Labels:audio cd | bulletin board | compact disk | person | poster OCR: CD ROM VIR TUAL WINDOWS MUSEUMS Uffizi a perfect virtual reconstruction containing more than 500 master pieces analy tic "factsheets biographies glossary entries. guided tours games Uffizi is the first title in the Virtual Mi useums series on the world's most prest tigious museums, 1995 Opera Multimedia This multimedia product and its rights Microsoft X of All ano Toolbook Asymetrix registered Scala Microsoft Video isa MS for Istituto reserved Corporation and trademarks Corporation Windows registered MS Fotogratico and -DOS are mark are Windows Editoriale trademarks or incl repr is in contents transmit includes develop luding resent full prohibited or are via images from the ne televisi produce protected by the twork, images ion law extracted ma by b product rent in oa terial or show pub c ...