# | Form Name,A,8 | Page name,A,35 | Object ID,A,35 | Message Text,A,75 | Context ID,N,8
1 | abtMast | abtPg | Button16 | | 6010.000000 |
2 | abtMast | abtPg | abtPg | | 6000.000000 |
3 | custForm | thePage | City | The city (or region) where the customer lives | 9120.000000 |
4 | custForm | thePage | Country | The country where the customer lives | 9120.000000 |
5 | custForm | thePage | Customer | Enter the customer's name and address here | 9120.000000 |
6 | custForm | thePage | Customer_No | Internal accounting number for this customer (read-only) | 9120.000000 |
7 | custForm | thePage | Name | Enter the customer's name (first and last), for example: John Doe | 9120.000000 |
8 | custForm | thePage | Phone | The customer's telephone number (include formatting and prefix codes) | 9120.000000 |
9 | custForm | thePage | State_Prov | The state or province where the customer lives | 9120.000000 |
10 | custForm | thePage | Street | The customer's street address | 9120.000000 |
11 | custForm | thePage | Zip_Postal_Code | The customer's zip/postal code (include formatting) | 9120.000000 |
12 | custForm | thePage | add_Cust | Add a new customer and address | 9050.000000 |
13 | custForm | thePage | btn_Help | Choose this for help with this form | 9000.000000 |
14 | custForm | thePage | btn_Okay | Choose this to exit and accept any unsaved changes | 9020.000000 |
15 | custForm | thePage | btn_Oops | Choose this to cancel any unsaved changes | 9010.000000 |
16 | custForm | thePage | custForm | This form lets you add and change customers to the system | 9140.000000 |
17 | custForm | thePage | del_Cust | Delete this customer permanently from the table | 9040.000000 |
18 | custForm | thePage | diveFlagBox | Right-click this (or any other) object to display the ObjectPAL code used | 9130.000000 |
19 | custForm | thePage | firstRec | Selects the first customer record in the table (by Customer No) | 9110.000000 |
20 | custForm | thePage | last_Rec | Selects the last customer record in the table (by Customer No) | 9070.000000 |
21 | custForm | thePage | next_Rec | Selects the next customer records | 9080.000000 |
22 | custForm | thePage | next_Set | Selects the first record of the next set of records | 9060.000000 |
23 | custForm | thePage | panelVCR | This panel emulates the SpeedBar 'VCR' buttons | 9030.000000 |
24 | custForm | thePage | prev_Rec | Selects the record above (or before) this one | 9090.000000 |
25 | custForm | thePage | prev_Set | Selects the first record in the previous set of records | 9100.000000 |
26 | diveBio | marineLifePage | Graphic | | 1090.000000 |
27 | diveBio | marineLifePage | acceptBttn | Add the selection to the query and return to the Main screen. | 1050.000000 |
28 | diveBio | marineLifePage | cancelBttn | Return to the Main screen without saving selections. | 1030.000000 |
29 | diveBio | marineLifePage | clearMyQueryBttn | Clear Marine Life search criteria from query. | 1020.000000 |
30 | diveBio | marineLifePage | commonFld | Select a fish by its common name. | 1070.000000 |
31 | diveBio | marineLifePage | commonList | Lists the common names of marine life. | 1010.000000 |
32 | diveBio | marineLifePage | diveFlagBox1 | | 1000.000000 |
33 | diveBio | marineLifePage | helpButton | Display Help for the Marine Life screen. | 1040.000000 |
34 | diveBio | marineLifePage | latinFld | Select a fish by its Latin name. | 1060.000000 |
35 | diveBio | marineLifePage | latinList | Lists the Latin names of marine life. | 1080.000000 |
36 | diveBio | marineLifePage | marineLifePage | | 1100.000000 |
37 | divePlan | mainPage | bioButton | Display the Marine Life screen to choose marine life. | 2040.000000 |
38 | divePlan | mainPage | clearQueryBttn | Clear all search criteria. | 2050.000000 |
39 | divePlan | mainPage | diveFlagBox | About MAST. | 2000.000000 |
40 | divePlan | mainPage | exitButton | Exit the MAST application and return to Paradox. | 2060.000000 |
41 | divePlan | mainPage | helpButton | Display Help for the Main screen. | 2070.000000 |
42 | divePlan | mainPage | mainPage | | 2010.000000 |
43 | divePlan | mainPage | processButton | Retrieve destinations matching selections from other screens. | 2080.000000 |
44 | divePlan | mainPage | siteButton | Display the Sites screen to choose site characteristics. | 2030.000000 |
45 | divePlan | mainPage | wreckButton | Display the Wrecks screen to choose a shipwreck site. | 2020.000000 |
46 | divePlan | resultsPage | bookItBttn | Display the Main Order Entry screen to book a trip. | 2540.000000 |
47 | divePlan | resultsPage | diveFlagBox1 | | 2560.000000 |
48 | divePlan | resultsPage | exitButton | Exit the MAST application and return to Paradox. | 2520.000000 |
49 | divePlan | resultsPage | helpButton | Display Help for the Vacations screen. | 2550.000000 |
50 | divePlan | resultsPage | mainPageBttn | Return to the Main screen. | 2530.000000 |
51 | divePlan | resultsPage | resultsPage | | 2510.000000 |
52 | diveSite | destsPage | AddToChoicesBttn | Add highlighted destination to the Chosen Destinations list. | 3070.000000 |
53 | diveSite | destsPage | acceptBttn | Add selections to query and return to Main screen. | 3010.000000 |
54 | diveSite | destsPage | cancelBttn | Return to Main screen without adding selections to query. | 3030.000000 |
55 | diveSite | destsPage | choices | | 3090.000000 |
56 | diveSite | destsPage | clearChoicesBttn | Clear chosen destinations from list. | 3080.000000 |
57 | diveSite | destsPage | clearMyQueryBttn | Clear Destinations search criteria from query. | 3040.000000 |
58 | diveSite | destsPage | destsPage | | 3000.000000 |
59 | diveSite | destsPage | helpButton | Display Help for the Destinations screen. | 3020.000000 |
60 | diveSite | destsPage | sitesPageBttn | Return to the Main screen without adding selections to the query. | 3050.000000 |
61 | diveSite | destsPage | smlDiveFlagBox | | 3060.000000 |
62 | diveSite | sitesPage | acceptBttn | Add selections to query and return to Main screen. | 3560.000000 |
63 | diveSite | sitesPage | cancelBttn | Return to Main screen without adding selections to query. | 3540.000000 |
64 | diveSite | sitesPage | clearMyQueryBttn | Clear Sites search criteria from query. | 3550.000000 |
65 | diveSite | sitesPage | destsPageBttn | Display Destinations screen without adding selections to query. | 3530.000000 |
66 | diveSite | sitesPage | diveFlagBox1 | | 3580.000000 |
67 | diveSite | sitesPage | helpButton | Display Help for the Sites screen. | 3520.000000 |
68 | diveSite | sitesPage | sitesList | | 3570.000000 |
69 | diveSite | sitesPage | sitesPage | | 3510.000000 |
70 | diveWrck | wrecksPage | Ship_Name | Display chosen ship. | 4070.000000 |
71 | diveWrck | wrecksPage | WreckList | Display list of shipwrecks. | 4080.000000 |
72 | diveWrck | wrecksPage | acceptBttn | Add selection to query and return to Main screen. | 4040.000000 |
73 | diveWrck | wrecksPage | cancelBttn | Return to Main screen without adding selection to query. | 4020.000000 |
74 | diveWrck | wrecksPage | clearMyQueryBttn | Clear Wrecks search criteria from query. | 4010.000000 |
75 | diveWrck | wrecksPage | diveFlagBox1 | | 4050.000000 |
76 | diveWrck | wrecksPage | helpButton | Display Help for the Wrecks screen. | 4030.000000 |
77 | diveWrck | wrecksPage | wreckFld | Select a specific shipwreck. | 4060.000000 |
78 | diveWrck | wrecksPage | wrecksPage | | 4090.000000 |
79 | lookList | lookPg | cancelBttn | Return to screen without making selection. | 7040.000000 |
80 | lookList | lookPg | listAllBttn | List all items. | 7050.000000 |
81 | lookList | lookPg | lookPg | | 7000.000000 |
82 | lookList | lookPg | lookupFld | | 7010.000000 |
83 | lookList | lookPg | lookupList | | 7020.000000 |
84 | lookList | lookPg | okBttn | Choose highlighted item and return to screen. | 7030.000000 |
85 | mastOrd | thePage | Depart_Date | The date you want to start your vacation | 5110.000000 |
86 | mastOrd | thePage | Description | Description of an ordered equipment item (read only) | 5210.000000 |
87 | mastOrd | thePage | Destination | Where you want to go on your vacation (press Ctrl+Spacebar to for a list) | 5090.000000 |
88 | mastOrd | thePage | Item_No | Catalog number of the equipment to order (press Ctrl+Spacebar for a list) | 5270.000000 |
89 | mastOrd | thePage | Line_Total | Total cost for this piece of equipment (Price * Qty, read-only) | 5230.000000 |
90 | mastOrd | thePage | No_Of_People | Number of people traveling on this vacation | 5080.000000 |
91 | mastOrd | thePage | Order_No | Accounting number for this order (automatically assigned, read only) | 5290.000000 |
92 | mastOrd | thePage | Payment_Method | How you want to pay for this vacation (press Ctrl+Spacebar for a list) | 5070.000000 |
93 | mastOrd | thePage | Price | Cost of each unit for this piece of equipment, depends on Sale Type) | 5240.000000 |
94 | mastOrd | thePage | Qty | Number of units you want of this particular piece of equipment | 5250.000000 |
95 | mastOrd | thePage | Rental_Sale | Rent or buy this equipment? (click the drop-down arrow when it appears) | 5260.000000 |
96 | mastOrd | thePage | Return_Date | When you want to return from your vacation (must be later than depart date) | 5100.000000 |
97 | mastOrd | thePage | Sale_Price | Cost of ordering this equipment (rental costs are based on weeks out) | 5210.000000 |
98 | mastOrd | thePage | Ship_Cost | Cost of shipping the equipment to your vacation destination | 5040.000000 |
99 | mastOrd | thePage | Ship_Via | How to ship equipment to destination (press Ctrl+Spacebar for a list) | 5060.000000 |
100 | mastOrd | thePage | add_Cust | Choose this to add information for a new customer | 5170.000000 |
101 | mastOrd | thePage | cardInfo | Credit card information, if appropriate | 5050.000000 |
102 | mastOrd | thePage | custAddr | Displays the customer's address (read only) | 5280.000000 |
103 | mastOrd | thePage | custFone | Displays the customer's phone number (read only) | 5000.000000 |
104 | mastOrd | thePage | destCost | Cost of this Destination. per person, per week (read only) | 5030.000000 |
105 | mastOrd | thePage | diveFlagBox | Right-click this (or other objects) to view ObjectPAL methods and code | 5020.000000 |
106 | mastOrd | thePage | editCust | Choose this to edit the address or phone number for this customer | 5160.000000 |
107 | mastOrd | thePage | eq_Total | Total cost of ordered equipment (including shipping) | 5180.000000 |
108 | mastOrd | thePage | equipFrm | Order diving equipment here (all white fields must be filled to save a row) | 5210.000000 |
109 | mastOrd | thePage | exit_Btn | Choose this (or press Alt+X) to exit this application | 5130.000000 |
110 | mastOrd | thePage | help_Btn | Choose this for information about using this application | 5120.000000 |
111 | mastOrd | thePage | invTotal | Total cost of this vacation order (including vacation and equipment) | 5190.000000 |
112 | mastOrd | thePage | itemNote | Click this to add or edit comments for this piece of equipment | 5220.000000 |
113 | mastOrd | thePage | mastOrd | Choose Help | Using this form for assistance. | 5020.000000 |
114 | mastOrd | thePage | nameList | Enter customer here (choose the Add Customer to add a new one) | 5140.000000 |
115 | mastOrd | thePage | printBtn | Choose this to print information about this or other vacations | 5150.000000 |
116 | mastOrd | thePage | saleList | Click this drop-down arrow to display a list of possible sale types | 5260.000000 |
117 | mastOrd | thePage | theList | Click this drop-down arrow to display a list of current customers | 5140.000000 |
118 | mastOrd | thePage | vacTotal | Cost of this vacation (based on destination and length of stay) | 5200.000000 |
119 | mastOrd | thePage | weeksOut | Number of weeks (rounded up) of your vacation | 5010.000000 |
120 | videoBar | videoPg | firstButton | Go to first record. | 8010.000000 |
121 | videoBar | videoPg | lastButton | Go to last record. | 8040.000000 |
122 | videoBar | videoPg | nextButton | Go to next record. | 8030.000000 |
123 | videoBar | videoPg | priorButton | Go to previous record. | 8020.000000 |
124 | videoBar | videoPg | videoPg | | 8000.000000