Labels:book | daily | reckoner | silver screen OCR: mat!r. caral comar icating with Pras Srott'a into Onei:la Black CI. WY into branch fowa trm Jetferaon co into Oswe and Catish, Litfl : Saltrun. Grind lnhe Oswegatchio lake, at learing which stonp and crs and W intri lak Onti- joins thc hranch. rio. aoe hills iiq tha co i nearly lnke Lwrorce N.Y loyc] good azing Iand some receives Indian Y. or te branch af sw vorablo to grain, and remark ably adapted gatcfie graat part the course freit trecs swego Put Pulaski arc the oftfiat atrear: Urough it. contains ELY towns. The CC contain springs and ora K. nt] chieffy Morristown FrUEHtOO qunrries There PO forts nt the lies and nl rarailcl witll Sit. mouth ot whict was Le commu- rence nicntion UOAG the Caunadiaus and the Fiye ni-t. and j1s. St. Taw !Natiogs f Indians befara the French WAYR. rener co, ...