Labels:book | daily | reckoner | rotogravure | silver screen | sky | windowpane OCR: ILL JND Progroasi alation lat been trulytapid] dusieof the office devolve on the ieutenant Illinois During the deccnnial periad he. 185 rate tweer article 1820 per and cent. 1830, this [See closing rdvanced at and ctnte at such hall be inferior Sec- veated court The n ano the judicial suprene powet general assem of this court, Indinna Constitution Tovernnent, judiciary The bly slull, fron tino to time ordain, and constitut ion of filinoit wHm adoptest at Kas- tablish kaskias, 26t} ingust. 1818 Sec The juatices nf the supre me court, of Nec the state The powers of shall the be goy- li- ard apointed the hy judgeu of joint the ballot inferior of both courts shall o ernmr ent of fllinois, tive anor] each viled nagistracy of into one then and to three wit thoge papyu0: distinct to which are are ...