Troubleshooting Netware Systems
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--This script allows you to quickly switch between different page guides. Using PageMaker's Text tool, highlight
--the portion of the script you want to run. Then invoke the Run Script command, be sure to check the
--"Selection" option
--This section of the script creates a 3-column grid
pageoptions off, off --set up single sided, single pages
pagesize 8.5i, 11i --sets letter size page
pagemargins 4p, 4p, 4p, 4p --margins set to 4 picas for all four sides
measureunits picas, custom, 12 --sets picas as the default unit of measure and
--custom vertical ruler is set to 12 points
snaptorulers on --turns on snap to ruler function
zerolock off --turns off zero point lock
zeropointreset --resets zero point to default position
guides on --displays guides
insertpages 1, after --inserts new page after current page
page rm --go to right master page
deleterulerguides --removes all guides on current page
columnguides 3,1 --creates 3 column grid with 1 pica gutter
--for master page
page prev -- returns to previous page
lockguides -- locks guides in place
--This section of the script creates a 4-column grid
pageoptions off, off --set up single sided, single pages
pagesize 8.5i, 11i --sets letter size page
pagemargins 4p, 4p, 4p, 4p --margins set to 4 picas for all four sides
measureunits picas, custom, 12 --sets picas as the default unit of measure
--and custom vertical ruler is set to 12 points
snaptorulers on --turns on snap to ruler function
zerolock off --turns off zero point lock
zeropointreset --resets zero point to default position
guides on --displays guides
insertpages 1, after --inserts new page after current page
page rm --go to right master page
deleterulerguides --removes all guides on current page
columnguides 4, 1 --creates 3 column grid with 1 pica gutter
--for master page
page prev -- returns to previous page
lockguides -- locks guides in place
--This section of the script creates a custom grid with 4 horizontal rows
pageoptions off, off --set up single sided, single pages
pagesize 8.5i, 11i --sets letter size page
pagemargins 4p, 4p, 4p, 4p --margins set to 4 picas for all four sides
measureunits picas, custom, 12 --sets picas as the default unit of measure and
--custom vertical ruler is set to 12 points
snaptorulers on --turns on snap to ruler function
zerolock off --turns off zero point lock
zeropointreset --resets zero point to default position
guides on --displays guides
insertpages 1, after --inserts new page after current page
page rm --go to right master page
deleterulerguides --removes all guides on current page
columnguides 3, 1 --creates 3 column grid with 1 pica gutter
--for master page
movecolumn 1, right, 21p7.5 --widens column 1 by 4 picas
movecolumn 2, right , 34p4 --widens column 2 by 2 picas
guidehoriz 18p --creates horizontal guide for bottom of row 1
guidehoriz 18p8 --creates horizontal guide for gutter between rows 1&2
guidehoriz 32p8 --creates horizontal guide for bottom of row 2
guidehoriz 33p4 --creates horizontal guide for gutter between rows 2&3
guidehoriz 47p4 --creates horizontal guide for bottom of row 3
guidehoriz 48p --creates horizontal guide for gutter between rows 2&4
page prev -- returns to previous page
lockguides -- locks guides in place