Labels:book | daily | silver screen | sky | windowpane OCR: 369 OHI aniali thern of Grand This thie Dewegatchie, eituatcd on fine has teru rvently formerl amil st plain, wilt rood hathor 5 n.a Detroit. ont. lies aij5oudo Preteou Uppor OCYULGET co thie and mair Canatn corstiurnt brarch of litama rises rr OCCEF D Atr cononf culled, Grcat Gwinnet tnd De K CO: and flowing Tenio gechcoy river of having the romote between the Oconoc rnd Flint F jsourere Grecne and Taliaforro 01 about nnrly paraltel Lot, conpar ative CONISES 140 miles N iledger vile fowing 170 curvee ta to thenee comparetive course 198 jnnetion with Oconce be noticcd falls into gound 20 ns. due der the heal af he lutter having an Tntire G rcat the city Ogecnee FO lies Savannah. between The those valley comparative carse of 200 the actual oftke gtreama 01 the Oemulgee ote.nna Navannah .th! ...