Troubleshooting Netware Systems
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Text File
293 lines
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* Provides constants and data definitions for WD8STAR2.ASM file *
* ( For WD8003 StarLAN PC Adapter Board ). *
* *
* -------- *
* external definition *
* I/O port offset definition *
* I/O register mask definition *
* miscellaneous constants definition *
* structure definition *
* *
* NOTE: *
* ---- *
* variable definition and reserved patch area are in asm file now *
* *
* ------- *
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; StarLAN Driver Hardware Routines Externals
EXTRN _entersw:BYTE ; Set prior to calling enter_osi()
; background processor
EXTRN _MACstat:BYTE ; MAC Statistics array, defined in
; structure mstats
EXTRN _rx_buf:WORD ; Pointer to BD for Current RCV Buffer
EXTRN _tx_buf:WORD ; Pointer to BD for Current TX Buffer
EXTRN _tx_queue:WORD ; TX pending queue header
EXTRN _rx_queue:WORD ; RX received frames queue header
EXTRN _bpool:WORD ; Buffer Queue header in OSI stuff
EXTRN _bstack:BYTE ; Our background stack - length 80 bytes
EXTRN _bstacktop:WORD ; top of it
EXTRN _dstack:BYTE ; Our DISKINT stack - length 80 bytes
EXTRN _dstacktop:WORD ; top of it
; new extrn for 8003
EXTRN _tb_use:BYTE ; no. of tx buf's of shared mem in use
EXTRN _tb_cur:BYTE ; the currnet tb of shr mem being txing
EXTRN _tb_lnth:WORD ; byte cnt array for each tb in shr mem
EXTRN _OSI_RST:BYTE ; flag for OSI reset, set by stop_mac
; reset by init_mac, checked by init_8390
; StarLAN controller board offsets
; IO port definition (BASE in WD8_base)
W83CREG EQU 00h ; 8003 control register
W83CREG EQU 00h ; 8003 status register
ADDROM EQU 08h ; LAN Address ROM
; 8390 LAN Controller (page0) register offset for read and write
CMDR EQU 10h ; command register for read & write
CLDA0 EQU 11h ; current local dma addr 0 for read
PSTART EQU 11h ; page start register for write
CLDA1 EQU 12h ; current local dma addr 1 for read
PSTOP EQU 12h ; page stop register for write
BNRY EQU 13h ; boundary reg for rd and wr
TSR EQU 14h ; tx status reg for rd
TPSR EQU 14h ; tx start page start reg for wr
NCR EQU 15h ; number of collision reg for rd
TBCR0 EQU 15h ; tx byte count 0 reg for wr
FIFO EQU 16h ; FIFO for rd
TBCR1 EQU 16h ; tx byte count 1 reg for wr
ISR EQU 17h ; interrupt status reg for rd and wr
CRDA0 EQU 18h ; current remote dma address 0 for rd
RSAR0 EQU 18h ; remote start address reg 0 for wr
CRDA1 EQU 19h ; current remote dma address 1 for rd
RSAR1 EQU 19h ; remote start address reg 1 for wr
RBCR0 EQU 1Ah ; remote byte count reg 0 for wr
RBCR1 EQU 1Bh ; remote byte count reg 1 for wr
RSR EQU 1Ch ; rx status reg for rd
RCR EQU 1Ch ; rx configuration reg for wr
CNTR0 EQU 1Dh ; tally cnt 0 for frm alg err for rd
TCR EQU 1Dh ; tx configuration reg for wr
CNTR1 EQU 1Eh ; tally cnt 1 for crc err for rd
DCR EQU 1Eh ; data configuration reg for wr
CNTR2 EQU 1Fh ; tally cnt 2 for missed pkt for rd
IMR EQU 1Fh ; interrupt mask reg for wr
; 8390 LAN Controller (page1) register offset for read and write
PAR0 EQU 11h ; physical addr reg 0 for rd and wr
PAR1 EQU 12h ; physical addr reg 1 for rd and wr
PAR2 EQU 13h ; physical addr reg 2 for rd and wr
PAR3 EQU 14h ; physical addr reg 3 for rd and wr
PAR4 EQU 15h ; physical addr reg 4 for rd and wr
PAR5 EQU 16h ; physical addr reg 5 for rd and wr
CURR EQU 17h ; current page reg for rd and wr
MAR0 EQU 18h ; multicast addr reg 0 fro rd and WR
MAR1 EQU 19h ; multicast addr reg 1 fro rd and WR
MAR2 EQU 1Ah ; multicast addr reg 2 fro rd and WR
MAR3 EQU 1Bh ; multicast addr reg 3 fro rd and WR
MAR4 EQU 1Ch ; multicast addr reg 4 fro rd and WR
MAR5 EQU 1Dh ; multicast addr reg 5 fro rd and WR
MAR6 EQU 1Eh ; multicast addr reg 6 fro rd and WR
MAR7 EQU 1Fh ; multicast addr reg 7 fro rd and WR
; 8003 control register operations
MSK_RESET EQU 80h ; reset LAN controller
MSK_ENASH EQU 40h ; enable PC access to shared mem
MSK_DECOD EQU 3Fh ; ???? memory decode bits, corresponding
; to SA 18-13. SA 19 assumed to be 1
; 8390 CMDR MASK
MSK_STP EQU 01h ; software reset, take 8390 off line
MSK_STA EQU 02h ; activate the 8390 NIC
MSK_TXP EQU 04h ; initial txing of a frm
MSK_RD2 EQU 20h ; abort remote DMA
MSK_PG0 EQU 00h ; select register page 0
MSK_PG1 EQU 40h ; select register page 1
; 8390 ISR & IMR MASK
MSK_PRX EQU 01h ; rx with no error
MSK_PTX EQU 02h ; tx with no error
MSK_RXE EQU 04h ; rx with error
MSK_TXE EQU 08h ; tx with error
MSK_OVW EQU 10h ; overwrite warning
MSK_CNT EQU 20h ; MSB of one of the tally counters is set
MSK_RDC EQU 40h ; remote dma completed
MSK_RST EQU 80h ; reset state indicator
; 8390 DCR MASK
MSK_WTS EQU 01h ; word transfer mode selection
MSK_BOS EQU 02h ; byte order selection
MSK_LAS EQU 04h ; long addr selection
MSK_BMS EQU 08h ; burst mode selection
MSK_ARM EQU 10h ; atuoinitialize remote
MSK_FT00 EQU 00h ; burst lrngth selection
MSK_FT01 EQU 20h ; burst lrngth selection
MSK_FT10 EQU 40h ; burst lrngth selection
MSK_FT11 EQU 60h ; burst lrngth selection
; 8390 RCR MASK
MSK_SEP EQU 01h ; save error pkts
MSK_AR EQU 02h ; accept runt pkt
MSK_AB EQU 04h ; accept broadcast
MSK_AM EQU 08h ; accept multicast
MSK_PRO EQU 10h ; promiscuous physical
; accept all pkt with physical adr
MSK_MON EQU 20h ; monitor mode
; 8390 TCR MASK
MSK_CRC EQU 01h ; inhibit CRC, do not append crc
MSK_LB01 EQU 06h ; encoded loopback control
MSK_ATD EQU 08h ; auto tx disable
MSK_OFST EQU 10h ; collision offset enable
; 8390 RSR MASK
SMK_PRX EQU 01h ; rx without error
SMK_CRC EQU 02h ; CRC error
SMK_FAE EQU 04h ; frame alignment error
SMK_FO EQU 08h ; FIFO overrun
SMK_MPA EQU 10h ; missed pkt
SMK_PHY EQU 20h ; physical/multicase address
SMK_DIS EQU 40h ; receiver disable. set in monitor mode
SMK_DEF EQU 80h ; deferring
; 8390 TSR MASK
SMK_PTX EQU 01h ; tx without error
SMK_DFR EQU 02h ; non deferred tx
SMK_COL EQU 04h ; tx collided
SMK_ABT EQU 08h ; tx aboort because of excessive collisions
SMK_CRS EQU 10h ; carrier sense lost
SMK_FU EQU 20h ; FIFO underrun
SMK_CDH EQU 40h ; collision detect heartbeat
SMK_OWC EQU 80h ; out of window collision
; Miscellaneous Constants
; PIC (8259) Information
EOI EQU 20h ; End Of Interrupt
INTA00 EQU 20h ; 8259 port
INTA01 EQU 21h ; 8259 port
; /* %%4%%+ */
INTB00 EQU 0A0h ; interrupt controller 2
INTB01 EQU 0A1h ; interrupt contorller 2
; /* %%4%%- */
; Buffer Length and Field Definition Info
BPNA EQU 6 ; Bytes Per Network Address
MIN_DATA EQU 52 + BPNA ; 52 bytes data + 6 bytes address
TX_BLK_LEN EQU 2 ; Offset to Dest Address in TX Block
TX_BLK_ADD EQU BPNA ; Length of TX block dest addr field
TX_HDR_LEN EQU TX_BLK_LEN + TX_BLK_ADD ; Offset to Data in TX Block
RX_TRAIL EQU 02 ; Trailer def for Received Frame Status
RX_HDR_LEN EQU 12 ; Offset to Data in Received Frame
; shared memory constant definition
; for rcv buff ring of shr mem
STRT_PG EQU 6 ; start at page 6
STOP_PG EQU 32 ; end at page 31
; for tx buff of shr mem
TB_SIZE EQU 2 ; number of tb buff in shr mem
TB_PGNO EQU 3 ; number of pages in one tb buff
; Structure definitions
mstats struc ; MAC Layer Statistics
t0 dd 0 ; number of attempts to transmit
txok dd 0 ; number of successful transmissions
txbad dd 0 ; number of failed transmits
collsn dd 0 ; number of collisions occured
lostcrs dd 0 ; number of times the CRS was lost during tx
lostcts dd 0 ; lost CTS
underrun dd 0 ; number of underrun errors
rxrd dd 0 ; number of times the receiver was ready to receive
rxok dd 0 ; number of mpdus rxed w/o error
rxnrd dd 0 ; number rx's aborted for receive processing
crcerr dd 0 ; number of mpdus received with CRC error
overrun dd 0 ; number of overrun errors
algerr dd 0 ; number of alignment errors
srtfrm dd 0 ; number of short frame receiver error
rxnom dd 0 ; number of receives lost due to lack of mem
rxblkd dd 0 ; NOT USED
; The following are not used right now....
ex_lockup dd 0 ; number of times the execution unit of the chip was in lockup situation
ia_corrup dd 0 ; number of times the IA is corrupted
spur_int dd 0 ; # of spurious interrupts
mstats ENDS
bufp struc ; Buffer Descriptor Block
bd_next dw 0 ; Pointer to next block in chain
bd_prev dw 0 ; Pointer to previous block in chain
bd_global dw 0 ;
bd_addr dw 0 ; Address of buffer associated w/this block
bd_seq dd 2 DUP (?) ;
bd_info dw 0 ;
bufp ENDS