UOLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
QFailed to create object. Make sure the object is entered in the system registry.
OCX ContainerL
Cont Files (*.cnt)
OCX Container Document
OCX Container
For Help, press F1%Select an object on which to get Help
Create a new document
Open an existing document
Close the active document
Save the active document
Save0Save the active document with a new name
Save As&Change the printing options
Page Setup3Change the printer and printing options
Print Setup
Print the active document
Print Display full pages
Print Preview
?Display program information, version number and copyright
About4Quit the application; prompts to save documents
List Help topics
Help Index/Display instructions about how to use help
Help;Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows
Help-Display help for current task or command
Open this document
Open this document
Open this document
Open this document
(Switch to the next window pane
Next Pane5Switch back to the previous window pane
Previous Pane
6Open another window for the active document
New Window7Arrange icons at the bottom of the window
Arrange Icons/Arrange windows so they overlap
Cascade Windows5Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles
Tile Windows5Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles
Tile Windows(Split the active window into panes
Erase the selection
Erase everything
Erase All3Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard
Copy1Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard
Find the specified text
Insert Clipboard contents
Paste=Insert Clipboard contents and a link to its source
Paste Link4Insert Clipboard contents with options
Paste Special
Repeat the last action
Repeat1Replace specific text with different text
Replace%Select the entire document
Select All
Undo the last action
Undo&Redo the previously undone action
'Show or hide the toolbar
Toggle ToolBar,Show or hide the status bar
Toggle StatusBar
%Insert new embedded object
New Object
Edit linked objects
Edit Links/Convert object to different type
Convert Object
"Activate embedded or linked object"Activate embedded or linked object"Activate embedded or linked object"Activate embedded or linked object
Change the window size
Change the window position
Reduce the window to an icon
Enlarge the window to full size"Switch to the next document window&Switch to the previous document window9Close the active window and prompts to save the documents