Labels:book | cabinet | daily | newspaper | sky | windowpane OCR: JnS. nearly simi!ar dircetion etroit The western side Elopes 1 the wstrd puu RIRR of Va. rising in the tthr druined bv Fish and Wheeling crenks part of Pocalontas co whicir it fawa Surlace broken and along the tire entering an travaraing Green Rxier CU. sepration between the confuentA hin fn1Lg into Great Kenhawa, sfter cornpara. Innd Monongahela the asprct iR mountai south western course DO his Green The hawever almort ra- Brier haE 11 remote tources the sac bJy productive Chief Waynesburg Pop, ridges with those ur ot Chert the South branch branch of Mo of 1820 GREENE 15,554 CD. 0 1830 13.026. bormded Lenoir nongahcin, and those the Potomnc The valley of Green Brier Wayne T Edgecombe by Satidy lics bot ween those Janes and Ganley creek Bepn rating from Pitt Longth 20 + an elevateu region. ...