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// BDE32 3.x - (C) Copyright 1996 by Borland International
// refinteg.c
#include "snipit.h"
// Function used to add a record to the table
static DBIResult AddRecord(hDBICur hCur, DFLOAT fStatus, DFLOAT fOrder,
CHAR *szDateSent, CHAR *szDateDelivered);
static const char szTblName[] = "RefInteg";
static const char szTblType[] = szPARADOX;
// Field descriptor used in creating a table
static SNIPFAR FLDDesc fldDesc[] = {
{ // Field 1 - AUTOINC
1, // Field number
"Status ID", // Field name
fldFLOAT, // Field type
fldUNKNOWN, // Field subtype
0, // Field size
0, // Decimal places ( 0 )
// computed
0, // Offset in record ( 0 )
0, // Length in bytes ( 0 )
0, // For Null bits ( 0 )
fldvNOCHECKS, // Validity checks ( 0 )
fldrREADWRITE // Rights
{ // Field 2 - ALPHA
2, "Order No", fldFLOAT, fldUNKNOWN,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
{ // Field 4 - DATE
3, "Date Sent", fldDATE, fldUNKNOWN,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, fldvNOCHECKS, fldrREADWRITE
{ // Field 4 - DATE
4, "Date Received", fldDATE, fldUNKNOWN,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, fldvNOCHECKS, fldrREADWRITE
}; // Array of field descriptors
// The number of fields in the table
static const UINT16 uNumFields = sizeof(fldDesc) / sizeof(fldDesc[0]);
// Array of referential integrity rules
static SNIPFAR RINTDesc rintDesc[] = {
1, // Ref integrity number
"Order No", // Name for this integrity
rintDEPENDENT, // Whether master or dependent
"orders.db", // Other table name
rintCASCADE, // Modify qualifier
rintRESTRICT, // Delete modifier
1, // Fields in foreign key
{2}, // Fields in this table
{1} // Fields in other table
// Number of referential integrity rules
static const INT16 iRintCount = sizeof(rintDesc) / sizeof(rintDesc[0]);
// Index Descriptor - describes the indexes associated with the
// table. This index is going to be added to the table when the
// table is created.
static SNIPFAR IDXDesc idxDesc[] = {
{ // Primary Index
"", // Name
1, // Number
{ NULL }, // Tag Name ( for dBase )
{ NULL }, // Optional Format ( BTREE,
// HASH, etc )
TRUE, // Primary?
TRUE, // Unique?
FALSE, // Descending?
TRUE, // Maintained?
FALSE, // SubSet?
FALSE, // Expression index?
NULL, // for QBE only
2, // Fields in key
1, // Length in bytes
FALSE, // Index out of date?
0, // Key type of expression
{ 1,2 }, // Array of field numbers
{ 0 }, // Key expression
{ 0 }, // Key condition
FALSE, // Case insensitive
0, // Block size in bytes
0 // Restructure number
{ // Secondary Index 1 - Single-Field - Maintained,
// Case insensitive
"Order No", 2, { NULL }, { NULL }, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,
TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, 1, 1, FALSE, 0, { 2 }, { 0 },
{ 0 }, FALSE, 0, 0
// Number of indexes to be created when the table is created.
static const UINT16 uNumIndexes = sizeof(idxDesc) / sizeof(idxDesc[0]);
// Function:
// RefInteg();
// Description:
// This function shows how to create and use referential
// integrity.
RefInteg (void)
hDBIDb hDb; // Handle to the database
hDBICur hCur; // Handle to the table
CRTblDesc TblDesc; // Create table descriptor
UINT16 uDispNumRecs = 10 ; // Number of records to add and
// display.
DBIResult rslt; // Return value from IDAPI functions
CROpType crOpType[] = { crADD }; // Define the operation on the table.
Screen("*** Referential Integrity Example ***\r\n");
Screen(" Initializing IDAPI...");
if (InitAndConnect(&hDb) != DBIERR_NONE)
Screen("\r\n*** End of Example ***");
Screen(" Setting the default database directory...");
rslt = DbiSetDirectory(hDb, (pCHAR) szTblDirectory);
ChkRslt(rslt, "SetDirectory");
Screen(" Initializing the table descriptor...");
memset((void *)&TblDesc, 0, sizeof(CRTblDesc));
lstrcpy(TblDesc.szTblName, szTblName);
lstrcpy(TblDesc.szTblType, szTblType);
TblDesc.iFldCount = uNumFields;
TblDesc.pfldDesc = fldDesc;
TblDesc.iIdxCount = uNumIndexes;
TblDesc.pidxDesc = idxDesc;
TblDesc.iRintCount = iRintCount;
TblDesc.pecrRintOp = crOpType;
TblDesc.printDesc = rintDesc;
Screen(" Creating the %s table...", szTblName);
rslt = DbiCreateTable(hDb, TRUE, &TblDesc);
if (ChkRslt(rslt, "CreateTable") != DBIERR_NONE)
Screen("\r\n*** End of Example ***");
Screen(" Open the \"%s\" table...", szTblName);
rslt = DbiOpenTable(hDb, (pCHAR) szTblName, (pCHAR) szTblType,
xltFIELD, FALSE, NULL, &hCur);
if (ChkRslt(rslt, "OpenTable") != DBIERR_NONE)
rslt = DbiDeleteTable(hDb, (pCHAR) szTblName, (pCHAR) szTblType);
ChkRslt(rslt, "DeleteTable");
Screen("\r\n*** End of Example ***");
// This add will fail - Order Id of 900 does not exist within the
// orders table.
Screen(" Add a record to the table.");
Screen(" Error Expected - no record in the orders table has an"
" ID of 900...");
AddRecord(hCur, 1, 900, "07/28/1996", "08/12/1996");
// This add will succeed - Order Id of 1004 exists within the orders
// table.
Screen("\r\n Add a record to the table with a valid Order Id...");
AddRecord(hCur, 1, 1004, "07/28/1996", "08/12/1996");
rslt = DbiSetToBegin(hCur);
ChkRslt(rslt, "SetToBegin");
Screen(" Display the \"%s\" table...", szTblName);
DisplayTable(hCur, uDispNumRecs);
Screen("\r\n Close the table...");
rslt = DbiCloseCursor(&hCur);
ChkRslt(rslt, "CloseCursor");
Screen(" Deleting the table...");
rslt = DbiDeleteTable(hDb, (pCHAR) szTblName, (pCHAR) szTblType);
ChkRslt(rslt, "DeleteTable");
Screen(" Close the database and exit IDAPI...");
Screen("\r\n*** End of Example ***");
// Funciton:
// AddRecord (hDBICur hCur, DFLOAT fStatus, DFLOAT fOrder,
// CHAR *DateOrdered, CHAR *DateDelivered)
// Input: hCur - Cursor to which the record will be added
// fStatus - Value to write to the Status ID field
// fOrder - Value to write to the Order ID field
// DateSent - Value to write to the Date Sent field
// DateDelivered - Value to write to the Date Received field
// Return: Success of the function.
// Description:
// This function is used to add a record to the table.
AddRecord (hDBICur hCur, DFLOAT fStatus, DFLOAT fOrder, CHAR *szDateSent,
CHAR *szDateDelivered)
DBIResult rslt; // Return value from IDAPI functions
pBYTE pRecBuf; // Record buffer
CURProps TblProps; // The properties of the table
UINT16 uMonth; // Contains the month portion of the
// date
UINT16 uDay; // Contains the day portion of the
// date
INT16 iYear; // Contains the year portion of the
// date
CHAR szDate[30]; // Pointer to be allocated off the
// heap
CHAR *pszTemp; // Temporary string used in parsing
// the date
DBIDATE Date; // Date structure - used in
// DbiPutField.
// Allocate a record buffer.
rslt = DbiGetCursorProps(hCur, &TblProps);
ChkRslt(rslt, "GetCursorProps");
pRecBuf = (pBYTE) malloc(TblProps.iRecBufSize * sizeof(pBYTE));
if (pRecBuf == NULL)
Screen(" Error - Out of Memory");
// Make sure we're starting with a clean record buffer
rslt = DbiInitRecord(hCur, pRecBuf);
ChkRslt(rslt, "InitRecord");
// Add the Status ID to the record buffer
rslt = DbiPutField(hCur, 1, pRecBuf, (pBYTE) &fStatus);
ChkRslt(rslt, "PutField");
// Add the Order ID to the record buffer
rslt = DbiPutField(hCur, 2, pRecBuf, (pBYTE) &fOrder);
ChkRslt(rslt, "PutField");
strcpy(szDate, szDateSent);
// Need to convert the string to a Date structure
pszTemp = strtok(szDate, "/");
if (pszTemp)
uMonth = (UINT16)atoi(pszTemp); // uMonth set to 0 if invalid date.
pszTemp = strtok(NULL, "/");
if (pszTemp)
uDay = (UINT16)atoi(pszTemp); // uDay set to 0 if invalid date.
pszTemp = strtok(NULL, "/");
if (pszTemp)
iYear = (UINT16)atoi(pszTemp); // iYear set to 0 if
// invalid date.
// Encode the date
rslt = DbiDateEncode(uMonth, uDay, iYear, &Date);
ChkRslt(rslt, "DateEncode");
// Put the data into the record buffer
rslt = DbiPutField(hCur, 3, pRecBuf, (pBYTE) &Date);
ChkRslt(rslt, "PutField");
strcpy(szDate, szDateDelivered);
// Need to convert the string to a Date structure
pszTemp = strtok(szDate, "/");
if (pszTemp)
uMonth = (UINT16)atoi(pszTemp); // uMonth set to 0 if invalid date.
pszTemp = strtok(NULL, "/");
if (pszTemp)
uDay = (UINT16)atoi(pszTemp); // uDay set to 0 if invalid date.
pszTemp = strtok(NULL, "/");
if (pszTemp)
iYear =(UINT16)atoi(pszTemp); // iYear set to 0 if
// invalid date.
// Encode the date
rslt = DbiDateEncode(uMonth, uDay, iYear, &Date);
ChkRslt(rslt, "DateEncode");
// Put the data into the record buffer
rslt = DbiPutField(hCur, 4, pRecBuf, (pBYTE) &Date);
ChkRslt(rslt, "PutField");
// Insert the record into the table
rslt = DbiInsertRecord(hCur, dbiNOLOCK, pRecBuf);
ChkRslt(rslt, "InsertRecord");
return rslt;