Troubleshooting Netware Systems
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10.12.90 ACCPAC6 JCR
ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE: ACCPAC Plus 6.0, Computer Associates
ACCPAC Plus 6.0 has been successfully tested in house with LANtastic 3.0X. This bulletin has been
designed as a guide during the installation and operation of ACCPAC 6.0 on LANtastic.
INSTALLING ACCPAC Plus 6.0 on LANtastic 3.0X
The network should be active prior to installing ACCPAC's Windowing System Manager (WSM), and
SHARE must be loaded (they recommend setting the parameters at /L:250 /F10000), and FILES
should be present in the config.sys file (they recommend FILES=250). File locks must be configured
on the workstations which contain data. The recommended values for those workstation's /L and /F
parameters when loading SHARE are:
Set /L to the # of file locks that were recorded on the User List in the installation guide.
Set /F using the following equation: filespace = file handles X 40.
For more information, please refer to the "Setting Configuration Parameters on DOS Workstations"
section of Installation on page 3-37, 3-38 of the LanPak manual.
The WSM is installed by typing A:INSTALL at the DOS prompt with the first WSM disk in drive
A:. Once installed, it should automatically bring up a menu with an option to Install Programs. If you
are returned back to the DOS prompt, check to be sure SHARE is loaded and that no errors have
occurred. You may run WSM from this point by typing in PLUS. Press the F3 key to select option
and select Install Programs.
NOTE: Please review the section "NETWORK INSTALLATION OPTIONS," on page 4 of this
bulletin before installing WSM. The DOS prompt should be the default drive designation from which
ACCPAC will be run.
Installing ACCPAC Plus Products
Insert the "Product One" disk of the product (Order Entry, Accounts Payable, etc) you are installing,
and select Continue from the prompt. Follow the prompts to insert additional disks if necessary.
Installing the LanPak
Install the LanPak product disk following the instructions above. The system will then prompt the
following questions:
Have you read the README.TXT file? --- answer yes if so
Are you installing on a Novell Network?- -- answer no
When activating the WSM for the network, the Network Activator compares version numbers and
a message will appear which verifies the versions are compatible. The system will then prompt to
activate the WSM. Select Yes to continue, and the Network Activator should appear. The status
should indicate that the network units on this disk have not been installed. A Host Network scroll
box will appear. Move the arrow key to the entry field, and select IBM PC LAN. Select YES to
confirm the network name and a message will indicate that activation of the network is taking place.
After installation, the status should show that 4 Network units have been installed and the Host
Network field should display IBM PC LAN. After activation, select CONTINUE and a message will
display "Completing Activation." The system will then prompt (Y/N) to install another program. To
check the LanPak installation, exit WSM to DOS (press ESC at the Start List). Re-start WSM by
typing in PLUS and the network name should be displayed on the screen header line.
Additional LanPak Installations
Install LanPak product disks using the Install Program function as defined above. The Network
Activator Installation screen should appear and the number of Network Units currently installed
should not include the units on this disk. After installation, the status should indicate that the
Network Units have been added to the existing Network Units. Select CONTINUE and select NO
if you do not wish to install another product.
Note on LanPaks...
Each LanPak disk contains four Network Units. You cannot install one LanPak disk twice. Refer
to the LanPak manual to determine the number of Network Units required for each configuration.
Configuring Workstation Names
The Workstation Name identifies each workstation to other users on the network. To give each
workstation a unique name, the workstation must first be assigned its own option directory. This can
be accomplished through the DOS SET command; SET plususer = d:\pathname where d:\pathname
is the drive and directory containing the user options. This can also be accomplished by starting
WSM with the "/u" command; PLUS /ud:\pathname. Computer Associates recommends using the SET
command as it frees the user from any switches at startup (please note that any switch used at startup
will override any environment variables established using the SET command). Copy the
EZUSEROP.LD4 file to the workstation's specified options directory. Once this has been done, the
Workstation Name may be changed once in WSM by pressing F3 for System Manager and selecting
Options. You will see the workstation name in parenthesis (the default is UNNAMED). Press enter
to change the name. The user name must be unique for each workstation.
This process can be done to customize separate Printer lists, Start lists, Currency and Exchange Rate
tables and system options for each person or workgroup on the network. Please refer to the "Create
Printer Lists, Start Lists, and Options for Workgroups" section from Administration on page 4-4 in
the LanPak manual for more information on these customizations.
Configuring a workstation using PROFILE.LD4
The PROFILE.LD4 file contains configuration info for each workstation, including support for
remote access, customizing network drive designations and limiting the number of open ACCPAC
windows a user may access.
Profile.LD4 - Remote Support
In some cases the user must access the server through a modem which may cause certain performance
limitations. For these users, Computer Associates recommends an alternate installation method, which
includes the modification of this file. Please refer to Adding a Remote Workstation, in the LanPak
manual, for more information.
Profile.LD4 - Customizing Network Drives
When installing ACCPAC, it is recommended that each user use the same drive designation to run
ACCPAC. However, if your users do require different drive designations to run ACCPAC, it is
possible by the modification of PROFILE.LD4. Be sure to modify the file on each workstation - do
not attempt to modify the file located on the server. To modify the file, you must first:
1. Ensure the file is located on the root of each workstation and is not read-only (for edit purposes).
2. Set a path to the location of the local profile.ld4 file on the workstation so the system will know
which .LD4 file to reference.
The file should contain at least two pieces of information (the defaults are listed):
\ASP {The location of the \ASP directory on the server
10 {the number of windows that workstation can have open
Edit the file so that the first line reads X:\ASP where X: is the redirected drive designation to the
server's ACCPAC directory. For example, if this user has issued a command such as NET USE F:
\\SERVER\RESOURCE (where SERVER is the server's machine name and RESOURCE is the
name of the resource created on the server for ACCPAC), the first line should be changed to
F:\ASP. Save the changes to the file, ensure your path is properly set, redirect your drive designation
(X:) to the server's ACCPAC resource and you should be able to run PLUS from that redirected
drive. These steps must be taken on each workstation. Once again, to eliminate any possible problem
or confusion, it is recommended that each user execute ACCPAC from the same redirected drive
Profile.LD4 - Limiting the Windows Access
An ACCPAC user may access more than one window simultaneously and 'swap' between windows.
That is, the user may execute one program from the Start List, and from within that program they
may press F4 to return to the start list and activate another program. In this manner each program
is considered an active window - the user may modify and work within each window, and may swap
between windows by pressing the F10 key. The maximum number of windows which can be open is
ten. This number is reflected in the second line of the Profile.LD4 file. The network administrator
may wish to lower this value for performance reasons - each window uses certain resources which may
affect the performance. To decrease the number, edit the file and change the second line to the
lesser number. Please refer to the Trouble Shooting Tips and Suggestions noted on page 5 of this
bulletin for additional information.
Network Operation
Once the ACCPAC products have been installed on a server, each workstation, using the same drive
designation, should log into the ACCPAC server and share the designated ACCPAC resource and
any necessary printing devices. To activate WSM from the workstation, type PLUS from the
redirected drive prompt.
Network Installation Options
When ACCPAC is initially installed on the server, it creates a series of directories and files from the
root, therefore, the root must be shared instead of any particular directory. If security is a concern
or you do not wish the users to have access to the entire root, you may install ACCPAC to a
subdirectory which has been substituted or redirected with a drive designation, as follows:
1. Make a directory on your server called \ACCPAC.
2. Redirect drive E: (where E: is the first available drive designation) to this subdirectory. This may
be done with either the DOS SUBST command or by creating a resource for the \ACCPAC
directory and allowing the network to redirect a drive to that resource:
Log into the server, create a resource called ACCPAC (with a link path of C:\ACCPAC) and
issue a NET USE E: \\SERVER\ACCPAC command to designate drive E:.
3. Install ACCPAC WSM and any subsequent products onto drive E: (instead of drive C:).
4. Run NET_MGR and create a shared resource called ACCPAC with a link path of C:\ACCPAC
(If you've already done this step in #2, continue on to #6).
5. Issue a NET USE command to link to the ACCPAC resource; NET USE E:
Where E: is the redirected drive designation and \\SERVER is the name of the server on which
the ACCPAC program has been installed, and \ACCPAC is the resource name which was set up
6. Switch to the E: prompt and run WSM.
NOTE: This operation may be preferred, however, once installed in this manner, ACCPAC must
always be run from the new drive designation on both the server and the workstations. The server
is not required to net use his own \ACCPAC resource, but may instead use the SUBST command to
run ACCPAC from drive E:. To avoid path confusion, keep each user to the same redirected drive
(have them all run ACCPAC from drive E:).
If the system exits out to DOS during the installation procedure, make sure that SHARE is currently
loaded and check to see if any errors have occurred. Once WSM is installed, follow the Install
Program procedure (at the Start List press F3 for System Manager and I for Install Program) for all
other program installations. If you exit for any reason before the installation is complete, that
program MUST be reinstalled.
Network Status
By creating workstation names, one can display ACCPAC's network activity by pressing F3 for System
Manager and selection Network Status. This gives the user an option to display the ACCPAC
workstations and the last database conflict (program conflict).
Running ACCPAC across the network
ACCPAC should be activated from the same redirected drive on each workstation. If ACCPAC is
unable to locate the necessary data files, double check the drive redirection. If some users are
executing ACCPAC from a different drive designation, check those user's Profile.LD4 files. This file
contains the specific path information for that user's designated ACCPAC drive. Make sure the
specified drive in Profile.LD4 is the same as the redirected drive from which ACCPAC is being
executed, and make sure the user has a path set to that Profile.LD4 file.
File Configuration
As mentioned earlier, each program executed in an ACCPAC window requires a certain number of
files. If the users reach their limit in open windows, they may also exceed the number of available
files. If this happens, limit the number of available open windows for each user (see the Profile.LD4
Printing Problems - Local
If your program will not print to a local printer, exit from ACCPAC and confirm that the local port
(LPT1...) has not been redirected across the network (this can be done using the LANtastic NET
SHOW command). Print through DOS to confirm the connection. If you can print through DOS but
not through ACCPAC, select the report you wish to print and press F3 for System Manager, and
P for Printer Configuration. Make sure the designation is set to Printer and check the printer driver.
The printer driver selected should be the driver which corresponds to that printer. Check all
options/ports for that driver and try again. If you are still unable to print, the driver you have
configured may be incorrect and you may wish to review your printer manual or contact Computer
Associates for the corresponding driver configuration.
Printing Problems - Network
If your program will not print to a network printer, exit from ACCPAC and confirm that you can
print through the network to the network printer. If you can not, check your printer redirection and
timeout, and make sure the server's network queue is active. Once you are able to print through the
network, follow the steps above in attempting to print through ACCPAC.
Running ACCPAC with Expanded Memory Managers
ACCPAC will utilize any Expanded memory available on your system. When it is installed, the initial
CA screen will display the amount of memory available. ACCPAC uses this expanded memory to
optimize certain functions, such as with their memory resident search. Our in house tests ran
ACCPAC Plus with Quarterdeck's QEMM.SYS. As always, when installing any EMM driver, please
be sure to avoid any possible RAMBASE conflicts. If you are running a LANtastic 2mbps adapter,
you will need to exclude the RAMBASE you've selected on the adapter. For example, your config.sys
file (this example uses QEMM.SYS) may look something like this: DEVICE=QEMM.SYS RAM
X=D000-D800, where D000-D800 may be the RAMBASE used by the network adapter.
NOTE: ACCPAC Plus requires each node to have a minimum of 640K RAM.
Performance Options - Limiting Windows
Many things can be done to enhance the performance of your network, such as adding a cache utility
or optimizing buffer settings (more information is available on optimizing LANtastic through a
PERFORMANCE bulletin available on Artisoft's fax system). For ACCPAC, the performance can
be affected by the number of open windows (or sessions) each user accesses. A program can be
executed through each window, and every program uses various resources from that computer
(memory, file handles, etc). Accessing more windows means using more resources, which can directly
affect the performance of that system. The number of open windows on each system can be limited
by modifying the Profile.LD4 file on each workstation.
To limit the number of active windows, the Profile.LD4 file may be modified as outlined above.
Use caution when editing this file, as the first specifies the location of the ACCPAC files for that
specific user. In the Profile.LD4 file, the second line contains the window limit value (again the
default is 10). Edit the file and enter the new window limit value on that line.
Performance Options - Verify Entries
In addition to limiting the number of active windows, you can also increase performance by changing
the System Manager option 'Verify Entries' to no (the default is yes). This will speed up data entry
in key fields.
Performance Options - Share
Finally, ensure that SHARE has been properly installed on every machine which contains ACCPAC
data and that you are using the recommended /F and /L parameter values accordingly.
Please refer to the "Performance Tips" section from Administration on page 4-19 in the ACCPAC
LanPak manual for more information.
This document has been designed to help with the installation and setup of ACCPAC and to provide
a guideline for trouble shooting. Additional configuration may be necessary to accommodate your
specific network.
If a unique problem arises which we are unable to resolve either through phone contact with our
technical support or through this bulletin, a problem report can be filed through our tech support
staff. While we are able to provide full support with our network products, the complexity of
ACCPAC 6.0 may require the use of additional resources not available from Artisoft.
LANtastic has met the certification requirements as outlined by Computer Associates, and ACCPAC
6.0 has been added to our list as compatible with LANtastic NOS 3.0X.
Any questions or suggestions on this bulletin may be mailed to our offices:
Artisoft, Inc.
575 East River Road
Tucson, AZ 85704
ATTN: Compatibility Department / ACCPAC 6.0 Support.
Vendor Info
Computer Associates International, Inc.
1240 McKay Drive
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 432-1764