Troubleshooting Netware Systems
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Assembly Source File
572 lines
; this is the server - specific assembly code.
; some notes:
; in thought i could interrupt DOS any time outside of a DOS
; critical area (flagged through int 2a/80 2a/81 2a/82) by simply
; swapping the SDA. surprise! i have used this technique many times
; in the past, but it seems that if both a background and foreground
; process are doing directory searches, they interfere with each
; other. that's what some of the more bizarre looking checks
; are all about.
SVR0_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs:SVR0_TEXT,ds:DGROUP
SVR0_TEXT ends
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
d@ label byte
d@w label word
STK1LEN equ 512 ; stack while servicing any
stk1 db STK1LEN dup (0) ; interrupt
stk1end equ $
stk1sav dd 0
userintno db ? ; communications int #
_DATA ends
_BSS segment word public 'BSS'
b@ label byte
b@w label word
_BSS ends
extrn _ServerDispatch : far
extrn _UserInt : far
extrn _background : byte
extrn _SDA : far ptr
extrn _SDA_DOSBUSY : far ptr
extrn _lcl_SDA : far ptr
extrn _CDS_base : far ptr
extrn _lcl_CDS : far ptr
extrn _SDA_maxsize : word
extrn _SDA_minsize : word
extrn _CDS_TotalSize : word
extrn __Recieve : far
public _svr0_init
public _svr0_shutdown
public _svr0_GetSemaphores
public _svr0_SetDispatchFlag
public _svr0_ResetDispatchFlag
public _svr0_GetStackUsed
public _svr0_int1b
public _svr0_int23
public _svr0_int24
public _SwapDOS
SVR0_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
; these are easiest to keep in the code segment. bad
; practice though :)
semflag db 0 ; BIOS semaphore flags
doscrit db 0 ; DOS critical flag
callsvr db 0 ; call server pending
; swap two memory regious
; es:di --> src 1
; ds:si --> src 2
; cx = length
; exit:
; ax = ?
; cx = 0
; si/di are incremented [cx] bytes
; all others unchanged
; notes:
; i don't check that either di or si (or both) are at even addresses.
; this routine slows considerably if that is not the case!
swap proc near
cld ; want increment on string cmds
shr cx,1 ; cx /= 2 (holds # of words to move)
jz @@m1 ; if zero, skip
pushf ; save carry flag
mov bx,es:[di] ; swap 1 word at a time
mov [si-2],bx
loop @@ms
popf ; get carry back
jnc @@mr ; skip on no carry
mov ah,es:[di] ; otherwise move odd byte
mov [si-1],ah
swap endp
_SwapDOS proc far
push ax
push cx
push di
push si
push es
push ds ; swap SDA
mov cx,[_SDA_maxsize]
les di,[_SDA]
lds si,[_lcl_SDA]
call swap
pop ds
push ds ; swap CDS
mov cx,[_CDS_TotalSize]
les di,[_CDS_base]
lds si,[_lcl_CDS]
call swap
pop ds
pop es
pop si
pop di
pop cx
pop ax
_SwapDOS endp
; test to see if the server needs to be called (or can be called)
; and do all of the necessary prep work.
svrhere db 0 ; local semaphore
_svr0_TestCallSvr proc far
pushf ; save things as i go along...
push ds
push bp
mov bp,DGROUP
mov ds,bp
cmp DGROUP:[_background],0 ; are we a background task?
jz @@__svr0a ; no, skip!
; everything from this test until we either
; set the flag or exit must not be interrupted!
cmp cs:[svrhere],0 ; are we here?
jnz @@__svr0a ; yes, exit!
cmp cs:[semflag], 0 ; any BIOS locks?
jnz @@__svr0a ; yes, exit!
cmp cs:[doscrit],0 ; DOS in critical area?
jnz @@__svr0a ; yes, exit!
push di ; finally, check DOS busy
push es
les di,[_SDA_DOSBUSY]
cmp byte ptr es:[di],0 ; if DOS not busy, OK
jz @@_svr0_OK
cmp byte ptr es:[di],1 ; if DOS ct > 1, BAD
jnz @@_svr0_OK
cmp [int28here],1 ; if DOS ct IS 1
; and we're at int 28
; OK!
pop es
pop di
jz @@__svr1 ; DOS not busy, continue
jmp @@TestCallSvrR
mov cs:[svrhere],1 ; set semaphore
; save stack
mov word ptr DGROUP:[stk1sav],sp
mov word ptr DGROUP:[stk1sav+2],ss
cli ; set local stack
mov sp, offset stk1end
mov bp,ds
mov ss,bp
push ax ; save remaining regs
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
push es
call __Recieve ; check for recieve
cmp cs:[callsvr],0 ; ready to call server?
jz @@__svr0_rcv ; no, done!
call _SwapDOS
call _ServerDispatch ; dispatch command
call _SwapDOS
pop es
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
mov sp,word ptr DGROUP:[stk1sav]
mov ss,word ptr DGROUP:[stk1sav+2]
mov cs:[svrhere],0 ; reset semaphore
pop bp
pop ds
_svr0_TestCallSvr endp
; my int 9 control-break handler (ignore)
_svr0_int1b proc far
_svr0_int1b endp
; here is my control-break handler (ignore)
_svr0_int23 proc far
_svr0_int23 endp
; my critical error handler (always return FAIL)
_svr0_int24 proc far
mov al,03h
_svr0_int24 endp
; clock int
; we could only be here if the server was called during the last
; timer tick, but better safe than sorry.
int08here db 0
oldint08 dd 0
semint08 proc far
pushf ; emulate an INT 08
call cs:[oldint08]
cmp cs:[int08here],0 ; check semaphore
jnz @@semint08R ; skip if here
inc cs:[int08here]
call _svr0_TestCallSvr ; try me
dec cs:[int08here]
iret ; finished
semint08 endp
; don't interrupt a disk action
oldint13 dd 0
semint13 proc far
inc cs:[semflag]
call cs:[oldint13]
dec cs:[semflag]
jnz @@__int13a
call _svr0_TestCallSvr
retf 2 ; pop old flags
semint13 endp
; forward call calls to DOS, then try calling test server
; this assures that if a call to the server could not be put through
; due to DOS busy, it will be processed immediatly
oldint21 dd 0
semint21 proc far
call _svr0_TestCallSvr
jmp cs:[oldint21]
semint21 endp
; if in INT 0x28, we can interrupt DOS if 0 <= SDA_DOSBUSY <= 1
int28here db 0
oldint28 dd 0
semint28 proc far
inc cs:[int28here]
call cs:[oldint28]
call _svr0_TestCallSvr
dec cs:[int28here]
semint28 endp
; dos set critical interrupt
oldint2a dd 0
semint2a proc far
cmp ah,80h ; entering DOS critical area?
jnz @@sem1 ; no, skip
inc cs:[doscrit] ; else inc. counter
jmp @@semrr
@@sem1: cmp ah,81h ; leaving DOS critical area?
jz @@sem2
cmp ah,82h
jnz @@semrr ; no, skip
cmp cs:[doscrit],0 ; counter at 0?
jz @@semrdr ; yes, no action
dec cs:[doscrit] ; else decrmentS
jnz @@semrdr ; if not zero, skip
call _svr0_TestCallSvr ; else test server
jmp cs:[oldint2a] ; chain
semint2a endp
; void far svr0_init(unsigned itr)
; initialize the various interrupts used in this section
_svr0_init proc far
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,[bp+6]
mov [userintno],al
mov ah,35h ; get user int
int 21h
mov word ptr cs:[olduser], bx
mov word ptr cs:[olduser+2], es
cmp [_background],0 ; if this is not to run in the
jz @@svr0_init0 ; background, we're done!
mov al,[userintno]
mov ah,25h
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset _svr0_user
int 21h
pop ds
push ds
push cs
pop ds
assume ds:SVR0_TEXT
; grab timer int
mov ax,3508h
int 21h
mov word ptr [oldint08],bx
mov word ptr [oldint08+2],es
mov dx,offset semint08
mov ax,2508h
int 21h
; grab disk i/o int
mov ax,3513h
int 21h
mov word ptr [oldint13],bx
mov word ptr [oldint13+2],es
mov dx,offset semint13
mov ax,2513h
int 21h
; grab DOS call
mov ax,3521h
int 21h
mov word ptr [oldint21],bx
mov word ptr [oldint21+2],es
mov dx,offset semint21
mov ax,2521h
int 21h
; grab DOS waiting
mov ax,3528h
int 21h
mov word ptr [oldint28],bx
mov word ptr [oldint28+2],es
mov dx,offset semint28
mov ax,2528h
int 21h
; grab dos critical int
mov ax,352ah
int 21h
mov word ptr [oldint2a],bx
mov word ptr [oldint2a+2],es
mov dx,offset semint2a
mov ax,252ah
int 21h
pop ds
pop bp
_svr0_init endp
; void far svr0_shutdown(void)
; reset everything to startup values. no checking is done
; so if this is called before svr0_initialize the machine will
; go balistic!
_svr0_shutdown proc far
assume ds:DGROUP
cmp [_background],0
jz @@svr0_shut0
mov al,[userintno]
push ds
lds dx,cs:[olduser]
mov ah,25h
int 21h
pop ds
push ds
lds dx,cs:[oldint08]
mov ax,2508h
int 21h
lds dx,cs:[oldint13]
mov ax,2513h
int 21h
lds dx,cs:[oldint21]
mov ax,2521h
int 21h
lds dx,cs:[oldint28]
mov ax,2528h
int 21h
lds dx,cs:[oldint2a]
mov ax,252ah
int 21h
pop ds
_svr0_shutdown endp
; unsigned far svr0_GetSemaphores(void)
; return the semaphore values
; MSB = dos critical flag
; LSB = bios critical flag
_svr0_GetSemaphores proc far
mov ax,word ptr cs:[semflag]
_svr0_GetSemaphores endp
; void far svr0_SetDispatchFlag(void)
; set the Dispatch flag to TRUE, so the next srv0_TestCallSvr
; will trigger a dispatch function
_svr0_SetDispatchFlag proc far
mov cs:[callsvr],1
_svr0_SetDispatchFlag endp
; void far svr0_ResetDispatchFlag(void)
; reset the Dispatch flag
_svr0_ResetDispatchFlag proc far
mov cs:[callsvr],0
_svr0_ResetDispatchFlag endp
; unsigned far svr0_GetStackUsed(void)
; return the maximum number of local stack bytes used. this was
; mostly for debugging.
_svr0_GetStackUsed proc far
push di
mov di,offset stk1
mov cx,STK1LEN
push ds
pop es
mov al,0
repz scasb
sub di,offset stk1
mov ax,STK1LEN
sub ax,di
pop di
_svr0_GetStackUsed endp
; this is how we communicate.
; it is user selectable. the RIFS at the beginning is how we
; find ourselves.
olduser dd 0
db 'RIFS'
_svr0_user proc far
push ax ; save all regs
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
push ds
push es
push bp
mov bp,DGROUP ; init DS
mov ds,bp
mov bp,sp
mov cs:[svrhere],1
push ss ; push INTREGS *
push bp
call _UserInt ; execute user interrupt
add sp,4 ; and return
mov cs:[svrhere],0
pop bp
pop es
pop ds
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
_svr0_user endp
SVR0_TEXT ends