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MATLAB Users' Guide
May, 1981
Cleve Moler
Department of Computer Science
University of New Mexico
ABSTRACT. MATLAB is an interactive computer program
that serves as a convenient "laboratory" for
computations involving matrices. It provides easy
access to matrix software developed by the LINPACK and
EISPACK projects. The program is written in Fortran
and is designed to be readily installed under any
operating system which permits interactive execution of
Fortran programs.
1. Elementary operations page 2
2. MATLAB functions 8
3. Rows, columns and submatrices 9
4. FOR, WHILE and IF 10
5. Commands, text, files and macros 12
6. Census example 13
7. Partial differential equation 19
8. Eigenvalue sensitivity example 23
9. Syntax diagrams 27
10. The parser-interpreter 31
11. The numerical algorithms 34
12. FLOP and CHOP 37
13. Communicating with other programs 41
Appendix. The HELP file 46
MATLAB Users' Guide
November, 1980
Cleve Moler
Department of Computer Science
University of New Mexico
MATLAB is an interactive computer program that serves as a
convenient "laboratory" for computations involving matrices. It
provides easy access to matrix software developed by the LINPACK
and EISPACK projects \1-3!. The capabilities range from standard
tasks such as solving simultaneous linear equations and inverting
matrices, through symmetric and nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems,
to fairly sophisticated matrix tools such as the singular value
It is expected that one of MATLAB's primary uses will be in
the classroom. It should be useful in introductory courses in
applied linear algebra, as well as more advanced courses in
numerical analysis, matrix theory, statistics and applications of
matrices to other disciplines. In nonacademic settings, MATLAB
can serve as a "desk calculator" for the quick solution of small
problems involving matrices.
The program is written in Fortran and is designed to be
readily installed under any operating system which permits
interactive execution of Fortran programs. The resources
required are fairly modest. There are less than 7000 lines of
Fortran source code, including the LINPACK and EISPACK
subroutines used. With proper use of overlays, it is possible
run the system on a minicomputer with only 32K bytes of memory.
The size of the matrices that can be handled in MATLAB
depends upon the amount of storage that is set aside when the
system is compiled on a particular machine. We have found that
an allocation of 5000 words for matrix elements is usually quite
satisfactory. This provides room for several 20 by 20 matrices,
for example. One implementation on a virtual memory system
provides 100,000 elements. Since most of the algorithms used
access memory in a sequential fashion, the large amount of
allocated storage causes no difficulties.
MATLAB, page 2
In some ways, MATLAB resembles SPEAKEASY \4! and, to a
lesser extent, APL. All are interactive terminal languages that
ordinarily accept single-line commands or statements, process
them immediately, and print the results. All have arrays or
matrices as principal data types. But for MATLAB, the matrix is
the only data type (although scalars, vectors and text are
special cases), the underlying system is portable and requires
fewer resources, and the supporting subroutines are more powerful
and, in some cases, have better numerical properties.
Together, LINPACK and EISPACK represent the state of the art
in software for matrix computation. EISPACK is a package of over
70 Fortran subroutines for various matrix eigenvalue computations
that are based for the most part on Algol procedures published by
Wilkinson, Reinsch and their colleagues \5!. LINPACK is a
package of 40 Fortran subroutines (in each of four data types)
for solving and analyzing simultaneous linear equations and
related matrix problems. Since MATLAB is not primarily concerned
with either execution time efficiency or storage savings, it
ignores most of the special matrix properties that LINPACK and
EISPACK subroutines use to advantage. Consequently, only 8
subroutines from LINPACK and 5 from EISPACK are actually
In more advanced applications, MATLAB can be used in
conjunction with other programs in several ways. It is possible
to define new MATLAB functions and add them to the system. With
most operating systems, it is possible to use the local file
system to pass matrices between MATLAB and other programs.
MATLAB command and statement input can be obtained from a local
file instead of from the terminal. The most power and
flexibility is obtained by using MATLAB as a subroutine which is
called by other programs.
This document first gives an overview of MATLAB from the
user's point of view. Several extended examples involving data
fitting, partial differential equations, eigenvalue sensitivity
and other topics are included. A formal definition of the MATLAB
language and an brief description of the parser and interpreter
are given. The system was designed and programmed using
techniques described by Wirth \6!, implemented in nonrecursive,
portable Fortran. There is a brief discussion of some of the
matrix algorithms and of their numerical properties. The final
section describes how MATLAB can be used with other programs.
The appendix includes the HELP documentation available on-line.
1. Elementary operations
MATLAB works with essentially only one kind of object, a
rectangular matrix with complex elements. If the imaginary parts
of the elements are all zero, they are not printed, but they
MATLAB, page 3
still occupy storage. In some situations, special meaning is
attached to 1 by 1 matrices, that is scalars, and to 1 by n and m
by 1 matrices, that is row and column vectors.
Matrices can be introduced into MATLAB in four different
-- Explicit list of elements,
-- Use of FOR and WHILE statements,
-- Read from an external file,
-- Execute an external Fortran program.
The explicit list is surrounded by angle brackets, '<' and
'>', and uses the semicolon ';' to indicate the ends of the rows.
For example, the input line
A = <1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9>
will result in the output
A =
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
The matrix A will be saved for later use. The individual
elements are separated by commas or blanks and can be any MATLAB
expressions, for example
x = < -1.3, 4/5, 4*atan(1) >
results in
X =
-1.3000 0.8000 3.1416
The elementary functions available include sqrt, log, exp, sin,
cos, atan, abs, round, real, imag, and conjg.
Large matrices can be spread across several input lines,
with the carriage returns replacing the semicolons. The above
matrix could also have been produced by
A = < 1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 >
Matrices can be input from the local file system. Say a
file named 'xyz' contains five lines of text,
MATLAB, page 4
A = <
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
then the MATLAB statement EXEC('xyz') reads the matrix and
assigns it to A .
The FOR statement allows the generation of matrices whose
elements are given by simple formulas. Our example matrix A
could also have been produced by
for i = 1:3, for j = 1:3, a(i,j) = 3*(i-1)+j;
The semicolon at the end of the line suppresses the printing,
which in this case would have been nine versions of A with
changing elements.
Several statements may be given on a line, separated by
semicolons or commas.
Two consecutive periods anywhere on a line indicate
continuation. The periods and any following characters are
deleted, then another line is input and concatenated onto the
previous line.
Two consecutive slashes anywhere on a line cause the
remainder of the line to be ignored. This is useful for
inserting comments.
Names of variables are formed by a letter, followed by any
number of letters and digits, but only the first 4 characters are
The special character prime (') is used to denote the
transpose of a matrix, so
x = x'
changes the row vector above into the column vector
X =
Individual matrix elements may be referenced by enclosing
their subscripts in parentheses. When any element is changed,
the entire matrix is reprinted. For example, using the above
MATLAB, page 5
a(3,3) = a(1,3) + a(3,1)
results in
A =
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 10.
Addition, subtraction and multiplication of matrices are
denoted by +, -, and * . The operations are performed whenever
the matrices have the proper dimensions. For example, with the
above A and x, the expressions A + x and x*A are incorrect
because A is 3 by 3 and x is now 3 by 1. However,
b = A*x
is correct and results in the output
B =
Note that both upper and lower case letters are allowed for input
(on those systems which have both), but that lower case is
converted to upper case.
There are two "matrix division" symbols in MATLAB,