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// BDE32 3.x - (C) Copyright 1996 by Borland International
// FiltComp.c
#include "snipit.h"
static const char szTblName[] = "customer";
static const char szTblType[] = szPARADOX;
static const CHAR szField[] = "NAME";
static const CHAR szConst[] = "OCEAN";
// Function:
// FiltComp();
// Description:
// This example shows how to use filters to limit the
// result set of a table. Specifically, this example
// does a comparison of the first N digits of a character
// field. Filters perform a function similar to that of
// ranges, but more powerful operations are supported.
FiltComp (void)
hDBIDb hDb = 0; // Handle to the database.
hDBICur hCur = 0; // Handle to the table.
DBIResult rslt; // Value returned from IDAPI functions
pBYTE pcanExpr; // Structure containing
// filter info.
hDBIFilter hFilter; // Filter handle.
UINT16 uSizeNodes; // Size of the nodes in the
// tree.
UINT16 uSizeCanExpr; // Size of the header
// information.
UINT32 uSizeLiterals; // Size of the literals.
UINT32 uTotalSize; // Total size of the filter
// expression.
UINT32 uNumRecs = 10; // Number of records to
// display.
CANExpr canExp; // Contains the header
// information.
struct {
CANCompare CompareNode;
CANField FieldNode;
CANConst ConstantNode;
} Nodes = { // Nodes of the filter tree.
// Offset 0
nodeCOMPARE, // canCompare.nodeClass
canEQ, // canCompare.canOp
1, // canCompare.bCaseInsensitive
5, // canCompare.iParialLen (0 if
// full length)
sizeof(Nodes.CompareNode), // canBinary.iOperand1
sizeof(Nodes.CompareNode) + sizeof(Nodes.FieldNode),
// canBinary.iOperand2
}, // Offsets in the Nodes array
// Offset sizeof(Nodes.CompareNode)
nodeFIELD, // canField.nodeClass
canFIELD, // canField.canOp
2, // canField.iFieldNum
0, // canField.iNameOffset: szField
}, // is the literal at offset 0
// Offset sizeof(Nodes.CompareNode) + sizeof(Nodes.FieldNode)
nodeCONST, // canConst.nodeClass
canCONST, // canConst.canOp
fldZSTRING, // canConst.iType
6, // canConst.iSize strlen("OCEAN") + 1
5 // canConst.iOffset: szConst is
// the literal at offset
}}; // strlen(szField) + 1
Screen("*** Compare Filter Example ***\r\n");
Screen(" Initializing IDAPI...");
if (InitAndConnect(&hDb) != DBIERR_NONE)
Screen("\r\n*** End of Example ***");
Screen(" Setting the database directory...");
rslt = DbiSetDirectory(hDb, (pCHAR)szTblDirectory);
ChkRslt(rslt, "SetDirectory");
Screen(" Open the %s table...", szTblName);
rslt = DbiOpenTable(hDb, (pCHAR)szTblName, (pCHAR)szTblType, NULL, NULL, 0,
if (ChkRslt(rslt, "OpenTable") != DBIERR_NONE)
Screen("\r\n*** End of Example ***");
// Go to the beginning of the table
rslt = DbiSetToBegin(hCur);
ChkRslt(rslt, "SetToBegin");
Screen("\r\n Display the %s table...", szTblName);
DisplayTable(hCur, uNumRecs);
uSizeNodes = sizeof(Nodes); // Size of the nodes.
// Size of the literals.
uSizeLiterals = strlen(szField) + 1 + strlen(szConst) + 1;
// Size of the header information.
uSizeCanExpr = sizeof(CANExpr);
// Total size of the filter.
uTotalSize = uSizeCanExpr + uSizeNodes + uSizeLiterals;
// Initialize the header information
canExp.iVer = 1; // Version.
canExp.iTotalSize = (UINT16)uTotalSize; // Total size of the filter.
canExp.iNodes = 3; // Number of nodes.
canExp.iNodeStart = uSizeCanExpr; // The offset in the
// buffer where the
// expression nodes
// start.
// The offset in the buffer where the literals start.
// uSizeCanExprNodes = uSizeCanExpr + uSizeNodes;
// canExp.iLiteralStart = (UINT16)uSizeCanExprNodes;
canExp.iLiteralStart = (UINT16)(uSizeCanExpr + uSizeNodes);
// Allocate contiguous memory space to hold
// 1) Header information i.e. the CANExpr structure
// 2) Compare, field and constant nodes i.e. the Nodes structure
// 3) Literal and constant pool i.e. field names and constant values
pcanExpr = (pBYTE)malloc(uTotalSize * sizeof(BYTE));
if (pcanExpr == NULL)
Screen(" Could not allocate memory...");
Screen("\r\n*** End of Example ***");
// Initialize the filter expression by placing header, nodes and
// pool into pcanexpr
// Move header information into pcanexpr. pcanExpr will now look as follows:
// **canExp**| | |
// | CANExpr | All Nodes | Literal, Constant Pool |
// |----------------------------------------------------|
// 0 sizeof(uTotalSize)
memmove(pcanExpr, &canExp, uSizeCanExpr);
// Move node structure into pcanexpr. pcanExpr will now look as follows:
// |**canExp*|**Node Structure*| |
// | CANExpr | All Nodes | Literal, Constant Pool |
// |----------------------------------------------------|
// 0 sizeof(uTotalSize)
memmove(&pcanExpr[uSizeCanExpr], &Nodes, uSizeNodes);
// Move the literal into pcanexpr. pcanExpr will now look as follows:
// |**canExp*|**Node Structure*|***szField |
// | CANExpr | All Nodes | Literal, Constant Pool |
// |----------------------------------------------------|
// 0 sizeof(uTotalSize)
memmove(&pcanExpr[uSizeCanExpr + uSizeNodes],
szField, strlen(szField) + 1); // First literal "NAME"
// Move the literal into pcanexpr. pcanExpr will now look as follows:
// |**canExp*|**Node Structure*|***szField*****fConst***|
// | CANExpr | All Nodes | Literal, Constant Pool |
// |----------------------------------------------------|
// 0 sizeof(uTotalSize)
memmove(&pcanExpr[uSizeCanExpr + uSizeNodes + strlen(szField) + 1],
szConst, strlen(szConst) + 1); // Second literal "OCEAN"
rslt = DbiSetToBegin(hCur);
ChkRslt(rslt, "SetToBegin");
Screen("\r\n Add a filter to the %s table which will"
" limit the records\r\n which are displayed"
" to those whose %s field starts with '%s'...",
szTblName, szField, szConst);
rslt = DbiAddFilter(hCur, 0L, 1, FALSE, (pCANExpr)pcanExpr, NULL, &hFilter);
if (ChkRslt(rslt, "AddFilter") != DBIERR_NONE)
rslt = DbiCloseCursor(&hCur);
ChkRslt(rslt, "CloseCursor");
Screen("\r\n*** End of Example ***");
// Activate the filter.
Screen(" Activate the filter on the %s table...",
rslt = DbiActivateFilter(hCur, hFilter);
ChkRslt(rslt, "ActivateFilter");
rslt = DbiSetToBegin(hCur);
ChkRslt(rslt, "SetToBegin");
Screen("\r\n Display the %s table with the filter"
" set...", szTblName);
DisplayTable(hCur, uNumRecs);
Screen("\r\n Deactivate the filter...");
rslt = DbiDeactivateFilter(hCur, hFilter);
ChkRslt(rslt, "DeactivateFilter");
Screen("\r\n Drop the filter...");
rslt = DbiDropFilter(hCur, hFilter);
ChkRslt(rslt, "DropFilter");
rslt = DbiCloseCursor(&hCur);
ChkRslt(rslt, "CloseCursor");
Screen(" Close the database and exit IDAPI...");
Screen("\r\n*** End of Example ***");