Labels:book | cabinet | daily | rotogravure | windowpane OCR: grassy in courec comparn co Florida ics nout abave Qr tive courscg 9 thilos, falls into the Atlantic ange take its length miics and ncean br onc nain and scvoral em alleroutlem breadth uilea The ercat body of water hetween St Simon's and Sapeloo ialands and this Savanng represented ST iosing itsolf hetween Me Intosl and l Glynn couu les. The in farge aipr to be the narern entire length of the basin of Alatamaha 250 side, and to discharge itself through gub. milea, with mern width of 50, and area terrancan paisage into Orange lake What 2 .500 aquare milcs and lyirig betveen over Bay be the case this Savanna exhibitg 31- 15 and 310 28 Puu betw een Long but the apnearanco levol, WRtery and 70 20 from The pources Ma dow covered thick growth of aquatic tamaha interlock with thoag ofst. flla Cat ...