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BASIC Source File
247 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "WCIMDefines"
' CIM Message Type constants
Global Const MT_UNDEF As Byte = 0 ' Undefined message type
Global Const MT_EMAIL As Byte = 1 ' E-Mail message
Global Const MT_FORMSG As Byte = 2 ' Forum message
Global Const MT_FORTHD As Byte = 3 ' Forum thread
Global Const MT_IPLEX As Byte = 4 ' InfoPlex message (obsolete)
Global Const MT_DISP As Byte = 5 ' Display article
Global Const MT_ENS As Byte = 6 ' ENS story
' Image List picture offsets for various msg types
Global Const picFolder As Variant = 1
Global Const picThread As Variant = 2
Global Const picMail As Variant = 3
Global Const picForum As Variant = 4
Global Const picNews As Variant = 5
Global Const picUnknown As Variant = 6
' Relationship constants for TreeView control
Global Const tvwFirst As Variant = 0 ' First sibling
Global Const tvwLast As Variant = 1 ' Last sibling
Global Const tvwNext As Variant = 2 ' Next sibling
Global Const tvwPrevious As Variant = 3 ' Previous sibling
Global Const tvwChild As Variant = 4 ' Child
' EMail header message types
Global Const EM_UNTYPED = 0 ' Untyped msg
Global Const EM_IN = 1 ' In basket msg
Global Const EM_OUT = 2 ' Out basket msg
Global Const EM_RECD = 3 ' Rec'd cabinet msg
Global Const EM_UNSENT = 4 ' Unsent cabinet msg
' EMail message types
Global Const EM_TEXT = 0
Global Const EM_RESERVED = 1
Global Const EM_GIF = 2
Global Const EM_BINARY = 3
Global Const EM_TEXTFILE = 4
Global Const EM_TEXTOBJ = 5
Global Const EM_JPEG = 6
Global Const EM_MACBIN = 255
' Utility types used in headers and such
Type PString ' Pascal-style string
SLen As Byte
SData As String
End Type
Type Folder ' WinCIM folder type
FPath As String * 11
FName As String * 19
End Type
Type TimeStamp ' CIM time stamp record
TSec As Byte
TMin As Byte
THour As Byte
TDay As Byte
TMonth As Byte
TYear As Byte ' Offset from 1970
End Type
Type Recipient
Name As PString
Addr As PString
Options As Long
End Type
Type Content
ID As Byte
size As Long
Subject As PString
Name As PString
FType As Byte
DirID As Long
Path As PString ' DOS = Full path, Mac = Volume
End Type
Type CommonHeader ' WinCIM common header
ID As String * 3 ' always = "VIS"
Rev As String * 3 ' currently = "000"
EOFChar As Byte ' always = 0x1A (ctrl Z)
StrucSize As Integer ' remaining size of this structure
RecType As Byte
Created As TimeStamp
Received As TimeStamp
PSize As Long ' Presentation size
End Type
' After the CommonHeader, there are 4 PStrings - Pascal-style
' strings represented by a length byte followed by data
Type CommonPStrings
Subject As PString
Creator As PString ' Author in msg, or Section in thrd
CreAddr As PString ' Author's addr in msg, Forum in thrd
Service As PString ' Service name of forum, ie: CIS:VBASIC
End Type
Type EMailHeader
HdrSize As Integer
HdrType As Byte
NumCCs As Byte
CCs(1 To 100) As Recipient ' 1 to NumCCs
NumBCs As Byte
BCs(1 To 100) As Recipient ' 1 to NumBCs
msgid As PString ' Received msgs only
Options As Long ' Received msgs only
SendOpts As Byte
Release As TimeStamp
Expire As TimeStamp
ReplyTo As PString
NumContents As Byte
contents(1 To 100) As Content ' 1 to NumContents
AddSentOpts As Byte
AddCCNum As Integer
AddCC(1 To 100) As Recipient ' 1 to AddCCNum
AddBCNum As Integer
AddBC(1 To 100) As Recipient '1 to AddBCNum
End Type
Type MessageHeader
size As Integer ' Remaining size of this struct
Created As TimeStamp
Received As TimeStamp ' Local receipt time
Subject As PString
AuthName As PString
AuthAddr As PString
NumRecips As Byte
PrimaryRecips As Recipient
Name As PString
Addr As PString
Options As Long
flags As Integer ' bit 0 - autofiled if 1
' bit 1-15 reserved
NumAddlRecips As Integer
AddlRecips(1 To 100) As Recipient ' 1 to NumAddlRecips
End Type
Type ForumThdHeader
size As Integer ' remaining size of this structure
sectionid As Byte
Service As PString
threadid As Long
sectionname As PString
forumname As PString
count As Integer
Subject As PString
HiWatermark As Long
End Type
Type ForumThdMsg
size As Integer
MessageID As Long
ParentID As Long
FirstChildID As Long
NextChildID As Long
numreplies As Byte
Created As TimeStamp
Received As TimeStamp
AuthorName As PString
AuthorAddr As PString
RecipName As PString
RecipAddr As PString
flags As Byte
msgsize As Integer ' String size of ForumMsgThd body
MsgText As String
End Type
Type ForumMsgHeader
size As Integer
msgid As Long
parent As Long
nextsib As Long
firstchild As Long
numreplies As Byte
sectionid As Byte
sectionname As PString
servicename As PString
flags As Byte
threadid As Long
msgsize As Long
forumname As PString
msgtype As Byte
body As String ' len = msgsize
End Type
Type Thread
ComHdr As CommonHeader
ComPStr As CommonPStrings
Header As ForumThdHeader
Message As ForumThdMsg
FName As String
ShortFName As String
End Type
Type ENSStory
HSize As Integer
StoryNum As Long
CreDate As TimeStamp
WireID As PString
Title As PString
SSize As Long
ContSize As Long
Story As String ' Array [1-ContSize] of byte
End Type
Public gFolderList() As Folder ' List of paths & names of all folders
Public gThreadList() As Thread ' List of all threads in the current folder
Public gCurFolder As Folder ' Current folder selected
Public gCurThread As Thread ' Current thread selected
Public gNumFolders As Integer ' Number of folders in filing cabinet
Public gNumThreads As Integer ' Number of threads in current folder
Public WCimDir As String
Public WCimBase As String
Public gStopSearch As Integer