Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky OCR: and its existcnce to 330 55 and U2 W fron Lacka coal strata, which hore i8 feet river rieing letween in deptl. The cool hod A in an gur- thit iclliite an tivera, "Sroke, Rok. rounded by forests, and opened ira nbnit inghant, and Guilford flow6 thence 200 20 plnees. The coal ia conveyed by stationa ms. direction. receiving lumerols I'T steain cnginc: first distance 48 smaller tributiries tr] lost in the Atlantic with an ascent of B55 foet thence aver occnn AL two mouths, one on tach sile level of 8,30 teot to the head o inciincd Smit's island. The basin of cape Fee pianer, down which in cara nraceeds to 20 by Tat 10m and30 ncan width titel 000 31 long ms he bo- whale Honeslalc, length A the the head rail of rrmel tho and eunal pianet The is tween tween 10 30 and from 1,000 + about ma Total ...