Labels:book | cabinet | daily | reckoner | sky OCR: LAN 243 LAU inrder Leeqly indented by Emall but LANESEORO' p-v. Anson cO N. r-d convenient bave Pop 1821 5.517 i 1830 ns 1.8 OON p-v. Susquehannal CQ. P Ev and p-a. Laneaster 87 m&. flarrisburg. V the m:dd of ihe co. Suaqte hannah cO. Pa. 85 Richmonl 12 TR Harrisburg 46 long 30 1-0. Fioyd CO p-r. 154 n: mder ynch Trntik fort. sepnra Jom 1ek bsr NGDON FJ - SulliVAn co. Kershaw Catawba separating from 1X(iI} Ternc, 50 r. Doneord Watered Fuirtichl, Chertor ard Yurk nhd hy Merk. jbraach ofcald waa named honor lenburg [:13. N. Length paratlel (ov. Lnugdon. Iop. 1830. G66. Catawba thri about FAKGHORN T VJUN and Ri chmand, Cunherland 23 wide, but to the ntird the breadth CO. ta 60 tstrd redued thait mE. the mear width ANGSBURY T (anden CO. Gco my lr: assmed 12 and area Ks ms. 199 YE Mi ...