Labels:book | daily | gazette | sky OCR: HAR 205 HAY LIXRTPOfD, '-d and jus. Pulaski b Nashua river Lnncastel Shirley Geo situatod EICH the left Ockmnl Noit good speeially for fruit tore gee tiver alout 50 tus. Milledgevillo, set lienent Shakers. fop 1830, latitude 320 20 long 30 Washington HAI ALL LNIVERSITY. Nee Camiridge} IIARVEY'E [~1. Greonu hu p-r. 241 KTFORD, p-r. nul Ohio co. 1 IRS by W, aitnated on the left bank Rough creck STORE and o-d Charlotte CO. near the centr af the LY 147 RYJI 108 tug. Richmond bu Frankfort and Ruascilville, list SUNEYSVILLE - Luverne Co. Pa.94 tus. 370 long qo 5G Harriahurg HARTFORD and top northes stern pitrt LWICK p-t. Frrnstable ro. Mass. mA of Trumbull co Ohio The p-. by p-r Foston, bonded the Atlantic. 175 ms. Coluus Pop 1830 3,971 1830 859 LRWINTON p-t Litchfiold co. Conn. .23 HALTroND, Ad ...