Labels:book | daily | earth | gazette | rotogravure | silver screen | windowpane OCR: LOU 266 101 point, and ail rehn tonperituto I nt G0oithe Tofthe first Fcluss, Trull be vacaicrt Fahi. probab :her too high R hiyo the expiration of the second year, of tho tempe: ature CT huarly simiiar to that Eecond cias the aIpiralion tithe fourth Churlc ston, the Fntter grticte. year BO that rotnticn s[ail l be chosen every By Jecur ring vs|l3 tabler rela- ycar and onc half therehy be kont up perpet- tive mean eInnerAtire conparinp tfe tean ually. No person shatl senator range of thormamete: Cantonment Jesaup, the tile of tis election is you icisizen he on Sabine, Buton Rouge, Penaacola MUL Unired Statez and hath Rot attsined the 1ay Augustine and Charleston, lage years, rezided in thiy atate Jour find the curious resuit that the lawest next preceding hia election, puu one presoion Can ...