On their family farm, several witnesses sighted this strange object as it floated in the sky towards
them. As it got closer, the craft emitted a high-pitched whine before disappearing into the clear blue
Members of a hunting party spotted this craft
hovering low near the ground. It moved almost silently through the
surrounding trees. Fortunately, one member was able to snap this
photograph of the object.
At 3:00am on March 25, 1950, news cameraman Enrique Hausmann Muller observed and
photographed a huge, rotating greenish-orange globe in the night sky. It had a fiery Saturn-like ring
of vapor or mist surrounding its middle, and had great shooting tongues of flame jetting from the
edges of the ring, exactly like a huge 4th of July Catherine's Wheel. It emitted a loud drone as it
passed at low level over the island of Majorca. Its speed was estimated at up to 400mph , but Muller
had time to raise his camera and get it squarely in the view finder for one picture. It was so big and
so close that it almost filled the entire field of view. It flew away over the horizon.
Mutilations are differentiated from accidental or predatory death
for several reasons. Chief among them is the manner in which the
flesh has been removed from the body. Cauterization (the fusing of
tissue and blood vessels by heat or chemical means) seems to be
typical of mutilations. Unlike animal attack, the flesh, adjoining
the area where it has been removed, is smooth and clean as if cut
with a searing or laser scalpel. As well, the areas chosen for
removal are quite strange. Mainly the sexual, anterior digestive
tract and sensory organs are affected.(No predator
differentiates so precisely). Still, no tracks of any kind can be
found around the mutilation site, except, sometimes, tripod marks.
Also, no carrion eaters will touch the mutilated cow even though it
has plenty of flesh still left to be eaten.
An unidentified group of people observed a UFO as it flew over them at low altitude.
The Mandelbrot set is the junction of the two mathematical concepts of order and chaos. Any one
part of the larger set is replicated in any part of the smaller set, infinitely.
The beings responsible for the crop circles, in order to impress upon humanity their mathematical
knowledge, created a copy of the Mandelbrot set in this field. Perhaps, they were attempting to
show humanity a new form of communication.
On assignment to photograph Catalina Island for the US Navy, Mr.
Leland Hanson was in a helicopter when he filmed this object, which at
first hovered, then sped across the length of the island.
According to independent photographic experts, the disc's
calculated velocity was between 130 to 170mph, and had no apparent
wings or tail that would signify it as an airplane. However,
researchers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory computer enhanced
the image and found that there might have been a tail rudder.
While racing home to Santa Ana, Mr. Rex Heflin
took several photographs of this hat-shaped saucer. Because of the
presence of the telephone poles in the background, it has been
estimated that this craft is more than 30ft in diameter. Mr.
Heflin has donated these photographs to independent UFO researchers
for no monetary compensation. Seven years and 7000 miles away, in
Cluj, Romania, Mr. Amiel Barnea photographed a similar (or possibly the same) hat-shaped UFO.
Six years after that occurrence, Belotie,
Yugoslavia was the sight of another similar witnessing.
After spotting this object off the major causeway just outside of
Cluj, Mr. Amiel Barnea immediately stopped his car and excitedly
withdrew his camera. He snapped this picture which bears a
striking resemblance to Mr. Rex Heflin's photographs taken
near Santa Monica, California seven years before. Given the
climate of the Cold War, it would have been almost impossible to
maintain a contact between these two witnesses of a UFO so similar.
Yet, six years later, in Belotie, Yugoslavia, an anonymous witness
saw an object with the same shape as those above.
While driving away from Belotie by way of the mountain highway
system, an anonymous witness photographed this UFO. Hat-shaped in
appearance, similar craft were observed by Mr. Rex Heflin, near
Santa Monica, California 13 years earlier, and Mr. Amiel Barnea of
Cluj, Romania six years earlier.
Off the Brazilian coast near Trindade many of the ship's vcrew as well as a Mr. Barania,
for the Brazilian Navy witnessed this
saucer shaped object that shadowed the movements of the ship. No
warfare exercises were practiced. Instead, the Brazilian vessel
was participating in the International Geophysical Year of 1958.
Computer enhancement reveals that the craft is composed of a globe
circled by a large, metallic ring much like the planet Saturn.
An anonymous witness photographed this UFO which resembles the
shape of the craft observed by the Brazilian Naval Vessel in 1958.
In fact, this type of craft is observed mainly in the southern
portion of the globe.
Island dwellers of Rio de Janeiro witnessed another UFO similar to
those sighted by the Brazilian Naval Vessel in 1958 and by the
anonymous witness at Paso Fondo.
Farmer Paul Trent and friend observed this craft flying over his
farm. Optical Physicist for the US Navy, Dr. Bruce Maccabee
analyzed the photographs of the object and has determined that no
alterations were made to the negative. He estimated the
size of the craft to be approximately 30ft in diameter and a mile
away from the farm. Four years later, in Rouen, France, a French
Air Force pilot photographed a craft which closely resembled Mr.
Trent's UFO.
Rice farmers, working to satisfy the day's expected harvest, witnessed this extraordinary craft as it
flew over their fields. An anonymous American journalist was visiting the village and was called by
the farmers to observe the craft. Fortunately, the journalist had a camera and was able to snap a
photograph of the object in mid-flight.
Flying to intercept a mysterious radar reflection, an unknown
French Air Force pilot photographed this craft with his gun-sight
camera. The UFO paced the plane for several minutes before
speeding off past the maximum velocity of the French airplane.
This UFO appears to be of the same type that appeared in
McMinnville, Oregon over the farm of Mr. Paul Trent.
This formation of UFOs was photographed outside of Yungay near a
mountain highway. It is unclear whether the craft are landing or
departing. The witness to these events has remained anonymous.
Shaped like a giant sombrero, this UFO hovered outside of Centeno
for an unknown period of time, and was photographed by an anonymous
source. A similar object was witnessed in Ontario, Canada two
years earlier.
An anonymous witness near Hamilton--on Lake Ontario, photographed
this object which resembles a huge Mexican hat called a sombrero.
This UFO may be of the same type that was witnessed hovering above
Centeno, Argentina two years later.
This bell-shaped craft was photographed hovering above the island
nation near Miki-Cho. After a short time, the
UFO reportedly sped directly upward through the atmosphere.
Found in a remote region of Saskatchewan near Langenburg, this
circular patch of dead grass and dry soil displays the attributes
of a UFO landing site. The grass itself is wound around in a
circular pattern. People who witness the landings of UFOs find
themselves sunburnt with a profound dryness of the throat, nose and
lungs. Sometimes it takes days for these witnesses to overcome the
effects of the phenomena.
UFO researchers have determined that this circular area was the
landing spot for a craft of unknown origin. Soil samples were
found to be dehydrated and irradiated.
Nearby farmers reported strange lights hovering over this field the
previous night. Upon investigating the field, they found this
depression which had no rational explanation. No footprints, horse
or tractor tracks were found leading to the area.
Australian Aborigines have many legends detailing mysterious craft
from the heavens landing on Earth. Ranchers in the Outback found
that these legends may have more validity that they previously
thought. After seeing strange lights in the sky, several ranch
hands discovered this depression in the ground near the sighting
An anonymous witness snapped this photograph as this disc-shaped
object flew over the coastal region of South Africa, Natal.
The photographer of this craft first noticed it when his transistor
radio was overcome with static. The craft hung in the air for several
minutes before speeding up into the atmosphere.
An unknown witness photographed this object as it streaked across
the sky. This craft may have a rocket or jet propulsion system,
because it has left behind a vapor trail of some kind.
A vacationer in Maldonada photographed this object. The people of
the town had come to accept the object as a matter of course. They
had become accustomed to over flights like this one.
A surprised reporter from one of the larger Uruguayan cities
photographed this UFO as it circled his position.
The Nazca plains lie between the great Andes Mountains and the
Peruvian coast. Along with many thousands of lines on the Nazca
plains, pictograms like this one complete the decoration that the
ancient Incan Empire created to honor the gods of the sky. Many
UFO researchers believe that the lines and the pictograms are landing fields and landing markers for
visitors. However, many anthropologists believe that these are
only ceremonial or astronomical markings.
On his way to a business meeting, a Melbourne man noticed this
object in the sky. He pulled his car over to the side of the road
and snapped this photograph before the UFO sped out of sight.
An unknown witness took this photograph some miles south of
Albuquerque where Air Force tests are quite common.
This mysterious craft was photographed in the bayous of Louisiana
by a worker for the state's Fish and Wildlife Office.
This heifer had her udder removed and the remaining teats slashed.
As well, her rectum and sexual organs were cored out of the pelvic
cavity. Expert analysis revealed that this animal had been
mutilated. Normal predation indicators (bite marks, etc.) were
not present, and the cutting instrument used had to have generated
sufficient heat for cauterization (fusing of tissue and blood
vessels by heat or chemical means).
In a similar case, also from Wyoming, the pathologist found an
insertion into the brain cavity of the cow that had been mutilated.
The doctor therefore postulated that this cow had been subdued by
an injection of unknown medium into the brain.
Colorado, Wyoming, Texas, Alabama, Puerto Rico, Canada, and as far
away as South America, have been home to such mutilations.
Speculation that it is the work of secret US government groups (paramilitary or spy)or Satanic cults
therefore seem too far fetched. Surely
the US government would have their own stock of cows for an
experiment of this nature. Satanic cults would need to have
enormous resources to carry out this type of operation throughout
the world.
Ranchers have witnessed strange, unmarked black helicopters fly
over their herds where they will later find mutilated cattle.
Some have even witnessed strange lights in the night sky previous
to finding bodies. There are those who believe that the
mutilations are occurring as a random radiation test by
extraterrestrial visitors whose purpose is to safeguard humanity
against nuclear annihilation.
Rancher C. E. Potts found one of his prize bulls alongside of the
road one summer afternoon in late July. "We were passing down this
road, and there was a thunderstorm a coming up behind us. We
smelled this animal as we come by. We came back to check on it,
and found it was mutilated. We examined it and its sexual organs
was taken out. Its eyes were taken out, and its eyelashes were
taken out. Well, there wasn't no predators. Not a predator
bothered it since it was dead even. Couldn't have been killed by
a predator cause all the surgical work was done by an expert. I
really didn't think anything of it till it come home to me. Now I
know it was bound to have been mutilated cause anyone who could see
good could tell it was," Mr. Potts remembered.
"The very first one we had was southwest of Sterling. When we
first looked at it, it was unbelievable that you could take an
animal and do this to it without leaving some kind of tracks or
evidence behind such as cigarette butts, matches, hand prints,
footprints, but there was nothing. The animal looked almost
horrible, and it was something I didn't want to believe then. And,
we probably had five or six others before I believed something
strange was going on. We had one up north that we believe the
animal was paralyzed and was alive while it was being mutilated.
An eye, and an ear, the tongue, the rectal area were taken out.
The animal had dug a hole with its head, but none of the other
parts of the body moved," former Sheriff of Logan County Tex Graves
who investigated 93 mutilation cases said.
Called on assignment to investigate several previous sightings of
UFOs, a camera crew from a local New Zealand television station
chartered a plane to fly them across the disputed sighting area.
While making their approach to the bay city where they were to
land, they spotted this object maneuvering rapidly in the sky. Air
traffic controllers confirmed their sighting as they tracked the
object on radar.
This photograph, among thousands of 16mm film and other footage,
was captured by Mr. Billy Meier, the one-armed contactee of the
Pleideans. His encounters, as well as his physical evidence, are
widely believed to be faked. The UFOs that he has filmed are not
smooth flying, but rather wobbly craft, and, although he says he
contacts the extraterrestrials daily, he has never photographed
Rancher Burl Lewis found his three year old horse, Snippy, dead
with her flesh, from the base of the neck, stripped clean off.
Fellow rancher and friend Harry King called Mr. Lewis when Snippy
did not show up at his ranch for her customary night drink.
Upon examination of the horse, pathologists found that the brain and the
abdominal organs had been removed without incision. Also, Snippy was not decomposing
Mrs. Lewis found a mysterious, burning metal tool with horse hair
on it near where Snippy was found. Researchers promptly lost the
A large dark lens shaped object was seen and photographed over the
harbor anchorage where two Clipper type sailing ships are seen at
anchor below it. The shadow of the object on the water is wider
than the length of the ships.
A silvery disc-shaped object with a dark center underneath was
observed and photographed high in the sky above thin scattered
clouds. The clearly outlined object was bright on the top and had
a bright metallic looking finish. It reflected the sun brilliantly
from the silver part as it moved silently from west to east above
the lake. Four good black and white photographs were made by M.
Andre Fregnale during the one minute observation. The object was
flying an estimated 1000m above the ground. It suddenly sped up
and flew rapidly away. Fregnale used a Zeiss Ikonta camera with a
Tessar F 45mm lens set at f5.6 and 1/250th second. A Wratten #15
filter was used in front of the lens, and the pictures were shot on
Pan-x film.
A UFO research group received anonymously, in the mail, a
photograph of one of these strange UFO intruders hovering over a
Beech Bi-plane on floats as it was parked at its mooring in Alaska.
Based on the vegetation apparent from the photo, it is estimated to
have occurred in mid-summer.
Mr. George J. Stock, who had a lawn mower repair shop in Passiac,
was in the yard working on a mower, around 4:30pm, when he happened
to look up and see something unusual flying in the sky. He yelled
to his father in the house, "Bring out my camera! Bring the
camera!" and his father came right out with the economical box
reflex model. George took it and began hurrying back and forth to
get the UFO in the viewer and shoot frames as fast as possible. It
was coming directly over his house from the IT&T tower, a 16 story
tubular building nearby. George snapped seven shots on black and
white negative film of the solid looking structured object as it
passed above in flight. It was estimated to be 20 to 25ft above
the ground, then it slowed, hovered momentarily, then accelerated
and flew away across the back yard.
At about 11:00 a.m. on 17 July 1955, Mrs. Elizabeth Klarer, then a ranch wife living in the local
area, was walking on a high meadow in the mountains with a simple box camera in hand when she
spotted a low domed disc-shaped, metallic-looking object flying in and out among broken clouds in
the Natal sky. The disc form appeared about erratically over the Drakensberg Range, hovered,
landed, took-off again, rose vertically through the mid level clouds and disappeared. She was able
to snap seven black and white photographs of the ship before it flew away. She was alone at the
At Kaizuka-City, near Osaka, Japan, 14 year old student Yoshinari Baba snapped two black and
white photographs of a low domed disc-shaped, silvery grey metallic object flying low over the
rooftops of the city. It was after school on 31 October 1958, and Baba was in the photography store
looking at cameras. He took one of the demonstrators out onto the balcony outside to sight
through it, when suddenly he spotted this solid looking dark grey object, looking larger than a light
plane, passing above the rooftops toward the southwest. He quickly aimed the store camera and
snapped a picture, rolled the film and snapped another as fast as he could before the object got too
far away for the third shot.
Around mid-day on April 27, 1961, Bruno Ghibaudi, driving the highway paralleling the beach at
Montesilvano (Pescara), felt a flat tire and pulled his car over and stopped. As he began changing
the bad tire; and as he was working at that task, he noticed an unusual metallic-looking disc-
shaped flying object coming in at a low level over the ocean. It passed overhead, slowed, made a
sharp turn towards the north and flew away.
On March 8, 1975 in Ober-Sadelegg, Switzerland, Eduard J. Meier was
telepathically summoned to bring his camera to a contact with
UFO's. Ten short rings on his phone confirmed the communication.
After riding his moped to an unknown location, he took several rolls
of pictures of a disc-shaped object flying back and forth across
the sky.
At 3:00pm on December 22, 1958, Dr. Stanislaw Kowalczewski, a well known medical doctor in
general practice in the area, and his wife, were at his health resort in Muszynia, Poland, near the
Poprad River, not far from the large resort of Krynica in the southeastern part of the country, when
he snapped a remarkable photograph of a UFO. Dr. Kowalczewski was standing at the window of
the clinic that mid-afternoon, camera in hand, preparing to get a picture of the vista before him. The
day was rather cloudy and windy, but from time to time the sun would come out between passing
clouds. At that moment the sun was about to emerge again as the doctor supposed. The clouds
began to shine with a strong orange hue. After the developed film was returned Dr. Kowalczewski
was astonished to find on the picture a dark object in the shaped of a disc, with a dome on top.
On December 6, 1968, Sr. Pedro Chavez, a photographer for La Prensa, on assignment in Sicuani,
Peru, was in the cathedral square near the big church when his attention was drawn to three dark
lens-shaped objects moving in the sky above him. Having his camera with him and ready he
quickly snapped two black and white photographs before the objects disappeared.
At 1:30pm on August 24, 1971, 13 year old Noboru Shinkawa observed and snapped the half 35mm
size color photo transparencies of a dark, double-domed or lens-shaped flying object meandering
through the sky from southeast to northwest.
On the afternoon of January 5, 1975, 14 year old David Mahon was tramping through a wooded area
on his father's farm some three miles south of town in that rural neighborhood. He had his camera
along hoping to get some nature pictures, and had taken one of a clump of flowers fairly close and
was looking for more. It was near mid-afternoon at the time when he heard a sudden sound like a
big electric motor. He turned in the direction it was coming from and was astonished to see a dark
disc form moving slowly, fading out to a dark fuzzy haze around its edges. When he overcame his
initial surprise at its appearance he remembered his camera and started snapping photographs as
fast as he could in his fumbling excitement. It hovered only a moment and then sped off in a
westerly direction. In the short time it was present he managed to get five pictures on film.
At 4:00pm on April 23, 1950, Mr. Dean Morgan, a part-time photographer, making his way through
the underbrush in a wooded area in broad daylight, getting some fresh air and looking for a good
photographic subject, stumbled upon a UFO at low level, near the ground in a very secluded area.
He was coming down the south side of a wooded hill not far from Red Bud, when the woods
suddenly broke away into a clearing on a gentle slope crossed by utility lines on telephone poles
that passed through there. Mr. Morgan was able to get one photograph of the object before it took
Dr. Hallur Hallsson jr., dentist, taking pictures of the solar eclipse at timed intervals, exposed a
whole roll of film to the phenomenon. When the developed prints came back he noticed a distinct
luminous round flying object in four of the pictures. The bright disc like object appeared to move
tilted up on edge toward the sun from the right, then to drop below the line of sight to the sun and
accelerate out of the pictures to the right again. The object is quite clearly seen as a structured
form in two of the pictures, and even some detail of the top of the craft is visible. The object was in
the near vicinity below the scud clouds and was illuminated or radiant on the near side, away from
the sun, which should have been in shadow.
At 8:00pm on June 1, 1967, a group of summer picnickers escaping the heat in the city were
lounging in the shade in a small park along the southwest side of Camino a la Colonia. They were
across the road from the castle and grounds of San Jose de Valderas, where the Santa Monica
convent stood. Just before dusk they were suddenly surprised to see an unusual aircraft
approaching at a very low altitude from over the castle beyond the power towers. The towers were
of the main east-west power transmission line running through the area. There was also a
secondary power line running northwest-southeast and parallel to the road.
The object approached from the east toward the power tower, where it made a 300 degree curve to
its left and passed horizontally from left to right beyond the road but paralleling it, and at about the
distance away as the secondary power line also paralleling its line of flight. After passing the park,
it made another curve to the left, back toward the east, where it briefly settled to the ground in the
scrub area on the castle grounds a couple of kilometers away, remained a short time, and then rose
into the air and flew away. Two picnickers recovered from their surprise in time to grab their
cameras and begin taking pictures of the craft.
At 10:30pm on March 5, 1951, after five years of fleeting glimpses of unusual and unidentified flying
objects seen through his six inch Newtonian style telescope, Mr. George Adamski succeeded in
photographing the "big one" that he had observed before. He had rigged a home-made camera
attachment to the eyepiece of his telescope and had been able to photograph some of the strange
glowing flying objects earlier with moderate success. He had been advised by his intelligence
contacts to try to get a picture of the big one which was thought to be the source of the smaller
craft already seen and photographed. At night the smaller objects glowed with a yellow-orange
luminosity and in daylight they looked silvery metallic and reflective. But this night of March 5, he
was looking through his telescope and picked up the big cylinder shape again. This cylinder was
not exactly cylindrical but was a straight cylinder in the middle, then slightly tapering sections for
the last third on each end, terminating in ends that seemed to be cut off almost square but at a
slight angle. As he watched, a bright glow appeared on the belly of the dark shape he was
observing, and he snapped a photo of that. It separated and slowly rose above the level of the larger
craft as another on began to emerge. He shot a picture of that one also, getting both the mother-
ship and the two smaller glowing objects in the frame. Then a third and fourth and fifth emerged the
same way and he succeeded in getting photographs of them each time, taking five pictures in all.
At 7:15pm on July 3, 1967 Joseph L. Ferriere went to east Woonsocket to investigate reports of a
strange object flying around in the area, about to give up and leave he suddenly spotted a large
cigar-shaped object hovering in the sky. After taking four pictures of the large object he noticed a
smaller disc-shaped object coming out from the larger object and took a picture of the disc-shaped
object also.
At 2:00pm on October 4, 1975, high school student Hirohito Tanaka watched a small bell-shaped
flying object descend to near ground level in a "falling-leaf" kind of motion. It left a trail of white
vapor or exhaust in its wake as it flew. Near the ground it steadied, levelled off, and flew away
horizontally until it was out of sight. He grabbed his camera and ran to the balcony where he
managed to snap several black and white photographs of the ship. When the white trail drifted to
the ground it was found to consist of spider-wep-like filiamentary substance that evaporated away in
a few minutes. The white material seemed to be ejected from the top part of the small ship.
At 2:00pm on April 9, 1976, Hirohito Tanaka saw the small dark circular flying object with the raised
dome in the center. It was making a low pass over the roof of his next door neighbor's house.
Grabbing his Instamatic 126, he ran to the balcony and shot seven pictures in rapid succession.
The domed disc was moving in zig-zag and falling-leaf fashion as it flew about in the near sky. It
was dark colored and he could not see much detail, only noting its strange movements, well aware
that no airplane known to him could perform such maneuvers.
At 11:00pm on November 9, 1966, Mr. Harold Trudel was sitting in his car parked on Elder Ballou
Meetinghouse Road and was scanning the skies for the strange luminous object he had seen
several times in both daylight and darkness. Suddenly he spotted a golden-yellow glow coming up
from beyond the horizon. A light or luminous object was moving very slowly across the sky. He
took six pictures before the object disappeared.
Mr. Harold Trudel again observed a strange luminous object pass over him as he studied skies for UFOs.
At 12:00pm on June 10, 1967, Harold Trudel, while driving, suddenly spotted a shiny silvery metallic
disc-shaped flying object with a high dome on top. It was moving in a bobbing, weaving motion as
he stopped the car and got out with his camera. He quickly adjusted it and managed to shoot
seven good black and white pictures of the object before it left the scene.
On June 16, 1967, Harold Trudel was back out in the bare scrub area searching for evidence of the
object that he photographed only six days ago when he managed to snap seven photographs of a
very similar or possibly the same ship.
At 4:30pm on July 19, 1952, the attention of Customs Inspector Sr. Domingo Troncoso, then with
the Peruvian Customs Office at Puerto Maldonado on the jungle frontier with Bolivia, was called to a
very strange cigar-shaped flying object over the river area. The big dirigible-shaped craft was flying
horizontally and fairly low in the sky, passing from right to left from the observers position. It was
leaving a dense trail of thick smoke, vapor, or substance of some kind on its wake. The thick
whitish substance appeared to be emitted from the aft end of the object in flight. That this object
was a real, structured, physical machine may be seen from its reflection in the waters of the Madre
de Dios river underneath it. It can be clearly seen to be well above the broad-leaved jungle trees
along the bank of the river in the foreground of the picture. The object was estimated to be over a
hundred feet long.
At 11:28am on August 20, 1957, Kyoko Takeda was working in the small garden by her house in
Fujisawa City, a suburb of Yokohama, when looking up, she saw an unusual cylinder-shaped object
with rounded ends, like a medicine capsule, flying high in the sky above. She just stared in
surprise for a few moments and then called to her brother Shinichi and pointed it out to him. It was
a bright silvery color and looked like a big metallic cocoon. Besides reflecting the sunlight
brilliantly, it seemed to give off some light of its own. The craft was high in the sky above the city
and beach area, flying an estimated 3,000 to 4,000 meters above them in a southern direction.
Shinichi ran into the house for his camera and back, prepared it for the shot, and when the object
was directly overhead he carefully centered it in his viewfinder and snapped the first picture.
Shinichi was able to snap three pictures before the object disappeared.
On June 27, 1967, during a period of high UFO activity in and around the local area and vicinity, Mr.
Jefferson Villar of Union City succeeded in photographing the bright silver-colored, capsule-shaped
object that passed over his head. It was brilliantly reflecting the sun's rays like metal and was
making a strange noise as it flew along. Villar managed to get his camera into action and snapped
six good color photographs of the clearly defined cylindrical structure with rounded ends. It looked
to be solid and real as it passed at low altitude above a house and telephone wires. Villar
estimated the object to be flying at between 1,500 and 2,000 feet above the surface at that point.
We have been able to obtain only one of the pictures so far and we have not seen any of the others.
Newsmen Ed Keffel and Joao Martins of "O'Cruzeiro Magazine,"
covering a groundbreaking ceremony near Copacabana, saw a strange
aircraft approaching. Cameraman Ed Keffel snapped five black and
white photographs as the UFO came directly over them, circled Pedra
de Gavea Rock, and then flew back out to sea. The developed prints
showed a clearly outlined and sharply detailed solid-looking disc
shaped object estimated to be at least 50m in diameter and 5m high.
On April 24, 1959, Helio Aguiar, a 32 year old statistician employed by a banking firm in Bahia
Brazil, was riding an Army Captain friend's new motorcycle along the highway to Itapoan on a trial
run to appreciate the Captain's recent purchase. As he came to the stretch of highway passing
Piata Beach in the Amaralina district, the machine seemed to be losing power and he looked
around in dismay. Suddenly he noticed a big silvery-gray disc approaching in his direction from out
over the water. It was shaped something like a cardinal's hat (Catholic Priest) with a number of
"windows" or ports of some kind visible around a high raised dome on the top side. As it flew along
it changed its pitch angle and he could see the underside and that there were some strange
markings or symbols on the bottom of the rim there. He could not make out what letters they were.
By this time the motorcycle had almost no power at all and the engine just quit. He put the kick-
stand down and got off to check it, noticing the Captain's camera strapped to the luggage carrier on
the back of the machine. Looking back at the flying object he saw that it was much closer, then
thinking of the camera he untied it and opened it up to take a picture of this strange airplane. He
adjusted the settings and took four shots in rapid succession as the object made a sweeping turn
from the sea toward him over the surf line. He began to feel a strange pressure in his brain, and a
state of progressive confusion overtook him. He felt vaguely as though instructed by somebody to
write something down. As he was winding the film for the 4th picture he lost all sense of what was
happening and does not remember snapping it. The next thing Aguiar knew he was slumped over
the motorcycle and the UFO was gone. In his hand he held a slip of paper with some words in his
own handwriting on it. It said: "Put an absolute stop to all atomic tests for warlike purposes. The
balance of the Universe is threatened. we shall remain vigilant and ready to intervene."
At 1:00pm in January of 1967, Mr. James Bjornstad, a Research Consultant at the Christian
Research Institute in Wayne, New Jersey, was driving in the vicinity of the Immaculate Conception
Seminary in Mahwah when his attention was attracted to something flying in the sky. Through the
trees along the street he could see a dull dark gray object sitting almost motionless in the sky
beyond. Stopping the car in front of the Seminary, Bjornstad got out with his Japanese brand
35mm hand camera loaded with outdoor color film, and walked through to a better vantage point,
then adjusted the distance setting to infinity and snapped on picture of the strange flying machine.
At 1:30pm on March 18, 1975, 19 year old Patric McCarthy had gone to an abandoned quarry to try
to photograph some wild birds. He had poked around in the desolate area for some time and was
just starting to walk back when suddenly he saw a massive circular object in the sky. With camera
in hand he started taking pictures as fast as he could.
At 2:00pm in November of 1976, Mr. Tony Hartono, an engineer, had taken photographs of the off-
shore oil rig his company ARCO Indonesia was building in order to illustrate his progress report. He
had one left and was standing on a platform facing the sea, wondering what else he could shoot to
finish the film roll. Suddenly his attention was attracted to a little dark speck in the sky which was
growing larger as it approached. It became a yellowish color as it continued its approach and came
quite near the launch he was in. He used his last shot to capture this object on film.
At 4:00pm on November 15, 1978, Sr. Roberto Edilson Perez observed and photographed a shiny
metallic-looking craft with a high dome on top and also a shallower dome bulging from the bottom
surface of the object. The main body of the ship was circular, like a thick disc, almost the shape of
an inflated inner tube of a tire, around the two raised center structures, and was of a reflective silver
color with a reddish spot or domed projection from the top of the upper cupola. The object was
seen and photographed against a clear deep blue sky with a higher layer of thin scattered clouds
behind it as it moved about in the sky.
A second variation Pleiadian Beamship of seven meter in diameter moves about under an overcast
layer of clouds as it puts on a flight demonstration before Eduard Meier's camera. The buildings to
the left are part of a sanitarium complex.
At 1:45am on August 2, 1965, young Alan Smith, then 14 years old, snapped two color
photographs of a blinking, colored, luminous, discoid flying object that passed directly over his
house there in Tulsa. It had alternating blue, orange, and white lights shining from its underside.
It all began around four in the afternoon of January 12, 1967, a heavy year for UFO sightings,
when the strange flying object first caught the fisherman's attention. "I was sitting in my boat on the
west side of Old River; the sky was overcast, and it was typically cool for a January 12th in this part
of Louisiana. It was quite by accident that I glanced to the east and saw the object approaching,
almost in a straight line towards me. Instantly I thought of the camera I carry everywhere I go. I
reached down, snatched it up, and by this time the thing was almost on top of me. But it didn't
change its course, for as I caught it in the viewfinder, it began a rather slow turn to the right. That's
when I released the shutter and caught it at about a 45 degree angle. There was no time for a
second shot before it disappeared."
At 5:10pm on June 20, 1978, Sr. Saul Janusas was able to snap two photographs of a dark
metallic looking Saturn-shaped UFO. He could see it clearly in the reddish dusk haze peculiar to
the Winter sunset.
At 1:23am on August 18, 1968, technician Emil Barnea and his girlfriend, Zamfira Matea and
another couple, who decline identification, had gone to Baciu Wood, near Cluj, for a picnic lunch.
The weather was good and the party decided on an open spot in the trees with a good view. Emil
was looking for dry wood for a fire, when suddenly he heard his girlfriend call out that she was
seeing something peculiar that he simply must see. Running back to the spot they had chosen for
the picnic, he saw a large round metallic object in the sky, shining silvery in the sunlight. It was
flying in a strange manner over the wood, quite soundlessly. Barnea hurried to his rucksack, took
out his camera, set the light and distance, and then snapped the first picture. Because the object
was moving rather slowly at that time, he was able to shoot a second photo in less of a hurry. He
noticed the substantial alterations in its course and its brightness as it flew. Two more pictures
were taken hurriedly because the object suddenly accelerated, shot upwards and disappeared in
the sky above.
At 9:55am on May 6, 1971, Mr. Lars Thorn, a truck driver, taking his son for a ride on his motor-
bike in the neighborhood of the Skillingaaryd gunnery field in central Sweden, caught sight of an
unconventional aerial object through the trees in the direction of the bunker. "Although it appeared
stationary," Lars Thorn said, "It wobbled or rocked to and fro all the time. On the upper side there
appeared to be a dome. Just below the dome there was something gray and red, and again just
below that I could see what looked like a green ribbon or band around the rim. The very bottom was
red. A whizzing sound came from it at intervals of 10 to 15 seconds on more or less regular
spacing." Thorn was able to snap two black and white photographs with his small camera.
In the morning of June 12, 1975, Eduard J. Meier was telepathically alerted and guided to another
contact, again being advised that his camera would be permitted. This time he was led around on
his moped for over an hour, finally stopping on a dirt service road beyond a field along the paved
road from Theilingen to Rumlikon, Between Berg and Rumlikon. He was carrying a loaned 8mm
movie camera and tripod as well as his 35mm camera and another 35mm belonging to a friend,
because his own camera still had a jammed focus adjustment and a broken viewer. He set up the
tripod and mounted the movie camera on it. He readied the 35mm cameras and laid them out in
readiness. Then he spotted the spacecraft approaching in the haze in the far distance. After taking
a picture of the object he noticed another identical ship higher in the sky, evidently to protect the
one posing at low altitude.
Mr. Yukio Ishida, 39, a company president from the vicinity of Kozakai-cho, Aichi Prefecture,
Japan, was driving his car along the bank of the Toyokawa Canal, when suddenly he noticed a
strange object flying in the sky beyond the opposite bank of the canal. It was then about 11:30am.
He was astonished and trembling with excitement, he stopped the car and got out with his camera.
He readied it and succeeded in taking 10 good photographs of the object before it flew away.
At 3:00pm on February 4, 1978, Mr. Hirobumi Matsushita was taking snapshots with a friend
when they noticed a shiny golden metallic colored object flying high above them in the clear blue
sky. There were no clouds and a slight breeze was blowing, but not enough to raise debris that
high in the air. The object seemed to be moving purposefully, obviously under intelligent control.
Mr. Matsushita adjusted his camera and took several pictures of the strange object before it
At 10:30am on July 26, 1977, Sergio Ottamendi, a 32 year old architect living in Punta del Norte,
married, father of two, was driving his Opel K 180 along a secondary road between the localities of
Maldonado and San Carlos, some 20 kilometers apart, headed toward San Carlos. When he was
about 4 kilometers north of Maldonado, the automobile engine began to falter and lose power, which
began to worry Mr. Ottamendi. Then the engine began to run a little better and Mr. Ottamendi
commenced to relax. He continued toward San Carlos, but he had gone less than two kilometers
more when his engine again started losing power. After going about 200 more meters the engine
completely quit. After getting out of the car to take a look under the hood he looked up in the sky
and to his surprise saw a silvery-gold metallic color, circular object. After remembering his camera
in the car he grabbed it and began taking pictures.
At 1:30pm on April 19, 1978, a witness known only as Mr. S. and his friend saw and
photographed a disc-shaped object with a dome on top. The object made a crackling sound as it
passed around them. Mr. S. noticed on amber of orange-red light centered underneath in addition
to several small lights that were blinking on and off erratically for different lengths of time. He also
noticed four "pods" or landing gear under the outer rim of the ship.
At 5:30pm on April 4, 1980, William J. Herrmann, a local auto mechanic, saw and photographed
a silvery disc-shaped object flying erratic maneuvers near Charleston Air Force Base.
In 1973 an unknown witness took several photographs of a strange circular flying object in Ontario
The unidentified flying object in the picture could not have been a street lamp, simply because there
were no street lamps there at the time. There are no power poles or power lines visible anywhere in
this picture.
Summer 1932, Mid-day, St. Paris, Ohio. This picture of George Sutton of St. Paris, Ohio, taken
near mid-day (as may be seen from the shadows on the ground) shows a vintage automobile with a
1932 license plate on the front bumper. The owner of the photo album says there were no electric
street lights along this road in those days. Nobody has been able to account for the dark object
seen over Sutton's left shoulder in this photograph.
On November 11, 1972, 3:35 PM, in Mesa, Arizona, Mr. Lee Elders steadied his arm by resting it
on the top of his car as he aimed his Asahi Pentax 35mm SLR with a 200mm telephoto lens at the
strange balloon-shaped flying object. He snapped 2 pictures and went back into the house.
November 3, 1973, 6:45 PM, Cocoyoc, Morelos, Mexico. With its arms splayed out evenly around
it, an object descended and landed in a grass scrub area beside the road. It landed on the arms
now projected downward. The best image has been enlarged for better examination.
On April 24, 1967, 10:45 PM, Danville, West Virginia, State Police Sergeant S. P. Vandervernder
snapped these Polaroid pictures of a luminous top-shaped flying object over the Dan River.
Reporter Larry Murphy of the Parkersburg News, was with the officer and watched through
binoculars as the pictures were made.
On March 16, 1979 Jarmo Nykanen took pictures in Suonenjoki, Finland, of a tiny blue glowing bell-
shaped object as it moved up the slope of a hill. It ascended and descended and wandered from
side to side in its travel.
In Zurich Switzerland this remarkable photo was taken as a Boeing 747 Jumbo liner took off from
Kloten Airport.
"On Sunday, May 15th, 1955, I saw an immense ball of fire, glowing like a welder's arc. It looked
like a full moon that suddenly appeared. It didn't seem to know what gravity was, then as suddenly
as it had appeared, it made a slight turn and simply vanished. It was not an illusion, or a mirage, or
a light inversion. I believe the pictures prove that."
Warren Siegmond, Union Square.
An inverted bowl-shaped UFO approached James Courtad's back yard from the direction of a scrub
area near by. The object was circular and different textures or shades of silver-gray.
If not for the intrepid work of Dr. Colin Andrew and his
associates, little would be known of this most amazing evidence of
extraterrestrial contact. Previous to his work, it was thought
that these formations were the effects of unstudied weather
phenomena, such as funnels and wind devils. Others argued that
these crop circles and patterns were the products of elaborate
hoaxes. And, because it had begun to happen around the world
(Australia, US, and England), all except otherworldly forces could be ruled out.
Like the plaques on the Voyager spacecraft which in mathematical
terms say hello to whoever may find them, these crop patterns
depict complex mathematical, chemical and atomic scientific
concepts, possibly in hopes that we will understand and try to
communicate in like manner. After all, the ancients across the
globe once painted the ground with amazing pictograms, such as the
Nazca lines, that could only be seen in their entirety from
Besides the communicative aspect of the patterns, a strange
chemical process is undergone by the wheat that has been patterned.
Their once irregular carbon structure has become crystallized.
Yet, the plants continue to grow.
Hopefully, with the dedication of scientists like Dr. Andrews, we
may one day fully understand what is taking place.
Sailing to his village, via steamship along the Vyatka River,
comrade M. Volosnikov noticed that an object was trailing his boat.
The body resembled a flying crescent moon that flew on a set course
for approximately three minutes in the dawn sky. Veering to the
right, the craft disappeared from view. Finding that several
others had witnessed the same mysterious object, they discussed the
possibility of it being an "evil spirit."
On a hot summer afternoon, engineer I.V. Surkov observed a white,
luminous object hover in the northern sky. Nearly twice the
size of the visible moon, the UFO began to fly on a
southerly course. As it approached several clouds in the sky, the
clouds vanished only to reappear as the craft left their vicinity.
The boy, V.N. Bronyukov, and his friends looked up from their play
to see a star move across the day-time sky. It moved at a
quick pace changing heading to the northwest. The children watched
the craft for about 10 minutes before telling their parents.
In the evening hours near Petroskiy Gate, comrade A. Ignatveya
observed a luminous sphere flying only a few feet above ground.
Silently, the craft quickly flew from the north to the south in an
almost perfect straight line.
Noticing a strange whistling sound and a cool breeze, comrade N.A.
Gosteva, working in the early morning, witnessed a semi-solid grey cloud in
the shape of an oval. The phenomenon was larger than an airship
and was gone before he could alert the rest of the station crew.
At first, the villagers of Suzdal thought that the strange light
hovering just above the ground was an automobile headlight.
However, when the light began to rise and spin in the air, they
knew it wasn't a car. Comrade G. A. Podoshivin and two others
attempted to get close to the yellow, glowing object. The light
vanished then reappeared 10 minutes later at a farther location.
The object did this repeatedly through the night.
At sunset, comrade Boris S. Khmyrov watched a strange object fly
across the sky from horizon to horizon. As the craft reached the
lowest point of its flight, a disc-shaped craft appeared next to it
and sped off in the opposite direction towards comrade Khmyrov.
Comrade V. A. Golenkov, walking to his factory, was spellbound by
the bright green star that hung in the sky. Rays began to sprout
from the object. Then a dense fog surrounded the object forming
a spherical cloud. After the transformation was complete, the
craft began to move out of sight, but not before emitting a smaller
star-like object.
Hunting in the early morning hours, aviation engineer Alexander B.
Kadachev and his father came across a strange saucer shaped craft
hanging in the sky. For several minutes, the pair watched the
nearly black object as the sun rose. Its size matched that of the
nearly full moon still up in high in the sky, and the two men lost
sight of the craft when they decided to head back into the forest.
Eight people, including the senior scientist at the Institute of
Applied Geophysics in Moscow, comrade A.D. Danilov, watched a bright
disc hover along the western horizon approximately an hour after
sunset. Suddenly, the disc began to move rapidly and increase its diameter. As the object
increased in size, the
illumination decreased proportionally.
Scientist A. D. Danilov and his crew of researchers again became
witnesses to a strange flying craft. A saucer-shaped craft flew
from behind mountains to the west into the view of the group.
Comrade Danilov and crew had a similar sighting on 07-06-1960.
The bright blue, windless sky became the temporary home of a yellow
rectangular object that hovered motionless over the city.
Scientist Golubov, a witness, said, "What held it there was
completely incomprehensible."
Housewife V. N. Govorona, while strolling in the town park, watched
in fascination as a metallic disc flew across the sky. It was at
an altitude high enough that the craft appeared small against the
In the relatively cloudless night sky, a bright white UFO was
observed moving north to south across an eastern mountain range by
a party of geologic scientists. Among the group were Nikolai A. Voroshilov, geochemist, Yevgeniy
A. Sizov, geophysicist, Nikolai N. Sochevanov, geophysicist, and Victor N. Tulin, geologist, as well
as their research assistants.
Comrade Y. M. Novikov, engineer, and his fellow witnesses were
startled enough by the strange appearance of a lone black cloud
that radiated a dull reddish light. However, when a beam of red
light appeared out of the cloud and materialized into a solid
shape, everyone suddenly became quite concerned. For five minutes
both cloud and UFO hung in the air above the frightened onlookers.
Walking home from a concert, artist Y. Krivtsov and friends
observed a formation of eight or more UFOs silently flying north
at extreme speeds. At an altitude of 3000ft, the craft were still
large enough to hide a good portion of the sky.
Comrade S. N. Popov, air force reserve officer, along with three
friends observed two large saucers moving in leapfrog
fashion then join to move side by side. The UFOs passed over the
men's heads and emitted a strange blue light. "It was as if some
natural calamity had occurred. It was a very unpleasant feeling,"
said Popov of the flyover.
Ferrying a group of students around in a truck, Mr. Bold
Khaserdzne, working for the Mongolian Chamber of Commerce, watched
the flight of a saucer shaped UFO that rose northwest of the city.
Climbing at a great speed, the craft made a 90 degree turn. Now
flying north for several minutes, the craft soon touched back down,
Twice the diameter of the moon, the object was a band that
surrounded a bright, star-like point. Astronomers M. Gadshiyev and
K. Gusev observed the movements of the object from the
observatory's portable telescope.
Glider pilot and engineer, V.Y. Leya, along with several of his
fellow pilots, watched a sphere, flattened at either pole, move in
an arc across the sky.
Geologist I.N. Almazov and his crew of researchers witnessed the
flight of two luminous spheres as they passed almost directly over
their position at about 4200ft high. The first craft was bright
white; the second was roughly equivalent except that it had
blemishes that resembled craters on the moon's surface. Suddenly,
the second UFO changed to a grey color and began emitting two beams
of light at half minute intervals. However, both craft continued
on course over the researchers to the mountains.
A radar operator on secret night flights alerted his commander
that several blips were moving at approximately 500mph at 150,000ft.
Then the craft dropped to 90,000ft. After several minutes at that
altitude, the blips further descended to 75,000ft. Suddenly, the
craft were being tracked at ground level, having descended at a
tremendous rate. The movements were confirmed by a ground radar
station in Tiraspol. This incident had the Soviet military on full
readiness for nuclear attack.
On assignment to check the progress of an oil find, a group of
Volgograd Oil and Gas Research Institute scientists watched the
flight of a strange red star-like object bigger than a satellite.
As it crossed the night sky, the object began to descend. As it
reached a certain height, the object changed to a bluish color and
exploded, soundlessly. In its place was a strange blue round cloud
that was opaque.
Comrades Mr. and Mrs. Nikiforov watched a pulsing reddish saucer
shaped craft hover only feet above the ground. Its speed was
almost a crawl.
Covering himself from the oncoming crowd of observers, comrade N.Y. Marsov, trying to bathe
himself in the Kubek River, watched a
metallic ball hover in the sky. As clouds moved into the area of
the ball, they were dissipated.
Together at an all night cafe, comrades Lidia Pavlovna Iliana, a
senior spectroscopist for the Berezovskaya expedition, and F.A. Chesnokov, a heavy equipment
operator, observed a strange orange
saucer cross the sky. Almost as bright as the moon during the day,
the craft was followed by several clouds that kept pace with the
Directly overhead with a diameter approximately one-third that of
the moon, a metallic saucer shaped craft crossed the sky. Comrade
V.I. Duginov, after an important volleyball game, watched the
craft's flight while waiting with many others for the bus.
Comrade I.S. Rybak, up suffering from insomnia, observed a strange,
faint circular object, four times larger than the disc of the moon,
cross the heavens. The object had the luminosity that accompanies
the sight of the Milky Way.
Checking equipment before he turned in for the night, engineer T.N.
Kanshov sighted a UFO, double the diameter of the moon, move from
south to north. Flaming, the craft had beams that extended from
its hull. Before vanishing, the object grew larger by three times.
The witnesses, Mj. Y.B. Popov, Lt. A.S. Nikitenko and several local
residents, watched the flight of a cigar shaped object that floated
above the ground at more than half a mile. Passing overhead, the
craft rose into the night sky and out into space. Discussing the
sighting, the witnesses felt that the craft resembled an ocean
liner in its silence and slow movement.
Enjoying the warm night, comrade S.V. Ostrovskiy and his
companions, feeling that the strange object streaking across the sky was
a meteor, kept only cursory track of the object's flight.
However, once the object descended to an altitude of one mile, it
started to level off in flight, and the witnesses knew it was no
natural phenomenon. The craft flew close to the surprised
witnesses, and they were overcome by the darkness that the massive
craft had. Suddenly, the craft shot away at enormous speeds
showing a bright orange tail in its aft.
Moving from west to south, the luminous globe accelerated above the
disc of the moon and shot off into the night sky leaving only a
faint trail. Comrade M. Gavrilyuk and his wife were stunned as
they watched the mysterious flight of the object in the clear night
Camping near the Don River, comrade Docent Y. Krasuntsev and his
son, while on their annual hunting expedition, first observed a
crescent shaped object hover in the sky and vanish. Then they
noticed that two star-like objects were passing across the clear
night sky. One of the two craft began to emit sparks, and then
metamorphosed into the shape that they first observed.
As the orange, half moon shaped craft moved from west to east, Dr. Boris Dikhedeyev and
companion noticed its trail of vapor, and then
the craft itself. The trail was formed in the front of the craft,
instead of the aft, as it moved towards the nearby forest.
Comrade S.V. Zazulya and his wife, enjoying the cool dusk, observed
a strange cloud moving at a high rate of speed. It outpaced the
clouds that were near it as it moved out of sight.
Walking home from the cinema, comrade A.A. Podgorny sighted a
saucer shaped object, half in shadows, fly northward. Several days
later comrade Podgorny observed the same phenomenon.
From the sea, a yellow, saucer-shaped craft flew over the heads of
comrades V.N. Chernyavski, his wife, and friends N. Ognevoy and S. Voronov.
Before the craft was lost to sight, one of the men held a
two-kopek coin at arm's-length, and covered the object exactly.
A flat disc with the speed of a conventional propeller driven
aircraft flew near the city where comrades L.V. Antonova, editor
of "Thought," and T.I. Dantseva, Kurchatov Scientific Institute
fellow, and four friends watched the flight of the object. They
estimated that the craft only flew at 350mph.
Fishing on a cool summer afternoon, student Y. Divak and
his friend noticed a strange reflection in the water near their
boat, and that the normal sounds of the nearby city were being
distorted. As one of the boys looked up, he almost tipped the boat
in fright. A metallic UFO hovered over them for only a few
Comrade I. Kosov, his wife and farmer P.I. Marchenko observed the
diagonal flight of a luminous red disc traveling from southwest to
Captain Markov, engineer Ivanov and captain's assistant Bazhinin
reported to the bridge of the Soviet vessel Izhevsk after navigator
Sysoyev issued an alert. They all observed a white globe that
moved over the surface of the sea to the south. Minutes later,
another bright object appeared high in the sky. It emitted a
series of color patterns that repeated at various intervals.
A huge ring shaped object, large enough for an airliner to fit
inside the band, flew across the sky and was observed by comrade
Y.G. Solovyev, his wife and son.
Observed by comrades A.A. Sazanov, ionosphere specialist, V.A. Tsion, scientist from the
Leningrad Polytechnic Institute and seven other members of a biological expedition, a crescent
shaped UFO of
reddish color moved over the Moscow Academy of Sciences
astronomical observatory in this town. Moving at a constant speed,
the object flew from the Big Dipper to Cassiopeia in approximately
30 seconds.
Enjoying their vacation, the Lytkinys took in the sun on the shore
of the lake. Occasionally glancing skyward, comrade Lytkiny
noticed a strange, quick elliptical shaped object flying towards
the Carpathians. Alerting his wife, they both watched the object
perform a series of remarkable maneuvers before continuing on
course. Minutes later a similar object, with black antennae
protrusions, performed similarly for the couple.
Comrade V.M. Chernov watched the soundless flight of a yellow disc
shaped UFO as it move to the northeast. Using binoculars, Chernov
observed the craft fly into a bank of clouds. When it emerged, the
craft was a faint green color.
Leaving a ceremony they were attending, physicist Mikhail F. Zherebin and three companions
noticed a strange "mistiness" off to
the north. As they watched, the cloud transformed into a yellow
saucer shape approximately the size of the moon. A flash of light
followed, and the craft became bright orange. The witnesses were
able to watch the craft for 12 minutes.
Flying in a straight line to the southwest, a metallic saucer
shaped UFO was observed by comrade N.N. Pronin, editor of "Mysl,"
and his wife. The craft , at an altitude of 2500ft, flew with its
convex area facing forward.
An anonymous witnessed followed the flight of a lens shaped craft
with a smaller companion star. The craft headed northeast.
Traveling with a group of communications specialists, comrade A. Serdyukov and his compatriots
sighted a moon shaped craft rising
above them in the sky. Suddenly the craft began to descend
leaving a luminous vapor trail. The men stopped and got out of
their vehicles to watch the strange show. After 40 seconds the
object began to swing, transforming smaller and redder. Finally
its shape was that of a tear-drop, which after a minute vanished
Metallic and triangular, a strange object hovered over the shore
then began to move along its path. After a few minutes the craft
descended then rose into the sky. Finally, the UFO disappeared
from sight altogether from the sight of engineer V.N. Chechyanov
and his coworkers.
On duty to perform basic medical care for the people of this small
town, a Moscow doctor watched a luminous, spherical UFO move inland
from the sea. People attending an open-air movie watched the craft
instead of the feature.
An astronomer for the Kazan Engelgardt Observatory, comrade Z.
Kadikov observed a luminous, saucer shaped UFO, complete with
pointed horn-like protrusions, cross the sky to the northwest. The
craft emitted a pale blue vapor trail as it flew. Kadikov
estimated the size of the object to be over 1800ft in diameter with
a speed of three miles per second.
A small, spherical UFO seemed to, in the minds of student N.
Savrasov and his mother-in-law, pull a much larger, spherical
cloud-like object across the sky.
Comrade and Mrs. Masgutov, awestruck, watched a ringed, spherical
UFO spin wildly about its axis. For several minutes the red craft
spun ever quicker until it finally disappeared.
Flying in the direction of Zlatoust, a white, cigar shaped craft
was sighted by comrade I.S. Lunyanov.
A group of anonymous witnesses observed a hemispherical craft hover
just above the ground. After several seconds, the craft, with a
painfully bright light, ascended at a rapid pace.
Flames could be seen licking the sky as the spherical UFO moved
from one horizon to the other. Comrade V. Treychis estimated the
craft's diameter to be 300ft.
Listening to an important report of the current Five Year Plan,
comrade V. Rogov caught the green flashes of an object that sped
across the sky. Watching the craft now from his porch, Mr. Rogov
thought it strange that a meteor would disappear then reappear
along the same path. After noticing the object was disc-shaped,
the man realized that this was no meteor.
Test pilot Arkady Apraskin followed closely behind trying to get
within firing range. He had been ordered to down the banana shaped
object he had been chasing. However, just before entering range,
the UFO emitted a beam of light that temporarily blinded Apraskin
and knocked his electrical systems out. Fortunately, the pilot
managed to glide safely in for a landing.
Mr. Isidro Puentes Ventura, a member of the Cuban army reserve,
while on patrol near his home, stumbled across a brightly lit, dome
shaped craft with a variety of antennae extending from the hull.
Thinking it was an American helicopter, Ventura fired upon the UFO.
Seconds later it emitted a beam that knocked him unconscious. The
man wasn't found until the next morning in a coma.
Russian military intelligence and science officers were called in
to investigate. They found several indentations in an ash covered
scorched landing area of a 15ft diameter. As well, 48 casings and
deformed bullets were found at the sight. Upon examining the radar
logs, the Soviet experts found that a large craft was tracked, but
it disappeared in a series of electronic noise storms.
Mr. Ventura regained consciousness two weeks later and told the
authorities all that he remembered of the incident.
A cylinder of 1500ft in length, flying with its bow tilted towards
the ground, was seen by the entire population of the city. About
one mile in altitude, the craft flew slowly at a rate of 65mph
towards the outskirts of town.
Comrade I. Veselova watched a strange shape hover above the city
about 1000ft in the air. He recalled that the craft was "three
times the size of an aircraft."
A fiery sphere hung in the sky over Vologda for several minutes,
and was reported to authorities by comrade Ms. O. Lubnina.
Frightened school children watched in horror as a small luminous
object in the sky descended in a nearby field. Hovering there for
a time, it moved to the nearby river bank. Splitting in
two, there appeared where the craft was a "headless person in dark
garb" whose hands reached lower than his knees. Suddenly, without
warning, both the craft and the individual disappeared.
On a routine patrol mission, the pilots of a two-seater Soviet jet found themselves face to face with a
strange craft of unknown origin. Radioing in their incredible circumstances, the pilots, along with
their aircraft, were struck by a beam of intense power. One pilot immediately fell unconscious while
the other managed to land the jet despite his pain and the plane's damage. Upon landing,
emergency crews were rushed to the site minutes shy of being able to save one of the pilots. The
surviving man still suffers ill effects from the encounter.
"On the evening of October 18, 1967, while it was still twilight, I went out on Pravda Street in Rostov
on Don, and I saw an object overhead. It was shaped like a disc or a sphere," recalled Comrade
S.A. Alferov, dean of the Rostov Manufacturing Institute of Agricultural Machinery.
"On November 30, 1964, at 1500 hours universal time an unusual celestial object was observed at
the Shemakhinsky Astrophysical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan," read the
journal of Astronomers M. Gadzhiyes and K. Gusev.
Painting a landscape in a pasture outside of Solnechnogorsk, Comrade Malichev was startled when
he felt a strange hand touching his shoulder. Malichev turned to face his visitor, and found three
strangely clad beings, two males and a female, standing in front of a saucer shaped craft. They
telepathically asked him if he wanted to join them on their journey, finding him uniquely well-
balanced for a human. Comrade Malichev declined and watched them enter their craft which was
now metamorphosing rapidly into different shapes.
Minutes after the craft had ascended, Malichev again found himself in contact with the beings. This
time the painter decided to join them. He was taken to a planet with three moons. As well, the
man remembers being observed for the duration of the flight.
At one point, Comrade Malichev met his deceased best friend who, along with the aliens, showed
him the three stages of human development.
Comrade Malichev has undergone many psychological and physical tests subsequent to the
"To His Highness the Archimandrite Nikita, to His Eminence the Starets Paul, to their Highnesses
the Starets Paul, to their Highnesses the Starets of St. Cyril Monastery, most Venerable lords,
salutations from your humble servant Ivachko Rievskoi.
The farmer Lievko Fiedorov, from the village of Mys, has related to me the following facts:
On this Saturday, the 15th day of August of the year 1663, the faithful from the district of Bieloziero
had assembled in great number in the church of the village of Roboziero. While they were inside a
great sound arose in the heavens and numerous people came out of God's house to watch it from
the square. There, Lievko Fiedorov, the farmer in question, was among them and witnessed what
follows which for him was a sign from God.
At noon a large ball of fire came down over Roboziero, arriving from the clearest part of the cloudless
heavens. It came from the direction whence winter comes, and it moved toward the lake passing
over the church. The ball of fire measured some 140ft from one edge to the other and over the same
distance, ahead of it, two ardent rays extended.
Less than an hour later, it suddenly reappeared over the same lake. It darted from the south to the
west and must have been 1500ft away when it disappeared. But it came back again, to the great
terror of all those who watched it, moving to the west and remainig over Roboziero for an hour and a
Fishermen who were in their boat on the lake, a little over one mile away, were deeply burned by the
heat. The waters of the lake were illuminated to their greatest depth of 30ft and the fish swam away
to the shore. The water seemed to be covered with rust under the reddish light," from the St. Cyril
monastery records.
Starting their work day, witnesses around Lake Onega were frightened terribly by a huge blue-green
ovoid craft which swooped down to the ice covered waters. According to the witnesses, the craft
impacted with the ice, breaking it, and leaving a 30ft long trench. Ice from the scene was analyzed
and found to be laced with rare metals by a joint civilian-military research effort.
Astronomer Ludmilla S. Tekhanovich witnessed a strange fiery ball hanging over the small town.
"About 30 seconds later a tiny orange ball appeared and circled the larger object. Three more balls
performed the same maneuver. The larger object became elongated and vanished. A minute later
there was a flash of light and all the objects were gone," the astronomer wrote.
Driving along the road leading to Usovo, Scientist L.I. Kupriyanov and friends watched in amazement
as two silvery discs floated over their position. Their car stalled, as well as others on the same
Lt. Col. A.A. Semenchenko, scrambled to intercept two unknown luminous objects, recalled, "The
target did not respond to the identify friend or foe request. I approached the target to a range of
1500ft." Whereupon, the two craft disappeared from tracking radar and visible targeting.
The 52 year old owner of a gas station near Perm, out feeding her dog, watched an amazing light
dance above her in the sky. She remembers wishing the craft to come nearer when the craft
became even more luminous. After the brightness, the woman could no longer recall the immediate
events. Under hypnosis, however, she was able to rememer two silhouettes standing in the light.
Leaving for work early one morning, after his wife and child had left, Mr. N. answered the front door
expecting his wife to have forgotten something. Instead, a seven foot tall humanoid, with silver
coveralls and boots, asked Mr. N. for food, explaining that he was an alien. Stunned, Mr. N. led the
man to the kitchen and prepared several packages of food for him. Afterward, the man and the alien
left the house together.
Mr. N. was apprehensive all morning and asked his supervisor if he could leave earlywhich he did.
Upon returning to his house, Mr. N. found that his kitchen had been ransacked with food strewn
Several unidentified men and women, all witnesses to incredible sightings, reported to Russian
Ufologists that they were abducted for long stretches of time by creatures in craft that would simply
disappear instead of flying.
Student at the nearby technical school, 16 year old Natasha Barinova, walking home from school,
felt very strange. Compelled to look up, she watched a net-like structure fall onto her. It had a
center of enormous brightness, and when she tried to physically push the device away, Natasha
received mysterious burns that left the tips of her hands enlarged. Hearing her screams, her family
rushed from their house only to watch a saucer shaped object hover some 50ft away. At their
approach, the craft ascended without Natasha.
A reddish glowing craft appeared over a park in the small city. Children playing soccer were
instantly amazed and watched the craft open a wide hatch at its bottom. Three-eyed and wearing
silver coveralls, a 10ft tall alien peered at the now numerous onlookers with his passive three eyes.
Minutes later the craft reappeared and landed. The alien emerged from the craft with a mechanical
robot and a floating orb. A boy close to the landing site tried to move away but was caught in the
paralyzing beam emitted through the third eye of the being. The huge crowd began to shout at the
alien and both craft and alien vanished.
Approximately five minutes later, the alien and craft reappeared this time with a rifle like device. The
alien pointed the device at a nearby boy who vanished. As the alien and craft disappeared some
minutes later after observing the crowd, the boy reappeared.
Children playing at Mendeleyev Street observed a mysterious craft appear and land near them. Two
humanoids, both very large, and a robot emerged from the craft and studied the surroundings for
several minutes before leaving.
A geodesic specialist from the nearby Agricultural Institute, Comrade V.A. Kugatov watched the
flight of an extremely large, cigar shaped blimp object fly very quickly across the sky. It took only a
few minutes for the craft to have flown out of the man's sight.
Mr. Walter McCann, a photographer, walking in Rogers Park early in
the morning, spotted a wingless cigar shaped craft flying silently
above the street and about 500 to 600ft distant. He was able to
take two black and white photos before the object flew away.
Witnesses were Mr. G.A. Oversocker, Mr. Wm. Hoodles and Mr. E.L. Osborn.
Mr. C.D. Lawrence photographed a broadside view of a cigar shaped
airship about 40ft long and pointed at both ends.
Mr. G.L. photographed a cigar shaped object over Little Rock early
in the morning.
An individual identified only by the initial I. claimed he
photographed an unidentified object over the city.
An unidentified individual claimed to have photographed an
unidentified flying object over an unspecified place in Ohio.
An unidentified individual claimed to have photographed an
unidentified flying object over an unspecified point in New Mexico.
Mr. William Lamb observed and photographed "wheels in the sky" over
M. Giraudon observed and photographed a huge round sphere of light
at ground level in broad daylight in the Zoological Gardens at
Basel. At that time it was called a psychic sphere. The
photograph shows the brilliance of the object illuminating
everything around it.
Mr. David Packer observed a strange luminous body in the daylight
sky and managed to get a photograph of it.
A small lens shaped flying object was photographed moving in front
of an old style building at about mailbox level. This picture came
from an old family photograph album listed no details.
A photographer identified as Moltschanow reportedly photographed an
unidentified flying object. No other details are available.
Cameraman Michael Conversa photographed 13 star-like objects near
the position of the moon.
"Los Angeles Times" staff photographers snapped several photographs
of 15 or more silvery UFOs in night searchlight beams. The objects
were circular in shape and somewhat luminous. 1430 rounds of
anti-aircraft artillery shells were fired during the one hour
observation. Nothing was shot down. Witnesses included
searchlight crews, gun crews and thousands of spectators.
Mr. C.J.J. (known to Leonard Stringfield) saw a massive wingless
object appear suddenly behind a US Bomber in flight on
anti-submarine patrol, overtake it and fly alongside it for 15
minutes. Sgt. F.M.B. took a number of photographs with an L-20
8"X10" negative plate official service camera. The object then
gained altitude, made a 180 degree turn and sped away. Only one
photograph of the lot, the one taken with a filter, turned out
satisfactory, and in C.J.J.'s words, "was a perfect print."
Intelligence has never released any of the pictures or any report
on this case.
Mr. Kazuo Sakata photographed a hazy disc-shaped object flying in
the sky over the airfield there. The disc is seen edge-on.
An official Japanese Army photographer shot pictures of four hazy,
self-luminous, or very bright objects of spherical shape hovering
in the sky above a flight of Japanese Bomber aircraft.
An official Japanese Army air photographer snapped pictures of a
dark round, seemingly light-absorbing, flying object of smaller
size as it followed closely behind another Sally Bomber in a
three-ship formation in flight over the inland sea. The alert
cameraman spotted the intruder and quickly snapped the pictures
before the soccer-ball sized flying machine vanished.
A German Air Force photographer snapped a picture of a bright
slightly radiant globe of light in the daylight sky above the wing
of a neighboring aircraft in the formation. The aircraft was a
Norwegian craft.
A Japanese Air Observer snapped a picture in flight of two bright
and possibly luminous cone shaped smaller objects near two other
Ida Reconnaissance aircraft flying in the same formation. The
aircraft were Army Type 98 planes on a mission during the war.
An official Japanese Army Air photograph shows three large very
bright spheres in the sky above Type 97 Bombers flying in formation.
An official Japanese Army Air photographer photographed huge
bright, misty outlined spherical flying objects over a parked
formation line of Japanese Bombers starting engines on the
flight line for a mission.
An official Japanese Army photographer snapped pictures of a wide
"V" formation of six bright misty-looking disc-shaped flying
objects above an airborne formation of Japanese Army Fighter
aircraft above a cloud formation.
An official photographer of the Japanese Army shot a picture of a
small dark dense-looking spherical object following a formation of
Type 99 Lily Bombers in flight. The object is seen very close to
the tail of the aircraft.
Five separate photographs of the devastation of the recently
destroyed city of Hiroshima show dark lens shaped UFOs high in the
Mr. Fred Strange observed and photographed five disc-shaped
objects in the sky. One frame showed three of them together. They
were seen as blurry white round bodies. The fourth and fifth
objects were present when he made the pictures but were not in the
image frame.
An unidentified flying object was reported photographed in the
skies of Switzerland by Herr Haupmann. No other details are
Newsman Erik Reuterswaard snapped a picture of a comet-like object
in the sky above the islands just outside Stockholm. With
super-sensitive processing performed at the request of the Swedish
General Staff, a cylindrical projectile was found in the midst of
the "flame." These objects became more popularly known as "Ghost
Rockets" because of a lack of launching facilities available for
such vehicles.
Several photographs of "Ghost Rockets" were published by the
"London Daily Telegraph" during the year.
An unidentified flying object was reportedly photographed over
Puerto Rico. No other details were given.
Mr. Harold A. Dahl, a fisherman from Tacoma, took three black and
white photographs of six donut shaped objects in flight overhead.
He noted his estimate specification on the face of the photographs,
which were taken by one of the official investigators in this case
and were never returned (believed to be one of the government men).
One of the machines seemed to be disabled. The craft, an estimated
2000ft above, were about 100ft in diameter with a 25ft hole in the
center of the ships. "Portholes" six feet in diameter were space
evenly around the outside rim, and there were dark circular
"windows" around the inside of the hole and the bottom. The photos
were badly over-exposed and were covered all over with dark specks.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness named Sprinkel. No
other details are available.
US Navy CPO Frank Rayman photographed a white round object in the
sky in the late afternoon.
An unidentified flying object was reportedly photographed by a
witness named Crossland. No other details are available.
Mr. Albert Weaver photographed two small metallic looking discs in
the sky overhead. They were of a dark shiny color.
Mr. Al Hixenbaugh took photographs of heavy contrails in the sky
which were being left by very fast moving objects of some kind
entirely unknown at that time. No known aircraft could travel at
the speed indicated by the pictures.
Three disc-shaped flying objects were photographed together in the
sky over the Five Points district of the city. One is seen as a
circle and the other two are flatter and plate shaped.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by witnesses Jung and Johnson.
No other details are available.
Mr. William Rhodes of Phoenix made three photographs of a shoe-heel
shaped object flying in the air over Phoenix. He took his film to
the local newspaper and it was published on the front page of the
Phoenix morning paper the next day.
A report of a UFO photograph with no details was listed in the
Information Retrieval Center Printout (a computer printout) with no
other details except the source code shown.
Mr. John H. Hanssen, aviation editor for the "Daily Record," saw
and photographed six luminous discs or spheres in trail formation
in a hazy sky. Four of them are shown in the photo taken. Mr. Hanssen was
flying his own airplane when he took the picture. He described the
objects seen as "strange Wraith-like circular craft with a flanged
and projecting rim around the middle which was dotted with
steamer-like portholes." A few weeks later, while again flying a
light plane, two similar objects approached and held his airplane
suspended in mid-air, both engines had quit running. When he was
released he was able to start them again normally, and he continued
his flight.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
L. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
P. No other details are available.
Mr. Charles Shangle photographed a faint grey disc-shaped flying
object surrounded by a lighter halo. No other details are
available, except that the disc was seen high in the sky.
Mr. Joseph Hofard saw and took several photographs of about 78
brightly luminous torpedo shaped objects in the sky flying at
terrific speed over woods and roads. They emitted no sound but
glowed like phosphorous. One photo shows three of these objects
flying in formation.
Two unidentified witnesses observed and photographed a yellow ball
in the sky leaving a trail of milky-colored streamers behind it.
No other details are available.
Mr. Raymond Johnson observed and photographed a large yellow
luminous mass with a double tail, flying in the sky over Ontario.
The Canadian Army photographed a UFO over Nova Scotia. No other
detail and no copies of the prints have been released.
Mr. Duane Wray observed and photographed an exploding fireball as
it climbed rapidly up into the sky. It "exploded" many times.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
N. No other details are available.
A USAF Patrol Plane shot Air Force gun camera photos of six
solid-looking domed discs flying in perfect formation out over the
ocean. No details have been released.
A white mist-like domed disc-shaped object was photographed flying
over the desert flats near the Rincon Mountains.
A picture was reportedly taken of a UFO flying over an Army Base in
Kentucky by a witness identified only as W. No other details have
been made available.
Mr. Paul Brennon of Paris observed and photographed a small dark
walnut shaped object flying in the sky and leaving a bright
Commodoro A.V. Orrego shot still pictures and 8mm movie footage of a very
large cigar shaped flying object that hovered over and maneuvered
about in the frigid skies above the Chilean Antarctic Station.
Dr. Luis Enrique Erro observed and photographed a large circular
UFO. No other details are available.
Mr. Mikel Conrad filmed 90ft of motion picture footage of UFOs seen
flying about in the clear Alaskan sky. No other details are
available. The source clipping was not identified.
A United States military aircraft snapped official USAF photographs
of three domed disc-shaped objects flying in formation over
Stephensville. They quickly outdistanced the aircraft and flew
Mr. Lloyd Sanders photographed a self-luminous triangular or
beehive shaped UFO rising at high speed. No other details are
A UFO was reportedly photographed over the Pacific in the vicinity
of Catalina Island. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
S. No other details are available.
A UFO was reported to have been photographed at Lebec. No other
details are available.
Herr H. Bosshardt saw and photographed a double-domed disc-shaped
object with an upper tower structure. The object is seen edge-on
in low flight.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
W. No other details are available.
Reverend Gregory Miller shot three rolls of 16mm black and white
film and 10 still pictures of a large disc-shaped object that flew
in and out of a searchlight beam. Smaller triangle shaped objects
seemed to come out of the larger main disc and fly around
independently, about five objects to a group. They came down the
beam and then turned off. The light beam BENT toward the discs
when they were not in the path of the beam.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
Conrad. No other details are available.
Dr. C.D. Shane, an astronomer at Lick Observatory, saw and made
eight photographic plates of a queer flying object very high in the
sky and moving unusually fast. He considered it one of the most
unusual objects sighted in the sky, and saw it only by chance.
A UFO photograph purportedly shot at El Paso was reported to
Project Blue Book. The photograph and details were never released.
Mr. R. Ellis observed and photographed a dark metallic object
descending from the sky with a trail of fire. It is seen near the
level of tree-tops along the river.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by witnesses identified only as
Erron and Munch. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
H. No other details are available.
Ms. Bette Malles photographed a spindle shaped image unseen by the
photographer. Possible lens flare.
Mr. Rand Herman photographed a huge luminous football shaped object
flying above the water and leaving a distance trail behind it.
A UFO was photographed by a witness identified only as Behen. No
other details are available.
An anonymous photographer took pictures of scores of solid looking
disc-shaped objects as they maneuvered back and forth over the
city, zigzagging and zipping rapidly in all directions. Collisions
seemed inevitable but none were observed. One similar, red colored
object was observed above the many silver and silver-gold ones.
There were hundreds of witnesses. Others with cameras were seen.
A photograph of a UFO was reportedly taken at Farmington. No other
details are available.
Mr. Irving Underhill reportedly took a picture of a UFO. No other
details are available. Reported to Col. Wendelle C. Stevens,
ufologist, after a lecture.
German Air Force Flak Sergeant D. Ussel reportedly photographed a
UFO in the vicinity of Monument Valley, Arizona.
Sr. Enrique Hausemann Miller observed and photographed a huge
brilliant flying object that looked like a large Catherine Wheel in
the night sky. It emitted a loud drone as it flew.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
Davis. No other details are available.
A UFO was repeatedly photographed by a witness identified only as
Engman. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
Macey. No other details are available.
Mr. Dean Margen, walking in the woods with his camera to shoot
photos of nature subjects, came upon a silvery metallic looking
domed disc hovering at treetop level above a clearing. He managed
to get one picture before the object accelerated and flew away at
incredible speed.
Official cameramen at the United States Test Center shot 30ft of
16mm movie film of a round dark flying object following a test
missile launched by the center. The strange object was filmed with
Askania Cine Theodolite cameras.
Mr. Mikel Conrad shot 8mm movie film of eight disc-shaped objects
taking off and landing. Reported verbally to Col. Wendelle C. Stevens,
ufologist, at lecture.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
Edwards. No other details are available.
Dr. Bossa snapped two indistinct photographs with a 35mm camera of
a non-symmetrical disc or spheroid shape together with a larger
cigar shape in the sky.
Official Proving Ground cameras captures two photographs of several
UFOs operating in the sky above and quite distant. They were disc-
shaped objects. The photographs have never been released publicly.
Mr. George Adamski observed and photographed a huge bright cigar
shaped crossing the face of the moon. (This photo has been
confused with another believed to have been shot as early as the
end of 1949).
Mr. George Adamski observed and shot a picture of three luminous
round UFOs near the limb of the moon. This and the one above are
believed to be the two photographs Adamski gave to government
agents J.P. Maxfield and G.L. Bloom. The date is confused because
Adamski was not logging these events yet and could only remember
that the photos were made near the end of 1949. The date shown may
be the first date these pictures were reported.
Mr. George Adamski observed and photographed two lens shaped
luminous flying objects in the sky an estimated 75 to 100 miles
distant. He made the pictures through his home-made telescope and
camera set-up. In the developed print two more similar objects may
be seen much farther away. (These were usually lost in cropping).
The objects were leaving faint luminous trail behind them in the
Mr. George Adamski observed and photographed through his telescope
two luminous objects seen against the moon. (Note that this photo
was made two hours before the objects photographed in Earth
Mr. George Adamski observed and photographed six luminous UFOs in
formation in the sky in the direction of the moon. The moon is
seen in the background.
Official Proving Ground cameras shot 16mm black and white movies of
bright round bodies moving high in the sky. The objects were
filmed by Askania Cine Theodolite cameras from two separate
locations, and were estimated to be 40,000ft above the Earth, have
a diameter of up to 300ft and be moving around 2,000mph. (note
these were our official scientific tracking cameras of the Missile
Test Center).
Mr. George Adamski observed and photographed a brightly luminous
object in front of the moon. The pictures were made through his
home-made telescope and camera set-up.
Mr. Al Hixenbaugh observed and shot 50ft of 16mm black and white
movie film of a dark disc-shaped object in flight over Louisville.
The image had to be greatly enlarged to bring it out clearly.
A US Navy photographer shot pictures of a very strange lenticular
shaped cloud over the seaport there.
Dr. Hugo Francisco Luis Niotti observed and photographed a strange
cone shaped object as it flew across the road in front of him at a
point between Yacanto and Cordoba. Though he was carrying a camera
loaded with film in his car, he was only able to get one picture on
the black and white film before the object flew away. The
Aeronautical Information Service of Cordoba examined the negative
and stated that they could find no evidence of faking or fraud.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
Rockman. No other details are available. This may be a confused
report of the Frank Rayman pictures shot on 07-04-1947.
Mr. Bob Jung observed and photographed a bright luminous flying
object over the stack of a ship standing off the island.
Official Proving Ground cameras photographed a blurred cigar shaped
or ellipsoid object over the test center. Range Askania Theodolite
cameras recorded the pictures.
CWO Nick Mariana observed and shot 16mm movie film of two bright
round or disc-shaped flying objects in motion in the sky. All of
the close-up footage was removed by the Air Force and was never
Mr. George Peck witnessed and shot photographs of four glittering
spheres with smaller discs around them in the late afternoon sky.
Mr. A. Johnson saw and photographed high in the sky, a strange
circle with a black dot in the center. Rays of light jet out from
the edges of the circle like the spokes of a wheel. It had a long
comet-like tail. It was in view for 15 seconds.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness known
only as Murphy.
Mr. Eugene Havord photographed two white disc-shaped objects with
a hazy outline as they moved in the sky above.
A solid appearing UFO with a trail, not too clear, was photographed
by an unidentified witness. No the other details are available.
Col. G.D. Carter saw and photographed a dark spherical UFO with a
long trail behind it.
An unidentified witness observed and photographed a cigar
shaped object hovering in the air above a blast furnace.
An unidentified witness photographed three football shaped objects
flying in a dark night sky. The objects were as low as treetop
Mr. M. Bicknell and another airline passenger observed and shot 8mm
movie film of a huge cigar shaped object in flight near the
mountain. The movies were taken from a Lockheed Loadstar airliner
in flight on a regular passenger run.
A UFO was photographed by a witness identified only as H. No other
details are available.
Mr. George Adamski claimed he observed and photographed through his
telescope a large dark cigar shape, seen launching smaller luminous
domed disc shapes with bright lights all around the rims, until
five of them are seen in the last picture together with the larger
Mr. George Adamski observed through his 6" Newtonian Telescope and
photographed through the same device with a homemade camera
attachment, a large submarine shaped space craft operating at very
high altitude above southern California.
An unidentified flying object was photographed by official Proving
Ground cameras. No photos or details of this event were ever
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness in St. Raphael. No other details are
A UFO was reported photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
Official Proving Ground cameras shot 200ft of 35mm Theodolite movie
film of a bright round UFO flying close to a B-29 Bomber in flight.
No film, photographs, or details have ever been released. Special
scientific cameras were used.
An official photographer for Mexico City's International Airport
shot pictures of three bright spherical UFOs over the airport. The
airport was closed to traffic during the incident. There were
hundreds of witnesses, and many were seen taking pictures with
private cameras.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
Mr. Carl J. Hart Jr. snapped five black and white photos of many
luminous round UFOs flying in a double "V" formation in the night
sky. Four of the photographs showed image movement or camera
movement during the 1/10th second exposure on Kodak 35mm film at
f3.5. He took two of the photographs of the first formation to go
over and three snaps of the second formation of objects that passed
a little later.
Mr. Guy B. Marquand Jr. photographed a very clear picture of a
hubcap-shaped domed disc flying out over a mountain valley. He
later admitted having faked the picture by sailing a hubcap out
over that valley from a rise he was standing on and then
photographing it.
Mr. George Adamski shot one picture through his telescope of a
large disc-shaped object with something like a heat wave radiation
coming from the aft rim.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly observed and photographed by a witness
identified only as M. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
Sgn. Umberto Traversetti observed and photographed a dark bi-convex
lens shaped object in the sky with four Vampire jet fighters. The
dark UFO was leaving a lighter trail in the sky behind it for a
short distance. The Vampire fighters appeared to be above and
beyond the UFO.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness shown
only as S. No other details are available.
Mr. George Adamski observed and photographed, through his homemade
6" telescope, a large cigar shaped object very high in the sky.
Mr. Paul Eisenberg observed and photographed a dark circular disc
like object in the bright daylight sky.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly observed and photographed by an unidentified
witness. No other details are available.
Columbia Pictures cameramen, shooting a movie scene at Central
airport, trained telephoto lenses on a shiny fast moving object
that was visible briefly then whizzed out of sight at high speed.
Homer Davis of Columbia Pictures saw the UFO three times.
A UFO was photographed from a B-36 Bomber by an unidentified crew
member. No other details area available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
CWO Delbert Newhouse shot 16mm color movie film through a 3"
telephoto lens of several white spherical objects flying
horizontally in erratic formation. The objects passed each other
alternately as they flew. One object left the formation while the
others continued to fly "closed circles." Dayton Laboratory
calculated their velocity at 1600kmh. This was 10km from
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
N. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
M. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
USCG Seaman Shell Alpert, on duty in a Coast Guard Weather Office
at the military station, saw and photographed four huge bright
cloud like spheroid masses flying in horizontal formation nearby.
He snapped the picture through the screened window of the building.
An unidentified 1st Lt., a navigator aboard an Air Force C-54
Skymaster flying from Tachikawa Air Base toward Oshima Island in
Tokyo Bay, snapped photographs of a pearl colored spherical flying
object hovering in a trough in the stratus cloud-tops below.
Sr. Domingo Troncoso, a government employee in the Department of
the Aduanas, observed and photographed a large cigar shaped object
flying horizontally and leaving a heavy smoke like trail that can
be seen reflected on the waters of the Madre de Dios River below.
Its speed was estimated at over 400mph.
Washington RADAR Center made a scope photograph of six UFOs
surrounding an F-102 Delta Dart jet fighter from Newcastle AFB.
The jet was dispatched by the Air Force to intercept the UFOs
maneuvering in the prohibited airspace over the Capitol. (Note
that this predated the big Washington flyover by exactly ten days).
Official USAF gun-camera film (16mm movies) shot by the second wave
of jet interceptor aircraft during this initial "Washington Mini-
Flap" clearly showed the huge orange colored luminous spheres in
the dark sky over the Capitol.
Enjoying the evening, four anonymous persons witnessed a metallic,
hovering object bisect into two luminous spheres. The objects
rejoined and performed several complex patterns before
disappearing. At first, the people thought they were witnessing a
lunar phenomenon, but soon realized that the moon was directly
behind where they were looking.
Another witness, on the outskirts of Paris, observed the same
event, but had been able to follow the flight of the original
object from the north of France.
The witness described the object as "an umbrella with a light
below" its hull. The UFO flew over Fairborn where it was noticed
by the witness. As well, the person saw a luminous, orangish hue
surrounding the craft.
Flying over Albuquerque from west to east, multiple saucer shaped
craft were witnessed by at least one resident. They cruised in the
air moving bizarrely as their metallic surfaces glinted in the
sunlight. At one point, several craft appeared to eject smaller
luminous balls into the atmosphere.
Airmen south of the 38th parallel followed the flight of luminous
sphere that darted across the evening sky over the air base. The
UFO stopped in mid-flight and began to glow red. Two minutes
later, the craft began to rise as a jet fighter approached the
runway. It quickly made a 90 degree turn and continued on its
original course.
Dr. Gustavo Revidapte, local judge, and the director of Corrientes
Airport were transfixed by the flight of a supremely bright object
as it approached the airport. Airport security and local police
observed the craft as well. The craft began to hover and emit
probes of light into the air and ground at the end of the runway.
However, when the witnesses tried to move closer, the UFO shot up
into the night sky and vanished.
Residents near the edge of town reported sighting a crescent
shaped UFO that hovered at 1,000ft and emitted light beams from its
surface. The witnesses could make out portholes on its hull before
it continued on its path at high speed.
Metallic discs over Maiden came dangerously close to colliding
with one another as they performed strange aerial acrobatics.
Witnesses at first thought the flight was simply fanciful;
however, their mood quickly changed as the UFOs started their near
collision courses.
A pear shaped UFO hovered over the Birchills Power Station. The
luminous craft, which could be seen from several towns across the
region, ejected several smaller, luminous objects that descended
over the power plant.
A luminous object with two sections--one larger than the other,
descended from the northeast, over the small village. The craft
hovered for a time, then made a sharp angled turn and continued to
the southeast.
Described as either "mushroom" or "half-moon" shaped, an
unidentified object hovered over the residents of Armentieres.
As well, people from the surrounding villages could see the craft.
M. Jean Lecoq, in Lievin, watched the object all the while
phoning friends and family to alert them of the craft.
After several minutes, the witnesses watched as part of the craft
touched down for a few seconds, then rose back up to rejoin with
the mother ship.
A silent, multi-colored object raced over Chereng towards the
Marque River. Upon reaching the river, the craft hovered and began
to spark and descend. However, witnesses raced to the area only to
find that the object fled as they approached.
Minutes later, 35 miles south of Chereng above the Gouillet Woods,
a person observed the same craft. "It was circular, and red-orange
in color. A little below this immobile object, and as though
suspended from it, she saw a small spot of light with a kind of
see-saw movement," the father of the witness related.
"On April 11, 1964, my wife, two children and I were having a
picnic supper on a hill 1,800ft above sea level, about 10 miles
northwest of Homer, New York. It was 6:30pm. Several jet bombers
had left vapor trails up high, traveling from west to east, but
these trails quickly disappeared... there appeared what I thought
was a very large jet trail from northeast to southwest. It was
very white and wide and at the southwest end there was a break on
the trail of about one mile. Then a very black spiral formation of
what appeared to be smoke appeared, about one mile long...
Approximately 10 minutes had now passed and it suddenly occurred to
me that the black spiral cloud had slowly moved to the west while
the white trail had drifted south. Also, the cloud became much
darker and we all observed this. At this point, I took my 6X25
binoculars to observe it and was shocked to see wisps of smoke
actually streaming out of the black cloud--almost boiling out....
Suddenly the black cloud, still retaining its spiral shape, changed
from the horizontal position with greater smoke activity and
resembled a smoking plane still falling from the sky, at the same
time assuming a shape not unlike a banana. Then, it no longer
seemed to be falling, but simply stopped and hung there for two or
three minutes and then very slowly seemed to sink into the clouds
and was obliterated... my daughter suddenly exclaimed, `There's
another one.' It appeared as a horizontal pencil shaped object.
It was impossible to determine the length, but it could have been
as large as a submarine. It moved from the left of the horizon to
the right... there was a flash of white light from the rear of it
and it shot forward with incredible speed for a distance of about
five times its length and as suddenly stopped, still maintaining
the pencil shape, apparently hovering... This whole episode took
place in about 45 minutes, and ended just about dusk. If it were
not for the fact that all four of us observed this event I would
hesitate to bring this to your attention," a physiotherapist wrote
about his sighting.
"First we saw a large, dull-grey object about 300ft long. It came
at plane-stalling speed and seemed to pause. Then out of the
clouds above and behind the ship, five or six small discs came
shooting at terrific speed."
Three young shepherds (Lucia, age 10, her cousins, Francisco and
Jacinto Marto, nine and seven, respectively) were gathering
together the sheep that they were herding. Strangely, they were
drawn to the sky, and as they looked up, they saw a brilliant white
globe. Soon after, a mysterious being, whom they believed to be
the Virgin Mary appeared.
"The wonderful lady looked young. Her dress, white as snow and
tied to her neck by a gold band, wholly covered her body. A white
cloak, with a golden edge, covered her head," Lucia thought of the
However, many ufologists now believe that this was not a visitation
by a divine spirit, but rather a misinterpretation of an
extraterrestrial contact.
Mr. T.C. Drury, deputy-director of the Civilian Aviation Department
of New Guinea, photographed a length of motion picture film whose
subject was saucer shaped object flying out of a strange cloud over
the island nation. Mr. Drury's credibility has been confirmed by
the Australian Minister of Air Transport.
Polish soldiers, on Warsaw Pact maneuvers, had their sight drawn to
the sea. It was if a sudden force had begun to sweep aside the
water. Then, a pyramid shaped craft--4 meters in side length, flew
out of the water, circled the barracks where the soldiers were to
sleep, and shot off into the sky.
"M. Claude Pastier of Tours, in Indre-et-Loire, relates with
numerous and accurate details the apparition over Tours, on Sunday,
August 16, at about 8:30pm, of two circular machines flying very
low with a `resonant and hard' sound which did not bear resemblance
to that of any known craft. The motion was very slow, absolutely
rectilinear, and both machines moved in a perfectly similar manner,
as if mechanically connected," from "L'Astronomie."
Five Poles and two Germans, all unidentified, reported to local
authorities that a metallic craft of otherworldly shape shot out of
the sky and landed near railroad tracks across the road they were
on. They described the craft as 65ft in diameter with a flat,
saucer-like hull.
An unknown witness reported sighting a yellow, glowing cigar
airship hovering in the evening sky. Two helmeted figures watched
the flight of the craft some feet away. The witness thought that
the ship was 30 meters long and six meters high with a haze or mist
around either end.
Mr. Jim MacKay and Mr. Jim Robinson, while making their way through
a suburb of Melbourne, stopped their car when they heard a loud
swishing sound. It seems that a glowing, red and blue disc was
diving on their position, so they hid under their car until the
saucer had had enough and sped off.
As they approached a fork in the track, the engineer of the
Australian transcontinental railroad noticed that the fork was lit
up by a spotlight from above. Following the trail of the light, a
spherical, glowing object could be seen hovering above the tracks.
It almost landed as the train sped past, but instead lit off into
the early morning sky.
Workers at the Oradell water reservoir watched in horrified
fascination as two bright saucer shaped craft hovered over the lake
created by the backed up waters. They described the two craft
having a yellowish glow.
Practicing her riding horse along her family's property, a young
girl noticed that her colt had become restless. After
unsuccessfully trying to calm the horse, the girl noticed a
luminous object that hung in the sky. It emitted a beam of light
that scanned the ground. Scared, she rushed home where she and her
father watched the now orange craft rise into the sky.
An egg shaped object with a bright, glowing upper hemisphere was
observed by Mr. Alex Gillis and Mr. Jerry Monkham. The craft sat
in the middle of the road as they approached it in their vehicle.
It was approximately 14ft long. The two men did not report the
sighting until a month later for fear of ridicule.
Officer L. Zamora, while patrolling the highways outside of
Socorro, observed a metallic, bright craft land on the road
pavement. The object had four legs and resembled the lunar lander
that a few years later was put into use by the Apollo astronauts.
"Suddenly, I noted a shiny-type object to the south... It looked
at first like a car turned upside down... Saw two people in white
coveralls very close to the object. One of these persons seemed to
turn and look straight at my car and seemed startled--seemed to
quickly jump somewhat... These person appeared normal in
shape--but possibly they were small adults or large kids...
Suddenly, I heard a very loud roar... The flame was under the
object. The object was starting to go straight up--slowly up.
Flame was light blue and at the bottom it was sort of an orange
color... The object was smooth--no windows or doors visible. As
roar started, it was still on the ground," Officer Zamora stated.
He also saw several strange insignias and markings on the craft as
it rose.
Between Tonopah and Las Vegas, an army officer driving to base reported sighting four shiny silver
saucers resting on the desert
floor. He pulled over to the side of the road and made his way to
the nearest saucer. For 20 minutes, he watched them before they
rose up into the evening sky.
A luminous object alarmed the security detail of a US military base
in South Korea. It hovered above the base for a time before simply
Near midnight on Highway 116, Mr. Pedro Saucedo and friend Mr. Jose
Salav witnessed a huge cigar, or submarine, shaped craft float over
the ground near the road. The object was 150 to 200ft long
Sailors aboard the Japanese fishing vessel Kitsukawara Maru,
observed two large, metallic discs plunge into the depths of the
ocean at 31 degrees 15'N and 143 degrees 30'E. The discs caused
several large waves to rock the boat as if in a squall.
On a camping trip, M. Jacques Jacobson and three companions
observed a full-moon sized saucer hovering over a nearby hill.
They noticed that their short wave radio would not work but on one
band. The transmission sounded like the beeps of morse code, but
one of their companions who had been in the military could not
translate the message. After 15 minutes, the craft sped off into
the night and left the confused observers to ponder its appearance.
Highway 34, patrolled by Officers Don Kelm and Jack Peters, was the
sight of an encounter by the two men with an egg shaped craft that
hovered alongside the road. It emitted a red glow that was capable
of bathing the highway. As they approached the craft, it began to
speed off. The officers decided to chase the noiseless object for
about six miles before giving up, never reaching closer than a mile
to the craft.
The night watchman of the Dayton Country Club, attracted by the
strange lights hovering above the greens, observed an egg shaped
craft floating approximately five feet off the ground. Backing
away slowly as the craft approached him, the watchman stayed out of
the five meter radius circle of light that preceded the movement of
the craft. Finally, the man ran away from the scene leaving the
craft to vanish from sight.
On his way to work, an anonymous witness, amused by the strange
movement, watched a luminous object fly about a 100ft above the
road. He stopped his car and observed the maneuvers for several
minutes before the craft flew over him and out of sight.
Two motorists promptly stopped their car as a silver saucer landed
in a field near the highway they were on. After setting down for
a few minutes, the craft rose and shot off into the sky.
A police man, waiting in his speed trap, was suddenly overcome with
paralysis. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see a metallic
disc floating a few feet off the ground. As the object approached
his vehicle, the officer's clothes began to grow increasingly
hot, until, finally the craft flew away.
After a taxing trip to the grocery store with his wife and two
children, Mr. Sheneman, starting to remove the bags of food, looked
up from his car to see a red, glowing circular shape hovering above
the ground. It commenced to descend and land with two red beams of
light guiding the way. Mr. Sheneman, who was at first stunned,
quickly gathered up his family and ushered them into the house.
The craft never completely landed, and rose up into the night.
Mr. H. Long described the landing of a "flying saucer" to the
disbelieving police officers of his town. While driving from work
to his home, he watched the entire incident from the nearby
Sergeant Vern Bennell described Mr. Sid Eubank "as white as a
sheet" when he came into the police department headquarters. Mr.
Eubank related to the officers that, while driving on Highway 81
before dawn, a large metallic disc had dive-bombed his car. The
shock wave was strong enough to throw the car from the road. The
frightened man collected himself enough to watch the craft vanish
from sight and then report to the police.
Mr. Oscar Linke, while walking his 11 year old daughter between the
American and Russian zones, stumbled upon two men in space suits.
Surprised that he could miss an object so large, Mr. Linke next
noticed the saucer shaped craft that the men stood by. As they
tried to approach, the men returned to the vessel and shot off into
the air leaving the stunned Earthlings behind.
During the Korean War, personnel aboard a US vessel in Korean
waters witnessed two metallic objects fall from the trailing white
smoke. They plunged into the sea with a pursuant rise of water at
their entry.
Plant superintendent at the Southwestern Porcelain Steel
Corporation Mr. D. Bushnell and his wife, while driving to Tulsa,
were almost driven off the road by a strange ball of light that
dived over their car.
Mr. B. Stevenson observed a glowing orange disc, 60ft in diameter
and 12ft thick, hover over his farm. He was attracted to the
object by the sudden fright his animals exhibited.
"All at once, at the top of a slope I found myself face to face, so
to speak, with a sort of disc of such brilliance that it blinded
me, like a lighthouse beam. I had to stop. The object flew over
me slightly to my right at a low altitude and continued its route
westward, where it remained visible for several minutes before
disappearing in the distance," M. M. Cognard recalled of his
Driving away from Cherbonnieres towards Pouzou, a man, with his
three year old son, began feeling a tingling sensation throughout
his body. Continuing in intensity, the tingling became painful
until his child began to cry. His car engine died, and the
headlights burned out. Outside the car, a bright red sphere began
glowing more orange then finally bright white. The man could make
out a disc hovering within the blinding halo, but it soon
disappeared. Physically unharmed, man and child continued to
Pouzou where they contacted police.
Riding home from work on his bicycle, M. Jose Casella found himself
almost colliding with a large metallic oval craft that had landed
on the road. As he attempted to stop, the craft rose into the air
at great speed and vanished. Several others in the Maritime Alps
town reported a similar craft to the local authorities.
Orfeo, who lived near the dry Los Angeles river bed, awakened
inside a great balloon-like structure where extraterrestrial beings
had placed him. He floated above the city and took in its beauty.
Suddenly, Orfeo was overcome with the epiphany that humankind lived
in misery. He expressed, through thought, that he wished to stay
with them. However, the beings, after marking his chest with the
atomic structure of hydrogen, placed him back on Earth with the
mission to enlighten his fellow terrestrials.
An Australian rancher described the following incident.
"We were marking lambs in Toompang. Near the lunch hour we heard
what we thought was a jet. I looked up for the jet and saw an
eagle-hawk, high in the sky. I was taking a bit of interest in the
eagle-hawk when we heard another sound, as if the jet were overhead
again. But I still could not see a jet.
Then I saw this round object. It looked like a silver star, and
seemed to be over Wyalong, it was so high up and so far away. It
was stationary. I said to the others--there were seven of
us--`Get a load of this.' One man is short-sighted. Another who
is could not pick up the object. But four others did, and watched
it off and on for over an hour, possibly two hours. I saw one
object leave the first object and go to the left, and later two
objects go to the right., then come back... The objects I saw
leaving the stationary object seemed round. But when the one I saw
leave it on the left came overhead as it went towards Young I could
see it seemed to be V-shaped. I do not know what I saw, but I know
that when the objects left the stationary object on the right-hand
side they went out to the side and then went straight up fast. The
one that passed overhead towards Young was really traveling."
Astronomer Gottfried Kirch, writing in his journals, reported that
a flaming sphere, 8.5 degrees from Aquarius, included a tail that
hovered in the sky for seven minutes. After the half-moon sized
UFO disappeared, Kirch could see remnant globes left in that are
only with a telescope.
Three anonymous witnesses, fearing ridicule, reported to the local
police that they observed a UFO land on a nearby hill. The craft
was metallic brown with a heavy opaque dome on the top. It stayed
on the ground for approximately six minutes before shooting into
the heavens.
Eight feet long and three feet high, a luminous, multi-colored UFO
landed in a field on the outskirts of town. Leaving a shallow
depression and flattened grass, the craft, after a few minutes,
rose up and out of sight of the anonymous witness. Authorities
reportedly took samples of the grass and soil inside the
depression where the saucer had lain.
Townspeople of the quiet little village gathered in the streets to
watch with fascination the silent event in the night sky. It seems
that a bright orange object maneuvered over the town, which, at
certain times, emitted smaller lights from its body. Approximately
15 of these lights were observed.
Taking a leisurely drive near this country village to relax himself
after a rough day of work, M. Jean Schoubrenner rounded a curve in
the road and found himself faced with a glowing, spherical body set
down in the path. Slowing his approach, Schoubrenner was overcome
with paralysis barely 20 yards from the craft. His car's engine
stopped as well. Only momentum carried him further, and as he did
so, a burning heat well-up around his body. Seconds later, the
craft was gone, and Schoubrenner was none the worse for wear,
except he was frightened out of his wits.
Farmer Guy Puyfourcat, calling it a day after plowing his field,
led his work mare back to the small barn near his home. Without
warning, the mare would not move and began to whinny in fright.
The hapless farmer's attention was then turned to a rising, five
foot diameter, pan shaped craft that had just cleared the trees
nearby. It rose to about 50ft, and then made its way towards the
farmer and horse. As it crossed overhead, the mare fell to the
ground, unconscious. For 10 minutes, M. Puyfourcat tried to rouse
the animal to no avail. Finally, the mare stood and hobbled back
to the stable with its scared master.
"Three investigators for the air police arrived at Quarouble, Nord,
yesterday to interrogate M. Marius Dewilde, the man who saw two
`Martians' near his back yard gate. They left the village with the
assurance that during the night of Friday to Saturday, a mysterious
craft had landed, as claimed by M. Dewilde, on the railroad tracks
of the line Saint-Armand-Blanc-Misseron, near the railroad crossing
no. 79.
Their inquiries seem, in effect, to confirm the statement made by
the metal worker. The witness has declared that Friday, about
10:30pm, he had seen a machine of an elongated shape, three meters
high, six meters long, sitting on the tracks a few meters away from
his house. Two entities of human appearance, of very small height
and apparently wearing diving suits, could be seen nearby. M.
Dewilde walked toward them, but at this moment a beam of greenish
light was focused on him from the craft and he found himself
paralyzed. When he was able to move again the machine had started
to rise and the two entities had disappeared.
The investigators have found not trace of the existence of these
entities. The ground, examined meter by meter, does not show
traces of footsteps. However, one of the sleepers on the tracks
showed traces that could have been made by a machine landing on it.
In five places the wood of the sleepers is tapped on a surface of
about four square centimeters. These markings have all the same
appearance and they lie symmetrically, on one line. Three of
them--those in the middle--are separated by an interval of 43cm.
The last two are 67cm away from the preceding ones.
A craft that would land on legs instead of wheels like our own
aircraft would not leave other traces, one of the inspectors of the
air police has declared.
The narrative made by M. Dewilde is also confirmed by several
inhabitants of the region. In Onnaing, a young man called M.
Edmond Auverlot and a retired man, M. Hublard, have seen about
10:30pm (the time indicated by M. Dewilde) a reddish light
traveling in the sky. The same light has been seen from Vicoq by
three young men," taken from "France-Soir."
"My eyes were caught by a sort of mound, two hundred yards away in
a field. It looked something like an unfinished haystack, with an
upside-down plate on top.
`That's a queer color for a haystack,' I said to Yves, `look at
All of a sudden I noticed that the haystack was moving a little,
with a slight swing back and forth, like an oscillation. We both
rushed toward the mysterious object. When we got close the object
took off on a slant, traveled diagonally upward for about 50ft and
then began to go straight up. We watched it for three minutes.
The object was about 30ft in diameter," an anonymous witness
related of his sighting.
"It was about five in the afternoon. Emerging from the thick layer
that looked like a storm coming up, we saw a sort of luminous
blue-violet mist, of a regular shape something like a cigar or a
carrot. Actually, the object came out of the layer of clouds in an
almost horizontal position, slightly tilted toward the ground and
pointing forward, like a submerging submarine.
This luminous cloud appeared rigid. Whenever it moved, its
movements had no connection with the movements of the clouds, and
it moved all of a piece, as if it were actually some gigantic
machine surrounded by mist. It came down rather fast from the
ceiling of clouds to an altitude which we thought was perhaps a
half-mile above us. Then it stopped, and the point rose quickly
until the object was in the vertical position, where it became
During this time the dark clouds went on scudding across the sky,
dimly lighted from underneath by the violet luminosity of the
object. It was an extraordinary sight, and we watched it intently.
All over the countryside other farmers had also dropped their tools
and were staring up at the sky like us.
All at once white smoke exactly like a vapor trail came from the
lower end of the cloud. At first it pointed to the ground but
finally rose up to describe around the vertical object an ascending
spiral. While the rear of the trail was dissolving in the air and
being carried off by the wind, the source of the trail went up to
the very top of the vertical object and then started to come down
again, turning in the other direction. Only then, after the smoke
trail had vanished entirely, could we see the object that was
sowing it--a little metallic disc, reflecting in its rapid
movements flashes of light from the huge vertical object. The
little disc then stopped turning around the luminous cloud and went
down toward the ground again, this time moving away. For quite a
few minutes we could see it flying low over the valley, darting
here and there at great speed, sometimes speeding up, then stopping
for a few seconds, then going on again, flying in every direction
between villages that were four miles apart. Finally, when it was
almost a mile from the vertical object it made a final dash toward
it at headlong speed and disappeared like a shooting star into the
lower part, where it had first come out. Perhaps a minute later
the carrot leaned over as it began to move, accelerated and
disappeared into the clouds on the distance. The whole thing
lasted about half an hour," a farmer who witnessed the event
"I had been watching this amazing spectacle for a couple of minutes
when suddenly from the bottom of the cigar came an object like a
horizontal disc, which dropped at first in free fall, then slowed,
and suddenly swayed and dived horizontally across the river toward
me, becoming very luminous. For a very short time I could see the
disc full-face; it was surrounded by a halo of brilliant light.
A few minutes after it had disappeared behind me, going southwest
at a prodigious speed, a similar object came from the cigar and
went through the same maneuvers. A third object came, then a
fourth. There was then a long interval, and finally a fifth disc
detached itself from the cigar, which was still motionless. This
last disc dropped much lower than the earlier ones, to the level of
the new bridge, where it remained still for an instant swaying
slightly. At that time I could see very clearly its circular form
and its red luminosity--more intense at the center, fading out at
the edges--and the glowing halo surrounding it. After a few
seconds' pause, it wobbled like the first four, and took off like
a flash toward the north, where it was lost in the distance as it
gained altitude. During this time the luminosity of the cigar had
faded, and the gigantic object, which may have been 300ft long, had
sunk into darkness. The spectacle had lasted about 3/4 of an
hour," Vernon businessman M. Bernard Misery recalled.
An anonymous witness, whose reliability is impeccable, filmed the
flight of a metallic disc in the skies above the port. The object
emerges from a strange cloud like mass. After several swift 90
degree maneuvers, the craft disappears back into the cloud.
Two quickly moving UFOs were observed skirting above the ground by
a farmhand working on damaged equipment.
On his way home from the night shift, an unidentified witness was
shocked from his near sleep stupor when, to his surprise, he came
upon a strange craft landed in the middle of the road. The man
stopped his car and slowly walked towards the object which had no
wheels or wings but a plastic-like pilots bubble on top. He could
not make out any sort of engine either. Closer to the object, the
witness observed another man, with a baseball cap, under the craft
getting into it by way of a hatch and stairs. Almost as quickly,
the craft was airborne and off at the speed of sound.
Investigators for Project Bluebook had no explanation for this
Three sanitation workers, a policeman and a radio station news
reporter all told authorities that they observed a painfully bright
object that flew over the town. However, one witness felt that the
craft was 15 stories high and shaped like a sausage.
Exeter police started their day out with the strange and
frightening sightings made by young Norman Muscarello and an
unidentified woman. Officer Eugene Bertrand had come across a
woman parked on the side of the road. She had to struggle to keep
her composure, but she related to the policeman that a large UFO
had hovered alongside her car as she drove. The woman could not
shake the object until it decided to leave.
Norman, on the other hand, had observed this object and four others
dance across the field by which he was driving. They emitted a red
glow that was bright enough to light the field.
A large, solid sphere fell from the sky and bounced back up into
the heavens at an equally tremendous speed. The three high school
boys who witnessed the object said that even though it was
painfully bright, it cast no light onto anything else. The boys
were so confident, that they saw this phenomenon, that they were
willing to take a polygraph test.
Camping alone in the mountains of New Zealand, a 15 year old
college student was startled by what he though was an animal cry.
As he looked around for the noise, a saucer shaped craft moved from
his campsite to another nearby mountain. The UFO was 60ft in
diameter. Suddenly, the craft turned 270 degrees and vanished in
the direction it came from.
Six witnesses watched a UFO move across the sky at approximately
100mph. It gave off sparks as it moved and was described as "a red
diamond with slightly rounded edges." The craft made a leisurely
S-curve in the sky then ducked behind some trees.
Ex-Navy pilot and flight instructor Mr. William J. Meyer Jr.
observed, "At no time while I had the object in view did it change
course or altitude, or move behind or in front of something and
reappear... The motion was smooth and speed seemed constant. The
orange-brown glow in the center portion seemed to pulse at rather
a rapid rate... As the object passed directly over my head, I saw
that it was diamond shaped... I estimated the object to be between
1200 and 1500ft above me... I am convinced that the object I saw
was as I have described it and could not have been any conventional
heavier or lighter-than-air craft, any phenomenon caused by
temperature inversion mirage, or sun reflection... I have not been
able to reconcile what I saw with any known object which would give
any similar likeness if put in the air."
Two Drake University seniors found themselves underneath a gigantic
craft of unknown origin. "It was slightly less than half the size
of a football field and was shaped like a huge oval or bobsled
shape with lighted automobile-type running boards along the outer
edges; also had a high vertical tail, circular in shape, which ran
from one edge to center of object," one of the students said.
While hanging laundry on her line, an Air Force wife noticed that
a silver saucer hung motionless over the Air Base. Getting her
neighbor, a fellow wife of a service man, they watched the object
rotate in the same spot, 3.5 degrees above the southeast horizon,
for approximately 15 minutes. Project Blue Book researchers found
that these women were experienced enough to know conventional from
unconventional aircraft.
"It looked like the planet Mars with a very long antenna rod
attached; a flashing white light of high intensity ran back and
forth along the rod... and then circled some more and then returned
and from where we were viewing, it went out over North Island and
hovered some more. Kindly remember that seven people, three with
binoculars, were viewing this object for a long time. Then it
vanished, and did not reappear. The best way I can describe it is
to say that it was a bit redder than Mars and was describing huge
circles in the air... It looked like a Fourth of July sparkler
connected at the side of the object... It was unquestionably some
kind of intelligently controlled air or space vehicle," the wife of
the astronomer said. Two astronomers, the manager of a trailer
court, two housewives and two other unidentified witnesses observed
the craft.
Staying up to watch the novelty of a man-made satellite pass
overhead, an aeronautical engineer, his wife and two young
daughters also observed a large UFO track the relatively small Echo
Satellite. Spherical, with three triangular shaped lights placed
in the vertices of an equilateral triangle, the craft mirrored the
path of the satellite until both were out of view.
Working late to complete the harvest, a the wife of a farmer and
her farmhand watched approximately five craft maneuver overhead in
the night sky. The craft were visible for 20 to 30 minutes before
disappearing and another craft appeared. Each craft was red
glowing and stayed at an altitude between 50 and 100ft. The woman
did produce a photo but was of such poor quality that Project Blue
Book investigators felt it was useless.
"It was as brilliant as a star, but not a glittery brilliance... It
flew back and forth. After it went west, it turned and went east.
It would go up and down... It was kind of like a comet shape,"
reported the wife of a professional metallurgist who had peered out
her window as she gargled only to see the object.
"It looked like it had bars instead of being solid. It was more
the size of a lima bean... It had somewhat the contour of an
old-fashioned kite, but I saw nothing like an exhaust or tail... As
I looked out the window, looking north, it went through an arc
about 90 degrees from above the horizon in a matter of a few
seconds," said the metallurgist having been awakened by his wife to
view the craft.
Flying between Boise and Meridian, an Idaho Air National Guard
pilot and aviation editor of the "Statesman Newspapers" watched in
horrible fascination a black, flying disc that made incredible,
high-speed right angle turns near his airplane. The pilot managed
to get 8mm footage of the craft, but it was seized by the Air
A steamship on its way across the Atlantic--400 miles off the
coast of Virginia, was overflown by a huge luminous airship. The
captain, startled, made immediate contact with the nearest
authorities who had no explanation for the sighting.
A strange white airship crossed over the skies of Chattanooga.
Witnesses reported that the craft slowly floated in from the north
on a southeast heading For the next two days, the same airship,
each time from different headings, crossed the sky at different
Leaving a depression in the ground where the craft had lain, a
torpedo shaped UFO crossed over the road and shot up into the sky
at the approach of a curious Cardiff man. The man claimed to have
seen two "peculiar-looking" men on the inside wearing fur coats.
As soon as they noticed him, they activated their craft and were
Captain Jim Hooton, railroad engineer, while on a stopover, decided
to go hunting during this small vacation. On his expedition,
Hooton was drawn to a strange noise that he felt was a compressor
that was used on a train. Instead, the railroad engineer found a
large cylindrical craft that was landed in the middle of the
desert. The man claimed to have spoken with one of the occupants,
apparently the leader wearing frosted glasses, about the nature of
the vehicle. Later, the craft, now ready to fly, started aloft
leaving Captain Hooton to marvel at the sight.
People in the streets stopped and stared at a conical airship,
180ft long, complete with stabilizer fins. On the hull of the
craft, red, green and white lights flashed intermittently.
Before disappearing behind the hills of Georgetown, a huge airship
was sighted cruising towards the Washington Monument. Citizens
became startled as it dipped low as it approached the marble spire.
A UFO, with a red and green tail, was seen over the skies of the
small town.
"It was in outline, like a ship, showing a red, blue, and large
white light," one of several policemen who witnessed the object
reported. The craft made an appearance over Eldora, Elgin's sister
city, where it dropped a light using a parachute. No one ever
recovered the parachute or remnants of the object.
A luminous flying craft hovered over the heads of the townspeople
for as much as 15 minutes. Reports were that the craft was so
bright that some were temporarily blinded.
None of his fellow farmers questioned his veracity when he told
them of the strange occurrence this farmer had while tilling his
field. Apparently, an airship hovered over the man for a time
before descending. As it did, the craft lowered two heavy ropes
with hooks one of which caught the farmer. Suddenly, the man felt
himself being dragged upward. Fortunately, he was able to free
himself and only watch the airship disappear.
Witnessed from almost every corner of the city, a large, spherical
object crossed over the skies of Omaha. The craft glowed evenly as
it passed behind the bluffs to the northwest of the city. "It was
in the shape of a big bright light, too big for a balloon," a
newspaper account read.
Country folk in the green hills of England found themselves
transfixed by a luminous, star-like object that rose over a forest
and moved off to the east at high speed.
The French were amazed to see a bright, girded craft fly over
their skies from horizon to horizon.
Formations of UFOs were observed flying over the Welsh coast for as
much as a week. Eight craft would appear and fly in a triangle
configuration almost as if on a reconnaissance mission.
A huge, trumpet shaped UFO, 400ft in length, hovered over the
Mexican metropolis of Oaxaca for almost six minutes. People stared
up at the object fearing it was an omen of doom.
Hovering over Marseilles for close to nine minutes, an incredibly
large saucer moved to the north then to the east criss-crossing the
skies over the city. Observers kept the craft in view until a
little after 11:00pm whereupon the object vanished.
Astronomers at Radcliffe Observatory at Oxford noticed that Venus
had a large red spot floating above the misty atmosphere of the
planet. Upon further investigation, the spot was in fact in the
atmosphere of Earth. The UFO changed course several times, heading
west, north, then south. After four minutes, the astronomers lost
sight of the object.
A large, cigar shaped object overflies the south of England, and is
observed by the farming communities located there.
Shaped like a torpedo, a large UFO surprises the normally cavalier
citizens of France by moving across the entire country.
Writing in his journal, a Swiss astronomer notes, with emphasis and
astonishment, the movements of thousands of luminous objects as
they cross the sky blurring the heavenly bodies.
Several Londoners, walking back to their flats after a night at the
theatre, watch the flight of a glowing red craft as it climbed into
a bank of clouds.
Slowly, at first, then quickly, a blazing red UFO flies across the
skies of Florence from horizon to horizon.
Streams of light or fantastic cords connect three, large UFOs that
rise out of the sea. The craft are first noticed by a nearby ship,
then later by people as far away as 900 miles.
Flying in fleet formation, many large, strangely shaped UFOs cross
over the city of Naples. An unidentified Italian astronomer
witnessed the flyby and catalogued the craft, some of which were
star shaped with luminous tails.
People watch the flight of a rotating, donut shaped UFO. The craft
hovers over the city for a time before moving off to the south
towards the sea.
Honeymoomers are startled by the flight of a large, mysterious
airship that hovers over the falls then moves northward to Canada.
Sighted throughout Ohio, a hook shaped flying object is observed
hovering intermittently over various cities in the state.
A grey torpedo shaped craft was observed as it fell to the Earth at
enormous speeds. No explosions were heard nor wreckage found.
An anonymous Swiss astronomer observed the flight of a large
spindle shaped craft resplendent with a glowing outer ring. As
well, a fellow astronomer in the nearby town of Basel observed the
An anonymous Swiss astronomer observed the flight of a large
spindle shaped craft resplendent with a glowing outer ring. As
well, a fellow astronomer in the nearby town of Sole observed the
Enormous spheres reportedly flew across the sky performing chase
maneuvers. One globe would fly to the opposite horizon while the
other would pause then follow.
Italians watched the night sky in anticipation of many strange
points of light that had danced around above them on previous
nights. They were not disappointed.
The log book of a Spanish merchant vessel contains remarks about a
formation of fiery objects that lit up the night sky. As they
crossed over the ship, the craft broke ranks and performed
acrobatic maneuvers before tightening up and flying on.
Villagers situated on the banks of a lake near Fleulen witnessed
what appeared to be a fiery log cruise across the calm waters of
the placid lake.
Scottish peasants reported to the shire reeve, the king's
representative, that a large tubular object hovered over their town
for many minutes before vanishing. The craft did not move but hung
in the sky.
The daily rituals of Italian monks were upset by the flight of many
glowing discs that they felt were harbingers of Armageddon.
An ancient manuscript found in Byland Abbey and belonging to the
ancestors of Henry, the Abbott, reads, "There was a great portent
outside. A large round silver thing like a disc flew slowly over
them and excited the greatest terror." People, partaking in the
feast commemorating the Saints of Simon and Jude, rushed out into
the night to witness this mysterious phenomenon.
Running his own animals, a professional dog trainer in the
Everglades stumbled upon several strange lights in the sky. As he
approached, he noticed that the lights composed a huge,
four-tiered, 100ft diameter, UFO complete with lighted windows.
The craft hovered above the man at approximately 25ft. Suddenly,
the trainer was overcome and fell to the ground stunned. After he
regained consciousness, he noticed that the vegetation surrounding
him had been scorched in a 72ft diameter circle.
Driving home from work at a later than usual hour, an anonymous
witness found that his car had stalled. The man pulled to the side
of the road, feeling that it was only a minor problem. He tried to
crank over the engine, but, again, it would not start. Cursing,
the man looked out his passenger window and observed a strange,
metallic saucer shaped craft hovering near the him and the car.
After a short time, the craft disappeared into the night, and he
was able to start his car and head home.
Two unidentified Ely men found themselves staring in disbelief at
a pyramid shaped craft, point down, spinning in the sky. One man
felt that the UFO bore an insignia of some kind on the side of the
craft which, because of the spinning, he could not identify.
Lt. Mel Noel claimed he shot 16mm gun camera movies of a UFO from an F-86 jet fighter which he
was piloting. He says he photographed five huge disc-shaped craft 150 to 180ft in diameter by 30 to
40ft thick. They were moving at times up to an estimated 3000mph.
M. Paul Paulin reportedly observed and photographed a bright round light in the sky over Paris.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A Lockheed Aircraft official factory photograph, shot from a T-33 Jet Trainer aircraft on gun camera
film, shows a bright round object high in the sky. The photo was taken at extremely high altitude
but was too distant for good resolution.
An Air Force Patrol Plane shot official color movie of a number of small disc-shaped objects flying
into a huge disc-shaped flying craft.
Mr. William Turrentine photographed a solid looking disc-shaped flying object having a form of tri-
hemispherical structure underneath.
A Marine Corps pilot shot an official Navy photograph, from his jet fighter aircraft in flight, of a clearly
outlined solidly opaque disc-shaped craft in flight in close formation with his plane. The object was
a light metallic color on top and had a coppery-bronze color underneath. The pilot was not
Mr. Kevin Power reportedly photographed a UFO over Australia. No other details are available.
A Large oval object, obviously a thick disc form at an angle, reflecting light from the factory below
was photographed about 500 to 1000ft above the Army Plant. A bank employee observing from the
verandah of his home had his wife bring him their camera and he snapped two black and white
pictures. He then reset the camera and snapped one time exposure of the same object. The first
two pictures were badly under-exposed but the third shot came out quite well. The whole
observation lasted about 10 minutes.
An anonymous photographer shot four photographs of a 40" octagon shaped object over the
treetops of the city. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Mr. Dan Frankforter, official photographer for the Fairchild Aircraft Corporation, snapped a picture of
a new C-119 Air Transport taking off, and captured two rosy-centered, domed disc-shaped objects
in flight high in the background sky.
Many photographs were reportedly made of more than a dozen dark disc-shaped UFOs which made
a cross formation over the Plaza San Pedro. The formation broke up and pairs of craft and singles
criss-crossed over Rome at low and intermediate altitudes.
An unidentified observer was taking pictures of Mount Gillen when suddenly an enormous 150ft
circular looking dark flying object appeared from behind the Mountain. It went higher, then dropped
down to come quite low between the mountain and Alice Springs. It was traveling slowly, almost at
a hover, when the picture was snapped. It then sped off gaining velocity as it climbed higher and
higher into the west. It appeared to have something like heavy "veins" running to the rim.
Photographer Joseph Scayles shot a picture of a winter scene with a strange cloud in the
background. Subsequent enlarging and darkening of the print showed a well defined domed disc
emitting a lighter trail in the cloud mass in which it was moving.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as B. No other details are
13 years old Stephen Darbisher and his young cousin, observed and photographed a bell-shaped
object hovering over the hilltop. The craft was very similar to an object reportedly photographed by
George Adamski on 12-13-1952 although not nearly as clear as the picture. This object was a less
distinct cloud-like mass photographed with a toy pinhole camera. The boys were walking up
Conniston Hill when they heard a strange buzzing noise over the crown. As they neared the top,
the UFO came over it also, in their direction. They snapped one photo before it flew away.
Mr. Cedric Allingham reported that he photographed a bright luminous pyramid of light in the clouds
above him which turned into a bell shaped flying object. He estimated the altitude of the craft in the
first picture to be about 5000ft.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Mr. J.W. Wasker claimed he photographed a fat-flanged disc-shaped object looking something like
a hamburger bun flying low over the reservoir.
A small flat disc-shaped object with a thick antennae or mast of some kind on its top was
photographed near Rouen.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as Villiers.
The New Zealand Air Force received several strips of movie film of moving points of light in the night
skies, but they were unable to trace their origin.
Official USAF photographs were taken by staff photographer Robert Brubaker from a Boeing B-29
bomber aircraft of a 125ft diameter mirror finish, bright round UFO below and behind the B-29. The
picture was overexposed but it did capture the flying object. The UFO was estimated to be 6000ft
altitude and moving at about 600mph. It was shot from the 16000ft altitude of the bomber.
Maj. Leo N. Brubaker shot photographs of a gleaming spherical light mass in an aerial
topographical photo taken from high altitude from an Air Force B-29 on a photo mission.
M. Hermann Chermanne snapped two black and white photos of a shining metallic flattened circular
object hovering over Blandhe Bournf Quarter. The second photograph shows the object "exploding."
It had a brilliantly luminous white center with an iris-colored halo around it. When the cloud
substance settled to the ground after the explosion, it was found to consist of a white filament
material that disappeared in a short time.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unknown witness in South Australia. No other details
are available.
An anonymous witness reportedly photographed a UFO through an 8" telescope. No other details
are available. This may be a confusion of one of the Adamski photos although the size of the
telescope and dates do not agree with any known Adamski picture.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Don Manuel Carlos Ruiz Schick observed and photographed a very large intensely luminous disc-
like object looking like a full moon. A coast artillery battery estimated the altitude at 45km. It was
at first seen as an oval shape and then it thinned to a lance-tip shape, inclined to an oblique
position and was seen as a smooth flattened lens, and then it began to move north. It disappeared
in a very few minutes.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Herr Albrecht Steiner observed and photographed a dark disc-shaped object hovering in the sky at
an inclination of about 45 degrees from the vertical. The hemispherical protrusions are evident on
the under side of the craft.
An estimated 200ft diameter pinkish white luminous disc-shaped object was observed and
photographed in the night sky. The round object remained stationary in the north at an estimated
1000ft altitude. Then it moved slowly eastward and rose to about 8000ft. A steady white light
approached from below and eastward and merged with the larger light. Four more smaller white
lights came from above and also merged with the object. The whole thing remained until daylight
when it was seen as a small bright shiny object getting more and more distant.
USAF Ground Observer L.E. Towner watched, at 1500ft altitude to the south, a brilliant round or
circular object moving slowly in the sky. He snapped the last shots on his roll of film of the strange
object before it disappeared.
Official Air Force gun-camera film from an F-84 jet fighter aircraft was exposed on an intercept
mission from Ellsworth AFB.
Two USAF jet interceptor fighter aircraft chased and photographed a UFO which then turned and
followed the first jet back towards its home base. The film was not released by the Air Force.
Director of Civil Aviation, Mr. T.P. Drury and his wife observed and photographed a strange UFO that
materialized in a clear cloudless sky. Drury was taking movies of a native boy spearing fish when
his wife noticed a wisp of cloud forming in the clear sky. Together they stood there and watched it
build into a thick white mass of cumulus cloud. There were no other clouds in the sky at the time.
Because of his interest in meteorological phenomena, Drury rotated the telephoto lens of his French
movie camera into position and started to film the funny cloud. Suddenly, as they watched, a
silvery dart shot out of the cloud and upwards at a steep 45 degree angle. The UFO was elongated,
like a bullet, and subtended about 1" at arm's length. It was sharper in the front and appeared
truncated at the rear though the tail was partly obscured by a vapor trail. It was metallic and flashed
in the sun, and was very clear and sharp visually. No wings or fins were visible. It was traveling at
an incredible speed, at least five times the speed of a jet plane at the speed of sound. It
disappeared going up and away in the clear blue sky. The object was completely silent. The
original cloud was at that time about 50 degrees above the horizon to the southwest, towards
Napanapa. There was nothing by which to estimate altitude and distance.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Mr. Charles Rogers of Modesto, a newspaper photographer, saw a strange light in the early morning
sky that seemed to remain stationary. He set his camera up on the roof, left the shutter open for a
few seconds and snapped a good photo of an elliptical yellowish light.
Mr. W.C. Hall photographed a dense looking tropical-hat shaped UFO of circular form with a
prominent dome on top as it hovered over a herd of sheep.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as J. No other details are
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as Coleman. No other details are
Miss Hatsue Yoshiike observed and photographed a glowing cloud-like UFO over the tail of an All
Nippon Airways jetliner, Flight #51, parked on the loading ramp.
A bright light colored spherical body was photographed hovering in the sky over troops boarding an
HRS-1 Helicopter. A snow-covered mountain is seen in the background.
Mr. Bob Jung reportedly took photographs of a UFO from aboard a boat standing off Catalina.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
This was reported as a suspected hoax but no reason why was given.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified on as H. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Official 16mm gun-camera film was shot of a UFO near Luke AFB. It was filmed from an F-84 jet
fighter aircraft. No other details available. The film has not been released by the Air Force.
Captain Roderick D. Thompson of the 3600th Fighter Training Group, Luke AFB, leading a flight of
three F-84 jet interceptor aircraft, encountered, at 25000ft and 500mph, a 300 to 500ft diameter
crescent shaped object flying above them. Thompson gave chase up to 30000ft altitude and
560mph, and when the object began to climb away, he activated his gun camera and shot 30ft of
16mm movie film of it before it was gone.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as H.
An unidentified man waiting at church to take a picture of a bride, noticed a strange conical shaped
UFO maneuvering rapidly in the sky. He turned around and snapped one quite clear picture of the
object. It was a very clear day with some scattered clouds standing out white against the blue sky.
The witness used a Kodak Retina II camera set at f8 and 1/250th second.
Washington, DC., the capital of the United States, is overflown by
approximately 19 UFOs flying in formations of three and nine ships.
The craft would alternate blinking patterns, sometimes blinking
An F-94 fighter, out of Langley AFB, intercepts a UFO over
restricted Washington, DC. airspace. This incident is witnessed by
radar operators at the then Washington International Airport.
A squadron of three F-94 fighters intercepts a UFO over Lake
Michigan. The UFO's estimated speed was over 1,000 kph.
An unidentified object was photographed by an unidentified witness.
Afraid for his reputation, the man has never revealed the
A disc-shaped object, with a brownish edge, was witnessed
flying from the Empire State Building.
While mowing his lawn, a man noticed a large circular object
approaching his house. He quickly snapped five photos before the
craft left the airspace above his home.
A 30 to 50 foot unidentified object
flying over Florida was captured on 16mm film.
An anonymous witness photographed an object on 16mm film.
Reportedly, his film was confiscated by Project Blue Book
Glowing, disc-shaped objects are photographed flashing over the US
Capitol building.
An Italian man and his wife photographed a UFO on Cherchen Glacier
near Bermina Pass. Several photos show an unidentified being
outside the landed craft.
During a hunting trip, members of a party spotted this craft
hovering low near the ground. It moved almost silently through the
surrounding trees. Fortunately, one member was able to snap this
photograph of the object.
In a field of young corn, near Van Horne, Iowa, witnesses observed
strange lights during the night. Early the next morning, the
farmer who tilled owned the land found this circular impression of
dead corn in an otherwise perfect field. It is believed that this
was a UFO landing site. The soil within the barren area remains
untenable supporting the notion of contamination of some kind.
At 11:25 a.m. on May 21, 1972 in Bahia, Brazil, a large disc-shaped
object was photographed.
Mutilations are differentiated from accidental or predatory death
for several reasons. Chief among them is the manner in which the
flesh has been removed from the body. Cauterization (the fusing of
tissue and blood vessels by heat or chemical means) seems to be
typical of mutilations. Unlike animal attack, the flesh, adjoining
the area where it has been removed, is smooth and clean as if cut
with a searing or laser scalpel. As well, the areas chosen for
removal are quite strange. Mainly the sexual, anterior digestive
tract and sensory organs are affected. (No predator
differentiates so precisely). Still, no tracks of any kind can be
found around the mutilation site, except, sometimes, tripod marks.
Also, no carrion eaters will touch the mutilated cow even though it
has plenty of flesh still left to be eaten.
At 3:00am on March 25, 1950, news cameraman, Enrique Hausmann Muller, observed and
photographed a huge rotating greenish-orange globe of fire in the night sky. It had a fiery Saturn-like
ring of vapor or mist surrounding its middle, and had great shooting tongues of flame jetting from the
edges of the ring of fire, exactly like a huge 4th of July Catherine's Wheel. It emitted a loud drone
it passed at low level over the island of Majorca in the Balearic Islands owned by Spain. Its speed
was estimated at up to 400 miles per hour, but Muller had time to raise his camera and get it
squarely in the view finder for one picture. It was so big and so close, it almost filled the field of
It flew away over the horizon.
At 4:00am on February 24, 1953, a resident of Olean, New York, who insists on anonymity, was
awakened by a strange light outside his second floor window. He got up and looked, obtained his
camera, and managed to snap one picture of the object as it hovered over the city street.
A single photograph was made by an anonymous photographer on July 19, 1956, of a dense dark
Saturn-shaped object flying low in the sky above Locarno, Switzerland. No other details are
At around midday on the 11th of July, 1977, Herr Dieter Croll was walking through a country area near Wurzburg when he suddenly spotted a shiny, silver metallic looking object flying in the clear blue sky. The flying machine looked like a thick disc with full rounded rim edges. It was flat on the bottom and had a curved dome with a prominent cupola on top. The cupola was wide and nearly flat at its top. The whole thing appeared opaque and solid, and it looked as though it could have been made in one piece. It had no visible windows, ports, or protrusions breaking its smooth contours. Its finish was highly reflective, like polished chrome or a mirror.
The disc was seven to 10m in diameter and was moving in and out of scattered small white clouds with bases at between 3,000 and 4,000ft above the ground. The wind was light and the atmosphere clear of haze and smoke.
Dieter Croll prepared his camera and snapped six good photographs of the object as he watched it move in the sky above him.
At about 3:30pm on July 11th 1977, Sr. Hector Rufino Delgado, 29, a horticulturist, was working in his greenhouse at the rear of his home in Floridad, Uruguay. It was a magnificent day with an almost clear blue sky, and the temperature, in spite of the winter season, was almost spring-like. A light breeze was blowing in from the east.
Suddenly, Sr. Delgado heard a high pitched humming sound, "Something like that produced by an electric motor, or a ventilator." He nevertheless paid little attention to the noise and continued with his work. The humming increased in intensity, but a few seconds later it decreased until it was almost imperceptible. In less than a minute, the humming came back to audible level again and increased once more. This time its tone was a little sharper. "It was not constant, but its intensity increased and decreased perceptibly, and the same with the tone," said Sr. Delgado.
The witness began to wonder about the possible origin of the sound. He laid down the tools he was using and went to the doorway to look out. He saw, some 200m from his position and no more than 50m above the ground, a silver disc-shaped object moving smoothly, suspended in the air. "I was slow to react; never had the thought occurred to me that I might encounter a thing like this... but there it was, swinging gently as it balanced itself in the air a few meters above the ground," assured the witness.
After a few moments of indecision, Rufino ran to the house to get his camera. He grabbed the camera and raced back, fearing the strange object might leave. "I ran as fast as I was able. When I was looking for my camera in my house, I wondered if it would really be worth while to photograph the object, or whether it would be there when I came out of the house and got back. However from the doorway of my house, I saw it again, no longer suspended motionless in the air, but moving very slowly toward the south."
He barely arrived back out at the greenhouse when he stopped to take a picture, but he saw that some trees would be in the way. He ran to a better location. "When I took the first photograph the UFO was still moving very slowly toward the south, but I had barely snapped it when the object drastically altered its velocity and trajectory and commenced some climbing maneuvers as it increased its elevation above the ground," declared the witness.
A flight of new, Imperial Japanese Sally bomber aircraft, on a mission over the Sea of Japan, was approached by a small dark spherical object which flew around and between the aircraft in the formation. An alert gun-cameraman was able to snap one photograph of the small object in a close trail behind the neighboring aircraft. It appeared to be not much larger than a basketball, but certainly seemed to be operating under intelligent control.
A formation of Lily Bombers, on a mission from the home islands of Japan, was approached by a number of small, round dark flying objects that maneuvered all around the formation. The objects passed between the aircraft, apparently under intelligent control. The round bodies seemed too small to have occupants inside of them, and they were unable to establish communication or shoot any of them down. They were believed at the time to be a new enemy weapon, and the mission cameramen tried to photograph them for study before they disappeared. These objects were photographed several times and the pictures were carefully studied, but no definite conclusions could be drawn.
In the early afternoon of June 16th, 1964, Mr. Eduard J. Meier was standing in a crowd of people waiting for a train at the New Delhi Railroad Station when a swarm of eight bright, white round objects swept in over the heads of the group. This caused considerable excitement and disturbance in the waiting crowd. As the objects milled around and gyrated in the clear blue sky above, the crowd became more agitated. Having his camera with him, Meier snapped as many photographs as he could. A newspaperman in the crowd obtained Meier's name and contacted him for an interview. Meier allowed the journalist to publish one of the photos in the New Delhi newspaper where it made the front page.-end-
On the 22nd of February, 1967, Mr. David Wuliger, a musician accompanying the Houston Symphony Orchestra on a tour in the west, was returning from an engagement in Oregon on a lonely California highway. As they were passing Mount Shasta, he was dozing with his camera in his lap. He happened to rouse a little and, looking out the window, saw Mount Shasta white capped and majestic against a clear blue sky. He raised his camera and took one picture of the scene. Then he went back to dozing.
When developed, the picture clearly showed a soft orange colored ball of light in the sky near the peak. He searched the bus for any possible source inside that could have produced such a reflection in the window but found nothing. Similar soft orange globes of light were photographed in Argentina, Japan, and Canada very near this date.
At about 2:00pm on March 12th, 1967, a New Mexico State University student was hiking in a desert area near Picacho Peak, New Mexico, when he spotted a big round silvery object hovering in the air just above a rocky hill about 500 yards away. He prepared his 4" X 5" Press Camera, set it at F8 and 1/100 shutter speed, and snapped one good black and white picture of the object. It appeared stationary or was moving very little at the time of the photograph. He looked down to change the plates of his camera, needing only 3 seconds, but when he looked back to take another shot, the object was gone. He recalled smelling an electrical odor in the air.
In the evening of July 3rd, 1967, Mr. Douglas Dennis, fishing at Pigeon Lake, near Buckhorn, Alberta, was amazed by the appearance of a soft, orange colored ball of light in the sky above him. It descended quite low, and Mr. Dennis took his camera and snapped a color picture of the brightly luminous mass hovering in the air. This remarkable night photograph clearly shows a round luminous object directly overhead. Others present observed the object and Mr Dennis photographing it.
On July 29th, 1969 during the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission, the surface excursion had just been completed. The lunar module Eagle lifted off the moon surface to redock with the command module Columbia. As the Eagle departed the moon's surface, its fixed automatic 16mm movie camera was supposed to be filming the receding lunar surface, but instead captured a round, white flying object ascending obliquely at considerable speed from the lower left to the upper right corner of the camera's frame. It increased in brilliance and size as it climbed, and disappeared out of the frame as it passed the two Earth ships in flight. This object looked identical with an object that had been photographed on the practice mission two months before.
In May of 1975, the president of a local company snapped a picture of his young daughter in the backyard of his home in Kyoto City. When the prints came back from the developer, he was surprised to see on one print, above the girl's head, a dim greenish ball of light surrounded by a dimmer halo in the sky. The object was clearly beyond the telephone wires on the far side of the yard. An examination of the negative and print by experts revealed no film or processing defect, and no evidence of tampering with the negative.
On the morning of July 10, 1947, Mr. John H. Janssen, editor of the Daily Record (an American aviation journal) was flying his own plane from Morristown Airport in New Jersey. He spotted six, luminous spherical craft with hazy rings around them flying in a trail high in the sky above him. He grabbed his camera and shot a picture. He was only able to get four of the six objects in the image frame.
Two weeks later, on July 23rd, he had another encounter of what looked to him like the same or very similar aircraft. He was again flying his airplane out of Morristown and was at 6,000ft.
"While my eyes played over the horizon, I became aware of a shaft of light that seemed like that of a photographer's flash bulb. It came from aloft, very high up. It was above that position over my plane's nose that flier's call 11 o'clock. At first I thought it was merely the reflected sun bouncing off the sides of an exceedingly high flying aircraft. I gave it no more thought. But then the engine of my own plane began to perform peculiarly. It coughed and sputtered spasmodically. So I pulled on the carburetor heat and gave it full throttle hoping to thaw any ice that might be accumulating in the carburetor. The engine emitted one final wheezing cough and then quit. Now, the nose of my plane, instead of dropping to a normal glide, remained... rigid... fixed on the horizon, in its normal level flight attitude.
Abruptly, I became aware that my plane was now defying the basic law of gravity. I became frightened and close to panic at so weird a predicament. I saw that the airspeed indicator was at zero! There was now an odd prickling, electric-like sensation coursing through my body. I had an eerie feeling that I was being watched and examined by something that minutely studied my features, my clothing, and my airplane... I flicked a cold bead of perspiration from my eye. Then I saw it! Above and slightly beyond my left wing tip was a strange wraith-like craft. One of the flying objects! Its flanged and protecting rim was dotted on either side with steamer-like portholes. It seemed to radiate a dull metallic hue that conveyed an impression of natural strength, and a super-intelligence not of this planet. It was motionless. Perhaps a quarter of a mile away... beyond, and slightly higher, I could see another (similar) object, seemingly fixed in the sky. I assumed that the second strange ship was but waiting for the one nearest me to complete its examination. Then I had the most unaccountable urge to reach up and snap on the magneto switch. I had turned it off when the engine quit. I switched both magnetos to the on position. Slowly the propeller began to turn... then the engine burst into a steady rhythmic roar. The plane nosed up into a stall, dropped off, picked up airspeed and steadied under control," recalled Mr. Janssen.
At 3:00am on March 25, 1950, news cameraman Enrique Hausmann Muller observed and photographed a huge, rotating greenish-orange globe in the night sky. It had a fiery Saturn-like ring of vapor or mist surrounding its middle, and had great shooting tongues of flame jetting from the edges of the ring, exactly like a huge 4th of July Catherine's Wheel. It emitted a loud drone as it passed at low level over the island of Majorca. Its speed was estimated at up to 400mph , but Muller had time to raise his camera and get it squarely in the view finder for one picture. It was so big and so close that it almost filled the entire field of view. It flew away over the horizon.
At 4:00am on February 24, 1953, a resident of Olin, New York, was awakened by a strange light outside his second floor window. He got up and looked, grabbed his camera, and managed to snap a picture of the object as it hovered over the city street.
A single photograph was made by an anonymous photographer on July 19, 1956, of a dense, dark Saturn-shaped object flying low in the sky above Locarno, Switzerland. No other details are available.
At 12:00am on March 6, 1961, Yusuke J. Matsumura on a field trip in Kyushu saw a very strange light outside. Getting up to investigate, he discovered a huge glowing Saturn-shaped luminous object hovering at very low altitude in an almost landed position over a hilltop nearby. He estimated the object to be about 120ft in diameter, and it glowed with a bluish-white light. He grabbed his Minolta SR-1 with auto-tele Rokkor-QE 100mm f3.5 lens attached, and shot a very good picture of this object as it hovered.
At 1:45am on August 2, 1965, 14 year old Alan Smith snapped two color photographs of a blinking, colored, luminous, discoid flying object that passed directly over his house in Tulsa. It had alternating blue, orange and white lights shining from its underside.
In October of 1966, Mr. C. M. Jones and his wife, driving down a stretch of highway about three miles from Camp David, Maryland, decided to stop and take a picture of the fall trees turning color on a country hillside. Mr. Jones got out of the car with his camera, a 35mm Leica single lens reflex, adjusted the settings, and prepared to take the picture. As he was looking through the viewfinder he saw a small bright disc shape drop into the view he was framing. It hovered a moment and then flew off in a zig-zag pattern to the right. He was just in the process of clicking the shutter when the object dropped into view, and caught it in its hover position. He at first thought it was a beetle close to the lens, or a bird. When he lowered the camera to look it was gone.
At around 4:00 in the afternoon of January 12, 1967 a strange flying object caught the attention of an unidentified fisherman.
"I was sitting in my boat on the west side of Old River; the sky was overcast, and it was typically cool for January 12th in this part of Louisiana. It was quite by accident that I glanced to the east and saw the object approaching, almost in a straight line towards me. Instantly I thought of the camera I carry everywhere I go. I reached down, snatched it up, and by this time the thing was almost on top of me. But it didn't change its course, and as I caught it in the viewfinder, it began a rather slow turn to the right. That's when I released the shutter and caught it at about a 45 degree angle. There was no time for a second shot before it disappeared," the fisherman recalled.
Late on a cool day in May, 1971, a teenager, Walton Wilkinson, and his friend had just come in from taking a picture of a bird in Wilkinson's backyard, and he was putting his new Instamatic 104 camera away in his drawer. As he did, he glanced out the window of his bedroom and noticed a glowing ball of light descending in the sky over his neighbor's house. He quickly grabbed the camera out of the drawer and took two pictures through the window.
At 10:00am on March 7, 1973, Mr. Akita Takao, vacationing in Bangkok and Saigon, was taking in the sights of Bangkok, Thailand. He was on an excursion boat on the Mi-Nam River; and was passing one of the beautiful temples that sit on its banks. The light was good with the temples shining elegantly in the morning sunshine so he decided to take a picture of one of them.
When Takao returned to Japan, he sent the exposed roll of film to his regular developer. A few days later when his prints came back from the processor, he was astonished to find the image of a solid-looking flattened, spheroid shaped object, with a hazy ring surrounding it in the center, suspended in the sky to the left of the temple he had photographed.
A small craft of Saturn-shaped configuration was photographed over the road in Japan on April 28, 1974. It was just past 10:00am when Noboru Yoshida, a high school student, took 10 black and white photographs of a round, spherical-shaped object having a thick ring surrounding it at the middle. The pictures were made as it flew low in the sky over the road.
At 5:10pm on June 20, 1978, Sr. Saul Janusas was able to snap two photographs of a dark metallic, Saturn-shaped UFO paralleling the car that he was riding home from work in. He could see it clearly in the reddish dusk haze peculiar to the winter sunset.
At 5:30pm on July 3, 1967, Mr. Warren Smith snapped two color photos of a UFO described as shiny, circular metallic with an approximate diameter of 25ft. Smith and his two companions were hiking in rugged mountain terrain, when all three of them saw an object approaching from the east at an altitude of not more than 2,000ft and less than two miles away.
At 1:23am on August 18, 1968, technician Emil Barnea, his girlfriend--Zamfira Matea--and another couple, who decline identification, had gone to Baciu Wood, near Cluj, for a picnic lunch. The weather was good, and the party decided on a clearing in the trees with a nice view. Emil was looking for dry wood for a fire when suddenly he heard his girlfriend call out that she saw something peculiar that he simply must see. Running back to the picnic area, he saw a large round metallic object in the sky shining silvery in the sunlight. It was flying soundlessly in a strange manner over the wood. Barnea hurried to his rucksack, took out his camera, set the light and distance, and then snapped a picture. Because the object was moving rather slowly at that time, he was able to shoot a second photo in less of a hurry. He noticed the substantial alterations in its course, and its brightness as it flew. Two more pictures were taken hurriedly because the object suddenly accelerated, shot upwards and disappeared in the sky above.
At 5:00pm on October 19, 1970, 16 year old Jyoji Kato and his younger brother were walking along when they spotted a silvery-metallic thick lens-shaped, circular craft in the sky above them. It flew from southeast to north-northwest in only five seconds. Jyoji quickly raised his camera and shot one picture before the object got away.
At 9:55am on May 6, 1971, Mr. Lars Thorn, a truck driver, was riding with his son on his motor-bike in the neighborhood of the Skillingaaryd gunnery field in central Sweden, when they caught sight of an unconventional aerial object through the trees in the direction of the bunker. "Although it appeared stationary," Lars Thorn said, "It wobbled or rocked to and fro all the time. On the upper side there appeared to be a dome. Just below the dome there was something gray and red, and again just below that, I could see what looked like a green ribbon or band around the rim. The very bottom was red. A whizzing sound came from it at intervals of 10 to 15 seconds on more or less regular spacing." Thorn was able to snap two black and white photographs with his small camera.
At 7:40pm one day in June of 1971, Mr. Dan Jackson was on his way to meet a friend when he spotted a strange object. It was some distance away, but he could clearly make out its shape and outline. It was like no airplane he had ever seen before. It was a flattened spheroid shape with a thick narrow rim around the middle. The object seemed to take notice of him and came closer several times. He raised his Kodak 127 box camera and started snapping pictures of the silvery metallic disc.
In the morning of June 12, 1975, Eduard J. Meier was telepathically alerted and guided to another contact, again being advised that his camera would be permitted. This time he was led around on his moped for over an hour, finally stopping on a dirt service road between Berg and Rumlikon. He was carrying a loaded 8mm movie camera and tripod as well as his 35mm and another 35mm belonging to a friend. He set up the tripod and mounted the movie camera on it. He readied the 35mm cameras and laid them out in readiness. Then he spotted the spacecraft approaching in the haze in the far distance. After taking a picture of the object he noticed another identical ship higher in the sky, evidently protecting the one at low altitude.
Mr. Yukio Ishida, 39, a company president from Kozakai-cho, Aichi Prefecture, Japan, was driving his car along the bank of the Toyokawa Canal when suddenly he noticed a strange object flying in the sky. It was then about 11:30am. He was trembling with excitement as he stopped the car and got out with his camera. He readied it and succeeded in taking 10 good photographs of the object before it flew away.
At 10:45am on January 6, 1978, four witnesses observed a circular object flying over their boat on their way to Camelo. The object was an opaque coppery color surrounded by a thin corona.
At 3:00pm on February 4, 1978, Mr. Hirobumi Matsushita was taking snapshots with a friend when they noticed a shiny, golden metallic colored object flying high above them in the clear blue sky. There were no clouds and a slight breeze was blowing but not enough to raise debris high in the air. The object seemed to be moving purposefully, obviously under guided control. Mr. Matsushita adjusted his camera and took several pictures of the strange object before it disappeared.
At 10:30am on July 26, 1977, Sergio Ottamendi, a 32 year old architect living in Punta del Norte, married, father of two, was driving his Opel K 180 along a secondary road between the localities of Maldonado and San Carlos, some 20km apart. When he was about four km north of Maldonado, the automobile engine began to falter and lose power. This worried Mr. Ottamendi. However, the engine began to run a little better, and Mr. Ottamendi commenced to relax. He continued toward San Carlos, but he had gone less than two km more when his engine again started losing power. After another 200 meters, the engine quit completely. After getting out of the car to take a look under the hood, he looked up in the sky, and to his surprise, saw a silvery-gold metallic, circular object. Remembering that he had his camera in the car, he grabbed it and began taking pictures of the object.
At 2:00pm on April 9, 1974, Emilio Gonzalez, a fruit grower, was supervising an apple picking crew in his orchard, when someone noticed a dark disc-shaped object flying along slowly in the sky at low altitude. As it came closer, they could hear the object making a strange buzzing sound in its flight. Sr. Gonzalez, realizing that something strange indeed was taking place, jumped on his tractor and drove as fast as he could to the farmhouse to get his camera. He obtained it and got back in time to rejoin the others in the orchard. He readied the camera and managed to snap three good pictures of the object.
At 9:15am on January 3, 1975, Sr. Francisco Moreno was on the second floor of a borrowed cottage reading a novel when his attention was called to a buzzing sound outside his window. He looked out the window and saw a dark gray sombrero-shaped object hovering in the sky. After he remembered his camera was in the room downstairs, he shouted to his wife and daughter to come up and bring the camera with them. He was able two take two pictures of the object before it flew away.
At 1:30pm on April 19, 1978, a witness known only as Mr. S. along with a friend saw and photographed a disc-shaped object with a dome on top. The object made a crackling sound as it passed around them. Mr. S. noticed an orange-red light centered underneath the craft, in addition to several small lights that blinked on and off erratically for different lengths of time. He also noticed four "pods" or landing gear under the outer rim of the ship.
At 5:30pm on April 4, 1980, William J. Herrmann, a local auto mechanic, saw and photographed a silvery disc-shaped object flying erratically near Charleston Air Force Base.
In 1973 an unknown witness took several photographs of a strange circular flying object in Ontario Canada.
Five photographs of this sighting were taken by a group of teenagers in Portland, Oregon in the spring of 1992. The teenagers were intimidated by local authorities who tried to stop their investigation of the phenomenon. One teenager had the courage to send the photographs to Anthony Dodd, a retired police inspector in England who also is an avid UFO investigator.
A well known Mexican banker, his wife, children and their maid saw a strange balloon approaching rapidly from the east in a clear afternoon sky. It was trailing what looked like tentacles as it slowed in front of them and began to descend with the tentacles now splayed out around it. See UFO event Mexico,Morelos,Coyococ.
A Mexican bank official and his family watched a balloon-like flying object stop in front of them, splay out a number of what looked like tentacles and begin to descend. The women panicked as the husband tried to photograph the object, and as it neared the ground, the photographer, responding to his wife's hysteria, got into the car and raced away. See UFO event Mexico,Morelos,Coyococ.
In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in March of 1989 at 5:00pm, a witness observed and made a photograph of a dark, lenticular object flying rapidly about in the sky with broken clouds reflecting the late afternoon sun. The photograph is courtesy of Irini Granchi through A.J. Gevaerd and UFOLOGIA.
Herr Walter Schilling observed and photographed a flying disc with a curious rotating, fluorescent periscope-like mast. The object was very close to the ground and was tilted at an angle as it cast a 30ft shadow on the grass to its right.
On the 24th of August, 1975 at 2:00pm in Takamatsu City, Japan, Masahiro Fujikawa, a high school student working a telescope on the verandah of his home, noticed a flash in the sky above the Saitokuji Temple nearby. He quickly snapped a picture with a pocket camera as the object curved down in his direction and then zoomed away into the afternoon sky.
A witness sent the above photograph to Claudeir Covo, a well known Brazilian UFO investigator, for examination. Claudeir's photographic experts were unable to detect any evidence of fraud or fakery.
This UFO was observed in Berg-Rumlikon, Switzerland on June 12th, 1975 at 10:30am. A second variation seven meter diameter disc-shaped craft approached in front of an 8mm movie camera running on automatic as this picture was made. In this case, we uniquely have simultaneous still and moving pictures of the same craft at the same time in flight. This photo is one of more than a dozen pictures snapped during that approach sequence.
In Puebla, Mexico on December 8th, 1992 at midday, a passenger in a vehicle, who prefers to remain anonymous, observed and photographed a strange unidentified flying object outside the passenger's window. This incident occurred during the height of the Mexican UFO wave of 1992. Note the very close approach of the craft in this case.
This UFO was observed in Winkelriet, Switzerland on March 18th, 1975 at 9:06am.. A seven meter diameter disc-shaped craft of silvery metallic color was observed and also photographed by Eduard Meier as it flew under an overcast sky. He managed to snap over 20 pictures during this event. The craft flew as though it were under guided control.
At midday in Parana, Brazil in the summer of 1990 this UFO sighting occurred. A witness observed and photographed this strange flying object that looked like an upside-down fried egg.
On March 28th, 1976 at 9:38am, this photograph was taken in Bachtelhornli-Unterbachtel, Switzerland. The ship is a seven meter third variation of silvery white color accompanied by two smaller four meter diameter drones. Eduard Meier took the pictures as the UFOs flew in a three ship formation. He captured more than thirty photographs in this series. Note the ship beyond the twig in the right foreground.
Late January 1971, 11:30pm, Laurens, South Carolina. Woody Atkins made these first two photographs of a pinkish-red glowing object in the sky with his Nikon model FTN at infinity, f1.4, and 30 seconds on Ektrachrome ASA 100 film.
The Atkins photos were given preliminary computer enhancement for broad analysis. This included pixelating, color contouring for gradient values of light and color contouring with cursor to study the relative intensity of the light.
An unidentified photographer snapped this rare photograph of entry number 5 in the Catalan Cup Race at a track in France. This picture also included a strange unidentified flying object seen over the tree tops beyond the line of spectators watching this race. There is no indication whether the photographer saw this object and intended to get it in the picture.
The caption under the picture read: "Interest in smaller cars was growing by 1910 when Zuccarelli won the Coupr de l'Auto with a 2.6 litre Hispano-Suiza and finished third in the Catalan Cup Race with a slightly smaller engined model."
This picture of George Sutton of St. Paris, Ohio was taken near midday on a summer noon. We can see that it was in 1932 from the license plate on the automobile in the photo that accompanied this shot.
The unidentified flying object in the picture could not have been a street lamp, simply because there were no street lamps at the time. There are no power poles or power lines visible anywhere in this picture. This picture of George Sutton of St. Paris, Ohio, taken near midday shows a vintage automobile with a 1932 license plate on the front bumper. The owner of the photo album says there were no electric street lights along this road in those days. Nobody has been able to account for the dark object seen over Sutton's left shoulder in this photograph.
James Pfeiffer, an American business man in the aerospace industry, snapped this photo from a riverside restaurant on the Ipamari River. A rough sketch of the object photographed showed it to be nearly balloon-shaped.
On November 11, 1972, 3:35pm, in Mesa, Arizona, Mr. Lee Elders steadied his arm by resting it on the top of his car as he aimed his Asahi Pentax 35mm SLR with a 200mm telephoto lens at the strange balloon-shaped flying object. He calmly snapped two pictures and went back into the house only blithely mentioning the event to his family.
A witness who wishes to remain anonymous, was fishing at the lake when he noticed this strange object flying below the clouds. He grabbed his camera and managed to get this one picture before it flew away.
With its arms splayed out evenly around it, an object descended and landed in a grass scrub area beside the road. It landed near a Mexican bank official and his family. The best image has been enlarged for better examination. See UFO event Mexico,Morelos,Coyococ.
On a cold winter night, February 25, 1967, two high school boys, Wilson Ferrgut and his friend D. H. braved the icy winds and snow of the North Dakota winter to catch a performance of the Beatles in West Fargo. Besides the concert, the two had another experience they will never forget.
Luckily, Wilson had brought along his Polaroid Model 80 camera to catch the Beatles in action. After the concert, driving home to Fargo, one of them saw a strange luminous object leaving an exhaust trail. Wilson took several photos of the object
After the brightly glowing flying object disappeared from sight, the two boys climbed into their car and rushed to the Fargo police department to tell their story. The police investigated, but were unable to see the object or any evidence of its presence at the site. However, 11 days later, a local man reported seeing an identical object while driving home from Detroit Lakes, on the same date, approximately 15 minutes earlier.
State Police Sgt. S. P. Vandervernder snapped these Polaroid pictures of a luminous, top-shaped flying object over the Dan River. Reporter Larry Murphy of the Parkersburg News, accompanying the officer, watched through binoculars as the pictures were shot.
What appeared to be a large white and yellow headlight, was viewed from an area in France by a lumber yard manager, his wife and his children.
As he and his family viewed the object, the light grew stronger and tripled in diameter. It stopped about 90m away, much to the family's relief.
The object moved slowly away illuminating the ground beneath it, and disappeared from view. There were nine separate witnesses to this event.
A cone-shaped object flying slowly along the horizon was seen July 3, 1960 in Argentina, by Capt. Hugo Luis Niotti. The object seemed opaque, and moved in a clockwise whirlwind. The flying object disappeared climbing away to the south. The photos showed no signs of tampering or fakery. The object appeared completely smooth with no projections.
This is the only surviving photo of the funnel-shaped flying object that paced the Fawcett Airlines DC-4 passenger liner in flight from Piura to Lima. The passengers were all held for interrogation by authorities after the plane landed. Several of the passengers had taken photos of the strange craft alongside the airliner, but all cameras were taken and all film was confiscated. One passenger, who insisted on remaining anonymous, succeeded in saving his film from which this single photograph was made.
During a fishing trip on the west side of the Hudson River, three men in the area noticed an unusual circular metallic flying object.
One of the men pulled a box camera out of his tackle box and managed to snap four photographs of the strange craft before it flew away over Stockbridge Mountain.
The witnesses described the object as a dull copper flat shaped sphere with a dome shaped top. It was completely silent and flew erratically with sharp angular movements.
Paul Villa was in an area south of Albuquerque near the town of Peralta when he found a landed silver circular craft about 70ft in diameter. Nine human-like beings came out of the ship through a sealed door. They spoke to Villa in English and Spanish and could communicate telepathically. The visitors told Villa they had several discs that could pick up pictures and sounds from any place and relay their data back to the ship instantly.
After a long conversation the ship took off, taking care not to harm the small creatures on the ground below, per Villa's request. See UFO events USA,New Mexico,Bernalillo and Algondones.
On Easter Sunday Apolinar Villa was guided telepathically to this spot near where he spotted this craft hovering silently in the air and photographed it. See UFO events USA,New Mexico,Peralta and Algondones.
Mr. Christian Lynggaard in Aalborg, Denmark, saw some strange and persistent "soap bubbles" floating along as though they were under guided control. He opened his camera and started taking pictures of the phenomenon.
Paul Villa took this picture of the approaching silvery disc. The disc was at its closest approach to him as he snapped this photograph. See UFO events USA, New Mexico, Bernalillo and Algondones.
A farmer in Las Lunas, Mexico, returning to town, spotted several small objects "fluttering" along a few dozen feet above the desert scrub.
They were small, about three feet in diameter, silver in color and made a buzzing sound. Similar domed disc-shaped objects were seen and photographed in the same area about five years later.
A small object, about 12 to 18 inches in diameter, momentarily flew inside this tool shed and out again before it flew away. The photographer, a farmer, photographed a similar object on 09/24/1972.
On March 16, 1979, Jarmo Nykanen took pictures, in Suonenjoki, Finland, of a tiny blue glowing bell-shaped object as it moved up the slope of a hill. It ascended and descended and wandered from side to side in its travel.
Filmed in 8mm home movies was this inverted bowl-shaped object as it was "giving birth" to a separate radiantly luminous spherical object.
This silvery metallic ship can barely be seen in this photograph of a radiant ball of light taken by Guido Moosbrugger on the night of June 12, 1976.
In Zurich Switzerland, this remarkable photo was taken as a Boeing 747 Jumbo liner was taking off from Kloten Airport.
"On Sunday, May 15th, 1955, I saw an immense ball of fire, glowing like a welder's arc. It looked like a full moon that suddenly appeared. It didn't seem to know what gravity was. Then as suddenly as it had appeared, it made a slight turn and simply vanished. It was not an illusion, or a mirage, or a light inversion. I believe the pictures prove that," recalled Warren Siegmond of his sighting.
An inverted bowl-shaped UFO approached James Courtad's backyard from the direction of a scrub area near by. The object was circular with different textures or shades of silver-gray.
At 4:30 in the afternoon on January 12th, 1967, a vivid blue-colored, metallic disc-shaped object was observed and photographed by Robert Loftin. The object was circular and had small blinking lights all around the outside edge. The pictures are blurry due to the poor quality of the camera and the excitement of the photographer.
A circular object was spotted and photographed in Hokkaido, Japan during a student's visit to the Kanmon Bridge. This flying object was a circular disc of dark silver metallic color and had a wide dome on the top and a smaller dome centered on the bottom. It made a low undulating humming sound when close, but became inaudible before the object disappeared in the haze.
"It was about 2:00pm I'd guess. I didn't hear anything. I had just seen two chipmunks scampering around the base of a Sycamore tree. Then I looked up and, by God, there it was...this round flying saucer. That's all I know to call it," reported this an electronics technician from Louisville.
The man took six pictures in all, two of which were blurred because of the object's rapid departure. The pictures and negatives were examined by the COURIER-JOURNAL photo staff, and if the photos were faked, they were fakes of the highest quality. There were no other sightings in this area at this time.
Enjoying the evening, four unidentified persons witnessed a metallic,
hovering object split into two luminous spheres. The objects
rejoined and performed several complex patterns before
disappearing. At first, the people thought they were witnessing a
lunar phenomenon, but soon realized that the moon was directly
behind where they were looking.
Another witness, on the outskirts of Paris, observed the same
event, but had been able to follow the flight of the original
object from the north of France.
The witness described the object as "an umbrella with a light
below" its hull. The UFO flew over Fairborn where it was seen
by the witness. As well, the person saw a luminous, orangish hue
surrounding the craft.
Flying over Albuquerque from west to east, multiple saucer shaped
craft were witnessed by at least one resident. They cruised in the
air moving bizarrely as their metallic surfaces glinted in the
sunlight. At one point, several craft appeared to eject smaller
luminous balls into the atmosphere.
Airmen, south of the 38th parallel, followed the flight of a luminous
sphere that darted across the evening sky over the air base. The
UFO stopped in mid-flight and began to glow red. Two minutes
later, the craft began to rise as a jet fighter approached. It quickly made a 90 degree turn and continued on its original course.
Dr. Gustavo Revidapte, local judge, and director of Corrientes
Airport were transfixed by the flight of a very bright object
as it approached the airport. Airport security and local police
observed the craft as well. The craft began to hover and emit
probes of light into the air and ground at the end of the runway.
However, when the witnesses tried to move closer, the UFO shot up
into the night sky and vanished.
Residents, near the edge of town, reported sighting a crescent
shaped UFO that hovered at 1,000ft and emitted light beams from its
surface. The witnesses could make out portholes on its hull before
the craft continued on its path at high speed.
Metallic discs came dangerously close to colliding
with one another as they performed strange aerial acrobatics, over Maiden.
Witnesses, at first, thought the flight was simply fanciful;
however, their mood quickly changed as the UFOs started their near
collision courses.
A pear shaped UFO hovered over the Birchills Power Station. The
luminous craft, which could be seen from several towns across the
region, ejected several smaller, luminous objects that descended
over the power plant.
A luminous object, with two sections--one larger than the other,
descended, from the northeast, over the small village. The craft
hovered for a time, then made a sharp angled turn and continued to
the southeast.
Described as either "mushroom" or "half-moon" shaped, an
unidentified object hovered over the residents of Armentieres.
As well, people from the surrounding villages could see the craft.
M. Jean Lecoq watched the object, all the while
phoning friends and family to alert them of the craft.
After several minutes, the witnesses watched as part of the craft
touched down, for a few seconds, then rose back up and rejoined with
the mother ship.
A silent, multi-colored object raced over Chereng towards the
Marque River. Upon reaching the river, the craft hovered and began
to spark and descend. Witnesses raced to the area only to
find that the object fled as they approached.
Minutes later, 35 miles south of Chereng above the Gouillet Woods,
a person observed the same craft. "It was circular, and red-orange
in color. A little below the object, and as though
suspended from it, she saw a small spot of light with a kind of
see-saw movement," the father of the witness related.
"On April 11, 1964, my wife, two children and I were having a
picnic supper on a hill 1,800ft above sea level, about 10 miles
northwest of Homer, New York. It was 6:30pm. Several jet bombers
had left vapor trails up high, traveling from west to east, but
these trails quickly disappeared... There appeared what I thought
was a very large jet trail from northeast to southwest. It was
very white and wide and at the southwest end there was a break on
the trail of about one mile. Then a very black spiral formation of
what appeared to be smoke appeared, about one mile long...
Approximately 10 minutes had now passed and it suddenly occurred to
me that the black spiral cloud had slowly moved to the west while
the white trail had drifted south. Also, the cloud became much
darker and we all observed this. At this point, I took my 6X25
binoculars to observe it and was shocked to see wisps of smoke
actually streaming out of the black cloud--almost boiling out....
Suddenly the black cloud, still retaining its spiral shape, changed
from the horizontal position with greater smoke activity and
resembled a smoking plane still falling from the sky, at the same
time assuming a shape not unlike a banana. Then, it no longer
seemed to be falling, but simply stopped and hung there for two or
three minutes and then very slowly seemed to sink into the clouds
and was obliterated... My daughter suddenly exclaimed, `There's
another one.' It appeared as a horizontal pencil shaped object.
It was impossible to determine the length, but it could have been
as large as a submarine. It moved from the left of the horizon to
the right... there was a flash of white light from the rear of it
and it shot forward with incredible speed for a distance of about
five times its length and as suddenly stopped, still maintaining
the pencil shape, apparently hovering... This whole episode took
place in about 45 minutes, and ended just about dusk. If it were
not for the fact that all four of us observed this event I would
hesitate to bring this to your attention," a physiotherapist wrote
about his sighting.
"First we saw a large, dull-grey object about 300ft long. It came
at plane-stalling speed and seemed to pause. Then out of the
clouds above and behind the ship, five or six small discs came
shooting in at terrific speed," an anonymous witness recalled.
Three young shepherds: Lucia, age 10, her cousins, Francisco and
Jacinto Marto, nine and seven, respectively, were gathering
together the sheep that they were herding. Their eyes were
drawn to the sky, and as they looked up, they saw a brilliant white
globe. Soon after, a mysterious being who they believed to be
the Virgin Mary, appeared.
"The wonderful lady looked young. Her dress, white as snow and
tied to her neck by a gold band, wholly covered her body. A white
cloak, with a golden edge, covered her head," Lucia thought of the
However, many Ufologists now believe that this was not a visitation
by a divine spirit, but rather a misinterpretation of an
extraterrestrial contact.
Mr. T.C. Drury, deputy-director of the Civilian Aviation Department
of New Guinea, shot some motion picture film of a saucer shaped object flying out of a strange cloud. Mr. Drury's credibility has been confirmed by
the Australian Minister of Air Transport.
Polish soldiers, on Warsaw Pact maneuvers, had their sight drawn to
the sea. It was as if a sudden force had begun to sweep aside the
water. Then, a pyramid shaped craft--four meters in length--flew
out of the water, circled the barracks where the soldiers, and shot off into the sky.
"M. Claude Pastier of Tours relates with
numerous and accurate details, the apparition over Tours, on Sunday
August 16 at about 8:30pm, of two circular machines flying very
low with a `resonant and hard' sound which did not bear resemblance
to that of any known craft. The motion was very slow, absolutely
rectilinear, and both machines moved in a perfectly similar manner,
as if mechanically connected," from "L'Astronomie."
Five Poles and two Germans, all unidentified, reported to local
authorities that a metallic craft of otherworldly shape shot out of
the sky and landed near railroad tracks across the road they were
on. They described the craft as 65ft in diameter with a flat,
saucer-like hull.
An unknown witness reported sighting a yellow, glowing cigar-shaped
airship hovering in the evening sky. Two helmeted figures, not accompanying the witness, also watched
the flight of the craft some feet away. The witness thought that
the ship was 30 meters long and six meters in diameter with a haze or mist
around either end.
Mr. Jim MacKay and Mr. Jim Robinson, making their way through
a suburb of Melbourne, stopped their car when they heard a loud
swishing sound. It appeared to them that a glowing, red and blue disc was
diving on their position, so they hid under their car until the
saucer had had enough and sped off.
As they approached a fork in the track, the engineer of the
Australian transcontinental railroad noticed that the fork was lit
up by a spotlight from above. Following the trail of the light, a
spherical, glowing object could be seen hovering above the tracks.
It almost landed as the train sped past, but instead it flew off into
the early morning sky.
Workers at the Oradell water reservoir watched in horrified
fascination as two bright saucer shaped craft hovered over the lake
created by the dam. They described the two craft as
having a yellowish glow.
Riding her horse along her family's property, a young
girl noticed that her colt had become increasingly restless. After
unsuccessfully trying to calm the horse, the girl noticed a
luminous object that hung in the sky. It emitted a beam of light
that scanned the ground. Scared, she rushed home where she and her
father watched the now orange craft rise into the sky.
An egg shaped object, with a bright, glowing upper hemisphere, was
observed by Mr. Alex Gillis and Mr. Jerry Monkham. The craft sat
in the middle of the road as they approached it in their vehicle.
It was approximately 14ft long. The two men did not report the
sighting until a month later for fear of ridicule.
Officer L. Zamora, while patrolling the highways outside of
Socorro, observed a metallic, bright craft land on the road
pavement. The object had four legs and resembled the lunar lander
that, a few years later, was put into use by the Apollo astronauts.
"Suddenly, I noted a shiny-type object to the south... It looked
at first like a car turned upside down... Saw two people in white
coveralls very close to the object. One of these persons seemed to
turn and look straight at my car and seemed startled--seemed to
quickly jump somewhat... These person appeared normal in
shape--but possibly they were small adults or large kids...
Suddenly, I heard a very loud roar... The flame was under the
object. The object was starting to go straight up--slowly up.
Flame was light blue and at the bottom it was sort of an orange
color... The object was smooth--no windows or doors visible. As
roar started, it was still on the ground," Officer Zamora stated.
He also saw several strange insignias and markings on the craft as
it rose into the sky.
Between Tonopah and Las Vegas, an army officer
reported seeing four shiny silver saucers resting on the desert
floor. He pulled over to the side of the road and made his way to
the nearest saucer. For 20 minutes, he watched them before they
rose up into the evening sky.
A luminous object alarmed the security detail of a US military base
in South Korea. It hovered above the base for a time before vanishing.
Near midnight on Highway 116, Mr. Pedro Saucedo and friend Mr. Jose
Salav witnessed a huge cigar, or submarine-shaped craft float over
the ground near the road. The object was 150 to 200ft long
Sailors, aboard the Japanese fishing vessel Kitsukawara Maru,
observed two large, metallic discs plunge into the depths of the
ocean at 31 degrees 15'N and 143 degrees 30'E. The discs caused
several large waves to rock the boat as if in a squall.
On a camping trip, M. Jacques Jacobson and three companions
observed a full-moon sized saucer hovering over a nearby hill.
They noticed that their short wave radio would only work on one
frequency. The transmission sounded like beeps of morse code, but
one of the group, who had been in the military, could not
translate the message. After 15 minutes, the craft sped off into
the night and left the confused observers to ponder its appearance.
Patrolling Highway 34, Officers Don Kelm and Jack Peterssaw an egg shaped craft that
hovered alongside the road. It emitted a red glow that was capable
of lighting the highway. As they approached the craft, it began to
speed off. The officers decided to chase the noiseless object for
about six miles before giving up, never getting closer than a mile
to the craft.
The night watchman of the Dayton Country Club, alerted by the
strange lights hovering above the greens, observed an egg shaped
craft floating approximately five feet off the ground. Backing
away slowly as the craft approached him, the watchman stayed out of
the five meter radius circle of light that preceded the movement of
the craft. Finally, the man ran away from the scene leaving the
craft to vanish from sight.
On his way to work, an unidentified witness, amused by the strange
movement of the flying object, watched the luminous craft fly about 100ft above the
road. He stopped his car and observed the maneuvers for several
minutes before the craft flew over him and out of sight.
Two motorists promptly stopped their car as a silver saucer landed
in a field near the highway they were on. After setting down for
a few minutes, the craft rose and shot off into the sky.
A police man, waiting in his speed trap, was suddenly overcome with
paralysis. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see a metallic
disc floating a few feet off the ground. As the object approached
his vehicle, the officer's clothes began to grow increasingly
hot. Finally the craft flew away leaving the officer to come to his wits.
After a taxing trip to the grocery store with his wife and two
children, Mr. Sheneman, starting to remove the bags of food from his car, looked
up to see a red, glowing circular shape hovering above
the ground. It commenced to descend with two red beams of
light guiding the way. Mr. Sheneman was at first stunned, then
quickly gathered up his family and ushered them into the house.
The craft never completely landed, instead rising up into the night.
Mr. H. Long described the landing of a "flying saucer" to the
disbelieving police officers of his town. While driving from work
to his home, he watched the entire landing incident from the nearby
highway he was traveling on.
Sergeant Vern Bennell described Mr. Sid Eubank "as white as a
sheet" when he came into the police department headquarters. Mr.
Eubank told the officers that a large metallic disc had dive-bombed his car, while he was driving on Highway 81 before dawn. The
shock wave was strong enough to throw the car from the road. The
frightened man collected himself enough to watch the craft vanish
from sight, and then report the incident to the police.
Mr. Oscar Linke, while walking his 11 year old daughter between the
American and Russian zones, came upon two men in space suits.
Surprised that he had not noticed an object so large earlier, Mr. Linke next
looked at the saucer-shaped craft that the men stood by. As the Linkes
tried to approach, the men returned to the vessel and shot off into
the air leaving the stunned Earthlings behind.
During the Korean War, personnel aboard a US vessel in Korean
waters witnessed two metallic objects fall from the the sky trailing white
smoke. They plunged into the sea and disappeared.
Plant superintendent at the Southwestern Porcelain Steel
Corporation, Mr. D. Bushnell and his wife, while driving to Tulsa,
were almost driven off the road by a strange ball of light that
dived over their car.
Mr. B. Stevenson observed a glowing orange disc, 60ft in diameter
and 12ft thick, hover over his farm. He was alerted to the
object when his animals exhibited fright.
"All at once, at the top of a slope, I found myself face to face, so
to speak, with a sort of disc of such brilliance that it blinded
me, like a lighthouse beam. I had to stop. The object flew over
me slightly to my right at a low altitude and continued its route
westward, where it remained visible for several minutes before
disappearing in the distance," M. M. Cognard recalled of his
On their way from Cherbonnieres towards Pouzou, a man and his
three year old son began to feel a tingling sensation throughout
their bodies. Increasing in intensity, the tingling became so painful
that his child began to cry. His car engine died, and the
headlights burned out. Outside the car, previously unseen, a bright red sphere began glowing more orange then finally bright white. The man could make
out a disc hovering within the blinding halo, but it soon
disappeared. Physically unharmed, man and child continued to
Pouzou where they contacted police.
Riding home from work on his bicycle, M. Jose Casella almost collided with a large metallic oval craft that had landed
on the road. As he stopped, the craft rose into the air
at great speed and vanished. Several others in the Maritime Alps
town reported a similar craft to the local authorities.
Orfeo, who lived near the dry Los Angeles river bed, awakened
inside a great balloon-like structure where extraterrestrial beings
had placed him. He floated above the city and took in its beauty.
Suddenly, Orfeo was overcome with the epiphany that humankind lived
in misery. He expressed, through thought, that he wished to stay
with them. However, the beings, after marking his chest with the
atomic structure of hydrogen, placed him back on Earth with the
mission to enlighten his fellow terrestrials.
An Australian rancher described the following incident.
"We were marking lambs in Toompang. Near the lunch hour we heard
what we thought was a jet. I looked up for the jet and saw an
eagle-hawk, high in the sky. I was taking a bit of interest in the
eagle-hawk when we heard another sound, as if the jet were overhead
again. But I still could not see a jet.
Then I saw this round object. It looked like a silver star, and
seemed to be over Wyalong, it was so high up and so far away. It
was stationary.I said to the others--there were seven of
us--`Get a load of this.' One man is short-sighted. Another who
is could not pick up the object. But four others did, and watched
it off and on for over an hour, possibly two hours. I saw one
object leave the first object and go to the left, and later two
objects go to the right., then come back... The objects I saw
leaving the stationary object seemed round. But when the one I saw
leave it on the left came overhead as it went towards Young I could
see it seemed to be V-shaped. I do not know what I saw, but I know
that when the objects left the stationary object on the right-hand
side they went out to the side and then went straight up fast. The
one that passed overhead towards Young was really traveling."
Astronomer Gottfried Kirch, writing in his journals, reported that
a flaming sphere, 8.5 degrees from Aquarius, and tail hovered in the sky for seven minutes. After the half-moon sized
UFO disappeared, Kirch could see remnant globes left in that area where the UFO hovered, using only a telescope.
Three anonymous witnesses, fearing ridicule, reported to the local
police that they observed a UFO land on a nearby hill. The craft
was metallic brown with a heavy opaque dome on the top. It stayed
on the ground for approximately six minutes before shooting into
the sky.
Eight feet long and three feet high, a luminous, multi-colored UFO
landed in a field on the outskirts of town. Leaving a shallow
depression and flattened grass, the craft, after a few minutes,
rose up and out of sight of the anonymous witness. Authorities took samples of the grass and soil inside the
depression where the saucer had landed.
Townspeople of the quiet little village gathered in the streets to
watch with fascination the silent event in the night sky. It seems
that a bright orange object maneuvered over the town, which, at
certain times, emitted smaller lights from its body. Approximately
15 of these lights were observed.
Taking a leisurely drive near this country village to relax himself
after a rough day of work, M. Jean Schoubrenner rounded a curve in
the road and found himself face-to-face with a glowing, spherical body set
down in the path. Slowing his approach, Schoubrenner was overcome
with paralysis barely 20 yards from the craft. His car's engine
stopped as well. Only momentum carried him further, and as he did
so, a burning heat welled-up around his body. Seconds later, the
craft was gone, and Schoubrenner was none the worse for wear.
Farmer Guy Puyfourcat, calling it a day after plowing his field,
led his work mare back to the small barn near his home. Suddenly, the mare would not move and began to whinny in fright.
The farmer's attention was then turned to a rising pan-shaped craft, five
foot diameter, that had just cleared the trees
nearby. It rose to about 50ft, and then made its way towards the
farmer and horse. As it crossed overhead, the mare fell to the
ground, unconscious. For 10 minutes, M. Puyfourcat tried to rouse
the animal to no avail. After a while, the mare stood and hobbled back
to the stable with its scared master.
"Three investigators for the air police arrived at Quarouble, Nord,
yesterday to interrogate M. Marius Dewilde, the man who saw two
`Martians' near his back yard gate. They left the village with the
assurance that during the night of Friday to Saturday, a mysterious
craft had landed, as claimed by M. Dewilde, on the railroad tracks
of the line Saint-Armand-Blanc-Misseron, near the railroad crossing
no. 79.
Their inquiries seem, in effect, to confirm the statement made by
the metal worker. The witness has declared that Friday, about
10:30pm, he had seen a machine of an elongated shape, three meters
high, six meters long, sitting on the tracks a few meters away from
his house. Two entities of human appearance, of very small height
and apparently wearing diving suits, could be seen nearby. M.
Dewilde walked toward them, but at this moment a beam of greenish
light was focused on him from the craft and he found himself
paralyzed. When he was able to move again the machine had started
to rise and the two entities had disappeared.
The investigators have found not one trace of the existence of these
entities. The ground, examined meter by meter, does not show
traces of footsteps. However, one of the sleepers (railroad car designed for overnight travel) on the tracks
showed traces that could have been made by a machine landing on it.
In five places the wood of the sleepers is tapped on a surface of
about four square centimeters. These markings have all the same
appearance and they lie symmetrically, on one line. Three of
them--those in the middle--are separated by an interval of 43cm.
The last two are 67cm away from the preceding ones.
A craft that would land on legs instead of wheels like our own
aircraft would not leave other traces, one of the inspectors of the
air police has declared.
The narrative made by M. Dewilde is also confirmed by several
inhabitants of the region. In Onnaing, a young man called M.
Edmond Auverlot and a retired man, M. Hublard, have seen about
10:30pm (the time indicated by M. Dewilde) a reddish light
traveling in the sky. The same light has been seen from Vicoq by
three young men," taken from "France-Soir."
"My eyes were caught by a sort of mound, two hundred yards away in
a field. It looked something like an unfinished haystack, with an
upside-down plate on top.
`That's a queer color for a haystack,' I said to Yves, `look at
All of a sudden I noticed that the haystack was moving a little,
with a slight swing back and forth, like an oscillation. We both
rushed toward the mysterious object. When we got close the object
took off on a slant, traveled diagonally upward for about 50ft and
then began to go straight up. We watched it for three minutes.
The object was about 30ft in diameter," an anonymous witness
related of his sighting.
"It was about five in the afternoon. Emerging from the thick layer
that looked like a storm coming up, we saw a sort of luminous
blue-violet mist, of a regular shape something like a cigar or a
carrot. Actually, the object came out of the layer of clouds in an
almost horizontal position, slightly tilted toward the ground and
pointing forward, like a submerging submarine.
This luminous cloud appeared rigid. Whenever it moved, its
movements had no connection with the movements of the clouds, and
it moved all of a piece, as if it were actually some gigantic
machine surrounded by mist. It came down rather fast from the
ceiling of clouds to an altitude which we thought was perhaps a
half-mile above us. Then it stopped, and the point rose quickly
until the object was in the vertical position, where it became
During this time the dark clouds went on scudding across the sky,
dimly lighted from underneath by the violet luminosity of the
object. It was an extraordinary sight, and we watched it intently.
All over the countryside other farmers had also dropped their tools
and were staring up at the sky like us.
All at once white smoke exactly like a vapor trail came from the
lower end of the cloud. At first it pointed to the ground but
finally rose up to describe around the vertical object an ascending
spiral. While the rear of the trail was dissolving in the air and
being carried off by the wind, the source of the trail went up to
the very top of the vertical object and then started to come down
again, turning in the other direction. Only then, after the smoke
trail had vanished entirely, could we see the object that was
sowing it--a little metallic disc, reflecting in its rapid
movements flashes of light from the huge vertical object. The
little disc then stopped turning around the luminous cloud and went
down toward the ground again, this time moving away. For quite a
few minutes we could see it flying low over the valley, darting
here and there at great speed, sometimes speeding up, then stopping
for a few seconds, then going on again, flying in every direction
between villages that were four miles apart. Finally, when it was
almost a mile from the vertical object it made a final dash toward
it at headlong speed and disappeared like a shooting star into the
lower part, where it had first come out. Perhaps a minute later
the carrot leaned over as it began to move, accelerated and
disappeared into the clouds on the distance. The whole thing
lasted about half an hour," a farmer who witnessed the event
"I had been watching this amazing spectacle for a couple of minutes
when suddenly from the bottom of the cigar came an object like a
horizontal disc, which dropped at first in free fall, then slowed,
and suddenly swayed and dived horizontally across the river toward
me, becoming very luminous. For a very short time I could see the
disc full-face; it was surrounded by a halo of brilliant light.
A few minutes after it had disappeared behind me, going southwest
at a prodigious speed, a similar object came from the cigar and
went through the same maneuvers. A third object came, then a
fourth. There was then a long interval, and finally a fifth disc
detached itself from the cigar, which was still motionless. This
last disc dropped much lower than the earlier ones, to the level of
the new bridge, where it remained still for an instant swaying
slightly. At that time I could see very clearly its circular form
and its red luminosity--more intense at the center, fading out at
the edges--and the glowing halo surrounding it. After a few
seconds' pause, it wobbled like the first four, and took off like
a flash toward the north, where it was lost in the distance as it
gained altitude. During this time the luminosity of the cigar had
faded, and the gigantic object, which may have been 300ft long, had
sunk into darkness. The spectacle had lasted about 3/4 of an
hour," Vernon businessman M. Bernard Misery recalled.
An unidentified witness, whose reliability is nevertheless deemed impeccable, filmed the
flight of a metallic disc in the skies above the port. The object
emerged from a strange cloud like mass. After several swift 90
degree maneuvers, the craft disappeared back into the cloud.
Two, quickly moving UFOs were observed skirting above the ground by
a farmhand working on damaged farm equipment.
After flying across Black Hawk, South Dakota and being chased by an
Air Force jet, a luminous, multi-colored UFO flew over Bismarck.
It flew erratically with many twists and turns in air. Minutes
after its arrival, two other craft also flew into view. A C-154
Globemaster also crossed the night sky, and was signaled by the
UFOs. Afterwards, the UFOs shot out of sight.
On a training mission over the Gulf of Mexico, the crew of a B-29
came into radar contact with several formations of saucer-shaped
objects. Traveling at 5,000mph, the UFOs were quickly sighted by
the crew. Some of the craft had to take evasive maneuvers so that
they did not hit the B-29. Minutes later, all formations were out of
sight, but the plane's radar could still track the craft. They all
seemed to converge at one point and then vanish.
Traveling to Nemours, engineer Marc Perrot observed a luminous
object flying at high speeds towards Fontainebleau. He reported
his sighting to the French astronomy magazine "L'Astronomie."
An anonymous witness described the landing and subsequent encounter
with "little men" from the landed craft.
People across Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Poland reported to their
local authorities sightings of spherical, saucer and cigar shaped
objects flying in the skies.
Participating in Operation Mainbrace, Topcliffe Air Force Base was
overflown by a brilliant white sphere. A Meteor jet fighter
scrambled, and tried to catch up with the UFO. As soon
as the fighter made visual contact with it, the UFO sped off past the top speed of the jet.
Factory workers, on the late shift, were interrupted by a luminous
object that swung back and forth in the sky for 20 minutes over their factory.
Up and down the region of North Africa reports of UFO sightings
inundated the authorities. Many thousands of people at a boxing match, watched the object instead of
the brawl, captivated by the sight of a
metallic saucer hovering in the distance.
Soldiers, participating in NATO exercises, observed a metallic,
saucer shaped craft hover above this unidentified Danish military
"I was driving back in the night, which was dark, without moon or
stars. We came out of the village of Beine and drove about five
minutes, when we were greatly surprised to realize that a bright,
unknown object had appeared in the sky on the left side of the
road. It had the shape of an olive and a golden color. Its major
axis was vertical. The sighting was indeed fairy like. The
phenomenon lasted for five minutes. The minor axis of the object
was a little smaller than the apparent diameter of the moon. A few
minutes later, I visited the neighboring villages and examined the
churches, fearing the apparition might have been caused by
illuminations or reflections; but everywhere I found the same
absolute calm, and no important light to be seen. The road was
deserted," reported M. M. R. Sommer, pilot and aircraft
The people of this small town observed a bluish, saucer shaped
object hover over their heads for many minutes as the sun set.
The air traffic controllers were the first people to notice the
brilliantly illuminated object that hovered in the night sky close to
Le Bourget Airport. Pilots, bystanders and residents in that area
of Paris watched the craft for many minutes before it mysteriously
An anonymous witness observed a large, luminous airship "giving
rise to small discs that scattered in all directions."
The evening sky drew the attention of many townspeople as a discus
shaped object, illuminated in a brilliant white light, flew into
the night sky. The noiseless craft ascended and overtook
another, similar craft resting at a higher altitude.
Glowing with an orange radiance and emitting blue flames from its
edges, a large revolving saucer hung in the air above frightened
villagers. The craft stayed for several minutes, then crossed the
night sky out of sight.
Witnesses observed several dark, spherical objects darting to and
fro across the sky. At one point the objects rested in front of
the sun.
Three hunters, in search of duck, instead found a large, metallic
object flying over them at tremendous speeds and leaving a trail of
some kind. The craft stopped in mid air and descended over the
men. One of the frightened hunters raised his rifle prompting the UFO to shoot off into the sky.
Larger and faster than a B-26 bomber, a mysterious V-shaped craft
flew over Albuquerque towards Sandia Base. The craft reportedly
had many colored lights on its surface and dark rings that moved
outward from its center. The military had no explanation for the
A red ball shaped object interrupted the clear, beautiful view of
the sky above the small town. The craft flew over the city, at
one point almost touching the ground. It ascended and started to
fly in a peculiar back and forth motion before disappearing
Professor Alfred Lombard, his family and several friends, while
enjoying a pleasant day at the lake, observed a flying object. It flew over the lake in a wide path across
the sky. The craft left trails of smoke, and occasionally stopped
forward motion. Suddenly, the craft turned upward, appearing
perfectly spherical, and rocketed up out of the atmosphere.
Captain Willis Sperry noticed a bright blue object fly towards his
American Airlines passenger plane. The craft stopped, and as the
plane passed the full moon, Captain Sperry saw that the object
was in "the shape of a submarine," lacking any protrusions.
Making a daring decision, Sperry tried to turn the plane to pursue
the object, but it flew off at enormous speed.
Noted astronomer Seymour Hess sighted a metallic disc that hung in
the air above Lowell Observatory for several seconds.
On its way to South Bend Airport, an airliner encountered a red
glowing saucer shaped object that hovered in the air on its edge.
The crew managed to calm the alarmed passengers as the plane, on its
approach, turned into the object. The craft evaded the plane and
began flying underneath it. After several tense minutes, the UFO sped off into the distance avoiding a collision with the plane.
Discoverer and well-respected astronomer Mr. Clyde Tombaugh observed
a formation of square shaped lights that hung in the night sky.
After several minutes the objects could no longer be seen with a telescope.
Mr. Charles Moore, US government scientist, along with his
preparatory crew, launched a small test balloon to check the winds
over White Sands where a larger balloon was to be
launched. Moore entrusted another man to watch the flight of the
balloon, but when he checked the flight himself, Moore thought the balloon had moved off to the northeast.
However, the man watching the balloon said he had it fixed in his
instrument. Moore then focused another instrument on the moving
object, which was, in fact, spherical and covered the entire sky in less than
60 seconds. Moore was sure that the object was not a weather balloon.
A former Navy pilot and scientist at New Mexico State University,
going home after a tiring day, noticed that a metallic saucer
hovered over the city. It hung there for many minutes before
diving off into the night sky.
Residents of Delaware observed many illuminated cylindrical UFOs
hover over their city. Observers described the objects as cigar
Maintenance duty officers as well as pilots were astonished to
observe a saucer shaped object perform rapid, dangerous maneuvers
over the Air Base. The witnesses agreed that the craft had a
diameter of 35ft.
Trails of smoke were the only physical evidence left by several
high flying metallic saucers. Witnesses claimed that the UFOs made
loud roaring sounds even while flying at high altitudes.
Mr. Bruce Stevenson sighted a large saucer shaped craft hover low
to the ground. The craft emitted a high-intensity orange light
before ascending into the night sky. Mr. Stevenson reported the
sighting to the local police who had no explanation.
The object was bright red, bright enough that it could be seen
through the clouds, and, it had a green tail-like protrusion
extending from its cone body. Witnesses said that the object
displayed a variety of acrobatic feats for more than half an hour.
Residents of Twin Falls observed a slow UFO, of blue color, flying
just over the treetops. Witnesses were amazed that the thrust
emitted by the object could bend the treetops below it.
Air base officials observed the flight of several luminous, saucer
shaped objects. The craft, flying into the wind, traveled at
approximately 300mph at 8,000ft. Earlier that day, engineers were
called from their aircraft maintenance duty to watch a metal saucer
hover over the base.
On his way back to work after lunch, Mr. John F. Cole observed the
flight of several strange, loud objects as they hurried off to the
northwest. Mr. Cole believed their diameters to be about 100ft.
Several witnesses, enjoying the early morning hours, watched more
than two, bright UFOs passing over the skies of Cambridge. One
witness described the objects moving "at a fantastic speed, like
those low clouds seen before a storm."
Driving his empty bus back to the depot in Mason City, an
anonymous driver first observed a solitary elliptical craft fly off
towards the city. It was followed by four similar craft.
Minutes later, the man sighted 13 craft, at approximately 1,200ft,
moving in the opposite direction. All purred with the sound of
electrical motors.
Blue saucer shaped objects, about seven, hovered above Mr. M. Beuscher's farm. They stayed for several minutes before silently
flying southward.
Flying his Air Force jet near Lake Meade, Lt. Armstrong observed a
formation of five to six metallic disc-shaped objects flying at an
altitude of 6,000ft.
Flying from Chicago to Los Angeles, US fighter pilot Richard Rankin
sighted a triangular formation of 10 metallic saucer shaped craft.
They were each 30m in diameter and flew at approximately 900km per
hour. They quickly overtook Rankin and vanished from view.
A metallic object was sighted flying from the northeast. It
hovered above the city for several minutes, then began a display of
aerial acrobatics, diving, spinning and climbing. The
object then sped off into the afternoon sky.
"Recently, not far from Moscow and at an altitude of about 3,000m,
a strange object flying at great speed was seen. The witnesses
maintained that it had exactly the shape of a disc, of relatively
large dimensions. No one was able to say what this disc was, or
where it came from. Very fantastic interpretations and hypotheses
have been started by this incident. A little later, the disc came
down toward the ground with a motion in spiral and started upward
again, turned over and, suddenly speeding, disappeared behind a
nearby forest," wrote Mr. Soukhanov in "Ogoniok."
Returning to base, Lts. David McFalls and Edward Baker were amazed
to see two luminous objects approach their plane from the ground.
For a time, their airplane was shadowed by the two light balls that
they felt were "under perfect control."
Bomber pilot Maj. Leet, flying a night mission, found his plane
being shadowed by a luminous disc. He, and his men, continued with
their mission as planned and paid little heed to the object. After
several minutes, the craft disappeared.
A large red fireball flew parallel to the fighter plane of Lts. Henry Giblin and Walter Cleary. They tried evasive maneuvers, but
the craft was able to mirror their movements. After a
time, the craft accelerated off above the maximum altitude of the
Patrolling the night skies over France with the 415th US Night
Fighter Squadron, Lt. E. Schluter encountered a squadron of 10
fireballs that flew past him at high speed.
While cruising the Pacific, Royal Netherlands Navy vessel, the Tromp,
was surveyed by a metallic saucer shaped craft that sped around the
ship before continuing on its way.
Tribesmen from the village that M. Pierre Ichac was studying, as well as M. Ichac himself,
observed a metallic saucer shaped craft hanging in the afternoon sky
above the sun.
Flying his single-seater plane from New South Wales, Australia to
New Zealand, Mr. Chichester watched a luminous, flashing object,
off his wing, decelerate, as if catching a glimpse of him, then
speed of into the distance and disappear.
Out on a hunting trip, Mr. William C. Lamb came across strange tracks in the
forest floor. He followed them, and soon discovered a flying disc,
hovering at treetop level, right above him. It emitted a
piercingly high whine. Mr. Lamb ducked behind some brush and let
the object pass. After the craft had left, and Mr. Lamb felt
he was safe, a flying creature about eight feet tall alighted on the
snow. It searched the area, and passed by Mr. Lamb who
thereafter followed the creature for five miles before losing track.
"We all saw, in a direction from north to south, something big and
shiny reflecting the sun, like a huge oval moving at great speed.
Crossing our camp, this thing changed in its direction from south
to southwest. And we saw how it disappeared in the intense blue
sky. We even had time to take our field glasses and saw quite
distinctly an oval form with a shiny surface, one side of which was
brilliant from the sun," Nicolas Roerich wrote of his caravan trip
across Mongolia.
The afternoon skies of Toronto were marred by several black flying
objects that flew from west to east over the city. Later,
witnesses followed the craft as they returned from east to west,
but out of formation. "... they were not clouds or birds or
smoke," one witness reported.
Chief constable for the town of Cardiff, Captain Lindsay, and a
friend were witness to a large, fast moving airship that left black
clouds of smoke behind as it went forward.
Fishermen noticed a large luminous flying craft fly out from the
mainland towards the Atlantic.
Several people observed an airship, flying almost at treetop level,
cruise across the city.
The Dutch sailing vessel Valentijn came across a fiery wheel of
light that rotated close to the surface of the sea.
"At Dong Hoi, on June 16 at 4:10am, a bolide of an elongated shape,
truncated at both ends, flew over the city on a west-east course,
casting a great luminosity. The witnesses--Hoang Nic, of Dong Hoi;
Tran Ninh, of Sa-Dong-Danh; Quyen, of Dong-Duong-Hoi; and Danh Lui,
of the same village--who were fishing at sea, reported that the
phenomenon lasted from eight to 10 minutes, between the time the
object appeared and the time it fell into the sea, at about six km
from the shore," wrote a contributor to "L'Astronomie."
Mr. Lethbridge stumbled across two men
wearing fur coats and speaking in a strange accent. Parked near
the road where he took his customary evening walk was a strange
metallic cylinder. Once the two men noticed him, they climbed into
the cylinder and took off into the night sky,
The people of Sanford watched the curious luminous ball hover over
their town. Just minutes earlier, a similar object had been
reported in Southend.
The "Weekly Dispatch," of London, reported that the people of
Southend had seen a luminous object cross the night sky. About 20
minutes after the object disappeared, a similar light was seen
flying over Sanford.
Reports came in from all over Massachusetts, including Boston and
Worcester, that an airship with flashing red lights had flown
across the state.
A large cylindrical object floated over Cardiff, Wales. Witnesses
described the object "like a hot, red-orange iron rod."
Below the clouds, three red balls, larger than the sun, danced
around in the sky above the ocean. Crew members of the USS Supply
reported the phenomenon to the nearest port authorities, but no
explanation could be found.
While cruising to port, the Fort Salisbury encountered a strange
luminous object. Two crew members alerted the first officer of the
sighting, but by the time they tried to rouse the captain, the object had
disappeared into the sea.
A mysterious explosion rocked the Jenissei portion of the Siberian
forest. People living in the area observed a huge fireball that
rose up high in the sky. Russian scientist Kazantsev researched
what he described as the Tunguska blast, going so far as
trailblazing through the area in search of an impact crater that
was never found. Trees in the area, though, were knocked to the
ground from an epicenter which, unlike normal blasts, was more
elliptical than spherical, following the original object's
trajectory. The witnesses who observed the fireball later
succumbed to a deadly sickness very much resembling radiation
Many theories have been suggested as to what caused the blast.
Most prevalent among those have been microscopic black hole impact
with the Earth, collision with a comet and a nuclear powered
extraterrestrial vehicle losing control and crashing.
The clear blue sky became the center of attraction as a red ball
hovered above the city. After about 10 minutes, the object
disappeared, but left embers that remained for minutes more.
Astronomy Professor J. Michailovitch observed an object he
thought was a meteor, that hung motionless in the sky for
approximately six minutes.
A cigar shaped airship, flashing colored lights, was spotted flying over the city.
Awakened by strange sounds, the tenants of the many storied
building bunched together on the rooftop. They all peered at an
airship which was shaped like a zeppelin, had fins at either end and
a large spotlight that roved over the ground.
Students at a men's college watched as a metallic
disc rose above the trees lining the campus. After a few seconds
of stable hovering, the disc shot off at incredible speed towards
the east.
Many people were astonished to see a large, noisy disc-shaped
object hover over their heads.
A ship crossing the Atlantic, en route to America, was overflown by
a luminous sphere that emerged from the ocean. It flew against the
prevailing wind alongside the ship, but, as suddenly as it had
appeared, it ascended into the night sky.
"On November 1, at 9:30pm, there was seen, west of Adrianople, an
elongated object giving off a strong luminosity. It seemed to
float in the air and its apparent disc was four or five times
larger than the full moon. It traveled slowly and cast light on
the whole camp behind the station with a brightness about 10 times
greater than a large electric bulb.
In the morning of November 2, at dawn, a very luminous flame, first
bluish, then greenish, and moving at a height of five to six
meters, made a series of turns around the ferryboat pier at
Scutari. Its blinding luminosity lighted the street and flooded
the inside of the houses with light. The meteor was visible for
one minute and a half and finally fell into the sea. No noise was
heard when the immersion took place," M. Mavrogordato wrote in
The busy people of Marseilles stopped working for a moment to
watch many formations of disc-shaped objects cross overhead in the
Astronomer Jose Bonilla, at Zacatecas Observatory, photographed
formations of 15 to 20 disc-shaped objects crossing the face
of the sun.
According to the memoirs of the Minor Brothers, several lines of
bright spheres were observed flying through the night sky.
Many people observed a cigar-shaped craft hover above their town.
However, after an interval of several minutes, the craft descended and
landed in a local farmer's field. The object was indeed
cylindrical in shape and had a curious glass dome on its top
surface. When members of the town began to approach the ship, it immediately ascended to great heights and out of sight.
MV Vultur's crew were startled by two extremely bright "wheels" of light that
alternately hovered and swooped low above the surface of the sea. After
their pattern reached a climax, the craft both disappeared.
An unknown observer wrote, "fiery spheres, extremely luminous, came
out of a cloud of a peculiar shape and went slowly toward the north
for one hour." It seems many brightly lit shapes emerged from a
cloud shaped like a cigar.
At the Meudon Observatory, an astronomer watched many luminous
objects careen through the night sky. One floated to the Earth and
landed "like a disc falling through water."
Captain Banner and his crew of the Lady of the Lake, on a merchant
voyage, found themselves being shadowed by a strange, metallic flying
disc. The aft portion of the craft was semi-luminous with a long
tail extending from the center of the craft. Flying into heavy
winds, the ship ascended out of sight after half an hour.
Native people observed a flying object emitting a loud
engine noise. They thought the craft was a giant bird, with shining eyes and scales that scraped against each other to make noise.
"Numerous observers have seen, during an eclipse of the moon,
strange objects moving in straight lines. They were equally spaced
and remained in line when they made turns. Their movements showed
a military precision," M. Francois Arago wrote in the "Annales de
chimie et de physique."
"I saw many meteors moving around the edge of a black cloud from
which lightning flashed. They were like dazzling specks of light,
dancing and traipsing through' the clouds. One increased size till it
became of the brilliancy and magnitude of Venus, on a clear
evening. But I could see no body in the light. It moved with
great rapidity, and coasted the edge of the cloud. Then it became
stationary, dimmed its splendor, and vanished. I saw these
strange lights for minutes, not seconds. For at least an hour,
these lights, so strange, and in innumerable points, played in and
out of this black cloud. No lightning came from the clouds where
these lights were playing," wrote Astronomer John Staveley in the
"Journal of Natural History and Philosophy and Chemistry."
Farmers watched in amazement as a brightly lit, strange object
hovered in the night sky. They were even more amazed when the
object seemed to release many smaller luminous craft which floated
around the larger craft. After a time, all seemed to disappear in
an instant.
"Northeast of the Terrace, in clear sky and warm weather, I saw
appear suddenly an oblong cloud nearly parallel to the horizon.
Below the cloud was seen a luminous body, brightly lit up and
almost stationary... This strange ball at first appeared bluish and
faint, but its light increased, and it soon began to move. At
first, it ascended above the horizon, obliquely toward the east.
Then it changed its direction and moved parallel to the horizon.
It vanished in the southeast. I saw it for half a minute, and the
light it gave out was prodigious. It lit up every object on the
face of the country. It changed shape to oblong, acquired a tail,
and seemed to split up into two bodies of small size. About two
minutes later came a rumble like an explosion," wrote Tiberius
Cavallo, Fellow of the Royal Society, in his memoirs.
While observing solar phenomena, two separate astronomical
observatories reported seeing a large shape move across the surface
of the sun. However, according to paths of the planets that the
astronomers plotted, the shape could not have been Mercury or Venus.
The people of Augermanland saw a cylindrical craft, hanging
in the night sky, give birth to several smaller luminous balls of
Writings for the month of October indicate that an unexplainable
cigar-shaped craft may have been witnessed throughout France.
Peasants and noblemen found themselves staring into the night sky at
three strange objects. The smaller objects, described as "suns,"
orbited around the larger which seemed to emit a ray of light that
rotated around its surface.
"A fiery thing like an iron rod of good length and as large as one
half of the moon was seen in the sky for a little less than a
quarter of an hour," wrote Jacques Duclerc in his "Memoirs of a
Freeman of Arras." Indeed, many others witnessed this saucer-shaped object.
Monks at Byland Abbey observed a slow saucer shaped object fly
over their compound in the night sky.
As recorded by Matthew of Paris, St. Alban's Abbey was overflown by a large, luminous object described as a ship.
On a clear Sunday morning the town of Reims, as well as the whole
of eastern France including Verdun, watched the skies, fearful that
the mass of objects that appeared overhead were signs of the
Farmers, planting seedlings in their rice patties, watched as a saucer shaped craft wavered in the sky. It descended rapidly,
almost crashing into the ground. As quickly as it had appeared,
the craft regained stability and climbed out of sight.
Merchant scribes along the Nile wrote in their logs that many saw
large, noisy craft hovering above the bustling Cairo streets.
People on the streets of Tokyo watched as two
luminous object hovered in the night sky. Minutes later, several
smaller, white objects disengaged from the two larger craft. All
of the objects circled over Tokyo for about an hour before
Sailors on a merchant expedition were startled from their sleep by a huge, cylinder-shaped craft.
The object remained visible to the crew for many minutes before
disappearing into the distance.
Peasants and aristocrats alike were dazzled every night for many
weeks by multiple luminous objects that danced across the sky.
Scotland's King Domnall Mac Murchada witnessed a
luminous, flying object while attending a fair in Teltown, Meath
County. The object was often seen moving over Scotland in the
night sky.
The Archbishop of Lyons, Agobard, wrote, in his "De Grandine et
Tonitrua," that he had stumbled upon an angry mob lynching three
men and a woman. When asked why these people were to be hanged,
the mob responded that they were people who landed from a "cloud
ship" in Magonia. The Archbishop promptly freed the men and the woman
who the mob thought were going to use magic to spoil the year's
Egyptians during the reign of Thutmose III were witness to
the landing of a "circle of fire." The craft was "one rod long and
one rod wide." After a time, the ship shot back up into the sky.
Old Testament Prophet Ezekial watched a "wheel" descend from
the sky. The craft landed on the banks of the Chebar River where
Ezekial was taken aboard and flown to the Tel Aviv Mountains. The
full description of the object is found in Ezekial Chapter 1.
After a hard working day Texas pioneer John Martin
peered up into the sky to check the time by the sun. Instead, his
eye caught sight of a disc-shaped object flying over the Texas plains. He
described the craft as a "saucer," and found that it moved "at a
wonderful speed."
On his way home from the night shift, a witness was
surprised when he came
upon a strange craft landed in the middle of the road. The man
stopped his car and slowly walked towards the object. It had no
wheels or wings but there appeared to be a plastic-like pilot's bubble on top. He could not make out any sort of engine either. Closer to the object, the
witness observed another man, with a baseball cap, under the craft
getting into it by way of a hatch and stairs. Very soon,
the craft was airborne and flew off at the speed of sound.
Investigators for Project Bluebook had no explanation for this
Three sanitation workers, a policeman and a radio station news
reporter all told authorities that they observed a painfully bright
object that flew over the town. One witness claimed that the
craft was 15 stories high and shaped like a sausage.
Exeter police started their day out with the strange and
frightening sightings made by young Norman Muscarello and an
unidentified woman. Officer Eugene Bertrand had come across the
woman parked on the side of the road. She had to struggle to keep
her composure, but she related to the policeman that a large UFO
had hovered alongside her car as she drove. The woman could not
shake the object until it decided to leave.
Norman, on the other hand, had observed this object and four others
dance across a field he was passing. They emitted a red
glow that was bright enough to light the field.
A large, solid sphere fell from the sky and bounced back up into
the sky at tremendous speed. The three high school
boys who witnessed the object said that even though it was
painfully bright, it cast no light on anything else. The boys
were so confident that they saw this phenomenon, that they were
willing to take a polygraph test.
Camping alone in the mountains of New Zealand, a 15 year old
college student was startled by what he though was an animal cry.
As he looked around for source of the noise, a saucer-shaped craft moved from
his campsite to another nearby mountain. The UFO was 60ft in
diameter. Suddenly, the craft turned 270 degrees and vanished.
Six witnesses watched a UFO move across the sky at approximately
100mph. It gave off sparks as it moved and was described as "a red
diamond with slightly rounded edges." The craft made a leisurely
S-curve in the sky then ducked behind some trees.
Ex-Navy pilot and flight instructor Mr. William J. Meyer jr.
observed, "At no time while I had the object in view did it change
course or altitude, or move behind or in front of something and
reappear... The motion was smooth and speed seemed constant. The
orange-brown glow in the center portion seemed to pulse at rather
a rapid rate... As the object passed directly over my head, I saw
that it was diamond shaped... I estimated the object to be between
1200 and 1500ft above me... I am convinced that the object I saw
was as I have described it and could not have been any conventional
heavier or lighter-than-air craft, any phenomenon caused by
temperature inversion mirage, or sun reflection... I have not been
able to reconcile what I saw with any known object which would give
any similar likeness if put in the air."
Two Drake University seniors found themselves beneath a gigantic
craft of unknown origin. "It was slightly less than half the size
of a football field and was shaped like a huge oval or bobsled
shape with lighted automobile-type running boards along the outer
edges; also had a high vertical tail, circular in shape, which ran
from one edge to center of object," one of the students said.
While hanging laundry on her line, an Air Force wife noticed that
a silver saucer hung motionless over the Air Base. Along with her
neighbor, she watched the object
rotate, about 3.5 degrees above the southeast horizon,
for approximately 15 minutes. Project Blue Book researchers determined
that these women were experienced enough to know conventional from
unconventional aircraft.
"It looked like the planet Mars with a very long antenna rod
attached; a flashing white light of high intensity ran back and
forth along the rod... and then circled some more and then returned
and from where we were viewing, it went out over North Island and
hovered some more. Kindly remember that seven people, three with
binoculars, were viewing this object for a long time. Then it
vanished, and did not reappear. The best way I can describe it is
to say that it was a bit redder than Mars and was describing huge
circles in the air... It looked like a Fourth of July sparkler
connected at the side of the object... It was unquestionably some
kind of intelligently controlled air or space vehicle," the wife of
the astronomer said. Two astronomers, the manager of a trailer
court, two housewives and two other unidentified witnesses observed
the craft.
Staying up to watch the novelty of a man-made satellite pass
overhead, an aeronautical engineer, his wife and two young
daughters also observed a large UFO track the relatively small Echo
Satellite. Spherical, with three triangular shaped lights placed
in the vertices of the shape, the craft mirrored the
path of the satellite until both were out of view.
Working late to complete the harvest, the wife of a farmer and
the farmhand watched approximately five craft maneuver overhead in
the night sky. The craft were visible for 20 to 30 minutes before
disappearing. Each craft glowed red and stayed at an altitude between 50 and 100ft. The woman
did produce a photo but it was of such poor quality that Project Blue
Book investigators felt it was useless.
"It was as brilliant as a star, but not a glittery brilliance... It
flew back and forth. After it went west, it turned and went east.
It would go up and down... It was kind of like a comet shape,"
reported the wife of a professional metallurgist who had peered out
her window as she gargled only to see the object.
"It looked like it had bars instead of being solid. It was more
the size of a lima bean... It had somewhat the contour of an
old-fashioned kite, but I saw nothing like an exhaust or tail... As
I looked out the window, looking north, it went through an arc
about 90 degrees from above the horizon in a matter of a few
seconds," said the metallurgist having been awakened by his wife to
view the craft.
Flying between Boise and Meridian, an Idaho Air National Guard
pilot and the aviation editor of the "Statesman Newspaper" watched in
horrible fascination as a black, flying disc made incredible,
high-speed right angle turns near his airplane. The pilot managed
to get 8mm footage of the craft, but the film was seized by Air
Force investigators.
A steamship on its way across the Atlantic was overflown by a huge luminous airship. The startled captain made immediate contact with the nearest
authorities who had no explanation for the sighting.
A strange white airship crossed over the skies of Chattanooga.
Witnesses reported that the craft slowly floated in from the north
on a southeast heading For the next two days, the same airship,
each time on different headings, crossed the sky.
Leaving a depression in the ground where it had lain, a
torpedo-shaped UFO crossed over the road and shot up into the sky
at the approach of a curious Cardiff man. The man claimed to have
seen two "peculiar-looking" men on the inside wearing fur coats.
As soon as they noticed him, they started their craft and were
Railroad engineer Jim Hooton decided
to go hunting during a stopover. On his expedition,
Hooton was drawn to a strange noise that he initially thought was a compressor. Instead, the railroad engineer found a
large cylindrical craft that was landed in the middle of the
desert. The man claimed to have spoken with one of the occupants,
apparently the leader, about the nature of
the vehicle. Later, the craft flew off, leaving Captain Hooton to marvel at the sight.
People in the streets stopped and stared at a 180 ft. long conical airship, complete with stabilizer fins. On the hull of the
craft, red, green and white lights flashed intermittently.
A huge airship
was sighted cruising towards the Washington Monument. Citizens
became startled as it dipped low as it approached the marble spire, before disappearing behind the hills of Georgetown.
A UFO, with a red and green tail, was seen over the skies of the
small town.
"It was in outline, like a ship, showing a red, blue, and large
white light," one of several policemen who witnessed the object
reported. The craft made a pass over Eldora, Elgin's sister
city, where it dropped a light using a parachute. No one ever
recovered the parachute or any remnants of the object.
A luminous flying craft hovered over the heads of the townspeople
for as long as 15 minutes. Reports were that the craft was so
bright that some of the people were temporarily blinded.
No one questioned his veracity when the farmer told
them of the strange experience he had while tilling his
field. Apparently an airship hovered over the man for a time
before descending. As it did, it lowered two heavy ropes
with hooks, one of which caught the farmer. Suddenly, the man felt
himself being dragged upward. Fortunately, he was able to free
A large, spherical object was seen crossing over the skies of Omaha. The craft glowed evenly as
it passed behind the bluffs to the northwest of the city. "It was
in the shape of a big bright light, too big for a balloon," a
newspaper account read.
Country folk in the green hills of England found themselves
transfixed by a luminous, star-like object that rose over a forest
and moved off to the east at high speed.
The French were amazed to see a bright, girded craft fly over
their skies from horizon to horizon.
Formations of UFOs were observed flying over the Welsh coast for as
much as a week. Eight craft would appear and fly in a trianglular
configuration almost as if on a reconnaissance mission.
A huge, trumpet shaped UFO, 400ft in length, hovered over the
Mexican metropolis of Oaxaca for almost six minutes. People stared
up at the object fearing that it was an omen of doom.
Hovering over Marseilles for close to nine minutes, an incredibly
large saucer moved to the north then to the east criss-crossing the
skies over the city. Observers kept the craft in view until a
little after 11:00pm.
Astronomers at Radcliffe Observatory at Oxford noticed that Venus
had a large red spot floating above the misty atmosphere of the
planet. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the spot was in fact in the atmosphere of Earth. The UFO changed course several times, heading
west, then north, and finally south. After four minutes, the astronomers lost
sight of the object.
A large, cigar-shaped object overflies the south of England, and is
observed by the farming communities located there.
Shaped like a torpedo, a large UFO surprised many
citizens of France as it moved across the entire country.
Writing in his journal a Swiss astronomer notes, with emphasis and
astonishment, the movements of thousands of luminous objects as
they cross the sky blurring the heavenly bodies.
Several Londoners, walking back to their flats after a night at the
theatre, watched the flight of a glowing red craft as it climbed into
a bank of clouds.
Slowly at first, then quickly, a blazing red UFO flies across the
skies of Florence from horizon to horizon.
Streams of light or fantastic cords connected three, large UFOs that
rose out of the sea. The craft were first noticed by a nearby ship,
then later by people as far away as 900 miles.
Flying in fleet formation, many large, strangely shaped UFOs crossed
over the city of Naples. An unidentified Italian astronomer
witnessed the flyby and catalogued the craft, some of which were
star shaped with luminous tails.
People watched the flight of a rotating, donut-shaped UFO. The craft
hovered over the city for a time before moving off to the south
towards the sea.
A honeymooning couple were startled by the flight of a large, mysterious
airship that hovered over the falls then moved northward to Canada.
Throughout Ohio, a hook-shaped flying object was observed
hovering intermittently over various cities.
A grey torpedo shaped craft was observed as it fell to the Earth at
enormous speeds. No explosions were heard nor any wreckage found.
An unidentified Swiss astronomer observed the flight of a large
spindle-shaped craft resplendent with a glowing outer ring. A fellow astronomer in the nearby town of Basel also observed the
An anonymous Swiss astronomer observed the flight of a large
spindle shaped craft resplendent with a glowing outer ring. An astronomer from Basel observed the same craft.
Two enormous spheres reportedly flew across the sky chasing
each other. One globe would fly off while the
other would pause then follow.
Italians watched the night sky in anticipation of strange
points of light. Similar lights had danced around in the sky above them on previous nights. They were not disappointed.
The log book of a Spanish merchant vessel contains notations about a
formation of fiery objects that lit up the night sky. As they
crossed over the ship, the craft broke ranks and performed
aerobatic maneuvers before flying on.
Villagers on the banks of a lake near Fleulen witnessed
what appeared to be a fiery log cruise across the waters of
the placid lake.
Scottish peasants reported to the Shire Reeve, the King's
representative, that a large tubular object had hovered over their town
for many minutes before vanishing. The craft did not move but hung
in the sky.
The daily rituals of Italian monks were upset by the flight of many
glowing discs. They felt the craft were harbingers of Armageddon.
An ancient manuscript found in Byland Abbey and belonging to the
ancestors of Henry, the Abbott, reads, "There was a great portent
outside. A large round silver thing like a disc flew slowly over
them and excited the greatest terror." People, partaking in the
feast commemorating the Saints of Simon and Jude, had rushed out into
the night to witness this mysterious phenomenon.
Training his own animals, a professional dog trainer in the
Everglades stumbled upon several strange lights in the sky. As he
approached, he noticed that the lights composed a huge,
four-tiered, 100ft diameter UFO complete with lighted windows.
The craft hovered above the man at approximately 25ft. Suddenly,
the trainer was overcome and fell to the ground stunned. After he
regained consciousness, he noticed that the vegetation surrounding
him had been scorched in a 72ft diameter circle.
Driving home from work at a later than usual hour, an anonymous
witness felt his car stall. The man pulled to the side
of the road, hoping that it was only a minor problem. He tried to
crank over the engine, but it would not start. Cursing,
the man looked out the window and observed a strange,
metallic saucer shaped craft hovering above the him and the car.
After a short time, the craft disappeared into the night. He
was then able to start his car with no problems and head home.
Two unidentified Ely men found themselves staring in disbelief at
a pyramid shaped craft, point down, spinning in the sky. One man
claimed that the UFO bore an insignia of some kind on its side but he was unable to identify it.
On their way home from a vacation in Canada, a couple found
themselves being overflown by a large, saucer shaped UFO, 60ft in
diameter and 15ft high. They were forced off the road by the
craft, which subsequently landed. The pilots of the craft abducted
the couple and forced them to undergo many physical examinations
before returning them to their car. A psychiatrist, having
hypnotized them, was of the opinion that their story was accurate.
The pilots of a commercial C-54 cargo plane, flying towards Kansas
City from Chicago, encountered a large spherical object that kept
pace with their plane. The pilots, in an effort to verify the
object's path, attempted to close the distance between their plane
and the craft. However, the craft evaded their efforts and finally vanished.
Four Texas police officers
stopped their car along the highway to watch a large, luminous
object hover in the sky. The men claimed that the cigar-shaped craft
was approximately 200ft in length. The object touched
down in front of the officers on the highway. Several minutes
later, the craft turned bright red and shot off into the night sky.
People across Washington, Oregon and Idaho watched a
bluish cigar-shaped craft cruise across the skies. Its
luminescence was startling, and before it vanished, the craft split
off into three luminous pieces.
Photographer Walter McCann was walking in Rogers Park early in
the morning when he spotted a cigar-shaped craft flying silently
above the street about 500 ft away. He was able to
take two black and white photos before the object flew away.
Witnesses were Mr. G.A. Oversocker, Mr. Wm. Hoodles and Mr. E.L.
Mr. C.D. Lawrence photographed a broadside view of a cigar-shaped
airship about 40ft long and pointed at both ends.
Mr. G.L. photographed a cigar-shaped object over Little Rock early
in the morning.
An individual identified only by the initial I. claimed that he
had photographed an unidentified object over the city.
An unidentified individual claimed to have photographed an
unidentified flying object over an unspecified place in Ohio.
An unidentified individual claimed to have photographed an
unidentified flying object over an unspecified point in New Mexico.
Mr. William Lamb observed and photographed "wheels in the sky" over
M. Giraudon observed and photographed a huge round sphere of light
at ground level in broad daylight in the Zoological Gardens at
Basel. At that time it was called a psychic sphere. The
photograph shows the brilliance of the object illuminating
everything around it.
Mr. David Packer observed a strange luminous body in the daylight
sky and managed to get a photograph of it.
A large dark lens-shaped object was seen and photographed over the
harbor anchorage. In the photograph, two Clipper-type sailing ships can be seen at anchor below the object. The shadow of the object on the water is wider
than the length of the ships.
A traveler on the Trans-Siberian Railway who had set up his camera to get a picture of
the train during a relief stop, suddenly spotted a brilliantly luminous flying object in
the sky. He was barely able to move the camera and adjust the setting in time to get one poor picture on tintype before the craft was gone. The UFO was headed in an easterly direction, moving
right and left, leaving a bright trail behind it. The Tunguska
explosion occurred the same day.
A one line entry without details reported a UFO photograph on this
date by parties unidentified.
A small lens shaped flying object was photographed moving in front
of an old style building at about waist level. This picture came
from an old family photograph album and listed no details.
Sr. Alfredo de Fendricas, a photographer for a local weekly
newspaper, took two pictures of a large round luminous flying
object above the heads of thousands of witnesses. The huge
brilliant object is seen as it emerges through the clouds in one
photo, and is shown below the rain clouds in another. Witnesses
stated, "A hole opened in the clouds and the object came through."
It made a circle overhead and then began making low passes over the
crowd, so low that they felt the head and ducked in fright. Some
said the heat from the object dried their clothes, wet from the
drizzling rain. The object at times
hovered, and it revolved on a vertical axis. Estimates of the
number of witnesses varied from 12,000 to over 60,000 in all.
A photographer identified as Moltschanow reportedly photographed an
unidentified flying object. No other details are available.
Cameraman Michael Conversa photographed 13 star-like objects near
the position of the moon.
"Los Angeles Times" staff photographers snapped several photographs
of 15 or more silvery UFOs caught at night in searchlight beams. The objects
were circular in shape and somewhat luminous. 1,430 rounds of
anti-aircraft artillery shells were fired at the craft during the one hour
sighting. Nothing was shot down. Witnesses included
searchlight crews, gun crews and thousands of spectators.
Mr. C.J.J. (known to Leonard Stringfield) saw a massive wingless
object appear suddenly behind a US Bomber on
anti-submarine patrol, overtake it and fly alongside it for 15
minutes. Sgt. F.M.B. took a number of photographs with a L-20
8"X10" negative plate official service camera. The object then
gained altitude, made a 180 degree turn and sped away. Only one
photograph of the lot, the one taken with a filter, turned out
satisfactorily, and in C.J.J.'s words, "was a perfect print."
Intelligence has never released any of the pictures or any report
on this case.
Masujiro Kiru was going through his father's photo album
from the China Campaign just before WWII when he found a photograph of a
flying object. His father, now deceased, had bought the picture from a Tientsien
street photographer, apparently right after it was taken. In the
photograph one can see a low-domed disc-shaped object approaching
a few hundred feet above the heads of the
people, many of whom have stopped to look and some of whom are seen
pointing up at the UFO.
Mr. Kazuo Sakata photographed a hazy disc-shaped object flying in
the sky over the airfield. The disc is seen edge-on.
An official Japanese Army photographer shot pictures of four hazy,
luminous, very bright objects of spherical shape hovering
in the sky above a flight of Japanese Bomber aircraft undergoing maintenance on the flight line.
An official Japanese Army air photographer snapped pictures of a small
dark, round, seemingly light-absorbing flying object. It was following a Sally Bomber in a
three-ship formation in flight over the inland sea. The alert
cameraman spotted the intruder and quickly snapped the pictures
before the machine vanished.
A German Air Force photographer snapped a picture of a bright
slightly radiant globe of light in the daylight sky above the wing
of a neighboring aircraft in the formation. The airplanes were
Norwegian craft.
A Japanese Air Observer snapped a picture in flight of a two bright
cone-shaped smaller objects near two Ida Reconnaissance aircraft flying in the same formation. The aircraft were on a mission during the war.
An official Japanese Army Air photograph shows three large very
bright spheres in the sky above Type 97 Bombers flying in formation
An official Japanese Army Air photographer photographed huge
bright, misty outlined spherical flying objects over a parked
formation of Japanese Bombers. The airplanes were starting their engines to fly a mission.
An official Japanese Army photographer snapped pictures of a wide
"V" formation of six bright misty-looking disc-shaped flying
objects above an airborne formation of Japanese Army Fighter
An official photographer of the Japanese Army shot a picture of a
small dark dense-looking spherical object following a formation of
Type 99 Lily Bombers in flight. The object is seen very close to
the tail of one of the aircraft.
Five separate photographs of the devastation of the recently
destroyed city of Hiroshima show dark lens shaped UFOs high in the
Mr. Fred Strange, observed and photographed five disc-shaped
objects in the sky. One frame showed three of them together. They
were seen as blurry white round bodies. The fourth and fifth
objects were present when he made the pictures but were not in the
image frame.
An unidentified flying object was reported photographed in the
skies of Switzerland by Herr Haupmann. No other details are
Newsman Erik Reuterswaard snapped a picture of a comet-like object
in the sky above the islands just outside Stockholm. With
super-sensitive processing performed at the request of the Swedish
General Staff, a cylindrical projectile was found in the midst of
the "flame." These objects became more popularly known as "Ghost
Rockets" because of a lack of launching facilities available for
such vehicles.
Several photographs of "Ghost Rockets" were published by the
"London Daily Telegraph" during the year.
An unidentified flying object was reportedly photographed over
Puerto Rico. No other details were given.
Mr. Harold A. Dahl, a fisherman from Tacoma, took three black and
white photographs of six donut-shaped objects in flight overhead.
He noted his estimate specification on the face of the photographs,
which were taken by one of the official investigators in this case
and were never returned (believed to be a government official).
One of the machines seemed to be disabled. The craft, an estimated
2000ft above, were about 100ft in diameter with a 25ft hole in the
center of the ships. "Portholes" six feet in diameter were spaced
evenly around the outside rim, and there were dark circular
"windows" around the inside of the hole and the bottom. The photos
were badly over-exposed and were covered with dark specks.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness named Sprinkel. No
other details are available.
US Navy CPO Frank Rayman photographed a white round object in the
sky in the late afternoon.
An unidentified flying object was reportedly photographed by a
witness named Crossland. No other details are available.
Mr. Albert Weaver photographed two small metallic looking discs in
the sky overhead. They were of a dark shiny color.
Mr. Al Hixenbaugh made photographs of heavy contrails in the sky. The contrails were left by very fast moving objects of a kind
entirely unknown at that time. No known aircraft could travel at
the speed indicated by the pictures.
Three disc-shaped flying objects were photographed together in the
sky over the Five Points district of the city. One is seen as a
circle and the other two are flatter and plate-shaped.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by witnesses Jung and Johnson.
No other details are available.
William Rhodes made three photographs of a heel
shaped object flying in the air over Phoenix. He took his film to
the local newspaper and it was published on the front page of a
Phoenix paper the next morning.
A report of a UFO photograph with no details was listed in the
Information Retrieval Center Printout (a computer printout) with no
other details except the source code shown.
Mr. John H. Hanssen, aviation editor for the "Daily Record," saw
and photographed six luminous discs or spheres in trail formation
in a hazy sky. Four of them are shown in the photo taken. He was
flying his own airplane when he took the picture. He described the
objects seen as "strange Wraith-like circular craft with a flanged
and projecting rim around the middle which was dotted with
steamer-like portholes." A few weeks later, again while flying a
light plane, Mr. Hanssen saw two similar objects approach. They held his airplane
suspended in mid-air, both engines quit running. When he was
released he was able to start the engines again, and land normally.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
L. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
P. No other details are available.
Mr. Charles Shangle photographed a faint grey disc-shaped flying
object surrounded by a lighter halo. No other details are
available, except that the disc was seen high in the sky.
Mr. Joseph Hofard saw and took several photographs of 7 or 8
brightly luminous torpedo-shaped objects in the sky flying at
terrific speed over woods and roads. They emitted no sound but
glowed like phosphorous. One photo shows three of these objects
flying in formation.
Two unidentified witnesses observed and photographed a yellow ball
in the sky leaving a trail of milky-colored streamers behind it.
No other details are available.
Mr. Raymond Johnson observed and photographed a large yellow
luminous mass with a double tail, flying in the sky over Ontario.
The Canadian Army photographed a UFO over Nova Scotia. No other
detail and no copies of the prints have been released.
Mr. Duane Wray observed and photographed an exploding fireball as
it climbed rapidly up into the sky. It "exploded" many times.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
N. No other details are available.
A USAF Patrol Plane shot Air Force gun camera photos of six
solid-looking domed discs flying in perfect formation out over the
ocean. No details have been released.
A white mist-like domed disc-shaped object was photographed flying
over the desert flats near the Rincon Mountains.
A picture was reportedly taken of a UFO flying over an Army Base in
Kentucky by a witness identified only as W. No other details have
been made available.
Mr. Paul Brennon of Paris observed and photographed a small dark
walnut-shaped object flying in the sky and leaving a bright
Commodoro A.V. Orrego shot still and 8mm movie footage of a very
large cigar shaped flying object that hovered over and maneuvered
about in the skies above the Chilean Antarctic Station.
Dr. Luis Enrique Erro observed and photographed a large circular
UFO. No other details are available.
Mr. Mikel Conrad filmed 90ft of motion picture footage of UFOs seen
flying about in the clear Alaskan sky. No other details are
available. The source clipping was not identified.
A United States military aircraft snapped photographs
of three domed disc-shaped objects flying in formation over
Stephensville. They quickly outdistanced the aircraft and flew
Mr. Lloyd Sanders photographed a luminous beehive-shaped UFO rising at high speed. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed over the Pacific in the vicinity
of Catalina Island. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
S. No other details are available.
A UFO was reported to have been photographed at Lebec. No other
details are available.
Herr H. Bosshardt saw and photographed a double-domed disc-shaped
object with an upper tower structure. The object is seen edge-on
at low altitude.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
W. No other details are available.
Reverend Gregory Miller shot three rolls of 16mm black and white
film and 10 still pictures of a large disc-shaped object that flew
in and out of a searchlight beam. Smaller triangular objects
seemed to come out of the larger main disc and fly around
independently, about five objects to a group. They came down the
beam and then turned away. The light beam bent toward the discs
when they were not in the path of the beam.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
Conrad. No other details are available.
Dr. C.D. Shane, an astronomer at Lick Observatory, made
eight photographic plates of a strange flying object very high in the
sky and moving unusually fast. He considered it one of the strangest things he had ever seen, and saw it only by chance.
A UFO photograph shot at El Paso was reported to
Project Blue Book. The photograph and details were never released.
Mr. R. Ellis photographed a dark metallic object
descending from the sky with a trail of fire. It is seen at treetop
level flying along the river.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by witnesses identified only as
Erron and Munch. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
H. No other details are available.
Ms. Bette Malles photographed a spindle shaped image by the
photographer. She was unaware of its existence until the photos were developed. It could quite possibly be a lens flare.
Mr. Rand Herman photographed a very large luminous football-shaped object
flying above the water, leaving a vapor trail behind it.
A UFO was photographed by a witness identified only as Behen. No
other details are available.
An anonymous photographer took several pictures of scores of disc-shaped objects as they maneuvered back and forth over the
city. They were observed zigzagging and zipping rapidly in all directions. Witnesses said that collisions
seemed inevitable but none were observed. One large red-colored
object was observed above the many silver and silver-gold toned ones.
There were hundreds of witnesses.
A photograph of a UFO was reportedly taken at Farmington. No other
details are available.
Mr. Irving Underhill reportedly took a picture of a UFO. No other
details are available. The incident was reported to Mr. Wendelle C. Stevens,
ufologist, following a lecture.
German Air Force Flak Sergeant D. Ussel reportedly photographed a
UFO in the vicinity of Monument Valley, Arizona.
Sr. Enrique Hausemann Muller observed and photographed a huge
brilliant flying object that looked like a large Catherine Wheel in
the night sky. It emitted a loud drone as it flew.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
Davis. No other details are available.
A UFO was repeatedly photographed by a witness identified only as
Engman. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
Macey. No other details are available.
Mr. Dean Margen was walking in the woods with his camera,when he came upon a silvery metallic looking domed disc hovering at treetop level above a clearing. He managed to get one picture before the object accelerated and flew away at
incredible speed.
Official cameramen at the United States Test Center shot 30ft of
16mm movie film of a round dark flying object following a test
missile launched from the center. The strange object was filmed with
Askania Cine Theodolite cameras.
Mr. Mikel Conrad shot 8mm movie film of eight disc-shaped objects
taking off and landing. The incident was reported verbally to Wendelle C. Stevens, ufologist, following a lecture.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
Edwards. No other details are available.
Dr. Bossa snapped two indistinct photographs of
a non-symmetrical disc or spheroid shape together with a larger
cigar shape in the sky.
Official Proving Ground cameras captured two photographs of several
disc-shaped UFOs. The photographs have never been released publicly.
Mr. George Adamski observed and photographed a huge bright cigar-
shaped craft crossing the face of the moon. (This photo has been
confused with another believed to have been shot as early as the
end of 1949).
Mr. George Adamski observed and shot a picture of three luminous,
round UFOs near the rim of the moon. This is
believed to be one of two photographs Adamski gave to government
agents J.P Maxfield and G.L. Bloom. The date is confused because
Adamski was not logging these events yet and could only remember
that the photos were made near the end of 1949. The date shown may
be the first date these pictures were reported.
Mr. George Adamski observed and photographed two lens-shaped,
luminous flying objects an estimated 7.5 to 10 miles
distant. He shot the pictures through his home-made telescope and
camera set-up. In the developed print two more similar objects may
be seen much farther away. The objects left faint luminous trails behind them in the sky.
Mr. George Adamski observed and photographed through his telescope
two luminous objects seen against the moon.
Mr. George Adamski observed and photographed six luminous UFOs in
formation in the sky in the direction of the moon.
Official Proving Ground cameras shot 16mm black and white movies of
bright round bodies moving high in the sky. The objects were
filmed by Askania Cine Theodolite cameras from two separate
locations, and were estimated to be 40,000ft above the Earth, have
a diameter of up to 300ft and be moving around 2,000mph. (note
these were official scientific tracking cameras located at the Missile
Test Center).
Mr. George Adamski observed and photographed a brightly luminous
object in front of the moon. The pictures were made through his
home-made telescope and camera set-up.
Mr. Al Hixenbaugh observed and shot 50ft of 16mm black and white
movie film of a dark disc-shaped object in flight over Louisville.
The image had to be greatly enlarged to bring it out clearly.
A US Navy photographer shot pictures of a very strange lens-shaped cloud over the port.
Dr. Hugo Francisco Luis Niotti observed and photographed a strange
cone-shaped object as it flew across the road in front of him at a
point between Yacanto and Cordoba. Although he was carrying a camera
loaded with film in his car, he was only able to get one picture on
black and white film before the object flew away. The
Aeronautical Information Service of Cordoba examined the negative
and stated that they could find no evidence of forgery or fraud.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
Rockman. No other details are available. This may confused with the
report by Frank Rayman of pictures shot on 07-04-1947.
Mr. Bob Jung observed and then photographed a bright luminous flying
object over the stack of a ship standing off the island.
Official Proving Ground cameras photographed a blurred ellipsoid object over the test center. Range Askania Theodolite
cameras recorded the pictures.
CWO Nick Mariana observed and shot 16mm movie film of two bright
disc-shaped objects in motion in the sky. All of
the close-up footage was removed by the Air Force and was never
Mr. George Peck witnessed and shot photographs of four glittering
spheres with smaller discs around them.
Mr. A. Johnson saw and photographed a strange
circle with a black dot in the center. Rays of light eminated from
the edges of the circle like the spokes of a wheel. It had a long
comet-like tail and was in view for 15 seconds.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness known
only as Murphy.
Mr. Eugene Havord photographed two white disc-shaped objects with
a hazy outline as they flew by.
A solid-appearing UFO with a trail, not too clear, was photographed
by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Col. G.D. Carter saw and photographed a dark spherical UFO with a
long trail behind it.
An unidentified witness observed and photographed a cigar-
shaped object hovering in the air above a blast furnace.
An unidentified witness photographed three football-shaped objects
flying in a dark night sky. The objects were as low as treetop
Mr. M. Bicknell and another airline passenger observed and shot 8mm
movie film of a huge cigar shaped object in flight near the
mountain. The movies were taken from a Lockheed Loadstar airliner
in flight on a regular passenger run.
A UFO was photographed by a witness identified only as H. No other
details are available.
Mr. George Adamski claimed he observed and photographed a large dark cigar-shaped object through his telescope. It launched smaller, domed, discs with bright lights all around the rims. The five smaller craft are seen in the last picture together with the larger mothership.
Mr. George Adamski observed and photographed a large submarine-shaped space craft operating at very high altitude above southern California. He used his 6" Newtonian Telescope and a homemade camera attachment to make the pictures.
An unidentified flying object was photographed by official Proving
Ground cameras. No photos or details of this event were ever
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness in St.
Raphael. No other details are available.
A UFO was reported photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
Official Proving Ground cameras shot 200ft of 35mm Theodolite movie
film of a bright round UFO flying close to a B-29 Bomber.
No film, photographs, or details have ever been released. Special
scientific cameras were used.
An Official Photographer for Mexico City's International Airport
shot pictures of three bright spherical UFOs over the airport. The
airport was closed to traffic during the incident. There were
hundreds of witnesses, and many were seen taking pictures.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
Mr. Carl J. Hart jr. snapped five black and white photos of many
luminous round UFOs flying in a double "V" formation in the night
sky. He took two of the photographs of the first formation to go
over and three snaps of the second formation of objects that passed
a little later.
Mr. Guy B. Marquand jr. photographed a
hubcap-shaped disc flying out over a mountain valley. He
later admitted having faked the picture by sailing a hubcap out
over the valley from a rise he was standing on and then
photographing it.
Mr. George Adamski shot a picture through his telescope of a
large disc-shaped object. It appearedas if there was heat wave radiation
coming from the aft rim.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly observed and photographed by a witness
identified only as M. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
Umberto Traversetti observed and photographed a disk-shaped object in the sky with four Vampire jet fighters. The
dark UFO left a lighter trail in the sky behind it for a
short distance. The Vampire fighters appeared to be above and
beyond the UFO.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness shown
only as S. No other details are available.
Mr. George Adamski observed and photographed, through his homemade
6" telescope, a large cigar-shaped object very high in the sky.
Mr. Paul Eisenberg observed and photographed a dark circular disc-
like object in the bright daylight sky.
Newsmen Ed Keffel and Joao Martins of "O'Cruzeiro Magazine" were
covering a groundbreaking ceremony near Copacabana when they saw a strange
aircraft approaching. Cameraman Ed Keffel snapped five black and
white photographs as the UFO flew directly over them, circled Pedra
de Gavea Rock, and then flew back out to sea. The developed prints
showed a clearly outlined and sharply detailed solid-looking disc-
shaped object estimated to be at least 50m in diameter and 5m high.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
An Air Force Major and members of an official US Air Force UFO
Investigation team were at Davis-Monthan AFB interviewing witnesses to a sighting of a UFO from a B-29. After breaking for lunch, they saw many people in the streets of the base looking up
at two domed, metallic, disc-shaped objects. They were maneuvering over the military base in
clear view of everybody. Occasionally one or the other made low passes over
the base while the other remained higher up. The UFO Investigative
Team members ran for their cameras, and
began taking pictures as fast as they could. They shot
four Press Packs of film with a 4"X5" Speed Graphic camera and one
roll of film in a Bush Pressman camera, and they also shot 35mm
still and 8mm movie film of the spectacular objects. The Speed
Graphic film showed a UFO image larger than 1/4" on one or more of
the plates. Statements were taken from over 20 witnesses. They
described the maneuvers the craft had made over the airfield. Hundreds more such statements could
have been taken that day. Key officers were immediately called to
the Base Theater for a briefing on security, and were then required
to hold similar meetings to advise all base personnel
of their responsibilities in security matters such as this.
Eight copies of the complete classified report were prepared
according to standard instructions and were addressed as required
according to prescribed routing. As far as can be determined, all
the lower echelon copies were subsequently called forward to higher
levels of command and were never returned. All notes, leftover
photos, and other scraps of information from the report were
shredded and burned as soon as the report was assembled. Nothing has ever been seen
of this case outside of the few military men who handled it and
prepared the report. Nothing has ever been released to the public.
This is one of the many reports that never got to Blue Book files.
This information was obtained from a confidential statement by one of the team members.
A UFO was reportedly observed and photographed by an unidentified
witness. No other details are available.
Columbia Pictures cameramen were shooting a movie scene at Central
airport when they saw a mysterious object in the sky. They trained their telephoto lenses on a shiny fast-moving object.
It was visible briefly, then disapppeared at high speed.
Homer Davis of Columbia Pictures saw the UFO three times.
A UFO was photographed from a B-36 Bomber by an unidentified crew
member. No other details area available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
CWO Delbert Newhouse shot 16mm color movie film through a 3"
telephoto lens of several white spherical objects flying
horizontally. The objects passed each other
as they flew. One object left the formation while the
others continued to fly "closed circles." Dayton Laboratory
calculated their speed at 1000 mph. This was 7 miles from
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
N. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as
M. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No
other details are available.
USCG Seaman Shell Alpert saw and photographed four huge bright
cloud-like spheroid masses flying in horizontal formation.
He snapped a picture through the screened window of the building.
A silvery disc-shaped object with a dark center underneath was
observed and then photographed high in the sky above a layer of stratos
clouds. It reflected the sun brilliantly
from the silver part as it moved silently from west to east. Four good black and white photographs were made by M. Andre Fregnale during the one minute observation. The object was
flying an estimated 1000m above the ground. It suddenly speeded up
and flew rapidly away. Fregnale used a Zeiss Ikonta camera with a
Tessar F 45mm lens set at f5.6 and 1/250th second. A Wratten #15
filter was used in front of the lens, and the pictures were shot on
Pan-x film.
A navigator aboard an Air Force C-54
Skymaster flying from Tachikawa Air Base toward Oshima Island in
Tokyo Bay, snapped photographs of a pearl-colored spherical flying
object hovering in a trough in the stratos clouds below.
Sr. Domingo Troncoso, a government employee in Aduanas, observed and photographed a large cigar-shaped object
flying horizontally and leaving a heavy smoke like trail that can
be seen reflected on the waters of the Madre de Dios River below.
Its speed was estimated at over 400mph.
Washington RADAR Center made a scope photograph of six UFOs
surrounding an F-102 Delta Dart jet fighter from Newcastle AFB.
The jet was dispatched by the Air Force to intercept the UFOs
maneuvering in the prohibited airspace over the Capitol. (Note
that this predated the big Washington flyover by exactly ten days).
Official USAF gun-camera film (16mm movies) shot by the second wave
of jet interceptor aircraft during this initial "Washington Mini-
Flap" clearly showed the huge orange colored luminous spheres in
the dark sky over the Capitol.
A UFO research group received a
photograph of one of these strange UFO intruders hovering over a
Beech Bi-plane at its mooring in Alaska.
Based on the vegetation in the photo, it is estimated to
have been taken in mid-summer.
Mr. George J. Stock, who had a lawn mower repair shop in Passiac,
was in the yard working on a mower, about 4:30pm, when he happened
to look up and see something unusual flying in the sky. He yelled
to his father in the house, "Bring out my camera! Bring the
camera!" and his father came right out with his box
reflex model. George took it and began to shoot pictures as fast as he could. The craft
came directly over his house from the IT&T tower, a 16 story
building nearby. George snapped seven shots on black and
white negative film of the object as it
passed over him. He estimated it to be 20 to 25ft above
the ground. It slowed, hovered momentarily, and then accelerated
and flew away across the back yard.
In March of 1967, at Yungay, high in the Ancash Mountains of northern Peru, Sr. Augusto Arranda photographed two circular craft that had approached the area in which he was hiking.
Early in the morning on 8 August 1953, Mr. Albrecht Steiner noticed a dark gray, domed disc moving slowly in the gray morning sky near his home. It had three hemispherical protrusions visible on the underside, which he took to be some kind of landing gear. He obtained his camera and was able to snap three black and white photographs of the object, now hovering at an elevation above the horizon from his position. Suddenly it accelerated and rapidly flew away.
At about 11:00 a.m. on 17 July 1955 Mrs. Elizabeth Klarer was walking on a high meadow in the mountains of Natal, carrying a simple box camera when she spotted a disc-shaped, metallic object flying through broken clouds above her. The disc form appeared over the Drakensberg Range, hovered, landed, and then took off. It rose vertically through the mid level clouds and disappeared. She was able to snap seven black and white photographs of the ship before it flew away. She was alone at the time.
At Kaizuka-City, near Osaka, Japan, young Yoshinari Baba, a 14 year old student, snapped two black and white photographs of a domed, silvery-grey object passing low over the rooftops of the city. It was after school on 31 October 1958, and Baba was in the photography store looking at cameras. He took one of the demonstrators out onto the balcony outside to sight through it, when suddenly he spotted the object passing above the rooftops toward the southwest. Then he quickly focused the camera and snapped a picture, forwarded the film and snapped another as fast as he could.
At Oberwesel, Germany, at about 15:00 on 8 March 1964, Herr Harry Hauxler was riding a train through the low countries along the Rhine River. He was idly gazing out the window as he rode along. His camera was laying on his lap. All of a sudden, a rapidly rotating disc jumped up into the air along the side of the tracks, and started rising into the sky. Hauxler was able to raise his camera and snap one quick photograph before the craft passed out of sight.
At 6:10pm on October 21, 1965, Mr. Arthur Strauch, Deputy Sheriff of Sibley County, Minnesota was returning with some friends from a bow hunting trip by car when he spotted a strange looking flying object about 2000ft above the ground. Deputy Strauch stopped the car and with his friends watched the flying object. Strauch got out to see better with the 7X35 binoculars he had, while the others watched from inside the car. The object was a luminous, flattened, cone-like disc with a low curved dome on the top. The low dome or cupola on top radiated a bright yellow-white light, shading from a bright orange to glowing brownish color from the center out, on the metallic rim flange of the disc. A still brighter white light shone from several "windows" or ports of a half-round or half-oval shape around the dome, near the point where the base of the cupola joined the flange of the disc.
At 5:00pm on March 5, 1967, 15 year old John Coyle and his sister, 13 year old Miriam of Hallam, Victoria, Australia, were walking across a paddock near their home when they saw a strange flying object. "I had just bought a camera for one dollar at Coles', and we started off to the station to photograph the train. Then we realized it was too late and turned back. As we were crossing the paddock, Miriam noticed what she thought was a fast moving plane. When I saw it, I said 'Oh, that's a UFO', and she said 'Don't be silly'. I readied the camera and took six photographs."
At 3:00pm on September 6, 1970, Sergio E. Schlimovich was preparing to photograph the Parana River from the terrace of his home when he saw a strange shiny flying object approaching. He quickly shot two color photographs of the bright, disc-shaped craft as it flew at low altitude.
At 4:00pm on February 12, 1971, a family who had recently purchased a new home in the northern part of the French island of Corsica, were preparing their camera to take a picture of the new house when one of the party noticed a glint in the sky and looked up. They all looked up to see a shiny, metallic object glinting brilliantly where it caught the sun's rays in the clear blue sky. The object was disc-shaped and had a low-profile curved dome on the top, with some kind of oval-shaped or rounded-rectangular black marks or openings around its sides. The craft was moving silently in a slow curving descent course in the calm afternoon sky.
At 6:00pm on July 19, 1974, a low-domed, disc-shaped object paced an automobile being driven along Route 226 near Balcarce, Argentina, by Sr. Antonio Le Pere. It was near 18:00 hours when Le Pere noticed the object keeping pace with him from a position only a few hundred meters to his left, and barely 10 meters above the ground. Le Pere slowed his auto as he readied his camera, and snapped two good clear color pictures of the intruder before it started climbing and few away.
Around mid-day on April 27, 1961, Bruno Ghibaudi, driving the highway paralleling the beach at Montesilvano (Pescara), felt a tire go flat and stopped. He got out his tools and began changing the tire. As he was working, he noticed an unusual disc-shaped flying object coming in at a low level over the ocean. It was circular and looked metallic. It passed overhead, slowed, made a sharp turn towards the north and flew away.
On March 8, 1975 in Ober-Sadelegg, Switzerland, Eduard J. Meier was
summoned telepathically to bring his camera to a contact with
UFO's. Ten short rings on his phone confirmed the communication.
After riding his moped to an unidentified location took several rolls
of pictures of a disc-shaped object flying back and forth across
the sky.
At 12:30pm on May 23, 1971, Rudi Nagora and his wife had driven into the country south-west of Munich for a Sunday walk in nature away from the hubbub of the city. As they walked down a grassy trail they heard a low humming sound and saw a bright silvery circular object. It looked like no airplane they had ever seen. It was "flitting" erratically, changing direction and speed abruptly. Mr Nagora was able to take several photographs of the object before it flew away.
At 3:00pm on December 22, 1958, Dr. Stanislaw Kowalczewski, a well known medical doctor in general practice in the area, was with his wife at a health resort in Muszynia, not far from Krynica in the southeastern part of the country, when he snapped a remarkable photograph of a UFO. Dr. Kowalczewski was standing at the window of the clinic, camera in hand, preparing to take a picture of the view. The day was rather cloudy and windy, but from time to time the sun would come out. The doctor took a picture just as the sun shone through the clouds for a moment. After the developed film was returned Dr. Kowalczewski was astonished to find on the picture a dark object in the shaped of a disc, with a dome on top.
During the day of October 28, 1961, Chan Ching-lai, an architect, spotted a dark, circular object flying in a very strange fashion in the bright sky. The craft seemed to be smooth and featureless except for a wide dome on top of the upper curved surface. It also appeared to have a hazy corona or field of some kind surrounding it. He aimed his camera and snapped two pictures on black and white film of the strange flying object before it rapidly flew away.
On August 29, 1962, Gianni Settimo, his wife, his mother and daughter were on an outing, walking a mountain trail. Gianni's mother had brought her camera with her, expecting to take pictures of the family. At 11:40 local time, they saw a strange circular object in the sky above. It was dark and dull finished, and appeared to have a rounded dome on the top. Gianni took the camera and snapped six photographs of the object before it flew away.
One day in March 1967, a young United States Marine Medic, riding in the back of an Army truck near Chu-Lai, South Vietnam, spotted a very unusual object. It was flying at low level over the rice paddies. He knew it was like no airplane he had ever seen before. It was a dense dark lens-shaped mass paralleling the road. He heard no sound from it. He readied his camera and snapped a photo.
During the day of June 9, 1968, 13 year old Jonas Lindh happened to look out of his bedroom window. Much to his surprise, he saw a dark, round disc-shaped object appear out of the clouds almost above his house. It was about 100 yards away and was a featureless dull gray with a kind of raised dome on the upper part, and was completely silent. He quickly grabbed a camera and took two pictures before it disappeared in the clouds.
At 6:30pm on September 23, 1968, Sr. Yamandu Lopez, a highly respected jeweler in Montevideo spotted and photographed a typical UFO. Yamandu and three of his sons were together at the time and the boys also witnessed the UFO.
On December 6, 1968, Sr. Pedro Chavez, a photographer for La Prensa, on assignment in Sicuani, Peru, was in the cathedral square when his attention was drawn to three dark lens-shaped objects moving in the sky above him. He had his camera with him and was able to snap two black and white photographs before the objects disappeared.
At 1:30pm on August 24, 1971, 13 years old Noboru Shinkawa observed and snapped a photo transparency of a dark, lens-shaped flying object meandering through the sky from southeast to northwest.
At 12:50 p.m. on June 8, 1972 in Trieste, Paulo
Cernik took two pictures of a disc-shaped object flying over the
At 11:00am in December of 1972, 14 year old Joakim Perssons saw a bright silvery craft of an unusual circular form flying through the clear blue sky about 50 meters above the roof of his home in the city of Trelleborg. He grabbed a camera and took four color photographs of the mysterious thing before it disappeared.
At 12:52pm on January 4, 1973, Mr. Yusuke J. Matsumura, a Japanese businessman, was riding a domestic airliner from Hamburg to Frankfurt to catch a flight to Tokyo. As the aircraft was climbing out from Hamburg, he spotted a small, dark lens-shaped object several miles away and also up above the cloud level. He raised his camera and snapped two color photographs of the object.
At 12:00pm on November 12, 1974, eleven year old twin brothers, Yoshitsugu and Katsuji Iino, were looking at the sky from a back window of their home in Obihiro City when they noticed a mysterious dark disc-like flying object hovering in the sky. One of them went for a camera while the other kept his eyes on the object, and they succeeded in snapping four color photographs before the object rose into the clouds and disappeared from view.
At 7:30pm on March 23, 1974, Sr. Cesar Elorda, senior employee of Y.P.F. in Comodoro Rivadavio, was 16 Kilometers out of Caleta Olivia when he noticed a strange circular aircraft approaching from the ocean to the east. It was traveling in a westerly direction, across the highway. It continued its course and passed over his car. He could clearly see that it was not an airplane. He stopped the car, got out with his camera, and was able to get one good photograph before the object was too far away.
At 3:20pm on February 18, 1975, an unidentified witness saw and photographed a disc-shaped object flying in the sky.
On the afternoon of January 5, 1975, 14 year old David Mahon was walking through a wooded area near his father's farm. He had his camera along hoping to get some nature pictures, and had taken one of a clump of flowers fairly close and was looking for more. It was near mid-afternoon when he heard a sudden sound like a big electric motor. He turned in the direction it was coming from and was astonished to see a dark circular disc-form moving slowly, it faded out to a dark fuzzy haze around its edges. When he overcame his initial surprise, he remembered his camera and started snapping photographs as fast as he could. It hovered only a moment and then sped off in a westerly direction. In the short time it was present David managed to get five pictures on film.
At 9:00am on May 11, 1975, young Ryutaro Umehara, snapped 4 color pictures, of a featureless dark lens-shaped object flying in the sky as it descended in a falling-leaf fashion.
At 10:00am on July 11, 1976, Sr. Eduardo Gizzi and his family, driving their automobile from Victoria to Diamante, noticed a very strange flying object approaching at low altitude from the West. At first they thought it was a helicopter because of its compact appearance and low-level altitude, but as it came closer and they could see it in better perspective, they could see that it had no rotor on top and was not shaped like a helicopter. The object took up a position to their right and for some 15 or 20 seconds paralleled the Gizzy automobile. This allowed the witness to take one good color photograph of the flying craft without stopping the automobile.
At 4:00pm on April 23, 1950, Mr. Dean Morgan stumbled upon a UFO at low level, near the ground in a very secluded area. He was coming down the south side of a wooded hill not far from Red Bud, when the woods suddenly broke away into a clearing. On a gentle slope crossed by utility lines, he saw the craft, and was able to get one photograph of it before it took off.
On December 4, 1976, Chilean and Argentine Naval ships were standing off Decepcion Island in the Antarctic, evacuating personnel with helicopters as rapidly as they could be found. A massive volcano was erupting from the depths of an old lake on the island and the large scale rescue effort had been initiated. Some 30 Chilean scientists, 14 Argentines and 8 Brittons were rescued as tons of ash, rocks, and molten lava were thrown high into the air.
At 12:30pm on May 20, 1971, two 16 year old boys, Eduardo Ponce and Jairo Castro Zarate were walking in the La Calera hills northeast of Bogota when they began to descend to the plain below. At that point they saw what they at first thought was a bird in distress, because it was flying in such a strange way. It was "flitting" erratically about with abrupt changes in direction and motion. The boys thought that it was too big to be any kind of bird. They discussed this and decided to take pictures of it with the new Voitlander Vitomatic II, 35mm camera they were carrying. It was equipped with a Prontor SLR lens, which they set at infinity. It was using ASA 100 color negative film at the time. They snapped six photographs of the object before it suddenly flew away.
At 3:30pm on March 10, 1977, young Ricky Brandenburg was on the porch in front of his house, watching his mother as she leaned on the mailbox to talk to a neighbor lady. She asked him to bring the dog's dish out, and he was just doing so when he happened to look over towards a two-story house to his right, on the far end of the row of houses. He saw a strange object in the sky beyond. As he watched it, it came around into an open space and he could see that what he initially thought was an airplane or helicopter was actually something quite unusual, and he went into the house to get a camera to take a picture of it. He started taking pictures as soon as he returned with the camera. He took five snapshots out in front of the house as the object moved rapidly across his field of view. He thought it was gone and started telling his mother what had happened, when he thought perhaps it would be visible from the back yard. He ran through the house to look, and sure enough, it had come around and was out there, only much closer. He got three more pictures before it went around the house again, so he ran back through the house and out front once more, and saw it in time to get another picture, roll the film, and snap once more as it bobbed a couple of times and rose almost vertically out of sight.
At 2:00pm on June 21, 1977, a witness who declines identification snapped a color photograph of a shiny circular disc-shaped metallic flying object that had a high raised cupola on its top side. It was flying high above the trees, and above the lower scattered puffy white cloud level, but well below a higher cirrus layer of thin clouds. The brushed-silver disc had a smooth unbroken lower surface and a three-tiered dome. The lower part of the dome had a red-orange color, with a light yellow colored part above that which was topped by a reddish-gold knob at the uppermost level. No seams, joints, ports or projections of any kind marred the unbroken finish of the shiny craft.
At 4:00pm on November 15, 1978, Sr. Roberto Edilson Perez observed and photographed a shiny metallic-looking craft with a high dome on top and also a shallower dome bulging from the bottom surface of the object. The main body of the ship was circular, like a thick disc, almost the shape of an inflated inner tube of a tire. It had two raised center structures, and was of a reflective silver color with a reddish spot or domed projection from the top of the upper cupola. The object was seen and photographed against a clear deep blue sky with a higher layer of thin scattered clouds behind it as it moved about in the sky.
At 10:00pm on July 28, 1952, August C. Roberts, George Conger and Jim Leyden were on official duty in the local Skywatch Observation Tower. "Jim Leyden was in the tower and George Conger and myself were outside back-to-back, each watching half the sky, when George Conger suddenly remarked, 'Hey, what the hell is that light out there!' And I turned around and looked, and in the direction of the Empire State Building was a glowing - pulsating - machine in the air; not a light now, a machine. It had a rim spinning in a counter-clockwise direction, and a glowing red dot in the center underside of this spinning rim. The object was anywhere from 50' to 100' in diameter. It's motion in the sky was very 'fluid'. We immediately called the Filter Center, and they saw the object on RADAR. I do have a copy of the RADAR report of it in the New York area that night. We watched it for three to five minutes as it was moving in the sky, and I took two pictures of it. The pictures did not come out well because I had borrowed a camera, a small cheap camera that even turned out to have a sticking shutter, that did not close properly and stuck. I had left my Press Cameras at home -- never dreaming of any eventuality such as now was happening. I can readily assure that, had I had my Press Camera there that night, things with the picture would have been a lot different, because I would have been able to properly photograph something that I know is operating in our skies, and it would have been proof. As it is, this is proof to me. All I have to do is close my eyes and there that object is. My mind is closed to the thought that it can not exist. I just can't accept that, for I KNOW."
At 12:25pm on June 30, 1954, K.G. Jensen was in a crowd of people on the beach waiting to observe a total eclipse. He had his camera with him and was snapping pictures of the event. As it got darker and the night-effect clouds began to form, he noticed an unusual aircraft flying at about the level of the clouds there over the beach. He raised his camera loaded with color film and snapped one picture of the object before it flew away.
At 8:00pm on June 1, 1967, a group of summer picnickers escaping the heat in the city were lounging in the shade in a small park along the southwest side of Camino a la Colonia. They were across the road from the castle and grounds of San Jose de Valderas, where the Santa Monica convent stood. At just before dusk they were surprised to see an unusual aircraft approaching at a very low altitude from over the castle and some electrical towers. The towers were of the main east-west power transmission line running through the area. There was also a secondary power line running northwest-southeast and parallel to the road. The object approached from the east toward the power tower, where it made a 300 degree curve to its left and passed horizontally from left to right beyond the road but paralleling it. After passing the park, it made another curve to the left, back toward the east, where it briefly settled to the ground in the scrub area on the castle grounds a couple of kilometers away, remained a short time, and then rose into the air and flew away. Two picnickers recovered from their surprise in time to grab their cameras and begin taking pictures of the craft.
At 10:30pm on March 5, 1951, Mr. George Adamski succeeded in photographing the "big one" that he had observed on several occasions previously. He had rigged a home-made camera attachment to the eyepiece of his telescope and had been able to photograph some of the strange glowing flying objects with moderate success earlier. He had been advised by his intelligence contacts to try to get a picture of the big one since it was thought to be the source of smaller craft already seen and photographed. At night the smaller objects glowed with a yellow-orange luminosity and in daylight they looked silvery metallic and reflective. But this night, he was looking through his telescope and picked up the big cylinder shape again. As he watched, a bright glow appeared on the belly of the dark shape, and he snapped a photo of it.
At 7:15pm on July 3, 1967 Joseph L. Ferriere went to east Woonsocket to investigate reports of a strange object flying in the area. He was about to give up and leave when he suddenly spotted a large cigar-shaped object hovering in the sky. After taking four pictures of the large object he noticed a smaller disc-shaped object coming out from the larger object and took a picture of the disc-shaped object also.
On the morning of May 6, 1974 , Mrs. Mitsuko Yasuzuka, a 40 year old teacher who lives in Iwabune, was walking on Yaizu Beach when she decided to snap a picture of a large black rock in the surf. When the developed prints came back from processing she was surprised to see that she had captured something else in the picture. There was a huge cigar-shaped dark object very high and far away in the sky beyond the big black rock.
At 10:00am on July 29, 1974, a high school student at Kirigamine, Nagano Prefecture, young Takayuki Hanawa photographed a dark cylinder-shaped flying object above a beautiful green field. Hanawa did not notice the object at the time he was taking the picture.
At 2:30pm on September 3, 1975, 12 year old Hirohito Tanaka was doing his homework in the living room of his house in Nagoya City. He happened to look up and out the big picture window and saw something flying high in the sky above the scattered clouds that day. Looking closer, he could see that it was a very unusual flying machine, dark and cigar-shaped. He obtained a camera and quickly snapped 8 photographs of the cylindrical ship that was launching and recovering smaller circular domed disc-shaped machines, some of which came down and flew low over the city.
At 1:30pm on September 12, 1975, and only nine days after photographing the carrier ship, Hirohito Tanaka saw the small ships in the sky over his city again. It was just after lunch when he happened to look outside and saw the small disc-shaped flying objects again flitting about and performing their now familiar falling-leaf maneuver. There were seven of them in the southwest sky and they were disc-shaped with a raised dome on top.
At 2:00pm on October 4, 1975, high school student Hirohito Tanaka watched a small bell-shaped flying object descend to near ground level in a "falling-leaf" motion. It left a trail of white vapor or exhaust in its wake. Near the ground it steadied, levelled off, and flew out of sight. He grabbed his camera and ran to the balcony where he managed to snap several black and white photographs of the ship. When the white trail drifted to the ground it was found to consist of web-like filiament that evaporated in minutes. The white material seemed to be ejected from the top part of the small ship.
At 2:00pm on December 8, 1975, Hirohito Tanaka saw a small circular craft with a raised dome on top as it flew southwest of his home. The ship had an under-carriage consisting of three hemispherical protrusions mounted 120 degrees apart on the bottom surface of the vehicle.
At 2:00pm on April 9, 1976, Hirohito Tanaka saw a small dark circular flying object with a raised dome in the center. It was making a low pass over the roof of his neighbor's house. Grabbing his Instamatic 126, he ran to the balcony and shot seven pictures in rapid succession. The domed disc was moving in a zig-zag and falling-leaf fashion as it flew. It was dark colored and he could not see much detail, only noting its strange movements.
At 3:00pm on July 24, 1966, Harold Trudel and Joseph Ferriere had gone out into the East Woonsocket area, near Diamond Hill Road, where Mr. Trudel had previously snapped black and white daylight pictures of a domed, lens-shaped UFO. Earlier that Sunday afternoon, they had been discussing reports of sightings and decided to hike up into the area to see what they could find. Suddenly they spotted a lens-shaped object flying on edge, like a rolling coin. Mr. Trudel snapped one picture of the object and as he was getting ready to take another picture a second object arrived. He snapped the second picture just as the two craft were meeting. As he was winding the film for a third shot the UFOs did a loop under the power lines and then sped off.
At 11:00pm on November 9, 1966, Mr. Harold Trudel was sitting in his car, scanning the skies for a strange luminous object he had seen several times earlier. Suddenly he spotted a golden-yellow glow below the horizon. A luminous object was moving very slowly across the sky. He took six pictures before the object disappeared.
At 12:00pm on June 10, 1967, Harold Trudel spotted a silvery disc-shaped object with a dome on top. It was moving in a bobbing and weaving motion as he stopped the car and got out with his camera. He focused his camera and managed to shoot seven good black and white pictures of the object before it left the scene.
On June 16, 1967, Harold Trudel was back out in the bare scrub area searching for evidence of the object that he photographed only six days earlier. He was able to snap seven photographs of a similar or possibly the same ship.
One morning in June of 1968, Leo McCabe was walking in a relatively deserted scrub area with his small plastic Brownie camera when he spotted a shiny object flying at low level. It was slowly turning around a vertical axis as it moved over some scrub brush and sparse tall grass. It had a prominent raised dome on the upper surface and a flatter dome on the underside. This object flew fast at times, and it also hovered nearly still.
At 12:00pm on May 12, 1977, a UFO descended slowly as Lee Elders snapped two photos, with his Olympus CM-1 w/75-160mm zoom lens and 2X adapter. It began to ascend again, never changing shape or density as it moved.
At 4:30pm on December 21, 1961, Mr. Yusuke J. Matsumura, a passenger on JAL Flight #307, happened to look out the window of the plane toward Mount Aso. He was surprised to see a slender, almost needle-shaped "cloud" of a distinct color paralleling the airliner's flight path and speed.
At 12:45pm on February 12, 1963, Yusuke Matsumura was riding as a passenger on an All Nippon Airways Boeing 727 jetliner flying at 7,000 meters when he spotted two needle-shaped slender whitish objects paralleling the airliner's flight path.
At 11:00am on June 22, 1966, Mr. K. Furudate was riding as a passenger on ANA Flight #240, cruising at 15,000 feet above the Seto-Inland Sea near Osaka, when he saw two slender objects moving around in the sky.
At 4:30pm on July 19, 1952, the attention of Peruvian Customs Inspector, Sr. Domingo Troncoso, was called to a very strange cigar-shaped object over the river area, close to Puerto Maldonado. The big dirigible-shaped craft was flying horizontally and fairly low in the sky, passing from right to left. It was leaving a dense trail of thick smoke, vapor, or substance of some type in its wake. The substance appeared to be emitted from the aft end of the craft. It can be clearly seen to be well above the broad-leaved jungle trees along the bank of the river in the foreground of the picture. The object was estimated to be over a hundred feet long.
At 6:30pm on February 7, 1963, Sr. Felix Carrizo and his wife were driving their NSU Prinz automobile westward on Route #5 from Buenos Aires toward La Pampa. They had been driving steadily for some time and pulled off the road for a short rest stop. It was then that Sra. Carrizo noticed a strange aerial vehicle drifting their way. It was a stupendous craft, floating at a steeply inclined angle to the horizon. It was inclined at about 80 degrees above the horizon, sloping only ten degrees from zenith, and was drifting in the air about one hundred meters above the trees. Carrizo estimated the slender cigar-shaped object to be about 200 meters long and 20 meters in diameter. As it got closer he could see that it had a silvery-gray color, and was cylindrical in shape, with a row of six rectangular "windows" along the side which were brightly lighted from inside. The second and third "windows" from the upper end glowed brighter than the others. The light from these panels was so intense that it hurt the eyes to look directly at them. Remembering that his camera, an Alpha-Alnea, was in the trunk of the car, Felix ran to get it, readied it and took one photograph of the machine.
At 11:28am on August 20, 1957, Kyoko Takeda was working in the small garden by her house in a suburb of Yokohama. She looked up and saw an unusual cylinder-shaped object with rounded ends flying high in the sky above. She just stared in surprise for a few moments and then called her brother Shinichi and pointed it out to him. It looked like a big metallic cocoon. Besides reflecting the sunlight brilliantly, it seemed to give off some light of its own. The craft was flying at an estimated 3,000 to 4,000 meters above them in a southerly direction. Shinichi ran into the house for his camera, focused it, and when the object was directly overhead he carefully centered it in his viewfinder and snapped the first picture. Shinichi was able to snap three pictures before the object disappeared.
On June 27, 1967, Mr. Jefferson Villar, of Union City, succeeded in photographing a bright silver-colored capsule that passed over his head. Several similar sightings had been reported in the vicinity. It reflected the sun's rays and made a strange noise as it flew along. Villar managed to get his camera into action and snap six good color photographs of the clearly defined cylindrical structure with rounded ends. It looked to be solid and real as it passed at low altitude above a house and telephone wires. Villar estimated the object to be flying at between 1,500 and 2,000 feet above the surface at that point. We have been able to obtain only one of the pictures so far and we have not seen any of the others.
At 6:30pm on December 26, 1970, Actavio Cruz observed and photographed a brightly luminous capsule-shaped object flying slowly along at an elevation of 20 to 30 degrees above the horizon in the late afternoon sky. He was able to get two color pictures of it as it moved from right to left, changing the pitch angle of the nose of the craft as it flew along. The object was so light in a light sky that it is very difficult to reproduce here, being all but invisible in any but the original print. .
In August of 1973, fifteen year-old F.S. was taking a picture of the night sky, when by chance he observed and photographed a brilliantly luminous capsule-shaped flying object. He had his camera set for a star picture when the unexpected object flashed into view in the night sky. It was quite bright and left a luminous trail in its wake. In the developed print the object shows up clearly against the dark skies. The photographer was using a Nikomat FTN camera with a Nikkor 50mm f1.2 lens mounted.
At 5:30pm on September 2, 1973, a silver cylindrical object with rounded ends was observed flying over Sayama. It looked like a vehicle reflecting the sunlight in the sky at first, and Mr. Hitoshi Mizutani prepared his camera to take a picture of what he saw. As he watched, it began to change color to red and then to orange in about five seconds. He took one color photograph of the mysterious craft with an Asahi Pentax SP camera with a Takumar 50mm f1.4 lens set at f4 and 1/500 second exposure on Fuji N100 film.
At 2:00pm on May 30, 1975, a senior Army Colonel from the Cuartel General (General Headquarters) in Buenos Aires snapped three color photographs of a glowing capsule flying the city. He had gone home for lunch, and observed the object through his bedroom window. He called for his camera and snapped the three photographs from his bedroom. His teenage son witnessed the incident.
At 5:05am on July 23, 1975, M. Jean Bonnet observed and photographed a radiant luminous orange colored capsule flying at a relatively low altitude over the countryside. This object was of the same shape, proportion, and almost the same orange color as a similar object photographed over Buenos Aires, Argentina on May 30, 1975. Bonnet knew nothing of the Argentine photos taken only a few weeks before.
At 6:30pm on May 9, 1976, Ms. Silvia Marie Weber was walking along Pehuenco Beach in Buenos Aires Province, about 60 kilometers northeast of Bahia Blanca, when she saw a number of people watching an unusual luminous yellow-orange capsule-shaped object flying slowly above the surf in the late afternoon sky. She went and got her camera and returned in time to snap one color photograph of the object before it flew away.
At 5:45pm on May 28, 1977, a Comodoro in the Argentine Air Force, was driving his automobile about 20 kilometers south of Alberti in the Province of Buenos Aires. His son was riding along with him. The teenage boy first spotted the brightly luminous orange-colored object flying slowly from north to south beneath the low overcast clouds. The father tried to see the object as his son made him aware of it, and finally stopped the car to try to see better. He got out with his camera, a Practika Pentacon 35mm hand-held model with a 50mm lens attached. They could clearly see the object moving along under the low clouds. Before the father was able to take the first picture, two brightly luminous yellow-white objects came out of the larger capsule-shaped "mother-ship" and started to fly around it. The Comodoro tried to snap pictures as fast as he could, but almost immediately after launching the smaller craft, the larger ship disappeared into the clouds above followed in quick order by the smaller objects.
At 4:00pm on October 20, 1957, just to days after seeing a big craft behind his house, Tom O'Bannon was surprised to see this small one hovering over his back yard in the same place.
On April 24, 1959, Helio Aguiar, a 32 year old statistician employed by a banking firm in Bahia Brazil, was riding a friend's new motorcycle along the highway to Itapoan. As he came to the stretch of highway passing Piata Beach in the Amaralina district, the machine seemed to lose power and he looked around in dismay. Suddenly he noticed a big silvery-gray disc approaching from out over the water. It was shaped something like a Cardinal's hat with a number of "windows" or ports of some kind visible around a high raised dome on the top side. As it flew along it changed its pitch angle and he could see the underside. There were some strange markings or symbols. He could not make out what the letters were. By this time the motorcycle had almost no power at all and the engine finally just quit. He put the stand down and got off to check the bike, when he noticed the Captain's camera strapped to the luggage carrier on the back of the machine. Looking back at the flying object he saw that it was much closer. He untied the camera and opened it up to take a picture of the object. He adjusted the settings and took four quick shots as the object made a sweeping turn from sea toward him over the surf line. Then he began to feel a strange pressure in his brain, and a state of progressive confusion overtook him. He felt vaguely as though instructed by somebody to write something down. As he was winding the film for the 4th picture he lost all sense of what was happening and does not remember taking it. The next thing Aguiar knew he was slumped over the motorcycle and the UFO was gone. In his hand he held a slip of paper with some words in his own handwriting on it. It said: "Put an absolute stop to all atomic tests for warlike purposes. The balance of the Universe is threatened. We shall remain vigilant and ready to intervene."
At 2:10pm on July 13, 1962, Yusuke J. Matsumura, an officer of CBA (Cosmic Brotherhood Association), headquartered in Yokohama, was riding an All Nippon Airways Viscount turboprop airliner enroute from Sapporo to Tokyo when an immense disc-shaped craft approached from the left front of the plane and passed beyond the wing tip and to the rear of the airliner. Matsumura had been riding with his camera in his lap and he managed to snap two good pictures of the slightly hazy UFO.
At 1:10pm on September 27, 1965, Mr. K. Kawai, a local businessman, was riding on an All Nippon Airways Boeing 727 jetliner near Mount Tsukuba, when he saw a hazy gray circular disc-shaped craft flying off the right wing tip of the plane. It passed from rear to front in a slow trajectory, and Kawai readied his camera and shot three pictures of the object before it passed and disappeared from view.
At 1:00pm in January of 1967, James Bjornstad, a Research Consultant at the Christian Research Institute in Wayne, New Jersey, was driving through Mahwah when his attention was attracted to something flying in the sky. Through the trees along the street he could see a dull dark gray object hovering. Stopping the car in front of the Immaculate Conception Seminary, Bjornstad got out with his Japanese brand 35mm hand camera loaded with outdoor color film, walked to a better vantage point, adjusted the distance setting and snapped one picture of the strange flying machine.
At 11:25am on May 21, 1972, Antonio Silva Menezes was crouched on the rear patio of his home in the suburb of Liberdade de Salvador in Bahia, trying to take a picture of his cat, when he noticed a huge circular object flying in the clouds overhead. He immediately focused on the object and managed to get a picture of it before it flew away.
At 1:30pm on March 18, 1975, Patric McCarthy had gone to an abandoned quarry to try to photograph some wild birds. He looked around in the desolate area for some time and had just started to walk home when he saw a massive circular object in the sky. He started taking pictures as fast as he could.
At 2:00pm in November of 1976, Mr. Tony Hartono, an engineer, had taken photographs of an off-shore oil rig his company was building. He had one from the left and was standing on the platform facing the sea, wondering what he could photograph to finish the roll of film. His attention was drawn to a little dark speck in the sky which grew larger as it approached. It became a yellowish color as it approached. He used his last shot to capture this object on film.
Travelling to his village along the Vyatka River,
comrade M. Volosnikov noticed that an object was following the boat.
The body of the craft resembled a crescent moon. Veering to the
right, the craft disappeared from view. Finding that several
others had witnessed the same mysterious object, Volosnikov discussed the
possibility of it being an "evil spirit."
On a hot summer afternoon, engineer I.V. Surkov observed a white,
luminous object hover in the northern sky. Nearly twice the
size of the moon, the UFO began to fly on a
southerly course. As it approached several clouds in the sky, the
clouds vanished only to reappear after the craft had passed.
The boy, V.N. Bronyukov, and his friends looked up from their play
to see a star move across the sky. It moved at a
quick pace changing heading to the northwest. The children watched
the craft for about 10 minutes before telling their parents.
In the evening hours near Petroskiy Gate, comrade A. Ignatveya
observed a luminous sphere flying only a few feet above ground.
Silently the craft flew from the north to the south in an
almost perfect straight line.
Noticing a strange whistling sound and a cool breeze, comrade N.A.
Gosteva saw a semi-solid grey cloud in
the shape of an oval. The phenomenon was larger than an airship
and was gone before Gosteva could alert the rest of the station crew.
At first, the villagers of Suzdal thought that the strange light
hovering just above the ground was an automobile headlight.
However, when the light began to rise and spin in the air, they
realized that it was not a car. Comrade G. A. Podoshivin, and two others,
attempted to get close to the yellow, glowing object. The light
vanished and then reappeared 10 minutes later at a farther location.
The object did this repeatedly throughout the night.
At sunset, comrade Boris S. Khmyrov watched a strange object fly
across the sky from horizon to horizon. As the craft reached the
lowest point of its flight, a disc-shaped craft appeared next to it
and sped off towards comrade Khmyrov.
Comrade V.A. Golenkov, walking to his factory, was spellbound by
a bright green star that hung in the sky. Rays began to sprout
from the object. Then a dense fog surrounded the object forming
a spherical cloud. After the transformation was complete, the
craft began to move out of sight, but not before emitting a smaller
star-like object.
Hunting in the early morning hours, aviation engineer Alexander B.
Kadachev and his father came across a strange saucer-shaped craft
hanging in the sky. For several minutes, as the sun rose, the pair watched the
nearly black object. The two men lost
sight of the craft when they decided to head back into the forest.
Eight people, including ,the senior scientist at the Institute of
Applied Geophysics in Moscow, comrade A.D. Danilov watched a bright
disc hover along the western horizon approximately an hour after
sunset. Suddenly, the disc began to move rapidly and grow in diameter. As the object increased in size, it began to fade, until it disappeared from sight completely.
Scientist A.D. Danilov, and his crew of researchers, were again
witnesses to a strange flying craft. A saucer shaped craft flew
from behind mountains to the west into the view of the group.
Comrade Danilov and crew had a similar sighting on 07-06-1960.
On a windless day, a yellow
rectangular object hovered motionless over the city.
Scientist Golubov, a witness, said, "What held it there was
completely incomprehensible."
Housewife V.N. Govorona, strolling in the town park, watched
in fascination as a metallic disc flew across the sky. It was so high that it appeared small against the clouds.
A bright white UFO was
observed moving from north to south across an eastern mountain range by
a party of geologic scientists. Among the group were Nikolai A.
Voroshilov, geochemist, Yevgeniy A. Sizov, geophysicist, Nikolai N.
Sochevanov, geophysicist, and Victor N. Tulin, geologist, along with their research assistants.
Engineer Y.M. Novikov and other witnesses were
startled enough by the appearance of a strange black cloud
that radiated a dull reddish light. When a beam of red
light appeared out of the cloud and materialized into a solid
shape, everyone became quite concerned. For five minutes
both cloud and UFO hung in the air above the frightened onlookers.
Walking home from a concert, artist Y. Krivtsov and some of his friends
observed a formation of eight or more silent UFOs, flying north
at extreme speeds. At an altitude of 3000ft, the craft were still
large enough to cover a good portion of the sky.
Air force reserve officer S.N. Popov along with three
friends observed two large saucers moving in leapfrog
fashion. The craft then joined to move side by side. The UFOs passed over the
men's heads and emitted a strange blue light. "It was as if some
natural calamity had occurred. It was a very unpleasant feeling,"
said Popov of the flyover.
Ferrying a group of students around in a truck, Mr. Bold
Khaserdzne, working for the Mongolian Chamber of Commerce, watched
the flight of a saucer-shaped UFO. It rose northwest of the city and climbed at great speed. Suddenly the craft made a 90 degree turn and flew north for several minutes. The craft soon touched back down, and disappeared.
Twice the diameter of the moon, the object surrounded a bright, star-like point. Astronomers M. Gadshiyev and K. Gusev observed the movements of the object from the observatory's portable telescope.
Glider pilot and engineer V.Y. Leya, along with several of his
fellow pilots, watched a sphere, flattened at either pole, move in
an arc across the sky.
Geologist I.N. Almazov and his crew of researchers witnessed the
flight of two luminous spheres as they passed almost directly over
their position at about 4200ft. The first craft was bright
white; the second was similar except that it had
blemishes that resembled craters on its surface. Suddenly,
the second UFO changed to a grey color and began emitting two beams
of light at half minute intervals. Both craft continued
on course over the researchers toward the mountains.
A radar operator on secret night flights alerted his commander
that several blips on his screen, moving at approximately 500mph at 150,000ft.
Soon the craft dropped to 90,000ft. After several minutes at that
altitude, the blips further descended to 75,000ft. Suddenly the
craft were at ground level, having descended at a
tremendous rate. The movements were confirmed by a ground radar
station in Tiraspol. This incident had the Soviet military on full
readiness for nuclear attack.
On assignment to check the progress of an oil find, a group of scientists from the
Volgograd Oil and Gas Research Institute watched the
flight of a red star-like object. It was bigger than a satellite.
As it crossed the night sky, the object began to descend. As it
reached a certain height, the object changed to a bluish color and
exploded soundlessly. In its place was a opaque blue cloud.
Comrades Mr. and Mrs. Nikiforov watched a pulsing reddish saucer
shaped craft hover only feet above the ground. Its speed was
almost a crawl.
Comrade N.Y.
Marsov, bathing in the Kubek River, watched a
metallic ball hover in the sky. As clouds moved toward the ball, they were dissipated.
Lidia Pavlovna Iliana, a
senior spectroscopist for the Berezovskaya expedition, and F.A.
Chesnokov, a heavy equipment operator, were at an all night cafe when they observed a strange orange
saucer cross the sky. Almost as bright as the moon during the day,
the craft was followed by several clouds that kept pace with the
Directly overhead with a diameter approximately one-third that of
the moon, a metallic saucer shaped craft crossed the sky. Comrade
V.I. Duginov watched the craft while waiting for the bus.
I.S. Rybak, suffering from insomnia, observed a strange, circular object, four times larger than the moon,
cross the sky.
Checking equipment before he turned in for the night, engineer T.N. Kanshov sighted a UFO, twice the diameter of the moon, move from
south to north. The craft had beams that extended from
its hull. Before vanishing, the object grew three times larger.
Mj. Y.B. Popov, Lt. A.S. Nikitenko and several local
residents watched the flight of a cigar-shaped object that floated more than half a mile above the ground. Passing overhead, the
craft rose into the night sky and disappeared into space. Discussing the
sighting, the witnesses said that the craft resembled an ocean
liner in its silence and slow movement.
S.V. Ostrovskiy and his
companions, thinking that the strange object streaking across the sky was
a meteor, kept cursory track of the object's flight.
However, once the object descended to an altitude of one mile, and
started to level off, the witnesses knew it was no
natural phenomenon. The craft flew close to the surprised
witnesses. Suddenly, the craft shot away at high speed
showing a bright orange tail in its aft.
Moving from west to south, the luminous globe accelerated above the
disc of the moon and shot off into the night sky leaving only a
faint trail. Comrade M. Gavrilyuk and his wife were stunned as
they watched the flight of the object in the clear night
Camping near the Don River, Docent Y. Krasuntsev and his
son were on their annual hunting expedition when they observed a
crescent-shaped object hover in the sky and vanish. They then
noticed that two star-like objects were passing across the clear
night sky. One of the two craft began to emit sparks, and then
changed into the shape that they first observed.
As the orange, half-moon shaped craft moved from west to east, Dr.
Boris Dikhedeyev and companion first noticed a trail of vapor, and then
the craft itself. The trail was formed in the front of the craft,
instead of the aft, as it moved over the forest.
Comrade S.V. Zazulya and his wife observed
a strange cloud moving at a high rate of speed. It outpaced the
clouds as it moved out of sight.
Walking home from the cinema, comrade A.A. Podgorny sighted a
saucer-shaped object, half in shadows, fly northward. Several days
later, comrade Podgorny observed the same phenomenon again.
From the sea, a yellow, saucer-shaped craft flew over the heads of
comrades V.N. Chernyavski, his wife N. Ognevoy and a friend S. Voronov.
Before the craft was lost to sight, one of the men held up a
two-kopek coin, at arm's-length. It covered the object exactly.
A flat disc, with the speed of a conventional propeller-driven
aircraft, flew near the city where L.V. Antonova, editor
of "Thought," and T.I Dantseva, a Fellow at Kurchatov Scientific Institute, and four friends watched the flight of the object. They
estimated that the craft flew at 350mph.
Fishing on a cool summer afternoon, young Y. Divak and
his friend noticed a strange reflection in the water near their
boat. Also, the normal sounds of the nearby city were being
distorted. As one of the boys looked up, he almost tipped the boat
in fright. A metallic UFO was hovering above them. After a few
seconds, it flew away.
Comrade I. Kosov, his wife and farmer P.I. Marchenko observed the
flight of a luminous red disc traveling from southwest to
Captain Markov, engineer Ivanov and captain's assistant Bazhinin
reported to the bridge of the Soviet vessel Izhevsk after navigator
Sysoyev issued an alert. They all observed a white globe moving over the surface of the sea to the south. Minutes later,
another bright object appeared high in the sky. It emitted a
series of color patterns. This was repeated at various intervals.
A huge ring-shaped object, large enough for an airliner to fit
inside the band, flew across the sky and was observed by comrade
Y.G. Solovyev, his wife and son.
A.A. Sazanov, ionosphere specialist, V.A.
Tsion, scientist from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute and seven
members of a biological expedition, observed a crescent-shaped UFO of
reddish color move over the Moscow Academy of Sciences
astronomical observatory. Moving at a constant speed,
the object flew from the Big Dipper to Cassiopeia in approximately
30 seconds.
Enjoying their vacation, the Lytkinys took in the sun on the shore
of the lake. Occasionally glancing skyward, comrade Lytkiny
noticed a strange, elliptical shaped object flying towards
the Carpathians. Both he and his wife watched the object
perform a series of remarkable maneuvers before continuing on
course. Minutes later, a similar object, with black antennae
protrusions, performed similarly for the couple.
Comrade V.M. Chernov watched the flight of a soundless yellow disc-shaped UFO as it moved to the northeast. Using binoculars, Chernov
observed the craft fly into a bank of clouds. When it emerged, the
craft had changed to a faint green color.
Physicist Mikhail F.
Zherebin and three companions were leaving a ceremony when they noticed a strange "mistiness" off to
the north. As they watched, the cloud transformed into a yellow
saucer shape approximately the size of the moon. A flash of light
followed, and the craft became bright orange. The witnesses were
able to watch the craft for 12 minutes.
Flying in a straight line to the southwest, a metallic saucer-shaped UFO was observed by comrade N.N. Pronin, editor of "Mysl,"
and his wife. The craft flew at an altitude of 2500ft with its
convex area facing forward.
An anonymous witness followed the flight of a lens-shaped craft
with a smaller companion star. The craft headed northeast.
Travelling with a group of communications specialists A.
Serdyukov sighted a moon shaped craft rising
above him in the sky. Suddenly the craft began to descend
leaving a luminous vapor trail. The men stopped and got out of
their vehicles to watch the strange show. After 40 seconds, the
object began to swing, transforming smaller and redder. Finally,
it vanished completely.
A metallic and triangular object hovered over the shore
then began to move parallel to the shore line. After a few minutes the craft
descended then rose into the sky. Finally, the UFO disappeared
from sight altogether from sight. The craft was seen by engineer V.N. Chechyanov and many of his coworkers.
On duty to perform basic medical care for the people of the
town, a Moscow doctor watched a luminous, spherical UFO move inland
from the sea. People attending an open-air movie watched the craft
instead of the feature.
Z. Kadikov, an astronomer for the Kazan Engelhardt Observatory, observed a luminous, saucer shaped UFO cross the sky to the northwest. The
craft had pointed horn-like protrusions and emitted a pale blue vapor trail as it flew. Kadikov estimated the diameter of the object to be about 1800ft and its speed to be three miles per second.
Student N. Savrasov and his mother-in-law saw a small, spherical UFO that seemed to be pulling a much larger, spherical cloud-like object across the sky.
Comrade and Mrs. Masgutov watched a ringed, spherical
UFO spin wildly about its axis. For several minutes, the red craft
spun ever quicker, until it finally disappeared.
Flying in the direction of Zlatoust, a white, cigar-shaped craft
was sighted by comrade I.S. Lunyanov.
A group of anonymous witnesses observed a hemispherical craft hover
just above the ground. After several seconds, the craft, emitting a
painfully bright light, ascended rapidly.
Flames could be seen licking the sky as a spherical UFO moved
from one horizon to the other. Comrade V. Treychis estimated the
craft's diameter to be 300ft.
Listening to an important report of the current Five Year Plan,
V. Rogov caught sight of green flashes as an object sped
across the sky. Watching the craft from his porch, Mr. Rogov
thought it strange that a meteor would disappear then reappear
along the same path. After noticing the object was disc-shaped,
the man realized that it was no meteor.
Test pilot Arkady Apraskin followed closely behind the object, trying to get
within firing range. He had been ordered to shoot down the banana-shaped
object he was chasing. Just before he got within firing range,
the UFO emitted a beam of light that temporarily blinded Apraskin
and knocked out his electrical systems. Fortunately, the pilot
managed to glide safely in for a landing.
Mr. Isidro Puentes Ventura, a member of the Cuban army reserve,
was on patrol near his home when he stumbled across a brightly lit, dome-shaped craft with a variety of antennae protruding from its hull.
Thinking it was an American helicopter, Ventura fired upon the UFO.
Seconds later, it emitted a beam that knocked him unconscious. The
man was found the next morning in a coma.
Russian military intelligence and science officers were called in
to investigate. They found several indentations in an ash-covered
landing area, 15ft in diameter. As well, 48 casings and
deformed bullets were found at the sight. Upon examining the radar
logs, the Soviet experts found that a large craft had been tracked, but
it disappeared in a series of electronic noise storms.
Mr. Ventura, two weeks later, regained consciousness and told the
authorities all that he remembered of the incident.
A 1500 ft. cylinder, flying with its bow tilted towards
the ground, was seen by the entire population of the city. Flying at
an altitude of 5500 ft., the craft flew at a estimatedrate of 65mph
towards the outskirts of town.
Comrade I. Veselova watched a strange shape hover above the city
about 1000ft in the air. He recalled that the craft was "three
times the size of an aircraft."
A fiery sphere hung in the sky over Vologda for several minutes,
and was reported to authorities by comrade Ms. O. Lubnina.
Frightened school children watched in horror as a small luminous
object sky descended to a nearby field. After hovering there for
a time, it moved toward the nearby river bank. Splitting in
two, there appeared "a headless person in dark garb" whose hands reached lower than his knees. Suddenly both the craft and the individual disappeared.
On a routine patrol mission, the pilots of a two-seater Soviet jet found themselves face to face with a strange craft of unknown origin. When they reported their incredible sighting, the aircraft was struck by a beam of intense power. One pilot immediately fell unconscious while the other managed to land the jet despite his pain and the damage to the plane. Emergency crews rushed to assist the pilots but were unable to save one of them. The surviving man still suffers ill effects from the encounter.
"On the evening of October 18, 1967, while it was still twilight, I went out on Pravda Street in Rostov on Don, and I saw an object overhead. It was shaped like a disc or a sphere," recalled Comrade S.A. Alferov, dean of the Rostov Manufacturing Institute of Agricultural Machinery.
"On November 30, 1964, at 1500 hours universal time an unusual celestial object was observed at the Shemakhinsky Astrophysical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan," read the journal of astronomers M. Gadzhiyes and K. Gusev.
Comrade Malichev was painting a landscape in a pasture outside of Solnechnogorskwas when he was startled by a strange hand touching his shoulder. Malichev turned, and found three strangely clad beings, two males and a female, standing in front of a saucer-shaped craft. They asked him telepathically if he wanted to join him on their journey, since they found him uniquely well-balanced for a human. Comrade Malichev declined and watched them enter their craft which was now altering shape.
Minutes after the craft had ascended, Malichev again found himself in contact with the beings. This time the painter decided to join them. He was taken to a planet with three moons. Also, he remembers being observed for the duration of the flight.
At one point, Comrade Malichev met a deceased friend who, along with the aliens, showed him the three stages of human development.
Comrade Malichev has undergone many psychological and physical tests subsequent to the abduction.
"To His Highness the Archimandrite Nikita, to His Eminence the Starets Paul, to their Highnesses the Starets Paul, to their Highnesses the Starets of St. Cyril Monastery, most Venerable lords, salutations from your humble servant Ivachko Rievskoi.
The farmer Lievko Fiedorov, from the village of Mys, has related to me the following facts:
On this Saturday, the 15th day of August of the year 1663, the faithful from the district of Bieloziero had assembled in great number in the church of the village of Roboziero. While they were inside a great sound arose in the heavens and numerous people came out of God's house to watch it from the square. There, Lievko Fiedorov, the farmer in question, was among them and witnessed what follows which for him was a sign from God.
At noon a large ball of fire came down over Roboziero, arriving from the clearest part of the cloudless heavens. It came from the direction whence winter comes, and it moved toward the lake passing over the church. The ball of fire measured some 140ft from one edge to the other and over the same distance, ahead of it, two ardent rays extended.
Less than an hour later, it suddenly reappeared over the same lake. It darted from the south to the west and must have been 1500ft away when it disappeared. But it came back again, to the great terror of all those who watched it, moving to the west and remainig over Roboziero for an hour and a half.
Fishermen who were in their boat on the lake, a little over one mile away, were deeply burned by the heat. The waters of the lake were illuminated to their greatest depth of 30ft and the fish swam away to the shore. The water seemed to be covered with rust under the reddish light," from the St. Cyril monastery records.
Starting their work day, witnesses around Lake Onega were frightened terribly when a huge blue-green oval craft swooped down over the ice covered waters. According to the witnesses, the craft impacted with the ice and left a 30ft long trench. Ice from the scene was analyzed by a joint civilian-military research team and found to be laced with rare metals.
Astronomer Ludmilla S. Tekhanovich witnessed a strange fiery ball hanging over the small town.
"About 30 seconds later a tiny orange ball appeared and circled the larger object. Three more balls performed the same maneuver. The larger object became elongated and vanished. A minute later there was a flash of light and all the objects were gone," the astronomer wrote.
Driving along the road leading to Usovo, Scientist L.I. Kupriyanov and friends watched in amazement as two silvery discs floated over their position. Their car stalled, as did other cars in the vicinity.
Lt. Col. A.A. Semenchenko scrambled to intercept two unknown luminous objects. He recalled, "The target did not respond to the identify friend or foe request. I approached the target to a range of 1500ft." The two craft then disappeared from tracking radar.
The 52 year old owner of a gas station near Perm was feeding her dog, when she saw an amazing light dance above her in the sky. She remembers wishing that the craft would come closer. The light from the craft became even more intense. After the incidence, the woman could no longer recall details of the event. Under hypnosis, however, she was able to rememer two silhouettes standing in the light.
Leaving for work early one morning, after his wife and child had left, Mr. N. answered the front door, expecting his wife to have forgotten something. Instead, a seven foot tall humanoid, wearing silver coveralls and boots, asked Mr. N. for food explaining that he was an alien. Stunned, Mr. N. led the man to the kitchen and prepared several packages of food for him. Afterward, the man and the alien left the house together.
Mr. N. was apprehensive all morning and asked his supervisor if he could leave early. Returning to his house, Mr. N. found that his kitchen had been ransacked and food had been strewn everywhere.
Several unidentified men and women reported to Russian Ufologists that they were abducted for long stretches of time by creatures in craft that would simply disappear instead of flying.
16 year old Natasha Barinova, walking home from school, felt very strange. Compelled to look up, she watched a net-like structure fall onto her. It had a center of enormous brightness, and when she tried to physically push the net away, Natasha received mysterious burns that left the tips of her hands enlarged. Hearing her screams, her family rushed from their house only to watch a saucer shaped object hover some 50ft away. When they approached, the craft ascended without Natasha.
A reddish glowing craft appeared over a park in the small city. Children were amazed and watched the craft open a wide hatch at its bottom. Three-eyed and wearing silver coveralls, a 10ft tall alien peered out at the numerous onlookers. Minutes later the craft landed. The alien emerged from the craft with a mechanical robot and a floating orb. A boy, close to the landing site, tried to move away but was caught in a paralyzing beam emitted through the third eye of the being. The huge crowd began to shout at the alien. Both craft and alien vanished.
Approximately five minutes later, the alien and craft reappeared this time with a rifle-like device. The alien pointed the device at a nearby boy who then vanished. The alien and craft disappeared. Some minutes later the boy reappeared.
Children playing at Mendeleyev Street observed a mysterious craft appear and land near them. Two humanoids, both very large, and a robot emerged from the craft and studied the surroundings for several minutes before leaving.
A geodesic specialist from the nearby Agricultural Institute, Comrade V.A. Kugatov watched the flight of an extremely large, cigar-shaped blimp fly quickly across the sky. It took only a few minutes for the craft to have flown out of the man's sight.
A bright light-colored spherical body was photographed hovering in the sky over troops boarding an HRS-1 Helicopter. A snow-covered mountain is seen in the background.
Mr. Bob Jung reportedly took photographs of a UFO off Catalina.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available. This was reported as a suspected hoax but no reason why was given.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified on as H. No other detail are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Official 16mm gun-camera film was shot of a UFO near Luke AFB. It was filmed from an F-84 jet fighter aircraft. No other details available. The film has not been released by the Air Force.
Captain Roderick D. Thompson of the 3600th Fighter Training Group, Luke AFB, was leading a flight of three F-84 jet interceptor aircraft when they encountered a 300 to 500ft diameter crescent shaped object flying above them. The jets were flying at 25,000 ft and 500 mph when they first saw the object. Thompson gave chase up to 30000ft altitude and 560mph, and when the object began to climb away, he activated his gun camera and shot 30ft of 16mm movie film before the craft was gone.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as H.
An unidentified man noticed a strange conical-shaped UFO maneuvering rapidly in the sky. He turned around and snapped one quite clear picture of the object. It was a very clear day with some scattered clouds. The witness used a Kodak Retina II camera set at f8 and 1/250th second.
M. Hermann Chermanne snapped two black and white photos of a shining metallic flattened circular object hovering over Blandhe Bournf Quarter. The second photograph shows the object "exploding." It had a brilliantly luminous white center with an iris-colored halo around it. When the cloud substance settled to the ground, it was found to consist of a white filament material that disappeared in a short time.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unknown witness in South Australia. No other details are available.
An anonymous witness reportedly photographed a UFO through an 8" telescope. No other details are available. This photo may be confused with one of the Adamski photos although the size of the telescope and dates do not agree with any known Adamski picture.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Don Manuel Carlos Ruiz Schick observed and photographed a very large and intensely bright disc-like object. A coastal artillery battery estimated the altitude at 45km. It was at first seen as an oval shape and then it thinned to a lance-tip shape, inclined to an oblique position before it began to move north. It disappeared in a very few minutes.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Herr Albrecht Steiner observed and photographed a dark disc-shaped object hovering in the sky at an inclination of about 45 degrees from the vertical. The hemispherical protrusions are evident on the underside of the craft.
An pinkish white luminous disc-shaped object was observed and photographed in the night sky. The round object remained stationary in the north at an estimated 1000ft altitude. Then it moved slowly eastward and rose to about 8000ft. A steady white light approached from below and eastward and merged with the larger light. Four more smaller white lights came from above and also merged with the object. The whole thing remained until daylight when it was seen as a small bright shiny object getting more and more distant.
USAF Ground Observer L.E. Towner watched, at 1500ft altitude to the south, a brilliant round or circular object moving slowly in the sky. He snapped the last shots on his roll of film of the strange object before it disappeared.
Air Force gun-camera on an F-84 jet fighter aircraft filmed a UFO during an interception mission from Ellsworth AFB.
Two USAF interceptors chased and photographed a UFO. The UFO turned and followed the jets back towards its home base. The film has not been released by the Air Force.
Director of Civil Aviation T.P. Drury and his wife observed and photographed a strange UFO that materialized in a clear cloudless sky. Drury was taking movies of a native boy spearing fish when his wife noticed a wisp of cloud forming in the clear sky. Together they stood and watched it build into a thick white mass of cumulus cloud. There were no other clouds in the sky at the time. Because of his interest in meteorological phenomena, Drury started to film the odd cloud. Suddenly a silvery dart shot out of the cloud and upwards at a 45 degree angle. The UFO was elongated, like a bullet. It was sharper in the front and appeared truncated at the rear although the tail was partly obscured by a vapor trail. It was metallic and flashed in the sun. No wings or fins were visible. It was traveling at an incredible speed, at least at the speed of sound. It disappeared going up and away in the clear blue sky. The object was completely silent. The original cloud was at that time about 50 degrees above the horizon to the southwest, towards Napanapa. There was nothing by which to estimate altitude and distance.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Newspaper photographer Charles Rogers of Modesto saw a strange light in the early morning sky that seemed to remain stationary. He set his camera up on the roof, left the shutter open for a few seconds and snapped a good photo of an elliptical yellowish light.
Mr. W.C. Hall photographed a tropical hat-shaped UFO of circular form with a prominent dome on top as it hovered over a herd of sheep.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as J. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as Coleman. No other details are available.
Miss Hatsue Yoshiike observed and photographed a glowing cloud-like UFO over the tail of an All Nippon Airways jetliner, Flight#51, parked on the loading ramp.
Lt. Mel Noel claimed he shot 16mm gun camera movies of a UFO from an F-86 jet fighter. He says he photographed five disc-shaped craft 150 to 180ft in diameter and 30 to 40ft thick. They were moving at an estimated 3000mph.
M. Paul Paulin reportedly observed and photographed a bright round light in the sky over Paris.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A Lockheed Aircraft photograph, shot on a gun camera from a T-33 Jet Trainer aircraft, shows a bright round object high in the sky. The photo was taken at extremely high altitude but the aircraft was too far away for good resolution.
An Air Force Patrol Plane shot official color movie of a number of small disc-shaped objects flying toward a huge disc-shaped flying craft.
Mr. William Turrentine photographed a solid looking disc-shaped flying object with a tri-hemispherical structure underneath.
A Marine Corps pilot shot a photograph, from his jet, of a clearly outlined opaque disc-shaped craft in flight in close formation with his plane. The object was a light metallic color on top and had a coppery-bronze color underneath. The Marine Corps pilot was not identified.
Mr. Kevin Power reportedly photographed a UFO over Australia. No other details are available.
A large oval object was photographed about 500 to 1000ft above an Army Plant, It looked like a thick disc form at an angle, and reflected light from the factory below. A bank employee observing from the verandah of his home had his wife bring him their camera and he snapped two black and white pictures. He then reset the camera and snapped a timed exposure of the same object. The first two pictures were badly under-exposed but the third shot came out quite well. The whole observation lasted about 10 minutes.
An anonymous photographer shot four photographs of a 40" octagonal object over the treetops of the city. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Mr. Dan Frankforter, official photographer for the Fairchild Aircraft Corporation, snapped a picture of a new C-119 Air Transport taking off, and also captured two rosy-centered, domed discs in flight high in the background sky.
Photographs were reportedly made of more than a dozen dark disc-shaped UFOs in a cross formation over the Plaza San Pedro. The formation broke up and pairs of craft and singles flew over Rome at low and intermediate altitudes.
An unidentified observer was taking pictures of Mount Gillen when suddenly an 150ft circular object appeared from behind the Mountain. It went higher, then dropped down to come quite low between the mountain and Alice Springs. It was traveling slowly, almost at a hover, when the picture was snapped. It then sped off gaining velocity as it climbed higher and higher into the west. It appeared to have something like heavy "veins" running to the rim.
Photographer Joseph Scayles shot a picture of a winter scene with a strange cloud in the background. Subsequent enlarging and darkening of the print showed a well-defined, domed disc leaving a light trail in the cloud mass.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as B. No other details are available.
13 year old Stephen Darbisher and his cousin observed and photographed a bell-shaped object hovering over a hilltop. The craft was very similar to an object reportedly photographed by George Adamski on 12-13-1952, although this photo is not nearly as clear. The boys were walking up Conniston Hill when they heard a strange buzzing noise over the crown. As they neared the top, the UFO came over it also, in their direction. They snapped one photo before it flew away.
Mr. Cedric Allingham reported that he photographed a bright luminous pyramid of light in the clouds above him which turned into a bell-shaped flying object. He estimated the altitude of the craft in the picture to be about 5000ft.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Mr. J.W. Wasker claimed he photographed a fat-flanged disc looking something like a hamburger bun flying low over the reservoir.
A small flat disc-shaped object with a thick antennae or mast of some kind on its top was photographed near Rouen.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as Villiers.
The New Zealand Air Force received several strips of movie film of moving points of light in the night skies, but they were unable to trace their origin.
Official USAF photographs were taken by staff photographer Robert Brubaker from a Boeing B-29 bomber aircraft a UFO. It was about 125ft in diameter, with a mirrored finish and flew below and behind the B-29. The picture was overexposed but it did capture the flying object. The UFO was estimated to be at 6000ft and moving at about 600mph. The bomber was at 16,000 ft.
Maj. Leo N. Brubaker shot photographs of a gleaming spherical light mass. He was in an Air Force B-29 on a photo mission.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A thick, dark, lens-shaped, flying object with a light on top and two lights visible near the rim was photographed near Marseilles.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Dentist Hallur Hallsson jr. took a whole roll of film of the solar eclipse. The pictures were taken at timed intervals. When the developed prints came back he noticed a distinct luminous round flying object in four of the pictures. The bright disc-like object appeared to move toward the sun from the right, then to drop below the line of sight to the sun and accelerate out of the pictures to the right again. The object is seen quite clearly in two of the pictures, and even some detail of the top of the craft is visible.
German tourist K.G. Jensen was visiting Iceland to photograph the solar eclipse. In one of his pictures he captured a bluish-silver object flying, with a structured dome on top. It was below the clouds and was illuminated on the near side, which should have been in shadow because the sun was on the other side.
Mr. Karl Magnusson shot a whole roll of black and white pictures of the solar eclipse from a beach near Keflavik. The developed pictures showed luminous images that are believed to be lens flares from his shooting directly at the sun.
Johnny Bjornulf and two other newsmen aboard an airliner at 13000ft over Lifjeld, observed and photographed two large disc-shaped circular objects in the air above the airliner. The men were aboard the plane to photograph the solar eclipse taking place when the objects were noticed. The time was nearly simultaneous with the reports of K.G. Jensen and Karl Magnusson, the difference in time reported being due to time zones. The objects were filmed on 16mm color movie film as the objects flew by.
Miss Mildred Maier shot a picture of the solar eclipse. When it was developed, there was an image of a UFO in the picture.
Marvin Tornham captured a large flat disc-shaped object in the sky in the same frame as the eclipse.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A 35mm movie was filmed of a UFO over the island of Bermuda. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Mr. B.V. Simmons observed and photographed a huge multi-tiered disc-shaped flying object in the sky. The photograph is indistinct.
Mr. W.C. Hall reportedly photographed a domed object, shaped like a pith helmet. It was seen above a flock of sheep.
Mr. Buck Nelson reported that he had photographed a UFO near his home.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by Mr. N. No other details are available.
Henrich Kaiser snapped a photograph of what appears to be a line of four disc-
shaped objects standing on edge, one behind another. They are in a horizontal formation, flying above the mountainous skyline.
Three UFOs were reportedly photographed over central Australia by an unidentified photographer. No other details are available.
A remarkably clear sharp photograph was made of a darker, domed disc-shaped object seen over some public buildings in Salisbury.
Miss Paula Brite, location unidentified, photographed a circular disc-shaped flying object hovering overhead.
Mr. K.M. Gibbons and Mr. Alex Ingram observed three glowing disc-shaped UFOs in the sky about five miles apart. Gibbons took three 35mm photos of the objects as they hovered over a mud flat. They wobbled like tops and glowed a radiant blue-white. Two of the discs tilted on edge and streaked up vertically, then the third brightened and streaked away horizontally. Gibbons used a Canon camera with a telephoto lens.
Mr. Daniel Fry reported that he snapped a photograph of a small dark metallic hub-shaped object low in the sky, and offered the pictures to prove it.
A famous writer (who insists on anonymity) who lived near the Eiffel Tower, noticed a round luminous object stationary in the sky toward l'Arc de Triomphe. It had a Saturn-like ring of mist around it. He got his camera and snapped a picture of it. He noticed that nobody in the street below was paying any attention to the object in the sky. He put on his coat and went down to see how long it would take for someone else to notice the object. It flew away before anyone else noticed it. He became depressed about the insensibility of humanity and went back to his flat.
M. Jacques Baccard observed a dark, round UFO leaving a dark trail as it flew. He estimated the object to be about 80m in diameter. It was flying about 1200m above the ground.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A huge white disc, partly obscured by haze, was observed almost directly above the city through a thin layer of clouds. A similar craft was observed at a much higher altitude. Both were photographed in the same frame.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
M. Emile Turpin observed and photographed a brilliant luminous white oval mass in the daylight sky.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beaulieu observed a UFO hovering at the edge of a local lake and snapped a picture of it.
An anonymous teacher photographed a shining reddish object as it flew through the sky at 40kph. It was estimated to be about 200m above the ground and 1000m distant when the photo was snapped. Over a thousand witnesses observed this incident. It was only seen in this particular region. Two color photographs were made in all.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A teacher who wishes to remain anonymous observed and photographed a disc-shaped flying object in the sky above Und.
About seven km from Boulogne-Sur-Mer, Emile Turpin saw a bright reflective metallic disc fly a curved course at 50 degrees elevation descending to 30 degrees. It made a sharp turn and ascended vertically and disappeared. Turpin was able to obtain two black and white photos during the short observation. His camera was a Foca Standard set at f5.6 and f6.3 at 1/100th second on Tri-X film.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Sr. Juan Coll and Jose Antonio saw and photographed a dark circular disc shape in the sky over some mountains.
Prof. Maria Romoli took close-up pictures of a "flaming" UFO. No other details are available.
Mr. Ray Stanford, his brother Rex and a couple of friends observed and photographed an orange-colored, domed disc hovering over the sand of the beach. Rays of light came from the left side of the rim and the cupola.
Sgn. Turi Mattarella took a photograph of a double-domed object over Monte Mario, a hill on the Tiber River in Rome. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness from the town of Wilcania. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Two cloud-like UFOs were observed and photographed as people in the foreground appear to be watching the objects in the sky. This photograph was investigated by the US Embassy and the picture was brought back to the US by Ambassador Clare Booth Luce.
A witness identified only as H. reportedly photographed a UFO over the city of Madison. No other details are available.
A witness identified only as F.C. took three photographs of a bright disc-shaped object flying in the sky over a munitions plant in Rio.. The first and the second photos are underexposed. It hung motionless in a windy sky, reflecting the lights of the plant below. It suddenly took off at high speed and disappeared.
An American engineer shot a picture of five UFOs flying in formation.
Hundreds of witnesses at Apple Valley, many with cameras, observed a large cigar-shaped object hovering in the sky for hours. The object seemed to be made of very bright silvery material. It remained stationary at about 25,000ft above the Apple Valley Inn. It appeared as a reddish glow at night. It became silvery bright again in the daylight next morning. It was estimated to be over two and a half times the size of a B-29, and looked like it had two large ports at one end near the bottom. All photographs reported were confiscated by local authorities and were not returned.
An unidentified witness known only as V. reportedly obtained a photograph of a UFO over Peseux. No other details are available.
16 year old Harold Cummings took a picture of a dark disc-shaped object hovering low in the sky. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A movie sequence of a UFO was reportedly filmed on Easter Sunday by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A UFO was photographed following the vapor contrail of a jetliner in flight. The photographer was unidentified. No other details are available.
Ken Rathyen furnished a series of pictures showing a domed disc-shaped UFO flying over the buildings of the city. The photographer was not identified.
An unidentified witness reportedly photographed a UFO in the sky near Mt. Fuji. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as one Mr. L. No other details are available.
Amateur astronomer Lonzo Dove observed and photographed a round luminous object near the edge of the moon.
Mr. Orville H. Mitchell photographed four luminous arrowhead-shaped objects in a cloud in the daylight sky. He shot two black and white photographs of the four objects. "Saucers Magazine" reported that Mitchell, of San Fernando, CA,was visiting a spacecraft convention at Giant Rock when he saw several small clouds appear and disappear in a clear blue sky. He snapped two pictures of one of the clouds without a filter and two more with a filter. The four delta shaped objects appeared in both shots taken through the filter whereas the witness could only see a cloud with the naked eye. Mitchell used a 4"X5" Speed Graphic camera with a Wollensak Raptar f4.7 coated lens and a Wrattan A filter, and took the pictures on Super-X film.
An unidentified witness photographed a bright, luminous flying object. It was estimated to be over 300ft in diameter and 120ft high. No other details are available.
A French government official photographer at a Missile Base in the Sahara desert observed and photographed two brightly luminous objects traversing a clear, blue sky overhead. The object in the center of the photograph is more distant, and is seen as a bright point of light. The nearer flying object is seen as a sharply defined metallic domed disc with a bright halo of light or substance, possibly a corona of energy, around it.
A witness identified only as Roddy reportedly photographed a UFO over Plattsburg. No other details are available.
Mr. Warren Siegmond and a secretary at the United Nations were taking pictures on the roof of an apartment building when they noticed a bright translucent spheroid moving in the sky. It slowed and began hovering over some nearby buildings as it changed from a radiantly luminous appearance to a dark solid metallic disc. Siegmond snapped five pictures of it in two and a half minutes, before it flew away.
Repairman Francois Myldermans observed a bright flying body as it flew in, stopped, and hovered in the sky, becoming a "bottle-green" metallic thick disc shape. Then it began to move horizontally as it emitted a white trail of substance, made a flat 360 degree circle, and entered the obscuring trail. When the trail began to dissipate and dissolve, the object accelerated and sped away as a streak once more.
A witness identified only as W. reportedly photographed a UFO over the Madrid vicinity. No other details are available.
Mrs. Elizabeth Klarer reportedly snapped seven black and white photographs of a silver, domed disc as it flew erratically about in the clouds over the Draakensburg Mountains. It hovered, landed, took off again and rose up through the clouds to disappear from view. Klarer was alone at the time and was carrying a small box camera. She claimed to have had contact with the space being, while the craft was landed.
Mr. Gordon Henning observed a round, metallic globe in flight and photographed it as it left a trail of some kind.
Sr. Pedro Francisco Navarro went out to take a picture of his house when he heard a sound like a whirlwind coming from a strange cloud. Part of the cloud was revolving separately. Thinking it a rare meteorological phenomenon, he raised his camera and snapped a picture. As the clouds moved, he could see a disc-shaped object. The processed negative verified the photographer's statement.
A UFO was reportedly photographed over Old Greenwich, Connecticut. No other details are available.
Herr Christian Schwarzer reportedly photographed three shiny disc-shaped objects flying edge-on to the witness. No other details are available.
Two bright cloud-like disc-shaped objects were photographed from an aircraft in flight. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Dr. Achilles Greco of the Brazilian Navy and some companions were returning from a recreational fishing trip when they observed and photographed a very strange cloud. It was moving independently of other clouds and seemed to be following the boat to port. The cloud began to dissipate revealing a huge disc-shaped metallic craft inside. Greco snapped one picture of the phenomenon.
Mr. James Mellodew reportedly shot 16mm movie footage of a UFO over the airport. No other details are available.
Eight disc-shaped flying objects were reportedly photographed over the Ciba AG factory. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as O. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
The Huron Clark family observed and photographed a noiseless, circular black ring with a transparent center. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available
A witness identified only as M. reportedly photographed a UFO. No other details are available.
A dark, domed, disc-shaped flying object was photographed in the distance from beneath the tree limb seen in the foreground.
Six UFOs were photographed flying above some trees. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Mr. William C. Lamb of Newcastle observed and photographed five disc-shaped flying objects soaring in a straight line about 300ft below the top of Devil's Tower. No other details are available.
An Chilean scientific team observed at length and photographed two huge cigar shaped flying objects standing vertically on end in the Arctic sky. The craft were estimated to be about 460ft long and 80ft in diameter. They changed positions, moved fast and slow, made sharp angular changes in direction, and also changed colors as they maneuvered about. Then they resumed their vertical position again as the whole scientific team watched. Many photographs in both black and white and color were taken of the objects. The strange objects remained in the area and were kept under observation by the team for over two days. The scientists estimated the objects to be operating at an average altitude of about 30000ft. They reported these objects to other scientific stations in their area who also confirmed watching them.
A witness identified only as E. reportedly photographed a UFO over Beltsville. No other details are available.
Sergeant William Wannall observed a strange moving light in the night sky over Hawaii while on duty. He took his camera and snapped one photo of the unusual object. When he received the picture back from developing, he was surprised to see that he had in fact photographed three moving lights in formation, each of a different color. The photograph indicated that the craft had been travelling at high speed.
An unidentified flying object was thought to be an airplane of four engine size when it was first seen on radar. Unable to establish radio contact, the control tower asked a Paris-London flight to look for the craft. The pilot of that flight spotted the object and reported a large bright spherical object and reported its altitude, which was then recorded by the tower controllers. It was an enormous round object shining with a rosy-white luminosity.
Mr. Bert Buhler observed and photographed three glowing sausage-shaped masses in the daylight sky. They were moving fast and he only had time to snap two pictures before they were gone. The prints have been darkened to bring out the luminous bodies.
A witness identified only as D. reportedly observed and photographed an unidentified flying object. No other details are available.
A number of unidentified witnesses reportedly took photographs of a large cigar shaped flying object in the sky above Salta. No other details are available.
An anonymous news photographer observed and photographed an intense bluish-white light about 30 degrees above the horizon. It revolved slowly in the sky. The light seemed to change form as it revolved. It moved away to the northwest growing smaller and dimmer as it went until it was gone. The observation lasted 45 minutes.
Astronomer Roberto Ozorno observed and photographed a cylinder-shaped UFO with abruptly squared ends, very similar to the one photographed at Cumberland, Rhode Island, by Joseph L. Ferriere on 07-03-1967.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness known only as C. No other details are available.
John A. Moore reportedly photographed a large translucent disc-shaped UFO flying in the sky.
Mr. Michael Aurelio observed and photographed a round luminous flying object in the sky. No other details are available.
WAC Dorothy Currier saw and photographed a dome-topped saucer-shaped flying object with rotating lights and extended landing gear. It made a humming sound. The pictures were made in the presence of many witnesses.
The National Police reportedly photographed a UFO over Salta. No other details are available.
Astronomer C.M. Bettencourt, observing the moon through a small telescope, saw eight luminous objects move from the left toward the moon. He estimated them to be over 500km distant and 200 to 300m in diameter. He held his camera to the eyepiece of a Butenshon 64X Telescope to take a picture.
An unidentified witness reportedly snapped some shots of a UFO near High Bridge. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
Hans Studer reportedly photographed a UFO in flight. No other details are available.
Mrs. R.B. shot pictures of two solid-looking disc-shaped flying objects near telephone wires No other details are available.
Harold Huntman photographed a misty white object estimated to be 200ft in diameter as it hovered over his back yard. After he snapped the picture it zoomed out of sight in less than 10 seconds. He claimed that "portholes" could be seen in the original print.
An object was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness who claimed that it looked like the planet Saturn. No other details are available.
Jim Nelson photographed a bright disc in the daylight sky. No other details are available.
Mike Savage observed and photographed a large disc-shaped flying object. No other details are available.
Dr. J.L. Bennett saw and photographed mysterious lights in the sky over the city. The developed prints showed a bright patch of light and two luminous dots nearby.
Edgar Sievers reportedly observed and photographed a UFO over the city of Pretoria.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
A UFO was reportedly photographed by an unidentified witness. No other details are available.
An unidentified witness snapped a night shot of a UFO. No other details are available.
An unidentified witness reportedly snapped a Polaroid picture of a UFO in the area. No other details are available.
An unidentified photographer snapped three Polaroid prints of an unidentified flying object.
A witness identified only as M. reportedly snapped pictures of a UFO. No other details are available.
A witness identified only as S. reportedly snapped pictures of a UFO. No other details are available.
A movie of a UFO was reportedly filmed by a witness identified only as R. No other details are available.
Canadian Air Force Commander R.J. Childerhose, flying a CF-100 jet fighter at 20,000ft, photographed a sharply defined loaf-shape white body in the cloud tops slightly below him.
Laszlo Matyasovszky snapped one photo of a fast moving disc-shaped UFO in the sky. It was silver colored with a brilliant red cupola on top. The contrast in this photo is poor.
A diamond-shaped UFO was photographed high in the afternoon sky, leaving a green trail . It was estimated to be at 15,000ft above sea level.
A witness identified only as L. reportedly photographed a UFO over the Croos Bay area. No other details are available.
Ray Stanford shot six feet of 8mm movie film of two jet aircraft chasing a glowing light high in the sky. The object appeared to be a large spherical craft. It eluded the two jets. The episode occurred at such a high altitude that high that the jets cannot be seen,however, the sphere is clearly visible and many times the size of the aircraft.
Mr. George Adamski filmed 16mm movie footage of two very large round UFOs in close formation flight high in the clear sky.
A witness identified only as G. reportedly photographed a UFO in the sky above Newington. No other details are available.
Mr. Joe Kerska, a commercial photographer, was on Twin Peaks making a panoramic shot of San Francisco when he heard a humming noise. He looked up to see a wide disc pass overhead. He was too amazed to change his camera position in time to get a picture, and was bemoaning his misfortune when another identical craft came overhead. This time he quickly reset and repositioned his camera in time to get one photograph of the UFO going away. The first craft is barely visible in the distance.
A witness identified only as Baston reportedly shot a picture of a UFO above Bostonia. No other details are available.
Hundreds of disc-shaped UFOs flew back and forth over the Vatican for an extended period of time. They flew in various formations including that of a cross. There were hundreds of witnesses.
Mr. Richard Veloz took two photographs of a brilliant luminous UFO hovering in the sky above his home. No other details are available.
Patrolmen Don Kelmand and Jack Peters observed and photographed a red luminous sphere hovering 50 to 100ft above the ground. The UFO followed the patrol car as it left the scene.
An unidentified flying object was reportedly photographed by a witness identified only as Reed. No other details are available.
Mr. Robert Stevens reportedly photographed six luminous, spherical objects as they flew along in a constantly changing formation sky. They looked much larger than the brightest stars visible at that time.
John Gregory observed and snapped two pictures of a strange disc-shaped flying object with a dome on top as it passed above Wilcania. He reported the incident to the authorities. They came and confiscated the first photo thinking that was all. Gregory did not tell them he had taken a second photo.
An unidentified man, seeing a bell-shaped craft in flight over a field near Wilcania, shouted to his wife, "Quick, get my camera." He shot two photos of the UFO hovering stationary in the sky. He used an old box camera with a slow shutter speed. He was shaking so much with excitement that he blurred in the picture.
A submarine UFO emerged from the North Polar Sea, hovered above the surface momentarily, and then flew away as it rose high into the air and disappeared.
On assignment to photograph Catalina Island for the US Navy, Mr.
Leland Hanson, while in a helicopter, filmed this object. At
first it hovered, then sped across the length of the island.
According to independent photographic experts, the disc's
velocity was between 130 and 170mph, and had no apparent
wings or tail that would identify it as an airplane. However,
researchers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory computer enhanced
the image and found that there might have been a tail rudder.
While racing home to Santa Ana, Rex Heflin
took several photographs of this hat-shaped saucer. When compared to the telephone poles in the background, it is
estimated that this craft is more than 30ft in diameter. Mr.
Heflin has donated these photographs to independent UFO researchers
for no monetary compensation. Seven years later and 7000 miles away, in
Cluj, Romania, Mr. Amiel Barnea photographed, a similar
UFO. Six years after that occurrence, Belotie,
Yugoslavia was the site of another, similar incidence.
Spotting this object off amajor causeway just outside of
Cluj, Mr. Amiel Barnea immediately stopped his car and took out his camera. He snapped this picture which bears a
striking resemblance to Mr. Rex Heflin's photographs taken
near Santa Monica, California seven years before.
Six years later, in Belotie, Yugoslavia, an anonymous witness
saw an object with the same shape as those described above.
Leaving Belotie on a mountain highway, an anonymous witness photographed this UFO. Similar craft were observed by Mr. Rex Heflin, near Santa Monica, California 13 years earlier, and Mr. Amiel Barnea of
Cluj, Romania six years earlier.
Former President Jimmy Carter, while governor of Georgia, reported
seeing an object that he could not identify and thus felt was a
UFO. Mr. Carter was about to speak before the Leary Lions
Club and was standing outside the conference hall.
"It was the darndest thing I've ever seen. It was big; it was very
bright; it changed colors; and it was about the size of the moon.
We watched it for 10 minutes, but none of us could figure out what
it was," Carter said in an interview about the sighting.
Indeed, Mr. Carter, on October 12, 1973, filed an affidavit with
NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),
detailing the event. UFO skeptics believe that President Carter
simply mistook the planet Venus. However, Mr. Carter holds a
masters degree in nuclear physics, from the Naval Academy at
Annapolis, and therefore presumably has a rudimentary knowledge of astronomy.
Several months after taking office, President Carter ordered NASA
(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) to evaluate the
need for a new UFO investigation. NASA concluded that no probe was
Near Trindade, photographer Barania of the Brazilian Navy, as well as many of the crew, witnessed this saucer-shaped object following the ship. The Brazilian vessel was participating in the International Geophysical Year of 1958.
Computer enhancement reveals that the craft is composed of a globe
circled by a large, metallic ring much like the planet Saturn.
An anonymous witness photographed this UFO which resembles the
shape of the craft observed by a Brazilian Naval Vessel in 1958.
This type of craft is observed mainly in the southern
portion of the globe.
Isnhabitants of Rio de Janeiro witnessed a UFO similar to
those sighted by the Brazilian Naval Vessel in 1958 and by an
anonymous witness at Paso Fondo.
Farmer Paul Trent and friend observed this craft flying over his
farm. An optical physicist for the US Navy, Dr. Bruce Maccabee,
analyzed the photographs and determined that no
alterations were made to the negative. He estimated the craft to be approximately 30ft in diameter and a mile
away from the farm. Four years later, in Rouen, France, a French
Air Force pilot photographed a craft which closely resembled Mr.
Trent's UFO.
Flying to intercept a mysterious radar reflection, a
French Air Force pilot photographed this craft with his camera. The UFO paced the plane for several minutes before
speeding off. This UFO appears to be of the same type that appeared in
McMinnville, Oregon over the farm of Mr. Paul Trent.
Standing in a vacant lot near the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City,
Utah, Mr. Roy Lauritson took several photographs of this hazy
object hovering directly over the Temple. The negatives have been analyzed and found to be free of manipulation.
An anonymous witness photographed this UFO as it sped over the
island. People crowded together to watch the strange craft pass overhead before going to the Carnival.
This formation of UFOs was photographed outside of Yungay near a
mountain highway. It is unclear whether the craft are landing or
departing. The witness to these events has remained anonymous.
Shaped like a giant sombrero, this UFO hovered outside of Centeno
for an unknown period of time, and was photographed by an anonymous
source. A similar object was witnessed in Ontario, Canada two
years earlier.
An anonymous witness, near Hamilton--on Lake Ontario, photographed
this object which resembles a huge Sombrero.
This UFO may be of the same type that was witnessed hovering above
Centeno, Argentina two years later.
This bell-shaped craft was photographed hovering above the island
nation near Miki-Cho. After a short time of unknown length, the
UFO reportedly sped directly upward through the atmosphere.
Tourists, vacationing in Kapiolani Park, were surprised by this UFO when it shot over the island in broad daylight. The entire encounter occurred within seconds. No military aircraft were observed following the craft.
Members of a hunting party spotted this craft
hovering low near the ground. It moved almost silently through the
surrounding trees. Fortunately, one member was able to snap this
photograph of the object.
In a field of corn, near Van Horne, Iowa, witnesses observed
strange lights during the night. Early the next morning, the
farmer who owned the land found this circular impression of
dead corn in an otherwise perfect field. It is believed that this
was a UFO landing site. The soil within the barren area remains
unfertile, thus supporting the notion of contamination of some kind.
Found near Langenburg in a remote region of Saskatchewan, this
circular patch of dead grass and dry soil displays the attributes
of a UFO landing site. The grass is wound around in a
circular pattern. People who witness the landings of UFOs find
themselves sunburned with a profound dryness of the throat, nose and
lungs. It can take days for witnesses to overcome the
effects of a UFO encounter.
UFO researchers have determined that this circular area was the
landing spot for a craft of unknown origin. Soil samples were
found to be dehydrated and irradiated.
Nearby farmers reported strange lights hovering over this field the
previous night. Upon investigating the field, they found this
depression which had no rational explanation. No footprints, horse
or tractor tracks were found leading to the area.
Australian Aborigines have many legends detailing mysterious craft
from the heavens landing on Earth. Ranchers in the Outback found
that these legends may have more validity than they previously
thought. After seeing strange lights in the sky, several ranch
hands discovered this depression in the ground.
An anonymous witness snapped this photograph as this disc-shaped
object flew over the coastal region of South Africa, Natal.
The photographer of this craft first noticed it when his transistor
radio was overcome with static. It hung in the air for several
minutes before speeding up into the atmosphere.
An unknown witness photographed this object as it streaked across
the sky. This craft may have a rocket or jet propulsion system,
because it has left behind a vapor trail of some kind.
A vacationer in Maldonado photographed this object. The people of
the town had were accustomed to seeing objects like this.
A surprised reporter from one of the larger Uruguayan cities
photographed this UFO as it circled his position.
The Nazca plains lie between the great Andes Mountains and the
Peruvian coast. Thousands of lines on the Nazca
plains, and pictograms such as this one, are some of the decorations that the
ancient Incan Empire created to honor the gods of the sky. Many
UFO researchers believe that the lines and the pictograms are landing fields and landing markers for extraterrestrial
visitors. However, many anthropologists believe that these are
merely ceremonial or astronomical markings.
On his way to a business meeting, a Melbourne man noticed this
object in the sky. He pulled his car over to the side of the road
and snapped this photograph before the UFO sped out of sight.
An unknown witness took this photograph some miles south of
Albuquerque. Air Force tests are quite common in the area.
This underwater wall, off the coast of Bimini Island, has no known
origin. However, since it lies within the Bermuda Triangle, it has
been linked with UFO sightings. Many followers of psychic Edgar
Cayce believe that this wall may be part of the lost city of
Atlantis. They also believe that Atlanteans were members of an
extraterrestrial base on Earth.
This mysterious craft was photographed in the bayous of Louisiana
by a worker for the state's Fish and Wildlife Office.
Washington, DC, was overflown by
approximately 19 UFOs flying in formations of three and nine ships.
The craft would alternate blinking patterns, sometimes blinking
An F-94 fighter out of Langley AFB, intercepted a UFO over
restricted Washington, DC, airspace. This incident was witnessed by
radar operators at Washington International Airport.
A squadron of three F-94 fighters intercepted a UFO over Lake
Michigan. The UFO's speed was estimated at over 1,000kmh.
An unidentified object was photographed by an unidentified witness.
Afraid for his reputation, the man has never released the
A circular, disc-shaped object, with a brownish edge, was witnessed
flying from the Empire State Building.
A man mowing his lawn noticed a large circular object
approaching his house. He quickly snapped five photos before the
craft flew away.
A 30 to 50 foot unidentified object was captured on 16mm film
flying over Florida.
An anonymous witness photographed an object on 16mm film.
Reportedly, his film was confiscated by Project Blue Book
Glowing, disc-shaped objects are photographed flashing over the US
Capitol building.
An Italian man and his wife photographed a UFO on Cherchen Glacier
near Bermina Pass. Several photos show an unidentified being
outside the landed craft.
A blurred flying object was photographed by an anonymous witness.
No other information was available.
A photograph was taken of a UFO traveling in an uncontrolled
motion. Air Force authorities investigated, but came to no
conclusion on the reliability of the witness.
A photo of a UFO was taken by an anonymous witness. No other
information was available.
Two F-86 pilots reported chasing a UFO at upwards of 9,200 meters.
The Air Force refused to comment on the incident.
A fat, cigar-shaped UFO was photographed over Chicago.
Three large UFOs were photographed flying toward Mayaguez by a
reliable witness who wished to remain anonymous.
On board an airliner, a passenger photographed a UFO. The man
alerted the crew of the plane, but they thought he was hallucinating.
Several students, along with photographer Jesus Delgado, reported
a spherical UFO flying over Catia.
After observing an unidentified radar blip, two F-94 fighter jets
were dispatched to intercept the "bogie." As they reached their
maximum altitude, the UFO sped above their ceiling, but not before
they captured it on 16mm gun-camera film.
An unidentified, bright object was photographed hovering above a
During "Operation Mainbrace," a NATO North Sea exercise, Mr.
Wallace Litwin, a journalist with the news reporters pool,
photographed a silver sphere hovering above the fleet.
A photograph was taken of a UFO by an anonymous witness.
Over Scandinavia, several bright, unidentified objects were
photographed. The objects' flight patterns were erratic.
An anonymous witness photographed a slow moving object passing over
the NATO "Mainbrace Operation" fleet.
A group of witnesses, including Mr. David Bunch and J.B. McLean,
observed and photographed five spherical, luminous craft moving on
the horizon.
A bell-shaped UFO was photographed by Mr. George Adamski, with
several witnesses including Mr. Rick Williamson of Phoenix,
Arizona. Later, these photos were published in the Phoenix
Gazette. The negatives were destroyed at the request of Mr.
The camera crew, working on MGM Lot #2, photographed a large
spherical object that interrupted the filming of a movie.
Mr. George Adamski photographed a UFO that left a contrail as it
passed overhead in the sky.
Mr. George Adamski photographed another bell-shaped UFO with his
self-built telescope.
A bell-shaped UFO was photographed hovering above a tree by Mr.
Jerrold Baer.
An anonymous witness photographed a UFO over Miami.
"Lubbock Lights," a V-formation of brightly colored objects, were
photographed over the Valpariso Naval Base.
The Soviet Union launched a seven day orbital mission with two
cosmonauts, one man and one woman. On February 24, the mission
went awry when their space capsule began to malfunction, losing lights
and air. Later, during their attempts to repair
their craft, a curious conversation was recorded. "I'll take it
and hold it with my right hand. Look out the peephole! I have
it!," the female cosmonaut said. The male replied, "There is
something! If we do not get out the world will never know
about this!" The pair were never heard from again.
Test pilot, Major Joe Walker, while testing the X-15 rocket plane
at approximately 2,000mph, captured five saucer shaped craft
following him on his aft camera.
Astronaut Major Gordon Cooper, on his final orbit over Australia,
contacted the tracking station in Muchea and reported that a
greenish object, moving east to west, was approaching his capsule.
The object was tracked by Earth-based equipment in Perth.
Astronaut Scott Carpenter photographed a UFO while in Earth orbit.
NASA has never released the photograph.
Four UFOs joined an orbital test of the Gemini space capsule for
one orbit, then they vanished.
Gemini 11 astronauts Charles Conrad and Richard F. Gordon, jr.
photographed a UFO while in orbit. Gordon stated that the object
appeared metallic and moved across the capsule's bow to shadow
their movements; the object stayed with them for four
While orbiting over Hawaii, Gemini 4 astronauts Edward White and
James McDivitt reported that a "weird object" with arm like projections
had approached their craft. Several minutes later, they reported seeing two more similar objects over the Caribbean. "At one stage we even thought it might be necessary to take evasive action to avoid a collision," McDivitt stated.
Lunar Module "Eagle" pilot Edwin Aldrin, jr. and fellow astronaut
Neil Armstrong filmed two UFOs maneuvering over the surface of the
moon hours before they would touch down on the lunar surface.
Christopher Columbus recorded in his diary that he and his crew saw
a light "like a bad waxen candle that rose up into the sky and went
Mr. James Everell and two companions were rowing their scow down
the Muddy River, when they saw a strange luminous light flying over
them. They were so frightened that they cowered in the
bottom of the scow. Finally, the light flew away
and the men noticed that they were further upstream than when they
started their journey.
Two UFOs were seen engaged in aerial acrobatics over Boston
Harbor. What appeared to be sparks flew between the two lights, before they disappeared behind Noddles Island.
Three people witnessed approximately fifteen ships in the air. These craft were close enough for the witnesses to see "sides and ports."
A brightly lit object, described by several witnesses as an
airship, flew over Baton Rouge.
Professor of chemistry Rufus Graves watched a luminous object fall
into the yard of his neighbor Erastus Dewey. They examined the
saucer-shaped object and withdrew a pulpy substance with a
nauseating smell. After a few days, the substance
evaporated leaving only a slight residue.
Mormon spiritual leader Joseph Smith said that an airship, flying
over Manchester, had landed near him. Smith met with several
occupants of the airship.
A square, brightly-lit object, emitting streams of light, hovered
over the giant waterfall for some time.
Several members of a dinner party observed a luminous object about
300 yards in length hovering above the skyline. It was described
as very beautiful with the color of a red-hot stove.
The Directors of the Michigan and Warner Astronomical Observatories, James C. Watson and Lewis Swift reported seeing two unidentified red saucer shapes approximately 20,000 miles above the Earth. An unidentified astronomer in another location corroborated their sightings.
Mr. H.K. Corbetter and his fellow train passengers observed a moonlike object near Timmonsville. It had a tail
that assumed many different shapes, including that of the letter G.
It rested about 15 degrees above the horizon
and was visible after sun-up.
Many citizens of Oakland observed a cigar-shaped airship that
hovered over St. Mary's College. Some witnesses saw the ship emit
a beam of light from its stern and said it had birdlike wings. This craft,
or one like it, was reportedly seen several times
weeks and months later, according to the Oakland Tribune.
Mr. and Mrs. George Parks observed
a luminous craft emitting a low hum, drop an object into the
field. Mr. Parks dug up the fallen object; it had apparently
buried itself. The object was an aluminum turbine which
Mr. Parks displayed as evidence.
Settler Alex Hamilton, his son Wall and tenant Gid Heslip,
observed an airship that descended onto their property. Two
smaller lights, red and green, and a larger search light outlined
the frame of the craft, while a turbine provided lift.
At one point, the ship was close
enough for Hamilton and the others to see inside. "It was occupied
by six of the strangest beings I ever saw. There were two men, a
woman and three children. They were jabbering together but we
could not understand a syllable they said," Hamilton
said. A three year-old heifer, owned by Hamilton, was entangled in
a red line from the airship. The trio tried to free the cow, but
the airship, with the cow in tow, headed away from the farm.
A nearby farmer found the legs, head and hide
from a cow on his property several days later. Mr. Hamilton
identified the remains as his cow.
Farmer Daniel Gray heard a roar
overhead. Looking skyward, he observed a dark airship flying away
at high speed. A piece of paper, from a Toronto newspaper and dated October 5, 1896, was dropped from the
mysterious craft.
On an evening stroll, Mr. G. Fowles and two female companions
observed two strangely dressed men on the footpath. Fowles called
out to them, only to have them levitate over the treetops out of
A remarkable multi-colored light was observed by a conductor and
many passengers of a train near Tacoma's Fifteenth Street St. Later
the same week, many multi-colored shapes were seen in the sky above
Moving lights in the sky were observed throughout this corner of
Saucer shaped objects, flying above the New York skyline, stopped the
activities of amazed citizens for hours.
Joanne Broome, Lola Helms, Marion and Susan Carter all witnessed
five UFOs, with domes, silver skin and green halos, hovering above
their homes.
Radioman Crawford, aboard the USS Delarof, observed a huge, dark
metallic UFO emerge from the sea and circle the ship. His fellow
crew members also saw the craft. It disappeared as quickly as it
Nine silver saucers, flying over Mt. Rainier, were observed by
Kenneth Arnold as he flew his single-engine plane over
Mrs. Walter Johnson saw eight saucers fly overhead, then land
on a nearby mountainside.
While chasing a UFO, Captain Charles Mantrell crashed his P-51 and
subsequently died.
Three navy planes disturbed the work of Woodcutter Danti Vaghi as
he followed the sound of the planes outside his factory. The
planes were flying towards Bridgeport, and as they flew on, Mr.
Vaghi observed another craft circling overhead approximately
8,000ft up. Black with a girth of 75ft and a length of 300ft, the
UFO had a large white light that rotated behind a
cross structure. Mr. Vaghi also noticed five indentations on what
appeared to be wings before the object sped away.
Mr. Danti Vaghi, who first observed a UFO on 03-10-1950, again saw a green luminous object hovering over the
WLAD radio tower as he drove home from a friend's. He
figured the size of the object at 87ft in diameter. Shortly after he first saw it, the
object began to move at a 25 degree angle up the side of a nearby
mountain, and there appeared another bright white craft that docked
with the larger ship.
Mr. Vaghi has spotted several unidentified craft and has even
located a landing site laced with nickel and chromium.
A long, luminous cigar-shaped craft was observed late in the
afternoon by several persons. Touring Toronto, Mrs. J. Wilson
observed it while shopping downtown. Mrs. G. Fuller, on the local
golf range, sighted the object. Maple Leaf Stadium was overflown
by the craft.
While flying training exercises near Memphis, Navy Pilots R.E.
Moore and J.W. Martin were shadowed by a dome-shaped UFO. "It was
like a WWI helmet seen from the side, or a shiny bowl turned upside
down," one of the pilots remarked. The object was flying at 200mph and the pilots were not able to maintain contact with
the object for long. However, Radar Operator G.D. Wehner tracked
the object as it sped away.
Cruising along the darkened streets of Philadelphia, two policemen
sighted a strange luminous object slithering down the pavement.
They followed the blob-like mass into a deserted field where they
called for backup. Two other officers arrived in time to observe
the substance evaporate. This substance was described to be
similar to the substances that commonly fall to the Earth after UFO
Pilot Fred Reagan was startled when his plane banged into a large
luminous craft. Mr. Reagan was knocked out of the plane without a parachute. Suddenly, a force of some kind drew Mr. Reagan
into the UFO. He was later found, unharmed, by rescue crews near
his wrecked plane. The pilot had no memory of events inside the
Photographs and film were taken of several luminous objects
circling the Salt Lake City area. In the Trementon district, Naval
Officer DC Newhouse photographed these UFOs.
Washington DC was overflown by at least 50 objects of unknown
origin. The Air Force scrambled several squadrons of
F-94 jet interceptors to counter this massive force. No UFOs were
downed or captured. It has been surmised that these craft were
undertaking a general reconnaissance mission of the US capitol.
Since 05-23-1952, Washington DC has been inundated with UFO
squadron sightings. However, 19 UFOs were observed on this alone day above
the major centers of power in the city: The White House, Capitol
Building, the Pentagon, and other places.
Several small craft flew over Washington, DC. This was the last of a number of incidences involving UFOs over Washington in 1952.
Mr. George Stock and his father took seven photographs of a
circular saucer with a curved underside. Mr. Stock called to his
father after he noticed the UFO while mowing his yard.
A traveling salesman from Wichita, Kansas, Mr. Sid Eubanks
reported to police that a UFO flew over him at an extremely low
altitude. The craft appeared to be 400ft long and 100ft wide with
many colorful portholes.
"What I saw frightened me so much I drove right off the side of the
highway. At the same time, there was a tremendous air rush which
almost upset my car," Mr. Eubanks reported.
The local GE plant's workers' routine was upset by an oval, luminous
object that hovered over the factory. Workers watched as the object
began to grow longer and pulsate. Reporters were called
to the scene, and Mr. George Kyle said, "It was hard to believe,
and like a dream."
Bill Squire, an employee at radio station KOAM in Pittsburgh, witnessed a clam-shaped object resting in a field along the highway
that he traveled to get to work. Mr. Squire stopped his car and
walked towards the ship. Several humanoids could be seen in through the
windows. They were surrounded by a bluish field that
pulsated. Mr. Squire also noticed many tiny propellers around
the perimeter of the upper saucer. When the announcer was
about 100ft from the craft, it bolted straight up at an incredible
speed with a dove-like flight noise. The craft left indentations in the ground.
On the outskirts of Douglas, two airmen from Wichita Air Base reported to their superiors that they had seen an oval UFO emitting sparks and orange flames. As they and another car approached
the object, 200ft off the ground, it sped off into the
night. Staff members of a nearby cafe also saw the object.
A UFO with red, orange, blue and white streaks was sighted
by Mr. Jesse Eugene Haak and Ms. Mary Blumenshine in Clearwater. Mr. Haak reported that the craft was faster
than a jet plane and rotated in flight. He thought that the object
landed outside of town.
"I'm not trying to be sensational, but there were six metallic
objects up there in the sky," Mr. O.W. Bob jr. said to reporters
about his sighting. The luminous, star-like craft stopped about 15 miles away and 10 miles high and were also observed by Mr. Bob's wife and mother, his wife's mother and a neighbor, Mrs. Harold Hibbs. The craft hovered overhead for a time
before departing to the east.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mayer were driving through the forest when they stopped along the side of the road to examine some strange blue
snow patches, each about 10ft in diameter. They began to feel physically sick
when they examined the patches.
"We drove away from there. We persuaded a Mr. Lewis Brewster and
Shirley Dustman, who run the Glenburn store, to accompany us. Two
boys also followed. The blue-green snow was still there and it had
a phosphorus glow when the car lights shone on it. They all
experienced the same sensations as we had, when they got out of
their cars," the Mayers said to reporters.
Two jet pilots, ground and airborne radar, as well as ground based
personnel, tracked a mysterious saucer shaped craft. Gun-camera
film was taken by the pilots, but never released by the Air
An F-89 interceptor, piloted by Lt. Felix Moncla jr. and Lt. R.R.
Wilson, sped to 500mph to catch a radar bogie. They reported the
object as saucer-shaped. Ground-based radar operators watched as
the F-89 and saucer converged on their screens. The now single
blip flew out of range at an incredible speed. Neither the jets or
pilots were ever seen again. No wreckage was ever found.
District Judge Marvin Skipworth was watching two strange clouds,
and was surprised to see a metallic saucer emerge from them.
"The object was remarkably clear and well defined--no fuzzy edges
or vapor streaks, and it appeared to have ridged or terraced sides.
An ordinary track and field discus describes it perfectly as to
shape, as I saw it. I am not capable of judging how far away nor
how high it was, but as I remember, it appeared to be about
two-thirds or three-fourths the area of the usual appearance of a
full moon," the Judge reported.
Jerome Elementary School was thrown into panic as two teachers and
60 children watched a cigar-shaped UFO hover over them. The craft
flew off, but left three miles of thin residue. Tough and
coarse, the material would curl up at touch, and then
The calm California night was disturbed by what appeared to be a
large meteor falling to Earth. Leveling off before impact, it was
instead a helmet shaped, green-glowing UFO. Mr. Astor Loback heard
clanking noises and whining from the ship, and one side tilted
downward as if it was going to crash. The ship crossed a distance
of 700ft before climbing and disappearing from Mr. Loback's view.
FBI agents seized a radioactive metal disc from Mr. Morris Steen,
a mill worker for Cherokee Uranium Inc. He had found the disc in
some material he was inspecting for processing. The company's
geologist and mining experts had no explanation for the strange
find. The FBI had no comment.
Radar operators at the base tracked a bogie traveling at enormous
speeds. The UFO itself was seen over Arkansas City, Wellington, El
Dorado and Topeka, Kansas. At one point a B-47 tried to intercept
the craft but was unable to catch up with it.
A squadron of 36 UFOs, flying in formations of six and eight, were
sighted by Robert Lerdahl and Alex Ellison. The saucer-shaped objects had a greenish tinge as they flew by.
Mr. Arnold Frykman and two anonymous witnesses observed five UFOs
flying in formation over the city. They had just started to unload
tiles from a tractor-trailer when the ships came
into view. Shortly, the craft disappeared behind nearby Mt.
Navy pilots and ground crews were alerted as a high speed
bogie approached the base from the Pacific Ocean. The UFO
decreased altitude to 300ft where it hovered for several minutes
before disappearing into the night sky. Official reports were handed
in by all witnesses, but the Navy never explained the sighting.
In Dante, a suburb of Knoxville, Everett Clark
stumbled upon a landed craft with its occupants outside. As he
approached them, they tried to grab his dog Frisky, but he evaded
capture. Soon after, the occupants returned to their craft and left.
Finding a hole where their son said he saw the craft, Everett's
parents said to reporters, "It was as though a big, cigar shaped
frame had been put down on the grass."
Near Martha's Vineyard, crew of the fishing boat, Sport
Fisherman, sighted an unknown luminous object hovering above them. Two pilots, one an Air Force pilot, and three researchers from
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Ronald Veeder, Capts.
Scott Bray and Eugene Mysona, all saw the object. It was
spherical and had red sensing spikes surrounding the sphere.
"We do know that it came at an exceptionally fast rate of speed and
went at a speed greater than any object we had ever seen. This was
the case in which an individual is embarrassed as it seems too
improbable... However, we do know that this was real and was
reported to the Air Force without hesitation," Mr. Veeder said.
Observers lined the beaches of the Salton Sea, near the US/Mexico
border, to watch a large luminous craft flash eight light codes
over the lake.
As an American Airlines DC-6 approached Detroit for a landing, the
captain was warned that three metallic saucer-shaped craft were
shadowing the plane. The excited crew had to calm an even
more frightened group of passengers. Fortunately, the airplane was
able to land without any interference or damage.
A training mission from the USAF 1705th Air Transport Wing went
terribly wrong; little more than an hour after take off, the
wreckage of the C-118 transport was found on the side of a local
An emergency signal from the plane, "Mayday! Mayday! We've hit something--or something has hit us! I am returning to base... This is it! This is it!" was recorded by the base radio operators.
Local residents began to call and alert the base of several
luminous objects that they saw flying around the C-118. The Air
Force has never acknowledged the presence of UFOs.
The Panamanian SS. Texas and the British M.V. Salaga both reported
a bright, luminous object hovering in the night sky. At the time, the
two ships were 1,681 miles apart.
Policeman Robert Dickerson, while patrolling the forest highway,
watched a UFO stop and hover above the trees. It was
orange in color, and when the officer tried to move closer, the
craft sped away. Mr. Dickerson then went to the nearby
Redmond Airport where he and Laverne Wertz, FAA flight
specialist, observed the UFO through binoculars. According to both
men, the UFO would periodically extend red, green and yellow rays
of light from its body.
Mr. Wertz alerted Hamilton Air Force Base through the Seattle Air
Route Control Center. Four F-102 interceptors sped towards the UFO
which, in return, climbed to an unreachable height. Only the radar
operators could track the object before it disappeared entirely.
A UFO, shaped like an inverted, luminous cone, was spotted by several
residents on the outskirts of town. It sped off into a cloud and disappeared.
Campers reported seeing many colorful, luminous objects hovering
over Mille Lacs Lake.
While driving home from a hunting trip, a Veterans Administration
official and a soil conservation analyst observed a
saucer-shaped craft descend to a hover above a field along the
highway. They noticed that the craft had an exhaust much like a
modern jet. Before ascending, the UFO emitted a green flash that
dimmed their headlights and lighted the night sky.
William M. Kendrick, former PT boat commander, his wife and
son, witnessed three UFOs flying in formation in a northerly
direction towards Mts. Washington and Adams. The two outside craft
were of a yellow-orange color, while the middle craft was larger, pulsing
red to orange. Suddenly, another craft emerged from the largest
UFO and joined the formation. Then a fourth craft fell in line
descending from a higher altitude. Moving much faster
than jet aircraft, the objects disappeared behind the nearby
Three luminous craft, the largest pulsing from yellow to red, were
sighted flying north by Mr. Nicholas Bartho and his wife.
Residents of Hollywood were enthralled for two days by a hovering, red glowing UFO. Before shooting up into the night sky, the UFO emitted a bright blue flash and exploded. Smoke appeared and a tubular object flew from the
sight. Police had no explanation for the sighting. The Air
Force claimed no knowledge of the event.
Joe Perry photographed a
domed, saucer-shaped UFO that he displayed to the customers at his restaurant.
The Flint FBI office sent two agents to investigate the photo.
"They did not seem interested until I showed this particular one,
and then both of them jumped," Mr. Perry said.
The agents confiscated all the UFO photographs in the
possession of Mr. Perry and never returned them.
In an unusual confirmation, the North American Air Defense Command
reported that several UFOs were indeed sighted over Alaska. An
airline employee observed a metallic cylinder with an
afterburn that ascended as if it was under sentient control. Yet
another UFO was sighted moving north over the state.
Flight instructor Charles Morris noticed three saucer-shaped craft flying
on a north-easterly course. They glowed blue and white, and were
brighter than the moon. Mr. Morris called a local
radio station to report the sighting, and six other people
confirmed his UFO report. The Pentagon was notified and found that
no military aircraft could have caused the sighting.
Governor William A. Egan received a telegram from an airline
official who lived in the Nome area, that a bright explosion had
occurred, and that an object was drifting towards Earth. He sent the
report to the North American Air Defense Command.
A huge star-like UFO was observed by Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Ayers and
daughter. The UFO hovered for many minutes before changing to a
red color and speeding upward. Suddenly, the craft split into two
smaller craft. The craft recombined later, only to disappear from
Camilla Pannone, a driver for the Hoffberger Company, observed
a bright orange object hanging in air above Taylor Avenue.
Compared to the houses surrounding it, the UFO, which had two
closely spaced cylindrical metal sections, appeared to be about
15ft long. Shortly after, the UFO disappeared from sight behind the
local buildings.
Leaving the North Carolina State College campus late after class,
Bernard Haugen, a Department of Water Resources chemist, and
Don Patten, a former Air Force air traffic controller, observed
a luminous object hover in mid air. The craft began to pulse and
move slowly to the south. After several minutes, the UFO flew
behind some buildings.
Three young men, enjoying a day at the beach, sighted a
formation of UFOs. They described the UFOs as round white lights, moving
south in the sky. After reaching a certain point, the UFOs changed direction and moved to the north.
Norris Cook and several children watched in amazement as a B-52
bomber aircraft was circled repeatedly by a saucer shaped craft at
a distance of 400 to 500ft.
"At first sighting the UFO was astern of the aircraft; it moved to
port of the aircraft then to dead ahead, and then to starboard,"
Mr. Cook said. Both craft flew into the distance still engaged in
the strange dance.
A large, luminous orange UFO flew across the Logootee
highway almost blowing a car driven by John Hand, off the road. It made no
sound nor left any exhaust.
Mary Jo Curwen made a 16mm color home-movie of a number of
UFOs that flew over the state.
An unidentified metallic sphere, complete with flaming tail, crash-landed outside of LeCamp causing a loud explosion. Witnesses said
the craft skidded along the ground for approximately 1,000ft.
before rising up and knocking off the top of a nearby tree. The
craft regained stability and headed west. Stunned observers called
for the sheriff in Leesville to investigate. He found
burned grass and long impressions on the ground.
Mr. David Doheny, a
young farmer, reported observing a UFO to officials at the nearby Air Force Base. He made the report after consulting with the editor of the local paper.
While plowing his field, Mr. Doheny's attention was drawn upwards
as a large, metallic sphere hovered above his farm. The craft which flew at
an extremely low altitude, circled his farm for several minutes
before ascending out of view. The Air Force did not follow up on
Mr. Doheny's sighting.
Ex-Selectman Arnold Spencer, gazing at the night sky, observed
a cylindrical craft making its way across the
eastern sky. The UFO had pressed ends, and its dark violet color
was ringed with bands of pulsing lights. Changing course rapidly,
the object sped off to the south, igniting the tops of trees as it
passed over them. Several people also reported seeing this same
craft from Mount Prospect.
Four square portholes decorated the side of the saucer-shaped UFO
that was sighted by S.B. Parker jr. He also noted
that dim lines of light danced around the skin of the object. As
soon as it had been spotted, the craft sped away above the
A bright red UFO hovered in the eastern sky was observed
by Charles S. Oates, chief technician at Charles Hayden
Planetarium, and his wife. Before the sphere appeared, two
luminous lines materialized. Then the object moved into the east near the Bootes constellation, and soon began to pulse white and red. The two observers tried to summon other planetarium staff, but were not able to do so in time. After five minutes the UFO vanished.
Former Army Intelligence officer, Jack B. Davis witnessed a
spectacular light show as a luminous UFO flashed across the evening
Approximately one hour after sundown, several local residents
reported a red, shining craft move steadily across the face of the
Residents enjoying a cool July evening noticed many red glowing
UFOs race across the sky.
Passersby on the Golden Gate Bridge looked up in amazement as a
strange spherical object hovered above them. A large, luminous
circle moved about on the surface of the craft giving it the
appearance of a gigantic eye. The object hovered for while before moving off into the night.
The city was given a free air-show by the multi-colored lights that
danced above them in the night sky.
Frightened and nearly speechless, 13 year old Shirley Sisk reported to local authorities that a saucer, shaped "like
pie-plates turned together," had hovered 150ft. above her for a time
before leaving. Upon investigation, large oval oil
slicks were found in the area.
"It was black, but there was a light shining from inside it,
looking as if it came from cross-shaped openings," remarked Ms.
Barbara Storer on the UFO she saw above the small town.
Patrolling the forested highway outside of Red Bluff, two officers
watched in horror as a seemingly out-of-control craft swooped to a
dangerously low 200ft. The patrolmen braced themselves, stopped
the cruiser and prepared to assist the plummeting aircraft.
However, the ship suddenly regained altitude and began to hover in
front of the dazed men. It was then that they noticed the craft
was spherical, emitting a hypnotic red luminescence, with many
window-like white lights surrounding the hull of the ship. After
one of the patrolmen pointed his flashlight at the object, it quickly
maneuvered out of sight.
Mr. and Mrs. Blackwood were awakened by a
strange cylindrical object as it passed over their house at an extremely
low altitude. Mr. Blackwood turned on the bedside light, but as
soon as the craft was directly overhead, the light went out, and the
house was instead lit up by the UFO as if it were day. The craft left
the house after five minutes and made its way south-west. However, the
craft soon returned to pass over the Blackwood's house again. They caught sight of the craft. Its edges were bright red
and its core was glowing yellow.
The craft was also observed by a man 12 miles outside of town. He too
was awakened by the awful noise. "It was a barrel-like object with
black clouds at each end. It bobbed up and over like a bobber on
a fishing line," said the man. Indeed, a smell of burning fat
accompanied the craft.
Two F-101 fighters were scrambled by the Air Defense Command to
intercept a fast luminous object.
As many as 12 star-like objects were sighted flying erratically in
the afternoon sky. A little later, witnesses heard two loud
explosions. About 50 minutes later, the UFOs began to shimmer as
if they were mirages. Soon after that, three Air Force fighters flew into
the area and the UFOs disappeared. They reappeared as soon as
the jets had left the area.
The Smithsonian Observatory, an Earth-based satellite
tracking station, announced that the Earth was being orbited by a
satellite of unknown origin.
"Satellite tracking stations around the world were asked to help
track an unsuspected, unpredicted bright satellite. The satellite
was first spotted on May 18 at Jupiter, Florida, and was reported
as being about as bright as Echo One and could be seen early with
the naked eye under the right conditions," an Observatory
researcher said. "We have no reason to believe the satellite is
anything new, because such orbiting mavericks are spotted with some
Ground based observatories, like the one at Haleakala, Hawaii were
asked to participate in the observations of the mysterious orbiter.
A luminous orange sphere hovered above Tyndall Air Force Base for
90 minutes. Tracked by ground-based radar stations at the
air base, the sphere located itself over the Drone Launching Site,
where experimental pilot-less aircraft were stored and tested. The
base's Air Police and the assistant Project Blue Book
officer were called to the scene.
"At about 0250, sighted orange colored light alternately descending
to tree-top level and climbing at high speeds. When the UFO was
nearest Post No 13 my radio temporarily failed, apparently from
electro-magnetic interference generated by the device. Radio
contact was made with Tyndall Operations at about 0300," Airman
Garland Henson wrote in his official report.
"At 0345 Base Operations Radar Dispatcher, A2/C Varljen, called me.
He said he had a problem on a UFO. Radar station was tracking on
a radar-scope a sighting that the Air Police had called in. I
notified Brush Off Control (radar) and they, too, were tracking an
object eight to 12 miles west of PAM. The object was at first
reported two miles west of the TACAN, then abruptly shifted to
eight to 12 miles west. I notified MOADS and they scrambled a `hot
fighter' to run on this object," reported dispatcher A1/C
Robert L. Drennan.
The jet fighter that was charged with intercepting the UFO could
not keep steady radar contact. Subsequently, a helicopter was called in to
duty. At this point, the UFO ascended to a height of up to
10,000ft. and could only be tracked by radar.
Charles L. Newman, his father and brother, all reported seeing
a brightly lit UFO descend and follow the coast line to the
At sundown, Bruce D. Henderson observed two silent and
wingless cylindrical UFOs pass overhead and disappear behind some nearby
Two UFOs, one much brighter than the other, flew over the
town and were observed by Robert Willard and Samuel Evans.
The men reported that the craft approached from the west, circled
north and swept back eastwards. They said that each
had smaller lights on their surface.
Looking up at the clear night sky with his binoculars, Max Harper
noticed a luminous sphere slowly cascading across the sky. No
shape was visible other than the halo that was produced by the
intensite light. When he contacted nearby Forbes Air
Force Base, Mr. Harper was informed that no military aircraft had been
operating in his vicinity.
Photos of a pyramid-shaped UFO were taken by the photographer of
the Nashville Tennessean paper. Later, the Air Force confirmed
that two jet fighters had been sent aloft to intercept the craft, but
they could not reach its estimated altitude of 60,000ft.
Several citizens alerted Undersheriff Reed Collings that a UFO,
approximately 100ft. in diameter, was hovering over the city. The
craft would speed away and then hover again in the same area as
As recounted by three witnesses, a UFO, "fairly small, white with
black around the edges," flew over the large metropolis.
Observers reported the strange sight of a huge smoke ring hanging
in the sky. A fireball rotated inside of the ring.
Residents were enjoying the Fourth of July celebrations, when they found themselves watching the erratic path of a luminous UFO instead of the
fireworks. The craft would move to and fro, its light blinking.
Former Air Force bomber pilot, Ernest Stadvec, was on a training
flight with two other pilots, when he reported being dive-bombed by a
luminous UFO.
"I thought it was going to ram us," Mr. Stadvec said. The UFO
climbed away after performing several similar maneuvers.
During final approach to Cleveland's Hopkins
Airport, Ernest Stadvec, former bomber pilot, observed a green,
glowing UFO hovering outside of the airport's air space. The air
traffic control tower confirmed that they too had seen the object.
Mr. Stadvec also reported seeing strange things on a
training flight the night before.
An anonymous witness sighted a large, luminous article streak
across the night sky. The object stopped and hovered as it passed
over the man's head.
Mr. Barney and Mrs. Betty Hill, on their way home to Portsmouth
via the White Mountains, were amazed to find that they had lost
more than an hour of their lives. They had absolutely no
recollection of what they had done for that period of time.
After suffering nightmares, the couple decided to seek psychiatric
help. They were hypnotized and told to recall the missing portion
of their lives.
It seems that they had been stopped on their drive home by a
luminous, saucer-shaped craft. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hill were taken
aboard the craft and examined by extraterrestrials.
The late Professor James McDonald of the University of Arizona,
investigated a sighting by a number of individuals in the Springfield
area. A saucer-shaped object with flashing lights had overflown
the city.
Mr. J. Gasslein, a Lt. Colonel in the Army Reserve, saw the saucer shaped object hover about a quarter mile from his house.
"I saw it as an object smaller at the top than at the base,
seemingly suspended in the air at an angle of about 45 degrees from
my position, and giving off colored lights. I know that the object
was not any kind of conventional aircraft or balloon," stated Mr.
Gasslein in his formal report.
A second sighting occurred after Mr. Gasslein drove his mother to her house. Her neighbor, Ms. Barbara Berryman, rushed from her house pointing in the direction of the UFO. "It was moving easterly at a low level--not over 50ft. above
ground level, as judged by trees in that area--the UFO proceeded
slowly without a sound. It was approaching the rear of our home
and adjacent properties. It was perhaps 150 to 200 yards distant,"
Mr. Gasslein said.
"The UFO appeared to be about the size of one of the Cape Cod
houses over which it passed, which would make it approximately
30ft. in diameter, and about the same dimension in height. It was
circular surmounted by a dome giving off flashes of green light.
The center had a rotating series of square shaped `windows,' each
giving off a brilliant white light. The base section was somewhat
saucer shaped, curved upward. Shafts of white light were directed
downward from the base," Mrs. Gasslein reported. The UFO
disappeared after a time. Professor McDonald assessed this sighting as extremely credible.
A spinning saucer, with alternating blue and red lights, was
reported to Truax Air Force Base. Planes were scrambled to
intercept. However, Truax never released a report.
John Freeman, along with his family, witnessed a UFO hover
above the trees near their house. The family reported the incident to
the local police, and described the object as "two metal bowls, one
on top of the other, with a flashing light on top."
A bright red fire ball could be seen hovering above the ocean up
and down northern California from Carmel to Ukiah. All pertinent
authorities were notified, but none could explain the incident.
Workers at a New Jersey Zinc plant, Earl Williams and Finely Wallace, reported seeing a large luminous ball drop from the sky and land somewhere beyond the town in the Oak Creek Grade district.
The FAA at Yelland Field was inundated with over a hundred calls
reporting a deadly explosion that had taken place over the city. A huge
red ball of fire ascended quickly into the night sky only to
explode like a firework. The officials could not explain the event.
"At first it was a small light, like a star. Then, as it came
nearer, it looked like a ball of fire. The light had become too
bright to look directly at when it suddenly burst in the
air--spraying out like a Roman candle as it disintegrated," Mr.
Claude House said about the incident.
Josephine Allen reported, to police, that she had seen a
spherical, green-glowing UFO moving quickly to the south. After a
matter of seconds, Ms. Allen said that the object "just seemed to
Loud crashing noises called attention to the bright
object moving slowly over the area. Local police, and even the newspapers, received calls from terrified witnesses. No explanation was ever offered by the authorities.
The people of Pasco were surprised by large crashes and the
earthquake like movements of their neighborhoods. Police could not
find the source of the explosion nor a crater.
A solitary UFO hovered above the Glendale area for several hours.
Air Defense officials were notified. However, they found no weather
balloons or military aircraft operating in that air space. An hour
after it was reported, Air Force interceptors entered the area, but
could not reach the altitude of the object.
On his daily walk, Arthur Connell reported seeing a luminous object streaking over Carmel at about 30,000ft. and about 2,000mph. Leaving a long trail, the object disappeared out over the Pacific.
After driving her children to school, Mrs. Wayne Elliot observed a
saucer-shaped UFO float motionless over the city.
"It was about the size of a compact car, and was glittering in the sun,
about half-a-mile away," she said.
The evening sky became home to a strange, luminous object that
was visible for half an hour. Residents described the object as
pulsing with a red tail. The local authorities categorized the object as a weather balloon.
Driving home after a long day at work, Bill De Haan, an employee
of the Yellowstone Pine Lumber Co., was confronted by a
large red, glowing ball. It landed almost 200ft from his vehicle
before ascending at great speed.
Simultaneously, phones across the small town began ringing
constantly. Police could not find any evidence of the landing.
"I sighted this object at approximately 10:10pm. I was on my way
home and had just turned off Tully Road heading west on Mt. Vernon
Avenue when this object, traveling at a high rate of speed, came
into view through the windshield of my car. I drove approximately
five blocks from the time I sighted this object to my home. In
this length of time the object appeared to travel, what I judge to
be about 30 miles to a point what I would judge to be Tracy. At
this point the object seemed to stop and hover. It stayed in this
position for about a minute. Then it appeared to drop straight
down to an altitude of 1,000ft. My thinking would be that at my
first sighting it was about 5,000ft. As this hovered it seemed to
emit a streak of light directly from the bottom of it which lasted
about 15 seconds. The object then appeared to go back to the same
place where it originally hovered. Then it moved quickly to a
place directly south which I would judge to be three miles; it
then came back to what appeared to be its original hover spot. It
then disappeared over he horizon which I would guess to be Hayward.
The object--crescent shaped with portholes--seemed to be quite
large; 300ft in diameter at minimum," reported Mrs. J. Montague to
the Stanislaus County Sheriff. The UFO was described by six other
witnesses as spherical and luminous, glowing with a variety of
different colors.
A UFO landed in the presence of Amos Biggs.
Landing on the ice of Crystal Lake, the object was glowing brightly and shaped like a saucer. A door on the bottom hull of the ship opened,
but Mr. Biggs reported that no one came out of the craft. He said that the object remained for approximately 10 minutes before rising, with a slight hum, and rushing off to the east.
Spokes people for Honolulu Airport, Hickam Air Force Base and The Advertiser newspaper had no explanation for the many sightings
of a UFO over Oahu. Two Hawaii National Guard jet pilots described the object as flying higher than their 40,000ft altitude and at an incredibly
fast speed. A spokesman for the FAA said that the object was not explainable,
but that they were not concerned with the object as it did not
interfere with normal air traffic.
Just after two B-52 bombers were observed flying over the area,
several witnesses reported that an object, originally at 40,000ft,
descended to 10,000ft at an incredible speed. From this point, the
object exploded into flames and traveled approximately five more
miles before disappearing behind the local mountains. The Flathead
Sheriff's office contacted Kalispell Air Force Station. Air Force personnel refused comment on the subject.
After closing the W.T. Grant store at Rodney Village, manager Carl Reimer drove up to his house only to see a streak of light in the sky above his home. It moved, barely above the tree tops, toward the south-east and out of sight.
Several minutes later, Carl Pommell, who was in Frederica, south-east of
Dover, reported to police a luminous object crossing the sky,
followed by a loud explosion. Several other made similar reports
to police.
An anonymous witness, while driving on Hesperian Ave. towards Jackson
Street, observed an white glowing object in the sky. The San
Leandro police station received several calls from frightened
citizens concerning the object. Soon after, the light disappeared.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin, of Hollister, observed a red glowing ball over
Veterans Memorial Park. The object disappeared, then reappeared and
hovered over the nearby hills. People in Palo Alto, who saw the
same phenomenon, said the object dematerialized over the hills.
Making a delivery on Goldendale St., truck driver Jim Wheeler was
surprised to see a car drive up to him at such high speed. Looking out
the window of the semi, Mr. Wheeler caught sight of the vehicle, but it
was not a car. A large saucer shaped craft was following him. The
shape emitted an eerie light that turned the inside of his truck
blue. Simultaneously the ship emitted all the colors of the rainbow. A second trucker, who was following Mr. Wheeler, saw the same object. Both reported
their strange observations to Air Force personnel in Portland. No
official word about the sighting was ever given.
The skies above the Bay area were illuminated by many mysterious
flashes of light. Yet, the skies were clear. Local air traffic controllers could not to
explain the phenomenon.
A UFO that was "greenish colored, with a red-orange tail" flashed through the Oakland hills area at startling speed.
A falling green orb, that could be seen as far away as Salt Lake
City, Utah, was seen by the people of northern California,
including Lodi. The FAA at Stockton Airport could not explain
the sightings.
Explosions rocked the residents of Orange County from Fullerton to
Laguna Beach. No seismic or military activity caused the
phenomenon. UFO activity, however, often results in loud, sometimes
harmful, explosions.
Attending a softball game at Mt. Zion Middle School, Lisle
Ayers, a local farmer, and the other attendees observed a
mysterious red and white flashing object hovering in the sky.
Accompanied by his two grandchildren, Mr. Ayers, enroute home,
stopped his vehicle in order to observe the strange light.
"About that time, a jet plane came into view. Then the red and
white lighted object suddenly shot straight up in the air and
moved away at tremendous speed, finally disappearing."
Many witnesses in the business section of New Orleans found
themselves mesmerized by a cloth like piece of material that curled
and spread itself at will. The light wind that brought in several
cumulus clouds seemed not to affect the strange curtain. Later,
however, after the object disintegrated, rain started to fall from
the clouds under which the object had rested.
Meteorologist Mr. E.L. Hill, of the US Weather Bureau Office
watched the event, as well. Several pieces from the material
dropped only a few blocks away from his building. "There were also
a few fragments, about the size of your hand. One of the pieces
appeared to land on Canal Street. The other fell in back of the
Charity Hospital complex. This piece dropped on the edge of the
roof and `crawled off.' "
Local Naval Air Station sent a weather plane to observe the
material, but could not explain the phenomenon.
At ninety minute intervals, the residents of the resort area found
themselves awakened by heavy aerial explosions. No military
activity was scheduled that night.
The city was rocked by explosion phenomena. No military aircraft
were operating near the city's air space.
Truckers passing on the highway near Lyle were confronted by a
mysterious, green glowing object. The men reported the sighting to
the local police. Finally, an unidentified Austin woman called
police about a firework like object that shot out various
multicolored sparks.
An anonymous witness claimed that a UFO landed into the lake. The
Highway Patrol investigated the area, but could find no evidence of
the landing.
"It wasn't a plane. I walked out to turn off the water and there
was this red glow in the sky over by some trees. It wouldn't be
good to try to lie to you. I just can't describe what I saw. I've
never seen anything like it," Mr. A.W. Creech reported to the local
Arlington Times about his sighting.
Indeed, many other witnesses cam forward with corroborating stories
of the strange event. Mrs. Betty Ables, trying to catch a bit of
rest, was startled to attention by her children who came running
into the house frightened and excited. One child, Danny, believed
that the moon had fallen out of the sky, while his sister, Sue,
thought a parachutist had fallen into some high-voltage wires.
Nevertheless, Mrs. Ables went to investigate.
With a deep red glowing underside, the saucer shaped craft,
complete with dome and antennae, hovered over the neighborhood,
where many stood outside to watch, for about an hour before
disappearing behind Mt. Rubidoux.
On his daily rounds, Mr. Kirby Killion, sanitation department head
for Alpine, watched a large UFO, looking like a large rain drop,
fall to the ground outside of the city.
Mrs. Mary Kimbell and her husband observed the Earth fall and
decided to go out and investigate where they though the thing had
impacted. They found nothing.
The object was also observed by Mr. Carroll Schoenwolf, graduate
student at Sul Ross College, and Mr. Dave Medley as well as many
others. "It was burning and changing colors as it fell," Mr.
Medley recalled.
Residents of Pecos also sighted the object.
Mrs. R. Vasques, remembering the object, said, "It was real shiny
and looked different." She noticed the falling UFO while gardening
in her backyard. Several other residents noticed the same event.
Only miles away, at Alpine, the same object was observed on its
falling path.
Trying to enjoy their drive-in movie, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hoch's
attention was, instead, drawn to the sight of a distant pinpoint
object that streaked across the night sky. As the object passed
overhead, what the Hochs assumed to be a satellite, changed its
course suddenly. Mr. Hoch, a former World War II fighter pilot,
instantly knew that it wasn't a satellite. However, the military
bases surrounding the area disavowed any knowledge of activity
occurring on that particular night.
Returning home with newly acquired building supplies, Mr. Arnie
Amundson sighted a luminous, saucer shaped object approach his
vehicle as he was speeding down Highway 93. After the craft passed
him, it shadowed his movements, and Mr. Amundson could never
overtake the object. Suddenly, the craft sped off passing over the
nearby mountains, out of sight.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, in Scribner, six members of the
congregation, including Rev. LeRoy Dobble, sighted a strange object
hovering in the sky.
In nearby Snyder, Mrs. L. Suerst and Mr. V. Adams, discussing
business, observed the same UFO. "It was shaped like an ice cream
cone, three to four ft. long. It was more blue than red, like a
flame coming out of a blow torch. It traveled fairly fast, but not
nearly as fast as a falling star. The object did not hover and was
traveling in a straight line with the large end of the cone going
first," Mrs. Duerst reported.
With flames propelling the craft, the small UFO, one ft on diameter
and three feet long, passed over the lounging Mr. Floyd Weber. He
was enjoying the cool, summer evening, but soon found himself
staring at the object. He reported that the craft traveled about
a block or more before dematerializing.
An unidentified woman recounted her sighting, of a saucer shaped
craft with a main red light and rotating white light, to the local
paper. "It was between 10 and 10:45pm. I watched the object for
about five minutes from my backyard. It was heading west when it
seemed to stop and the small lights appeared to merge into one
bright light. Then it appeared to descend at a 45-degrees angle.
It stopped again and the rotating lights came back on, together
with the red light, then it continued west, rather low, because it
soon disappeared over the trees."
Mr. Harold and Roberta Flexter recounted their sighting in the
Fairfield Press.
"My husband and I were at the farmhouse watching a cow that was to
have a calf. We were waiting in the field sitting in our truck
with the lights on and I saw this light coming up from behind some
trees and it went real high in the sky and then it just hovered
there. At first Harold and I did not think much about it because
we were worried about the cow. I would glance at it once in a
while and it was still there; it looked like a great big light. We
thought it might be a star but Harold said it was too big for a
star, so we watched it for about 45 minutes. In the meantime the
cow had moved so we started the motor and was moving when the light
began to move. I told Harold to stop and turn the lights and motor
off. That light was moving real fast and did not make any noise;
at least, if it did, we did not hear it. I could see the form of
it as it went overhead. When I first saw it, it was a big light
and when it moved overhead it looked like a kite shaped object.
There was a big light on the front and on the back was a red light
which was smaller. As I said, it went real fast and after it
passed overhead it looked like the red light was closer to the big
light. It faded away and then we had to get the vet for the cow.
She had a dead calf. The vet said it was coming too soon. We did
not know what to think of it."
The State Police in Santa Fe received several calls from local law
enforcement officials who reported sightings of a large, luminous
green UFO and two smaller craft which orbited the larger ship. Two
New Mexico State University policemen, Sgt. W. Stees and Ofc. E.
Water, while cruising the university, sighted the strange objects
in the night sky.
Driving home to Albuquerque, Mr. Ray Hackdeger also saw the lights,
not realizing until they were upon him that the objects were UFOs.
"I thought at first it was a flashlight shining in the window.
Then it disappeared. I don't think it hit the ground, it lasted
only for an instant, and it was suddenly bigger than anything I've
ever seen," Mr. J.J. Jacobs said about his encounter with the
objects along US Highway 66.
Reports flooded the local police department of a strange craft that
hovered over the town. Witnesses were ambiguous as to the size,
shape and color of the unknown object.
Highway patrolmen R. Pfeifer and R. Grudge were the first to report
an object, just west of Auburn, hovering and pulsing white.
People sighted the object as far away as San Francisco.
"It was like a giant jellyfish, shooting out a trail of gas," Mr.
Mike Taylor described the object that was observed by himself and
Police officers, Ofcs. Galen Anderson, John Haag and Ron Girrard,
on their nightly patrol, observed the hovering shape which they,
also, described as insubstantial. It headed off into the night
towards Los Altos where more startled people watched the craft.
Mr. Al Bailey, the local disc-jockey, was notified by the police
department that a spherical UFO hovered outside of town. Mr.
Bailey kept close watch on the object, periodically updating his
listeners. The ship appeared to have one red and one blue light
which rotated around the main body.
"It hovered for two or three minutes over the house, then fell and
burst into flames, setting fire to the Lewis' lawn. It was
lightweight and looked charred," Mr. R. Jones said about the
incident he, his wife, Mrs. L. Eberhard--his wife's mother, and Mr.
and Mrs. M. Lewis, their neighbors, witnessed. The object, aflame,
had flown in a zigzag pattern in the sky before falling into the
Lewis' yard.
Mr. Oscar Monnig, a leading expert on meteorite studies observed
the remnants of the object. "This is contrary to what you would
expect from a meteorite. Meteorites generally are not hot when
they land, they don't smell of sulfur; they are stone-like rather
than metallic and they have a high density and aren't flaming," Mr.
Monnig said of the samples.
Three witnesses observed a huge UFO, over 100ft in diameter, hover
over the city.
Stepping out to shoo away a herd of horses that had mysteriously
gathered outside of his father's house, Mr. Orlando Gallegos turned
to look north and witnessed "an egg-shaped object, longer than a
telephone pole and about fourteen feet in circumference."
Ms. Kathie Riney, 13 years old, and her parents watched in horror
as a luminous UFO sat above their neighbor's barn. The following
morning, they, along with their neighbors, searched the barn where
the UFO had hovered. An electrical pole was knocked over, angel
hair strands were strewn over the property. Most alarmingly, the
neighbor's newest bull calf had disappeared.
Several hunters stumbled across a scorched ring of burned grass in
the forest near Jaffrey. With two landing-gear marks, the circle
was found to be 28ft in diameter and the burned area had a width of
5ft. Soil samples were analyzed and found to be sterile.
A retired longshoreman, Mr. John Reeves, as he walked in the woods,
stumbled across a saucer shaped craft set down in the middle of a
clearing. Upon moving closer to the ship, Mr. Reeves was
approached by a five foot robotic looking individual. He, with a
metallic suit, glass helmet and terrible features of face, pointed
a device at Mr. Reeves who promptly ducked behind some brush. The
being quickly climbed into his craft, both flying upwards out of
Police received a call from an unknown witness reporting a
mysterious luminous light flying overhead.
Having been disturbed enough by the barking of his dogs, Mr. Frank
Mannor went outside to quiet their noise. The dogs were barking in
the direction of the swamp land that lies outside of Mr. Mannor's
property. Looking out in that direction, the farmer noticed
strange lights and a red luminous object down in the swamp.
Calling his 19 year old son, Ron, to follow him, Mr. Mannor set out
for the lights.
The object they came across was as big as a car with a green light
on one end and white on the other. As it hovered, the craft
extended two probes into the mud. Just as suddenly as the ship
appeared, it had vanished in a bright red flash.
Mr. Mannor and his son raced back to their house to phone the
police. The detectives arrived, with them many, many curiosity
seekers. After searching in the dark, all witnessed, on the
horizon, the glow of the original object which again vanished.
The radio announcer at KNOR watched a dome shaped object fly over
Tulsa from his broadcast booth. As he updated the progress of the
craft over the air, many people gathered in the parking lot of the
radio station to watch, too.
Mr. Ray Hall, Oklahoma Civil Defense Agency employee, listening to
the broadcast, slowed his vehicle so he could catch a glimpse of
the UFO.
"My convertible top was down so I looked up to the north-east, and
there, east of me, I saw the UFO. It was over Norman. There was
a quarter-plus moon and the UFO was almost as big as that moon
would have been if it were full," Mr. Hall remarked. "It was
traveling much slower than an airplane."
Alan Smith, a 14 year old observer, snapped several photos of the
object. His father, an American Airlines employee, approximated
the craft's size to be 60ft in diameter and, at most, 8,000ft high.
"I was driving my truck north on Highway 15 about 25 miles south of
Abilene, Kansas. I was carrying a full load of peanuts and was en
route to Lincoln, Nebraska. I guess it was about 1:30am when all
of a sudden all of the lights on my truck went out. Then they came
back on, then off, then back on again. About this time the thing--
saucer, or whatever--went over my truck with a sizzling or wind-
like blowing sound. It scared the hell out of me. It seemed to
almost touch the cab, maybe it was 20ft in the air, and it just
swooped down over the road and hovered there not much more than
100ft in front of me. I tell you, I was standing on those brakes.
I just didn't know what was happening. It looked like it was going
to fall right in the middle of the road, but it didn't. I got my
rig stopped and about that time this thing raised up a bit and
slowly took off to the west and then headed south. I don't know
how long it hovered there in front of me, I was just too scared to
tell time. It seemed longer than 30 seconds. I'd say it was about
14 or 15ft in diameter and sort of orange-colored. It kept
shooting out reddish rays in spurts. It looked like a saucer, but
only about two ft thick, with a hump in the middle which stuck up
about four ft or so. There was a dark spot on the bump. It may
have been a window or something. I just don't know," Mr. Don
Tennopri, a truck driver, recalled. Minutes after the incident, he
was able to contact the local police department and report the
During the night, Mrs. T. Schumaker, staying with her ailing
mother, was awakened by a loud machine-like humming outside her
window. Turning over and peering out the window, she observed a
saucer shaped craft landing in the yard. Mrs. Shumaker attempted
to call out but couldn't. Somehow, she became mute. Struggling,
Mrs. Shumaker fell out of bed with a loud thud which triggered the
flight of the UFO. The following morning, the family found a
large, circular scorch in the grass of the yard, and, Mrs. Shumaker
suffered painful headaches for a time after the sighting.
Offcs. Bill McCoy and Bob Goode, patrolling the highway outside of
Damon, observed a 200ft long and 50ft wide cigar shaped luminous
craft approach their cruiser at a quick speed. Dazed, the officers
soon regained their senses and sped off after the heat from the
object became too intense. Several minutes later, the officers
returned to the sight, only to be dived upon by the craft again.
Fleeing, the two men did not return again until the next day.
A UFO amazed young Coleen Berry and Rolanda Mercia as they made
their way home. The craft, speeding across the sky, had several
flashing lights on its hull, one red, orange and yellow.
"I'd swear it wasn't an airplane," Colleen said to local reporters
on her sighting.
Deputy Sheriff Arthur Strauch, of Sibley County, and four others
observed a luminous object, on a north-easterly course, flash from
white to orange. Mr. Strauch was able to photograph the craft
before it sped off.
Several witnessed watched seven UFOs hover above a power plant in
upstate New York. After a few minutes, all power went out across
the northeast region of the US.
At a screening of "A Man Called Cannon," from Universal Picture
starring Tony Franciosa, people noticed that a saucer shaped craft
flew across the screen behind the head of Mr. Franciosa.
"The sky was unusually clear and visibility was unlimited and
nothing was in the sky. Yet the camera saw something which we were
unable to see with our naked eyes," Mr. James Goldstone, the
director of the film, said of the incident.
Observing the airspace surrounding the air base, two radar
operators followed the course of two unidentified approaching
craft. The objects flew at approximately 4,800mph and, nearing the
base, started a high-speed turn that took them over the airfield.
The craft, then, sped off at an even faster speed vanishing from
the radar.
Colonel Staver, of the Air Force, observed several brilliant
objects speed over Los Altos at an estimated speed of 1,200mph.
The craft maneuvered about before vanishing from sight.
Mrs. E. Miles, driving to work in the coldness of the morning,
noticed that a plane was flying directly at her. As the craft
approached, she discerned that the plane was, in fact, shaped like
a blimp. Just before it hit her car, the craft, instead, hovered
near the road. Mrs. Miles could make out a man, with dark, black
eyes, staring at her from the ship. The ship ascended higher and
higher, and then flew out of sight.
Farmer Frank Mannor and his son, Ronald, observed a luminous object
land in the swamp near their farm. The craft flashed red, white
and blue, then flew off. The Mannor's reported the sighting to the
local police who showed up to make an investigation. The police
and neighbors gathered with the Mannors to watch the craft return
with more UFOs. All the craft maneuvered, for a time, in bizarre
Mr. William Laxton, electronics teacher at the Air Force base,
stopped his car, suddenly, to avoid a strange, pear shaped craft
that rested in the middle of the highway. Mr. Laxton walked from
his car to investigate the craft. A humanoid appeared to be
checking the underside of the vehicle, and as soon Mr. Laxton was
sighted by the humanoid, it rushed into the craft and started it.
The craft rose and shot out of sight.
"In five seconds it was more than a mile away. I reckon it must
have been traveling at a 1,000 miles an hour. When it lifted off
the ground the hair on the back of my neck and hands lifted up,
which should give you some idea of its driving force," Mr. Laxton
recalled of his experience.
Mr. C.W. Snyder, a truck driver, pulled off the same highway that
morning, as a luminous flying object dive bombed his vehicle.
On his way into the city, a businessman noticed a UFO, with multi-
colored lights and oval in shape, resting on a hill. His car
stalled. As well, his lights became useless. However, his car
returned to life as the UFO took off.
Two men chased a saucer shaped craft that overflew several nearby
fields. They were easily out sped. But, they did notice that the
animals in the fields were frightened terribly.
On their way to school, two young boys were pestered by a large,
eight ft in diameter, silver ball that floated in the air. The
boys ran to a nearby car, but the occupants of the car sped away.
They then decided to hide under a bridge. The ball, which shortly
disappeared, had a red light on its top and flashing red and white
lights on its bottom.
Sheriff D. Spaur and officer W. Neff chased a saucer shaped UFO,
about 30ft in diameter, over 80 miles. He said that the object
kept a speed of about 100mph before disappearing.
"It was like a big ball of fire, all colors, and left a long vapor
trail, just like a jet. It was traveling from south to north,
almost parallel with the horizon. We could follow it nearly 30
degrees along the horizon. Then it disappeared. We received 50
calls on it within a short time; some people thought it was a plane
coming down," an FAA official said about the sighting at the
Portland Municipal Airport tower.
Mrs. R. Hartley, her husband, children and several neighbors
watched the flight paths of one large and several smaller UFOs.
Campers watched a saucer shaped UFO with three red lights land near
them in the forest. Succumbing to sleep, they woke up the next
morning in time to watch the UFO, now glowing red, climb into the
A 125ft long and 35ft wide craft, cruising at almost 300ft high,
was sighted by police officer William Stevens. The officer
recalled that the craft was surrounded by a kind of halo or gaseous
Enjoying a late night smoke, seaman Peter Ramussen observed a large
glowing UFO, about 450ft in diameter, approach his ship which was
300 miles southwest of Hawaii. He alerted the captain and two
other sailors. They all watched the craft until it finally drifted
away in the night.
Observed over most of Massachusetts, Mr. Art Richardson, chief
photographer for the "High Point Enterprise," photographed a large,
luminous object with two antennae protrusions. The craft was
observed by many people, but, Mr. Richardson was fortunate to be
the only person to produce photos.
Ms. Jean Klem and four other young companions, enjoying the beach
at Presque Isle Park, became stuck in the sand. No amount of
trying permitted their car to move. Minutes later, a mushroom
shaped craft landed in the sand 300yds away. Frightened, the kids
tried even harder to start the car. However, they weren't able to
start the car until after a mysterious blob-like creature
approached the vehicle.
An unidentified woman reported to the local police that a formation
of eight egg shaped craft overflew her house.
Young Maxi Fox, his family and neighbors, watched the flight of
several luminous objects. One of the craft had a powerful
searchlight that swept the ground as is passed over.
Many witnesses, including a one Mrs. Fox, observed over 50 silver,
saucer shaped objects that maneuvered over the cities if Jonesboro
and Johnson City. The objects let out a sticky, mucus type
substance that was burning to the touch. Several people were
burned and felt nauseated after the incident.
Professor Fred Fields, three students, of the University of
Tennessee, and three police officers observed a luminous orange
object hover and fly over the city.
On his way to his cousin's house, Mr. Ralph Ditter, a barber,
watched, from his car, a saucer shaped object that rotated counter
clockwise. It was at an altitude of 50ft and was 20ft in diameter.
An anonymous nuclear physicist, his wife and children, observed a
large, brilliantly lit craft that hovered above the trees. After
several minutes, the craft became even more luminous and
High school student Robert Neal and several friends watched a fast
moving UFO fly about above Penobscot River. The craft was cigar
shaped and seemed to pulsate with a red color. As the kids tried
to approach the ship, it stopped flashing and vanished. They
notified the Howland Police Department.
The week before, in a car driven by his friend Paul Hatch, Neal
said they were dice bombed by a similar craft.
Mr. Robert Beale, fishing on the Old River, noticed that many
hundreds of fish came to the surface, dead. Birds in the area were
flying in a frenzy. Looking up, Mr. Beale sighted a huge spherical
UFO hovering above him. He managed to take three Polaroid
photographs of the object.
Brothers, Dan and Grant Jaroslaw watched a UFO hover above the ice
on Lake St. Clair. One of the brothers claimed to snap several
photos of the craft before it sped away.
"Suddenly, there it was, something in the sky which resembled a
green, gaseous cloud," a farmer remarked of his strange experience.
His farm hand said, "I didn't give it much thought at the time,
thinking perhaps it was a cloud being reflected by the moon."
After a school event, a high school student alerted his principal
of a strange light that moved erratically across the sky.
A young man was nearly abducted by occupants of an egg shaped UFO
that landed in a nearby field. The young man was alerted to the
landing by the strange behavior of his dogs. He sighted the
object, where several of the occupants had placed smaller egg
shaped objects around the craft. As he approached, the occupants
were alerted to him when he stepped on a twig. They tried to force
him into their craft, but couldn't and fled away in their vehicle.
Mr. and Mrs. Cole, on their way home from a vacation with
relatives, happened upon two strangely colored, hovering objects
that hung above the road. Their car was halted, and they could not
restart it until the crafts roared off into the night.
As they came across a clam shaped UFO on their way to Sandwich, Mr.
Charles Fellows' dog became quite irritated. "The air had an
electrical sparking in it and our dog began to be very disturbed,
and his hair stood up like a brush," Mrs. Fellows said.
Approximately three UFOs, all reddish glowing with domes and
portholes, were observed by several residents of Mount Airy,
including Mr. Francis Andrews foreman of a telephone office. He
managed to take some snap shots of the objects.
Mrs. L Drzonek and several female relatives were driving across a
wooded area when a saucer shaped craft rapidly descended upon their
auto. Mrs. Drzonek's beagle became very agitated until the craft
flew off into the night.
Mrs. J Braden Hackman, three daughters and one of their boyfriends
and Mr. L.A. Braden watched a strange object perform a spectacular
night display.
"Then red lights, something of the order of roman candles began
shooting out all sides at an unbelievable speed." Mrs Hackman went
on to say, "Come closer, let us see you. In a few seconds it was
Giving out a high pitched whine, a bright UFO hovered over the
residents of Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith, along with their two
daughters, observed the craft for some time.
Traveling at 50mph, a saucer shaped craft, 100ft long and 10ft
high, was witnessed by Mr. C. Watts.
Driving home from the late shift, Mr. David Morris observed several
luminous objects dance in the sky. He though little of the
sightings until he came upon a landed UFO. Several of the
occupants were standing in the road, and Mr. Morris was unable to
stop his car in time to avoid one of the occupants. So scared, Mr.
Morris kept driving towards his home. Later, Mr. Morris and a
friend returned to the scene but could only find his tire skid
Mrs. B. Barnes was awakened by a loud thunder strike. It had not
started to rain yet. So, Mrs. Barnes peered out the window only to
see a dim, white light hovering above the street. It moved against
the strong winds for several minutes until it rose into the night
Called to the scene by frantic schoolchildren of Crestview
Elementary, Ms. Marian Waters and Mr. Bob Apfal rushed to the scene
of the activity. They sighted the cause of the fright, a hovering
oval shaped object just off the school grounds. After several
minutes, the craft rose into the air and out of sight.
Students at Lees McRae College, Rod Kittrell, Eldie McGowan, Ken
Davis and Mary Casey, on a double date on Grandfather Mountain,
found that their car would not start. Several minutes later, a
greenish, glowing object approached their vehicle at high speed.
They finally regained use of their car and sped off. The next day
they found crushed tree limbs and the like near the are where they
observed the craft.
A UFO so scared the pony, which pulled a wagon and little boy, that
it died. The boy's father couldn't believe the incident until he
actually found the horse with its legs straight up in the air lying dead near the UFO sighting area.
Mr. T. Nicholl, aeronautical engineer, his family and a few
friends, observed a strange luminous body careening across the sky.
Minutes later, the same object hovered above their small town.
"The edges were sharp and clear. Bright metallic in color, similar
to stainless steel. I figured that whether the craft was ours or
whether it was alien, the Air Force in either case would be all
over the area like a tent. I criss-crossed all the area by car,
but saw no military personnel and few civilians. It was dark by
now," Mr. Nicholl said of the sighting.
Alerted to the presence of a UFO by the shaking of their dog, Ms.
B. Fawcett and sister observed a yellow glowing object rise in
front of their car. After several minutes, the craft alighted upon
a nearby sand dune. The women continued on their way, but notified
the authorities, who, the following day, found a circular scorch
mark on the dune.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Miedtke found themselves awake in the middle of the
night peering out into the field near their house. There, in the
direction their dogs barked, was a saucer shaped UFO landing.
Curiously, their dogs silenced, and they could hear mysterious,
heavy foot steps outside their house. In the morning, they learned
that their neighbors had experienced the same event.
An anonymous witness reported to the Rochester Police that he
observed a UFO hovering over the nearby lake. He further stated
that the craft had dropped something into the lake which burst into
Rancher Burl Lewis found his three year old horse, Snippy, dead
with her flesh, from the base of the neck, stripped clean off.
Fellow rancher and friend Harry King called Mr. Lewis when Snippy
did not show up at his ranch for her customary night drink.
Upon examination of the horse, pathologists found that the
abdominal organs had been removed without incision as well as the
brain. Also, Snippy was not decomposing normally.
Mrs. Lewis found a mysterious, burning metal tool with horse hair
on it near where Snippy was found. Researchers promptly lost the
"On the night of September 11, about 11:30 my mother Linda Smith
saw a spaceship. She lives on the east side of Chico, just inside
the city limits. The object she saw--both with and without
binoculars--was east of her house, shaped like a cigar and seemed
about six feet long and four feet wide. From its top came a
reddish glow. In the half-hour she watched, the object did not
move but she saw another object leave the ship. It looked like a
dishpan or saucer and as it went north it left a vapor trail. At
this point the cigar shaped object moved upward and soon was so
high she no longer could see it," Mrs. J. Smith reported of her
mother's sighting.
Several elaborate formations were assumed by 11 saucer shaped,
luminous craft observed by the Bradshaw family for many minutes.
A huge black UFO came into view and buzzed the family. Soon after,
all the craft disappeared.
Mr. James Lemley, student pilot, observed a UFO that cruised along
his flight path for several minutes. As the UFO began to climb
away, Mr. Lemley decided to give chase until he reached the maximum
altitude of his single engine craft.
"It was either a secret Air Force experimental craft or an object
from outer space," Mr. Lemley said.
Highway patrolman Herbert Schirmer reported to his higher-ups that
he had encountered a UFO landed on a deserted stretch of highway.
Under hypnosis, by the noted expert Dr. Leo Sprinkle, the officer
described his contact with the occupants of the UFO.
Charles and Robert Grapperhaus, along with their high school
buddies, observed a luminous object hovering in the sky. They
stopped the car to take a closer look. The object descended, and
the boys could feel the heat from the object which soon vanished.
An anonymous motorist and his family observed approximately five
UFOs, in formation, fly overhead towards the west. The witnesses
could hear the UFOs make a mechanical hum.
Officer Albert Tetzlaff, schoolgirl Linda Linton, Mr. and Mrs. G.
Wirz were among 50 people who observed a saucer shaped object,
covered with many red lights, hover over a neighbor's house.
Awakened by the sounds of his distressed cows, farmer David Crawley
rushed to a nearby window and sighted a saucer shaped craft
hovering above his house. The craft emitted a bright green light
that cracked the air around him. Then, the craft vanished.
A B-52, on practice bombing runs, vanished from the screens of the
radar operators. No radio distress signals were ever received
from the airplane, nor was any wreckage ever found.
Mrs. R. Skinner witnesses a huge, glowing red UFO hover above her
town for several minutes.
Playing in a gravel pit, several kids observed a UFO of
indescribable shape. They rushed back to town to Deputy Sheriff D.
Holke who returned with them to find that a water filled recess was
completely frozen over.
Three Niagara Falls policemen observed a UFO hovering over the Sir
Adam Back power plant.
Officer Benjamin Packroni sighted two, basketball sized luminous
balls that hovered in the air outside of town.
Mr. Lawrence Holland observed a cone shaped object drop from the
sky. Hard, two feet tall and wide, the object could not be
Driving towards her father's house, Mrs. Oberhelman and family came
across several UFOs dancing over an alfalfa field outside of town.
As they moved along the highway, they could still see the objects
criss crossing the sky. On their way back home, the family again
was startled to see, this time, four UFOs hovering over the field.
Suddenly the objects started to move towards them.
"It was about the size of a small plane, but a design I had never
seen before on any known aircraft, and there wasn't any sound at
all," Mrs. Oberhelman said of her sighting. "Maybe it was as
curious about us as we were about it."
A hat shaped UFO followed Mr. S. Boyer and his housekeeper on their
way home from some nightly chores. The craft was 50ft in diameter
and 30ft high. After a time, the craft hovered over the their car
for four miles. Then, the craft flew off to the east at an
incredible speed.
Students at the all girl Lausanne School witnessed the disappearing
act of an oval shaped UFO that would pop-up unannounced.
"It had red and green lights on top, and near the top were large
windows. On the bottom half white lights were revolving," on
student remarked.
Flying in his personal Jetstar homeward from the Hemisfair, Henry
Ford II and his fellow executives observed a strange object that
flew alongside their plane.
"We saw something round and white. I don't know what it was, but
it definitely wasn't a plane. All of a sudden this big object
appeared. It looked like a dish. It stayed with us for some
distance. I asked our pilot to radio the Air Force to send a
fighter plane up for a look. He didn't want to because he was
afraid they would think he was a kook. I really saw this," Ford
"We all saw it. It's a true story," the executives accompanying
Ford affirmed.
On a leisurely walk after dinner, Mr. and Mrs. W. McMullen, Ms. S.
Burgess and two students observed a saucer shaped UFO flying
towards the McMullen's house. The craft was 13ft in diameter and
eight feet wide, and it rested about 150ft above a local palm tree.
The witnesses could make out humanoids with strange garb just
before the UFO ascended into the evening sky. As well, during the
sighting, neighbors noticed that their TV and radio sets would not
Mr. George Wimberly watched, helplessly, as an out of control
saucer shaped craft plowed into the ground outside of Watkins Motor
Lines garage. The craft exploded, knocking the doors off the
garage and sending the nearby orange grove up into flames. Mr. Watkins
felt that the occupants of the UFO were somehow trying to
re-establish control just before it crashed.
"It was about 200 ft in diameter and was shaped like a disc and had
a little dome on top. As it hovered noiselessly over West Houston
angel hair floated to Earth.
At least, that's what 15 year old Spring Branch boy and several of
his friends said; and at least one person is taking them seriously.
That person is Gene Senter, president of the Houston Science
Discussion Club on UFOs. Senter, summoned to the scene by one of
the families, investigated the sighting and had the sighters fill
out the standard UFO forms furnished by his club.
Then Senter retrieved a tiny twig which had a few strands of the
white substance clinging to it. He put the twig and what the boy
identified as flying angel hair in a plastic bag, iced it down and
took it home to his freezer. Senter plans to get someone to
analyze the substance. He said one of the boys told him the object
was bigger than a bomber.
One of the boys told the `Houston Post' he saw the object about
4:15pm. He said it was about 2,500ft above and hovering. It had
no wings and no lights, but did have small black dots that may have
been windows. He added that a couple of jets came along and chased
the object so high it disappeared. The boy is a sophomore at
Spring Branch High School.
Two women also called the `Post' and they said they had seen a
bright white light moving sideways and up and down in the area of
W.P. Hobby Airport for several nights in a row," the `Houston Post'
Weeks later, the paper printed, "A chemical analysis had failed to
identify the substance resembling angel hair which was found six
weeks ago in the Spring Branch area... David Wuliger, a professor
at the University of Houston said a chemist analyzed the substance
in the laboratory of a multi-million dollar petroleum industry
Wuliger stated that the substance would not dissolve in water,
alcohol and sulfuric acid, among other things.
Microscopic and tactile examination indicates the substance is
fibrous, elastic, relatively strong, somewhat sticky and white in
Mr. Preson Mallette, his son Kenneth and brother William were
searching for one of their boats that had been lost in a dense fog
earlier in the day. Their ship, the Gulf Central, made its way
swiftly through the waters near other shrimping vessels. Suddenly,
a saucer shaped craft with a a powerful beam of light hovered above
them. The craft continued to descend as the beam seemed to hold
their ship steady. Without warning, however, the craft shot up
into the air leaving the men frightened and confused.
A 16 year old paperboy, on his morning rounds, came across a huge
disc-shaped object resting in the park near River and Western. As
he moved closer, the craft rose and sped off into the sky.
Researchers later found scorch marks where the boy said it had
lain. they also took samples of the soil where the scorches were.
UFOs chased two small planes across the Florida coast for almost 30
miles. Robert Holder and L. Duplantis, the pilots, felt that the
UFOs were flying in echelon formation behind the smaller aircraft.
As he was interviewing Larry and Craig Green about their recent
sightings, newsman Scott Richards observed the same craft fly
overhead. Larry shouted, "It's back!" as one of the saucer shaped
craft landed on a nearby hill.
Hovering for a time over Holston Army Ammunition Plant, a large UFO
made its way across the medium sized town.
Mr. Carl Sturgill, Athens Civil Defense Director, reported, "It was
bowl shaped and appeared to be rolling on its edge." He watched
the object with binoculars as it rose up and down in the sky.
Manager of a grocery store, Mr. Waylon Heathscott, driving toward
his home in Vilonia, observed four UFOs, three pink and on red and
green with a square shape, blink on and as if by a switch in the
night sky.
Luminous globes of light startled the citizens of the are when they
were followed by massive power failures. The UFOs flew at an
altitude of 15,000ft, cruising to the southwest. And, the power
failures followed their path over Green Cove Springs.
The local paper, `Star Gazette,' was inundated by calls from across
the town as people witnessed the over flight of a disc-shaped UFO
flashing red, orange and blue.
A UFO reported in the are of Austin caused enough alarm that the
Freeborn County Sheriff's Department investigated the claims. No
significant evidence was gleaned from the witnesses.
"For the past few days, since the beginning of February, I have
been receiving telephone calls pertaining to the sighting of blue
lights in the sky. They seem to appear in one spot and then
disappear--only to reappear in another part of the sky. These blue
lights were as large as `half a dime--held at arm's length.' They
were seen between the hours of 9pm and 11pm," Director Norman
Schreibstein of the Rissler Observatory reported.
Indeed, Police Chief James Alford, as well as hundred of other
people, observed mysterious clouds, that seemed to crackle and
disappear, related to the blue lights the Mr. Rissler mentioned.
Upon consultation with the local office of the Weather Bureau,
Chief Alford believed that the clouds and lights would remain a
The Southwest region of the US and the northern area of Mexico was
overflown by a brilliant blue, white spherical object traveling at
enormous speeds. It is believed that the object landed near
"The light was so brilliant that we could see an ant walking on the
floor. It was so bright we had to hide our eyes," Chihuahuan
newspaper editor Guillermo Asunsolo said of the incident.
An Eastern Airlines ferry flight, out of St. Louis to Miami,
reported to ground controllers that several UFOs had caused them to
start evasive maneuvers. Captain R. Reilman, Flight Officer A.
Farmer and Safety Officer R. Morrison said that the craft were red
until they started into high speed acrobatics then they turned
The people of Billings observed a bright white light that hung,
motionless in the air for many minutes. Nearby Vance Air Force
Base tracked a craft on radar over the town, but lost contact when
the radar failed. Residents as well as peace officers sighted the
"We saw this round, shiny object. It was up quite high in the sky
and had this bright light on the north side of it. The reason
why we thought it was different from a star or anything else was
because this light moved to the south, and what you would call a
spotlight shone to the south of the object. It seemed as though I
saw it two different ways at two different times. It looked as if
it was circular, but it did have a kind of fringe at the bottom.
It just looked like some kind of blimp," Mrs. I. Hostetler said of
her view of the object.
State Trooper Arthur Burns said, "Yes, sir, I did. I didn't see it
on the ground, it was in the air. It was as big as a star and was
bright red in color. It wasn't a plane or a helicopter, but it did
hover over the ground."
Prior to this sighting, the light was seen in Enid two hours
Mrs. Luhann Kail, teacher, and Ms. Linda Laughlin, student, while
on their way to Linda's house, observed a brightly lit cylindrical
UFO that had two red lights on either end of its hull. It altered
its path from flying north-east to hovering above the road that
they traveled on. The craft mirrored their route for approximately
three minutes before vanishing into the night sky.
Mr. Herman Slater, and his friend Mr. Ben Ripley, on a night
pleasure flight, were aloft for 12 minutes before being hounded by
upwards of 14 unidentified saucer shaped craft. They flew in
clusters, and seemed to change their altitude in relation to the
height of the surface underneath them. Mr. Slater felt that the
ships were cruising at an altitude of 5,500ft at 300mph.
Douglas Whitlow, a 17 year old high school senior, as he was
driving home after a late school function, noticed that a luminous
object, just off the ground, had been following him. Shortly after
noticing, the craft fell away from its pursuit, but the object
could be seen hovering in the area for some time.
Several people sharing a ride back to Weeks Mills from Palermo
watched a huge, glowing saucer shaped craft hover at treetop
level. They stopped the car and observed the craft from a short
distance. They could make out rectangular portholes and its
rotation pattern. After a time, the craft bobbled a bit, then sped
off to the northwest.
Radio station WKXY became sighting central as people from across
the county observed a cigar shaped craft over their neighborhoods.
"It looked like the light on the top of a radio tower, and we
thought the flash that was being emitted came from a bird being
electrocuted on the wires," young Greg Lucht recounted of his and
Alan Prouty's sighting.
Magnificently arrayed with multi-colored lights, the dome shaped
craft became visible after they passed the sparks. Several times,
the craft shone a powerful beam of light from a part of its
underside. However, the craft disappeared.
As they arrived at Alan's house, the ship came into view again.
They climbed up onto the roof only to be dive bombed by the craft.
Many neighbors and family members observed the strange object, too.
A disc-shaped object, complete with dome, overflew a family on
their fishing holiday. The object has been sighted on numerous
occasions by different people.
The US Coast guard, out of Port Canaveral, responded to mysterious
distress signal flares that were later attributed to "cosmic
phenomena." Witnesses said that the lights were "green or white"
in relation to where you viewed them. The lights were not weather
phenomena since the night was clear in all respects.
After spending a hectic day shopping, Mr. Brian Bishop and two
female friends observed, on their way home, three yellow, orange
luminous spheres that were motionless in the sky.
Ms. L. LaFlair reported to the Oklahoma City Police Department that
she saw an unidentified, luminous object descend over the city.
The police dispatcher received more than 25 calls about the object.
"It was a flashing object, quite vivid and rather low. It had no
shape and traveled in the sky from east to west for more than five
minutes before it disappeared," Mrs. I. Ham said of the event that
was witnessed, also, by her daughter and son-in-law.
On his way home from his girlfriend's house, Randolph Whitcomb,
18, stopped his car when the radio started to lose power and
become static filled. Fiddling with the controls, he looked up at
his hood and found that it was glowing red. The glare was from a
large, red glowing ball that hovered over the car. Randolph calmly
started on his way back home. However, the object followed him
until he pulled into his driveway.
Randolph called Eli and Gloria, his brother and sister, and his
mother to see the red ball before it flew away.
"Every once in a while, it would get small, but it stayed bright.
When it momentarily disappeared it came back like a little star,"
Randolph said of the event.
Cpl. Charles Brandmeyer, of the US Marine Corps, heading home on
leave from duty, observed a bright light hovering over some trees
alongside the highway. As he passed the object, it made a violent
turn and started to hover above the car as it traveled along the
highway. When he reached home, Brandmeyer roused his family, and
they all began to chase the UFO. But, they lost sight of the craft
after 30 minutes.
As they passed by on their way back from church, Ms. M. Barnes and
three friends were fascinated by the golden glow of a large round
sphere that hovered above a hill near the road. Suddenly, the ball
became intensely bright and split into three smaller spheres.
Two young couples, Garth and Louola Morris and Claude and Thelma
Willie, stopped along the roadside to watch a spherical object
that looked very much like the full moon. It hovered over the
ground for several minutes then shot off into the sky leaving a
fluorescent vapor trail behind.
Five UFOs danced in the night sky above Warren for many minutes.
Local residents tried to use binoculars to identify the craft, but,
at an altitude six miles, they were too far up in the atmosphere to
be clearly seen.
Trying to finish plowing his field, farmer Richard Heaton worked
late into the evening. He happened to glance up, noticing some
movement in the sky, and found that three saucer shaped craft were
following behind a luminous sphere. From the west, another
luminous sphere approached, and all objects began to perform
strange, acrobatic maneuvers. After a time, Mr. Heaton lost track
of the craft.
Driving his daughter to school, Mr. Robert LeMunyan was surprised
by another vehicle speeding past him and honking madly. He and his
daughter looked in the direction that the other driver was pointing
to, and they observed a bright, orange sphere break into three
smaller pieces and flash up into the sky.
Thinking that he was watching a red, tower light in the distance,
Mr. Martin continued driving home while Mrs. Martin finished her
knitting. Several minutes later, after passing the last Boonville
exit, Mr. Martin noticed that the bright red light was now directly
in front of their car and approaching them. Smartly, Mr. Martin
pulled to the side of the road and let the object pass overhead.
As it got closer, the couple could make out its cigar shape with a
bright exhaust end. The craft passed without incident, and the
frightened couple resumed their course home.
Mrs. O. Bacon and Mrs. L.Killian, neighbors, watched, through a
telescope, an oblong object, with a variety of bright colors, hover
at a high altitude above their city. Neither woman reported their
sighting to the police for fear of being an alarmist.
A luminous blue object streaked across the morning sky from Grand
Island, Nebraska to Fort Worth.
A V shaped formation of luminous disc objects crossed over the
Denver sky twice in one night. Local authorities received
approximately 12 calls inquiring about the nature of the flying
"Most people just asked if we had seen it, and if we had any report
on what it might be. Mrs. J. Harmon said she observed the light
through her binoculars and it appeared to be egg shaped. Finally,
it just looked like a small star and I stopped watching it," Deputy
Sheriff Foster said of the craft that made its way across
Bentonville. The sheriff's office received upwards of 12 calls
regarding the sighting.
A large, red UFO hovered east of the Russell city police station.
Police authorities contacted the nearby airport, but, no aircraft
were flying over their position. Many people reported the object
to the police.
"It first appeared cream-colored, then it turned red, white and
blue. It was approximately the same size as the full moon. About
10 minutes later another light appeared on the left side of the
moon, identical to the other, giving it the appearance of three
moons. I looked for a beam reaching the Earth to them, thinking at
first it might be a spotlight, but there were none visible. These
two lights appeared stationary, remained within view for 15
minutes, then both vanished from sight," Mrs. Schriener reported of
her, her husband and their three children's encounter.
Mr. E. Arnold, his wife and her sister Ms. Lynn Holding, on their
way back to their home, observed a dim, luminous object in the
distance. Mr. Arnold joked that the light was a flying saucer.
Then, they noticed that the light was moving closer to their
vehicle. When the craft passed overhead, the three decided to
follow the object. They did and found that another craft flew into
view, as well. Mr. Arnold stopped the car to get a better look at
the craft which was about as big as a small airplane. After a
time, the craft disappeared from sight.
On their way to milk their cows, Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson observed
three red, glowing spheres and a red V shaped object that flew
across the eastern horizon. "It reminded me of the 4th of July
when a firecracker goes `puff.' It covered the whole eastern sky.
We went back in to milk the cows and it soon started to fade away,"
Mrs. Thompson said of the incident.
Mrs. R. Curtis and her 10 year old daughter observed a blue-green
UFO the size of a baseball fly across the ground out of sight.
Walking home from the grocery store, 15 year old Laurie Walther
watched a spherical UFO, with red and blue lights across its hull,
make its way over the town. She quickly reported the sighting to
Deputy John Wells who had received similar reports minutes before.
For six minutes, Mr. Neil Yarnell, foreman of the local Johnny
Appleseed plant, and his daughter sat, transfixed, by the sight of
a glowing spherical UFO that crossed over the forest area. Mr.
Yarnell could make out no sound or exhaust from the craft.
When Mrs. P. Long and her 14 year old daughter first saw the craft,
it was hovering only feet above the ground behind nearby trees. As
it rose into the night sky, they could plainly make out that the
craft was saucer shaped and appeared to have a rotating inner
section. "I felt I was watching a science fiction movie on TV,
only that this one was framed in the large picture window of my
home," Mrs. Long said.
As he was traveling toward Dunn from a business meeting in Benson,
traveling salesman Mr. R. Tart watched a bright, star-like object
hover in the sky for several minutes before it vanished. Several
hours later, traveling from Dunn to his home in Erwin, Mr. Tart saw
the same light again, and it vanished in the same manner as before.
Suffering from insomnia, Mr. D. Nowka turned off the late show, and
caught a glimpse, out of the corner of his eye, a mysterious
luminous object slowly crossing the sky towards the Western Union
Tower. Mr. Now awakened his wife, and they both watched the light.
About and hour later, another strange light came into view. Mr.
Nowka, looking through binoculars, could make out green lights on
the saucer shaped craft's edge and a large rotating red light in
the center. Several minutes later, both craft sped off in opposite
directions. Two highway patrol officers and local residents
reported the craft as well.
"My wife and I watched this object for about 10 minutes. I was
absolutely fascinated with it. I thought it was going to explode.
Twice we saw spark flying out from under it and at first I thought
it might be a private airplane in trouble, but from its actions and
shape I knew it wasn't an airplane or a helicopter. I've been an
aerial photographer for 30 years and I've never seen an airplane
with characteristics like that. It gave off a steady light and
appeared to be climbing before we lost sight of it in the cloud
cover. We didn't hear any sound, and from our angle of vision I
wouldn't even want to make a guess as to its size or speed. I have
no idea as to what it was, but it certainly wasn't an airplane,"
Mr. Deano remarked of his and wife's experience with this craft.
Mrs. Ellis, whose family witnessed the event too, said, "My son
Gary was the first to spot the object. He told me that it was just
hovering near the ground, but by the time I had gone outside,
whatever it was rose into the air and began drifting toward our
house. All I could make out were three large light sources which
reminded me of floor lights. There wasn't any particular color,
other than white, but we did hear a `hmmm' just before it
disappeared. It was visible for about 10 minutes, but we couldn't
establish the size."
Three unidentified men reported to the Wright County Sheriff' s
Department that several strange lights maneuvered over the Dows
golf club. Sheriff's deputies were dispatched to the area to watch
for the lights. Sure enough, a single, luminous object shot across
the sky from east to west. The craft made no sound, but left a
glowing vapor trail over its path. The light disappeared as
mysteriously as it had appeared.
Driving along a country road, an anonymous couple reported to
authorities that they had witnessed a luminous sphere rise from a
field where they had been.
Mr. L Duer, a farmer, his wife and three children also saw the
light. "The road runs along a high bridge and we suddenly saw this
large white light rise up from a field about two miles below us,
and when it reached a height of several hundred feet it moved
swiftly towards us and went overhead," Mr. Duer said. He also
stated that they saw the same object later that night.
A fat oval UFO followed hapless Mrs. Hatch and her 10 year old son
as they made their way to the hospital where Mrs. Hatch worked.
The UFO kept pace and circled their vehicle until they reached the
city limits.
"It was the brightest light you've ever seen," an anonymous woman
said of her and her sister's encounter. This woman pulled over to
the side of the road after she passed the Burdette interchange.
"It had what looked like two little blue lights on something that
was turning around and around.. At first we thought it was an
airplane, but it was standing still. Then we thought it might be
a helicopter, but it wasn't making any noise, and then all of a
sudden it cranked up. It made a whistling noise and moved off
toward Blytheville so fast that in a few seconds it was out of
Mutilations are differentiated from accidental or predatory death
for several reasons. Chief among them is the manner in which the
flesh has been removed from the body. Cauterization (the fusing of
tissue and blood vessels by heat or chemical means) seems to be
typical of mutilations. Unlike animal attack, the flesh, adjoining
the area where it has been removed, is smooth and clean as if cut
with a searing or laser scalpel. As well, the areas chosen for
removal are quite strange. Mainly the sexual, anterior digestive
tract and sensory organs are affected.(No predator
differentiates so precisely). Still, no tracks of any kind can be
found around the mutilation site, except, sometimes, tripod marks.
Also, no carrion eaters will touch the mutilated cow even though it
has plenty of flesh still left to be eaten.
This heifer had her udder removed and the remaining teats slashed.
As well, her rectum and sexual organs were cored out of the pelvic
cavity. Expert analysis revealed that this animal had been
mutilated. Normal predation indicators (bite marks, etc.) were
not present, and the cutting instrument used had to have generated
sufficient heat for cauterization (fusing of tissue and blood
vessels by heat or chemical means).
In a similar case, also from Wyoming, the pathologist found an
insertion into the brain cavity of the cow that had been mutilated.
The doctor, therefore, postulated that this cow had been subdued by
an injection of unknown medium into the brain.
Colorado, Wyoming, Texas, Alabama, Puerto Rico, Canada, and as far
away as South America, have been home to such mutilations.
Speculation that secret US government groups (paramilitary or spy)
or Satanic cult activity, therefore, seem too far fetched. Surely,
the US government would have their own stock of cows for an
experiment of this nature. Satanic cults would need to have
enormous resources to carry out this type of operation throughout
the world.
Ranchers have witnessed strange, unmarked black helicopters fly
over their cattle where they will, later, find mutilated cattle.
Some have even witnessed strange lights in the night sky previous
to finding bodies. There are those who believe that the
mutilations are occurring as a random radiation test by
extraterrestrial visitors whose purpose is to safeguard humanity
against nuclear annihilation.
Rancher C. E. Potts found one of his prize bulls alongside of the
road one summer afternoon in late July. "We were passing down this
road, and there was a thunderstorm a coming up behind us. We
smelled this animal as we come by. We came back to check on it,
and found it was mutilated. We examined it and its sexual organs
was taken out. Its eyes were taken out, and its eyelashes were
taken out. Well, there wasn't no predators. Not a predator
bothered it since it was dead even. Couldn't have been killed by
a predator cause all the surgical work was done by an expert. I
really didn't think anything of it till it come home to me. Now I
know it was bound to have been mutilated cause anyone who could see
good could tell it was," Mr. Potts remembered.
"The very first one we had was southwest of Sterling. When we
first looked at it, it was unbelievable that you could take an
animal and do this to it without leaving some kind of tracks or
evidence behind such as cigarette butts, matches, hand prints,
footprints, but there was nothing. The animal looked almost
horrible, and it was something I didn't want to believe then. And,
we probably had five or six others before I believed something
strange was going on. We had one up north that we believe the
animal was paralyzed and was alive while it was being mutilated.
An eye, and an ear, the tongue, the rectal area were taken out.
The animal had dug a hole with its head, but none of the other
parts of the body moved," Former Sheriff of Logan County Tex Graves
who investigated 93 mutilation cases said.
Called on assignment to investigate several previous sightings of
UFOs, a camera crew from a local New Zealand television station
chartered a plane to fly them across the disputed sighting area.
While making their approach to the bay city where they were to
land, they spotted this object maneuvering rapidly in the sky. Air
traffic controllers confirmed their sighting as they tracked the
object on radar.
This photograph, among thousands of 16mm film and other footage,
was captured by Mr. Billy Meier, the one-armed contactee of the
Pleideans. His encounters, as well as his physical evidence, is
widely believed to be faked. The UFOs that he has filmed are not
smooth flying, but rather wobbly craft, and, although he says he
contacts the extraterrestrials daily, he has never photographed
If not for the intrepid work of Dr. Colin Andrew and his
associates, little would be known of this most amazing evidence of
extraterrestrial contact. Previous to his work, it was thought
that these formations were the effects of unstudied weather
phenomena, such as funnels and wind devils. Others argued that
these crop circles and patterns were the products of elaborate
hoaxes. And, because it had begun to happen around the world
(Australia, US, and England), all, except otherworldly forces,
could be ruled out.
Like the plaques on the Voyager spacecraft, which, in mathematical
terms, says hello to whoever may find them, these crop patterns
depict complex mathematical, chemical and atomic scientific
concepts, possibly in hopes that we will understand and try to
communicate in like manner. After all, the ancients, across the
globe, once painted the ground with amazing pictograms, such as the
Nazca lines, that could only be seen, in their entirety, from
Besides the communicative aspect of the patterns, a strange
chemical process is undergone by the wheat that has been patterned.
Their, once irregular, carbon structure has become crystallized.
Yet, the plants continue to grow.
Hopefully, with the dedication of scientists like Dr. Andrews, we
may one day fully understand what is taking place.
A second variation Pleiadian Beamship of seven meter in diameter moves about under an overcast layer of clouds as it puts on a flight demonstration before Eduard Meier's camera. The buildings to the left are part of a sanitarium complex.
A photographer who insists on anonymity snapped four good color photographs of a silvery disc-shaped object flying high above the treetops in this vicinity. The same or similar object was also photographed on 17 March 1979 by a different witness.
A seven meter mothership with two remote controlled drone ships in tow flies over the Fischenthal Valley east of Lake Zurich in Switzerland. Eduard Meier snapped more than 70 color photos of these three ships during this long observational event.
Sr. F. Alzaibar, a nuclear physicist of the Argentine Atomic Energy Commission, his wife M. a senior professor of exact science, and a second couple, owners of the river yacht they were all traveling on near Carmelo, snapped two photos of this disc.
Mr. Lee Elders, watching a football game at home on television, was called outside by some nine and 10 year old boys playing in the yard to see a flying saucer. He picked up his 35mm camera and walked out and snapped four pictures of this remarkable object.
The photographer and a friend, standing in the back yard of a country home in Ontario Province, saw what they at first thought was an airplane approaching. Its silence and the very low level of the object caused one man to run for a camera. He snapped seven good color pictures of the object before it flew away. It was seen to disappear in the haze in the distance. The amount of haze in the photos increases in the last pictures as it moves away.
As the bottoms of the low flying clouds began to turn gold at sundown, Sra. Montserrat Batllori, a housewife, seeing this beautiful sunset out her window, obtained a camera and went out to get a picture of it. She observed it for a few moments, and then on impulse snapped the shutter and got this photograph capturing three quite brilliantly luminous golden flying objects over the buildings in dark silhouette.
For this fourth shot in this third series of color pictures, Bill Herrmann was standing in a field holding his breath as the 40ft diameter object hovered, wobbling around its vertical axis. This one made a loud buzzing noise at another time.
Japanese tourist Ryo Terumoto, photographing the sacred Mount Gnung-Agun, captured a silvery metallic lens shaped flying object in the distance just below the left peak. Later analysis showed the image to be of a real object far away.
This is photograph number two of seven pictures taken by Sr. Hector Rufino Delgado as a silvery metallic disc-shaped object flew around his home and above his greenhouse. The sighting lasted a number of minutes before the ship flew away.
Mr. Lauersen, walking his dog on Sunday morning, suddenly saw a strange hovering object which was surrounding its lustrous disc-shaped body with white cloud like vapor. He photographed the object some 250 to 300m distant and 30 degrees above the horizon before it disappeared.
Sr. Gonzalo Luis Heuer, watching storm clouds over the city, saw a pinkish-orange lenticular luminosity flying in and out of the clouds. He obtained a camera and snapped two pictures of the object before it disappeared.
Taken by an anonymous witness, this film captures a single UFO image cruising across the sky. In depth analysis has yet to reveal any clues as to the origin or type of craft.
Mr. Ray Wordle, on vacation with his family, found himself watching, amazedly, the Las Vegas skyline as several luminous craft maneuvered to and fro. Fortunately, Mr. Wordle found his video camera and was able to shoot this footage. Possible points of interest for extraterrestrial craft in Las Vegas are Nellis AFB and other military sites scattered nearby.
Adults and children, in the small Georgian city, were enthralled by the dancing, bright object that floated in the sky for many minutes. The voices in the background speak excitedly in Russian and Georgian.
Extraterrestrial beings have contacted the inhabitants of this Peruvian town, and put on a nightly display of metamorphosing lights. The beings claim to be the caretakers of the human race and the planet Earth. American camera crews were called in to photograph the phenomenon.
UFOs often are thought to exceed speeds that are achievable by conventional aircraft. This footage, photographed by Mr. James Worenze, clearly illustrates that these craft have the capacity for enormous speeds beyond our own abilities.
Two UFO craft circled over the heads of the anonymous witnesses heard speaking in the background. These bear a resemblance to the sightings that occur in Chilca, Peru.
Russian analysts have yet to uncover what causes the lights that float over Tbilisi. These objects repeat certain patterns over and over for many minutes. Finally, they disappear as mysteriously as they arrived. Russian speakers are heard in the background.
Fearful of official and social reprisals, an unknown witness has kept silent about this sighting for many years, until recently, when he released the film to the Nippon Television Network.
Japanese analysts, on national television, found this glowing red orb to be a credible UFO sighting. No markings, wings or fuselage can be found in this image. The footage was photographed by an anonymous witness who wishes to remain so.
Photographed with special night vision equipment, the Marfa lights were recently under scientific investigation. Researchers could not maintain a specific distance between themselves and the lights, and could not move any closer to the lights after repeated attempts. This phenomena has been observed for over a 100 years. Considerable debate has been conducted as to the possible extraterrestrial origin of the lights. No conclusive evidence has ever been made public.
Stumbling across this cigar shaped UFO, Mr. Harold Trudel, while on a bird watching expedition, managed to photograph the object. Because of this sighting, he found himself called to investigate further UFO phenomena.
An unknown Japanese person filmed this UFO as it flew over the skies of the island nation. UFO researchers, in the US and Japan, have analyzed the footage and have deemed it to be genuine.
Filmed by an unknown witness, this UFO flew over the coast of Brazil for many minutes. People in neighboring cities and towns were able to catch glimpses of the object.
Near an ocean side park, several luminous objects danced in the sky above the playing children and lounging adults.The photographer of this event has remained anonymous.
Excited crowds watched these hovering lights metamorphosize and maneuver across the sky. Brazillian television captured these images for photographic analysis. No conclusions could be made as to the origin of the lights. Portuguese, as the native language of Brazil, is spoken in the fore and back grounds.
Changing shape and color, as if attempting to communicate, the Ring of Lights have become world famous for their incredible patterns. Appearing almost every night, people from across Brazil, and the world, travel to Espiritu Santo just to see the wonderful event. Their origin remain a mystery.
Suppressed for many years by military intelligence, this official gun-camera footage of a UFO was shot over Arizona. The pilot has never come forward to explain the events of his flight.
An unknown witness filmed this unexplainable object as it flew into and around a bank of clouds over the plains of Texas.
This footage has been enhanced by special computer software to reproduce a three dimensional appearance. An anonymous source captured this footage in the night sky.
Little is known about the events surrounding the capture of this footage. The witness has never stepped forward to describe in greater detail what the saucer shaped craft was performing.
Given to Brazilian television, this film captures two distinct, bright objects as they pulse in the night sky. The photographer of the event has remained anonymous.
Complete with the overpowering sound of a UFO engine system, Mr. John Sheets, fortunately, found his camera gear and was able to capture the sighting on film, as he was on a camping trip.
Avid Ufologist George Adamski captured this sequence that illustrates a UFO's ability to spontaneously separate into two individual craft.
Through a telescope, an anonymous witness photographed this luminous disc floating in the skies above Cincinnati.
An anonymous witness followed the flight of this object for many minutes. He was unable to determine the bearing or origin of the craft before it disappeared. The man has refused to come forward for fear of slander.
Several people observed the peculiar flying motions of this luminous body before realizing that they had film gear with them. They quickly assembled their camera and set out to record this event.
Retired Lt. Col. Wendelle C. Stevens, a consultant on this software, has had extensive experience with UFOs, their contactees and the ramifications of their visitation here on Earth. He is the world's foremost expert on UFO photographs dating back to just after the Second World War.