Labels:book | cabinet | daily | gazette | silver screen | sky | windowpane OCR: CHIE 100 cfii Lak'g Chaupluin, "Burhingran, hata9j UENEY' SHOPO, Velaware cO. Fa.l? InA flake shore iends ubout Bur TIA from Plila mvuntainout sume Yel along tho CJIETINACUIRA la between the A fortile il loul ningled with Teche, aud Atchafateya from to 6 clay Ite luuber trade cansilernhfe. Con. ms. in breadth challaw ard :11 taina BeveTal anall poruly discharging m{I1| eidea cnironeuby low epnually inundated, BLrOR Iruicipal Sandy OT Nable here and uninhabitalile cauntry 1 eupplied by exhibiting gate's uurinsity snoJaunu iulvrluediate oulleta fron Atcha- the of ravellora Fa[], 80 feel into falayn And dincha arges into that narrow channcl walicd on cnch sidc by per etem and cbova junetion with, the Jicul rock 1h0 feet h:gh. Thie channel Teche mile tn length, evidently wor the waler CHEVIOT ...