Labels:book | daily | reckoner | silver screen | sky OCR: 334 NEW NRISAN'F Raleighn. wwbesen CO N.U. by P.T. T8 terly aESUning direction, an it cnateriy thence course entors over Wayne the lntter, and NELSDNYHLA, p.D. Athens n.r 5 Lenoir and traven COS ewhern t1v llAW Columbus. the name of corfucntg fizat. gracunlly anl opening thonee N into into wisle lay lamiico curving cnlled relatively Great TIEB Little c. hetween and Carteret CO5 The val. vallies Republican the and of (treat thc and Nemawhaw ictwcen tnt fork riscs 4ia of and letw Kansaw 41 ecn by ley Feat f and the conparative Tar Nouse rs conrseg, ljes The in betwcen length ahout of thoso 200 the ms. Neuse, Cape The Y.. Platte DAJ(1 t) l ant into 11F nbar! of long Hittie at 4 05 and IT() Flowing by ma thence direct falls trean valley. Etrcum breaslth 180 but not of ie avcraging comparativel ...