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DAZZLE : Documentation for Revision 3.9d
A randomized color pattern generator for 80x86 based (IBM/AT
style) MsDOS/PCDOS computers with EGA or VGA compatible color displays
and adapters.
A source of beauty, sometimes subtle, sometimes vibrant, always
changing. The image engine has 25 primitive drawing algorithms, 20 of
which have two primary styles of presentation, 15 of which have multiple
internal drawing variations. The entire color range of the detected
video system is utilized for maximum variety and visual stimulation. The
primitives are mixed randomly on the screen, typically from 4 to 10 are
overlaid at a time producing a very large assortment of possible
displays. Each display remains for a while to be appreciated, then the
screen is cleared and another set of patterns is presented.
Mathematically speaking, an exact pattern match might not occur for 8
days of continuous operation, and exactly matching of both pattern and
hue on the 256 color VGA approaches impossible. Of course human
perception is far less exacting and will discern repetition well ahead
of these extremes, but the general overall effect is still impressive.
Note that the starting patterns of the program will be different each
time it is executed, if it seems predictable, exit it and start over.
Dazzle can be used in a variety of ways. At the office it keeps
the screen from being burned by constant display of an unchanging
prompt. Simply activate the program when leaving your desk or answering
the phone or are otherwise diverted. One option is to activate Dazzle
from a keyboard-locking program so that unauthorized access is prevented
on your un-attended computer until you return. In reception areas, at
trade shows, and other events where the desire is to attract attention,
use one of the faster cycling modes of Dazzle to peak curiosity and draw
visitors to your area.
Dazzle can be used to aid relaxation. In its slower cycling
modes it is often soothing and helps one to shift conscious attention
from the cares of the day. When overwhelmed with problems or pressures,
it is often true that shifting one's focus from an immediate concern
provides the objectivity needed to enhance decision making and settle
the nerves. Used in conjunction with your favorite music, Dazzle can be
highly entertaining and regenerating.
Usage: DAZZLE [- options] [/ options]
-c = COMPATIBLE mode, use VGA BIOS for better
portability, but this option may slow the image
generation! This flag has no effect in EGA mode.
-2 = 2 part palette update for flickering screens
-s = SHOW mode, quick single image.
-e = EGA operation mode forced.
-t = TALL EGA aspect ratio mode.
-f = FIXED colors range instead of randomized.
-a = ALTERNATE (faster) color cycling speed.
-m = MAD (fastest) color cycling speed.
-n = No RETRACT of hard disk heads.
During the display the '+' and '-' keys can be used to control color
cycling speed!
The DAZZLE program accepts any combination of options on the
initial command line that affect it's mode of operation. The options
can be preceded with either the "/" character or the "-" character. At
least one space must exist between the DAZZLE command and the first
option. For example : DAZZLE -FN instructs DAZZLE to execute with Fixed
colors and No retract of the hard disk drive heads. The options are not
case sensitive (upper and lower case letters are treated identically).
The options can be concatenated into a single string (like : -FN), or
can be entered separately (like : -F -N), the effect is the same. To get
a list of legal options use either the "-?" option (DAZZLE -?) or the
question mark alone (DAZZLE ?). The effects of each option are detailed
Three of the options for DAZZLE are related to increasing
portability of the program to various computers and displays. The "c",
"2", and "n" options default to fastest speed and parked heads, but can
be controlled by the user.
/C = Compatibility
Normally DAZZLE bypasses the video adapters BIOS code for maximum
speed in color palette cycling. However, some adapters can have
problems with this mode of operation. To cause DAZZLE to use the
provided BIOS the "C" option can be used. If your display flickers,
distorts, or the color fails to cycle smoothly during the display then
try this option to determine if it corrects the problem. This option
only effects operation with VGA adapters, the EGA mode always uses the
adapters BIOS.
/2 = 2 part palette update
Normally the entire color palette is updated at one time for each
tick of the color cycling clock. If the CPU clock speed or the VGA
palette register update rate are too slow, the upper part, or perhaps
all of the display will flicker badly during the display. To determine
if this is due to palette updates, press and hold the "-" key during the
running display until it beeps (this is the slowest cycling clock rate).
If the display only flickers when the color changes, then palette update
speed is a problem. Using the "2" option splits the palette update
request into two almost equal groups that are handled sequentially. This
should remove, or at least significantly reduce, cycling induced
flicker. This option should not be used if not needed as it slows the
entire display generation process. This option only affects operation
with VGA adapters since they allow longer 256 color palettes. Short 16
color palettes for EGA's are never divided into two separate updates.
/N = No hard disk head park
Since the DAZZLE display is often allowed to run for hours, the
hard disk heads are normally parked into a safe power-down position as a
precaution in case electrical power is lost, or the computer powered-
down while DAZZLE is active. This process has no effect on the image
generation performance of DAZZLE, but if your drive controller is highly
non-standard it might cause DAZZLE to fail to start. The user can issue
this option to prevent any attempt to park the hard disk heads.
The remainder of the DAZZLE options adjust the image generating
algorithms used by the program. They are largely artistic in nature but
allow customizing the presentation to various environments and
/S = Show
This option gives a quick single panel of images and then
terminates automatically. This allows DAZZLE to be executed from other
programs or batch files.
/E = EGA mode
Normally DAZZLE will automatically detect the video adapter
hardware attached and adjust itself to utilize the maximum resources
available. If a VGA style adapter is detected then the display uses all
256 color palette registers for a far more subtle and interesting series
of displays. This option allows VGA users to select and view the EGA
mode of operation.
/T = Tall EGA mode
Normally the EGA mode of DAZZLE uses 16 color 640x350 resolution
display mode. To maintain a wide aspect ratio the program internally
treats the display as having 640x700 resolution, then the image is
'squeezed' vertically and placed on the screen. This option causes the
program to use the actual screen resolution in generating all images.
The effect is slightly faster image generation, but with a noticeably
tall aspect ratio. Selecting this option on a VGA adapter causes the
display to switch to EGA mode (like the /E option) and uses the tall
aspect ratio.
/F = Fixed colors
Normally DAZZLE will randomize the color palette registers
between each screen erase before starting the next image generation.
This allows all the possible colors (up to a few million on VGA) to be
used by the program. This option forces the palette to an identical
state at all times.
/A = Alternate color cycling speed
The default color cycling mode is the slowest, with the most
subtle shadings and transitions. This option allows the doubling of the
cosine rate used in shaping the palette contents, producing a double
speed rotating of color translations of the display. This effect is
distinct from, but can complement, the "+" and "-" keys that can be used
while the program is active.
/M = Mad mode
This option not only greatly accelerates the color palette
contents rotation, but it also increases the number of image primitives
that can be displayed at one time before the screen is erased. The
effect is a far busier screen, a more intense visual experience. This
is particularly suited to attention getting in show-rooms and other
public displays, whereas the default mode is more practical for personal
meditation and relaxation.
While DAZZLE is actively displaying it's images the "+" and "-"
keys can be used to adjust the color palette cycling clock. The console
will 'beep' when either the maximum or the minimum extreme is reached.
Most any other keypress during the display will terminate the
program. There are some keys that have some undocumented effects on the
display for various development testing. The use of either the "Enter"
or the "Escape" key will guarantee normal program termination.
All reasonable effort has been made to assure that the use of
this program on any compatible computer system can have no detrimental
side effects. In addition to extensive Quality Assurance testing, the
program contains an internal integrity check. If some detestable person
attempts to attach any virus or other code modifications to this program
it probably will be detected and the program refuse to execute. Any
such persons will be aggressively pursued and prosecuted. Any person
receiving this program and being unable to execute it should contact us
directly and provide information of where the copy was acquired. Armed
with this information we will try to track down any violations. It is a
very sad statement on the state of affairs in computerdom that such
precautions are even necessary, but in light of current realities we
have taken the initiative to build in safeguards to this program.
This program may be distributed AT NO CHARGE as is. All
commercial rights retained by the author, this program is released to
the Public Domain for free use and distribution only! This program must
not be altered in any way, and is offered without warranty as is, the
only assurance to the user is that all reasonable effort has been made
to confirm that this program as released will produce no undesirable or
un-documented effects on the executing computer.
Comments and inquires about updates, other versions, and other products
are welcome. Source can be purchased for some products.
Mailing address (1990) :
J.R.Shiflett's Midnight Visions Workshop
c/o MicroTronics
503 Shenandoah Drive
Spring, Tx USA 77381
Why "Dazzle" ? My first exposure to personal computers came at
a newly opened MITS(Altair) outlet in Springfield Virginia. They had a
couple color displays actively running on a nice little hardware card
called the "Dazzler". The computer was executing a driver/demonstration
program called "Dazzle", which I learned was purchased by the computer
manufacture dirt cheap from a programmer whose name has since faded into
antiquity. While a few other color demo programs were available at the
time (Life most noticeably), none had the visual impact on me that
Dazzle/Dazzler did. The eight-fold symmetry (which this current program
also uses) was highly effective. I have named this program DAZZLE in
remembrance of the program that inspired it's creation.