Troubleshooting Netware Systems
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158 lines
- Switch between MACRO & MICRO models (Model)...... Page 2.
- Disk operations (Files).......................... Page 3.
- Start the simulation (Start)..................... Page 4-5.
- View & change simulation parameters (seTup)...... Page 6-7.
- Set the name of the experiment (Name)............ Page 8.
- Exit to DOS (eXit)............................... Page 8.
Use the UP & DOWN arrows and <PgDn> & <PgUp> keys to move
around in the text. The <Home> key moves to the first page,
<End> to the last page. Use <Esc> to exit.
Switch between MACRO & MICRO models
Main menu : │Model │ Selecting this box you see the
└──────┘ following :
║Set to MACRO║
If you want to switch to the MACRO MODELL, press <ENTER>.
The MACRO MODELL lets you simulate the ideal gas using the laws
of the phenomenological thermodynamics.
After switching to the MACRO MODEL, you get help about it
by pressing th <Shift F1> key.
Disk operations
Main menu : │Files│ Pop up menu: ╔════════════════╗
└─────┘ ║Save experiment ║
║Load experiment ║
Use the SAVE EXPERIMENT command to save all parameters of the current
experiment to disk. First you can set or modify the name of the experiment
by the NAME main menu option, then select the SAVE EXPERIMENT option and
press <ENTER>.
Use the LOAD EXPERIMENT command to load the parameters of a saved experiment
from disk. Select the LOAD EXPERIMENT option and press <ENTER>. This gives
you a list of the experiment files found in the current directory. Select a
name and press <ENTER> to load the experiment. <ESC> moves back to main menu
without loading any file.
Start the simulation
Press <ENTER> to start the simulation, <ESC> to stop it.
The following keys have special functions during the simulation
<F1> : switch ON/OFF tracing of a randomly selected INVISIBLE particle
<F2> : switch ON/OFF tracing of a randomly selected GREEN particle
<F3> : switch ON/OFF tracing of a randomly selected RED particle
<F4> : switch ON/OFF shot noise
<F5> : switch ON/OFF mutual collisions of the particles
<F6> : open/close the door on the separation wall
<F7> : start a wave
<Gray +> : switch ON/OFF piston motion inside the container
<Gray -> : switch ON/OFF piston motion outside the container
<p> , <P> : temporarily suspend the simulation, continue it by pressing
any key
<Esc> : stop the simulation
<Esc> stops the simulation and gives you this pop up menu :
║Continue ║ - Continue the interrupted simulation
║Return to menu║ - Moves back to main menu
║Diagrams ║ - Lets you manipulate the diagrams, see below
║descrIption ║ - Display the documentation file of the current experiment
The DIAGRAMS command gives you the following choices :
║Save ║ - Save the points of the selected diagram to disk
║Load ║ - Display a saved diagram. Gives the list of the diagram
║ ║ files in the current directory. Select with <ENTER>.
║Change scale ║ - Change the vertical scale with <Gray +> & <Gray ->
║Read values ║ - Read the numerical values of the selected diagram.
║ ║ Move the vertical bar with the LEFT & RIGHT cursors.
║Print ║ - Lets you print the diagram. You can enter any comment
╚═════════════╝ at any place of the diagram then press <Shift F10>
to hide the cursor and <PRTSC> to begin printing.
Set simulation parameters
║Container ║ - Size, walls. See below.
║Initial position ║ - Specify a rectangle with /<Shift>/ arrows, particles
║ ║ are distributed uniformly in this rectangle.
║Particles ║ - The cursor moves to the table at the lower right.
║ ║ Move inside the table with cursors, <PgUp>, <PgDn>.
║ ║ Press <ENTER> to modify a value and type in new val.
║ ║ Use cursors to set the gravitational acceleration.
║cOllisions ║ - Switch ON/OFF mutual collisions of the particles
║Velocity distrib.║ - Set the initial velocity distribution.
║Diagrams ║ - Use this to select the number and type of the
║ ║ on-line diagrams.
║pistoN ║ - Select initial position by cursors and enter speed.
║Wave ║ - Select affected volume by cursors and enter speed.
║Trace ║ - Trace which particle type, length of the trace tail.
║sHot noise ║ - switch ON/OFF the shot noise.
The CONTAINER command gives you the following choices :
║Size ║ - Specify the size of the container with the cursors.
║ ║ Press <ENTER> to accept the current size.
║wall with Door ║ - Move the wall with the <RIGHT> and <LEFT> keys.
║Color separator║ . Move the upper enge of the slit with <UP> & <DOWN>,
║Energ.separator║ . lower edge with <Shift UP> & <Shift DOWN>.
║ ║ . Press <ENTER> to accept current site.
║dIatherm.wall 1║ - Move the pen (blinking cursor) along the boundary of the
║diatHerm wall 2║ . container. The arrow keys move it by pixels or in
║Adiabatic wall ║ . larger steps if pressed together with the <Shift> key.
╚═══════════════╝ . Press <ENTER> to put the pen UP/DOWN. The pen changes
. the color of the wall of the container to
green (diathermic 1), red (diathermic 2), yellow (adiabatic).
Use <ESC> the accept the wall configuration then enter the temperature
of the diathermic walls.
Set the name of the experiment - eXit
Main menu : │ Név │ Pop up : ╔════════════╗
└───────┘ ║ change Name║
Use this command to modify the name of the experiment. After loading the
program the name is set to its default value (UNTITLED.MIC). If you load
an experiment from file, the name is changed to the name of the loaded file.
Press <ENTER> to modify the experiment name. Enter the new name.
Accept it by <ENTER> or retain the old name by <ESC>.
Main menu : │ eXit │ Pop up : ╔═════════╗
└───────┘ ║ eXit ║
Use this command to exit the TEDDY program. (A most unlikely event.)
If yo have changed the parameters of the actual experiment, you are
notified to save the changes.