Labels:book | daily | tree | windowpane OCR: TWRI iRf or60 tona. 1:1 "heautifil paul, allc:] Saln BRETTON nt WOODS, ElLC White at adioinirg the stall's clusierS 0i 1 thc Thi nile houndarv ad India pru t mgr T. b150 anl. alniost 24.640 uninhabited acres, is islands, ireary: nni contains the ple Sound irt bolung the Many Pop, with uncven, uart Pondicherry mth N.. iund Ano rs ongago t fisling JATE ofthc year of Joln's and Isrtel's 1830. 2392 IOUSUY art BR WYIANILN t, Luwia Pop. Pt 1830. 108. 1830, 60 1311 EVARD, [-0. S:nith CC Ten ms BRASHER, t.St. Lawrenco co. N Pop. 1. Nashville n.D. Bunconie NC. 1830 83 BRNY ARDEV *tI BUSSHERVILLE, D.O. Ferry co. Ky by p-r ms. from Ralcigh. Me ITE 163 ms. F by Frankfort. IMYT n.t enobscat ca Penalscot p.t, Waehiarn 07 iugusta lenningt Lon, G0 Albany, 75 Huneock Por 1,078. Boaton, 80 Hartford, Lank Ho ...