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05.22.90 FILEPRO3 JCR (updated 8.14.90)
DATABASE SOFTWARE: filePro 16 Plus 3.0, The Small Computer Company
Installing FilePro 16 Plus
filePro should be installed on the server to the server's physical device. Insert the first filePro
floppy and from the floppy prompt, run the INSTALL program. This will create two directories;
\FP and \FILEPRO. It will also install P.EXE and FPPATH onto the root directory. FPPATH was
initially designed to contain program and data path information. This configuration setup, along
with any printing device information, can be configured through each workstation's environment
using the SET command. The SET command will override any information in the FPPATH file.
Follow the installation prompts to insert each disk. No additional configuration is necessary at
this time, and filePro 16 does not have any additional requirements for network installation.
When filePro is loaded, the menu banner will display Network filePro 16 Plus v3.00...
Network Configuration
It is recommended that each workstation have a minimum of 20 files and 30 buffers (or cache)
set in config, and SHARE must be loaded on the filePro Server. Once filePro has been installed,
each workstation (including the server if it is also to be used as a workstation) must configure
their environment to tell filePro where to file the necessary files and printing devices. These can
be done through a series of SET commands, which are usually installed in the AUTOEXEC.BAT
file of each workstation. They MUST BE IN CAPS and are as follows:
SET PFPRT=LPTX (Where LPTX represents the desired printing designation.
The LANtastic REDIR will handle the request as normal. If the user specifies LPT1 and has
not issued a NET USE LPT1 command, the device will assume a local port. If the user
redirects the LPT1 device, the requests will be handled accordingly.)
SET PFDSK=X: (PFDSK tells filePro which disk drives to use. When you set PFDSK be sure to include all
drives needed by filePro, including the default data drive. FilePro will use only those drives
specified by PFDSK. Be sure the drives are valid. When using PFDSK, filePro will not check
the validity of the drives specified. PFDSK is functionally the opposite of PFIGN, which tells
filePro which drives to ignore. If both are present in your system environment, filePro will
obey PFDSK and not PFIGN (condensed from The Small Computer Company's filePro 16
Installation Note 6/89).
SET PFNOCR=ON (filePro automatically sends a LF and CR to the printer. If the printer is double spacing
and all other dip switch and initial setting have been checked, filePro to return only a LF).
Once filePro has been configured on each station, as well as on the server, each workstation
must log into the server, share the server's root device and the printing device (if applicable) and
set any necessary environment variables. The user may then change to the redirected drive
designation and run P.EXE to load filePro.
Once filePro is loaded, the user may select all options through the given Network filePro 16
Menu, or a custom menu may be defined. Pressing the <Ctrl><Break> keys will exit most
menu options and place the user back one menu level. The <F> filePro Utilities Manager will allow one to
configure the site password information.
Printing - Workstation Printing to Local Printer Only
Any Workstation (WS) may print to it's local printer. The WS must first use the SET command
to inform filePro of the printer designation, ie: SET PFPRT=LPT1 where LPT1 is the actual
physical port the WS wishes to print from. Don't forget to watch syntax. When the WS access
filePro from the server and runs the above printing test, the output should be directed to the local
device. If it does not, be sure the device can print outside of filePro and double check the
environment using SET.
Printing - Workstation printing to local and network printers
The WS may print to it's local printer and to a network printing device by issuing a NET USE
command to the appropriate network device and setting the timeout to a minimum of 5 seconds.
The WS must tell filePro which output device to use through the SET command. For example,
if the WS wishes to print to it's local printer (ie LPT1) through other applications, but wishes to
use the network printer (ie LPT2) when in filePro, the following is necessary: NET USE LPT2
\\SERVER\@PRINTER, SET PFPRT=LPT2, NET LPT TIMEOUT 5. Any available port may be
configured in this manner. LPT1 and LPT2 have just been used as examples.
Printing Comments
The above configurations hold true also for the server if the server is also to be used as a WS.
These print jobs may be held in the queue, redirected to a file or sent to LPT1, LPT2, LPT3.
File and Record Locking
filePro will rely on DOS SHARE for file and record locking. If SHARE is not loaded on the filePro
server, an error message will not occur during editing. The record saves will be on a first-come,
first-serve basis. When SHARE is loaded, the appropriate messages are displayed which indicate
the record is currently being edited, etc.
filePro 16 Plus v3.0 has been tested with the LANtastic NOS 2.57 and 3.0, and has been added to our
compatibility list. The contents and accuracy of this bulletin have been updated and confirmed with The Small
Computer Company.
Vendor Info
The Small Computer Company, Inc.
41 Saw Mill River Road
Hawthorne, NY 10532
(914) 769-3160