Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree OCR: LEY 256 LIH urt erses of this an t rct diFotim te nort rtherny LEYDEX, [1-t Back Lowia Burface 33 ns. fatling irto joining af ttia Broarl at Columbin to fortr tha Conguree Soit uuev EL^ iottnt Well atnptod watercd to grnes antaIl than districte to springe grain Pop Fron t]c: Hothern tiow the [igh hran. alounds schowl ther "North Edisto Tie gurral s][C oE Linieatnno the whole uurfaco Routienstw towar:s 1881 1,502 William CO. Virginin the Girnnby Broad Pop and 1820 Congaree tthitr LIDEAIA 33 Prince 8,093 183n 9,065 LEXIN court house: and 1.0 Lexing. p-t Sullivan co be the Mongaup ton diatrict 1?-T 15 Tmz. Columlin N W. Manticello. Watered NOXI p.Y and gt. jna. Oglotharpe anl the Cotlakoon, with their aah branches KC. CED. hr At1g sta ard 35 with beech 10 .mapla, Population 1830 little Willcd ...