Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: govorthnent seut tut the dlevintos hy #mall an. in t is prohable conflieting claime! glo due and but the R] of Quadra Would iong sinco have been qnietoe net and Van Couver and the opposing coast bears hap. ter urgerl nearly With the nrthrn terminaton of In the convention of 1818 between the the il Quecn Charlotte sound, nnd Gront Britait, the of both partics the coast agnin bonde and pre- Tr Q[] country of Oregan, seema he mutual ECrveS thet "irection lat ROOYO T conceded. and to cmharrass the conflicting sively hrok ton hy haye and ia1g,i thio latter cluirus siill guure those of Rugsiu wera rot very distinctly groupod, but callel gona. brought farward, though not sirenuously Ra. rically Princess Royal, and Pitt isls. Out. serted, ant were frr A.A and the site theso groupf, with fIT were c ...