CAT___04, CAT___05 and so on... The simplest approach is to just delete
the older catalog files when done with them.
NOTE: GIFV.CAT keeps the custom cataloging information.
The following are temporary files and can be deleted if found
on your hard disk in the GIF-REED directory!
GIFV.PAL is a temporary catalog palette file.
GIFV.DTH is a temporary catalog file.
GIFVCxxx.CAT is a temporary catalog file.
GIFV.TIT is a temporary Title file.
NOTE: Make sure you have at least 3 to 6 megs free in your TEMP area.
If you want to know exactly how much space will be needed, take
the size of your Catalog Image and multiply times 3. For example:
if your Catalog size is 800x600 then the BASE space needed would
be 800 x 600 x 3 = 1440000 bytes. Or about 1.5 megs. In addition
to this BASE amount, you will also need enough disk space to hold
the LARGEST image (times 3). For example if the largest image in
the Catalog was a 1024x768, then the additional overhead would be
1024 x 768 x 3 = 2359296 bytes. Or roughly 2.4 megs. This would
mean that you would need about 1.5 + 2.4 = 3.9 megs of FREE disk
space in your TEMP drive.
The MOST common catalog size is 800x600 and the most common image
size is 640x480. This would require 2361600 bytes or about 2.5 megs
of disk space!
When viewing a catalog, you can click on a image (even if the picture
is NOT centered on the screen). You can move the catalog picture all
around your screen and you can still click on a picture and that
picture will load from the SOURCE image that MADE the catalog! When
done viewing this image pressing ESC, PG-UP, PG-DN or quick clicking
of the mouse will get you BACK to the catalog file! If you quick click
on a part of the catalog that is in between the images then you will
hear a BEEP and NO image will be brought up for display!
Fixed tiny bug where if you had MULTIPLE file paths loaded it was
possible that GIF-REED wouldn't properly determine the files X and Y
and COLOR on the files list. It also meant that when you deleted, re-
named or copied or moved files it could have thought that the file
didn't exist! This would NOT destroy any data but could make the user
think strange things were happening! This is now FIXED!
NEW this 3.08 version 12/16/92:
Improved printed order form.
Fixed mouse button operation of "Yes No". If you were in the Pixel
editing window and had edited some dots, then moved(panned) the image
the Question "You have made DOT changes" appears. This is proper, but
the program would think you wanted to KEEP the changes because your
left mouse button was held down because you were panning. Now, you MUST
lift off the mouse button, then click the mouse button to indicate that
your answer was YES!
Fixed yet another memory allocation bug in the ENLARGING MODE 2. This
would only happen if the WIDTH of the box that you marked HAPPENED to
be an even multiple of 16 minus 1 (such as 15, 31, 63).
Fixed another memory allocation bug in the PIXEL editor! If the size
of the image you are pixel editing than the SIZE of the pixel edit
window it would not work properly. It now works even if the width of
the image is 1 dot wide!
NEW this 3.07 version 12/15/92:
First MAJOR release to CompuServe!
S H A R E W A R E - C O N C E P T
GIF-REED is copyrighted software. However, you are encouraged to copy and
share the NON-REGISTERED version with anybody with the following in mind:
The NON-REGISTEREED version of GIF-REED may be copied freely and
given to others, as long as NO charge or renumeration of ANY sort
is required. If must be copied in its entirety with NO alterations
to the programs or DOC files. It may be distributed by modem, as
long as all files in the package are ZIPPED(or some equivalent)
into one file.
GIF-REED is NOT "FREE" software. If you use it past 30 days, you are required
to pay for it by registering it. Of course you can register it earlier.
********** Reasons To Register Today **********
When you received this copy of GIF-REED, no monies were paid to us. In order
for us to keep working on this product to make it better with more features,
we request that you register the program by paying for it. The registration
charge is very nominal $25 (The cost of ONE evenings entertainment!). If you
wish to order PRO GIF-REED the cost is $49.95 (The cost of ONE deluxe evenings
entertainment!). If you are a SYSOP and want the SYSOP GIF-REED then the cost
is $89.95. Please read the GIFREED.DOC file for information about the 3
versions. When you register GIF-REED you will also receive a free keyboard
template for common function key references.
GIF-REED Version x.x
(C)opyright 1992, Software Matters INC.
(317) 253-8088
Contact: Davie Lee Reed
Software Matters INC.
6352 N. Guilford Ave.
Indpls, IN 46220
Any question or comments please call me at 1-800-25-FLASH and ask for:
Davie Lee Reed.
P.S. Thanks you trying this new program out and possibly helping me improve it.
Gif REED is a GIF viewer for up to 256K colors only.
Currently the only automatically supported super vga boards supported are:
Orchid Pro Designer IIS board
Paradise VGA
Trident Old
Trident New
Orchid Farhenheit 1280
Video New
Video Old
Cirrus Logic
Cirrus Logic Lap Top LCD
TSENG 4000
All compatibles of the above!
There are a bunch more that are supported through direct hardware control,
but you have to set the GIFREED environment variable to indicate what board
you have. If the GIFREED variable is set to a board that is not hardware
directly supported by this program then the BIOS mode will be used for that
board. The BIOS mode is MUCH slower that hardware direct.
GIF-REED automatically looks for a VESA driver. This driver makes VGA graphics
handling a lot more compatible. If a VESA driver is found, it will be used,
even if your hardware is directly supported from the list above! If you find
that your VESA driver is BUGGY or doesn't seem to work, then try setting:
This forces GIF-REED to NOT look at the VESA driver. Also if you want to
force support for one of the following, you can set GIFREED to one of
the following:
Some of the above allow for direct hardware control with his program. The
others of course will default to using the BIOS, which is slow!
If resolutions of 800x600 or higher seem to give you a checkered or
plaid type of display, try using the SET GIFREED command and pick
SET GIFREED=TRI-OLD and then SET GIFREED=TRIDENT and see which setting
gives you the desired results!
If you have a VESA driver for your VGA board, then GIF REED should work
perfectly fine with it. If your board is NOT listed above and you do NOT
have a VESA driver for it, call the VGA manufacturer and request the VESA
driver for it. MOST Manufacturers provide a VESA driver nowadays. By support-
ing VESA a very broad base of VGA boards may now use this program.
If order to run GIF REED, just type the following:
C>GIFV path1 path2 path3 path4 path5
For example:
Once in the program you can press F1 for help on using the program. Once you
are actually viewing a picture, you can press F1 to see help on how to
manipulate the picture.
Any question or comments please call me at 1-800-25-FLASH and ask for:
Davie Lee Reed. Thanks you trying this new program out and possibly
helping me improve it.