10034 Compact and reorganize the record headers... press Esc key to abort.
10035 Remove any unnecessary field definitions... press Esc key to abort.
10036 Reorganize %s field data... press Esc key to abort.
10037 Reorganize fixed-length field data... press Esc key to abort.
10038 Ask new path
10039 The specified pathname '%s' does not exist, would you like to create it?
10040 Converting the old format album file '%s' ... press Esc key to abort.
10041 The record sequence has reached its maximum number.
20001 Insufficient memory, please close other programs to free up system resources.
20002 There are only %ld bytes of disk space left on path %s, %ld bytes are required.
20003 Insufficient memory.
20004 There is not enough disk space to perform this operation.
20005 Unable to write file.
20006 File seek operation failure.
20007 There are too many albums in the workspace. Please place some albums onto the shelf or remove ones you no longer need.
20008 System memory or resource running low.
20010 Unable to find the library '%s'.
20012 Incorrect ID or checksum value.
20014 The album file is missing.
20015 Too many files are open.
20016 Disk error.
20017 Sharing or lock violation.
20018 Network connection failure or busy.
20019 Unable to create an album. May be insufficient disk space or no access rights.
20020 Unable to write data to an album. May be insufficient disk space, no access rights, or the diskette has been removed.
20022 Unable to read data from an album.
20023 Unable to open album file. No access rights or file is in use.
20024 Not a valid album file.
20025 Album file is corrupt.
20026 Unsupported version of album file.
20027 Text field data exceeds 255 characters.
20028 Please try another album title because too many album or mark files share the same filename.
20029 Unable to create the album file using the current album title.
20030 This album is in use by another program or user. When it is available you will be able to open it from the shelf.
20031 Incompatible version number of mark file.
20032 Incorrect ID or checksum value of mark file.
20033 Unexpected end of file or read failure for mark file.
20034 Unable to create '%s' folder within the Windows folder.
20035 System memory or resource running low.
20036 Path not found.
20037 Album is full. No thumbnails can be inserted.
20038 The target data area is locked now, please wait.
20039 Invalid parameter.
20040 No new field can be added.
20041 This function does not support album files from an earlier format.
20042 Unable to open the mark file '%s'.
20043 The pathname '%s' is invalid, read-only, or you have no write access rights.
20044 Invalid record number, may be deleted or locked.
20045 Would you like to delete the original file '%s'?
20046 The thumbnail compression method is not support in current release. Please use the previous release to change compression method to 'None Compress' through Album:Properties command.