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Begin VB.UserControl cSysTray
CanGetFocus = 0 'False
ClientHeight = 510
ClientLeft = 0
ClientTop = 0
ClientWidth = 510
ClipControls = 0 'False
EditAtDesignTime= -1 'True
InvisibleAtRuntime= -1 'True
MouseIcon = "SysTray.ctx":0000
Picture = "SysTray.ctx":030A
ScaleHeight = 34
ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
ScaleWidth = 34
Attribute VB_Name = "cSysTray"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
' Control Property Globals...
Private gInTray As Boolean
Private gTrayId As Long
Private gTrayTip As String
Private gTrayHwnd As Long
Private gTrayIcon As StdPicture
Private gAddedToTray As Boolean
Const MAX_SIZE = 510
Private Const defInTray = False
Private Const defTrayTip = "VB 5 - SysTray Control." & vbNullChar
Private Const sInTray = "InTray"
Private Const sTrayIcon = "TrayIcon"
Private Const sTrayTip = "TrayTip"
' Control Events...
Public Event MouseMove(Id As Long)
Public Event MouseDown(Button As Integer, Id As Long)
Public Event MouseUp(Button As Integer, Id As Long)
Public Event MouseDblClick(Button As Integer, Id As Long)
Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
gInTray = defInTray ' Set global InTray defalt
gAddedToTray = False ' Set default state
gTrayId = 0 ' Set global TrayId default
gTrayHwnd = hwnd ' Set and keep HWND of user control
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_InitProperties()
InTray = defInTray ' Init InTray Property
TrayTip = defTrayTip ' Init TrayTip Property
Set TrayIcon = Picture ' Init TrayIcon property
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Paint()
Dim edge As RECT ' Rectangle edge of control
edge.Left = 0 ' Set rect edges to outer
edge.Top = 0 ' - most position in pixels
edge.Bottom = ScaleHeight '
edge.Right = ScaleWidth '
DrawEdge hDC, edge, BDR_RAISEDOUTER, BF_RECT Or BF_SOFT ' Draw Edge...
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
' Read in the properties that have been saved into the PropertyBag...
With PropBag
InTray = .ReadProperty(sInTray, defInTray) ' Get InTray
Set TrayIcon = .ReadProperty(sTrayIcon, Picture) ' Get TrayIcon
TrayTip = .ReadProperty(sTrayTip, defTrayTip) ' Get TrayTip
End With
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
With PropBag
.WriteProperty sInTray, gInTray ' Save InTray to propertybag
.WriteProperty sTrayIcon, gTrayIcon ' Save TrayIcon to propertybag
.WriteProperty sTrayTip, gTrayTip ' Save TrayTip to propertybag
End With
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
Height = MAX_SIZE ' Prevent Control from being resized...
Width = MAX_SIZE
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Terminate()
If InTray Then ' If TrayIcon is visible
InTray = False ' Cleanup and unplug it.
End If
End Sub
Public Property Set TrayIcon(Icon As StdPicture)
Dim Tray As NOTIFYICONDATA ' Notify Icon Data structure
Dim rc As Long ' API return code
If Not (Icon Is Nothing) Then ' If icon is valid...
If (Icon.Type = vbPicTypeIcon) Then ' Use ONLY if it is an icon
If gAddedToTray Then ' Modify tray only if it is in use.
Tray.uID = gTrayId ' Unique ID for each HWND and callback message.
Tray.hwnd = gTrayHwnd ' HWND receiving messages.
Tray.hIcon = Icon.Handle ' Tray icon.
Tray.uFlags = NIF_ICON ' Set flags for valid data items
Tray.cbSize = Len(Tray) ' Size of struct.
rc = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, Tray) ' Send data to Sys Tray.
End If
Set gTrayIcon = Icon ' Save Icon to global
Set Picture = Icon ' Show user change in control as well(gratuitous)
PropertyChanged sTrayIcon ' Notify control that property has changed.
End If
End If
End Property
Public Property Get TrayIcon() As StdPicture
Set TrayIcon = gTrayIcon ' Return Icon value
End Property
Public Property Let TrayTip(Tip As String)
Attribute TrayTip.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_PropertyPut = ";Misc"
Attribute TrayTip.VB_UserMemId = -517
Dim Tray As NOTIFYICONDATA ' Notify Icon Data structure
Dim rc As Long ' API Return code
If gAddedToTray Then ' if TrayIcon is in taskbar
Tray.uID = gTrayId ' Unique ID for each HWND and callback message.
Tray.hwnd = gTrayHwnd ' HWND receiving messages.
Tray.szTip = Tip & vbNullChar ' Tray tool tip
Tray.uFlags = NIF_TIP ' Set flags for valid data items
Tray.cbSize = Len(Tray) ' Size of struct.
rc = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, Tray) ' Send data to Sys Tray.
End If
gTrayTip = Tip ' Save Tip
PropertyChanged sTrayTip ' Notify control that property has changed
End Property
Public Property Get TrayTip() As String
TrayTip = gTrayTip ' Return Global Tip...
End Property
Public Property Let InTray(Show As Boolean)
Attribute InTray.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_PropertyPut = ";Behavior"
Dim ClassAddr As Long ' Address pointer to Control Instance
If (Show <> gInTray) Then ' Modify ONLY if state is changing!
If Show Then ' If adding Icon to system tray...
If Ambient.UserMode Then ' If in RunMode and not in IDE...
' SubClass Controls window proc.
PrevWndProc = SetWindowLong(gTrayHwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, AddressOf SubWndProc)
' Get address to user control object
'CopyMemory ClassAddr, UserControl, 4&
' Save address to the USERDATA of the control's window struct.
' this will be used to get an object refenence to the control
' from an HWND in the callback.
SetWindowLong gTrayHwnd, GWL_USERDATA, ObjPtr(Me) 'ClassAddr
AddIcon gTrayHwnd, gTrayId, TrayTip, TrayIcon ' Add TrayIcon to System Tray...
gAddedToTray = True ' Save state of control used in teardown procedure
End If
Else ' If removing Icon from system tray
If gAddedToTray Then ' If Added to system tray then remove...
DeleteIcon gTrayHwnd, gTrayId ' Remove icon from system tray
' Un SubClass controls window proc.
SetWindowLong gTrayHwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, PrevWndProc
gAddedToTray = False ' Maintain the state for teardown purposes
End If
End If
gInTray = Show ' Update global variable
PropertyChanged sInTray ' Notify control that property has changed
End If
End Property
Public Property Get InTray() As Boolean
InTray = gInTray ' Return global property
End Property
Private Sub AddIcon(hwnd As Long, Id As Long, Tip As String, Icon As StdPicture)
Dim Tray As NOTIFYICONDATA ' Notify Icon Data structure
Dim tFlags As Long ' Tray action flag
Dim rc As Long ' API return code
Tray.uID = Id ' Unique ID for each HWND and callback message.
Tray.hwnd = hwnd ' HWND receiving messages.
If Not (Icon Is Nothing) Then ' Validate Icon picture
Tray.hIcon = Icon.Handle ' Tray icon.
Tray.uFlags = Tray.uFlags Or NIF_ICON ' Set ICON flag to validate data item
Set gTrayIcon = Icon ' Save icon
End If
If (Tip <> "") Then ' Validate Tip text
Tray.szTip = Tip & vbNullChar ' Tray tool tip
Tray.uFlags = Tray.uFlags Or NIF_TIP ' Set TIP flag to validate data item
gTrayTip = Tip ' Save tool tip
End If
Tray.uCallbackMessage = TRAY_CALLBACK ' Set user defigned message
Tray.uFlags = Tray.uFlags Or NIF_MESSAGE ' Set flags for valid data item
Tray.cbSize = Len(Tray) ' Size of struct.
rc = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_ADD, Tray) ' Send data to Sys Tray.
End Sub
Private Sub DeleteIcon(hwnd As Long, Id As Long)
Dim Tray As NOTIFYICONDATA ' Notify Icon Data structure
Dim rc As Long ' API return code
Tray.uID = Id ' Unique ID for each HWND and callback message.
Tray.hwnd = hwnd ' HWND receiving messages.
Tray.uFlags = 0& ' Set flags for valid data items
Tray.cbSize = Len(Tray) ' Size of struct.
rc = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_DELETE, Tray) ' Send delete message.
End Sub
Friend Sub SendEvent(MouseEvent As Long, Id As Long)
Select Case MouseEvent ' Dispatch mouse events to control
RaiseEvent MouseMove(Id)
RaiseEvent MouseDown(vbLeftButton, Id)
RaiseEvent MouseUp(vbLeftButton, Id)
RaiseEvent MouseDblClick(vbLeftButton, Id)
RaiseEvent MouseDown(vbRightButton, Id)
RaiseEvent MouseUp(vbRightButton, Id)
RaiseEvent MouseDblClick(vbRightButton, Id)
End Select
End Sub