Labels:book | cabinet | daily | windowpane OCR: CAM CAM W. Bosto first aatticd 16a1. Ithen! Columbia Population 1320 abont 4 principal Canbrilge ca laining MBRIGE p-Y ad jus Guernsey cO the churches university iR pleasantly ireenal sitUatcd and on several and by on n.r Wilts creek 53 ms liuto from Calumbus Wheeling, ful plain extending from Chirles Pop isno, 518. handsome village, and containg to osrcn CAMDEN, p-. Waldo cO. Me TS. several oftcera of the university Thomaston, 59 Augusta on Penobacot Catnlrilge EOTt F vilinge conaide bay Pop 1$30 674 rabte hisinera, cnntaining feveral churches MDEN p.t Cheids me. connceted Borton bridge with the eity Rome ms. by 12 his many milt aitc. 1 oarl Eaat Cnmbridga, V. on Lechmere puint Figh crech wig unoven with fertile aandy ix fonrishing village, where are vnri loan, good for grain henring heot ...