Labels:book | daily | newspaper | reckoner | sky OCR: BOS BUS Wiseassot Augtsta Damariscot lit} 1830 61 392. Its harbor is coumnndious which. sltti nhother art nt the might contain 500 ships, of depth aimost insulatr: Top. B3 2,2G. suficient for thote of the targost size. It is BORDENTOWN Burlington pro iected frotn Kq numerons islanda ma has Trenton, Phil., Dclaware n and and Castle islands which lefend the forta the Ji nication TeAnF with of the the surtace, river Phil. has market. consilierabiy reud the sen1 COnU of ithe harbuor, Warren gca and The in entrance good Independence, is degree very Fhelter from fhe ishe re, Cornt on de hank Sursiiliera, Jozcpli Bonaparte Commerce grent. -The Many commerea shipe of AYP Boston hng the of the Drl [always heen LLI ms. PORNENVIL AT. Raleigh, -0. ald Cartulet near the Atlantic [in] trade ernpioyed ir ...