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Assembly Source File
285 lines
; IFS client module assembly stubs
IFS0_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs:IFS0_TEXT,ds:DGROUP
IFS0_TEXT ends
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
d@ label byte
d@w label word
userintno db ?
STK1LEN equ 512
stk1 db STK1LEN dup (0)
stk1end equ $
stk1sav dd ?
STK2LEN equ 512
stk2 db STK2LEN dup (0)
stk2end equ $
stk2sav dd ?
_DATA ends
_BSS segment word public 'BSS'
b@ label byte
b@w label word
_BSS ends
extrn _dispatch:far
extrn _UserInt:far
extrn _Intr17:far
public _ifs0_init
public _ifs0_shutdown
public _ifs0_GetStackUsed
IFS0_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
_oldint2f dd ?
_olduser dd ?
; void far ifs0_init(unsigned itr)
; install our IFS hook. set user communications hook to
; [itr]
_ifs0_init proc far
push bp ; standard entry
mov bp,sp
mov ax,[bp+6] ; ax = itr
mov [userintno],al
mov ax,352fh ; get Multiplex int.
int 21h
mov word ptr cs:[_oldint2f], bx
mov word ptr cs:[_oldint2f+2], es
mov ah,35h ; get user hook
mov al,[userintno]
int 21H
mov word ptr cs:[_olduser], bx
mov word ptr cs:[_olduser+2], es
mov bl,[userintno] ; bl = user int #
push ds ; set our hooks
push cs
pop ds
mov dx, offset _ifs0
mov ax,252fh
int 21h
mov dx, offset _ifs0_user
mov ah,25h
mov al,bl
int 21h
mov ax,3517h
int 21h
mov word ptr cs:[_old17], bx
mov word ptr cs:[_old17+2], es
mov dx, offset _new17
mov ax,2517h
int 21h
pop ds
pop bp
_ifs0_init endp
; void far ifs0_shutdown(void)
; restore intecepted ints
_ifs0_shutdown proc far
mov al,[userintno]
push ds ; restore orig. hooks
lds dx, cs:[_olduser]
mov ah, 25h
int 21h
lds dx, cs:[_oldint2f]
mov ax, 252fh
int 21h
lds dx, cs:[_old17]
mov ax, 2517h
int 21h
pop ds
_ifs0_shutdown endp
here db 0 ; i doubt this is necessary
; but better safe than sorry :)
_ifs0 proc far
push ax
cmp cs:[here],0 ; are we already here?
jnz @@notus ; yes, exit
mov cs:[here],1 ; set sem.
push bx ; save remaining registers
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
push bp
mov bp,DGROUP ; set ds --> DGROUP
mov ds,bp
mov word ptr [stk1sav],sp ; save caller's stack
mov word ptr [stk1sav+2],ss
mov ss,bp ; set to local stack
mov sp,offset stk1end
push word ptr [stk1sav+2] ; push old ss/sp
push word ptr [stk1sav]
call _dispatch ; dispatch routine
mov sp, word ptr [stk1sav] ; retrieve original ss/sp
mov ss, word ptr [stk1sav+2]
pop bp ; restore regs
pop es ; (these can be / are
pop ds ; modified by the service
pop di ; routine)
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
mov cs:[here],0 ; reset sem. flag
; possible return values in AX:
; 0xffff == not us, chain
; 0x0000 == no error return
; other == error return, set carry
cmp ax,0ffffh ; our `not us flag'
jz @@notus
or ah,ah
jz @@finish1
pop ax
ret 2
pop ax
jmp cs:[_oldint2f]
_ifs0 endp
; unsigned ifs0_GetStackUsed(void)
; return number of bytes in local stack which were used
; used for debugging to minimize stack. i left lot's of space
; just in case.
_ifs0_GetStackUsed proc far
mov bx,offset stk1
mov cx,STK1LEN
cmp byte ptr [bx],0
jnz @@ifs0_gsur
inc bx
loop @@ifs0_gsu
sub bx,offset stk1
mov ax,STK1LEN
sub ax,bx
_ifs0_GetStackUsed endp
; our user communications hook
db 'RIFS'
_ifs0_user proc far
push ax ; save all regs
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
push ds
push es
push bp
mov bp,DGROUP ; init DS
mov ds,bp
mov bp,sp
push ss ; push INTREGS *
push bp
call _UserInt ; execute user interrupt
add sp,4 ; and return
pop bp
pop es
pop ds
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
_ifs0_user endp
_old17 dd 0
_new17 proc far
push ax
cmp cs:[here],0 ; are we already here?
jnz @@notus ; yes, exit
mov cs:[here],1 ; set sem.
push bx ; save remaining registers
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
push bp
mov bp,DGROUP ; set ds --> DGROUP
mov ds,bp
mov word ptr [stk1sav],sp ; save caller's stack
mov word ptr [stk1sav+2],ss
mov ss,bp ; set to local stack
mov sp,offset stk1end
push word ptr [stk1sav+2] ; push old ss/sp
push word ptr [stk1sav]
call _Intr17 ; dispatch routine
mov sp, word ptr [stk1sav] ; retrieve original ss/sp
mov ss, word ptr [stk1sav+2]
pop bp ; restore regs
pop es ; (these can be / are
pop ds ; modified by the service
pop di ; routine)
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
mov cs:[here],0 ; reset sem. flag
cmp ax,1
jz @@okret
pop ax
jmp cs:[_old17]
pop ax
_new17 endp
IFS0_TEXT ends