Labels:book | daily | gazette | sky OCR: CHE CIIF CHERAW p.. in the part of Chestor. people who resido in Goorgia harc bocn ficla dist on the right bank of Groat made eubjoct to the IWB Georgin tp Fedes p.r. B8 Columbia atatnto ot that etate CHELOKERS nation in Teo CHEROKEE p.r. 77 na. CORNEn little glethotpe Mil. cO. dians, inhafiting part of narthwestern Geo. northeasteru Ala. southeastern Ten ledge and 611 m5. from and the extreme wetrn, ang gle of N. RY PO. Locoming Ta In 1809 an enumeration made bq the nthrd Harrisburg agent the pop. Df thie poople amounted CHERIYF FIELD, Washington co. Me. 30 Cherokees, one half of whom were Machins, Hancock Co crossed mixed, 12.395 Aq] Narrngua g8 Pop. 1840, F89 Negro s]ayer 583 CHERRRY RIDDE Wayne Pa byp-I. Whitas resident. +11 165 ma Harrishurg CHERRY TREE Venango Pa by p-r Total 13.319 ...