Labels:book | daily | rotogravure | silver screen | sky OCR: 1-I. Li fieli] Cou 38 Is. Pearl Hartferd, 33 K Haven, 4Ta. Ha BONR LICK Boone cO. Kv situated abouit sq. tue. hiliy. witl grnite creek f tht I nama in the roks ard n gravelly oan, good for urrzing pXtri the co. ahout 30 ITH. frou Ciu- arl uTain, besring o&k miple:, cinnati and by [I-Y. CF HE. near!y fro Branches ot Ponperang srpply mll Frank fort TEp 183.1, 900 BIGBYVILLE, southern BETTFNURG, p-v Chounngo 120 Ten na Bouthwardly ftom Cofumbia, the ns SAT Llbany CO scat, and hv p-I. 42 ns Nasl. REVANSTILLH, in eustern nart of A1 ville ioghnny Md. by EOT ms BIC RLEK p.o. sout heastern patt of Iogan tn] 142 Annnpolis. about 70 ms 4.E Charleston, on ESRC Mass 17 N. Great Kenhaw 890 ms. W Boston BT bor cunnected with Sa. and 868 little of 'Richmond. lam hriilge 5u1 feet hy 32 has oxcellent CRtEX ...