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75 lines
Title : "DANZIG LEVEL 05"
Filename : DANZIG05.MAP
Author : Chookman, B. Vannatta
Email Address : jscott@mail.wwdc.com
Misc. Author Info : This is my ninth and last DOOM2
conversion of the classic DANZIG SERIES.
My previous ones were DANZIG01-04, 06-09.
This one has the same playing field as the
original but the "atmosphere" around the
battlezone was removed due to the use of
the Jetpack. I could have marked the walls
impassable but this way worked quite well.
Essentially, I have converted the floor
plan over and installed all sprites,
tags, textures etc. along with a few other
goodies that DUKE can use for mayhem.
Description : DANZIG05 is a fast map but it is slightly
larger than the rest of the series. 3-6
players should be optimum. The level
centers around a large building with an
outdoor area surrounding it. For those of
you who like this series, it is a solid map
that you will love.
Additional Credits to : 3dRealms, B. Vannatta (The best deathmatch
level maker for Doom I've ever seen.
Check out his HARM1.MAP for DUKE!) I would
also like to thank those who I've forgotten.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : User MAP.
Single Player : Boring.
Cooperative 2-8 Player : Even more Boring.
Deathmatch 2-8 Player : YES! - A little more breathing room here.
Difficulty Settings : Nope
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : No
* Construction *
Base : Converted and Modified Level from Doom2
Editor(s) used : Build, NWT 1.3, Wintex 4.2, Wad2Map.exe
Build Time : 8-10 Hours or so.
Known Bugs & Limitations: Slightly different looking than the original.
* Copyright / Permissions *
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact. I am also not below accepting a free copy of the CD. ;)
* Where to get this WAD *
I have no idea. Why should you care? If you are reading this, you
should have it. If not, E-mail me and I'll see what I can do.