Labels:book | cabinet | daily | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: KAI 35 KAL ts. Fxteneing i at 3is 27 to[ 50 NOION n.v. PerrY 8 Harris in kng 12 5 The bure slopns thia ncarly duo down whicr JUNIATA,T. nt Pa .nnd the sthwatn branch Hnw diflierent branehes Chicf Susquchanngh 15 formed by confluente, Tilliavillc Pop 1830 .17 Ra lyston branch fron Bedford, and Franks. Jox fushingtor CO. Mo. 1 L01 branch from "Huntingdon These Machias. Pop 1830, 810 twv conl!uent streama anite Huntingdor JONESIORO: Brunswich Va by p-I. Co. Set the two tic Frankainon ptt ma. ehwrd Richmond. Kaystuten After the junction JONESEORO' A-d and etjue, Washington cO. it forming branchew, Juniata asrumes Ten. situated branch D1 Nolachucky I. Blleetrn courae 12 InN. uregking througl 20 BU Elizi ibethtawn, and several chains af hure receives an extal distance and Aughwick Cr. from the t ...